
Drip coffee maker with removable tank. Review of the best drip coffee makers for home with permanent filters from our rating (2019)

Drip coffee makers are affordable equipment that will help wake up and cheer up a resident of the metropolis. Models of this class are able to prepare a large portion of coffee for the whole family in a few minutes.

The first drip coffee makers were invented over a hundred years ago in France.

Modern models are more technologically advanced and consist of the following structural elements:

  • Bed with a container for filling cold water;
  • Flask for the finished drink, placed on the heating element;
  • Filtration compartment.

Coffee is brewed by percolation, which is the sifting of liquid drop by drop. Water passes through the heating circuit and changes its state of aggregation to steam. Steam, condensing (t 30-98°C), slowly seeps through the filter, absorbing the taste and aroma of ground coffee. The finished drink enters the jug and remains warm for 3 hours.

Choice factors

Choosing a device for personal use, It is recommended to take into account the technical characteristics:

  • Power- the lower the power, the longer the drink will be prepared and the stronger it will turn out. For those who prefer strong coffee, it is enough to choose a model for 750-800 watts. More powerful units have a larger volume, require more coffee filling, but the preparation of one cup takes 1 minute. If the device is equipped with an additional function for selecting coffee strength, the power does not matter;
  • Ergonomics- the flask must be made of a special plastic composite or glass. Its shape should contribute to the preservation of the taste and aroma of the drink (trapezoidal, rounded);
  • Filters– permanent filters can be metal, nylon or nylon coated with titanium nitride (“gold”);
  • Additional functions(the presence of an anti-drip system, heating, overflow protection, a thermos coffee pot, water filters, etc.).


The technical characteristics of the models under consideration are indicated in the tabular data.

Machine model REDMOND SkyCoffee M1505S Maxwell MW 1650 Scarlett SC CM33002


used coffee ground ground ground / pods
Power 600 W 600 W 650 W
Max pressure
Volume 0.5 l 0.6 l 0.45 l
pressure gauge No No No
Automatic decalcification No No No
Timer No No No
Auto power off There is There is There is

Design features

Anti-drip system No There is No
Simultaneous preparation of two cups No No No
Display No No No
Backlight No No No
Hot water supply No No No
Possibility of making cappuccino No No No
waste container No No No
Removable drip tray No No No

Other Features

Housing material plastic plastic plastic
Water level indicator There is There is There is
Power on indication There is There is There is
Dimensions (W*H*D) 14x31x15 cm
Weight 0.97 kg
Additional Information remote control using the Ready for Sky mobile application; Bluetooth data transfer protocol v4. stainless steel double wall thermo mug

REDMOND SkyCoffee M1505S

The manufacturer positions the product as an innovative drip coffee maker, which is able to prepare about half a liter of coffee in 6-7 minutes. The package includes:

  • glass jar,
  • cleaning brush,
  • measuring spoon.

All electronic devices are enclosed in the case, including a rotary coffee grinder, a metal plate for heating, a water tank.


  • Preparation of classic americano, espresso.


  • The filter is made of metal;
  • It is possible to prepare coffee in two modes - from whole or ground grains;
  • Protection against inclusion at the wrong assembly;
  • LED indication of work is provided.

Important Features

  • The filtration compartment cover is equipped with a steam release valve;
  • Remote control functions available, - start making coffee, setting the time for grinding beans, setting the time for heating the finished drink up to 6 hours in 10-minute increments.


  • Typical Assembly/Disassembly, - even a beginner cannot get confused when laying coffee;
  • Ease of care (it is enough to wipe the body with a damp cloth);
  • The filter does not require replacement, but requires maintenance;
  • All manual control is reduced to pressing the "start", "off", "cooking" button, "grinding", - the rest of the device works automatically. The last two commands are represented by icons;
  • You can prepare several servings of the drink in a row.


  • Removable parts must be washed with warm water after each use;
  • The built-in coffee grinder is not powerful enough. The ground beans will make coffee, but its quality will be different from real espresso. It is advisable to grind the grains yourself or use the finished product;
  • The coffee grinder is too noisy;
  • It is not recommended to fill the device with water directly from the tap.. The user is forced to place the liquid in the jug, filling the coffee maker from it.

Video review

Maxwell MW 1650

The practical device showed maximum ease of operation. At any time of the day, in a few minutes, the device prepares five cups of an invigorating drink. The indicator helps to control the on / off of the coffee maker. The set includes a measuring spoon.


  • Brewing tea.


  • The manufacturer recommends using well-roasted, freshly ground Arabica beans;
  • After the tank runs out of water, the auto power off function is activated. The device does not turn off completely - the flask heating continues to work.

Advantages of the device

  • Convenience, ease of handling;
  • No noise during operation;
  • Gift price;
  • The speed of preparation of the drink.


  • Requires regular descaling special means, which will cause a number of additional costs;
  • There was an unpleasant smell of plastic when brewing the first 3-4 servings of coffee (despite the first test run of water);
  • Users noted that the temperature of the finished drink was too low;
  • During operation, the device can move on the countertop due to the slippery base. It is recommended to additionally fix the product.

Video review

Scarlett SC CM33002

The device is compact and portable which makes its use ubiquitous. The Scarlett brand has developed one of the most practical solutions: the finished drink is placed in an insulated cup that effectively retains heat for 3 hours in a row. The functionality is expanded due to the possibility of using pods.


  • Preparing a classic americano
  • Preparation of tea, coffee in pods (paper bags).


  • Management is realized by one button.

Additional Important Features

  • Thermo mug fits standard car cup holders;
  • For convenience of holding the special rubberized cuffs are provided.


  • The device fully copes with its functional purpose, effectively keeping the heat of the prepared drink;
  • Ergonomics;
  • It is convenient to take a thermo mug with you, it is impossible for her to get burned;
  • The dimensions of the device allow you to install it in your office.


  • Loud operation mode;
  • The volume of the mug allows you to prepare a drink for only two people;
  • Requires regular descaling with the help of special equipment.


Taking into account the technical and practical characteristics of drip coffee makers, the following can be understood:

REDMOND SkyCoffee M1505SIt is an easy-to-use and manage device, the main "chip" of which is remote control.

The coffee maker will not allow you to make coffee for true coffee lovers, accustomed to pay close attention to the degree of grinding of grains and the taste of the drink. This is the best solution for those who like to drink weak coffee throughout the day in large portions.

The device gives an excellent result - 0.5 liters of drink in 6 minutes, the user can run it without getting up. Probably, the possibility of remote control influenced pricing.

Given the average operation of the coffee grinder, the cost of the device is overpriced compared to analogues, since the rest of the functionality is standard. The buyer will have to pay for the brand, bluetooth, mobile control.

Maxwell MW 1650an inexpensive model that helps to prepare 0.5 liters of coffee in 5-7 minutes. This is one of the best products in which such characteristics as price / quality are successfully combined.

The purchase is suitable for home use, also the device can be installed in the office, due to its compactness.

The volume of the bowl allows you to prepare a fragrant drink for 2-3 people at any time of the day. Taste qualities will not attract avid coffee lovers, but for a classic Americano they are quite acceptable.

Scarlett SC CM33002may be the best choice for people leading an active lifestyle.

The device is convenient and practical, you can take hot coffee with you, which similar models lack. Hot drink will be available within 2-3 hours.

Other things being equal, the cost of the coffee maker remains acceptable and fully justifies the quality of the device. In fact, the user pays for the possibility of instant tea / coffee preparation and the use of a special thermal mug. This is a more youthful option.

All presented devices are not without drawbacks:

  • they require regular descaling,
  • obligatory processing of filters after each use,
  • the temperature and quality of the finished drink will not be to the taste of all people.

Most users note ease of use and find that drip coffee makers with permanent filters for Americano coffee are the best device for home use.

It is easy to get lost in the existing variety of household appliances. Coffee machines include many specific modifications, divided into subspecies and varieties. Anyone who has ever encountered the choice of this device, which is necessary for every coffee lover, will confirm that it is sometimes very difficult to figure it out. Existing types of coffee machines operate on a different principle, they have very different technology for preparing a drink, and the final product is obtained with different strengths and consistency. So, let's figure out what coffee machines are and outline their main features.

Of the most common types today, we can distinguish: plunger coffee makers, espresso, geyser and drip type devices.

Invented long ago, in the twenties of the last century in Europe. The device quickly gained popularity and in a short time spread throughout the old world, thanks to its unpretentiousness, reliability and high quality of the final product.

The principle of operation of this type of coffee maker is quite simple. Ground coffee is poured into the device, made of tempered, heat-resistant glass, and boiling water is poured. At the bottom of the brew tank is fine filter, which will prevent coffee grounds from entering the main beverage tank. The brewed coffee is allowed to stand for some time (5-10 minutes, depending on the type of beans), and then the remnants are squeezed out using a metal piston. As you can see, no additional maintenance is required: fill in the grains, pour boiling water and rinse the coffee pot after use.

  1. Affordable price, does not require connection to the mains.
  2. The metal rod creates a lot of force, and, coupled with a filter, allows more sediment and heavy oils to pass through than, for example, drip coffee makers cannot boast.
  3. Dimensions of devices: this is just a small teapot made of glass, so you can easily take it with you on the road, travel or to the country.
  1. No automatism, only manual mode is applicable here.
  2. In addition to the above, to make coffee you need boiling water, and, therefore, a kettle. This can only be called an inconvenience with a stretch, since, most likely, a kettle can be easily found in any kitchen. Such limited functionality drastically reduces the level of usability.

The process of preparing a drink in a French press should not be entrusted to children, as this can be traumatic. However, this rule most often applies to other types of coffee machines.

An important feature: if the coffee maker is served on the table along with the dishes, then in order to achieve aesthetic unity, it is necessary that both the cups and the device itself look similar. Also, don't forget to wash your coffee maker. as often as possible, because the oils contained in the grains break down very quickly. Grind grains should be right before cooking. For lovers of a pronounced aroma, coarse grinding is best.

Filter coffee machine (drip)

This type of coffee machines is very popular both in our country and in other countries. This type of coffee maker was invented in the 18th century in Paris. As you might guess from the name, the principle of making coffee is directly related to with filtration. The device is divided into two tanks: for cold water and for the finished drink. Water passes through the heating circuit, turning into steam, then, after condensation, water with a temperature of 86 ° to 97 ° C enters the filter with coffee and slowly passes through it, absorbing all the taste and aromatic qualities of the beans. The finished drink flows into a specially heated reservoir.

Some technologically advanced models of coffee machines have a drip-stop function. Such devices have a more complex technical basis and device, so you should be more careful during operation.

Drip coffee makers have different types of filters:

  1. Nylon (regular reusable filter, medium degree of filtration, approximately 50 brews).
  2. Nylon with a "gold" coating (lasts longer, is easier to clean, but costs more).
  3. Disposable paper filter. Some devices of the high price segment include filters from harmful impurities (scale, chlorine, nitrate).

The capacity of the device itself can be made of plastic, glass or a special thermal material that retains heat for a long time. The narrow neck helps to retain the aroma if the drink is to be transported.

Availability of other technological advantages (cord box, stainless steel tank heating, etc.) will vary from the price, and here the buyer himself is free to choose which functions he needs, and which he can do without.

  1. Very convenient to use.
  2. At one time, you can prepare a large portion of an invigorating drink of one strength.
  3. Heating the flask will keep the coffee hot for a long time.
  4. This type of coffee machine has an affordable price.
  5. Dimensions, convenient for transportation.


  1. Due to the design features, brewed coffee quickly loses its aroma.
  2. It is not possible to make frothy coffee in a drip coffee machine.
  3. In addition to the grains, you will have to buy filters.
  4. You can only prepare black coffee, without adding milk or cream (cream).

Tip: Grinding grains is best just before cooking. Medium grinding is best suited for this type of device.

Geyser type coffee maker

Oddly enough, but this type of coffee machine was also invented in the 19th century, and also in Europe - in Italy. Since then, little has changed in the design of the device, except that a power supply function has been added, which allows to somewhat automate the process. The real name (at least in the homeland) is "moka express" or "moka pot".

Moka devices are divided into two types: with power supply and without heating function (heated on the stove).

The main metal compartment serves as a water reservoir, there is also a filter and a small compartment for finished coffee. Drink in geyser coffee makers cooked on low heat. As the water heats up, it flows up the cylinder, passes through the ground coffee, and already soaked with it, enters the tank for the final product. There is only one significant drawback here - with this method of preparation, the aroma of the drink is lost quite quickly. The pressure for various models ranges from 1.5 to 4 bar. The power of the device is different - from 400 W to 1.2 W, the volume of coffee makers also varies significantly, there is no single standard here.

Of the pleasant bonuses, one can note: a heat-resistant handle, a transparent container for the finished drink, automatic shutdown, a metal filter, the ability to adjust the strength of the drink, the presence of a thermostat and an electronic control panel.

  1. Easy to use.
  2. The final product is much better than from a coffee machine. drip type.
  3. It is inexpensive.
  4. Convenient dimensions.
  5. If desired, such a coffee machine can be used outside the home.
  6. In "Moka Pot" you can prepare not only coffee, but also medicinal drinks, teas.
  1. There is no way to adjust the size of the prepared portion, if the coffee maker has a size of 3 cups, then you will always have to cook for this amount.
  2. Oxidative processes that, one way or another, occur with aluminum coating, adversely affect the quality of taste.
  3. There is no way to make frothy coffee.
  4. The only possible consumable is ground coffee.

Espresso coffee machines (compression type)

The types of coffee makers and automatic coffee machines presented in our review are significantly inferior in technological innovations to the compression type apparatus. This type of coffee maker (they are often called "coffee machines" for a high degree of automation of the process) got its name (espresso) from the Italian es presso (under pressure). The first sample of such a device was presented in the middle of the 19th century. In the future, espresso devices have become widespread throughout the world.

They allow you to prepare excellent coffee with a rich taste and unsurpassed aroma. This is achieved due to the technologically complex process of heating the liquid and increasing the pressure in the system.

Boiling water or steam, heated to the optimum temperature, passes under a pressure of 15 bar (sometimes more - 30-32 bar) through the coffee mixture. The device has a special compartment for liquid, but water is not directly involved in the preparation of the drink, it serves for heat exchange processes and whipping dairy products. These coffee machines have many sensors, constantly monitoring the temperature, and if necessary, increasing it to 110-120 degrees.

A one-way valve is built in to maintain constant pressure. After passing through the mixture, the drink enters the cup, absorbing up to 25% of the properties of ground coffee, and a beautiful foam forms on the surface of the cup.

Due to the automated process, the drink is prepared quite quickly - about 20 seconds.

Espresso coffee machine

Espresso machines come in 2 types: steam and pump. The latter are more expensive, but they also prepare a more delicious drink. There are also carob coffee makers (the mixture is placed in a special horn), combined (drip preparation of a drink plus the ability to make espresso) and fully automatic devices (many functions and opportunities to make adjustments to the process of making a drink).

Espresso machines are filled with different types of coffee:

  • grain (there are devices with a built-in coffee grinder);
  • ground;
  • pods (single-use compressed tablet in a paper bag);
  • powder capsules.

Capsule coffee machines are arranged as follows: the loaded coffee capsule breaks through immediately in several places. Further, the powder contained inside is mixed with boiling water and poured out through the “spout”.

Capsule coffee machine

A feature of capsule coffee machines is that you can choose a drink from a very limited set of flavors. Each manufacturer produces only a few varieties of coffee drinks.

Advantages of espresso coffee machines:

  1. Technology and modern look.
  2. Convenience and comfort in use.
  3. Quick drink preparation.
  4. Excellent taste of coffee, the presence of thick foam.
  5. Easy to understand the operation, no need to follow the preparation.
  1. An obvious disadvantage that applies to all types of espresso machines is the high cost of consumables (pods or capsules).
  2. Expensive device maintenance.
  3. A complex technological component over time leads to freezes and failures in the device system.


Some types of coffee machines are able to prepare an invigorating drink in a fully automatic mode, without requiring the participation of the owner, but need daily cleaning, others quickly prepare a drink, while attracting a minimum of attention, but the cost of consumables sharply reduces the feasibility of using such a device. Another type, it would seem, is devoid of these shortcomings, but binds its owner to itself, not allowing it to move away from the stove until the coffee is brewed, otherwise there is a risk of staining everything around if the boiled drink runs away.

As we can see, no type of coffee machine is without flaws, so everyone can choose the machine that suits their needs.

Considered one of the safest and easiest coffee drinks to make, filter coffee can be made with a regular drip coffee maker (or filter coffee maker). Such devices are quite common, and they all work on the same principle: water from a special reservoir is supplied through a heating circuit, slowly and without pressure is passed into the pre-poured powder, after which the drink passes through the filter and enters the cup or coffee pot.

Which coffee maker to choose for home

There are not so many parameters to consider when choosing such coffee makers, but each of them is important in its own way. So, the capacity of the water tank determines how many cups of coffee can be prepared at a time. It is better to count on no more than 1-2 cups and choose small coffee makers rated for +/- 150 ml. This requirement is due to the fact that coffee must be fresh on the table. At the same time, filtered coffee takes a long time to cook, which means that the more cups brewed at a time, the worse the overall quality of the drink will be.

The second, no less important point is the presence of a water filter and the type of filter for the finished coffee. With a water filter, everything is simple: it is needed if it is assumed that the water used to prepare the drink will not be of quite high quality. If the owner of the coffee maker plans to brew coffee exclusively on spring or already purified water, then there is no need for this component.

The coffee filter is the most important element of the drip coffee maker.. Currently, there are three main types of such filters: paper, gold and nylon. Paper filters are disposable, which is quite convenient during use (coffee is removed together with the filter from the coffee maker, making it easier to care for). Nylon filters are more durable and are designed for several dozen brews. "Gold" filters are reinforced nylon, have a longer life, but at the same time are more expensive to replace.

Finally, when choosing a drip-type coffee maker, you need to pay attention to the presence of additional functions, each of which can make the use of such a technique more convenient. In particular, many coffee makers have water level indicators, overflow protection (they prevent coffee from overflowing from the coffee pot, stopping the brewing process when the container is full). Moreover, some, especially “smart” units, can tell their owner the optimal dosage of coffee.

Drip-type coffee makers, in principle, are quite simple devices, and therefore one cannot expect much from them in terms of technical excellence - they simply brew coffee, and they do it very well, despite their low price.

Simple: cold water is poured into the liquid container, coffee is poured into a special filter.

Heated to a temperature of 87-93 0 C, the liquid flows through the filter element and collects in the coffee pot, filling with the aroma and taste of ground beans.

Due to ease of use and affordable cost, filtration-type machines occupy a leading position in the segment of coffee makers. The most popular models are presented in our rating.

The best drip coffee maker for home

Philips HD7457/20 Designed for brewing ground coffee. The capacity of the water tank is 1.2 liters.

The Philips HD7457/20 case consists of plastic and metal parts. The design of the device provides for the presence of non-slip feet and an operation indicator. The complete set of the unit includes a removable holder for the filter.

The device for making coffee from ground beans has a “drop-stop” function, thanks to which you can stop the operation of the device at any time and pour a portion of the aromatic drink.

Philips HD7457/20 is easy to care for, all components can be washed in .


  • ease of use;
  • compact dimensions;
  • low cost;
  • elegant design;
  • anti-drip system;
  • automatic heating of the tank bottom.


  • no display;
  • no auto-off feature.

The best drip coffee maker for beans and ground coffee

Mystery MCB-5125 can brew both ground and grain coffee. The design of the unit includes a built-in mechanism for grinding coffee beans with a volume of 250 grams.

The coffee machine is designed to prepare from two to ten cups of an invigorating drink in one cycle.

For the convenience of the user, the Mystery MCB-5125 is equipped with a built-in filter, an LCD display and a 24-hour delay start timer.

The body of the MCB-5125 is made of metal, the advantage of the model is a non-slip anti-vibration base. The capacity of the water tank is 1.35 liters. The power is 1000 watts.

The package includes a cleaning brush and a measuring spoon.


  • affordable cost;
  • universality;
  • clear interface;
  • capacious coffee pot;
  • auto power off;
  • anti-drip system;
  • timer;
  • coffee strength adjustment;
  • grinding degree adjustment;
  • bottom heating.


  • the massiveness of the device;
  • inconvenient location of the flask for water;
  • no adjustment of the portion of water;
  • noise at work.

The best drip coffee maker for ground coffee

Frame Panasonic NC-ZF1HTQ Made of durable plastic and stainless steel. Double walls serve as a thermos and allow you to keep the prepared coffee hot for a long time without additional energy costs.

The case has a transparent water level indicator that allows you to control the amount of liquid in the tank, and an LED indicator for turning on the device. The design of the coffee machine includes a permanent filter. Power consumption - 900 W.

A capacious flask (0.96 liters) allows you to prepare 8 servings of aromatic coffee in one cycle. The model provides for adjusting the strength of the drink, three modes are available. Drip can also be used to make tea.


  • capacious flask;
  • stylish design;
  • high build quality;
  • LED indication;
  • auto power off;
  • anti-drip system;
  • good performance;
  • quick preparation of the drink;
  • thermo kettle included.


  • short cord;
  • no display;
  • lack of a compartment for storing a network cable;
  • high price.

Best drip coffee maker for coffee beans

Filtration type Philips HD 7761 characterized by great functionality.

The design of the unit includes, which allows you to use grain coffee for making coffee.

The case of the coffee maker is made of heat-resistant plastic, the boiler is made of metal. The set of the coffee machine includes a glass container for the finished drink with graduation.

The volume of the coffee pot is 1.2 liters. The bottom of the appliance is equipped with non-slip feet. The design provides a compartment for the power cord.

The power of the device reaches 1000 W, the productivity of the coffee machine in one cycle is ten servings of coffee.


  • extraordinary design;
  • ease of use;
  • high performance;
  • coffee strength adjustment function;
  • anti-drip system;
  • auto power off;
  • liquid crystal display;
  • automatic heating of the coffee pot.


  • there is no delay start timer;
  • the length of the power cord is only 0.85 m.

Best small drip coffee maker

For drip type operation FG 1528 by Moulinex ground coffee is used. The coffee machine is characterized by attractive design, simple construction and small size.

The case is made of durable plastic, the container for the finished drink is glass.

Smart design provides easy access to the water tank and fold-out filter holder.

The presence of an auto-heating plate in the design allows you to keep the drink hot for a long time. The unit is equipped with means for indicating the water level and switching on.

The capacity of the coffee pot is 0.6 liters and is designed for the simultaneous preparation of six cups of coffee. Power consumption - 600-650 watts.


  • auto power off;
  • warming up a drink
  • compact dimensions;
  • low noise level;
  • drop-stop function;
  • heating of the coffee pot is provided;
  • moderate price.


  • no display;
  • no automatic decalcification function;
  • short power cord.

Best drip coffee maker for 2 cups

Polaris PCM 0210 works on ground coffee and is designed for the simultaneous preparation of two cups of americano.

The indisputable advantage of the model is good quality along with the budget cost. The power is 450 watts.

The body of the device is glossy plastic, contains an on-off button with an LED indicator.

The design provides for the presence of a permanent nylon filter and a removable holder, a rubberized non-slip stand and a removable drip tray, an indicator of the amount of liquid.

The package of the coffee machine includes two ceramic cups of 100 ml, a measuring spoon.

The drip model Polaris PCM 0210 is presented in classic white and black with bright color inserts.


  • ease of use;
  • quality assembly;
  • cooking speed;
  • compact dimensions;
  • low cost;


  • short power cable;
  • no auto-off function;
  • drip-proof valve is not provided;
  • no delay start timer;
  • small water tank.

Best drip coffee maker with cappuccinatore

KitchenAid 5KCM0402 American-made - a coffee machine with the ability to make cappuccino. The power of the device is 700 watts. The capacity of the coffee pot is 1000 ml. The type of coffee used is ground. The model is equipped with:

  • permanent filter,
  • removable mesh for ground coffee and mesh holder,
  • removable water tank.

The case of the device is a combination of durable ABS plastic with metal. A scale showing the liquid level and a light indicator of operation are provided. Model 5KCM0402 is available in several colors:

  • red;
  • beige;
  • black;
  • grey.


  • stylish design;
  • high coffee brewing speed;
  • electronic temperature control;
  • anti-drip system;
  • auto power off.


  • high price;
  • no timer;
  • there is no adjustment of the strength of the drink;
  • no display.

best drip coffee maker with coffee grinder

REDMOND SkyCoffee M1505S It can brew both ground coffee and grain coffee. The design provides for a built-in coffee grinder.

The case of SkyCoffee from REDMOND is made using metal and plastic, the coffee pot is made of heat-resistant glass. The capacity of the flask for water is 0.5 liters.

The model of the coffee machine is equipped with a metal removable filter. The design provides LED indication of inclusion. The delivery set includes a glass coffee pot, a measuring spoon and a brush for cleaning the device.

The technological equipment of the model is represented by the function of setting the grinding time of coffee beans, Ready for Sky technology, Android3 operating system.

The manufacturers of the model took care of the safety of the device, providing protection against overheating and from switching on if the device was assembled incorrectly.


  • auto heating;
  • small dimensions;
  • stylish design;
  • auto power off;
  • the ability to control at a distance;
  • permanent filter;
  • the choice of the degree of grinding grains.


  • noisy;
  • no display;
  • small flask volume.

The best heated drip coffee maker

Melitta OPTIMA Glass Timer from a Chinese manufacturer is characterized by high build quality and a durable case made of heat-resistant plastic.

At the back of the case there is a niche for a network cable. The device is designed to prepare a drink based on ground coffee.

Technological equipment is represented by a four-level program for setting the degree of water hardness, a programmable timer and an automatic decalcification system.

The plate of active auto-heating allows you to keep the finished coffee hot for a long time. The removable Melitta OPTIMA Glass filter holder is equipped with an anti-drip system.

The glass coffee pot of the Melitta OPTIMA Glass coffee machine holds 1.1 liters of liquid. The device is equipped with a water level indicator and an operation indicator.


  • LED display;
  • self-cleaning from scale;
  • heated platform;
  • on timer;
  • low power consumption;
  • auto power off.


  • no permanent filter;
  • no drip tray.

Best permanent filter drip coffee maker

Compact and inexpensive with mechanical control Maxwell MW-1650 works with ground coffee. The power of the device is 600 watts.

The MW-1650 drip coffee maker from Maxwell is characterized by a concise design, ease of use, quick preparation of the drink, and has the function of heating the coffee pot.

The model is equipped with a permanent nylon filter that prevents coffee grounds from getting into the drink. The coffee machine is equipped with a drip-proof valve.

The capacity of the water tank is 600 ml. The case is made of plastic, contains a water level indicator, and an indication of inclusion is provided. The package includes a measuring spoon for coffee.


  • high cooking speed;
  • compactness;
  • auto power off;
  • flask heating;
  • budget cost;
  • drip-proof valve;
  • simplicity of design.


  • small volume of water tank;
  • no timer;
  • there is no self-cleaning function;
  • slippery bottom of the device.

Best drip coffee maker with reusable filter

Device control - electronic, type of coffee - ground. Technical equipment includes:

  • drink strength adjustment system,
  • overheating protection function
  • coffee pot heating system
  • automatic shutdown of the unit after the end of the cycle,
  • anti-drop function;
  • delay start function.

The RCM-1509S filtration coffee machine from REDMOND has the innovative Ready for Sky technology, which, when connected to the R4S Gateway application, provides remote control of the coffee machine via or a smartphone.

The body of the device is made of metal with plastic inserts; control buttons are located in the front of the device. The water bottle holds 1.5 liters of liquid. The coffee maker is equipped with a reusable removable filter.


  • remote control;
  • functionality;
  • timer;
  • display;
  • capacious flask;
  • stylish design.


  • short cord;
  • noise at work.

The best drip coffee maker without a filter

drip coffee maker RUSSELL HOBBS operates on ground coffee and in one working cycle is able to prepare ten coffee cups of aromatic drink. The model is equipped with a water tank with a capacity of 1.4 liters and a glass coffee pot.

The device has the function of heating the bottom of the coffee pot, there is a graduation on the flask to control the amount of the prepared drink. The power of the device is 1090 watts.

For ease of use on the body is a digital display with backlight. There is a liquid level indicator, indication of inclusion. The case of the device is made of metal and heat-resistant plastic.

The device does not include a filter element, disposable paper filters are an additional option.


  • presentable appearance;
  • compact dimensions;
  • self-shutdown function;
  • ease of care;
  • drip-proof valve;
  • delayed start function for one day.


  • you can not adjust the strength of the drink;
  • only ground coffee can be used;
  • additional costs for the purchase of paper filters;
  • short power cable (0.65 m).

Coffee is a delicious and very healthy drink, of course, provided that it is made from natural beans. But the process of making coffee itself seems to some to be rather long and tedious, and here coffee makers and coffee machines come to the rescue. Today we would like to take a closer look at the issue of how to choose a coffee maker And how to choose a coffee machine and also what is the difference between them.

Coffee makers Designed for quick preparation of a fragrant drink at home, they are easy to use and will greatly simplify the process of making coffee. You can delight yourself daily with a fragrant cup of a freshly prepared wonderful drink. But what coffee maker to choose for home among a huge number of models?

First of all, you need to decide what kind of coffee you like. After all, the principle of operation of different types of coffee makers is different, and this, in turn, leads to the fact that even from the same beans of the same grinding you will get completely different drinks in taste, strength, and aroma. How to choose a coffee maker perfectly suited to your taste preferences? First you need to understand that coffee makers are much simpler than coffee machines, cheaper and designed for small amounts of drink. They are ideal for home use.

1 - water tank
2 - tube
3 - heating element
4 - exhaust pipes
5 - hole for water drops
6 - brew unit
7 - hole for the exit of finished coffee
8 - glass vessel

These coffee makers got their name because of the principle of preparing a drink in them. Coffee, already ground, is poured into a special mesh located under the water tank, the water is gradually heated and literally drop by drop is passed through the ground coffee, which you poured into a special compartment. Then, passing through the filter, the already prepared drink flows into the coffee container. One serving of the drink is prepared very quickly.

Pros of a drip coffee maker:

  1. Lightweight and easy to use.
  2. Low cost.


  1. Coffee turns out less fragrant and saturated.

If you are a lover of fragrant real coffee, then it is better not to save money, but to purchase a coffee maker of the following type - carob.

Carob coffee makers for home

Remember! The lower the speed, the longer the water passes through the coffee, extracting all its useful substances as much as possible and the stronger the drink is.

Filters. If you opted for a drip coffee maker, then filters are needed for its operation. They come in nylon, disposable and gold. Which ones are better?

  • disposable filters must be constantly changed, it is inconvenient and expensive;
  • gold ones are too expensive, although they are very durable;
  • nylon filters are in no way inferior to gold ones, but are cheaper, although they will have to be changed periodically, but not as often as disposable ones.

When choosing a coffee maker model, you should also pay attention to additional functions.

  1. Heating. If the model of the coffee maker is with low power, then the coffee is prepared a little longer. Pay attention to such models where there is a “heating” or “automatic keep warm” function. Then your coffee will not turn out cold.
  2. drop-stop. A very convenient feature that allows you to stop the coffee preparation process at any time. Its essence lies in the fact that if you remove the container into which the finished drink flows, then the coffee stops being prepared. Replace the container and the cooking process will resume. With this convenient feature, you can enjoy your drink without having to wait for the entire volume to be prepared.
  3. Built-in coffee grinder. This feature will help you get your coffee maker closer to the coffee machine as much as possible. Carob automatic coffee makers are equipped with such a convenient function, however, such models are more expensive.
  4. Timer. With this function, you can set the desired time and thereby delay the preparation of the drink to the desired time.
  5. Water indicator level. This feature will help you choose the best ratio of coffee and water per serving, so you get the perfect tasting drink.

How to choose a coffee machine?

If you are a connoisseur of real coffee made from natural beans, and over time you have a shortage, then do not hesitate to buy a coffee machine. This is just a miracle of modern technology, it will quickly and easily prepare any type of coffee for you.

Coffee machines are different sizes. There are huge ones that you saw in cafes, they are designed to prepare large volumes of a drink. But there are also small coffee machines designed for use at home, they weigh no more than 10 kilograms.

Types of coffee machines

Note that there are several types of coffee machines. Although they all brew delicious and aromatic coffee, they perform different actions. How to choose the coffee machine most suitable for you?

Carob coffee machines

Carob coffee machines or traditional type machines
are the simplest and have minimal functionality, but brew a good espresso. They are more like coffee makers, as the coffee is not grinded by itself. But such machines perfectly control steam pressure, water level and temperature.

Carob coffee machines are

  • semi-automatic. In this case, it is necessary to independently control the preparation of coffee, and this requires the necessary skill. You yourself must determine when your drink is ready and turn off the machine. This is quite difficult at first.
  • automatic much easier to manage, they turn off the strait themselves, you only need to set the timer.

Working with carob coffee machines is not so easy if you want to get a really tasty drink. The main disadvantage of carob coffee machines the fact that they do not grind coffee themselves, you have to grind the coffee, and then compress it into a tablet, and only then load it into the holder.

Super automatic coffee machines

Such coffee machines will do everything themselves, practically without your participation. All you need to do is fill in coffee beans and press a button. The machine grinds the beans, measures the right amount of coffee, shapes the coffee pellet, measures the right amount of water and brews the perfect espresso for you. In addition, you do not have to constantly clean it, as the waste is automatically dumped into a special tray. But such machines are very expensive, and besides, they need to be washed daily.

Is there some more capsule and pod coffee machines, as some manufacturers call them, but, in fact, they can be attributed to coffee makers.

Functions of the coffee machine

Number of coffee machine groups

When choosing a coffee machine, you need to pay attention to the number of groups in it. This is a very important indicator, because the performance of your coffee machine directly depends on it. Machines on the market today 1, 2, 3 and 4-group. The higher this indicator, the more cups of coffee the machine will prepare at a time. For making coffee at home a one- or two-group coffee machine, which is designed for one or two cups, is quite enough.

If you are buying a car for a small office, then two- or three-group is enough, but for a large office or cafe it is already necessary to purchase a three- or even four-group coffee machine that will prepare large volumes of drink at a time.

Display, programming system

Existence of the display and system of programming gives big convenience in operation. The display shows all information about the status of your coffee machine and the performance of certain actions by you. So, the machine itself will tell you what you need, for example, add water or coffee, clean it or empty the container. The programming function is also displayed on the display of all coffee machines. You set the program yourself, depending on what kind of drink you want to receive. Also, using the programs, you can set different filling volumes for cups for different drinks. Espresso - one volume, americano - another, etc.

On the display at super-automatic machines rendered even more functions. Using the control, you can set the desired amount of coffee and milk foam, the temperature of the finished coffee, automatic rinsing of the machine, grinding beans for the next portions, etc.

Brewing mechanism

The brewing mechanism is present in all coffee machines of any model. What does he represent? This is a special device in which the process of preparing a drink takes place. The coffee grinder grinds the grains, ground coffee is fed into the brewer, forming into a “tablet”, water is supplied, which passes through the coffee under pressure, and then the ready-made espresso drink enters the cup. The brewing mechanism sends the used grounds to the waste container. The process is completed and the coffee machine can start a new coffee preparation process.

Coffee machines are with removable brewer and built-in. Which one is better to buy? The answer is unequivocal: choose coffee machines only with a removable brewing mechanism. Why? If the mechanism is built, then over time, the old waste coffee accumulating in the machine gives off an unpleasant bitterness to the drink, it is difficult to clean such a mechanism, the accumulated old coffee interferes with the operation of the machine, and as a result, this can lead to its breakdown. Removable brewing mechanism easy to remove and clean, guaranteeing you a pure taste of the drink, and your machine will serve you for many years.

Second boiler and quick steam function

The main function of the boiler in the coffee machine is to heat the water for making espresso and heat the water to steam for frothing milk for cappuccino. Availability second boiler or fast the steam speeds up the process of making coffee with milk much faster and will appeal to lovers of freshly made cappuccino and latte coffee.

If your machine is equipped one boiler, then to prepare a cappuccino, you will first have to wait until the machine comes into a state of steam to froth the milk, then cool it down to prepare an espresso by adding a little water. Long and tiring? Then choose coffee machines with two boilers. The coffee preparation time is greatly reduced. There are coffee machines with one boiler, but There is a fast steam function. In such machines, the transition from the “water” mode to the “steam” mode and back takes a matter of seconds.

Coffee dosage settings

A very useful feature with which you can prepare a drink of the desired strength. Depending on the model you choose, the coffee dosage is adjustable from 6 to 11 grams.

Coffee grind adjustment

With this function, you can easily adjust the degree of grinding of coffee beans. What is it for? After all, the taste of your drink directly depends on how the grains are ground. The finer the grind, the faster the flavor and aroma are extracted from the coffee, so a fine grind is ideal for making espresso. To make Americano coffee, you need a coarser grind, etc.

Heated cup platform

If you want to make coffee according to all professional rules, then remember that coffee must be poured into a warmed cup. And here the platform heating function will come to your aid. This feature is not available on all coffee machines.

Possibility to use ground coffee

Freshly ground coffee for each portion of the drink is the main advantage of coffee machines. Only in coffee beans is it able to retain all its qualities for a long time, and after 15 minutes, ground coffee begins to lose its aroma, depth and all its unsurpassed properties, which are so appreciated by lovers of this drink. But there are situations when there are no coffee beans at hand, only ground coffee is left, and you want to drink coffee. That's when this option comes to the rescue.


The cappuccino maker makes it much easier to froth milk for cappuccino. With its help, the process will be fully automatic, and you will not have to control the process of mixing milk, steam and air on your own, to keep their balance in order to obtain high-quality milk foam.

If you are a cappuccino lover, then be sure to pay attention when choosing a coffee machine, what kind of milk frother it is equipped with. After all, they are of two types: with classic Panarello nozzle and automatic milk frother. In the first case, you will have to control the process yourself, in the other, everything happens automatically.

The only thing worth noting is that the classic nozzles are more durable in operation, but with care, the cappuccinatore will serve you for a long time.

Coffee grinder with ceramic or steel burrs?

It is important to pay attention to what kind of millstones for grinding beans the coffee machine is equipped with. They are of two types: ceramic and steel. On which of them to choose?

Ceramic millstones are much quieter, but less resistant to high loads. If you need to keep quiet and prepare small amounts of coffee, then you can choose this model.

Steel millstones, although they work a little louder, are more durable and enduring to heavy loads. Coffee machines with such millstones are easier to use, require less debugging, reliable and durable.

It should be noted that both millstones become dull over time, and this leads to the fact that the grinding time increases, the grains overheat, and their aroma is burned out. Coffee turns out to be tasteless and less aromatic, as if “empty”. Therefore, periodically millstones require replacement. This usually happens after making 10-15 thousand cups of coffee, but the hardness of the coffee beans also plays a big role here.
