
How to brew coffee in a cup. Everything you ever wanted to know about coffee: how to tell good coffee from bad coffee and how to make the perfect espresso at home

Sokolova Svetlana

Reading time: 7 minutes


Not many people know how to brew coffee in Turkish and without at home, so that it turns out tasty and fragrant. This requires ground grains and appropriate utensils. In addition, there are a huge number of ways to brew an invigorating drink. We will talk about this in the article.

Do you know what real coffee is? These are grains of the fruit of the coffee tree, which grows in tropical areas. Only proper roasting allows the vivacity drink to get a beautiful shade and wonderful aroma.

People have long been leading an extensive discussion regarding the dangers of coffee. Over time, experts have proven that moderate consumption does not harm the body, on the contrary: the reaction improves, the thinking processes intensify and the body's resistance to stress increases.

How to brew coffee in a coffee maker

Brewing good coffee is easy. People use a wide variety of brewing methods, which differ only in devices.

Only from properly ground grains will it be possible to prepare delicious coffee. The fine grinding provides a divine aroma. If you plan to use a coffee maker, it is recommended to take a coarse powder.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. If the coffee maker is equipped with a filtration system, it is strongly not recommended to use fine grinding powder. Once wet, it will not allow liquid to pass freely through the filter element.
  2. For one glass of clean water, take 2 tablespoons of ground coffee. In some cases, special capsules are used.
  3. It remains to start the coffee maker and it will independently solve the problem of cooking.

Video instruction

Thanks to the kitchen appliance, brewing does not take much time. If you don’t have a coffee maker, read the article below for other ways to make a flavored drink.

Instructions for brewing coffee in Turkish

According to the French, you can't boil coffee. And it is true. A drink brought to a boil loses its value because it has a different taste and aroma. And if the French know how to brew coffee in a Turk, the rest do not know all the information about it.


  1. First of all, powder is poured into the Turk. Take a teaspoon for a small cup. The amount of water and coffee must be correct and depends on the actual size of the turk.
  2. If you like a sweet drink, add sugar to the cezve along with ground grains.
  3. Pour water into the dishes, and wait until the contents of the Turks warm up.
  4. Mix thoroughly. In most cases, this is done only once, after which a light-colored foam appears on the surface.
  5. With further heating, the "young" foam will begin to darken. The rise of the foam, accompanied by the appearance of bubbles, indicates that it is time to remove the Turk from the stove. You can not hesitate, because the liquid will boil, which is not recommended.

Video of proper cooking

Is it possible to brew coffee without a Turk?

Undoubtedly, ground coffee should be brewed in a Turk. If it is missing, you will have to focus on cooking technology.

Traditionally, the Turk is replaced with a ceramic pot. In this case, the result is no worse. According to some gourmets, coffee made in a ceramic pot is much tastier. True, brewing liquid in such a dish is extremely inconvenient.

If there is no ceramic pot at hand, use any enameled dishes for cooking. A small saucepan or small pot will do.


  1. Initially, the grains are roasted and ground. Roasting grains in reserve is not recommended. The fact is that coffee is prepared exclusively from fresh beans.
  2. The container in which they are going to cook is preheated and then the powder is poured. Pour boiling water and send to a low fire. For one cup of water take 30 grams of ground grains.
  3. Watch the cooking process carefully. Do not stir while doing this. As soon as the contents of the vessel begin to rise, turn off the fire.
  4. Do not bring to a boil, as this will adversely affect the taste. Pour into a cup, keeping the foam. It will make the coffee more aromatic.

Video tips

Even if there are no suitable dishes, brew your favorite coffee drink without any problems and nothing will stop you from enjoying your favorite treat and a piece of biscuit.

Exotic coffee in a pot

There are times when you urgently need to brew coffee, but there is no coffee pot, Turks or an ordinary kettle nearby. In such a situation, use a saucepan.

Feel free to use enamelware with a well-fitting lid. Another vessel is also suitable, but then the energy drink may lose its taste.

  1. Grind pre-roasted beans. If they are not available, use purchased ground coffee.
  2. The degree of grinding is extremely important and depends on the personal taste preferences of the cook.
  3. Before starting cooking, pour boiling water over the dishes. After that, pour water into it and add sugar. As soon as the contents of the dishes boil, quickly remove from the stove and pour in the powder. Heat the contents slightly, but do not bring to a boil.
  4. As soon as foam appears on the surface, remove the dishes from the burner and leave to infuse for a few minutes.
  5. Pour the finished drink into cups after settling thick. Warm coffee utensils in hot water before pouring.

Before serving, be sure to consider the tastes of the people you intend to treat. Some add water, others drink with cream or milk.

How to make coffee in the microwave

Some people believe that it is impossible to brew coffee in the microwave. One can agree with this opinion only partially. There are situations when the coffee maker is out of order or you don’t want to stand by the stove. How to be? A spare way to prepare natural energy drinks will come to the rescue.

Method number 1

  1. Pour a teaspoon of ground grains into a cup and add a teaspoon of sugar. Fill two-thirds of the ingredients with clean water. Send the dishes to the microwave for a maximum of two minutes.
  2. During this time, carefully monitor the drink. As soon as the foam starts to rise, turn off the kitchen appliances.
  3. After the foam settles, turn on the microwave again. Do the procedure several times.
  4. After that, take out the container and leave for a few minutes. During this time, the thick will settle to the bottom.

Method number 2

  1. Pour some clean water into a clean mug, add sugar to taste and a few tablespoons of ground grains.
  2. If you want to enjoy a wonderful aroma, add a little cinnamon.
  3. Cover the mug with a saucer and microwave for 1-2 minutes.
  4. Take out the mug, stir and wait until the thick settles.

As an experiment, try this cooking method in practice. However, it is more correct to cook in a coffee maker or Turk.

How to make coffee with cinnamon

Coffee is loved all over the world. There are many ways to prepare meals. Often fresh honey, fruits and even spices, including cinnamon, are added to the drink.


  • ground grains - 1 teaspoon.
  • granulated sugar - a third of a teaspoon.
  • cinnamon - a third of a teaspoon.


  1. Pour the ground grains into a saucepan and hold a little over the fire to warm up.
  2. Add sugar and cinnamon. Add water for one cup.
  3. If brewed for several people, the number of components is proportionally increased.
  4. Bring the contents of the saucepan to a boil, then pour a little into a cup. Then boil again and drain. Do the procedure three times. The result is an invigorating drink with foam.

Coffee with cinnamon has a divine aroma and will invigorate any person. If in doubt, take the recipe and recreate the drink in your kitchen.

Coffee with milk

Some people like to drink coffee with milk, which tones the body and has a mild taste. For fans of "white coffee", proper preparation is a real problem, which I will eliminate.

  1. Pour freshly ground grains into a cezve and pour cold water over it. Take a teaspoon of powder in a medium mug. Be sure to pour boiling water over the Turku before cooking.
  2. Bring the contents of the vessel to a boil, but do not boil. Remove the Turk from the stove.
  3. If you want to feel the tonic taste to the fullest, pour in a bit of cold water at the moment of boiling the contents of the Turks. Then bring to a boil and remove from the stove.
  4. It remains to pour into cups and add a little warmed milk.

To fully reveal the aroma of coffee with milk, add a little sugar to the cup and sprinkle with powdered sugar on top.

Brewing with milk is no different from brewing regular. The only difference is the addition of fresh milk.

How to brew frothy coffee

There are gourmets who only like a coffee drink with foam. In any prestigious institution, you will be happy to be pleased with such a treat for a nominal fee. Not everyone can cook it at home.

  1. First of all, you must understand that the quality and quantity of foam directly depends on the vessel in which the drink is prepared. It is better to cook in a Turk with a wide base and a narrow neck. True, the preparation in this dish is closely monitored so that the coffee does not run away.
  2. Any grains will do, since the quality does not affect the foam at all. It is formed from air bubbles coming to the surface.
  3. The grains are ground before brewing. Only in this case they will retain the aroma and wonderful taste. If you make flour from the grains, the foam will turn out thicker and more voluminous.
  4. Coffee is made from pure and cold water. The use of boiling, boiled or hot water is strictly prohibited.
  5. A clean vessel is put on fire and allowed to warm up. After that, pour the powder and add water. Stir with a wooden spoon.
  6. It is recommended to brew coffee on low heat. Evidence of proper cooking is the gradual darkening of the foam and its subsequent rise. Boiling is not recommended - bring to a boil and remove from heat.
  7. Using a spoon, transfer foam to a cup. After that, you can pour coffee.
  8. If you like a sweet drink, sprinkle with powdered sugar at the end.

Coffee, like any other drink, must be prepared properly. This can be done using different devices (a Turk, a coffee machine, a coffee maker or even a regular saucepan). In order for the desired drink to really turn out to be truly tasty and aromatic, you need to clearly know how to brew coffee correctly. Indeed, in any of the listed options there are rules and subtleties that must be observed.

Since ancient times, the utensils that are traditionally used for brewing coffee have been Turks. This is a metal vessel with a handle, made in the shape of a truncated cone.

Thanks to the wide bottom, the contents heat up quickly, and the narrow neck ensures minimal evaporation of moisture.

In addition, the thick in this vessel settles very quickly. You can brew coffee in a Turk over an open fire or on hot sand. In a home kitchen, this is most conveniently done on the stove. To work, in addition to the Turks and the cup, you will need the following main components:

  • half a glass of water;
  • 2 teaspoons (heaped) ground coffee;
  • 15 grams of sugar;
  • a pinch of salt.

How to brew coffee in Turkish:

  1. First of all, the dishes before work should be slightly warmed up. Therefore, the Turk needs to be held, a little on the stove or poured over with boiling water.
  2. Pour coffee into it.
  3. Add sugar. Experts say that such a drink should be either very sweet or completely bitter. Partial reduction in the amount of sugar will only lead to a loss of its taste.
  4. Pour water into the Turk. It should be almost ice cold.
  5. Conduct the cooking process on low heat. However, it should not boil. As soon as the foam formed on top begins to rise, the Turk must be immediately removed from the fire.
  6. Wait 6-7 seconds and repeat this procedure a couple of times. Here it is necessary to ensure that the “cap” of foam does not burst. Otherwise, the drink will lose its unique flavor.
  7. Gently hit the Turk on the table. This is necessary for the thick to sink down.
  8. Warm the cups by filling them with boiling water.
  9. Drain the water, and immediately pour coffee into a warm dish.
  10. Wait a couple of minutes until the suspended particles settle to the bottom.

After that, aromatic coffee can be drunk with pleasure.

Rules for brewing in a coffee machine

For those who have no time to stand at the stove, coffee machines have been created by specialists. These devices in the process of preparing a drink perform several functions at once:

  • grinding grains;
  • powder dosing;
  • water heating;
  • fluid injection under pressure.

The result is a very good coffee. As you can see, the unit takes care of all the main work. Depending on the specific model and type of drink, the technology for making coffee is different. Generally speaking, you need to do the following:

  1. Pour natural coffee (beans) into the hopper. Some machines use already ground product.
  2. Pour water into a nearby special container. It is advisable to take distilled or bottled drinking water.
  3. Turn on the device. After that, the machine starts to grind the grains. Part of the crushed powder through the dispenser enters the brewing device. Heated water is also injected here under pressure (usually not higher than 90 degrees). It takes less than a minute to prepare a cup of aromatic coffee. As a result of the extraction process, the finished product is saturated with flavor and aroma components.

A person can only substitute a cup and wait until it is filled with a long-awaited drink.

In a drip coffee maker

A coffee machine is, of course, a convenient, but often quite bulky and not at all cheap unit. Therefore, it is better to have a coffee maker at home. There are seven types of coffee drinks based on how they are prepared. Drip devices are the most popular for home use. They are a flask (usually glass), which is located on a stand with electric heating. How to brew coffee in such a device?

For this you need:

  1. Place the filter in the funnel at the top of the machine.
  2. Pour ground coffee on it, and then lightly tamp it with a spoon.
  3. Pour water into the side compartment.
  4. Turn on coffee grinder. At this time, the water begins to heat up. The steam from it rises, and then condenses and enters the filter in the form of droplets. Further, passing through the layer of coffee, the already prepared drink flows into the flask.

Many modern models of such coffee makers have additional functions with which you can, for example, adjust the strength of the drink or the speed of the passage of liquid, as well as automatic heating for half an hour.

Recipe in a saucepan on the stove

What about those lovers of the popular drink who do not have neither Turks nor coffee makers in the house? In such a situation, you can use a regular pan for work. How to brew coffee in it? First you need to prepare the main components: you need 50 grams of coffee per liter of water. It is advisable to take a coarse grinding product, since after brewing large particles will settle to the very bottom faster.

Next you need:

  1. Warm up the pot. This can be done in two ways: heat water in it or pour ready-made boiling water.
  2. Pour coffee into a heated bowl.
  3. Put the pan on the stove and cook its contents over low heat.
  4. A small layer of foam forms on the surface over time. When it begins to rise, the pan must be immediately removed from the stove.
  5. Cover it with a lid and wait no more than five minutes.

After that, you can pour hot coffee into cups and enjoy a fragrant freshly prepared drink.

How to brew coffee in a geyser coffee maker

In Europe, coffee is still prepared in many families using geyser-type coffee makers. In our country, until a certain time, they were also quite popular.

The device is extremely simple and consists of three main elements:

  • water tank;
  • strainer (filter);
  • finished product tank.

To brew coffee in a geyser coffee maker, you need:

  1. Pour water into the bottom container.
  2. Pour the required amount of ground coffee onto the filter.
  3. Attach it to a container of water.
  4. From above, place a container for the finished drink and secure it with a screw connection.
  5. Put the coffee maker on fire immediately. The process takes place in two stages. At first, the boiled water gradually rises up through the inner tube. Then, passing through the strainer, it boils the coffee and flows into the upper container in the form of a ready-made drink. On average, this takes no more than ten minutes.

For this option, it is desirable to use finely ground coffee. It will brew better. In addition, it is undesirable to install too large a flame. Coffee can burn, and an unpleasant bitterness will be felt in the finished drink.

Step by step recipes for espresso, cappuccino, latte

Today there are several dozen different recipes for making coffee. And real lovers should not only know, but also be able to cook them correctly. Espresso is without a doubt one of the most popular types of this drink.

To prepare it you will need:

  • 7-8 grams of ground coffee;
  • 30-35 milliliters of drinking water.

To prepare espresso, for example, in a carob coffee maker, you need:

  1. Turn on the device.
  2. Place a cup on top so that it gradually heats up.
  3. Pour ground coffee into the holder. Seal it well with tempera.
  4. Insert the horn into the device and press the "start" button. Immediately place a warm cup on the bottom of the tray. Literally after 20 seconds, freshly brewed coffee will begin to pour into it in a thin stream.

In Italy, for example, it is very popular "cappuccino". In fact, this is the same espresso with frothed milk added.

For 1 serving (180 milliliters) you will need:

  • 200 milliliters of milk;
  • a little sugar;
  • 10 grams of ground coffee;
  • 35 milliliters of water.

How to make cappuccino coffee:

  1. Pour water into the tank.
  2. Pour milk into a cup and beat it into soft foam. To do this, the coffee maker has a special steam tube (cappuccino machine) on the side.
  3. Pour coffee into the horn and tamp it there.
  4. Insert the horn into the device.
  5. Place the foam cup on the drip tray (under the horn).
  6. Press the "liquid" button and wait until the first drops of coffee appear.

It turns out an original three-layer drink with a pleasant creamy coffee aroma.

There are many other equally interesting coffee-based drinks. Take, for example, "glasse". To make it, you need to have available:

  • 10 grams of natural coffee;
  • 20 grams of sugar;
  • 50 grams of ice cream.

Preparing "glase" is very simple:

  1. First you need to brew regular black coffee in any convenient way.
  2. Strain it and then add sugar and stir.
  3. Place a scoop of ice cream on top.

Sweet tooth and real gourmets will definitely like coffee with caramel.

To prepare it, you need to take:

  • 2 teaspoons of ground coffee and the same amount of sugar;
  • 200 milliliters of cold water.

How to properly prepare a "miracle drink":

  1. Pour sugar into a dry Turk. Heat it over low heat until completely melted.
  2. Add coffee immediately with water.
  3. Bring the mixture to a boil.
  4. Pour hot coffee into cups, straining through a strainer.

The easiest option is, of course, coffee with milk. But even here there are subtleties. Most often, milk is added to already prepared coffee. But you can do it differently. For example, to make Warsaw-style coffee, it is brewed with milk.

How to do it:

  1. Pour milk into a Turk, add (if necessary) sugar and heat a little.
  2. Fall asleep coffee.
  3. Heat until the "cap" of foam rises to the top. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times.

The drink is tender, fragrant and unusually tasty. By the way, it will be slightly sweet even without sugar.

For many people, morning coffee is the only way to wake up. You go to the kitchen and find that the coffee maker is broken. Or dirty to the point of impossibility. Or turned off the light. Most likely there is no geyser coffee maker or Turks at home - what to do? You will have to brew an invigorating aromatic drink on your own.

Admittedly, we have all become very attached to coffee makers. However, in the past they were not, and coffee was brewed very differently. Coffee makers are a relatively new invention in the long history of coffee. So, if your appliance decides to fail at the most crucial moment, there are several ways to get good coffee and save your morning. So, how to brew coffee without a Turk and a coffee maker? Let's consider several ways.

Method 1. Bucket

Each house has such a ladle with a handle, in which it is very convenient to heat up a portion of soup or boil water for tea. But, perhaps, you do not even realize the unique abilities of this ladle to brew coffee. Of course, it does not reach the Turks at all, but still the drink in it comes out more tasty and aromatic than the one described in the following methods. Therefore, whenever possible, always give preference to a small bucket.

The method looks like this:

  1. Pour water into the ladle and put on the stove, on high heat. Make sure you use more water than you would use for a coffee maker.
  2. Add coffee to water and stir.
  3. Turn off the heat on your stove. It would be optimal to reduce it to medium or medium-high. At this temperature, you need to bring the coffee to a boil, stirring it from time to time.
  4. After your coffee has boiled, let it simmer in this state for 2 minutes.
  5. Remove the ladle from the heat and turn off the stove. The coffee grounds should sink to the bottom.
  6. Let the coffee sit for 4 minutes.
  7. Slowly pour the coffee into the cup or use a ladle. The thick should remain at the bottom of the bucket, there will be no special problems with filtration.

Method 2. Filter from a coffee maker

This method will really make you feel like an inventor since you have to use what is at hand. It's best to take your coffee machine in for repair or replace it, but if the only way your appliance ends up in a landfill, then if you have the skills, you can try something more interesting.

For this method, you will need access to a coffee filter (the coffee maker is broken) and some string. If you plan on taking your coffee machine in for repair or replacement, then any old thread will do, just make sure it's not nylon and won't dissolve in hot water. You can tear off the labeled thread from the tea bag if you have such tea at home. She fits perfectly.

Here's how to use this method:

  1. Measure enough coffee for one cup and pour it into the filter.
  2. Wrap the filter tightly around the coffee and tie it with a thread so that the end of the thread is quite long (something like a tea bag).
  3. Heat water using an electric kettle, saucepan, or even a cup in the microwave.
  4. Place the coffee filter that has turned into a bag into an empty cup.
  5. Slowly pour the hot water into the cup, being careful not to overfill it.
  6. Let the coffee brew for 4 minutes. If you prefer a weaker coffee, try 2 to 3 minutes. For a stronger coffee, increase the time to 5 or 6 minutes.
  7. Remove the filter and discard it.

Method 3. Sieve

If you don't have a filter to brew your coffee and extract the grounds successfully, you can always use a small sieve. But it is worth understanding that not any old sieve will work. Make sure you use one with very small holes that will trap the coffee grounds and prevent them from escaping into the coffee mug. These small sieves are usually made for , so they don't often have openings large enough to trap coffee.

The way to create such coffee is also quite simple:

  1. Measure the required amount of water for your cup and put this water to heat up in a kettle or saucepan.
  2. Immediately add the required amount of coffee. If you want the coffee to be weaker, add less raw material. In general, everything is standard.
  3. Heat the container until the water boils and let it boil for 2 minutes.
  4. Remove the saucepan from the heat.
  5. Place the strainer over your cup and pour the coffee into the cup. The mesh filter will catch the thick that comes out of the tank, but at the same time let the water through.
  6. If the holes in the sieve are quite large, then the drink may need to be filtered 2 times.

Method 4. Instant coffee

We are sure that many coffee lovers will completely deny the viability of this method and say that this is not real coffee. Perhaps they are right about something. But instant coffee is still an effective way to get your morning refreshment, if there are no other options.

The method is known to any person, but we still recall it:

  1. Heat the desired amount of water in the microwave or kettle.
  2. Bring the water to a boil and immediately turn it off.
  3. Measure the required amount of instant coffee and place it in an empty cup.
  4. Pour hot water into a cup of instant coffee.
  5. Stir coffee and water until the raw materials are properly dissolved.

Method 5. Ground coffee.

Everyone knows that ground coffee capsules are prepared in special coffee machines. However, in extreme cases, you can dilute the contents of the capsules in hot water. There is no question of any espresso, but what to do?

So the steps are:

1. Open the capsule;

2. Pour boiling water over the cup;

3. Boil water in a kettle and wait a few minutes. Coffee is prepared in hot water, but not bubbling;

4. Pour coffee powder into a cup and pour water, about 100 ml;

5. Cover the cup with a saucer;

6. Wait 3-4 minutes;

7. Add sugar and/or coffee spices to taste.

The drink is ready! Cheap and angry.


So, there are quite a few ways to brew coffee without Turks and coffee makers. If you did not know about some of the methods described here, now you can take them into service. In extreme cases, you can visit a coffee shop, but in the morning there is not always enough time for this. If the schedule is busy, then there are only a few minutes left to make coffee, and it is not possible to change the route on the way to work.

In general - buy high-quality ones, and they will not break. You will never be able to face unforeseen circumstances that disrupt your morning exercise and plunge you into a state of panic.

You may also find the following resources helpful.

Some people do not see the difference between instant coffee and an invigorating drink made from ground beans. They simply pour a couple of spoonfuls of freeze-dried granules into a cup and pour boiling water over them. But real coffee lovers know a lot about preparing a fragrant and invigorating drink. To do this, they use ground coffee, which is obtained from pre-roasted beans. But the methods of preparing the drink may differ. It all depends on what devices for this are at hand at the moment. In our article, we will talk about how to make ground coffee using a cezve, coffee maker, microwave, saucepan or the most ordinary cup. Let us dwell on these and other methods in more detail.

True connoisseurs of a fragrant and invigorating drink in the process of its preparation must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Ground coffee must be fresh. This means that from the moment of roasting the grains, a minimum of time should pass, or rather, no more than three weeks.
  2. The whole taste and aroma of the drink lies in the essential oils contained in the grains. Under the influence of air, they begin to oxidize, making the taste of coffee poorer. To make the drink tastier, no more than 1 hour should pass from the moment of grinding the grains.
  3. Ground coffee can be stored in a place protected from light and moisture for 3 weeks. If it is necessary to increase its shelf life, it is recommended to place a sealed bag with ground grains in the freezer.
  4. Another rule on how to make ground coffee at home concerns the degree of grinding. For Turks, grains need to be crushed as much as possible. But for a French press, coarse grinding is also suitable.
  5. The quality of water is an equally important point in the preparation of an invigorating drink. It is recommended to use purified or spring water with a low degree of mineralization.

Features of making coffee in Turkish

This method has been known since the 16th century. Preparing coffee in Turkish has a number of advantages, most of which are due to the special shape of the dishes. The classic cezve is made in the form of a cone, which allows you to fully reveal the taste and aroma of ground grains with the formation of a thick foam.

You can prepare ground coffee in a Turk, both from copper and ceramics, in the following order:

  1. Grind beans in a burr grinder. Only in this case it is possible to achieve perfect grinding (almost like flour). To prepare a strong drink, you need to take 10 g of coffee per 100 ml of water.
  2. Pour the required amount of ground grains and 10 g of sugar into the Turk.
  3. Pour 100 ml of water. In this case, the contents of the Turks do not need to be mixed.
  4. Put the cezve on a small fire.
  5. Heat the contents of the Turks until the foam rises to the brim, then remove it from the heat. It is important not to miss this moment so that the coffee does not spill out of the pot.
  6. Wait until the foam settles, then return the Turk to the fire again. Repeat the same action 3 times.
  7. Wait 2 minutes for the drink to infuse, and pour it into cups.

How to make ground coffee without a Turk?

Fans of an invigorating drink should not be upset in advance if they do not have a cezve at hand. They can make aromatic coffee without Turks, using for this:

  • geyser coffee maker;
  • French press;
  • aeropress;
  • coffee machine;
  • Chemex;
  • microwave;
  • saucepan.

Let's consider each of the methods in more detail. But first, let's focus on the simplest of them, which is how to make ground coffee right in the cup. There is no doubt that the drink will turn out tasty and invigorating.

Preparing coffee in a cup

Real coffee lovers never use this method. They believe that simply brewing ground beans in a cup will never achieve the perfect taste and aroma of coffee. But in some cases, even a portion of a drink prepared in haste will help to cheer up and gain strength.

The following sequence of steps will show you how to prepare ground coffee in a cup:

  1. Prepare two teaspoons of ground Arabica beans, 100 ml of water and sugar to taste.
  2. Boil purified drinking water. It is important that during brewing the temperature of the liquid is not lower than 90 ° C.
  3. Pour ground grains, sugar into a cup and pour boiling water over them.
  4. Cover the bowl with a lid and leave on the table for 10 minutes. During this time, the drink will infuse and be ready to drink.

How to brew an invigorating drink in

You can prepare a classic espresso using this device as follows:

  1. Unscrew the top of the coffee maker, remove the filter.
  2. Pour the required amount of water into the bottom of the coffee maker.
  3. Pour ground grains into the filter at the rate of 1.5 teaspoons per serving. Lightly tamp them down.
  4. Assemble the coffee maker by screwing the top. The finished drink will come into it.
  5. Put the coffee maker on medium heat. Wait for the moment when steam starts to rise from the spout, and immediately remove the appliance from the stove. After 10 seconds, the drink will be ready. It remains only to pour it into cups.

Thanks to this method, you can make coffee from ground beans both on a gas stove and on an electric one.

Preparing in a coffee machine

The use of an automatic coffee machine is the fastest and easiest way to prepare an aromatic drink. It is enough to carefully study the instructions for the device and you can safely proceed to action. You can make ground coffee in a coffee machine, both coarse and finely ground, and it will turn out to be equally tasty in both the first and second cases.

The operating instructions for most modern models of coffee machines are as follows:

  1. Pour water into a special tank. The volume of liquid depends on the number of cups.
  2. Fill the coffee bean compartment. For with compressed ground coffee, it is inserted into a special hole in the capsule receiver.
  3. The prepared cup is placed under the nozzle of the coffee machine, after which the "Start" button is pressed.
  4. After about 30 seconds, the coffee brewing process will be completed and you can enjoy the taste of your favorite drink.

French press for making coffee

Brewing an invigorating drink with a French press is not difficult at all. Visually, a French press is a special closed container with a piston. Coarsely ground coffee beans are required to prepare a beverage with this attachment. Otherwise, it will be more difficult to push the piston with the filter. But grinding does not affect the taste of the drink. In any case, the coffee will be excellent.

The cooking process consists of the following steps:

  1. Boil water in a kettle, then let it cool down a little to a temperature of 90-95 ° C.
  2. Pour ground coffee into a French press at the rate of 7 g per 100 ml of liquid.
  3. Pour a small amount of water (about 100 ml) into the container and stir the coffee with a spoon.
  4. Wait exactly 1 minute, then pour the remaining water into the French press.
  5. Close the container with a lid. Wait 3 more minutes.
  6. Gently lower the piston all the way down. Pour the drink into pre-warmed cups.

What is an aeropress coffee maker?

Visually, this device resembles a large syringe. But according to the principle of preparing a drink, this method has much in common with the French press.

To brew a drink using an Aeropress, you need to put the syringe upside down on a flat surface. Pour 18 g of finely ground coffee, pour 190 ml of water at a temperature of 91 ° C. After a minute, push the contents with a syringe into the prepared container. Thus, after 90 seconds, the drink will be ready.

How to brew coffee using Chemex?

Not all people have the opportunity to purchase a professional coffee machine. But that doesn't mean they can't enjoy the taste. One alternative way to brew the drink is to use a special contraption called a Chemex. Visually, it is a glass flask, shaped like an hourglass, made of a paper filter. It remains only to figure out how to make ground coffee using this device. The steps in this case will be as follows:

  1. Dampen the paper filter with clean water.
  2. Pour the required amount of ground coffee into it.
  3. Prepare hot water (temperature 90-94 °C).
  4. Carefully and slowly pour water into the filter up to the 450 ml mark (for 32 g of ground coffee).
  5. After 4 minutes, the drink will be ready. It should be noted that the coarser the grind, the longer the coffee should be prepared.

How to brew coffee in the microwave?

There are many different ways to make ground coffee. The microwave is one of them. The main advantage of this method is the high cooking speed. However, in terms of taste, coffee brewed in the microwave is much inferior to that prepared in a Turk or coffee maker. But it is worth noting that people who are open to experimentation will also be interested in this method.

The sequence of actions in the cooking process will be as follows:

  1. Prepare a transparent glass cup. Put ground coffee in it at the rate of 3 teaspoons per 200 ml of liquid
  2. Fill the cup with water to 2/3 of its volume and put it in the microwave.
  3. Set the power to the maximum value.
  4. Carefully monitor the cup in the microwave. As soon as the foam begins to rise above the surface of the liquid, the microwave must be turned off.
  5. Leave the cup in the microwave for 2-3 minutes. During this time, the coffee will brew better, and the thick will sink to the bottom.

How to make coffee in a pot?

This method is ideal for those people who want to brew an invigorating drink for a large company without using a French press, Turk or coffee machine. The following step-by-step instructions will tell you how to prepare ground coffee in a saucepan:

  1. Put the ground beans in an enamel pan at the rate of 2 teaspoons of coffee for every 100 ml of water. Gently mix the ingredients with a tablespoon.
  2. Place the pot on the stove over low heat. During the heating process, once again stir the drink once or twice.
  3. Wait until a dense foam appears on the surface of the liquid, then remove the pan from the stove. It is important not to bring the liquid to a boil. Otherwise, the coffee will lose some of its flavor and aroma.
  4. Cover the dish with a tight lid and let the drink brew under it for 5 minutes. This time will be enough for the coffee grounds to settle to the bottom.
  5. Pour the finished drink into cups using a small ladle.

True coffee connoisseurs prefer to brew in a Turk, or at least in a coffee maker. Natural ground coffee brewed in a cup is certainly not as good as a drink prepared in accordance with the rules, but it is also better than instant coffee.

You need

  • finely ground coffee;
  • kettle
  • a cup or glass with thick walls;
  • a lid for a bowl or dish;
  • sugar to taste.


  1. A cup of coffee is prepared quite quickly, so use finely ground coffee - the recovery rate is much faster, so the drink will be more aromatic and tasty. Some manufacturers make packaging and finely ground coffee with the words "To brew in a cup"
  2. It is better to choose a thick, ceramic cup for brewing coffee. It would be good to keep warm, otherwise the water will cool before the coffee is brewed. To heat a cup, cover it with boiling water for a couple of minutes or just hold it under hot tap water.
  3. Pour one to two teaspoons of ground coffee into a cup. If drinking coffee with sugar, add sugar to help keep the coffee grounds at the bottom. If you want, you can add spices: a pinch of ground cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, nutmeg. It would be advisable to add a few grains of salt: they make the coffee taste softer.
  4. Pour into a glass of boiling water. The optimum temperature for making coffee is 96-98℃, but while the stream is pouring from the kettle into the cup, the liquid has time to cool down a bit.
  5. Stir and quickly cover with a lid (you can use a plate). Wait about two or three minutes and remove the lid. No need to stir the mixture and pluck the thick settled at the bottom - small particles of coffee, falling on the tongue, can spoil the pleasure.
