
Cake from sticks and condensed milk. Cakes and pastries made from corn sticks

Cake from corn sticks with boiled condensed milk is elementary in preparation and does not require any culinary skills from you. It is prepared, as they say, in the best student traditions. Minimum ingredients and your time. And not a word about calories! There are, of course, a lot of them here. But sometimes you can pamper yourself.

  • Corn sticks 200 grams
  • Boiled condensed milk 1 can
  • Butter or margarine 200 grams

First, find a large saucepan, put it on a slow fire and pour out the butter. While stirring, melt the butter completely, then remove the pan with it from the heat and add the boiled condensed milk there. Mix everything until smooth. You can do it manually with a spoon or a whisk, but, of course, with a mixer it will turn out much faster.

Pour the corn sticks into the resulting mixture. Gently, so as not to break or crush the sticks themselves, mix everything.

Put the resulting mixture in a deep plate, adjust it with a spoon to make it look more appetizing.
That's all! But, before serving, it is better to let the corn sticks cake with condensed milk brew in the refrigerator, so it will harden a little and be tastier.

Serve a chilled corn stick cake with condensed milk in the same way as a regular one, as a dessert for tea or other unsweetened hot drink. And despite the simplicity of preparation, it turns out very tasty! If you love sweets and corn sticks, then this cake is definitely for you.

Recipe 2, step by step: corn stick cake

A simple quick cake. The longest time in its preparation is to unwrap 500 g of toffee. :)) A cake without baking is ideal for unexpected guests or when you just don’t really want to cook, but you still need to please your loved ones. The taste of the dessert is unusual and original.

  • Corn sticks - 100-130 g
  • Candies "Iriski" - 500 g
  • Butter - 200 g

Melt the butter in a large bowl.

Add toffee.

Melt, stirring constantly, so that caramel sauce is obtained.

Remove from heat and pour into the pan, directly into the hot sauce, a pack of corn sticks.

Mix everything quickly until the sauce has cooled so that all the sticks are covered with caramel sauce.

Arrange the toffee sticks on a large platter.

Dipping your hands in cold water, we form a cake-slide, like an anthill.

Let the cake cool completely, decorate to your liking and serve.

Bon appetit! Please yourself and your loved ones!

Recipe 3: Corn Sticks and Toffee Cake (with photo)

The cake is made quite simply, you need a minimum of ingredients, but it turns out to be unrealistically tasty and flies away like seeds.

  • corn sticks - 150 g;
  • toffee - 400 g;
  • butter - 1 pack

For the recipe, we need a toffee like "Kis-Kiss" or "Golden Key". Toffees need to be cleaned and put in a container to which we will melt them.

I did it in a steam bath, it takes longer, but it minimizes the likelihood that our sweet mass will burn. You can do it just on a small fire, but then you need to constantly stir.

Then we need butter. I do not advise taking margarine or spread, so the taste of our future cake will directly depend on the taste of butter.

Oil must be added to the toffees and, stirring, melt everything together.

The ingredients do not heat up very quickly, but be patient, the result will pay off your efforts. The result should be such a homogeneous caramel mass.

Now pour the corn sticks into a deep bowl so that it is convenient to mix everything together.

Pour the melted mass of toffee and butter into sticks.

We quickly mix everything, since the mass thickens quickly enough without heating. We need to ensure that all the sticks are evenly coated with toffee cream.

Now we can form our cake. We put the sticks in parts on a plate and tamp a little with our hands.

It turns out something like this design. The form can be given any, according to your desire.

If you are impatient, you can eat right away, but I still recommend putting it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours before serving, so that the cake is better soaked and the impregnation is a little frozen.

Recipe 4: Anthill cake with corn sticks

  • Corn sticks (large pack) - 1 pc.
  • Butter - 50 g
  • Condensed milk (boiled) - 1 ban.
  • Walnuts - 100 g
  • Cocoa powder (for sprinkling)
  • Powdered sugar (for sprinkling)

Cut corn sticks in half.

Chop nuts.

Whisk condensed milk with butter (and if you add some aromatic alcohol, you get a cream for adults)

Mix sticks nuts and condensed milk.

Tamped everything into shape.

I put it in the fridge for 3 hours with the lid on.

She put it out of the mold on a dish.

And so I decorated cocoa Nesquik and powdered sugar.

Recipe 5: No Bake Corn Stick Cake

  • corn sticks - 200 g,
  • butter - 180 g,
  • toffee (in tiles) - 200 g.

The most difficult process is the preparation of caramel. To do this, cut the butter into cubes and begin to melt in a saucepan.

It is important to constantly stir it with a spatula, otherwise the caramel will easily stick to the bottom of the saucepan. The whole process may take 8-10 minutes.

In hot caramel, roll the corn sticks one by one, and then put them on a dish in a pyramid-shaped slide. It turns out a very beautiful design.

Sprinkle the corn stick cake with sesame seeds or poppy seeds, if desired.

Now we send the dessert to the refrigerator for half an hour so that the caramel freezes and the design is fixed in this form.

I propose to prepare a simple dessert, a cake of corn sticks and toffee, which will surely delight your children and even adults. Everything is done without problems and difficulties, quickly and simply. Shall we start?

We will need products such as in the photo. The taste of the cake depends on the taste of corn sticks and butter, so I advise you not to skimp on good butter.

Melt butter and toffee over low heat. In addition to store-bought toffees, I also used homemade ones.

Bring the mass to a homogeneous state, it should always be hot. If you leave it for a while, it will quickly harden.

Take a convenient and large bowl, pour in the sticks and pour in the resulting mass little by little. Immediately stir the toffee mass with chopsticks.

Then put the resulting mixture in a mold or on a dish, press well on all sides, tamping and sprinkle with chocolate chips while the mixture has not cooled down. Can be drizzled with melted chocolate. Then cool everything completely.

Remove the finished cake from the mold. It cuts easily. Happy tea!

Recipes for making cakes at home with photos

corn stick cake

20 minutes

325 kcal

5 /5 (2 )

I am a fan of all kinds of sweets, but I don’t like to mess around in the kitchen with cooking and baking for hours. Therefore, I often look for quick and easy dessert recipes. Recently, I came across a cake made from corn sticks with condensed milk. To be honest, it was the first time I came across a dessert made from corn sticks, and I became very interested in trying it.

  • Kitchen appliances and utensils: mixer, two bowls, spoon.

Required Products

To prepare an anthill of corn sticks and condensed milk, you will need:

The cake is quite high in calories. If you are interested in lower calorie content, it is better to use crackers instead of corn sticks.

Features of product selection

Sticks should be taken sweet. I really liked the sticks with the taste of baked milk. Butter should not be too fatty. I recommend buying marmalade multi-colored and preferably in the form of small pieces so as not to waste time cutting.

You can also make your own corn sticks. And I will tell you a simple recipe on how to cook corn sticks at home. To do this, you need corn flour (250 g), 2 eggs, half a liter of milk and 120 g of butter. Mix milk with butter, stirring quickly, bring to a boil. When it boils, add corn flour, mix, remove from heat and cool to 50 degrees. Using a pastry bag, put the dough on a baking sheet in the form of sticks and bake until cooked at medium temperature.

In the USSR, the production of corn sticks was first organized in 1963 at the Dnepropetrovsk plant for food concentrates using technology and equipment developed by V. Ya. Krikunov.

History of corn cake

Cake with corn sticks is the copyright property of the times of the Soviet Union. At that time, the choice of sweets in stores was small, and there was also no special variety of products for their preparation. So the students thought of what can be made from corn sticks not just a snack, but a delicious dessert. Instead of condensed milk, melted toffee was often used in the past. Today, the classic recipe has been supplemented with a variety of ingredients - marmalade, poppy seeds, nuts.

How to make a cake from corn sticks at home

I present to you the preparation of a cake from corn sticks with condensed milk in the form of a step-by-step recipe with a photo:

Cream cake recipe for corn sticks

To prepare the cream, you need to mix butter with condensed milk. The oil must first be softened. It does not need to be melted, as in the end the cream will learn to be very liquid. It is best to beat the mixture until smooth with a blender or mixer. To give the cream a slight sourness, so that the cake is not cloying, you can add a little cherry jam or jam juice to it. I really like the combination of sweet condensed milk cream with sour cherry jam.

If the cream butter is melted, the corn sticks will soften more than with the light softening option.

How to beautifully decorate and serve a cake from corn sticks

There are a lot of options for an interesting design of a cake made of corn sticks. It can be laid out in a hill in the form of an anthill, you can give it any other geometric shape - a circle, a square, a triangle, etc. My mother-in-law, for example, lays out the sticks in a circle so that a hole forms in the middle, sprinkles poppy seeds on top. It looks very similar to a real anthill!

To make the cake look more interesting, you can sprinkle it on top with grated chocolate, poppy seeds, nuts, pieces of marmalade, coconut flakes, or pour over chocolate icing.

Here is such a beauty with poppy seeds:

And you can decorate with grated chocolate:

I most often sprinkle with crushed walnuts:

In case you want to cook an unusual dessert, you can use the simplest ingredients that can be purchased at any store. Among the products from which no-bake cakes are made, one of the most popular are corn sticks. Using them in the cooking process is as simple as possible, so even an inexperienced hostess can cook a cake.

Each of the recipes assumes that in addition to sticks, butter will be among the required ingredients (margarine as an exception) - about 100-200 g. Corn sticks should be classic - without additives, coloring agents or flavorings.

Recipe for corn sticks cake with condensed milk

Condensed milk is a great addition to sweet dishes. The cake, which is based on corn sticks, was no exception. You can prepare it for tea drinking with family or relatives.

Cooking steps:

After cooking (immediately before portion serving), the film should be removed. If desired, the cake can be decorated on top with cream, coconut shavings or fruit. For this purpose, you can also use powdered sugar, which is easy to prepare yourself by grinding sugar in a coffee grinder.

"Anthill" with toffees

Anthill cake made from corn sticks and toffee is easy to make using a simple set of ingredients:

  • butter (butter or cooking oil) - 200 g;
  • sweets (taffy) - 450 g;
  • corn sticks - 350 g.

Cooking time - 110 minutes.

Calorie content per 100 g of cake - 68 kcal.

Cooking steps:

  1. Oil or cooking oil used in baking should be melted. For acceleration it is recommended to use a water bath.
  2. Expand the toffees, chop a little, add to the melted butter;
  3. Put the resulting composition on low heat, melt the toffee. In order to avoid burning, you will need to constantly stir the mass.
  4. After the composition is completely homogeneous, without pieces of sweets, corn sticks should be added to it without grinding;
  5. In the form for the preparation of the "Anthill" it is necessary to put a cling film, then lay out the mass and close it with another piece of film on top;
  6. Place the container in the refrigerator until completely solidified (from 40 minutes to 2 hours - depending on the volume of the future cake).

Before serving, the film must be removed, and the resulting sweetness should be decorated with cocoa or coconut flakes, as well as dried pitted fruits.

"Lazy Ant"

There is an option for preparing "Anthill" with corn sticks in the composition, which is ideal for meeting unexpected guests. It is prepared quickly, combines tenderness and aesthetic appeal, so it is appropriate to serve it for a children's holiday. Make sure you have the following ingredients before you start cooking:

  • butter (salted butter or margarine is allowed) - 65-70 g;
  • boiled condensed milk (to save time, you should buy ready-made) - 1 can;
  • cocoa (powder) - 50 g;
  • nuts (walnuts) - 120-150 g;
  • sticks - 300 g;
  • powdered sugar - 30 g.

Cooking time - from 90 minutes.

The calorie content of the finished cake is 67 kcal.

Steps for making a cake from corn sticks, nuts and boiled condensed milk:

  1. Peel walnuts from shells, chop using a blender for this purpose;
  2. Break the sticks into halves (each);
  3. Melt the butter used in cooking (it is recommended to make a water bath for this);
  4. Then add boiled condensed milk (a full jar), cocoa to the butter, mix;
  5. Put cling film or parchment into the form, pour sticks into it and pour the resulting cream from butter and condensed milk, then add chopped nuts.

The cooking process will take place in the refrigerator and will require from 1 to 3 hours, depending on the volume of the mold and the cooling power. After cooking, as a decoration, the “Lazy Anthill” is sprinkled with powdered sugar on top.

Another cooking option - with chocolate chips


  • corn sticks - 600 g;
  • almonds (peeled kernels) - 50 g;
  • condensed milk - 1 can;
  • chocolate (shavings) - 100 g.

The time it takes to cook is from 140 minutes.

The calorie content of the cake is 61 kcal.

Cooking steps:

  1. The sticks should be cut into rings, and then put in a prepared form on cling film;
  2. Pour the condensed milk evenly on the sticks, mix, distribute over the entire volume of the mold so that the layer is uniform (leave for a few minutes so that the sticks are saturated with condensed milk);
  3. Grind the nuts, cover with the next layer, form an anthill, put in the refrigerator until solidified.

Before serving, decorate the cake with chocolate chips.

Corn Cake with Chopsticks, Coconut and Liquor

This option would be appropriate for filing for a celebration or a family holiday, as it includes exquisite ingredients:

  • sticks - 400 g;
  • coconut flakes - 70 g;
  • liquor - 30 g;
  • condensed milk - 1 can.

Cooking time - 100 minutes.

Calorie content - 61 kcal.

Cooking steps:

  1. Grind the sticks a little;
  2. Mix condensed milk with liquor and combine with sticks;
  3. Put the mass in a form on parchment, put in the refrigerator until it hardens.

Sprinkle the cake with shredded coconut before serving.

In order for the cake, which contains corn sticks, to turn out perfect, you will need to know a few simple rules: it is better to fry the nuts in a hot pan without oil beforehand - the aroma will be saturated.

For a piquant taste, liquor or cognac is added, but if there are children in the house, then this ingredient is recommended to be replaced with fruit or berry syrup.

If chocolate is supposed to be used, then it is better to use bitter for contrast.

Condensed milk can be used with flavorings, and dried fruits should be soaked in warm water to soften before adding.

1. Dessert from corn sticks

Very often there are situations when you need to prepare a dessert for a child in a short period of time, this particular recipe will help you with this. In just a few minutes, you will have a wonderful dish that any kid will love.
. condensed milk - 3 tbsp. spoons.
. cocoa - 1 hour spoon.
. corn sticks - a quarter of the package.
Cooking. Pour the sticks into a plate, sprinkle with cocoa, mix. Put the sticks on a plate, pour over the condensed milk.

2. Roll of corn sticks

candy iris - 300g,
butter - 250g,
corn sticks - 200g.
Place butter and toffee in a bowl and put on fire, stirring constantly. Melt until smooth. Remove from heat, add corn sticks, stir, put in a mold or dish and put in a cold place for a short time.
Happy tea!

3. Sausages from corn sticks

This is another kind of sweet sausages. Although the manufacturing principle is very similar to sausages with cookies, it has a completely different, very pleasant taste.
marmalade - 150g
peeled walnuts - 200g
sweet corn sticks 170g
butter - 175g
condensed milk - 1 jar
We put corn sticks in a deep bowl, pour melted butter and boiled condensed milk. Mix thoroughly with your hands, gradually breaking the corn sticks. Cut the marmalade into cubes or strips and add it to the corn sticks. Chop the walnut. From the mass with corn sticks we sculpt an oblong sausage and roll it in crushed nuts. We wrap the resulting sausage in foil or cellophane. And put it in the freezer for 30 minutes. Our sausage is ready, you can cut it into slices and make tea.
Happy tea!

4. Cakes from corn sticks

For protein cream, mix nuts with honey and vanilla sugar. Introduce egg whites, whipped with powdered sugar in a lush foam.
For honey cream, grind the yolks until white, adding liquid honey and wine alternately in small portions. Beat the mass in a water bath until it increases in volume.
For 6 dishes, apply a thin layer of protein cream, lay a layer of corn sticks on them. Alternate layers of cream and corn sticks, laying them in a slide.
Cool the cakes by placing in the refrigerator, then pour hot honey cream. Cool the cakes again, sprinkle with grated chocolate candy on top. Happy tea!
crispy corn sticks - 300g
For cream:
. honey - ½ cup
. egg whites - 3 pcs.
. walnuts - ½ cup
. powdered sugar - 1 cup
. vanilla sugar - ½ teaspoon
. For cream:
. egg yolks - 3 pcs.
. honey - 3 tbsp. spoons
. red wine - ½ cup
. chocolate candy - 1 pc

5. Apricot squares

Soak gelatin in cold water, then dissolve in a water bath. Grind apricots in a blender, add egg yolks, sugar and cream, mix and pour in dissolved gelatin. Spread the prepared mass in a 1 cm layer into a mold, cool until gelatinous, then cut into squares. Bread the squares in crumbled corn sticks, place on a dish and decorate with cherries or cherries. Happy tea!
. canned apricots - 300g
. egg yolks - 2 pcs
. thick cream - 100g
. sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon
. gelatin - 10g
. cherry or sweet cherry - 200g
. corn sticks - 200g
5. Cake from corn sticks.
peeled walnuts or peanuts - 200g,
corn sticks - 180g,
boiled or regular condensed milk - 1 jar,
butter - 175g.
Pour the corn sticks into a deep bowl, put the condensed milk and melted butter there. Cut marmalade. Mix corn sticks with condensed milk and butter. In this case, you should knead the sticks very strongly with your hand, breaking them. Then add chopped marmalade and mix. We chop the nuts. From the resulting mass we form an oblong loaf. Roll in chopped nuts. Wrap in cellophane or foil. And send it to the freezer for half an hour. Take out of the fridge, unwrap and cut into slices crosswise. The cake is ready.
Happy tea!

6. Cake "Raffaello"

We pass the sticks through a meat grinder, add condensed milk. We knead the dough. Now we form small balls from the dough (like “Raffaello”), put a piece of nut inside, roll in coconut flakes. Everything - the cake is ready. Now - in the refrigerator for an hour. Very tasty, by the way! Happy tea!
Corn sticks - 100g-150g,
Condensed milk - 1 jar,
Nuts - 200g
Coconut shavings-100g.

7. Cake "Anthill"

Method of preparation: Mix the crushed nuts with honey and vanilla sugar, carefully add egg whites whipped with powdered sugar into a thick stable foam. Grind the yolks until white, adding liquid honey and wine in succession in small portions. Put the saucepan with the cream in a water or steam bath and beat. When the mixture begins to rise with a "cap", remove from the bath. On a small deep dish, apply a thin layer of protein cream, drown a layer of corn sticks into it. Repeat layers of cream and corn sticks, laying them in a slide, like an anthill. Let the base of the cake harden slightly in the refrigerator, pour hot yolk cream from top to bottom, cool, sprinkle with finely grated chocolate candy or a piece of chocolate on top and keep the cake in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours. Happy tea!

Ingredients (for 8-10 servings):
. fresh crispy corn sticks 1-2 packets.
Cream for the cake layer:
. 100g honey
. 3 squirrels
. 200g crushed walnut kernels
. vanilla sugar to taste
. cream for filling the cake:
. 3 yolks
. 3 st. l. honey
. ½ cup red wine

8. "Golden balls" with coconut

1 pack of corn sticks,
1 can of condensed milk,
1 tsp Sahara,
200g butter,
1 tsp honey.
Mash the sticks, then mix the condensed milk with sugar, honey and butter. Then mold balls from the resulting golden mass, roll them in coconut flakes and put in the cold. Happy tea!

9. Waffles "Meteorite"

1 pack of corn sticks,
1 kg toffee,
300 g butter.
Melt toffees "Tuzik" or "Golden Key" with butter. Add chopped corn sticks. Form into balls, dip in glaze and refrigerate. Happy tea!

10. Hedgehogs

7 packs of corn sticks,
600g candies "Iris",
20g butter.
Melt toffee in hot butter and stir thoroughly. Dried corn sticks are gradually added to this mass and put for 1 hour in a warm place.
Balls are formed from the resulting mass, put them on a dish so that they do not touch each other, and put in the cold for 2 hours. Happy tea!

11. Cakes "Chickens"

Corn sticks (120g),
condensed milk (slightly smaller than a can),
a pack of butter.
For decoration:
condensed milk.
Put a pack of butter from the refrigerator. To cook chickens, it must be soft.
Chop the corn sticks into crumbs. You can crumble with a rolling pin, mortar or hands, which is much easier and faster. A child of 3.5 years old will be happy to do this procedure. Leave some of the crumbs for breading.
In the corn mixture, add part of the condensed milk and half a pack, in pieces, of butter. Mix it all with a fork until smooth. If the mixture is dry, you can add a little oil with condensed milk until you feel that you can sculpt from the mass.
We prepare crumbled corn sticks for breading and begin to sculpt small balls. Roll each ball in corn crumbs and place on a tray or large plate.
We put the finished chickens in the refrigerator for 30 minutes, and we ourselves prepare the cream for the noses and eyes. We made the cream from the same butter and condensed milk. Only in the eyes we added a little cocoa, and in the spouts of food coloring. But if you don't want to use dye, the noses can also be made brown.
We take the chickens out of the refrigerator, decorate and put them in the refrigerator for an hour and a half. Spouts can be made without a culinary syringe.
We cut off a corner (10x10 cm) from the plastic bag, make a small hole in the very corner (like a culinary bag), put cream into the bag, and squeeze it out, forming spouts. . Happy tea!

12. Cake Lapushka.

1 pack of corn sticks
100g nuts
100g raisins
1 jar of condensed milk
For decoration:
Half a bar of white and dark chocolate
Powdered sugar
Prepare cream. Sugar, cocoa, sour cream, butter combine, bring to a boil, cook over low heat, stir constantly until the cream thickens. Combine corn sticks, chopped nuts, condensed milk, raisins, mix well.
Put the mass in a round shape, pour the cream. Grate black and white chocolate. Decorate one half of the cake with dark chocolate, the other with white.
That's it, no-bake cake is ready!
