
Collection of works of art "everything about bread". Conversation about bread

Today I will tell you all about bread. The history of bread is inseparable from the history of mankind.

Approximately 17 thousand years ago, tribes settled in the Nile Valley and began to collect wild cereals. At first they ate spikelets. Later, the grains began to be crushed, dried on stones and fed on it. Spikelets were cut with stone sickles, grinding into flour with stone grinders. And the bread they made was not yet real.

Mealy grains are not very tasty.

It is not very pleasant to eat them raw,

But in winter they are very necessary,

And people understood it all!

Of course, it was easy to store them.

The whole tribe went for grain.

They had to go far for grain

And spend precious time on it.

Have not been able to grow wheat yet

And they did not dare to cultivate the land either.

They believed: plants are subject to the gods,

And they did not want to argue with the gods.

Once a hunter spilled grain

Priceless grains fell to the ground.

And soon, in part, it sprouted.

The hunter remembered that incident, no doubt.

This is how people learned to grow grains of bread.

Initially, a person cooked porridge for himself from grains of bread. Then they began to pre-roast the grains to give them a sweetish taste.

Once an ancient woman accidentally spilled a thick stew on hot stones. She was sorry for the missing flour, she picked up the baked rounds, which did not yet have a name, and wanted to throw it aside, but changed her mind. He smelled so tempting! I decided to try. Tasty! After that, they began to fry the porridge from the grains on the stones.
When we take bread in our hands, we do not think about the hard work put into it.

And now we will talk with you about the people who grew wheat so that bread would be on our table.

The main person is the plowman.

Ancient people loosened the earth with a simple stick. Then came the hoe, then the shovel. And even later, a plow appeared. Sokha was made of linden and pulled by her horse. The iron plow appeared much later. Later, man invented the tractor and the six-furrow plow.

Before you start sowing, you need to work the soil with a tractor. It is plowed, harrowed, cultivated. And only after such tillage, sowing can begin. This is a very responsible job.
Glory to those who at dawn

Before the sun rose

I put my face in the wind

For the ear to pour

And did not suddenly fall out of the hail.

And sow and nurture

Each spikelet is needed,

And while the dew is smoking

Mow thick bread on time,

So as not to fall from the ears

Ground golden grains.

Autumn will not ask about rain,

Was he in May or not?

He will ask if the ears of corn have been harvested

Under the July sultry sky.

Glory to those hands that smell of bread!

Three people are important on the field - a plowman, an agronomist, a combine operator.

I just told you that a plowman is the one who plows, sows and feeds the seeds with fertilizer.

Combine operator - removes grain from the fields. And one more person for whom the field is like a home. This is an agronomist. Its main task is to ensure a high and high-quality harvest. Therefore, he defines a field for each crop. An agronomist walks through the fields and watches the seedlings of wheat. He organizes weed control. He also makes sure that the plants do not get sick, and the crop is harvested in a timely manner.

From a grain of wheat, you can get about 20 milligrams of first grade flour. It takes 10,000 grains to bake one loaf of white bread.

Wheat rises like a golden wall.

Did you know she is the bread queen?

Yes, indeed, wheat is the queen of bread, because it is from wheat flour that the best bread is baked: porous, tasty and surprisingly white. Zoya Vasilievna also bakes pies for you from premium wheat flour.

In honor of bread, hymns and songs were composed, rituals were performed, and holidays were held to coincide with the sowing season and harvesting.

Honored guests, the bride and groom were greeted with bread and salt.

Bread is an indispensable part of any meal. Both everyday food and a festive feast rarely do without bread.

Bread is made from wheat, rye, barley, oats, millet, rice and corn. Depending on what kind of flour is used, bread of different taste and type is obtained.

Many different types of bread in Rus'. However, the word "bread" was more often called that baked from rye flour. Rye, "black", bread was more satisfying than wheat, white, besides, it was much cheaper. Yes, and rye in the old days was called a zhit from the word "to live." After all, there is bread, so there is life!

Centuries have passed, but even today bread is considered an important food for humans. Now bread is baked by special machines. But no matter how easy bread is given, do not forget the main thing: the more carefully we treat bread, the more prosperous our life will become!
Poems about bread

  1. Loaf of earth and sky
On your table

Nothing is stronger than bread

No on earth.

  1. In every little piece
grain fields,

And on each spike

The earth is holding.

  1. In a small grain of wheat
Summer and winter

The power of the sun is stored

And native land
4. And grows under a bright sky

Slender and tall

Like the homeland is immortal

Bread spikelet.

  1. It only snowed in April
How the fields turned green.

We say: "Bread".

  1. Boundless golden expanse,
There are combine harvesters

We say: "Bread".

  1. Here the grain flows like a river,
To become flour.

We say: "Bread".

  1. Let spinning in the bowl
Baked on fire.

We say: "Bread".

  1. Eat it grow and remember:
There is no greater work in the world

To come to your table

Fresh bread.

  1. If we want someone
Meet with honor and honor,

Meet generously, from the heart,

With great respect,

  1. We meet such guests
Lush round loaf.

He is on a painted saucer,

With a white towel.
In 1988, the first museum was opened in St. Petersburg. The exhibits of this unusual museum allow you to look into the past, see the life and customs of our ancestors, and most importantly, understand how they treated their "daily bread". In the museum you can learn a lot of interesting things about bread baking from the time of Tsar Peter to the present day. The museum keeps a piece of bread weighing 125 grams (about the size of a little finger). Such a tiny ration of bread in Leningrad during the hungry time of the blockade, a person received for the whole day. The Museum of Bread has more than 18,000 exhibits of bread! And a day is not enough to see everything. Today, other museums of bread are open in Russia - in Pskov and Yelabuga, in Odessa, in Kyiv in Ukraine.
In the smoke of the Leningrad sky,

On bitterness of mortal wounds

Heavy bread, blockade bread

One hundred twenty-five grams.

In the years of hardships and hardships, the new world matured and grew stronger.

People walked in the fire of battles for freedom and for bread.

So the words are correct: “Bread is the head of all life!”

And so it happened all over the earth: from year to year, from generation to generation - for centuries

The bread that is on the table in every house was warmed by human hands.

You will grow up and after many years you will return here again at dawn and say: “There is nothing more expensive than warm bread in this wide world!”

"Bread and salt" - says the Russian, greeting everyone. How many Russian proverbs and sayings related to bread! After all, bread is the head of everything.

Guys, let's remember the proverbs and sayings that glorify bread.

Why was it believed among the Russian people that "The hut is not red with corners, but red with pies"? (The Russian people have always been famous for their hospitality, hospitality. It is not necessary to have a rich house, the main thing is that everyone in the house is greeted with kindness and a smile).

The proverb cut off the slice, says: the white loaf is whole, it has become open, and the slice is separate. That is why they began to call the cut off slice of the members who left the family. Daughter, given in marriage, separated and healed his own home son.

Now let's do some quizzes:

  1. What kind of bread is considered the most delicious? (Wheat)

  1. What is semolina made from? (from wheat)

  1. What food is never boring? (bread)

  1. What machine removes bread? (Combine)

  1. What products can be obtained from flour? (pasta, bread, pies, straws, bagels, etc.)

Ah, now the omens competition. Task: Complete the sentence:

Smoke spreads - to be ... (bad weather)
Smoke column - to ... (frost)
Rainy Indian summer - autumn ... (dry)
Mosquitoes in November - be ... (mild winter).
1. What is the name of the Russian folk tale, the main character of which is a bakery product? (Kolobok)

2. In what way did the fairy-tale bear carry Masha with pies to her grandparents? (In a box)

3. What kind of crop was sown by a cunning man with a bear in the Russian folk tale "The Man and the Bear?" (Rye)

4. What did the cunning soldier cook porridge from in one of the Russian folk tales? (From an ax. "Porridge from an ax").

5. Where did the magic pot come from the girl from the fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm "Pot of Porridge"? (It was a gift from an old woman whom the girl treated to berries in the forest)

6. He is golden and mustachioed, there are a hundred guys in a hundred pockets. What is this? (Ear)

7. Who wrote the fairy tale "The Magic Pot", in which the whole city was filled with porridge. What words should be said to the pot? (Brothers Grimm; "pot boil", "pot do not boil")

8. How many children did the white-sided magpie have? (Five)

10. What did the fox treat the crane to? (semolina in a bowl)

11. What is the porridge made of, which the priest from the fairy tale of A.S. Pushkin fed his worker? (From spelled)

12. Finish the saying shchi and porridge - .... (our food).


  1. For harvesting
I go to the fields

And for several cars

I work there alone (combine)

  1. Drinks petrol like milk
Can run far.

Carries goods and people.

Are you familiar with her? (car)

  1. She walks behind a tractor across the field,
Selected grains are poured into it.

And where is her trace a little noticeable to go to bed,

Then there is a bountiful harvest. (seeder).

  1. Oats are not fed
They do not drive with a whip,

And how it plows - it drags seven plows (Tractor)

  1. Hot, sultry, stuffy day.
Even chickens seek shade.

The mowing of bread has begun,

Time for berries and mushrooms.

His days are the pinnacle of summer.

What, say, for a month is this? (July)

  1. He stands in the sun and wiggles his mustache.
You crush it in the palm of your hand -

Stuffed with golden grain (Spike)

  1. Teeth move, combs wave,
Harvesters run across the field,

Like a boy under a car

The field is cut bare (harvest) - this is the harvesting of bread

  1. I will go to the warm earth, I will ascend to the sun with an ear,
Then there will be a whole family like me in it! (Corn)

  1. White in winter, black in spring, green in summer, trimmed in autumn. (Field)

  1. From the sky the sun is golden, golden rays are pouring. In the field, a friendly wall of golden barbels. (Wheat)

  1. What turns green for two weeks, spikes for two weeks, fades for two weeks, pours for two weeks, dries up for two weeks? (Rye)

  1. It happens with oatmeal, with rice, with meat and millet, with sweet cherries. First they put him in the oven, and when he comes out of there, they put him on a dish. (Pie).

It is a great blessing to have bread on the table every day. Nobody will argue with this. Without bread, it is hard to imagine breakfast, lunch or dinner, a weekend walk in the country, a trip to go fishing or picking mushrooms, or, say, a long journey ...

But do we always feel grateful to bread and to those who grew it? We do not think about how long the path of bread to our table was. How much labor is invested in each golden grain! It is, in fact, gold. How many people worked hard to create a golden warm bun!

Bread is the property of the people, the abundance of bread is one of the symbols of the greatness and power of the Motherland, and a respectful attitude towards it should become a daily norm.

The one who grows bread will not leave a half-eaten piece anywhere. Do so too. From a young age, learn to appreciate the work of others.

human hands

The rye bowed its heavy head.
“Thank you, sun and gentle rain!
Thanks to the earth
What was my home
And strong hands
To my old acquaintances.

I remember how my hands worked hard
To sow amber seeds in the ground,
And now they're harvesting.
Thank you hands
For your good work!

I spent a long winter in the ground,
Huddled under the snow
I was trembling from the cold,
But the sun warmed me for a long time,
And I brought the golden grain.

Who wants to try rye bread!
And if you sow me again,
I will find the way again under the snow
And I will become an ear
And I will come to the people.”

Author - Yanina Diagutite

* * *

Quietly the rye stood on tiptoe...

Quietly the rye stood on tiptoe and reached for the heavens.
The motley summer scattered over the fields, through the forests.
Here are lanky daisies whispering with porridge.
But blue-eyed forget-me-nots start a round dance.

Cornflowers, like drops, splashed, as if the sky had spilled.
A cloud ran up from afar, soaked the forest through and through.
The sun draws stripes in the sky, the birds started a song
Ripe, ear to ear, sweet bread of my land!

Author - Yanina Diagutite


A man puts a grain in the ground,
It will rain - the grain is irrigated.
Steep furrow and soft snow
The grain will be sheltered from everyone for the winter.
In the spring the sun will rise to its zenith
And the new spikelet will gild.
There are many ears in the harvest year,
And the man will remove them from the field.
And the golden hands of the bakers
Ruddy bread will be kneaded quickly.
And the woman on the edge of the board
Ready bread cut into pieces.
To all who cherished the spikelet of bread,
On conscience will get a piece.

* * *


It's not hard to live without cutlets,
Kissel is not often needed,
But it's bad if there is no bread
For lunch, breakfast, dinner.

He is the king of food, even though he looks modest.
From antiquity to the present
Among the dishes of various bread stands
Honored in the middle.

He is tens of thousands of years old.
People fought for centuries
Until our bread has become like this,
What lies on the dish.

You will find it on the table
Romans and Greeks
In the war, in the time of fierce troubles,
Saved man's bread.

And now he feeds people's bread -
Doctors, soldiers, workers.
And this gift of his land
We must take great care!

Moscow, 1987 Author - Olga Stratonovich

* * *

In every grain of wheat
Summer and winter
The power of the sun is stored
And native land.
And grow under the bright sky
Slender and tall
Like an immortal Motherland,
Bread spikelet.

* * *

Grains of our days, shine
Carved with gilding!
We say: “Take care.
Take care of your own bread...
We did not dream of a miracle.
To us from the fields live speech:
“Take care of the bread, you people!
Learn to save bread.

* * *

Smells like bread

In the empty fields of stubble
Withers and turns gray.
The sun is only in the middle of the day
Lights up but doesn't heat up.

Gray fog in the morning
Wandering through the swamps
Is there something hiding there?
Toli is looking for something.
After dark nights
The sky is blooming....

And in the village of furnaces
Pulls fresh bread ....
Rye bread smells like home
Mom's buffet
The breeze of the native land,
Sunshine and summer.

The knife is sharpened on a block.
- Dad, give me a piece!

Translation by I. Tokmakova

* * *

Rye bread, loaves, rolls

you won't get it on a walk.

People cherish bread in the fields,

they spare no effort for bread.

* * *

Re-grown and threshed
Again it flows into the bins.
The weary palm is black
He heals, falling, grain.

We raved about them in a short dream.
And here it is, our work, in plain sight.
Everything that is not eaten is forgotten
And what is not slept in suffering.

The sky is happy for the sun,

sunflower field.

Happy tablecloth loaf:

* * *

Here it is Fragrant Bread,
Here it is warm and golden.
In every house, on every table,
he complained, he came.
In it is our health, strength,

it has wonderful warmth.
How many hands raised him

Protected, protected.
In it - the earth's native juice,
The sun's light is cheerful in it ...
Gobble up both cheeks, grow up as a hero!

* * *

Evil winds bent the ear, and it rained on the ear,
But they could not break him over the summer.
That's what I am! - he boasted -

He coped with the wind, with the water!
Before that, he became proud, grew up with a beard.

* * *

So the summer has flown by, pulling cold from the river.
The rye ripened, turned yellow, tilted the spikelets.
Two harvesters are walking in the field. Back and forth, end to end.
Reap - thresh, reap - thresh, harvest.
In the morning the rye stood like a wall. By night, the rye was gone.
Only the sun has set, the grain has emptied.

Author - V.Voronko
* * *
Spring day, it's time to plow. We went out into the tractor field.
My father and brother lead them, they lead them hunchbacked over the hills.
I'm in a hurry to catch up with them, I ask you to ride.
And my father answers me: - The tractor plows, does not roll!
Wait a minute, grow up, you will lead the same!

* * *

About bread

I saw it once, on the way.
The boy tossed dry bread.
And deftly beaten bread crazy feet.
He played like a ball, a mischievous boy.

Then the old woman came up and, bending down,
I took a loaf, crying suddenly, left
The boy looked after her, smiling.
Decided it was a beggar.

Here is the grandfather, who was sitting on the bench, nearby.
He got up and approached the boy
“Why,” he asked, in a tired voice –
"You boy did wrong."

And in the morning, on Victory Day, veterans.
All at the parade, to the school, that one, they came.
The boy seemed very strange,
That the veterans carried bread with them.

The boy recognized, in the old veteran.
The gray-haired old man, on that bench.
He froze, the room was silent.
And fragrant bread on the big table.

And the one, the old woman, who left with the loaf.
She sat nearby, her chest all in orders.
In the eyes of the boy are blue, bottomless.
Suddenly, fear appeared with tears.

She cut the bread and took the crust.
The boy, gently, in the hands of filed.
And the story told by that old woman.
She transferred him to besieged Leningrad.

A cold city appeared in front of him.
In the enemy ring, fighting all around.
Winter is raging and severe hunger.
And the loaf that was raised from the ground.

Having pressed the loaf, he rushes along the road.
He knows his sick mother is waiting.
He hurries to her, his feet are cold.
But he is happy, he brings bread home.

And at home, carefully, he cuts the loaf.
Counting the pieces to be enough for them.
Let it be dry and let it not be very fresh.
It was unique and very expensive.

Slicing the bread, sweeps the crumbs into his hand.
And the mother, her piece, carries.
He sees pain and anguish in her eyes.
And that dumb question "You ate, son"

But, remembering how he beat the loaf with his foot.
He snatched that bread from her hands
The mother screamed, “What, son, is it with you.
Give me bread, I will die from these torments.

He sobbed and again before his eyes.
An old woman that takes a loaf from the ground.
She stands with gentle hands.
The boy, fragrant bread, serves.

He takes bread and to the heart, pressing it.
She runs home, there, her mother is sick, waiting.
She understands the mother's pain with all her heart.
And he does not wait for excuses.

He enters the house, veterans are sitting in it.
Everything in the hall froze, only a heartbeat is heard.
Everything went to sleep, only wounds remained
From the pain of that, there was fear in the eyes.

He understood the price, those tears and bread.
Which, boldly, he turned into a ball.
On the ground, again he was returned from the sky.
The words of the old woman "Eat, son, do not cry"

She stands and strokes her head.
Looks into the eyes, the way the mother looked.
He suddenly felt ashamed and embarrassed.
"Sorry" was all he could say.

I saw how quiet it was along the way.
A boy walks with his head bowed.
And the gray-haired grandfather smokes everything on the threshold.
All the pain of the soul, keeping silent.

* * *

Bread is being baked

A thin stream of nourishing
A warm scent wafts through the corners.
I breathe in a world of joyful, original
With love and tears in half.
How simple is the understanding of the Universe,
When, waking up in the morning in the warmth,
Under the sunbeam kiss,
You will see homemade bread on the table.

* * *

I remember bread. He was black and sticky -
The rye flour was coarsely ground.
But faces blurred from smiles,
When the loaf was placed on the table.

Vein bread. He was fit for lean cabbage soup,
Crumbled, it was not bad with kvass.
He elm in the teeth, stuck to the gums.
We tore it off with our tongue.

It was sour, because it was with bran!
I can’t guarantee that I was without a quinoa.
And yet with palms greedy lips
I picked up the crumbs after eating.

I am invariably keen
And with a trembling heart I watched
Behind the formidable, cold-blooded bread cutter,
He was cutting bread! He shared black bread!

I admired him, direct and honest,
He cut roughly, imperiously, without fanfare,
Burnt crust, as in charcoal,
Soiled, almost to the elbows.

On him a canvas shirt was wet,
He was great in the delight of labor.
He cut bread, not knowing fatigue,
Without wiping your face with your sleeve!

* * *

And flyers flew from the sky
On the thresholds of frozen apartments:
“There will be bread. Do you want bread?..”
“There will be peace. Are you dreaming of the world?”

Children, crying, asked for bread.
There is nothing worse than torture.
Leningraders did not open the gates
And they did not go to the city wall.

No water, no heat, no light.
The day is like a black night.
Maybe there is no power in the world,
To overcome all this?
They died and said:
Our children will see the light!
But they did not open the gate.
Don't get on your knees, no!
Is it any wonder that in military work
Is our city like a soldier good? ..
Peter built it in a swamp,
But you will not find a stronger land.

* * *

In the oral work of the Russian people, the mention of bread is common. This is not surprising, for a long time it was eaten, the fate of people until the next harvest depended on how rich the harvest was.

* * *

There would be bread, but the teeth are found.

The snow is white, but the dog runs on it, the earth is black, but the bread will give birth.

There would be a head on the shoulders, but there will be bread.

No salt, no bread - half a meal.

Watch bread for food, and a penny for trouble.

Throw bread back, find yourself in front.

Keep the bread in the corner, and the money in the knot.

There would be bread, but there will be mice.

Without a piece of bread, longing is everywhere.

Bread is not kneaded without sourdough.

Bread is not food without salt.

They don't dine without bread.

There would be bread, but people will have bread.

It is hard to live without bread and water.

There will be bread - there will be lunch.

You can't cut bread without a knife.

Without bread and rush in honor.

You are my brother, eat your bread.

Without salt, without bread, a thin conversation.

There will be bread - there will be lunch.

You can't cut bread without a knife.

Without bread and without porridge, our labors are worthless.

Without salt it is not tasty, but without bread it is not satisfying.

In debt - not money, in sheaves - not bread.

Without a plow and a harrow, the king will not find bread.

Without bread and rush in honor.

Save bread for food and money for trouble.

As long as there is bread and water, everything is not a problem.

A beggar has bread on his mind, a miser has a crust in his account.

Where the weed blooms, there the bread wilts.

Whoever is happy to work will be rich in bread.

The bread is not without crumbs.

Where there is bread, there are mice.

As long as there is a flail on the threshing floor, there is bread on the table.

Until tomorrow, they leave only bread, not deeds.

We are not proud people: there is no bread, serve pies.

To get up early is to get a lot of bread, and to sleep long is a duty to sleep.

Lunch is bad if there is no bread.

Buckwheat porridge is our mother, and rye bread is our father.

Eat pies, but take care of the bread ahead.

Animals live where bread is born.

You won’t be full of conversation if you don’t get bread.

If you don’t fertilize the rye, you will collect bread for a penny.

Whoever has a lot of bread - so get pigs, and whoever has a lot of money - so take off the mill.

The neighbor’s bread was also hailed, but mine won’t get up.

Man is not fed up with bread alone.

You will not be angry for long with bread and children.

You can’t knead sourdough and you won’t eat bread.

As the bread came, so the pie went, and the pie came, so the pancake went, and the pancake came, so it went into the world.

Bread and salt! - Eh, yeah mine. - There is bread! - Nowhere to sit.

A man sowed bread for good luck, and a quinoa was born.

Potato bread help.

Unwinned bread is not hunger, and a well-woven shirt is not nakedness.

Whoever yawns sips water.

Eat some bread, and take care of the pies ahead.

You can't make bread out of flour alone.

In the field - for bread, in the forest - for firewood.

There, bread will not be born, where no one works in the field.

I would be glad with my soul, but someone else's bread.

And the thin one lives and chews bread.

Not everyone plows who eats bread.

Our father is not like a peasant: break gingerbread, and slurp with cabbage soup, and sit down to eat - and honor bread.

Dung steals bread from God.

Better bread and water than a pie with trouble.

Seek like bread is sought.

Money loves counting, and bread loves measure.

Lonely where there is bread, there is a corner.

Our sayings are about the bread crust.

There is a lot of firewood in the forest, but there is no bread.

Like an edge of bread, so is paradise under the spruce, and not a piece of bread, so is melancholy in the tower.

Need bread for after dinner.

It’s not appropriate to disassemble pies, if there is no bread.

Bitter dinner without bread.

Money account, and bread measure.

There is bread - so eat it, but not - so look.

Eat bread if there are no pies.

And the bread misses its side.

Bread is expensive, as there is no money.

It does not matter that there is quinoa in bread, then troubles when there is neither bread nor quinoa.

You go for a day - take bread for a week.

Hungry godmother has bread on his mind.

A word for an answer, and bread for dinner.

Seven miles of jelly slurp.

Although chrome bread, but your own will.

I ate bread from seven ovens.

Do not wait for the harvest, this life - there will be bread.

Everything is one, that bread, that mountain ash: both are sour.

Sweat on the back - so is the bread on the table.

They danced that they were left without bread.

And the dog humbles himself before bread.

Lived to the stick, that no bread, no flour.

They will give bread - they will give businessmen.

It is easy to sleep on the floor behind ready-made bread.

Where there are peas in the middle of the field, there will be no bread on the edge.

Be lazy - and lose bread.

Work until you sweat, eat bread on the hunt.

To live in a house-commune is not to break bread in pieces, but in chunks.

Do not work - do not achieve bread.

Hungry and the patriarch will steal bread.

Such a pestle and eats bread.

Old bread and salt is not forgotten.

Like bread and kvass, so everything is with us, and the tablecloth from the table, and friendship swam away.

Who steals, he grieves, and we live - we chew bread and salt.

Not crushed, not millet; not hammer bread - not flour.

A dog would buy bread for lunch, but there is no money.

No matter how any grain fell into the bottom of the barrel, there would be so much bread.

What is the bread, such is the case.

Not for Jesus, but for kusa bread.

From bread and salt do not refuse.

Great is your bread and salt, and all the crusts.

The rich have cargo on the ship, the poor have bread on their minds.

He drinks on salt, sleeps on bread.

When did you, grandmother, begin to tell fortunes? - And then, as the bread was gone.

Do not look to the sky - there is no bread there, but to the earth below - closer to bread.

If you want to eat, you will talk about bread.

Whose land, that and bread.

Everyone has enough to eat, and there will be no bread.

Give, gossip, schets, and your bread.

Everything is old: from what bread, from that and crackers.

It is not hard to carry a bag if there is bread in it.

On the new - to sow bread, on the junk - to carry manure.

Word - faith, bread - a measure, money - an account.

The Russian man brings bread and salt.

What a grief, if you didn’t sit by the river without bread.

Not everyone plows bread, but everyone eats it.

The husband - how to earn bread, and the wife - how to get rid of her husband.

Where the owner walks, there the earth will give birth to bread.

At least in the old way, at least in a new way, but you can’t live without bread.

If you bring manure, you will bring bread.

Kalach is not a substitute for bread.

Someone else's bread will sing like a rooster in the throat.

Go for a day, and take bread for a week.

Someone else's bread is always delicious.

He does not live poorly: he buys bread for free, dine with a neighbor, runs down to the river to drink.

They eat bread not only in your yard.

What is the land, such is the bread.

Whose bread you eat, that is your custom.

There is a land of bread, and paradise under the spruce.

Good bread and salt, but all the crusts.

Tselba hungry - bread and water.

A linen shirt is not naked, bread from the floor is not hungry.

Pies will bring to such a point that they will not give bread.

Porridge is our mother, and bread is our breadwinner.

Guess easily and quickly:
Soft, fluffy and fragrant,
He is black, he is white
And it gets burned.(Bread)

Lumpy, nosy,
And gubato, and humpbacked, and firmly,
And soft, and round, and brittle,
And black and white, and all nice.

Everyone needs, not everyone will do

They beat me with sticks, press me with stones,
Keep me in a fiery cave
They cut me with knives.
Why are they killing me like this?
For what they love. (Bread)

He is round and buttery,
Moderately cool, salted, -
Smells like sunshine
Smells like a burning field. (

Mouth and ride
Tempered in an oven
Then at the table
Cut with a knife.

Here he is -
Warm, golden.
To every house
For each table
He complained - he came. In him -
Health, our strength,
In him -
Wonderful warmth.
How many hands
He was raised
Protected, protected! (Bread)

The ring is not simple
Gold ring,
Shiny, crispy
All for a look...
Well, food! (
Bagel or bagel)

What is poured into the pan
Yes, they bend four times? (Pancakes)

First they put him in the oven,
How will he get out of there?
They put it on a dish.
Well, now call the guys!
Everyone eats a piece. (Pie)

I will ascend to the sun.
In it then, like me,

there will be a whole family.(grain)

Grew up in a field house.

The house is full of grain.

The walls are gilded.

The shutters are boarded up.

The house is shaking

On a pillar of gold Corn)

Jock-Jock-Jock is a pie.
Shki-shki-shki - mom fries pies.
Shki-shki-shki - we love pies.
Zhok-zhok-zhok - eat Zhenya's pie.
Ah-ah-ah - that's kalach.
Chi-chi-chi - kalachi baked in the oven.
Chi-chi-chi - we love kalachi.
Chi-chi-chi - there will be rolls for the holiday.

(Belarusian fairy tale)

A mower mowed in the meadow. Tired and sat under a bush to rest. He took out a bag, untied it and began to chew bread.

A hungry wolf comes out of the forest. He sees - under the bush the mower is sitting and eating something. The wolf approached him and asked:

What are you eating, man?

Bread, - the mower answers.

Is he delicious?

And what a delicious one!

Let me taste.

Well, take it.

The mower broke off a piece of bread and gave it to the wolf.

The wolf liked the bread. And he says:

I would like to eat bread every day, but where can I get it? Tell me man!

All right, - says the mower, - I'll teach you where and how to get bread.

And he began to teach the wolf:

First of all, you need to plow the land ...

Will there be bread then?

No, brother, wait. Then you need to harrow the earth ...

And can you eat bread? the wolf wagged its tail.

What are you, wait. First you need to sow rye ...

Will there be bread then? - licked the wolf.

Not yet. Wait until the rye sprouts, winters through the cold winter, grows in the spring, then blooms, then begins to sprout, then ripens ...

Oh, - the wolf sighed, - for a long time, however, you have to wait! But then I will eat plenty of bread! ..

Where do you eat! the mower interrupted him. - It's too early. First you need to squeeze the ripe rye, then tie it into sheaves, put the sheaves in shocks. The wind will blow them, the sun will dry them, then take them to the current ...

And will I eat bread?

Eh, how impatient! We must first thresh the sheaves, pour the grain into sacks, take the sacks to the mill and grind the flour ...

And all?

No, not all. You need to knead the flour and wait until the dough rises. Then plant in a hot oven.

And baked bread?

Yes, the bread will bake. That's when you eat it, - the mower finished the lesson.

The wolf thought, scratched the back of his head with his paw and said:

No! This work is painfully long and hard. Better advise me, man, how to get food easier.

Well, - says the mower, - if you don’t want to eat heavy bread, eat light. Go to the pasture, there the horse is grazing.

The wolf came to pasture. I saw a horse.

Horse, horse! I will eat you.

Well, says the horse, eat. Just first take off the horseshoes from my feet so as not to break your teeth about them.

And that's true, - agreed the wolf. He bent down to take off his horseshoes, and the horse would hit him in the teeth with a hoof ... The wolf turned somersaults - and run.

Ran to the river. He sees geese grazing on the shore. “Shouldn’t I eat them?” -thinks. Then he says:

Geese, geese! I'll eat you.

Well, - the geese answer, - eat. But first, do us one favor before you die.


Sing to us and we will listen.

It's possible. I am a master of singing.

The wolf sat on a bump, lifted his head and let's howl. And the geese wings clap, clap - rose and flew.

The wolf got down from the hummock, looked after the geese and went away with nothing.

He goes and scolds himself with the last words: “Well, I'm a fool! Why agreed to sing? Well, now I’ll eat whoever I meet!”

Only he thought so, looking - the old grandfather is walking along the road. The wolf ran up to him.

Grandfather, grandfather, I'll eat you!

And why so hurry? - says Del. - Let's sniff some tobacco first.

Is he delicious?

Try it - you'll know.


The grandfather took out a tobacco pouch from his pocket, sniffed it himself and gave it to the wolf. As the wolf sniffed at the top of his lungs, so the whole pouch of tobacco and inhaled. And then he began to sneeze over the whole forest ... He doesn’t see anything from tears, he keeps sneezing. So he sneezed for an hour, until he sneezed out all the tobacco. I looked around, and grandfather had already caught a trace.

Ram, ram, I'll eat you!

Well, says the ram, this is my share. But so that you don’t suffer for a long time and don’t break your teeth on my old bones, get better out there in that hollow and open your mouth, and I will run up the hill, accelerate and I myself will attract into your mouth.

Thanks for the advice, says the wolf. - So we'll do it.

He stood in a hollow, opened his mouth and waited. And the ram ran up the hill, accelerated and hit the wolf's head with the horns. So the sparks from the eyes of the gray fell, the whole light swirled in front of him!

The wolf came to his senses, shook his head and argues with himself:

Did I eat it or not?

In the meantime, the mower has finished his work and is going home. He heard the words of the wolf and said:

I didn’t eat something, but I tasted light bread.

Kitten - golden forehead

(Belarusian fairy tale)

There lived a grandfather and a woman. Yes, so poor that they had nothing to eat or cook. Here the woman says to the grandfather:
- Take, grandfather, a hatchet, go to the woods, cut down an oak tree, take it to the market, sell it and buy a measure of flour. Let's bake some bread.
The grandfather got ready, went to the forest, began to cut the oak tree. A cat jumped off the oak - a golden forehead, a golden ear, a silver ear, a golden hair, a silver hair, a golden paw, a silver paw.
- Grandfather, grandfather, what do you need?
“Yes, kitty, my dear, the old woman sent me to cut down an oak tree, take it to the market, sell it and buy a measure of flour for bread.
- Go home, grandfather: you will have flour! Grandfather came home, lo and behold - and his bin is full of flour!
The woman baked bread, ate herself, fed the grandfather and said to him:
- It would not hurt now to weld the grout. But here's the problem: there is no salt. Take, grandfather, an axe, go to the forest, knock on the oak, maybe a cat will jump out - a golden forehead: ask him for salt.
- Grandfather, grandfather, what do you want?
- Why, kitty, my dove: there is bread, but there is no salt!
- Go, grandfather, home: you will have salt! Grandfather came home, lo and behold - and he has a whole tub of salt!
The woman cooked the grout, ate herself, fed the grandfather and said to him:
- It would not hurt to taste the cabbage now. Sharpen, grandfather, hatchet, go to the woods, knock on the oak, maybe a cat will jump out - a golden forehead: ask him for cabbage.
Grandfather sharpened his hatchet, went into the woods, knocking on the oak ... A cat jumped out - a golden forehead, a golden ear, a silver ear, a golden hair, a silver hair, a golden paw, a silver paw.
- Grandfather, grandfather, what do you want?
- Yes, here, kitty, my dove: there is bread, there is salt, there is no cabbage!
- Go, grandfather, home: you will have cabbage! He came home, and he had a barrel of cabbage. Baba says:
- Oh, how good! Now if only there was more lard... You and I would have boiled cabbage soup and seasoned with lard. Do not be lazy, grandfather, take an axe, go to the forest, knock on the oak, maybe a cat will jump out - a golden forehead: ask him for lard.
Grandfather took an axe, went into the woods, a knock on an oak tree ... A cat jumped out - a golden forehead, a golden ear, a silver ear, a golden hair, a silver hair, a golden paw, a silver paw.
- Grandfather, grandfather, what do you want?
- Yes, here, kitty, my dove: the woman asks for more lard for cabbage.
- Okay, grandfather, go home: there will be fat!
Grandfather comes home, and he has a whole kubelet fat! Happy grandfather, happy grandmother. They began to live not to grieve, to tell fairy tales to children. And now they live, chew bread, slurp cabbage soup. Here's a fairy tale for you, and a bunch of bagels for me.

About the wise old man

(Ethiopian tale)

There lived an old man in the world. In his long life he never said an empty word. What he knew, he knew for sure. And if he didn't know something, he didn't talk about it. Everywhere the old man was honored and respected for his wisdom. But there were also those who envied the good reputation of the old man and decided to laugh at him.
That's what the evil people came up with. One of them shaved the right half of his head, from the forehead to the back of the head, then smeared the piebald horse's left side with red paint and led it past the old man's house. After a while, the friends of this young guy also went to the old man's house, following the friend. They stopped near the house, bowed to the old man with respect and said:
Are all your days good?
And then, as if by chance, they ask:
- Tell me, did a curly-haired young man with a red horse pass here?
The old man replied:
- Yes, a young man with a horse passed here. The side of his head that I saw was curly, but I don't know if his whole head was curly. And that side of the horse that I saw was red, but whether it also had the other side red - or was it piebald, or black - I do not know.
On another occasion, these cunning people dressed up a girl in the clothes of a boy, girded her in the same way as they gird boys.

Then they shaved the wool from one side of the black sheep and ordered the girl to go with this sheep past the old man. After some time, they went after her.

They stopped near the old man's house and bowed to him with respect, wished him happy days of life, and then asked, as if by the way:
- Tell me, did a boy with a long-haired sheep pass here?
The old man replied:
- Yes, a child with a sheep passed along the road. That side of the sheep that I saw was overgrown with long black wool, but what kind of wool the sheep has on the other side - black or white, long or shorn - I do not know. And the child I saw was dressed as a boy, but whether it was a boy or a girl in disguise, I don't know either.
Then for the third time, the cunning friends decided to try to catch the old man on the wrong word. They dressed the boy as a girl, gave the boy a basket in which they carry bread, put stones in it and said to the boy:
- Get past this old man!
And then they themselves went to the old man.
They bowed low to him and said with reverence:
- May your days pass in good health! Did you see a girl on the road carrying a basket of bread?
The old man said:
- Yes, I saw a child who was carrying a bread basket. The child was dressed as a girl, but whether it was a girl or a boy in disguise, I don't know.

In the hands of the child was a basket for bread, but whether there was bread in it, or maybe there were stones in it, or whether it was empty, I don’t know either.
The sly ones saw that their cunning failed again for the third time. They turned to leave. But the old man stopped them and said:
- Listen and remember my words. What a person sees is not all that can be seen. And if they came to your house with a bow and greetings, do not rush to say that it was friends who came. It can also be enemies who set a trap for you.
And those who wanted to laugh at the old man left his house in great embarrassment and shame.

lazy girl

(Bashkir fairy tale)

Once upon a time, a grandmother and a granddaughter lived in the world. Grandmother grew old and could no longer work. And the granddaughter was young, but very lazy. Year by year, my grandmother grew old and weakened, her strength left her.
Spring has come, and my grandmother thinks: “People are sowing bread, we also need to drink and eat, we should sow something.” She told her granddaughter about it.
“No need, grandmother,” the granddaughter answered her. - You have already become old, you will die by autumn, and there, you see, there will be a kind person and take me into his family. Why do we need bread?
Grandma just sighed in response. So they did not sow anything in the spring.
Then autumn came. People are harvesting grown bread from the fields. The grandmother did not die, and no one took care of her granddaughter.

They had to starve.
Once a neighbor came to them, saw that the grandmother and granddaughter had absolutely nothing to eat, and said:
- If you would come to me, I could give you some millet.
After the neighbor has left, the grandmother says to her granddaughter:
- Granddaughter, go and bring millet!
And the granddaughter replies:
- Is it necessary, grandmother? Maybe her millet is not good ...
Grandmother and granddaughter starved all winter and almost died. But as soon as spring came, the granddaughter went out into the field to work.
- Why work hard? neighbors laughed at her. - Your grandmother is already old, she will not live long. And someone will take care of you. Why do you need bread?
- No, - answered the granddaughter. - I got it now. No wonder the old people say: if you are going on a summer roam, sow the field first.

old father

(Belarusian fairy tale)

In ancient times, such a custom was adopted among people: when a father grew old and he did not have long to live, his son brought him to a remote forest and left him there.
That's what happened once. The son took his father to the forest. Of course, he felt sorry for his father - he loved him very much, but there's nothing to be done, such is the custom! And all life rests on customs. If you're not lucky, people will laugh, they will say that you don't respect the old customs. They will also be driven out of the village ...
The unhappy son rides, and the father says to him:
- Really you, son, will you leave me, old and sick, alone in the forest?
The son thought, wiped away a tear and said:
- No, father, I will not leave. But so people don't find out, here's what I'll do. At night I will come for you and will keep you in a dark chamber until the day you die, so that no one can see you.
So the son did.
When night fell and the whole village was already asleep, he brought his father from the forest and hid him in a dark cell.
But misfortune happened - the hail beat all the life, and there was nothing to sow new, famine threatened.
A sad son came to his father in a dark closet, complaining:
- What to do? If we don't sow a seed, next year we'll be left without bread.
His father says to him:
- No, son, as long as I live, we will not be without bread. Listen to me.

When you were still small, I built a threshing floor. There was a big harvest that year. So I covered the threshing floor with unthreshed wheat.

Take off the eaves, thresh - and you will have grain for sowing.
The son did just that. He removed the eaves from the threshing floor, threshed and sowed wheat in the fall.
The neighbors are wondering, where did he get the grain from? And the son is silent, because it is impossible for him to admit that it was the old father who helped.
Winter has come. There is nothing to eat. Again the son goes to his father in a dark closet and tells about his misfortune.
- So, they say, and so. - he says, - you will have to die of hunger ...
- No, - answers the father, - we will not die of hunger. Listen to what I tell you. Take a shovel and dig in the hut under the bench. There, when I was still young, I dug in some money for a rainy day. Life, son, to live is not a field to cross: everything can happen. So I thought, so I did.
The son was delighted, found and dug up his father's money, bought grain.
And he eats with his family, and even borrows from his neighbors. One day they ask him:
- Tell us, brother, where do you get the bread from?
The son confessed:
“Father,” he says, “feeds me.
- How so? the neighbors are surprised. - You took your father to the forest, like all good sons!
- No, - says the son, - I began to do as you do. I left my father at my age to live. And when trouble came, my father helped me to sow bread and save my family from starvation. Old people are smarter than young people.
From that time on, the sons of their fathers stopped taking them to the forest, and it was customary to respect and feed their fathers in old age.

Gingerbread Man

(American fairy tale)

Once, a farmer was baking gingerbread in the kitchen and decided: “I’ll make a Gingerbread Man and give it to my husband.” Meanwhile, my husband was working in the garden.
She made the Gingerbread Man eyes out of raisins, a nose out of cherries, and a mouth out of lemon peel. And put it in the hot oven. She was terribly surprised when she opened the oven, and from there - a living Gingerbread Man jumped!
- Wow! he shouted. - Well, the heat in this oven!
The gingerbread man began to run around the kitchen, and when the farmer opened the door to the garden to call her husband, the little man ran out the door, shouting merrily:

The Gingerbread Man ran down the street and almost ran into a cow.
- Well, stop! the cow called to him. – You look painfully appetizing. Delicious I suppose?
Then the farmer and the farmer's wife appeared; they were completely out of breath from the fast run.
- Stop! Hold it! shouted the farmer.
But the Gingerbread Man kept running and running, and even shouting as he ran:
- But you won't catch it! Because I'm the Gingerbread Man!
Suddenly, in front of him, as if from under the ground, a large dog grew up and frightened him terribly.
"Rrrrr," growled the dog. - And you smell very nice - delicious, I guess.
- Well, no, doggy! said the Gingerbread Man. “The farmer and the farmer’s wife and their cow also wanted to eat me, but they couldn’t catch me. And you won't catch me either, because I'm the Gingerbread Man and I'll run away from you even faster.
He ran and ran and ran to the river.
- Oh, what am I to do now? exclaimed the Gingerbread Man.
The dog, the cow, and the farmer and the farmer's wife had just appeared on the high bank when a fox appeared out of nowhere in front of the Gingerbread Man.
- I'll help you get across the river, - the old cunning fox told him. - Jump on my back.
The gingerbread man jumped the fox on his back, and he entered the water.
When the fox sailed a little from the shore, the Gingerbread Man said to him:
- My feet are wet.
- It's okay, move higher, to my head, - the fox advised.
The gingerbread man did just that.
The fox has almost crossed the river and suddenly says to the Gingerbread Man:
- You know, I think it's safer for you to get on my nose.
The gingerbread man climbed even higher, right on the fox's nose, and carefully sat there while the fox climbed onto the shore.
But as soon as the fox was on the shore, he threw the Gingerbread Man into the air, opened his mouth wider and swallowed him.
The dog, the cow, the farmer, and the farmer's woman all gasped in amazement as the foxes ate their Gingerbread Man.
After all, they had been chasing the Gingerbread Man for so long - both along the road, and across the field, and along the river bank - and they could not catch him, and here he is - r-r-time! - and disappeared without a trace in the mouth of a cunning old fox.
Well, they all had to go home.

The earth feeds man, but feeds not in vain. People must work hard so that the field, instead of grass, suitable only for livestock, gives rye for black bread, wheat for rolls, buckwheat and millet for porridge.
First, the farmer plows the field with a plow, if it is not necessary to plow deeply, or with a plow, if he plows a new one, or such a field that it needs to be plowed deeper. The plow is lighter than a plow, and one horse is harnessed to it. The plow is much heavier than the plow, it takes deeper, and several pairs of horses or oxen are harnessed to it.
Plowed field; it was all covered with large clods of earth. But this is not enough. If the field is new or the ground itself is very fat, then manure is not needed; but if something has already been sown on the field and it has become exhausted, then it must be fertilized with manure.
Peasants take manure to the fields in autumn or spring and scatter it in heaps. But in heaps, manure will bring little benefit: you need to plow it into the ground with soybeans.
Here the manure has rotted; but it is still not possible to sow. The earth lies in clods, and for a grain you need a soft bed. Peasants leave for the field with toothed harrows: they harrow until all the clods are broken, and then they only begin to sow.
Sow either in spring or autumn. In autumn, winter bread is sown: rye and winter wheat. Spring bread is sown in spring: barley, oats, millet, buckwheat and spring wheat.
Winter sprouts since autumn, and when the grass has long turned yellow in the meadows, then the winter fields are covered with seedlings, like green velvet. It's a pity to watch the snow fall on such a velvet field. Young winter leaves soon wither under the snow; but the better the roots grow, bush and go deeper into the ground. All winter it will sit in the winter under the snow, and in the spring, when the snow melts and the sun warms, it will put out new stems, new leaves, stronger, healthier than the previous ones. It is only bad if the frosts begin before the snow falls; then, perhaps, winter can freeze. That is why the peasants are afraid of frosts without snow and do not regret, but rejoice when the winter is covered for the winter with a thick snow blanket.

Story Ushinsky K. Illustrations

Conversations for older children

"Child Development Center - Kindergarten". city ​​of Kemerovo. Kemerovo region.

A conversation about bread.

Target: to clarify children's ideas about the path grain goes through to become bread; to teach to save bread, to respect the people who grow it.

Preliminary work.A few days before the interview, the teacher organizes a meeting with the caretaker of the kindergarten with a subgroup of children. In order to find out how much bread is brought daily to a preschool. Children are watching the unloading of bread, trying to count the bricks of black bread and loaves of white.

Another subgroup, together with an adult (methodist, educator, nanny) take a walk to the nearest store in order to find out how much bread is sold to the population of the microdistrict every day.

Then the pupils tell each other and the teacher about what they learned.

The course of the conversation.

The teacher asks the children how much bread is delivered to kindergarten every day, how much goes to the store, how much bread needs to be baked to feed the people of their hometown, why so much bread is needed.

So I said “the bread must be baked,” the teacher continues the conversation. Yes, bread is baked in bakeries and bakeries. What is bread made from? They bake from flour, adding yeast, sugar, salt and other products to it. But the main product is flour.

Bread is black and white. (Shows.) How is bread so different in appearance and taste obtained? That's right, it is baked from different flours. White bread - from wheat, black - from rye. Where do wheat and rye flour come from? From wheat and rye.

The teacher shows the children ears of rye and wheat (you can put drawings of spikelets on the flannelograph, and next to them - images of bags of flour).

Look, the teacher says, these are wheat grains, but wheat flour. Is there a difference between them? So, in order to get flour, the grains must be ground. And even earlier - to get them from the spikelets - to thresh the spikelets. Repeat what to do.

Look at this picture: here they are walking along a grain field - they say so: a grain field - combines. They mow rye or wheat and thresh at the same time. The grain enters the bunker. When the bunker is filled with grain, a truck drives up and the grain is poured into its body using a special device.

The harvester continues to work, and the machines with grain go to the receiving points. There, the grain is weighed, its quality is determined, and where the grain is to be sent further. And you can send it to the mill or to the elevator. An elevator is a special structure for long-term storage of grain. Grain can be stored in elevators for several years, until it is needed, until the time comes to replace it with grain from a new crop. Do you understand what an elevator is? Have you forgotten where the trucks take the grain from the fields?

Flour is ground from the grain coming from the mill. It is sent to bakeries and shops. Bread is baked in bakeries for sale to the public. In the store, flour is bought by everyone who wants to, who is going to bake pies, pancakes, buns and other delicious products.

“If you want to eat kalachi, don’t sit on the stove,” says a Russian folk proverb. (Repeats proverb). Have you guessed what we are talking about? That's right, if you want kalachi - work hard!

And now let's trace the path of bread to our table from the very beginning.

In the spring, having plowed the fields, the grain growers - remember, children, this word - sow them with wheat and ... rye. Ears grow from the grain, new grains ripen in them. And then powerful harvesters enter the fields. Harvesters mow and thresh wheat (rye), load it into the back of cars, and the cars go to receiving points. From the receiving points, the grain goes to mills and elevators. From mills it goes to bakeries. Fragrant loaves and loaves of wheat and rye bread are baked there.

Here lies the loaf

I have on the table.

Black bread on the table

There is no tastier on earth!

(I. Dyagutite. Loaf).

So, today, dear children, you have learned whether the road of bread to our table is easy. Do you think it's easy?

So that on our table there is always fresh fragrant bread with a crispy crust, people work, a lot of people. Grain growers sow grain in the fields, grow bread and thresh it.

Drivers deliver grain from the fields to elevators and mills, flour grinders grind it, bakers bake bread.

You children live in Russia, a rich and powerful country. Your family can buy as much bread as they need. However, the bread must be protected, not to leave half-eaten pieces, not to throw them away.

In conclusion, the teacher once again reads an excerpt from the poem by Y. Diagutite.

Conversation on the topic "Rules of the road"

Target: find out what children know about where and how to cross the street; clarify their ideas about the rules of the road, convince them of the need to comply with them; help memorize a new rhyme.

The course of the conversation.

Children are seated in a semicircle, in the center of which, on the children's table, there is a model of a city street with a traffic light, a zebra, cars (toys), a sidewalk and a pedestrian - a nesting doll.

The teacher addresses the children:

Children, what do you see on the table? That's right, a city street. More precisely, the layout of the street. You already know that pedestrians are required to follow traffic rules. I said pedestrians. What does this word mean? What other words is it formed from? What are pedestrians required to do? Yes, they are required to follow traffic rules. Are there such rules? Name them.

After listening to the answers of the children, the teacher calls the child to the table, gives him a whistle. He invites 6-7 more people to the table - these are drivers. They will drive their cars towards each other.

Matryoshka approaches the crossing, stops in front of a traffic light. The red light is on (for pedestrians). Cars drive slowly. Matryoshka starts to cross the street, the policeman whistles.

Stop! - the teacher says, offering to leave the cars and the matryoshka in their places. - let's see why the policeman whistled, is he right? (All participants in the scene played out return to their places.)

Judgments of three to four children are heard. They explain that the matryoshka went to the red light of the traffic light, but you can’t do this - traffic is moving, you can get hit by a car, you can cause an accident on the road.

You should not cross the street at a red light, even when there are no cars on the road, the educator clarifies. And he shows how suddenly a car drove off, which was standing near the sidewalk, and how the matryoshka again almost got into trouble.

Explain to the matryoshka this important rule, the teacher advises. - Tell her this: remember, never cross the street at a red traffic light. Do not go even when there are no cars on the street.

The rule is repeated first by all the children in chorus, then 2-3 children individually.

The teacher calls a policeman and drivers to the table (these are already other children).

They help to play out the following scene: the matryoshka, having waited for the green signal of the traffic light, begins to cross the street. When she is in the middle of the road, the yellow light turns on.

What to do? the teacher asks. He listens to the advice of children. Among them there is a proposal to quickly cross the street - Let's try to cross! the teacher agrees. Matryoshka is running. A red light comes on, cars go by, the doll tries to maneuver between them. One car slows down, a second one runs over it, a policeman whistles.

The teacher releases the children to their places and asks to explain what happened on the roadway and why. Formulates a rule that the children repeat all together and one at a time: if you do not have time to cross the street, stop in the middle of it and wait for the green traffic light.

The drivers and police return to their places, and the matryoshka once again crosses the street, waiting in the middle of her stream of cars.

The teacher offers to play traffic on the table and on the floor. But first he advises to choose two police officers - traffic controllers. “This is a very responsible and difficult job,” the teacher emphasizes. As a rule, there are a lot of people who want to, so the teacher recommends using a counting rhyme.

One two three four five!

The bunny went out for a walk.

Suddenly the hunter runs out,

Shoots directly at the rabbit.

Bang Bang! Missed.

The gray bunny ran away.

The teacher pronounces a rhyme, then the children repeat the last 2 lines 2-3 times, memorizing them. Further, the first part quietly, clearly pronouncing the words, recites everything, and the last 2 lines - one child. The one on whom the word ran away becomes a policeman - a traffic controller. It all ends with the independent play of children.

Talk about pets.

Reading to children the story "Camel Mitten" by G. Snegirev.

Target: explain to children which animals are called domestic and why; check how they learned new information (offer to prove that the camel from the story of G. Snegirev is a pet); help memorize the description of the camel.

The course of the conversation.

The teacher shows the children pictures with images of a goat, cow, sheep, horse, bear. He asks who is superfluous in this group of animals and why (an extra bear, since the rest of the animals are domestic). Asks the children to name other pets they know and why they are considered pets. He listens to the answers, draws the attention of children to the distinguishing features: pets live with people, are not afraid of people; a person creates conditions for their life: feeds, builds housing, heals; released into the wild, pets either look for new owners or die; All pets are useful in the economy.

Children repeat the listed signs, try to remember them.

A camel is also a pet, says the teacher. What do you know about camels? What does a camel look like? How is this animal used by humans?

After listening to the answers of the children, the teacher reports that he will read the story of the writer Gennady Snegirev "Camel Mitten". Reads a story. He is interested in whether he liked it, who learned something new for himself about camels. Talk to children about what they have read.

How are camels still used in the household?

And what did the camel on which the firewood was brought look like? Remember the text of the story: “Large one, shaggy. The humps are high, like hummocks in a swamp, and hang sideways. The whole muzzle of a camel is covered with hoarfrost, and he chews something with his lips all the time.

What color is a camel?

The boy climbed on the camel, cut off the wool from the humps, and the camel? “I looked who was swarming there, licked the felt boots.” And if it were a wild animal, how would it behave?

You now know how to identify a domestic animal, to distinguish it from a wild one. And you know something about camels. Name the signs that characterize a camel as a pet. (He lives with people, is not afraid of them, allows himself to be harnessed, to carry loads on himself, takes bread from the hands of a person; people feed, treat camels, build pens for them to live, take care of camels; warm clothes are knitted from camel wool.)

Conversation on the topic "Motor transport"

Reading to children the story "Cars on our street" by M. Ilyin and E. Segal. The teacher's story about his native city.

Target: clarify children's ideas about cars, draw their attention to how different brands and types of cars are needed in the economy of our country (“ambulance”, trucks, taxis, etc.); enrich their knowledge with the help of a new literary work; to acquaint with the sights of his native city, to cultivate love for him and pride in him; replenish the active vocabulary with the words used in the communication situation.

Preliminary work. On one or two targeted walks, children watch traffic on the roadway, get acquainted with the sights of the city.

The course of the conversation.

It is difficult to imagine a city or a village without cars, - the educator begins the conversation. - What cars did we see on the streets of our city?

Clarifies, supplements, corrects the answers of children, encourages their attempts not only to name the vehicle, but also to talk about its purpose. Summarizing the statements of children, lists all types of cars that were named. He says that there are several other species that children have either forgotten or do not know about. They are described in a book called Cars on Our Street.

Reads an excerpt from a book. Asks if the children understand everything that they have learned from what they have read. Offers to list cars that were not named for the first time.

The New Year is coming. Guests will definitely come to our city. What can be shown to guests so that they get to know our city better and fall in love with it?

He listens to the proposals of the children, approves them. He takes out new toys: a doll, a bear cub, a duckling and others in the form of living beings, explains that they were presented to the kindergarten for the holiday.

These toys are also new to our city. Let's make the first tour of the city for them, - offers the educator. - Olya, order a tour bus for us. Which bus will you order? (Puts the phone in front of the girl.)

Today I will be your guide. Who will I be? Hello fellow travelers! What did I call you? My name is Irina Valerievna. A new tourist bus is at your service. Please take your seats. Go! During the tour, the teacher demonstrates 2-3 photographs with views of the city native to the children, talks about the sights. At the end of the game, she announces:

Our tour of the city of Kemerovo is over. All the best to you fellow travelers!

Goodbye tour guide. Best wishes!

Conversation on the topic "Wild animals"

Target: help children remember the signs that characterize wild animals; consolidate new information using pictures about animals; Encourage children to ask questions while practicing verbal communication skills.

The course of the conversation.

The teacher shows pictures of wild animals. He asks what kind of animals they are, how they can be called differently (wild animals), why they are called “wild”. He names the signs that characterize all wild animals without exception: they live independently in certain climatic conditions, for example, the polar bear lives only in the North, lions live in the desert, etc.; the structure of their body, color, behavior are well adapted to the conditions of life; they get used to captivity with difficulty, they are certainly kept in cages.

Invites children to confirm the characteristics of wild animals using the example of hedgehogs and squirrels. Asks leading questions to help draw conclusions.

Where and how do these animals live?

How did they adapt to the conditions of life? Take a look at the color of these animals. (Hedgehogs and hedgehogs are gray-brown, almost merge with the ground, grass, fallen leaves. The squirrel is bright red, but also not visible against the background of pine and spruce trunks. Especially since at the moment of danger it hides behind a tree trunk and looks out of - for him).

Consider the appearance of hedgehogs and squirrels, correlate it with their lifestyle. (Hedgehogs are nocturnal predators. They have short, strong legs. The nose is movable, easily extended towards the prey.

They eat worms, beetles, snails, mice. Any animal can easily attack hedgehogs, so they have needles on their bodies, protection from enemies. Squirrels are tiny creatures with huge fluffy tails that help them "fly" from tree to tree. On the legs - sharp claws, they are easy to cling to the bark of trees. Very sharp teeth, so the squirrel easily gnaws cones, nuts. On the ground, the squirrel is helpless, although it runs quite fast. In case of any danger, it “flies” up a tree with lightning speed.)

How do animals adapt to living conditions? (Hedgehogs hibernate in winter, so they get very fat by winter. The squirrel makes supplies for the winter. By the frosty winter, it builds a nest low on a tree, and before a warm winter it is high. Squirrels even in captivity make supplies for themselves for the winter.) The teacher repeats again signs characteristic of wild animals.

Conversation on the topic "Summer day - the year feeds." Didactic exercise "We will prepare fruits and vegetables for the winter"

Target: to replenish the knowledge of children about how and where people store the harvest of fruits and vegetables, how they prepare food for the winter; activate the appropriate dictionary (names of berries, fruits, vegetables and ways of harvesting them for use).

Preliminary work. A few days before the conversation, the teacher invites the children to find out from their parents what vegetables, fruits, berries, mushrooms they have prepared for the winter, how they did it, where they store canned food.

The course of the conversation.

The teacher asks what month it is, what season. Asks to answer in one sentence (Now February is the last month of winter). Tells:

Vegetables have long been removed from the fields, berries and fruits have long ripened. And at the end of winter we eat fresh potatoes, carrots, beets, cabbage. Where are vegetables stored? (In special vegetable stores, and at home - in the underground and cellars.) And what fresh fruits are there in winter?

A folk proverb says: "A summer day feeds the year." How do you understand it?

The teacher shows pictures with jars of pickles or tomatoes. He asks what it is, how even in summer and autumn people harvest vegetables, fruits, berries for use.

Children say that vegetables are salted, pickled, and canned vegetables are made from them; marinades are also made from fruits - pickled apples and plums, but more often they prepare various compotes and juices, make jam, jam, jelly.

The teacher asks what pickles, marinades are prepared for the winter at their home, where they are stored. Then he says:

Another way to store fruits and vegetables is to freeze them. The stores in our cities sell frozen vegetable sets for soups, frozen berries and fruits. So is the proverb “Summer day feeds the year” true?

The teacher shows pictures with various pickles, jam, compote. Children determine what is in the jars.

You will soon grow up and begin to help your parents with the housework, and you will also prepare for the future the gifts of nature. Let's check what you know about this.

So, in the summer they harvested strong cucumbers. Cucumbers cannot be stored for a long time. What will you do with them? (Salt, pickle, freeze.)

What will you do with apples? (Cook jam, compote, jam, make candied fruits, apple juice, pickle.) From strawberries? .... Carrots? .... Cabbage?..... etc.

Conversation on the topic "Our mothers".

Reading to children the poem "Let's sit in silence" by E. Blaginina.

Target: help children understand how much time and energy takes mothers to work around the house; indicate the need for assistance to mothers; cultivate a kind, attentive, respectful attitude towards elders.

The course of the conversation.

“What do you think is the best word in the world?” - the teacher addresses the children. He listens to the answers, positively evaluating such words as the world, the Motherland. And he concludes: “The best word in the world is mom!”

The teacher invites pupils to talk about mothers (4-5 people are heard). Then joins the conversation:

Talking about mothers, you all said that mothers are kind, affectionate, that they have skillful hands. What can these hands do? (Cooking, baking, washing, ironing, sewing, knitting, etc.)

See how busy your moms are! Despite the fact that mothers work, they still cope with a lot of household chores. Is it difficult for moms? What and how can you help them? How many of you constantly help at home with the housework? (Listens, clarifies, summarizes the answers of the children.) You are still small and some things are not yet within your power. But many children are obliged to do it themselves: put away their things, toys, go for bread, water flowers, take care of animals. We must try not to upset my mother, as often as possible to please her with our attention and care. Let's think together how this can be done.

The teacher gives the children the opportunity to express their opinions, then continues:

If you knew how nice it is for a mother when a son or daughter asks how she feels, if she is tired, if she has a heavy bag in her hands. And, if the bag is heavy, they will help carry it. On the bus, tram, do not rush to take a free seat. It is necessary to offer mom and insist on it. When leaving the transport, try to give your mother a hand to make it easier for her to get out. And then she will be sure that a kind and attentive person is growing in her family. And mother's eyes will shine with joy.

There are many reasons to take care of your mother. Listen to this poem here.

He wonders if any of the children happened to take care of their mother in the same way as described in the poem.

Conversation on the topic "What do we know about birds?"

Target: to activate children's knowledge about the appearance and habits of birds, about caring for birds; to cultivate interest and love for birds, the desire to take care of them, protect them.

The course of the conversation.

Illustrations with images of birds are hung on the board: a sparrow, a crow, a rook, a woodpecker, a bullfinch, a starling, a goldfinch, a swallow. Nearby is an empty bird cage. The teacher asks questions about the pictures:

Who do you see in the pictures?

How did you guess they were birds? (Everyone has wings, everyone can fly.) But not only birds, but also butterflies and beetles have wings and can fly? (The body of birds is covered with feathers, they have a beak, two legs with sharp claws.)

Feathers - plumage. Say these words. They look alike? Are these birds similar in plumage, color of wings, feathers? (No, plumage is different.)

Which bird seems the most beautiful to whom and why? (2-3 answers)

Speaking about plumage, you have already named some birds. Name and describe others. Remember, looking at the fish, we found that they do not have a neck. Birds don't see it either. Do you think birds have necks? (Yes, it is covered with feathers, like a collar.) And when is the bird's neck clearly visible? (When a bird pulls it out, for example, cleans feathers, turns its head.)

Do birds have ears? Do birds hear well? Look at the legs of the birds and tell me what they are. Some birds walk on the ground, others jump. Which of these birds are jumping? Separate them from the rest. What birds are left? Next, the teacher announces to the children that today their comrades have prepared a surprise for them - they have learned poems - riddles, and everyone else says a riddle (to the teacher in the ear). She tells the child who guessed correctly.

Black vest, red beret

Nose is like an ax

The tail is like an emphasis. (Woodpecker)

Black, agile.

Walks across the field

Shouts: "Krak!",

All worms are the enemy. (Rook)

You are with this fashionista,

Of course familiar:


On site

Doesn't sit at all

Everything boasts

With your blue frock coat

And he's proud of his blue hat. (Titmouse)

The teacher then reminds the children of their bird observations. Offers to talk about the results. He asks how the bird sleeps (fluffs its feathers, closes its eyes and hides its head under the wing), how it bathes (climbs its feet into the water, crouches, beats its wings in the water. Then it smooths and dries the feathers).

Why do they say, and say correctly, that birds are our friends? the teacher is interested. (They eat insects and caterpillars, preserving forests, parks, gardens for people. It is more fun and joyful to live with birds that delight those around them with their chirping.)

In conclusion, the teacher invites the children to tell everything they know about birds.

Conversation about Victory Day.

Target: to enrich children's knowledge about the great and bright holiday - Victory Day, to activate knowledge about the Russian Army, the defender of the country; arouse a desire to learn more about the working days of our soldiers.

The course of the conversation.

The teacher reads the poem "Overcoat" by E. Blaginina:

Why are you keeping your overcoat? -

I asked my dad. -

Why don't you tear it up, why don't you burn it? -

I asked my dad. -

After all, she is dirty and old,

Take a better look!

There's a hole in the back

Take a closer look - ka better!

That's why I keep it,

Dad answers me

Therefore, I will not tear, I will not burn, -

Dad answers me

Because she is dear to me

What's in this overcoat

We went, my friend, to the enemy

And he was defeated!

The teacher waits for the reaction of the children and repeats the last lines of the poem: “We went, my friend, to the enemy and defeated him!” Asks:

What enemy did the fighter in the now dirty and old overcoat go to and when was it? (Long ago, during the war with the Nazis.)

It was a brutal war that brought great destruction and much grief to our country. How many of you know something about this - heard from adults, seen in movies and on TV? (Listens, clarifies, supplements the answers of the children.)

- “We went, my friend, to the enemy and defeated him!” - the teacher repeats the lines of the poem again. The war ended on the ninth of May. And this day - the Ninth of May - the table in our country is a great holiday - Victory Day! (Includes music - “Victory Day” by D. Tukhmanov. Children listen to the first verse.)

Can anyone tell me how people celebrate this holiday? (Listens to children, illustrates them with photographs, drawings.)

After the war, many mass graves remained on the land of our Motherland (shows photographs of obelisks). Take a look at these photos and you will definitely see fresh flowers. These flowers are a sign of our memory and deepest gratitude to those who defended our Motherland in battles and died for it.

The teacher says: “If war veterans live in your family, in your house, on your street, those who directly participated in the battles against the Nazis, do not forget to congratulate them on Victory Day.

The teacher turns on the tape recorder and lets the children listen to the whole song. Invites children to look at books, photographs about how war veterans pass on their experience to young soldiers, how Russian wars carry out their service, how they spend their free time.

Conversation on the topic "How we met spring."

Repetition of the poem "Country Song" by A. Pleshcheev.

Target: to activate children's knowledge about seasonal changes in nature; the animal world; about the work of people in the field, garden, orchard; develop children's imagination, sense of humor.

The course of the conversation.

The teacher reads A. Pleshcheev's Rural Song.

Pleshcheev called his poem "Rural Song", although it is about spring, says the teacher. - Probably, the poet chose this name because it is the villagers who meet the spring before everyone else. They also begin to prepare for her arrival. Before the ground dries out, the tractors are already out in the field.

The teacher demonstrates the appropriate pictures, illustrations, and the children talk about how they plow the land, sow the fields with grain, monitor winter crops; they plant potatoes and vegetables, dig in trees, sow flowers.

The teacher quotes a Russian folk proverb:

What goes around comes around,

What you reap is what you grind

What you grind, then you dare,

Whatever you dare, then eat.

The teacher invites the children to think and say what's new in the spring in the forests and parks. Children talk about the singing of birds, about the fact that birds make nests, hatch chicks; they have a lot of food: caterpillars, flies, bugs, larvae, in the clearings and lawns - dense young grass, on the grass there are sunny heads of dandelions; many different insects. The teacher asks to find and show the insects in the pictures, name them. Reminds that the guys forgot to say about animals. Children talk about the fact that bears woke up from hibernation and brought cubs out of their dens, hedgehogs woke up, etc.

Wonderful time - spring! the teacher concludes. - Where would you like to go now, what to see?

He listens to the wishes of the children and offers to play the game - "Guess where we were?".

They drove tractors in the fields ....

Visited by a bear...

And the bunny was visited ...

In the dark more often bread was grown ...

They lived in a bird's nest, etc.

Conversation on the theme "About friendship and friends"

Target: find out children's ideas about friendship, with whom they are friends and why.

The course of the conversation.

Everyone has (should have) a friend, right? - says the educator. I'm sure you have friends too. Tell about them (3-5 statements). Who is this friend? Think carefully and tell me who can be called your friend?

The teacher listens to the opinions of the children. Their essence most often boils down to the fact that a friend is someone with whom it is interesting, who does not offend, obeys in everything, willingly shares toys and sweets.

A friend can be called someone who is ready to share both your joy and your grief, and if necessary, give you everything that he himself has, - the educator clarifies and asks: - And how should you, are obliged to treat a friend?

Offers to listen to a story about boys who call themselves friends and evaluate their relationship:

Sasha and Andreika got so naughty and ran away that they crushed the flowers in the flower bed.

It's Andrew's fault! Sasha immediately shouted when he saw the teacher.

Andrew, is it your fault? the boy's teacher asked sternly.

I, - answered Andreika and turned away from Sasha.

Although Andreika is the only one to blame, I will punish both of you,” said Olga Ivanovna, and she sat the children down near the veranda.

And me for what?! Sasha whimpered.

Olga Ivanovna looked at him attentively, sighed and turned away. And Andrei moved away, sat down almost with his back to Sasha.

Also for me ... a friend is still called, - Sasha muttered, but Andreika did not react in any way to his grumbling.

What do you think about it? the teacher is interested. - Why did Olga Ivanovna punish both Sasha and Andrey? Why did you sigh? Would you like Sasha to be your friend? - Listens and evaluates children's answers.

So how should you treat your friends, what should you be? (Kind, generous, generous. Help friends in trouble, rejoice in their success.) Now you know who you can call a true friend? The one who hurries to help a friend, rejoices and grieves with him, knows how to forgive, will never shift his guilt on him.

Conversation on the topic "The work of kindergarten workers"

Target: expand and clarify children's knowledge about the work of kindergarten employees, show the relationship between different types of work.

The course of the conversation.

Preliminary work.

2-3 days before the conversation, in the evening after an afternoon snack, the teacher, having gathered the children, asks them about who the head of the kindergarten is, what she does. He is interested in what the teacher-methodologist is doing in the garden. After listening to the children, the teacher says: “How little you know about the work of these people! Would you like to know more?" Having received the consent of the children and agreed with the employees, he sends 3-4 children with instructions to learn as much as possible about the work of the manager, methodologist, cook, nurse, observing their activities and asking about it (for 35-40 min.)

In our country, small children are brought up in preschool institutions, - the teacher begins the conversation. – Many people work to make kindergartens comfortable and interesting for kids, so that parents do not worry about them, but work calmly and productively.

I said: a lot of people work in kindergartens. Am I wrong? What professions work in preschools?

Next to the children is always a teacher and a nanny. Tell us more about what is the responsibility of the educator. (Meets children, talks to parents, organizes games, conducts classes, etc.)

What does the nanny do during the day and how can you help her?

What do you know about the job of a kindergarten teacher?

How do our chefs work? What machines and mechanisms are at their disposal?

What is the position - educator - kindergarten methodologist?

Where is his workplace?

It's good when kindergarten hasown nurse - no need to go to the clinic every time! What does a nurse do in kindergarten?

The teacher ends the conversation like this: “Today we tried to learn more about the duties of kindergarten employees. Whose work do you think is more interesting and why? listens to the children's answers. Asks a new question: “And whose work is more important? Need it?

Formulates the conclusion: “However, the work of each person is important and necessary. And each person tries to do his job as best as possible.

Conversation on the topic "What do we know about fish"

Target: to replenish children's knowledge about the appearance of fish, about their habitat; activate the corresponding dictionary; make children want to learn more about fish.

The course of the conversation.

caregiver shows pictures of fish: telescope, veiltail, guppy, swordsman, crucian carp, pike, catfish and others, and among them a picture of a sparrow. Invites children to look at the pictures and guess who is superfluous. He asks how they determined that the extra one was a sparrow. (We looked at who is more, and who does not belong to this large group of subjects.)

The teacher removes the picture with the sparrow. Asks to name the fish and give a brief description of the appearance of each. Gives an example of saying: "This is a fat, mustachioed, a bit like a whale, fish called catfish." Or: "A fish with a thick body and long, light, hanging fins and a tail is called a veiltail."

He asks what, in the opinion of the children, the fish is the most beautiful, the ugliest, biggest, smallest. He asks a new question: “Pisces are so different, so different from each other! Why are they called by one word - fish? Children name common signs of fish. (They all live in water. They have a head, a body, a tail, fins; a mouth, eyes and gills on the head.)

Now guess the riddle. “Parents and children have all their clothes made of coins.” Who is this? (Fish)

What about coins? (Scales. The scales are round, shiny, tightly attached to the body of the fish.) Silver or gold coins? (Both those and others, but more often silver.)

Many animal creatures have a body, tail, head, eyes, mouth. But not everyone has fins and gills. Let's talk about their purpose. Requireddo fish have gills? Yes, fish breathe with gills. You can see how the gills open and close. And the fins? Yes, fish swim with their fins. They wiggle their fins and swim.Fin… swim. And the tail, like a steering wheel, helps them turn left - right.

Do fish have necks? That's right, no neck. The head immediately passes into the body. Therefore, the fish turns the whole body, does not always see the food. Where do fish sleep and how? (Sleeps at the bottom or among plants, slightly moving his fins, with open eyes). The teacher groups pictures, separating aquarium fish from fish living in open water. He asks if the children have guessed why she separated some fish from others. Asks to list aquarium fish, then name the fish living in ponds and lakes. He is interested in which of the guys saw fish in a river or lake. He asks to tell how they noticed them, like fishlooked like 2-3 answers.

It's nice to have an aquarium in the house, isn't it? - says the teacher. - But if you have got fish, take care of them so that they get everything they need. Which of you can tell how aquariums are cared for? fish?

Guys what's newdid you learn about fish today? Are there any questions for me? What fish would you like to learn more about?

Conversation on the topic “What can the things that surround us tell about?”

Target: clarify and activate children's knowledge about the materials from which things are made, about the ways of turning various materials into products; to cultivate respect and interest in work, in people of different professions, to arouse a sense of pride in craftsmen; activate words in speech - the names of products from a certain material.

Preliminary work. The teacher examines with the children products made of different materials. Talk about these materials.

The course of the conversation.

On the teacher's table there are items made from different materials: a nesting doll, a Khokhloma bowl, an unusually shaped perfume bottle with a beautiful cork, ceramic and porcelain cups, a metal teaspoon, knitted mittens, lace, an embroidered linen napkin, a painted headscarf with tassels and another teacher draws the attention of children to an unusual exhibition. Points to certain things, children name them.

“Who liked what thing and why?” The child goes to the table, picks up and shows everyone the thing they like.

Name the product - determine what it is made of, (Listens to the answer, invites the child to return to their place.)

I, like Ole, also like this napkin. I also liked the embroidery: bright, catchy, with beautiful patterns that go well with the gray color of the napkin. Olya noted that the napkin is made of cloth. Who will name this fabric? (Linen, made from linen.)

What is flax? (A plant, it is specially grown in many regions of our country. The flax stalk, with special processing, gives flax fiber. Threads are spun from it and linen fabric is woven.) Linen products are beautiful, silky, easy to wash, they are not hot in summer. That is why Russian flax is so famous! What other linen products can you name? - You see, - the teacher continues, - how many interesting things "told" you about yourself and about linen a small embroidered napkin.

The next child comes out. Demonstrates another exhibit of the "exhibition", names the thing and talks about it. Children ask questions and complete the story. The teacher helps to formulate conclusions, makes generalizations. Asks to recall products made of the same material. In conclusion, the teacher asks what the children learned from the conversation, whether they were interested.

Branch of the Municipal Autonomous Educational Institution Kaskarinsky Secondary School "Yantykovskaya Secondary School" of the Tyumen Municipal District

Conversation on the topic: " Bread is the head of everything ".

Educator: Buzaeva Dania Akhmatullovna


Conversation on the topic: "Bread is the head of everything"

Material Description : I want to bring to the attention of educators of preschool educational institutions a summary of the conversation of the educational event "Bread is the head of everything." The event has an educational focus. The conversation will introduce children to the stages of making bread, customs and traditions.

Target: familiarization of children with the process of growing and preparing bread;
1. form an idea about the process of bread production;
2. introduce children to the diverse world of cereals;
3. to cultivate a careful attitude to bread;
4. consolidate the knowledge gained about bread in everyday life and in play activities

Conversation flow:

"The people have words - bread is the head of everything "

Why do you think they say that?(children's answers)

It is true that we eat bread every day, and there is no such person who does not know and does not love its taste. Bread, earlier, in the old days was called "zhito", from the word "to live". According to an old Russian custom, bread that accidentally fell out of your hands, you must not only pick it up and wipe it carefully, ask him for forgiveness. It was considered not a small sin to drop a crumb of bread and not pick it up, it was even a greater sin to trample underfoot.

Guys! Bread is our wealth, the work of many people is invested in it. You and I cannot imagine a dinner table without white and black bread. Many of you love to eat sushi, cookies, bagels, pies, and pies. Do you know what these foods are made of? (Children's answers) Correctly from flour. What is flour? What is it obtained from? (children's answers)
Do you want to know how long a spike of bread goes to turn into magnificent bread on our table.
Once upon a time, a primitive man noticed that the ripened seeds of wild plants are carried by wind or birds, and fall into the soil, sprout, a new plant grows with many seeds.
The ancient man tasted the seeds of wild plants, and he liked them. Since then, man himself began not only to collect these seeds, but also to sow them in cultivated land. The first hoe for cultivating the land was a wooden stick, then a man guessed to plant a hewn stone on a stick. With the help of such devices, people loosened the soil, then planted seeds in it. The collected seeds were threshed with a stone, turning them into flour. Then he baked bread from the flour on the fire.

Readings about bread.

* Rain, rain, water - there will be a harvest of bread.
There will be rolls, there will be dryers, there will be delicious cheesecakes.

Rye bread, loaves, rolls

You won't get it on a walk.

People cherish bread in the fields.

They spare no effort for bread!

Time passed and people began to use tamed animals in agriculture to loosen the earth. A wooden plow appeared, with the help of which the soil was cut, turned over and loosened.

In our time, technology has come to the aid of farmers. What agricultural equipment do you know? (children's answers)
That's right, seeders work in the fields, with the help of which the seeds fall into the ground. Combines that cut plants, thresh the ears, clean the grain and load it into a truck. Tractors that stack grain to dry.

-Let's play a wonderful game with you. You must be very careful. I will read you a poem. If you hear the name of a product that is made from flour, clap your hands; if it is not made from flour, stand still. Ready? Begin!

* In the bakery we have bagels,

Buns, bagels, loaves,

Pies, loaves, buns,

And braids and cheesecakes,

Kurabye, biscuit, cookies,

Sandwiches, tea with jam,

Lots of gingerbread, sweets,

There is pastila and sherbet,

And a pie with a sweet filling,

And log and fudge...

Call me, don't be shy

Choose, eat!

- Well done boys. Well played. Now sit down on the chairs, we continue our conversation. There are many grain crops in nature.

Listen to Russian sayings about bread.

Bread and water are heroic food.
Bread father, water mother.
Bread - eat, listen to good people.
Lunch is bad if there is no bread.
Work until you sweat, eat bread on the hunt.
Sweat on the back is like bread on the table.

Growing bread is hard work. A hundred sweats will come down until the bread rises. In early spring, people sow seeds in the ground. After a while, the sprouts germinate, get drunk with rainwater and reach for the sun. Over the summer, the spikelets will get stronger, gain vitality and nutrients. In autumn, when the grain ripens, the ear acquires a yellow-golden color. It's time to harvest. Equipment and people enter the fields. The hard work begins. After the harvesters carefully cut the ears, they will be loaded onto trucks and taken to the mill. There, the grain is sorted, ground and ground to a state of flour.

Then the flour is sent to the bakeries. Wheat flour is obtained from wheat grain, white bread, bagels, cookies, rolls, dryers, pies and other products are obtained from it. And rye flour is obtained from rye grains, and bakers bake rye bread.

Around the clock, trucks deliver hot bread to shops and kindergartens, so that each of us could taste the taste of real bread.

Now we will play a game:"We have sown the seed" . I will tell you the words and show you the movements, and you will repeat after me.
Spring long ago
We have sown the seed (we alternately spread our arms to the sides, first to the right, then to the left)
sprouts will grow (squat down, then slowly stand up in
Soon there will be spikelets. ( full height and raise your arms up above your head)
And the time will come
They will go out into the tractor field. (we bend our arms at the elbows rhythmically moving back and forth)
We'll harvest. (tilts, imitating the collection of ears)
Let's bake a loaf! (we clasp hands at chest levels in a lock in the form of a circle)

the game is played 2-3 times

Riddles about bread.

Guess easily and quickly:
Soft, fluffy and fragrant,
He is black, he is white
And it gets burned. (Bread)

Mouth and ride
Tempered in an oven.
Then at the table
Cut with a knife. (Bread)

The ring is not simple
Gold ring,
Shiny, crispy
All for a look...
Well, food! (Baranka or bagel.)

Here it is - warm, golden.
In every house, on every table -
He complained - he came.
In it is Health, our strength,
It has wonderful warmth.
How many hands raised him
Protected, protected! (Bread)

What is poured into the pan
Yes, they bend four times? (Pancakes)

There is a tradition in Russia to greet dear guests with bread and salt. A bread loaf is placed on a beautiful hand-embroidered towel by the housewives, in the center of which there is a salt shaker and salt. This custom expresses the hospitality and cordiality of the Russian people. Guests, in Rus', were surrounded by honor and respect. It was believed that a traveler who looked into the house had seen a lot on his way, knew a lot, he had a lot to learn.

- Bread is a symbol of prosperity and well-being, and salt was attributed the properties of a "charm", that is, the ability to protect from evil forces. To greet a guest with "bread and salt" meant to invoke God's mercy on him, express his respect and wish good and peace. Bread was the most noble treat.

Words about bread.

Jock-Jock-Jock is a pie.
Shki-shki-shki - mom fries pies.
Zhok-zhok-zhok - eat a pie, daughter.
Chi-chi-chi - kalachi baked in the oven.
Ah-ah-ah - our kalach will be delicious.

- Guys, today we have learned what a long way, a grain of bread goes, how far it is to be on our dining table. Now I think that each of you will treat bread with care and respect. A person who does not learn to save bread will never enjoy the respect of those around him.

Let's think with you and call a lot of words, what kind of bread is?

(Delicious, soft, stale, white, hot, fresh, fragrant, appetizing).
Bread is different, but it is sure to be tasty and healthy.

Here it is - fragrant bread.

Here it is - warm, golden.

In it is our health, strength,

It has wonderful warmth.

How many hands raised him

Protected, protected!

