
How to remove fusel oils from mash. Ways to effectively clean moonshine from fusel oils

In the process of making alcohol at home, it is important not only to comply with the conditions and technology when brewing strong alcohol, but also the stages of its purification. The main pests of moonshine are fusel oils, which saturate the drink with a specific taste, and also provoke discomfort after drinking. The compound negatively affects the body, isoamyl alcohol is considered especially dangerous in high concentrations.

It is important to clean moonshine from fusel oils correctly so as not to spoil the already cooked product.

If there is a desire to initially receive enough pure moonshine at the exit, then you need to take care of the equipment in advance. It is believed that classic design moonshine still does not allow you to get a drink with high purity at the output. The concentration of fusel oils is significantly reduced when re-distilled or when the system contains distillation column. In this case, namely when applying distillation column, along with fusel oils, compounds that give a special flavor to raw materials are also removed. With several distillation processes, alcohol will turn out strong (up to 96%), more like medical alcohol than a fragrant alcoholic drink.

If preference is given to standard moonshine stills, then do not forget about sedimentation tanks or dephlegmators. These devices help to carry out purification already at the stage of distillation. Elements can be purchased separately, connected to equipment or made independently.

Additional purification of moonshine

There are numerous methods for getting rid of impurities contained in moonshine, and the most used are:

  • Freezing impurities;
  • The use of egg white;
  • Use of dairy products;
  • Activated carbon;
  • Manganese;
  • Soda;

Some people prefer to combine several methods at once, which only improves the quality of cleaning.

How to freeze moonshine

The option is very simple and is based on the fact that water and impurities dissolved in it will solidify under the influence of low temperatures, but alcohol will not. You can wait until water and fusel compounds freeze to the walls of the container, and then just drain the alcohol. These ways also increase the degrees. The only thing is to ensure a sufficiently low temperature, preferably below 25 degrees. Taken as a container stainless steel, glass. It is also convenient to use plastic bottles, but the material is susceptible to aggressive environments, which is moonshine. While the solution is freezing, chemical reaction and harmful impurities will get into the drink.

Egg white for cleaning moonshine

The principle is based on the structure of the protein, which, when exposed to alcohol and acid compounds, folds and absorbs a decent amount of fusel oils and other unnecessary elements. It is enough to add 2-3 proteins per liter of moonshine and the reaction will immediately become noticeable even visually.

After this process, it will be necessary to additionally filter the solution. First, remove large fractions, and then pass the alcohol through a layer of gauze and cotton wool, or you can use a home-made charcoal filter, which will only make the drink cleaner.

Dairy products in the fight against fusel oils

Many saw that in the villages moonshine used to be cloudy, often it was the use of cleaning using milk drinks that gave such a result. The proteins contained in milk give a similar effect to the use of an egg. Sometimes they even mix milk with egg whites and pour this mixture into moonshine.

You can clean up in several ways:

  1. Pour the milk immediately into the mash before distillation. The proportions are approximately equal to 1:5, that is, a liter of milk for five liters of mash. There is a chance of getting some cloudy alcohol on exit. This can be removed with redistillation or by applying additionally another cleaning method, including passing through a carbon filter;
  2. Finished product processing. In this case, milk or kefir is poured into moonshine at the rate of one glass per liter of solution. All liquids are thoroughly mixed, which will stimulate subsequent reactions. Flakes of coagulated protein, along with fusel oils and other impurities, will precipitate after a while. When this happens, you need to carefully drain the solution, and you will have to get rid of the cloudy color in another way. Whoever is not embarrassed by the shade of the solution can drink the drink anyway, such cleaning will practically not affect the taste. With very high requirements for alcohol, you can re-distill.

Dairy products as a kind of absorbent are mainly used in combination with other cleaning methods, which is associated with a change in color. As for the concentration of impurities, their amount is greatly reduced.

Activated carbon for cleaning moonshine

Charcoal is the most well-known and frequently used method of purification of moonshine. This is due to the high efficiency and availability of the method, which is also important when alcohol is prepared at home.

Activated carbon is used as a filter base. For example, you can take crushed activated carbon, cotton wool and gauze or a bandage and pass the solution through such a home-made product. Since, just passing through the filter, moonshine does not have time to qualitatively get rid of impurities, this method is more suitable as additional purification. You can slightly improve the result with styling activated carbon in several layers, laying them with cotton wool and gauze.

Longer contact of the absorbent and liquid will result in more effective cleaning. That is why coal is placed in moonshine for 10-15 days and then the solution is filtered. For these purposes, it is desirable to use natural charcoal, but if this is not possible, then the pharmacy activated one is also suitable. The proportions are selected at the rate of 50 grams of crushed coal per liter of moonshine. It is not worth waiting for the absolute disappearance of the specific smell of fusel oils, since, despite the sufficient effectiveness of activated carbon, it is impossible to completely get rid of and get 100% purification only in this way.

Manganese for purification of moonshine

The tool is very popular with many moonshiners and consists in adding manganese to already finished product. A few grams of potassium permanganate per liter of solution will suffice. You can wait 4-5 hours and strain the resulting alcohol. The use of other cleaning options is also recommended, since the use of potassium permanganate alone is not always sufficient. The principle of using potassium permanganate is similar to activated carbon, the agent absorbs oils, some other compounds, and then, together with the substances already captured, is removed from the solution.

Soda for cleaning moonshine

The method is auxiliary, and not as the main one. It is believed that soda copes well with acids, which, to a certain extent, form bad taste and smell. After pouring a mixture of water and soda (10g of soda + 1/2 tablespoon of water) into a liter of moonshine, you need to give time for the reactions to take place, about 10-12 hours.

The above methods of cleaning moonshine at home from impurities and related fusel oils are not the only ones. Used as components oak bark, sawdust, orris root and other products, plants and suspensions.

High efficiency has not yet been proven, but some people practice cleaning moonshine with water filters, mainly coal structures. It is not difficult to install such a device, but such delicate cleaning may not be suitable for “pervach”, since filtering devices are still designed for a lower content of unwanted substances.

There are various ways to remove fusel oils from moonshine, but in order to achieve best result don't forget about safety.

For novice cooks of alcoholic beverages at home, it is better to initially take care of the quality of drinks and initially choose models of devices that have devices that capture impurities in the kit. In this case, it will be much easier to bring alcohol to the desired taste. The presence of flavors is also affected by raw materials, as well as the technology of making mash itself.

In order not to spoil the already prepared product, you can study reviews about each of the cleaning methods or, if possible, consult with a specialist. Some experienced moonshiners combine several methods of removing fusel oils at once and get a truly “clean as a tear” product. Sometimes it is advisable to practice on your own and choose the best option for yourself.

Before cleaning moonshine from oils, it must be filtered and allowed to settle. Then you need to choose suitable way beverage processing. The choice depends on what improvised means the manufacturer of home drinks has. We recommend that you carefully read this material and study all the proposed tools and methods. With such an arsenal, there will be no difficulty how to clean homemade moonshine from fusel oils, and as a result of the procedures, excellent quality drinks will be obtained at the end. Eat time tested simple means: charcoal, potassium permanganate, activated carbon, milk, gelatin, egg white and much more. You can also use special preparations and household devices in the form of filters.

How to quickly clean moonshine from fusel oils

Harmful impurities contained in moonshine, except for ethyl alcohol and water must be removed. Exist various ways cleaning, which is used for a certain type of impurities. The most commonly used charcoal and potassium permanganate. How to quickly clean moonshine from fusel oils is described below: several interesting ways are proposed.

Moonshine from good raw materials achieves "crystal" purity if the cleaning is carried out correctly.

We offer several old recipes moonshine cleaning.

How to clean moonshine from essential oils

Depending on the size of the container, put from 3 to 6 handfuls of sifted birch wood ash and a few handfuls of salt (this is the first distillation). The second distillation will be carried out without ash and salt.

Chemical purification, special distillation, filtration and infusion- this is the process of cleaning moonshine. Before cleaning moonshine from essential oils, you need to know that it is better to take the drink that is obtained after the first distillation. He must be room temperature, because at elevated temperatures many harmful substances are not captured. It is also better not to use high-grade alcohol, because it is very reluctant to part with its impurities.

The required amount of potassium permanganate is pre-diluted in a small amount of water. Water must be boiled. About 1-2 g of potassium permanganate is taken per liter of moonshine. This solution is used to process moonshine.

A solution of potassium permanganate is poured into the moonshine and mixed thoroughly. Then leave for 10-12 hours for clarification and precipitation. Next, moonshine is filtered through a cloth and a special distillation is carried out.

You can use activated charcoal purchased at a pharmacy. Although you can use fine river sand, sifted and calcined on fire.

First, a handicraft, but correctly working filter is made. Take a glass funnel of the right size. A thin layer of cotton wool is placed in it, covered with a piece of gauze. A layer of activated carbon is poured over the gauze. So that the coal does not float, the third layer in the filter is gauze again. The amount of coal is determined by the size of the funnel and the volume of filtered moonshine. It is believed that for 1 liter of moonshine you need 50 g of coal.

There is another way to filter: just throw activated charcoal into a container of moonshine and leave for 2 weeks. The ratio is the same - 50 g per liter. You just need to remember to shake the container several times a day or shake it.

The settled moonshine is filtered through cotton wool or cloth. In principle, the product is already ready for use, but to improve the taste, you can insist on raisins and St. John's wort (50 g of raisins and a pinch of St. John's wort should be taken per liter) for 3-4 days. Such additional processing will almost completely eliminate the foreign smell.

How to properly clean moonshine from fusel oils (with video)


  • 12 liters of moonshine
  • 800 g raisins
  • 400 g pure birch charcoal

There is a simple way to properly clean moonshine from fusel oils, for this we pour clean birch coals into a container. We insist until the coals settle and the moonshine becomes clean. As soon as this happened, you need to carefully get rid of the coals, that is, pour the moonshine. We dilute with water in a ratio of 2: 1, where two parts are moonshine, and one is water. We add raisins here and insist for two days, after which we distill again.

Cleaning with tannins consists in keeping moonshine in oak barrels. Tannin and oak chips - excellent tool purification of moonshine (contained in the core of oak wood). Tannin and other tannins remove unwanted inclusions from the liquid. In addition to cleaning from harmful impurities, this method leads to the taste of moonshine, reminiscent of cognac. If the goal is only to purify moonshine and a strong change in taste is undesirable, tannin powder or oak chips (50-100 g / l) are added to the distillate, the mixture is kept for 10 days.

Fusel oils can be cleaned by freezing. The essence of the method lies in the fact that when the temperature drops, unwanted fusel oils freeze out. Moonshine is poured into bottles. Then the bottles are securely corked and placed in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator for several days. Water, along with unwanted impurities, turns into ice. It remains to pour quality product and filter again. This method takes time, but is guaranteed to remove the conditioning bad smell fusel oils.

Regardless of the cleaning methods used (although each of them deserves attention), at home it is not always possible to obtain a product that corresponds in terms of the content of harmful impurities to the factory product (this does not apply to taste). This is primarily due to the fact that the protein substances contained in the mash are split into many “fragments” as a result of distillation, the composition of which cannot be accurately predicted. Among these protein breakdown products there may be toxic substances, such as methyl alcohol, which can be traced only in the factory using modern devices.

In order to completely exclude the ingress of heavy substances from the mash into the distillate, it is necessary to strictly observe the technology of rectification and purification - both preliminary and final. Such factory technologies cannot be replaced, for example, by repeated freezing and chemical cleaning at home.

To minimize the risk of food poisoning home distillation, it is highly recommended to get rid of the first distillation phase completely (2–8% of the total distilled volume) due to high content aldehydes and methanol. Deep purification of moonshine is carried out by re-distillation or rectification.

Watch how to clean moonshine from fusel oils in the video, which shows the technology of this procedure at home:

Cleaning moonshine - enough milestone, which allows you to radically improve the taste and aromatic properties of the product. After the first and second distillations, and even after the high-quality separation of the “heads” and the use of a dry steamer, the finished alcohol will contain enough oils and other benzene compounds that will spoil the aroma of moonshine.

It is worth noting that the use of serious methods for cleaning moonshine from fusel oils can make it pointless to create moonshine from fruits: aroma oils, for which the creation of fruit or berry mash was started, after successful cleaning they will be removed, and you will get practically pure alcohol. Therefore, the use of methods for cleaning moonshine at home will be appropriate only if you strive to get the purest alcohol possible; in the case of fruit, berry mash Just don't use a steamer.

Consider the main methods of cleaning moonshine at home.

One of the main and most popular methods for cleaning moonshine is the use of activated carbon, which can be easily bought in tablets at any pharmacy. Activated charcoal is an ideal absorbent, it was created specifically to absorb various contaminants.

A distinctive feature of this material is that it contains a large number of the smallest pores, therefore, it has a colossally large specific surface area per unit mass (1 gram of activated carbon has about 1500 m 2 of surface). In addition, activated carbon tablets can be further crushed in a mortar, which will further increase the area of ​​​​contact with alcohol.

Purification of moonshine with activated carbon is carried out in the following two ways.

In the first case, during the distillation itself, alcohol from the refrigerator passes through a layer of activated carbon. To do this, paper is placed in the funnel, on which crushed activated carbon is poured. This method is fast enough, but not very effective: the coal in the passage is quickly contaminated, the edges remain clean. In addition, it is impossible to use a large amount of coal.

In the second case, activated carbon is added to a container with alcohol after distillation. To do this, activated carbon in the amount of 50 grams per 1 liter of alcohol is crushed into powder (a simple coffee grinder can be used), after which activated carbon is poured into the container and left for 1, 2 or even 3 weeks. After that, the alcohol must be filtered - for this, cotton wool is used between two layers of gauze, or an ordinary water filter that retains the crushed activated carbon powder.

All world companies for the production of brandy, cognac and are engaged in the purification of alcohols with charcoal. As a rule, purification is carried out directly during distillation: alcohol passes through a 3-5 meter column of coal immediately after the refrigerator, and enters the collection container already purified. It is believed that charcoal purifies alcohols and moonshine even better than activated. However, using it, of course, at home is not as convenient as activated. Well suited coal type BAU-A, BAU-MF, as well as coal "Akvasorb".

Cleaning moonshine with milk

The author of this site is extremely negative about cleaning moonshine with milk and considers this method to be unscientific rubbish. However, the high popularity of this method forces us to at least mention the very practice of some moonshiners of using milk to clean moonshine.

People who missed chemistry classes at school and who are confident in their talent as moonshiners claim that moonshine is easily cleaned with milk. According to them, after pouring milk into the moonshine, a precipitate forms, which supposedly characterizes the fact that the milk has taken on all the fusel oils and dirt. In fact, milk will curdle even in perfectly pure alcohol, since milk, like any protein, simply coagulates from alcohol. Long protein molecules begin to break down, stick together into lumps, and the lumps begin to fall. And the point here is not at all in fusel oils - this is how any protein reacts to alcohol. Even one cocktail is based on the principle of milk coagulation - "" - where plain cream fall into the same mass simply from strong absinthe.

Using milk to clean moonshine is a vicious practice that spoils the final taste of the drink, adds unnecessary compounds to the product, while leaving all the fusel oils and benzene compounds in place. From a purely chemical point of view, milk is not capable of purifying alcohol, so that supposedly “experienced moonshiners” who brew “according to grandma's recipe". Alas, science is not on their side.

Purification of moonshine with potassium permanganate (manganese, potassium permanganate).

Cleaning moonshine with potassium permanganate, or rather, potassium permanganate, is an even more vicious practice than using milk. With milk, you just spoil the drink with new fats, proteins and other impurities that are an integral part of protein drink. When using potassium permanganate, you are poisoning your drink with potassium hydroxide and manganese dioxide.

Homegrown moonshiners, poorly familiar with chemistry and physics, offer this method of cleaning moonshine with potassium permanganate. Potassium permanganate is poured either directly into the container with alcohol itself, or potassium permanganate is pre-diluted in water, and the already concentrated solution is poured into a container with ready-made alcohol. According to these "specialists", a precipitate in the form of black-brown lumps that appears after a few hours is a sign of a high degree of purification of moonshine.

In fact, this is complete heresy. Potassium permanganate is one of the strongest oxidizing agents available to mankind, it can even oxidize water. What does he actually do when added to water solution alcohol. The following reaction occurs:

2K 2 MnO 4 + 2H 2 O -> 2KMnO 4 + MnO 2 ↓ + 3KOH

Quadrivalent manganese oxide MnO2 precipitates into a dirty brown precipitate.

Of course, potassium permanganate is able to oxidize fusel oils, esters and benzenes, however, it cannot selectively oxidize only them. The cost of this cleaning high content potassium hydroxide inside the alcohol after such a "purification" and manganese compounds.

Thus, cleaning moonshine with potassium permanganate is not just pointless, but extremely dangerous. And the arguments from the series “We clean it all our lives and nothing!”, “My grandfather drank such moonshine all his life and did not die” are classic manifestations of ordinary human idiocy.

Cleaning moonshine with alkali (cooking and baking soda)

The third way to clean moonshine from unfortunate chemists is to clean moonshine with soda. A huge number of forums, websites and blogs describe the process of cleaning moonshine with soda. Sites steal information from each other, rewrite it, spend a lot of time retelling a useless recipe, however, no one gets around to checking this recipe even with a 9th grade chemistry book.

This dangerous recipe consists in the fact that soda allegedly needs to be added to alcohol. Say, after adding soda to alcohol, a precipitate appears at the bottom - this is the “pollution” that, they say, the soda caught. It is recommended, after adding soda, to clean the moonshine from this sediment by filtration.

Now let's turn to science, and see what exactly happens if water is added to alcohol.

It is noteworthy that alkali does not react with alcohol directly. But an aqueous solution of alkali reacts extremely aggressively to any fats (including flavors and impurities). It would seem that it should be so! But as a result of the reaction, glycerin and .. soap are formed!

Ask any person involved in soap making how exactly the soap base is created. Soap is really "boiled" from fat (remember the movie "Fight Club"), adding lye and water. The result is a first-class soap, similar in type and smell to household soap.

On huge number sites by alcoholic beverages and moonshine it is written that "this method<>tested over the years, a lot of people prefer it, ”although even a superficial study of the issue suggests that such texts are written by extremely illiterate and not scientifically savvy, illiterate ignoramuses.

Cleaning moonshine with an Aquaphor water filter

At the heart of water filters (both Aquaphor and Barrier filters) is activated carbon, respectively, fundamental difference there is no difference between using a simple activated carbon column and an Aquaphor water filter. Cleaning moonshine using Aquaphor or Barrier filters is simply more convenient, but much more expensive. It is much cheaper and more cost effective to pass alcohol through a vertical tube filled with activated carbon.

Moreover, this does not mean at all that the use of Aquaphor filters for cleaning moonshine is pointless - it's just that the filters are quite expensive, and their efficiency is comparable to ordinary activated carbon tablets.

Cleaning moonshine with a gas mask

Gas masks differ from each other in various cassettes that contain a variety of absorbents. Some still use asbestos as an absorbent. Therefore, almost any gas mask will spoil moonshine rather than make it better.


So, to sum up the article.

  • The most effective and inexpensive method of cleaning moonshine from fusel oils should be considered charcoal and activated charcoal. Well also showed itself coconut charcoal, which is part of the activated.
  • The use of potassium permanganate to clean moonshine leads to the appearance inside moonshine acetaldehyde and salts of heavy metals. Moonshine becomes toxic and dangerous.
  • The use of alkali (including kitchen baking soda) leads to the appearance of glycerin and soap bases.
  • The use of water filters as tools for cleaning moonshine is not without meaning, however, compared to simple activated carbon, this method loses in terms of economic feasibility.
  • Cleaning moonshine with a gas mask in 9 cases out of 10 leads to mail and poisoning of moonshine.

To obtain high-quality alcohol and moonshine, it is better to use double or triple distillation and distillation. Be sure to use a steamer capable of catching 60-80% of all oils during distillation. It is imperative to throw out the “head” - that is, the first 50 ml from each liter of mash. In the "body" after the first and second distillation, there will still be small amount aromatic compounds, which are best simply removed with activated charcoal. This will avoid clogging your moonshine with harmful substances. World alcohol producers filter their products with charcoal, without any newfangled methods, using milk, bread or chicken egg(there are other ways too!)

It is not worth trusting people who argue their technology for making moonshine with the phrases “they have cooked this way all their lives”, “no one has died yet”, “it has always been like this”, is not worth it. It is better to once again open a textbook on chemistry and physics than go to the forums of uneducated moonshiners who have hardly completed nine grades of a rural school.

There are a great many ways to "produce" moonshine. especially successful recipes the production of this alcohol is passed on unchanged from generation to generation. Some "distillers" are trying to invent new technologies for the production of alcohol at home and drive it from the most inappropriate products, for example, from tomato paste or mash based on fruit caramels.

It is quite understandable that an unclear artisanal drink made from low-grade raw materials cannot boast of high palatability and needs serious revision. However, even the highest quality homemade alcohol needs additional purification, since it also contains impurities that significantly impair its taste and aroma, and besides, they also harm the body. Therefore, professional distillers have developed several effective recipes about how to clean moonshine from the smell and fusel oils at home.

How to determine if there are fusel oils in homemade moonshine?

To verify the presence of impurities in the moonshine, you need to inhale its smell, or even better - type it into a spoon and set it on fire. When the alcohol burns out, droplets of an oily liquid will remain at the bottom of the spoon.

These are the very unsafe and foul-smelling fusel oils that are present in any homemade alcohol. Of course, a drink with so many bad impurities should not be consumed.

Method for cleaning moonshine with activated carbon

  1. Buy at the pharmacy right amount packs of tableted activated carbon, based on the proportion: 50 g of coal per 1 liter of strong alcoholic beverage.
  2. To enhance the absorbent capacity of the charcoal tablets, finely grind and pour into a bottle of homemade alcohol.
  3. Close the container with a drink tightly with a cork and put it in a dark place.
  4. For 2 weeks, several times a day, take the container out of the cupboard and shake it thoroughly.
  5. For the third week, let the alcohol "rest" on the cabinet shelf without shaking.
  6. After that, drain the clarified and no longer smelling of fuselage moonshine from the bottle into another container, filtering it through 6 layers of gauze. The precipitate will remain at the bottom of the bottle.

Biological method of cleaning moonshine

  1. Pour 3 beaten egg whites or ½ cup unboiled cow's milk into a bottle with 1 liter of cloudy, "fragrant" moonshine.
  2. Stopper the bowl and shake vigorously.
  3. When milk or egg protein coagulates, i.e. curl up and fall to the bottom in the form of soft curdled flakes, pass the drink through a clean canvas flap folded in three.

Purification of alcohol with potassium permanganate

  1. Dissolve potassium permanganate crystals in a small volume of cooled boiled water.
  2. The dose of potassium permanganate is calculated in the ratio: 2 g of the drug per 1 liter of crude moonshine.
  3. Pour in concentrated solution purple into a drink bottle, shake it, and your homemade alcohol takes on a soft pink color.
  4. Place the drink container in the cupboard.
  5. Take it out the next day. You will see that the moonshine has become transparent again, and a brown precipitate has formed on the bottom of the bottle.
  6. Carefully drain the drink from the bowl by straining it through a thick cotton-cloth filter.

Cryogenic method for cleaning moonshine

  1. Pour the moonshine with impurities into a metal bowl and place it in the freezer overnight.
  2. In 12 hours, fusel oils will harden and freeze to the bottom and walls of the container. And pure alcohol, which solidifies at a temperature of about -60 degrees Celsius, will remain liquid.
  3. Take the dishes out of the freezer pure alcohol pour into a bottle.

Purification of alcohols with vegetable oil

This rectification method is based on the ability of substances to mix only with certain types of liquids.

Due to this property, fusel oils can dissolve in a related medium - in vegetable oil, while ethanol and water will not dissolve.

When using this method of rectification, there is only one difficulty. At the end of the cleaning process, we will have to carry out an additional distillation of alcohol, since in order to remove harmful substances, we will need to dilute the moonshine with clean boiled water up to 20-25 degrees.

It is necessary to dilute alcohol with water in order to make it easier to “part” with harmful impurities. Strong, undiluted alcohol is much more difficult to get rid of fusel oils dissolved in it.

Cleaning technology with vegetable oil

  1. Pour the unrefined, foul-smelling moonshine into a large enamel container and in small portions add boiled cold water. Constantly stir the liquid and check its strength with a home alcohol meter. When the percentage of ethanol in the drink becomes less than 28 degrees, pour the diluted moonshine into a large glass bottle up to 2/3 of its volume.
  2. The right amount of refined sunflower oil pour into a bottle of alcohol and tightly cork the dishes. Stick to the proportion: 20g vegetable oil per 1 liter of diluted alcohol.
  3. Put on mounting gloves with rubberized palm surfaces and grasp the bottle tightly with both hands. Shake it as hard as you can for 5-7 minutes. As a result, the liquid in the bottle will become cloudy, but after shaking, the whitish substance will literally begin to delaminate into fractions and lighten before our eyes.
  4. Leave the dish with the oil-alcohol emulsion overnight. The next day, the oil with harmful impurities dissolved in it will rise in a single layer to the surface.
  5. Using a long, thin hose lowered to the bottom of the bottle, drain the pure moonshine into another container.
  6. Pass it through a cotton-cloth filter and repeat the distillation.
