
Braised sauerkraut classic recipe with sausage. Braised sauerkraut with sausage recipe with photo

Juicy beef cutlets will perfectly complement your family dinner, and will also pleasantly surprise all lovers of delicious food! Cooked according to our recipe, they go well with any side dish and sauce, so don't be afraid to get creative.

If you don't want to cook your own ground beef, buy a pre-made one from the store. We also want to note that you can use not only beef, but also pork or even chicken fillet as meat. It will take you about 1 hour to prepare this dish. The recipe is for 9-10 servings.


  • Beef - 500 g
  • White bread - 100 g
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Milk - 1 tbsp.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Salt - to taste
  • Ground black pepper- taste


Second course
Servings - 9
Cooking time - 1 hour

Juicy beef cutlets: how to cook

Before you start cooking, you need to put all the necessary products on the table: beef, bread, onions, eggs, salt and pepper. Take white bread, cut it into medium cubes. Pour a glass of milk into a separate bowl and soak them in it. Set the bowl aside for now.

Now let's move on to the beef. From a piece of meat you need to cook minced meat. To do this, you can use a meat grinder or combine. First you need to cut the beef into small pieces and scroll through them. If you will use a combine, then you need to load chopped meat into it and turn on the Mince mode (cutting meat). When the mince is ready, transfer it to a separate bowl. We return to the white bread soaked in milk: it is already soaked enough and it must now be added to the minced meat.

Next, break the egg into a bowl with minced meat and bread. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Mix well and beat everything until a homogeneous mass is formed.

We now proceed to the formation of cutlets. To do this, we need a small amount of breadcrumbs (you can use flour instead). Pour them into a separate dish. Form oval-shaped blanks from minced meat and roll them in breadcrumbs. Try to make sure that all your cutlets are the same. Put them on a board or tray sprinkled with flour or breadcrumbs.

Put the resulting cutlets on a preheated pan with vegetable oil. Fry for 4-5 minutes over medium heat.

After frying, if desired, you can put out the cutlets. Due to this, they will turn out to be more fragrant and not so oily. To stew, you will need a small saucepan: transfer the cutlets there and simmer over low heat for about 10-15 minutes.

Sauerkraut is not only tasty, but also healthy. In particular, it contains a lot of vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system. Perhaps that is why it is harvested for the winter in large quantities. However, eating this snack cold can quickly get boring. Luckily, you can cook a lot of delicious dishes from it. One of the most popular all over the world is sauerkraut stewed with sausage. It is prepared not only in our country, but in Poland, Germany and a number of other countries. Of course, different nations have different recipes for preparing this delicious dish. Moreover, even among housewives living in the neighborhood, it turns out to be uneven. But there are recipes that can be found in the cookbook of many, they can be called traditional.

Sauerkraut stewed with sausage will turn out delicious if you take into account a few serious points when preparing it.

  • Sauerkraut itself can be different, because you can ferment it according to various recipes. There are times when sauerkraut comes out too salty. There is no big problem in this. If the appetizer turned out to be salty, then you just need to rinse it before cooking in cold water, squeeze it with your hands and let excess liquid drain from it, putting the cabbage in a colander for this.
  • Sauerkraut can be not only too salty, but also too sour. To get rid of excess acid, it is enough to blanch the cabbage for two minutes in hot water, and then rinse.
  • Considering that almost all the ingredients that make up the dish are already salty, it is not necessary to add salt when cooking it.
  • When stewing sauerkraut, you need to carefully monitor that all the water does not boil away from the container in which the dish is cooked. Water should be added if necessary.
  • Sausages are an important ingredient of the dish, so its taste depends to a large extent on their quality. For this reason, it is better to give preference to sausages with a high content of meat products, rather than soy protein or starch.

The technology for preparing stewed sauerkraut may also depend on the recipe.

A simple recipe for sauerkraut stewed with sausages


  • sauerkraut - 1 kg;
  • onions - 0.2 kg;
  • carrots - 0.3 kg;
  • sausages - 0.3 kg;
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml;
  • sugar - 10 g;
  • water - as much as needed (depending on the rate of evaporation).

Cooking method

  • Rinse the cabbage, squeeze it out and leave for a while in a colander to drain excess liquid from it.
  • Peel onions and carrots. Cut the onion into small cubes, grate the carrots coarsely.
  • Pour oil into the bottom of a thick-bottomed saucepan. When it's hot, put the onion in it. Fry it for about 5 minutes until golden brown.
  • Add carrots and fry vegetables until soft.
  • Slice the sausages crosswise and place in the same pot. Fry sausages for 5 minutes.
  • Add cabbage, stir. Pour in some water, add sugar and simmer covered for 20–25 minutes, remembering to add water as it boils away.
  • Leave the cabbage covered for another 10 minutes. After that, the cabbage can already be laid out on plates.

As you can see from the recipe, it is not difficult to cook sauerkraut stewed with sausages.

Classic recipe for sauerkraut stewed with sausage


  • cabbage - 0.8 kg;
  • sausages or sausages - 0.4 kg;
  • onions - 0.2 kg;
  • carrots - 0.2 kg;
  • tomato puree - 25 g;
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs.;
  • cloves - 2 pcs.;
  • black peppercorns - 5 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil - 80 ml;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • water - how much will go.


  • In oil (50 ml is enough), fry finely chopped onions with finely grated carrots. Put the tomato paste, stir, stew the vegetables with it for a couple of minutes.
  • Add the washed and squeezed sauerkraut, fry it for 10 minutes, then add water, put bay leaves, cloves and pepper, cover the pan with a lid and simmer the cabbage for 20 minutes. Spices will emphasize the taste of sauerkraut.
  • Cut across, in large pieces, sausages and fry them in the remaining oil on both sides until golden brown.
  • Put the sausages to the cabbage, stir it, cover with a lid and sweat over low heat for 10-15 minutes.
  • Turn off the heat and leave the cabbage to rise under the lid for another 10 minutes.

Sauerkraut cooked according to the classic recipe, stewed with sausages, has a unique spicy aroma and pleasant color.

Sauerkraut stewed with German sausage


  • sauerkraut - 1 kg;
  • sausages - 0.5 kg;
  • lard - 50 g;
  • onions - 0.2 kg;
  • apple juice - 100 ml;
  • apple - 0.2 kg;
  • plum or cherry plum (can be replaced with another apple) - 5 pcs.;
  • juniper fruits (optional) - 20 g;
  • spices - to taste.


  • Prepare sauerkraut by rinsing and blanching if necessary. Be sure to squeeze out excess water from it.
  • In a deep frying pan, melt the lard cut into small pieces.
  • Put the whole sausages in the pan, fry them lightly and take them out.
  • Put the cabbage in the rendered fat and fry it for 10 minutes, stirring often.
  • Rub the plums through a sieve. If they are not, then grate the apple on a fine grater.
  • Grate the remaining apples on a coarse grater or on a grater for Korean salads - this way they will look better in the dish.
  • Put fruit puree to the cabbage, mix and simmer in it for 10 minutes.
  • Pour in apple juice, juniper berries, half-ringed onion and spices to your liking. Stir. Simmer covered for another 20 minutes.
  • Add whole fried sausages to the cabbage, gently mix the cabbage, being careful not to damage them. Leave to simmer on low heat for another 10 minutes.
  • Remove from heat and arrange on plates, trying not to deprive anyone of sausages.

Sauerkraut according to this recipe can be stewed not only with sausages, but also with Bavarian sausages. True, they need to be boiled separately. It is boiled, as the Germans do with their branded sausages in this way.

Based on one of the above recipes, you can stew sauerkraut in a slow cooker, frying the ingredients in the baking mode, bringing to readiness in the stewing mode.

Sauerkraut is very popular, especially in winter. This is due to its affordable cost, useful properties and original taste. On the basis of this valuable preparation, you can cook a huge assortment of different foods - first and second courses, side dishes and casseroles.

On our website, we have already told you how to do it in banks yourself.

Try stewing sauerkraut with sausages, which is perfect for lunch or dinner, and will delight your whole family with its original taste. The dish is in perfect harmony with cereals, meat and fish products. Braised sauerkraut is good both warm and cold. If you do not add sausages, it can be used as a filling for savory pies. The cooking process is very simple and does not require much time from you. Even a beginner who is just starting to comprehend the basics of culinary art can make such a dish.

Taste Info Second vegetable dishes / Stewed cabbage


  • Sauerkraut - 600 g;
  • Onion - 350 g;
  • Carrots - 200 g;
  • Sunflower oil for frying;
  • Salt, coriander, ground black pepper - to taste;
  • Greens - optional.

How to cook stewed sauerkraut with sausages

First of all, remove the husk from the onion and rinse it. Cut the vegetable into small pieces. Put in a frying pan with heated sunflower oil. Stirring, fry over moderate heat until the product is soft and transparent.

Carrots also need to be peeled and washed well. Grate the vegetable on the largest grater and add it to the onion. Stir and continue to fry until the carrots become softer. In this case, do not make a big fire, otherwise the vegetables may burn.

Both boiled and smoked sausages are suitable for preparing this dish. You can take several types, then the dish will turn out even more delicious. The main thing is that the product is of high quality. Free the sausages from the shells (unless they are edible) and cut into thin slices. Send the prepared product to the fried vegetables. Mix thoroughly. Continue frying the ingredients for another 3-5 minutes over moderate heat. Do not forget to periodically stir the contents of the pan with a wooden spatula.

Sauerkraut can be both sour and salty. In the first case, it must be blanched for 1-2 minutes in boiling water, and then rinsed under the tap. Salted cabbage is enough just to rinse well and squeeze out excess liquid. Add the properly prepared product to the pan with the rest of the ingredients and mix well. Pour a little boiling water and simmer under a closed lid for 20-25 minutes. Periodically open and stir with a wooden spatula. If all the water has evaporated, add a little more.

After about 20 minutes, season the cabbage with ground pepper and coriander. You may need some salt. Adjust the amount of spices to your liking. Stir and simmer for another 10-15 minutes. Taste the dish, if you think the cabbage is too sour, add some sugar.

At the end of cooking, add chopped greens.

You can use fresh or frozen product. Braised sauerkraut with sausages is ready. Serve the dish to the table, shifting it into a beautiful container. Bon appetit!

Braised cabbage is such a simple recipe that anyone can make this dish. It is very tasty and inexpensive, and cooking takes very little time.

Both cabbage and sausages can be bought at any store. There are a lot of cooking options, you can go through them at least every day and discover something new, while adding one more ingredient.

This is a great option for a quick dinner when, after a hard and long day at work, you want to relax, and not spend the rest of the evening at the stove. You can make a dish from fresh or sour cabbage, add meat, use seasonings and spices. And if you use sausages, sausages, sausage or meat, then the finished result will be more saturated and satisfying.

If you use sauerkraut, then before cooking, it is better to squeeze it out a little or rinse it under running water. Otherwise, you end up with a rather sour dish.

I will present you eight cooking options, choose for yourself the one that you would like to try to do first and get down to business.

Everything is clear with the vegetable, now let's figure out what we have with sausages. We care about what kind of food we eat, so it is important to choose a good convenience food.

Now I will tell you what you should pay attention to when buying it.

  1. Of course, first of all, we look at the composition of sausages and check whether we put meat there. It should be at the very beginning of the list. There should not be vegetable protein and starch. We are also trying to choose those that have a minimum of dyes, stabilizers and flavor enhancers (any E) in their composition.
  2. And it also turns out that the quality does not affect in what kind of shell they are: in natural or in film. Good sausages should be fresh with a shelf life of 4 and up to a maximum of 20 days.

Well, in general, we decided a little, bought a package and went home to cook.

Perhaps now many will support me that simple dishes are the most delicious. This recipe takes me back to my childhood for a moment. Then sausages were in accordance with GOST and homemade cabbage. Remember too? Write it down for yourself.

By the way, if you need to make a dish as soon as possible to feed the household, then I advise you to take exactly the young cabbage. Because it will be stewed for no more than five minutes.


  • a couple of medium carrots
  • one large onion
  • 4-5 sausages
  • a small head of cabbage (700 grams)
  • 150 grams of tomato paste
  • sunflower oil


1. First of all, you need to wash and peel the carrots, onions and get rid of the sausage film.

2. Heat up a frying pan, previously greased with oil, and put sausages cut into circles on it.

Fry them lightly on both sides until lightly browned. You can put them from the pan on a plate. I'll transfer it to another similar pan.

3. Now put finely chopped onions in the same pan, and after three minutes add grated carrots. The juice left from the sausage will soak the vegetables. An incredible aroma will go through the kitchen.

4. Wash the cabbage and chop it.

Add to vegetables. It remains to cover all this with a lid and simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Periodically watch the cooking process, and if the liquid separated from the vegetables seems insufficient, then add a little water so that the dish is stewed further.

5. Shortly before the end of cooking, put the indicated amount of tomato paste and sausage.

Leave for another seven minutes. The lid can no longer be closed.

This is how easy it is to make a delicious dinner. Bon appetit!

Braised sauerkraut with German sausages

The name came to us probably because it is very reminiscent of the German version of cooking. In which people use sausages and add hot, hot peppers.


  • three sausages,
  • apple,
  • half a can of sauerkraut
  • one bulb,
  • salt to taste.
  • 2 cloves of garlic.


1. Immediately it is better to prepare a container in which the cooking process will be carried out. I used a deep and wide frying pan.

2. Peel and cut the onion into small squares. Or whatever you like.

And finely chop the garlic. Put them to fry on a slow fire.

3. Rinse the cabbage from the brine so that it is not so sour.

Put it on the onion and garlic.

4. You can add quite a bit of water, cover with a lid for 20 minutes, and leave a small fire.

5. Now it's time to add the apple. We clean it from the skin and grate it.

Mix with vegetables.

6. Peel the sausages from the film and lightly fry until golden brown in another pan, and after that combine them with cabbage.

Cover again and simmer for another five minutes.

As soon as the dish is ready, cut the bread before serving, it can be dipped in the juice from under the finished treat.

Bon appetit!

Cabbage with sausages in a slow cooker with tomato paste

This is one of the easy cooking options. Probably also because it is done with the help of a slow cooker, which helps out the hostesses every day.


  • five large spoons of tomato paste,
  • 700 grams of cabbage
  • four sausages,
  • one bulb,
  • pepper mixture.


1. First you need to spread the multicooker bowl with sunflower oil.

2. Peel and finely chop the onion and sausages.

Put fry on the "Baking" or "Frying" mode. I know that some multicookers have menus in English. If so, then you need to select the “Cake” or “Fry” modes. By the time you need to fry the onion for 4-5 minutes. Then turn off the mode.

If you need a dietary option without frying, then immediately put all the ingredients into the multicooker bowl and turn on the general program.

3. Chop the head of cabbage and add to the onion in the slow cooker. It turned out a lot, but she will quickly give up her juice and immediately become half as much.

Pour in some water and add tomato paste. Stir and select the program "Extinguishing". In my assistant, the time is automatically set to 50 minutes. This is quite enough.

4. After about 20 minutes of cooking, you need to add chopped sausages and close the lid of the multicooker for another 7 minutes so that the ingredients are stewed together and saturated with taste.

From spices for stewed cabbage, I prefer to take hmkli-suneli, nutmeg, a mixture of peppers and dried dill. Sometimes I add bell peppers and carrots.

Bon appetit!

Recipe with mushrooms

This option will be very popular with all those who are not indifferent to mushrooms. It is suitable for dinner, and it can also be a good filling for pies. We'll take some mushrooms.


  • one young head of cabbage
  • four sausages,
  • 250 grams of champignons,
  • salt, pepper.


1. Rinse the mushrooms and let them dry a little on a towel. After that, cut them into small pieces.

2. Wash the cabbage, chop.

3. Take the sausages, remove the film from them and cut into circles in the same way.

4. Heat up a frying pan with the addition of sunflower oil and put cabbage in it. Keep on medium heat until about 50% of its readiness. And this is about 10-15 minutes. You can add a pinch of ground pepper.

Then combine it with carrots, add salt to taste. We continue to simmer for another 7 minutes.

5. Fry mushrooms in vegetable oil for five minutes and then put sausages on them.

7. And now you can put an aromatic mixture of champignons and sausages into the vegetable mass. Stir, close the lid and simmer for another five minutes, and then let stand for a while, turning off the heat.

A delicious dinner with mushrooms is ready, you can safely serve it to the table.

Braised cabbage with sausages and beans

Beans are a real treasure trove of protein that our body needs. The combination of cabbage, sausages and beans is a great choice. Again, the ease of preparation and the great taste in the finished result make you cook this food again and again.


  • half head of cabbage
  • beans,
  • sunflower oil,
  • a couple of sausages
  • carrot,
  • tomato paste.


1. Take a head of cabbage, wash it and finely chop it with a sharp knife.

2. It's the turn of sausages. You need to remove the film from them, and cut into round pieces.

3. Heat a frying pan over a fire and pour sunflower oil and water into it. Now put the cabbage in there. Close the lid and simmer for about twenty minutes.

4. When it is already soft and noticeably reduced in volume - it's time to add sausages and beans. The second product I always look at the eye, usually it is 200 grams.

5. It is important not to forget to salt the dish and stir it during cooking. And when the excess liquid has evaporated, turn off the heat and let cool.

Now you can eat. Bon appetit, dear friends!

Braised cabbage with sausage in the oven in a cauldron

Now I will tell you about how to make stewed cabbage with the addition of sausages not in a pan, but in the oven. This option will be even more useful, since the future dish is not fried during the manufacturing process, but steamed in the oven. As if it had been infused in a Russian oven.

For this purpose, it is better to take a cauldron. But you can get by with a baking sheet with a lid.


  • one big carrot
  • 850 grams of cabbage
  • seven sausages,
  • sunflower oil.


1. First of all, you need to prepare all the products used. First, wash the cabbage, onion and carrot. Chop the first ingredient, and clean and cut the second two as you like. Remove the film from the sausages and cut them into rounds.

2. Combine all vegetables together, mix with sunflower oil.

Put them in a cauldron and send them to the oven, heated to 180 degrees. The time that the dish should spend in it is approximately 45 minutes.

It will be very tasty if, 10 minutes before the end of cooking, you open the cauldron and cover the surface of the vegetables with grated cheese.

When everything is ready, arrange in portions on plates and serve. Bon appetit.

This recipe in a cauldron can be repeated on the stove, if you suddenly doubt the oven.

Recipe for cooking with potatoes

And this recipe is supplemented with potatoes, thanks to which the dish is even tastier, more satisfying and more varied.


  • one medium sized carrot
  • four potatoes,
  • four sausages,
  • one bulb,
  • half a medium cabbage
  • salt,
  • sunflower oil.


1. First of all, you need to peel the potatoes, cut them into thin slices, and fry over low heat until golden brown. This is done so that it does not fall apart into porridge during the stewing process.

2. In the meantime, while the potatoes are fried, you need to peel and cut the onion, and add to the potatoes.

3. Wash and peel the carrots, grate them and put them in the pan with the vegetables.

4. Wash and chop a young head of cabbage. Add to the skillet as well.

5. Sausages, as usual, peel and cut. Combine with all vegetables. Add a little water to make everything stew better.

You can also put some greens for taste, beauty and aroma. We continue to simmer the dish for 40 minutes on the smallest heat of the stove.

Bon appetit!

How to stew cabbage with sour cream in a saucepan

As you already understood, you can cook stewed cabbage in a saucepan. This recipe is with sour cream and herbs.


  • half a head of fresh cabbage
  • one carrot,
  • bulb,
  • three cloves of garlic
  • greenery,
  • salt,
  • 5-7 large spoons of sour cream.


1. Carrots, onions, garlic must be peeled and chopped. Onion rings are better, carrots are grated, and garlic is chopped through a press.

2. Chop half a head of cabbage. I like to use a vegetable cutter or a special grater for Korean salads for this purpose.

3. Take a pan and pour 200 milliliters of water into it. Add some sunflower oil.

4. Fry the onion, carrot, garlic and chopped sausages in a pan. After putting them in a pot of water, and put slices of cabbage there.

5. We will simmer under the lid for ten minutes.

When everything is ready, put the food on plates and treat your friends.

Sausages with sauerkraut is a traditional German dish, because it is in Germany that they love the combination of meat products with sauerkraut. Shank with cabbage, sausages, sausages, hunting sausages, etc. - this is an incomplete culinary list of dishes that you will be treated to in this country, but we will still cook the simplest of them. To do this, you need to purchase or cook meat sausages, as well as sauerkraut (if you have such an opportunity, use our recipe and prepare it) so that your dish is brighter and more attractive in appearance).


  • 2-3 sausages
  • 350 g sauerkraut
  • 50 ml hot water
  • 30 ml vegetable oil
  • 1 bulb
  • ground black pepper to taste


1. Cut the onion into small cubes. Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the onion for about 2-3 minutes until soft, without frying.

2. Peel the sausages from the shell, cut in half and cut into small pieces. Add to the pan and fry for 3-5 minutes until lightly browned. Sausages can be used instead of sausages.

3. Be sure to rinse the sauerkraut in water, putting it in a colander to remove excess salt. Transfer the cabbage to the pan and mix the contents of the container. Fry for 5-7 minutes on medium heat until lightly browned.

4. Pour hot water into the pan, cover the pan with a lid and simmer the dish for about 5–7 minutes on medium heat. If you like fried sauerkraut with sausages, you can skip this step and do not add water to the pan. We will not add salt to the dish, because sauerkraut already contains it, but you can pepper the dish. If you like spicy, spicy tastes, then you can add more ground red pepper or chopped garlic.
