
How to make vodka from alcohol (ethyl or medical). How to dilute alcohol with water to make good quality vodka

It is easy to get delicious soft vodka from alcohol at home. It is only necessary to take high-quality purified alcohol and water, and follow some rules for diluting alcohol with water.

When diluting alcohol with water, get quality vodka possible even at home. At the same time, the taste, smell and strength will be identical to the products industrial production. To obtain such a result, it is necessary to observe the technology and proportions.

How to properly dilute ethyl alcohol with water to make vodka at home: calculator table, formula

The process of diluting alcohol with water is called the "cold" method of converting alcohol into vodka. Sometimes this method is used even in the production of alcoholic beverages. At home, you can also get a high-quality vodka product, but the mixing technology must be strictly observed.

Choosing alcohol

Ethyl alcohol differs in the degree of purification:

  • alpha - from 96.3%, produced exclusively from conditioned grain: wheat, rye.
  • extra - from 96.3%,
  • luxury - from 96.3%.

For the production of varieties of alcohol extra, luxury, a mixture of grain and potatoes is used. Extra grade contains up to 35% starch.

  • the highest purification - from 96.2%,
  • first grade - from 96.0%,
  • basis - from 96.0%.

For the production of these varieties, any food raw materials are used.

The basis variety contains about 60% starch. Without additional purification, vodka from it is not tasty. But if you add manganese to it, and after the precipitation is filtered through a carbon filter, then the quality of the product will improve.

From alcohol of the first grade alcoholic drinks do not produce.

Choosing water

Much depends on the quality, taste and degree of purification of water. You should not take ordinary tap water that has not undergone additional purification. It contains too much various impurities, salts, which will not allow you to make a tasty, high-quality drink. The best choice will:

  • tap water, after multi-stage purification;
  • bottled water, with a minimum salt content. The softer the water, the softer the final product will be;
  • spring water - considered ideal option difficult to perform in urban environments. But spring water can be too hard.

You can use distilled water, but such water dissolves alcohol worse, and the taste is somewhat “medical”.

When mixing alcohol with water, a ratio of 2:3 is usually used, i.e. 2 parts alcohol diluted with 3 parts water. Even Mendeleev considered this combination to be universal.

Interesting. Sometimes it is advised to measure components not by volume, but by weight. But it is worth remembering that alcohol is lighter than water: 1 liter of ethyl alcohol weighs 790 g. when measuring components by weight, the strength of the final product will be higher.

For a more accurate result, you can use the formula:

where x is the amount of water required to dilute alcohol to the desired concentration, ml;
M - the required strength of the alcohol solution,%;
P is the volume of available alcohol, ml;
N - initial strength of alcohol,%.

For example, from 96% alcohol you need to get 40% vodka. Volume of alcohol - 1 liter (1000 ml):

Those. 1000 ml of alcohol should be poured into 1400 ml of water.

You can also use the Fertman table, which contains various combinations of the initial and final solution.

Having chosen the strength of the source material and the strength of the final product, we find out the amount of water in ml, which must be added to 100 ml of alcohol

Important. Always add alcohol to water to avoid clouding the alcohol. Water must be taken chilled, otherwise the final product will have a taste and smell characteristic of alcohol, and not vodka.

How to dilute alcohol into medical vodka, cognac, ethyl 96, 70 percent up to 40 degrees?

  • Medical alcohol is obtained from ethyl alcohol by purifying ethanol and adding water to it, about 4%. Medical alcohol is the most pure product. Its strength usually varies between 96.4-96.7%.

    Important. Medical alcohol is an antidote for poisoning with methanol, ethylene glycol, if drunk before or immediately after the use of these toxic substances.

  • The strength of ethyl alcohol, which is recommended for making vodka at home, can be different. The main thing is that ethanol is edible, not technical. Edible ethyl alcohol is produced from food raw materials, while technical alcohol is made from synthetic materials.
  • Cognac spirit is an alcohol obtained from grape juice(mainly white grape varieties), after two stages of distillation. Its strength is 68-72%. Cognac alcohol turns into cognac in oak barrels, where it is aged for a certain time, but not more than 70 years, because after that the strength, taste and aromatic characteristics do not change.

Before starting the process of preparing a drink from alcohol, it is necessary to set the strength of alcohol. To do this, use a hydrometer.

  1. To obtain 40% of the product from 96% alcohol, you can use the ratio of alcohol and water: 1:1.4. If any additives are used: syrup, honey, juice, then they try to ensure that the total final amount of liquid is within 1.4 liters per 1 liter of alcohol.
  2. If there is alcohol with a strength of 70%, then you can get a 40% drink from it if you combine 100 ml of alcohol with 77.6 ml of water.

Important. If alcohol is already poured into water, then you cannot add more water to it - the alcohol will become cloudy, the product will be spoiled. You can try to save this situation by passing the liquid through Activated carbon. More better result will be, if activated carbon is crushed, poured into alcohol solution, withstand a few days and then filter.

What is the best way to dilute ethyl alcohol for drinking so that it tastes good?

For tasty and quality drink, in addition to purified tasty water, you will need:

  • glucose;
  • sugar syrup: 1 liter of water / 1 kg of sugar. The syrup is cooked over low heat until the end of the formation of foam, which is removed;
  • various juices;
  • milk;
  • lemon acid;
  • dried lemon peel;
  • pepper;
  • various roots;
  • Tea coffee;
  • lemonade;
  • berries;
  • herbs.

These ingredients are added to small quantities. On average, 30-40 ml of additives is enough for 1 liter of solution. Citric acid put 5-10 ml. Dry matter put 5-40g, depending on the desired result.

Algorithm for preparing a delicious drink:

  1. We prepare the ingredients: alcohol, water, additives. To accurately measure the strength, the temperature of the components should be about 20 ° C. If the water is warm, then the drink will have an alcoholic taste, not vodka.
  2. Add alcohol to the water in the appropriate proportions.
  3. We add various flavor additives.
  4. We mix everything thoroughly. This is done for faster dissolution of all substances. If the container can be tightly closed, then you can shake everything.
  5. Add crushed activated charcoal tablets to the solution. For 2.5 liters of solution - 3-10 tablets of coal. We let it brew: from several hours to a day with room temperature, optimally - 22°С.
  6. We filter. The filter can be fabric, paper, gauze with cotton.
  7. We pour into bottles. Bottles must be filled up to the neck so that the alcohol does not evaporate.
  8. Let the drink sit for a few days.

Important. It is necessary to store and prepare the product only in glassware, plastic - is contraindicated.

How to dilute ethyl alcohol with juice: proportions

When preparing vodka with such a “cold” method, alcohol can be diluted not only with water, but also with juice. This makes delicious cocktails.

  1. Cocktail "Screwdriver" - mix orange juice(2.5 parts) and alcohol (1 part). Add a slice of lemon, ice cubes - and the drink is ready.
  2. "Bloody Mary" combination tomato juice(2 parts) and alcohol (1 part) with the addition of salt, pepper, lemon juice. Although you can limit it exclusively to juice and alcohol.
  3. Cranberry cocktail - a combination of juice and alcohol 2:1. The drink has some astringency.
  4. Apple cocktail - juice and alcohol are mixed in a ratio of 3:1. The best juice is made from green apples.
  5. When making a cherry cocktail for 1 part of vodka, it is allowed to take 2 or 3 parts of vodka. The sweetness of the drink depends on the variety of cherries.
  6. For a pomegranate alcoholic drink, a 3: 1 ratio is suitable, where 1 part of alcohol is added to 3 parts of juice.
  7. Grapefruit cocktail has a sweetish aftertaste. Its proportion is the same as that of pomegranate: 3:1.

Focusing on these proportions, you can combine alcohol with any other juice.

How to make lemon vodka at home from ethyl alcohol: a recipe

lemon vodka has bright aroma, taste and long aftertaste of citrus.


  1. Alcohol base: regular vodka, ethyl alcohol mixed with water, moonshine High Quality.
  2. Sugar (honey) - up to 2 tablespoons. This ingredient softens the drink, but it can be omitted.
  3. Lemon - 2 pieces.


  1. Scald lemons with boiling water, then rinse thoroughly warm water. Remove the zest without touching the white peel to avoid the bitterness of the drink.
  2. Squeeze juice from lemons. The juice should be squeezed carefully so that as little pulp as possible gets into the juice.
  3. IN glass jar put the zest, sugar (glucose, honey), pour in the juice and, last but not least, the alcohol component. If ordinary store-bought vodka is used, then alcohol is added to increase the strength of the finished product.
  4. Mix everything thoroughly, close the jar, put in a warm place for 24-48 hours. It is advisable to shake the vodka 4-6 times during this time.
  5. Filter the drink through cotton wool, paper filter, pour into bottles, you can drink.

Important. When sediment appears, turbidity - filter through gauze.

How much ethyl alcohol is needed for 1 liter of vodka?

When water and alcohol are combined, a chemical reaction occurs that absorbs part of the liquid. Therefore, to obtain 1 liter of the finished product, the total amount of initial ingredients must be taken more than 1 liter.

  • To obtain 40% vodka, 421 ml of alcohol is added to 607 ml of water.
  • To obtain 60% vodka, 632 ml of alcohol is added to 397 ml of water.

What water is used to dilute alcohol: raw or boiled?

  • In general, it does not matter - boiled water or raw, if the water good quality, has no impurities and a large number salts. If the water is tap water, then it is advisable to boil it, and then at least pass it through a filter jug. But it is better to subject to three or more stages of purification.
  • If the water is spring, then it depends on the degree of its hardness.
  • Bottled water is optimal for urban conditions. It does not need to be boiled or filtered. The main thing is that the water should not be too mineralized.

Can alcohol be diluted, mixed with carbonated or distilled water?

  • Although everywhere they write that distilled water should not be used for drinking, alcohol is diluted with distillate quite often. The main harm of distilled water is the absence of the main mass in it. useful substances, which contributes to the washing out, and not the saturation of nutrients in the body.
  • Distilled water has bad smell and a specific taste, so it should not be used. There are no other restrictions for diluting alcohol with it. Although, if a person does not have a particularly sensitive taste, then he may not feel it. But some lovers, on the contrary, prefer to use exclusively distilled water, because without additional additives, vodka with it turns out to be softer and more pleasant.
  • Alcohol is not diluted with carbonated water, the desired effect is delicious nice drink not achieve. Carbon dioxide increases the absorption of alcohol, irritates the walls of the stomach. In order to speed up the absorption of alcohol, it is better to simply drink ready-made vodka with a carbonated drink.

How long does the reaction of ethyl alcohol with water last, after what time can you drink diluted alcohol?

  • You can drink diluted alcohol immediately after mixing, only the taste will not be complete yet. It is advisable to keep the drink for 1-2 days. During this period, all the elements have not yet been dissolved, but the main work will have already been done.
  • The reaction of alcohol with water lasts about 7 days, which is how long it is usually recommended to infuse vodka before drinking. Some recipes recommend insisting 14 days.

Video. How to dilute alcohol with water?

Alcohol is diluted with water and other ingredients to obtain vodka. Self-preparation of a drink practically does not differ from factory technologies.

The advantage of this cooking procedure is that you control everything yourself.

And therefore - you will be sure that you will prepare a normal product, with or without application, to your liking, various additives and without the risk of getting poisoned with burnt vodka. How to properly dilute alcohol and will be discussed in the article.

Preparation of ingredients


The preparation of vodka from alcohol by dilution in water is called the “cold method” by technologists. This operation is often used in distilleries. The technology is proven, proven, economical. Dilution results in high quality food product with a known intoxicating effect.

In this process, the main thing is to follow the step by step order of mixing all the ingredients. But first you need to prepare them. Choose an alcohol from the list below:

  • 96.5% - extra;
  • 96.3% - luxury;
  • 96.2% - the highest purification;
  • 96% - first grade;
  • medical;
  • anhydrous.

The best quality alcohol is a product labeled "Lux". And the worst option (for lack of a better one) is alcohol of the highest purity. (Don't be surprised - it's true, a hundredth of a percent matters a lot!)


After choosing the main raw material, it is necessary to prepare water, in which then it will be necessary to dilute the alcohol. This component can be filtered or distilled.

With filtered can different results, they depend on the hardness of the water and its mineral composition. And with “distillate” there are practically no options for failure (if it is really a distilled product).

It is never necessary to use tap water (“Zhekovskaya”) without purification - spoil both the final product and simply transfer valuable alcohol.

Spring water is often hard, purchased water from a supermarket is also not distinguished by the purity of its parameters, and we do not recommend melted water (with our ecology).

(The last tip will be especially relevant not only for residents of cities, but also suburbs, small towns and villages located near industrial giants within up to 100 km.)


As various additives in industrial production, various acids and additives are used. Acetic and citric acid are the most popular.

Vinegar in honor of its cheapness and sugary smell, and lemon - to soften hard water (even filtered water can be hard).

Sugar, aromatic essences are added to vodka as additives, milk and honey are added in small quantities.

The use of these ingredients depends only on your taste preferences. Love “bitter”, real and burning, “so that it warms” - do not use additives. If you like a soft-to-go product, experiment by adding little by little and come up with your perfect recipe.

Alcohol dilution proportions and preparation procedure

Long ago (more than 140 years ago) it was established that optimal proportion for mixing vodka is 2 parts alcohol and 3 parts water. The unit of measurement is mass. That is, to get 1 kg of vodka, you need to take 0.4 kg of alcohol and 0.6 kg of water. Using these weight fractions, you get the classic "40 degrees" with a volume of just under 1 liter.

It is important to understand how to properly dilute alcohol. The mixing procedure is simple: pour alcohol into the water. Not otherwise. The control is carried out with a hydrometer (alcohol meter). Depending on the readings of the device, add a little alcohol. (At the same time, remember about water: it is no longer possible to pour it into the mixture.)

You can use scientific tools for dilution and control - special tables. For vodka of a classic strength of 40 °, you need to take 100 ml of alcohol with a strength of 90 ° and pour into a volume of water equal to 130.8 ml.

For supplements when we are talking about industrial production, make mass (volume) corrections. For home cooking, in small volumes, these amounts of additives can be ignored.

Table "How to dilute alcohol with water." (The value in the cell is the amount of water in ml per 100 ml of ethyl alcohol)

After alcohol before dilution
95° 90° 85° 80° 75° 70° 65° 60° 55° 50°
90° 6,4
85° 13,3 6,6
80° 20,9 13,8 6,8
75° 29,5 21,8 14,5 7,2
70° 39,1 31,0 23,1 15,4 7,6
65° 50,1 41,4 33,0 24,7 16,4 8,2
60° 67,9 53,7 44,5 35,4 26,5 17,6 8,8
55° 78,0 67,8 57,9 48,1 38,3 28,6 19,0 9,5
50° 96,0 84,7 73,9 63,0 52,4 41,7 31,3 20,5 10,4
45° 117,2 105,3 93,3 81,2 69,5 57,8 46,0 34,5 22,9 11,4
40° 144,4 130,8 117,3 104,0 90,8 77,6 64,5 51,4 38,5 25,6
35° 178,7 163,3 148,0 132,9 117,8 102,8 87,9 73,1 58,3 43,6
30° 224,1 206,2 188,6 171,1 153,6 136,0 118,9 101,7 84,5 67,5
25° 278,1 266,1 245,2 224,3 203,5 182,8 162,2 141,7 121,2 100,7
20° 382,0 355,8 329,8 304,0 278,3 252,6 227,0 201,4 176,0 150,6
15° 540,0 505,3 471,0 436,9 402,8 368,8 334,9 301,1 267,3 233,6


After the finished product is a little defended and cleaned. Cleaning can be carried out through a fabric or paper filter. Also, after mixing, you can add a little activated charcoal to the mixture itself, and strain after exposure.

To improve the quality of the finished vodka, several tablets of activated carbon are added to the product. After the product in this state is defended for 2-4 hours in heat. The mixture is then filtered through a cloth.

Adding Other Ingredients

After you have managed to successfully dilute the alcohol, the operation of adding additives follows. To soften, add honey, glucose, citrus juices. If you have no experience, then add in small portions. For 1 liter, 30-40 ml of the ingredient is enough, no more. Acids are added even less - 5-10 ml per 1 liter of finished products.

Next, you need to keep the entire composition in the dark and cold for about a week: diluted alcohol reacts with all the ingredients, the mixture gains its final taste. When the exposure is over, then the finished vodka must be bottled. It is important to tightly cork the bottles: if this is not done, then part of the alcohol will evaporate, which will reduce the strength of the product.

At this stage, another surprise awaits you: there will be less finished vodka - part of the substance will react and form new compounds, due to which the final volume of vodka will decrease.

Note 1. A number of sources suggest that you first prepare pure vodka, without additives. Others suggest that you first prepare the water: pour in and stir all the additives.

Note 2. If the table is difficult to use, then there is another simple formula dilution of 96% alcohol: 1 liter of alcohol is required to be added to 1.4 liters of water to obtain a 40 ° drink.

Note 3. For the preparation of vodka, the temperature of the ingredients is important. It is enough to heat them up to 20 ° C. If this is not done, then you can be tormented with adjusting the “degrees” for strength: difference from the standard 20 degrees (temperature) can give discrepancies in degrees of strength from 1 or more per unit temperature.


Source: https://alcozavr.com/samogon/samogonovarenie/kak-razbavit-spirt.html

How to dilute alcohol with water so that you get 40 degree vodka

The recipes for making cold vodka are simple, but the finished product will be of high quality if there are good ingredients and the exact proportions are observed.

Fans of home-made spirits like to dilute alcohol with water to make vodka. This is the most common drink in the world, and foreigners consider it a Russian attribute.

Therefore, who, if not the Russians, should know how to make high-quality vodka at home, so that it smells good, is easy to drink and warms the soul.

If you make vodka yourself, you can be sure that it does not contain harmful additives.

The main principle of preparation homemade alcohol- mixing alcohol with water in the required proportions. The process is simple, but requires accuracy in the calculations.

It is difficult to predict in advance what strength alcohol will be purchased, and in order not to calculate each time, it is better to stock up on recommendations for different options.

Or you will have to look for a table with proportions at the last moment and randomly select products to soften the taste.

Preparation of ingredients

Required to prepare good components, because that's the only way quality product. You can argue for a long time which alcohol is better - medical, extra or the highest degree of purification.

But manufacturers of home-made alcohol have little choice, most often medical alcohol is purchased or otherwise obtained. Therefore, you need to use what is, and try to bring the final product to perfection.

The main thing is to know exactly the degree of the available raw materials, because the dilution proportions depend on this.

You need to stock up:

  • alcohol;
  • spring water;
  • alcoholometer;
  • measuring glass;
  • sugar;
  • citric acid;
  • natural additives to soften the drink.

Dilute alcohol for drinking is easy, harder to find good ingredients. It should be borne in mind that the taste and properties of the resulting alcohol will depend not only on the quality of the alcohol, but also on the purity and mineral composition of the water.

Water treatment

The softer the water, which is always more in vodka than alcohol, the softer the finished drink will be. Spring is considered the best, and tap water is not suitable due to the large amount of impurities. Therefore, knowing how to properly dilute alcohol with water is not enough. It is also necessary to prepare the liquid, while simply boiling or distilling tap water will not be enough.

Thermal preparation "kills" water, an alcoholic drink based on it will have a sharp taste, so it must be "live", from natural sources.

If it is not possible to dilute alcohol with water from a spring, it is permissible to use tap water, passed through a filter and frozen.

When freezing, you should wait until about ¾ of the original volume turns into ice, pour out the excess, defrost the ice and use this liquid for dilution.

Dilution of alcohol with water calculator

In order for home-made alcohol to have the desired degree, you should know in what proportions it is bred. Without taking this into account, it rarely turns out to be vodka desired fortress. Therefore, when diluting alcohol, it is required to use a special calculator that helps to make the correct calculation even for a person who does not know how to determine percentages, correlate them with degrees and operate with fractions.

With such an assistant, knowing the strength of the available alcohol, you can easily calculate how much liquid you need to stock up before starting the dilution procedure.

Preparation of pure vodka with a strength of 40 degrees without additives

After carelessly diluted strong alcohol in the mouth, a feeling of dryness and bad taste, therefore, I want alcohol not only to correspond to the desired degree, but also to drink easily, without requiring an immediate snack or drink after itself.

Knowing how to properly dilute alcohol, you can make high-quality alcohol in a cold way without even leaving your home. The only condition is that the stock should have good raw materials and water close in quality to spring water. And then - a matter of technology. You need to calculate the proportions and mix the ingredients correctly.

There is a common method of mixing alcohol with water up to 40 degrees: 1 liter of 96% raw material is added to 1.4 liters of liquid, resulting in 40-degree vodka. With a different strength of the feedstock, you will have to recalculate the proportions or use ready-made data.

The table below shows the different volumes of spring water that must be mixed with 1 liter of alcohol to make an alcoholic drink with a strength of 40% vol.:

To prevent the alcohol from becoming cloudy when mixed, it must be poured into chilled water. If you pour in the opposite way and at the same time take warm water, chemical compounds are formed that fix the taste and smell characteristic of alcohol in the resulting drink.

  • The volume of the container should be chosen so that the resulting drink fills it up to the very neck.
  • The more oxygen remains in the tank, the longer the oxidation reaction will take and upper layer will turn into acetic acid.
  • The container is placed in a dark place with a temperature above + 4 ° C, and there it should be at least 2 days, but optimal time exposure until the end of all chemical reactions - 7 days.

How to dilute a liter of 96 alcohol

Calculating how to dilute alcohol with water is not only for making vodka. May not need as much strong alcohol. Recommended to find ready tables, offering solutions for mixing and obtaining liquids of the required degree.

If the desired value does not fall within the proposed ready-made range, the calculation is made independently, using a special formula that helps you find out how much water you need to add to 100 ml of 96% alcohol in order to get the composition desired degree:

water volume \u003d 9600 / TK - 96, where

TK - the required strength of the solution in degrees.

In order not to have to make calculations every time, the results can be calculated and compiled into a table showing how much water needs to be added so that the diluted 96% alcohol reaches the desired concentration:

Flavor softening ingredients

After the procedure for mixing alcohol and water was successful, it was time to add components that soften the taste of the liquid - a residual sensation in the mouth immediately after swallowing. Vodka gourmets reasonably claim that vodkas differ in smell, taste and sensations during the ingestion of the drink and immediately after.

To improve the taste, additives are used that interrupt the sharp sensations during drinking and give natural flavors. When using unfamiliar ingredients, it is recommended to experiment with small amounts of alcohol. Soften the taste homemade vodka you can, slightly acidifying or sweetening it with glucose, sucrose, citric acid:

  1. Citric acid is used in pure form(2 g per 1 liter of alcohol) or is replaced by the juice of a small lemon.
  2. Ascorbic acid is highly soluble in alcohol, therefore it is used to soften any alcoholic beverages. For 1 liter of alcoholic drink add 3-5 g of ascorbic acid.
  3. Glucose is added at the rate of 5 g of powder or 25 ml of a 40% solution per 1 liter of vodka.
  4. Sugar is used only well-refined, otherwise the drink may become cloudy. Powdered sugar will dissolve the fastest. Standard portion- 1 tbsp. l. without a slide for 1 liter of 40-degree vodka. You should know that sugar in vodka is not sugar in tea, sweetness is felt stronger in vodka. To color the drink, part of the white sugar can be replaced with 1 tsp. burnt.
  5. fructose 2 times sweeter than sugar, so for 1 liter of drink take ½ tbsp. l.
  6. Honey is used liquid or pre-melted in a water bath. The proportions are the same as for fructose - ½ tbsp. l. for 1 liter of drink.

Consensus on the sequence of preparation soft vodka No. A number of sources recommend mixing alcohol and water first, then adding emollients. But there are also recommendations to first add emollient ingredients to the water, wait for dissolution and only then increase the degree.

Source: https://SamogonMan.com/kalkulyatory/razbavit-spirt-vodoj.html

How to dilute alcohol with water at home

Alcohol is a hard drink: even when treating wounds and rubbing with undiluted alcohol, you can get burns, but in some situations it can be very useful. For example, on a hike, in nature - where, in addition to alcohol, you also need to carry a backpack with all sorts of things.

And the natural desire of everyone to reduce the weight that you have to carry with you. In such situations, alcohol is just perfect. Alcohol is also used not only for direct dilution and drinking in this form, but for the preparation of vodka, tinctures and liqueurs at home.

However, get forty percent alcohol not so difficult (as, indeed, of any other concentration). The main thing is to do it right.

How to dilute alcohol

It would seem that it could be easier than diluting alcohol - mixed it with water - and you're done. But no. There are many nuances here.

Firstly, alcohols are different and with different strengths (first-class - 96%, with the highest purification - 96.2%, "extra" - 96.5%, "luxury" - 96.3%, medical and dry (anhydrous) ). The degree of purification of alcohol directly depends on the type. And the diversity of species is related to what exactly alcohol is obtained from (from which grain).

Secondly, the water for breeding should be taken the purest, completely transparent, so to speak - without color, taste and smell. In addition, it will be better if there are no salts in it.

In addition, this water must be further purified, filtered and softened. Ready option usually referred to as "corrected water".

At home, for diluting alcohol, it is best to purchase distilled water at a pharmacy, but in no case should you take regular water from the tap in the kitchen.

How should alcohol be diluted with water?

Several points are important here:

First moment. When you dilute alcohol, then it is worth pouring it into prepared water. Never do the opposite!

Second moment. Do not try to mix alcohol and water "by eye" - you will just get swill. The ideal proportion was brought out by Mendeleev, the “father” and creator of the periodic table of chemical elements and vodka as such.

He brought out perfect proportion- 2:3. thus you need to take 96% alcohol in "sizes" of two parts and water - in "sizes" of three.

These "dimensions" are best determined not by volume (two hundred milliliters to three hundred), but by weight (200 grams to 300 grams).

Third moment. Shake the mixture of alcohol with water (other liquids) in the closed state, preferably turning the container upside down.

Fourth moment. It is advisable to keep the diluted alcohol for about a day in the refrigerator.

How to dilute alcohol to 40 degrees?

The ideal proportions for diluting alcohol are indicated above, but if you need to get alcohol with a specific and exact strength - 40, 45 or 55 degrees, then the situation is somewhat more complicated.

The whole problem is that when alcohol and water interact, the resulting volume of the mixture is less than the volumes of both liquids separately. That is, by mixing 2 glasses of alcohol and three glasses of water you will not get five glasses of their mixture. The volume will be smaller.

However, this problem is also completely solvable. To obtain alcohol of the desired strength during breeding, you just need to use the Fertman table. This is a special table where all necessary proportions for precise dilution of alcohol.

How to quickly dilute alcohol

Sometimes there is a situation when there is simply no time for mandatory settling of vodka made from alcohol. Then come to the rescue quick recipe dilution of alcohol, and the mixture obtained as a result will be quite pleasant to the taste (in any case, not disgusting).

To do this, you will need everything - nothing: freshly squeezed juice from half an orange or lemon, 96% alcohol - 200 grams and water - 300 grams (2: 3 proportions can be taken in milliliters).

Basic preparation - listed components mixed, vigorously shaken and thoroughly cooled.

Citrus juice will kill the alcohol taste, and the vitamin C it contains will help prevent morning hangover and a headache from drinking.

To all of the above, you can only add that alcohol can be diluted not only with water. For this purpose, everyone can use recipes to their liking. As "diluents" can be, for example:

  • 10% glucose solution in a 1:1 ratio
  • juice of citrus fruits, cherries, raspberries, apples, cranberries, tea or coffee, lemonades or tonics (proportions 2:3, as with water)
  • beer and champagne - all components 1: 1: 1 (the mixture, I think, is not for the faint of heart, but it’s better to keep silent about the morning)

Among the options for how to dilute alcohol we did not indicate quite extreme ones, such as a mixture of alcohol with condensed milk and other products that, in our opinion, are poorly compatible with alcohol.

In principle, drinking alcohol is not harmful, and you can experiment with it endlessly, you just have to remember about the acceptable doses in which the body can perceive it.

Source: http://alkolife.ru/kak-razvesti-spirt/

How to properly dilute ethyl alcohol with water to make vodka at home: table. How to dilute alcohol into medical vodka, cognac, ethyl 96, 70 percent up to 40 degrees? How to dilute ethyl alcohol with juice: proportions

It is easy to get delicious soft vodka from alcohol at home. It is only necessary to take high-quality purified alcohol and water, and follow some rules for diluting alcohol with water.

When diluting alcohol with water, you can get high-quality vodka even at home. At the same time, the taste, smell and strength will be identical to industrial products. To obtain such a result, it is necessary to observe the technology and proportions.

How to properly dilute ethyl alcohol with water to make vodka at home: calculator table, formula

The process of diluting alcohol with water is called the "cold" method of converting alcohol into vodka. Sometimes this method is used even in the production of alcoholic beverages. At home, you can also get a high-quality vodka product, but the mixing technology must be strictly observed.

Choosing alcohol

Ethyl alcohol differs in the degree of purification:

  • alpha - from 96.3%, produced exclusively from conditioned grain: wheat, rye.
  • extra - from 96.3%,
  • luxury - from 96.3%.

For the production of varieties of alcohol extra, luxury, a mixture of grain and potatoes is used. Extra grade contains up to 35% starch.

  • the highest purification - from 96.2%,
  • first grade - from 96.0%,
  • basis - from 96.0%.

For the production of these varieties, any food raw materials are used.

The basis variety contains about 60% starch. Without additional purification, vodka from it is not tasty. But if you add manganese to it, and after the precipitation is filtered through a carbon filter, then the quality of the product will improve.

Alcoholic beverages are not produced from first grade alcohol.

How purer alcohol, the more pleasant the vodka made from it

Choosing water

Much depends on the quality, taste and degree of purification of water. You should not take ordinary tap water that has not undergone additional purification. It contains too many various impurities, salts, which will not allow you to make a tasty, high-quality drink. The best choice would be:

  • tap water, after multi-stage purification;
  • bottled water, with a minimum salt content. The softer the water, the softer the final product will be;
  • spring water - is considered an ideal option, difficult to perform in an urban environment. But spring water can be too hard.

You can use distilled water, but such water dissolves alcohol worse, and the taste is somewhat “medical”.

When mixing alcohol with water, a ratio of 2:3 is usually used, i.e. 2 parts alcohol diluted with 3 parts water. Even Mendeleev considered this combination to be universal.

Interesting. Sometimes it is advised to measure components not by volume, but by weight. But it is worth remembering that alcohol is lighter than water: 1 liter of ethyl alcohol weighs 790 g. when measuring components by weight, the strength of the final product will be higher.

For a more accurate result, you can use the formula:

where x is the amount of water required to dilute the alcohol to the desired concentration, ml; M is the required strength of the alcohol solution,%; P is the volume of alcohol available, ml;

N - initial strength of alcohol,%.

For example, from 96% alcohol you need to get 40% vodka. Volume of alcohol - 1 liter (1000 ml):

Those. 1000 ml of alcohol should be poured into 1400 ml of water.

You can also use the Fertman table, which contains various combinations of the initial and final solution.

Having chosen the strength of the source material and the strength of the final product, we find out the amount of water in ml, which must be added to 100 ml of alcohol

Important. Always add alcohol to water to avoid clouding the alcohol. Water must be taken chilled, otherwise the final product will have a taste and smell characteristic of alcohol, and not vodka.

How to dilute alcohol into medical vodka, cognac, ethyl 96, 70 percent up to 40 degrees?

  • Medical alcohol is obtained from ethyl alcohol by purifying ethanol and adding water to it, about 4%. Medical alcohol is the purest product. Its strength usually varies between 96.4-96.7%. Important. Medical alcohol is an antidote for poisoning with methanol, ethylene glycol, if drunk before or immediately after the use of these toxic substances.
  • The strength of ethyl alcohol, which is recommended for making vodka at home, can be different. The main thing is that ethanol is edible, not technical. Edible ethyl alcohol is produced from food raw materials, while technical alcohol is made from synthetic materials.
  • Cognac alcohol is an alcohol obtained from grape juice (mainly white grape varieties), after two stages of distillation. Its strength is 68-72%. Cognac alcohol turns into cognac in oak barrels, where it is aged for a certain time, but not more than 70 years, because after that the strength, taste and aromatic characteristics do not change.

Before starting the process of preparing a drink from alcohol, it is necessary to set the strength of alcohol. To do this, use a hydrometer.

  1. To obtain 40% of the product from 96% alcohol, you can use the ratio of alcohol and water: 1:1.4. If any additives are used: syrup, honey, juice, then they try to ensure that the total final amount of liquid is within 1.4 liters per 1 liter of alcohol.
  2. If there is alcohol with a strength of 70%, then you can get a 40% drink from it if you combine 100 ml of alcohol with 77.6 ml of water.

Important. If alcohol is already poured into water, then you cannot add more water to it - the alcohol will become cloudy, the product will be spoiled. You can try to save this situation by passing the liquid through activated charcoal. The result will be even better if activated carbon is crushed, poured into an alcohol solution, kept for several days and then filtered.

With the observance of technology, the drink will turn out crystal clear

What is the best way to dilute ethyl alcohol for drinking so that it tastes good?

To get a tasty and high-quality drink, in addition to purified tasty water, you will need:

  • glucose;
  • sugar syrup: 1 liter of water / 1 kg of sugar. The syrup is cooked over low heat until the end of the formation of foam, which is removed;
  • various juices;
  • milk;
  • lemon acid;
  • dried lemon peel;
  • pepper;
  • various roots;
  • Tea coffee;
  • lemonade;
  • berries;
  • herbs.

These ingredients are added in small amounts. On average, 30-40 ml of additives is enough for 1 liter of solution. Citric acid put 5-10 ml. Dry matter put 5-40g, depending on the desired result.

Algorithm for preparing a delicious drink:

  1. We prepare the ingredients: alcohol, water, additives. To accurately measure the strength, the temperature of the components should be about 20 ° C. If the water is warm, then the drink will have an alcoholic taste, not vodka.
  2. Add alcohol to the water in the appropriate proportions.
  3. We add various flavors.
  4. We mix everything thoroughly. This is done for faster dissolution of all substances. If the container can be tightly closed, then you can shake everything.
  5. Add crushed activated charcoal tablets to the solution. For 2.5 liters of solution - 3-10 tablets of coal. We let it brew: from several hours to a day at room temperature, optimally - 22 ° C.
  6. We filter. The filter can be fabric, paper, gauze with cotton.
  7. We pour into bottles. Bottles must be filled up to the neck so that the alcohol does not evaporate.
  8. Let the drink sit for a few days.

Important. It is necessary to store and prepare the product exclusively in glassware, plastic is contraindicated.

Citrus cocktails are popular

How to dilute ethyl alcohol with juice: proportions

When preparing vodka with such a “cold” method, alcohol can be diluted not only with water, but also with juice. This makes delicious cocktails.

  1. Cocktail "Screwdriver" - a mixture of orange juice (2.5 parts) and alcohol (1 part). Add a slice of lemon, ice cubes - and the drink is ready.
  2. "Bloody Mary" - a combination of tomato juice (2 parts) and alcohol (1 part) with the addition of salt, pepper, lemon juice. Although you can limit it exclusively to juice and alcohol.
  3. Cranberry cocktail - a combination of juice and alcohol 2:1. The drink has some astringency.
  4. Apple cocktail - juice and alcohol are mixed in a ratio of 3:1. The best juice is made from green apples.
  5. When making a cherry cocktail for 1 part of vodka, it is allowed to take 2 or 3 parts of vodka. The sweetness of the drink depends on the variety of cherries.
  6. For a pomegranate alcoholic drink, a 3: 1 ratio is suitable, where 1 part of alcohol is added to 3 parts of juice.
  7. Grapefruit cocktail has a sweetish aftertaste. Its proportion is the same as that of pomegranate: 3:1.

Focusing on these proportions, you can combine alcohol with any other juice.

lemon vodka

How to make lemon vodka at home from ethyl alcohol: a recipe

Lemon vodka has a bright aroma, taste and a long aftertaste of citrus.


  1. Alcohol base: regular vodka, ethyl alcohol mixed with water, high quality moonshine.
  2. Sugar (honey) - up to 2 tablespoons. This ingredient softens the drink, but it can be omitted.
  3. Lemon - 2 pieces.


  1. Scald the lemons with boiling water, then rinse thoroughly with warm water. Remove the zest without touching the white peel to avoid the bitterness of the drink.
  2. Squeeze juice from lemons. The juice should be squeezed carefully so that as little pulp as possible gets into the juice.
  3. In a glass jar, put the zest, sugar (glucose, honey), pour in the juice and, last but not least, the alcohol component. If ordinary store-bought vodka is used, then alcohol is added to increase the strength of the finished product.
  4. Mix everything thoroughly, close the jar, put in a warm place for 24-48 hours. It is advisable to shake the vodka 4-6 times during this time.
  5. Filter the drink through cotton wool, paper filter, pour into bottles, you can drink.

Important. When sediment appears, turbidity - filter through gauze.

How much ethyl alcohol is needed for 1 liter of vodka?

When water and alcohol are combined, a chemical reaction occurs that absorbs part of the liquid. Therefore, to obtain 1 liter of the finished product, the total amount of initial ingredients must be taken more than 1 liter.

  • To obtain 40% vodka, 421 ml of alcohol is added to 607 ml of water.
  • To obtain 60% vodka, 632 ml of alcohol is added to 397 ml of water.

What water is used to dilute alcohol: raw or boiled?

  • In general, it does not matter - boiled water or raw, if the water is of good quality, does not have impurities and a large amount of salts. If the water is tap water, then it is advisable to boil it, and then at least pass it through a filter jug. But it is better to subject to three or more stages of purification.
  • If the water is spring, then it depends on the degree of its hardness.
  • Bottled water is optimal for urban conditions. It does not need to be boiled or filtered. The main thing is that the water should not be too mineralized.

Can alcohol be diluted, mixed with carbonated or distilled water?

  • Although everywhere they write that distilled water should not be used for drinking, alcohol is diluted with distillate quite often. The main harm of distilled water is the absence of the bulk of useful substances in it, which contributes to leaching, rather than saturation, of useful substances in the body.
  • Distilled water has an unpleasant odor and a specific taste, so it should not be used. There are no other restrictions for diluting alcohol with it. Although, if a person does not have a particularly sensitive taste, then he may not feel it. But some lovers, on the contrary, prefer to use exclusively distilled water, because without additional additives, vodka with it turns out to be softer and more pleasant.
  • Alcohol is not diluted with carbonated water, the desired effect - a tasty pleasant drink cannot be achieved. Carbon dioxide increases the absorption of alcohol, irritates the walls of the stomach. In order to speed up the absorption of alcohol, it is better to simply drink ready-made vodka with a carbonated drink.

Taste pleasure!

How long does the reaction of ethyl alcohol with water last, after what time can you drink diluted alcohol?

  • You can drink diluted alcohol immediately after mixing, only the taste will not be complete yet. It is advisable to keep the drink for 1-2 days. During this period, all the elements have not yet been dissolved, but the main work will have already been done.
  • The reaction of alcohol with water lasts about 7 days, which is how long it is usually recommended to infuse vodka before drinking. Some recipes recommend insisting 14 days.

In addition to water and alcohol, we need glucose. You will learn how to properly dilute alcohol with water in the right proportions. 2. Preparation of alcohol. It can be prepared independently by dissolving 1 kg of sugar in 1 liter of water. The mixture is then placed on slow fire and boil. Remember that 500 ml of water and 500 ml of alcohol will not make one liter of vodka, since some of the liquid will be absorbed chemical reactions.

The recipe and technology is very simple. The difference between them is that medical alcohol is made from ethyl alcohol, it contains small impurities of water and other substances at the molecular level. Before starting the dilution, the strength of alcohol is determined, this is done using a hydrometer. For example, if you want to get vodka with a strength of 40 degrees, then you need to mix 100 ml of 90-100 degree alcohol with 130.8 ml of water. This is how the correct proportion is calculated.

First, the calculated amount of water is poured into the prepared container, then glucose (at least a little) and other ingredients (optional) are added to taste.

After the right amount of alcohol has entered the container, the entire contents are thoroughly mixed. 3-4 activated charcoal tablets are placed in the resulting solution and shaken well. When exposed to air, the alcohol will evaporate. The shelf life of vodka prepared according to this recipe depends on the amount of third-party additives. Alcohols are different - grain and potato. AND THE BEST IS TO ADD TO ALCOHOL THE ROOT OF GALGANIUM: SOLD IN PHARMACIES.

Concerns about the products of the combination of this oxygen with alcohol. Good day to all. In the summer, while it was warm, I was engaged in “distillation” (brewed moonshine), for the first time I bought alcohol for the winter. I like the taste and smell of star anise, so I decided to make a la Becherovka.

But alcohol, I didn’t dilute it right away, but insisted on pure alcohol. And when it came time to "skim the cream" (dilute with water), I was very upset!! Do not insist on alcohol!! I have another problem - in a plastic canister of alcohol, there was an aroma like from a rubber heating pad from the times of the USSR. What is the best way to get rid of it without distillation?

I bought a 5 liter canister of alcohol. I remember my dad always brought Stark, Pshenichnaya and Baikal water from VDNKh. I think when she gets married she won't be ashamed... Although in Chisinau I saw vodka 28 (European standard), 40, 45, 50 degrees... you can see it as an amateur. IN Soviet time it was popular to drink industrial alcohol. Several times I have been to such gatherings. The most interesting thing was that there was no trace of the nasty smell, the drink was drunk like capital vodka. The funny thing is that the head of the detoxification center suggested the recipe to me when I was with him in the hospital.

Approximately how long to boil and for what volume of WATER is this amount of glucose? And such an idea came to my mind - to make vodka or tincture (just over 30 grams) on ginger!

That is, if you combine 100 ml of alcohol and 100 ml of water, we will not get 200 ml of the total mixture. However, if we consider dilution in terms of alcohol content, everything is greatly simplified. When they say that vodka contains 40% alcohol by volume, they mean that each liter of it contains 400 ml of anhydrous (100%) alcohol. I correct using the fact that the volumetric expansion coefficient of alcohol is 0.0011.

Moreover, now in Russia there is no responsibility for moonshining and the production of vodka mixtures for their own needs (the main thing is not to sell). During the boiling process, a white foam will appear, which must be removed.

After all the ingredients are ready, proceed to mixing. In the example, it is 1 part alcohol to 1.3 parts water. You can make adjustments for the addition of other substances (glucose, juice), but these ingredients do not significantly affect the strength ready drink.

Read also:

If you or your relatives have access to high-quality ethyl alcohol, then I advise you to prepare vodka according to this recipe. Alcohol with mineral water is cooler than a “screwdriver”! Here I once mixed up water bottles (I put filtered water in the refrigerator) and diluted it with mineral water.

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How to make vodka from alcohol by diluting with water and adding glucose

Every happy owner of a food rectified product at least once thought about how best to dilute alcohol with water to make vodka. Despite the huge range of vodka boutiques, many drink lovers want to prepare their own exclusive. Moreover, the manufacture of alcohol for personal consumption is not prohibited by law. Homemade vodka is a product of obviously higher quality than purchased one, provided that proven raw materials and the right technology are used.

vodka ingredients


The basic material for the production of vodka is alcohol. The end result depends on its characteristics in the first place. To make vodka from alcohol, you can use ethyl food rectified or its medical counterpart. Often they are equated, but there are some differences:

  • Initial raw material. Medical ethanol is produced only from potatoes and cereals characterized by high content starch. While food - from almost any crop;
  • Fortress. food grade ethanol industrial production has a strength of 96–96.3 °. Fortress medicinal product can be different and depends on the final purpose of the application. The most common fortress is 95 °, but it is also found below, for example, 70 °;
  • Cleaning. According to the degree of purification, medical alcohol has no equal, impurities in it are practically absent. With regard to the food subspecies, everything again depends on the category.

WITH medical product everything is clear and transparent, just like him. It can differ only in strength. Accordingly, the finished vodka from such raw materials can turn out a little more or a little less. Food rectified has an internal classification, which is worth familiarizing yourself with.

1. High purity alcohol 96.2°

  • potatoes, sugar beets, molasses, cereals are used. Any proportions;
  • fusel oils 6 mg/dm;
  • esters 13 mg/dm;
  • methyl alcohol 0,03%.
  • fusel oils 5 mg/dm;
  • esters 13 mg/dm;
  • methyl alcohol 0.05%.
  • cereals and potatoes are used, the content of the latter should not exceed 60%;
  • fusel oils 5 mg/dm;
  • esters 10 mg/dm;
  • methyl alcohol 0.02%.
  • cereals and potatoes are used, the content of the latter should not exceed 30%;
  • fusel oils 5 mg/dm;
  • esters 5 mg/dm;
  • methyl alcohol 0.02%.
  • only grain crops are used, mainly rye and wheat;
  • fusel oils 5 mg/dm;
  • esters 10 mg/dm;
  • methyl alcohol 0.003%.

When preparing vodka from home-made alcohol, the values ​​​​of impurities are not known at all. But there are no questions about the composition.


The second component necessary for diluting alcohol is water. A lot also depends on its good quality. Industrial brands of premium vodka, in addition to degrees and methods of purification, prioritize the use of spring water. This marketing ploy increases customer loyalty and trust.

In a metropolis, it is difficult to get such a product. Therefore, bottled water from wells is quite suitable. Mandatory rule: you can not use boiled and distilled water. These processes change chemical composition water. Substances and microelements necessary when mixed with alcohol molecules disappear.

It is worth paying attention to the content of mineral salts. Here they should be as few as possible. Preference is given to soft and clear water. Information on salt content and hardness level can be found on the label. Just study a few samples and choose the best option.


Glucose is an ingredient that is not always given enough attention. And absolutely in vain. It is glucose that helps eliminate the characteristic alcohol smell that remains even after various cleanings. It really makes the drink soft and drinkable.

Glucose can be bought at a pharmacy, but it is not difficult to make it yourself. To prepare it, you need to mix 1 kg of sugar and 1 liter of water. Boil the mixture thoroughly over low heat, removing the white foam that appears. As soon as the foam stops forming, the fire can be turned off. It turns out a kind of sugar syrup, familiar to manufacturers homemade liquor. This is glucose.

Truth and fiction about homemade vodka from alcohol

Having prepared everything necessary ingredients you can go to mixing alcohol and water. This seemingly simple process has its own subtleties and myths passed down from generation to generation.

It is important to strictly observe the proportions of water and alcohol - true

There are many recipes where the ingredients are taken in a ratio of 2 parts ethanol to 3 parts water. In order to properly dilute alcohol and achieve an accurate strength, it is better to use a special table with ready-made calculations.

Table of dilution of 100 ml of ethanol with water

° 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50
90 6,4
85 13,3 6,6
80 20,9 13,8 6,8
75 29,5 21,8 14,5 7,2
70 39,1 31,0 23,1 15,4 7,6
65 50,1 41,4 33,0 24,7 16,4 8,2
60 67,9 53,7 44,5 35,4 26,5 17,6 8,8
55 78,0 67,8 57,9 48,1 38,3 28,6 19,0 9,5
50 96,0 84,7 73,9 63,0 52,4 41,7 31,3 20,5 10,4
45 117,2 105,3 93,3 81,2 69,5 57,8 46,0 34,5 22,9 11,4
40 144,4 130,8 117,3 104,0 90,8 77,6 64,5 51,4 38,5 25,6
35 178,7 163,3 148,0 132,9 117,8 102,8 87,9 73,1 58,3 43,6
30 224,1 206,2 188,6 171,1 153,6 136,0 118,9 101,7 84,5 67,5
25 278,1 266,1 245,2 224,3 203,5 182,8 162,2 141,7 121,2 100,7
20 382,0 355,8 329,8 304,0 278,3 252,6 227,0 201,4 176,0 150,6
15 540,0 505,3 471,0 436,9 402,8 368,8 334,9 301,1 267,3 233,6

In the first line we find the original fortress of the existing rectificate. In the first column - the fortress of already diluted alcohol. At the intersection - the amount of water that needs to be diluted with 0.1 liters of alcohol.

Example: original product- 1 liter of ethyl rectified 95°, the desired result is vodka 40°. It will take 1444 ml of water (144.4 ml for every 100 ml of alcohol).

You can not pour water into alcohol - fiction

It is widely believed that you can only add alcohol to water and in no case vice versa. This theory is based on a lot of pseudoscientific research about the structure of water and how it is destroyed. In confirmation, ethanol that has become cloudy after infusion of water is often cited.

In the professional environment of chemists, this statement does not find a response. From point of view chemical processes there is no difference between water mixed with ethanol and ethanol diluted with water. And the turbidity of the alcohol solution after adding water is due to the precipitation of mineral salts. That is why when choosing water, it is advised to pay attention to their content.

And if chemists have no questions, the physical side of the ongoing process has its own peculiarities. When water is poured into the solvent, a thermal reaction occurs with the release of heat. This is due to the different densities of liquids. Such a mix can be flammable only if the volumes are very large. Vodka from alcohol at home is usually not made in such quantities as to lead to a significant release of heat. A quite acceptable warming of the water-alcohol solution is noted.

Vodka needs at least 2 days, and it is better to keep it in the cold for 2 weeks - fiction

In the manufacture of home-made alcohol, prolonged aging in a dark, cool place is practiced. The goal is to wait for the maximum possible amount of impurities to precipitate. In the case of vodka, 99% of the salts fall out within the first few hours. Further aging only takes time, but usually does not affect the level of quality.

alcohol vodka recipe

To make vodka from alcohol yourself, you will need:

  • alcohol 95 ° - 1 liter;
  • bottled water - 1.444 liters;
  • glucose - 30 ml.

Cooking method

  • Preparing required amount ingredients. When using alcohol of a different strength, we look into the table and recalculate the amount of water.
  • Mix alcohol with water. The sequence of actions is not important here. But practicing moonshiners recommend diluting water with ethanol, pouring it in a thin stream into pre-measured water.
  • Add glucose to mixed alcohol. Mix and shake as thoroughly as possible.
  • To make vodka from alcohol cleaner, we will carry out a simple but effective carbon filtration. This requires activated charcoal. Suitable brands KAU-A, KAU-SORB, BAU-A, BAU-LV. The amount of charcoal required for cleaning will depend on the type. The exact information can be found in the instructions for each drug.
  • Coal can be crushed, added to vodka and strained after 2-3 hours. Another way: do coal column. To do this, take a funnel and alternate layers of crushed coal and cotton or special filter discs. We pass vodka through this filter several times.

The drink is ready to drink immediately after cooling to the desired temperature. There are no restrictions on storage time.

How to dilute alcohol with water

How to make VODKA with ALCOHOL!


How to properly dilute alcohol with water - 3 key points

If you need to dilute alcohol with water at home, remember 3 key rules which must be strictly observed:

  1. Before dilution, the water must be cooled (it is desirable that the temperature is not higher than 20 degrees Celsius)
  2. It is necessary to pour alcohol into water, but in no case vice versa
  3. Diluted alcohol should settle

Now more about the procedure itself.

Why dilute alcohol with water?

Given that our site is dedicated to moonshine and the preparation of other alcoholic beverages, we will consider the use of alcohol exclusively in this area.

A rare drink in the process of its preparation requires the use of 96% alcohol. Even most tinctures are prepared in a weaker solution. Therefore, the only way to get the desired degree is to dilute alcohol with water.

What is needed for the correct dilution of alcohol?

It is important to remember that the basis for obtaining a good alcoholic drink is the use of quality ingredients. Therefore, the correct dilution of alcohol is the most significant moment in the overall process.

To dilute alcohol to the desired degree, we need:

  1. Alcohol, the degree of which is precisely known.
  2. Chilled water.
  3. Container for diluted alcohol - a glass jar or bottle of the appropriate volume is ideal.

Alcohol, no matter how trite it may sound, should be drinkable and nothing more. Without additional impurities, transparent and preferably already tested. It can also be cooled before the procedure, for example, in the freezer.

Special attention take the choice of water. She must be clean. Under no circumstances should you use tap water, including boiled water. To dilute alcohol, distilled water, water from a clean source, or water that is sold in five-liter bottles in stores (in this case, choose according to taste and hardness, as they can vary significantly depending on the brand) or is brought to order in containers volume of 19 liters.

Where to get distilled water if the choice is on it? Buy at a pharmacy (yes, it is not available everywhere, but it is sold, just ask the pharmacist) or cook it yourself by distillation on moonshine still.

Not everyone recommends using a distillate to dilute alcohol, although in practice it turns out no worse than when using other water. Take distilled water if diluted alcohol is used to make tinctures, as it has no taste. Use "tasty" water to make vodka.

The best option is purchased water in 5 and 6 liter bottles or imported in 19 liter bottles. Why? Because on such bottles, as a rule, they write the composition of water. To dilute alcohol, it is recommended to use water with a hardness of less than 1 mEq / liter. Look for this option on the label.

Alcohol dilution table

To easily dilute alcohol in your kitchen, use the Fertman table, which shows how many milliliters of water you need to pour into 100 milliliters of alcohol of a certain strength to get the desired degree.

Examples of using the Fertman table

For example, you have a 90% alcohol that you want to make a 35% solution. In this case, 100 ml of alcohol must be poured into 163.3 ml of water. Or pour a liter of alcohol into 1 liter and 663 ml of water.

Don't forget to add alcohol to the water!

With the help of the Fertman table, you can reduce the degree to the desired one for any alcoholic drink.

Alcohol dilution formula

In addition to the table for diluting alcohol, you can use a special formula. It looks like this:

X - the desired value - the amount of water that will be needed to dilute the alcohol to the desired degree (in milliliters)

P - initial value - the amount of alcohol that you have (in milliliters)

N is the degree of alcohol you have

M is the degree to be obtained

Example: to make vodka from a liter of alcohol with a strength of 96%, you need to pour alcohol into 1.4 liters of water.

Parsing the example: 1000 milliliters of alcohol (1 liter) is multiplied by the number that is obtained by subtracting one (1) from the result of dividing 96 (the strength of your alcohol) by 40 (the strength you need to get).


Another example: to obtain a solution with a strength of 65 ° from a liter of alcohol, it is necessary to pour alcohol into a liter of water (998.5 milliliters).


Another example: to get a solution with a strength of 25 ° from 500 milliliters of alcohol, you need to pour alcohol into 1.1 liters of water.


Check the Fertman table. Based on it, 100 ml of alcohol with a strength of 80% to 25% can be diluted by pouring into 224 milliliters of water. Multiply 224 by 5 (5 times 100 milliliters) and get 1120 - about 1.1 liters.

Settling of diluted alcohol

The final stage procedures for diluting alcohol - defending the finished drink. After dilution and mixing, place firmly closed container with the resulting solution in a dark place for a week. It is important to observe temperature regime- The temperature should not be below 5 degrees Celsius.

If diluted alcohol is needed urgently, then reduce the settling time to two days.

For settling, use a container that is most optimally suited in terms of volume to the resulting solution. Diluted alcohol should be poured under the very neck in order to minimize the area of ​​​​its interaction with oxygen. This will avoid the oxidation reaction and the formation acetic acid.


recipes for delicious homemade vodka from alcohol with proportions

How to make vodka from alcohol: a classic recipe

The classic recipe for vodka from alcohol is very simple and suitable for cooking at home.

To do this, you will need to take:

  • Alcohol 96% - 1 liter 250 ml
  • Water - 2 liters
  • Glucose solution 40% - 40 ml

Before you make vodka from alcohol, you need to remember the basic rules for mixing liquids.

Alcohol must be poured into the liquid, never the other way around. Pour the required amount of water into the jar and only then carefully pour in the alcohol.

The resulting mixture must be well mixed. To do this, tightly close the jar with a lid and shake well several times. The alcohol mixture should be immediately put in a cold place - a refrigerator or freezer.

Homemade vodka from alcohol is ready. Before eating, it will need to be cooled for several hours in the refrigerator and an appropriate snack prepared.

What alcohol is used to make vodka at home?

original recipe Homemade vodka from alcohol will appeal to lovers of spicy drinks.

Required Ingredients:

  • Alcohol - 2 glasses
  • Water - 3 glasses
  • Dry lemon peels - 1 cup
  • Cinnamon, cardamom, nutmeg - to taste

To do good vodka from alcohol, you need to pay attention to the quality of the main components. Water should be clean and soft, and alcohol should be taken only food. It is important what alcohol vodka is made from - you should not buy it in unfamiliar places, otherwise you risk your health. poisoning low-quality alcohol may harm your body, so always check the documentation for this product.

Before preparing vodka from alcohol, prepare a convenient glass jar with a lid. Pour water into it and add the required amount of alcohol.

Mix well and put in cool place for cooling. After a few hours, when the vodka is ready, you will need to open the jar and add dry lemon peels to the liquid. You can use zest fresh lemon, for this it will need to be carefully cleaned. Put the drink to infuse in a cool place for 5-6 hours, after which it will be necessary to overtake lemon tincture on moonshine.

For one liter of distillate, you will need to add 5-6 g of cinnamon, 1 g of cardamom and nutmeg. You can increase the proportions of spices according to your taste.

Vodka will need to be again tightly closed with a lid and put in a warm place. It is best to wrap the jar with a blanket or put it in a preheated oven for 10-12 hours. After that, you will need to put the jar in a dark place for 10-12 hours so that the drink is well infused. Strain the finished vodka through several layers of gauze, cool well in the refrigerator and you can try. You can add a little sugar or glucose to the drink - to taste.

How to make vodka from alcohol: proportions, how to dilute alcohol into vodka

Basic Recipe making vodka from alcohol is suitable for all lovers of good quality alcoholic beverages. The ability to properly dilute alcohol will help you prepare a wide variety of alcoholic drinks based on homemade vodka in the future.

The preparation of homemade vodka from alcohol can be divided into several main stages.

Before diluting alcohol into vodka, all the main components should be prepared.

Water is one of the most important components any vodka. Depends on the water used taste qualities vodka. Water should be soft, clear, colorless, without any foreign tastes and smells. The best is considered spring water or from the upper reaches of the rivers. If it is hard, it should be filtered with a special filter before preparing the drink.

All recipes for making vodka from alcohol have a similar technology. Alcohol is poured into a liquid - water, juice or another drink, and then mixed well.

To make vodka from alcohol, the proportion is always approximately the same - three parts of water go to 2 parts alcohol. In some cases, you can dilute more or less, it depends on the additional components.

The mixture can be put citric acid, juice or other flavorings. Sometimes they are added not only for taste and smell, but also to give vodka a certain color.

To make the drink softer, it is recommended to pass vodka through an activated carbon filter or overtake. After that, the drink is bottled and kept in a cool place for 7-10, and sometimes 14 days. If spices and herbs were added during the cooking process, the vodka will need to be further filtered. Refrigerate before use and let rest for a few days.

Recipe for making homemade lemon vodka from alcohol

Lemon vodka from alcohol is a great drink that turns out to be very soft and light in taste. Thanks to fresh aroma lemon, vodka turns out delicious and you can drink it in its pure form, even without a snack.

Required Ingredients:

  • Alcohol - 400 g
  • water - 600 ml
  • Lemon - 1 pc.

Soft vodka from alcohol can be prepared in several ways - from lemon peels or from citrus juice.

Lemon should be put in a colander, pour over boiling water, wipe dry and peel the peel with sharp knife. Cut the zest into thin strips and put in a clean bottle. Pour water into a separate bottle, add alcohol and mix well, leave the mixture in the refrigerator for several hours.

Squeeze the juice from the lemon pulp and pour it into a small jar or bottle. When the vodka is infused, pour half into a container with a peel, the second half into lemon juice.

Close both jars tightly and put in a dry, dark place for 14 days. Before drinking, strain the drinks and you can try.

To improve the taste of the drink, vodka can be distilled, then add a little sugar syrup.

Vodka from alcohol at home is very easy to prepare, even without a moonshine still. To do this, you just need to insist the drink in a cold place for at least two weeks, strain and let it rest for 2-3 days.

Making vodka from medical alcohol

Traditional vodka from medical alcohol made by mixing liquids. The strength of the drink depends on the proportions that were used. Therefore, if desired, you can make a drink with any alcohol content - 30, 35, 40 or more degrees.

Required Ingredients:

  • Alcohol - 6 liters
  • Birch charcoal - 350 g
  • White raisins - 200 g
  • Water - 9 liters

To make vodka from alcohol, the raw materials must be well cleaned. Thanks to such a simple procedure, the quality of the drink will noticeably improve.

crushed birch charcoal pour into a large glass bottle, pour alcohol on top and leave in a cool place for 3 weeks. In order for the coal to interact well with alcohol, the liquid in the jar should be shaken daily - every 4-5 hours. For another 7 days, the alcohol solution should be at rest - it does not need to be stirred, the drink should rest.

Alcohol prepared in this way should be well filtered through a filter, drained into clean jar, add to it white raisins and put for another 12 days in a cool place. The finished alcohol base will need to be filtered and mixed with water. ready mix distill and pour into clean bottles.

This method, how to make vodka soft and pleasant to the taste with alcohol, takes a lot of time. But the result will not disappoint you, because now you can not only drink the drink in its pure form, but also ennoble it with the help of various additives. Thanks to this, you can prepare a wide variety of vodkas, liqueurs and liqueurs.

How to make delicious vodka from alcohol

Tasty vodka from alcohol can be prepared from a mixture of spices. For this you will need:

  • Alcohol - 1300 ml
  • Ginger - 50 g
  • Kalgan - 50 g
  • Mint - 50 g
  • Anise - 50 g

Put all the ingredients in a glass jar, mix thoroughly and pour alcohol. Put the resulting mixture in a cool place for 18 days. After that, add 2 liters of distilled water and overtake on a moonshine still.

Chill the finished drink and enjoy. spiced vodka.

Recipe for soft vodka from alcohol

You can make vodka from alcohol according to a recipe that our ancestors used. The old way the preparation of the drink can be slightly modified if you cannot find all the necessary ingredients:

  • Lemon - 5 pcs
  • Alcohol - 2 l
  • Water - 3 l
  • Cinnamon - 50 g
  • Star anise - 50 g
  • Cardamom - 50 g
  • Muscat color - 20 g
  • Nutmeg- 2 pcs

Making vodka from alcohol begins with the preparation of the base of the drink. Pour water into a large glass jar, pour alcohol into it and mix well. Put the vodka in the fridge and chill well.

Wash the lemons, wipe dry and peel. Put the whole peel in a jar, pour it with cooked vodka and leave for several hours to infuse.

The tincture will need to be distilled.

Pour the rest of the components into a glass jar, pour over the lemon-alcohol extract obtained as a result of distillation, and close the lid. Leave the infusion in a warm place for 4-5 days. The temperature should be at least 35 degrees, so it is best to put the jar in a heated oven or wrap it in a blanket.

On the fifth day, the vodka will need to be filtered and, if desired, add a little sugar. It will be enough to put 40 g per 1 liter of vodka.

Your friends will definitely appreciate the taste of a wonderful drink, especially if you present them with not quite ordinary vodka.

Prepare 5 small bottles, pour prepared vodka into them and add dye to each of them:

in the first - cornflowers, in the second - saffron, in the third mint, in the fourth - sunflower seeds, and in the fifth - peel walnut. You will get an incredible palette of colors - blue, yellow, green, purple and brown drinks.


How to dilute alcohol with water: rules, recipes and secrets

A question that worries happy owners of alcohol: how to dilute alcohol with water? In its pure form, it is unsuitable for drinking. But he is perfect field conditions- takes up little space, is light and, when diluted with water, increases significantly in volume. How to properly dilute ethanol?

Breeding rules

In undiluted form, it is used for external use as an antiseptic, for compresses and lotions. Only desperate sufferers and medical students drink it in its pure form in the ritual of initiation into the medical specialty. Doctors, contrary to legend, have long preferred cognac or whiskey to alcohol, since it burns the larynx quite strongly and can seriously damage health.

To prevent a burning effect, it should not be drunk while exhaling, as consumers of strong drinks are accustomed to, but while inhaling. That is, first we take air into the lungs, drink in one gulp and exhale. You can not drink it with water or any drinks. If you are still not a medical student, and value your health, then it is still better to dilute alcohol.

Getting vodka by diluting alcohol is called the "cold" method of production.

Simple rules for diluting alcohol with water:

  1. The taste of the resulting drink depends not only on the quality of ethanol, its purity - luxury, extra, medical - but also on the quality of water.
  2. When breeding to obtain vodka, it is necessary to observe a weight ratio of 2: 3.
  3. It is necessary to shake alcohol with water in a closed container without air access - ethanol is still a combustible substance.
  4. Pour alcohol into water, not the other way around. When pouring water, the liquid will become very hot and may become cloudy.


The taste of the resulting drink and its transparency depends primarily on water. What kind of water should not be diluted with alcohol? Definitely don't use tap water. It is when it is used for dilution that a cloudy liquid is obtained. It's all about water hardness. Its indicators depend on the presence of salts, carbonates, calcium and magnesium in it. Rigidity tap water ranges from 7 mg-eq/l and above. At the same time, water with a hardness of not more than 1 mg-eq / l should be used to make vodka. Purchased bottled water meets these indicators.

Tap water can be normalized by standing to remove chlorine, boiling to remove salts, and filtering through household filters for additional purification. After these manipulations, its properties will be close to satisfactory. After preparation, vodka based on tap water is best passed through a carbon filter. To do this, tablets of activated carbon from 5-10 packs are placed in a watering can during filtering.

The quality of the water used is as important as the quality of the alcohol.

When buying water for making vodka, you need to look not only at hardness, but also at the ionic composition. Avoid using water with a broad cationic and anionic composition. The less salt in the water, the lighter it is.

Water from springs and wells also has hardness values ​​not exceeding 1 mg-eq/l. But other properties of this water - microbial count, content of iron salts, carbonate hardness are usually not up to par. The composition of this water is not constant. It depends on the season and the amount of precipitation.

Distilled water meets the requirements for the hardness criterion, but significantly reduces the taste of the drink, since it has no taste in itself. However, if in the future you will use the diluted product for the preparation of liquors, tinctures and similar drinks, then distilled water is quite suitable.

How to dilute alcohol with water up to 40 degrees?

How to dilute alcohol with water to make vodka was invented by the great scientist Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev. It was he who first diluted ethanol to a forty-degree fortress. You can't just mix a glass of alcohol with two glasses of water. The fact is that when mixed, the solution decreases in volume. That is, by mixing a glass of ethanol with two glasses of water, the output will be less than three glasses. It is quite difficult to calculate the proportion to obtain a solution with a given strength. To facilitate this task, another great scientist - Fertman - compiled a table according to which you can determine how much water and ethanol you need to take to get a certain strength of the drink.

The main thing is to fully comply with the mixing technology

The Fertman table will help in the calculations. It will help determine how much water you need to take per 1 liter of alcohol. In the calculations, a liquid of 95% concentration is taken. If your degree is higher, then, accordingly, the strength of the vodka obtained from the table will be stronger. Therefore, before starting the calculations, it is better to check the strength of the available alcohol.

Pour ethanol into water in a thin stream, while the water should be chilled. This will prevent turbidity and make the drink taste softer.

It has been experimentally established that the ideal ratio is 2: 3 (as Mendeleev himself believed)

How to dilute alcohol with water at home quickly?

Sometimes a situation arises when guests are on the doorstep, and only alcohol is alcohol in the house. There is a need to breed it quickly. Stock up on the juice of half a lemon or orange, two parts ethanol, and three parts water. Cooked ingredients are vigorously shaken and cooled in the freezer. If there is ready-made ice, then when consumed, you can simply add ice to the drink. Citrus fruits mask the bitter taste well and contribute to a mild hangover due to the presence of vitamin C.

Not bad if there is a 10% glucose solution in the house. In this case, ethanol is diluted with glucose solution in a ratio of 1:1.

Drink Recipes

To make vodka, take:

  • 250 ml ethanol 96% concentration;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 40 ml of glucose solution.

At the tip of a knife, add ascorbic acid. Add all the ingredients to the water and slowly pour in the alcohol while stirring. After preparation, cool the drink, but rather let it stand in a dark place under the lid for two to three days.

Honey, sugar, glucose, orange or lemon juice helps soften the taste of cooked vodka.

For 0.5 liters of the finished drink you will need:

  • 250 grams of ethanol;
  • 300 grams of water;
  • a teaspoon of vinegar;
  • one ampoule of 40% glucose solution.

The ingredients are mixed, after which the drink is filtered through activated carbon and placed in the refrigerator.

For lovers of sweet drinks, alcohol-based liquor recipes may be suitable. For 1 kg of sugar and the zest of one orange, 1 liter of water is taken and boiled for half an hour, while the white foam is removed. Cool the resulting syrup and add 750 ml of ethanol to it in a thin stream.

Raspberry liqueur can be prepared by insisting 1 kg of raspberries in 1 liter of alcohol for 15 days. After that, 1 liter of water is mixed with 1 kg of sugar and boiled, removing the foam for 15–20 minutes after boiling. Chilled syrup is mixed with raspberry extract.

By the same principle, you can prepare liquor based on any berries:

  • strawberry;
  • strawberry;
  • currant;
  • cherry.

An interesting taste is obtained when using cranberries, blueberries or blackberries. Unusual taste have chocolate and milk liqueurs based on ethanol. Cook 500 ml of milk with 100 g of cocoa powder and 2 sachets of hot chocolate. After cooling, add 100 ml of alcohol and 100 ml of rum.
