
Is it possible to dilute gelatin in broth. How to add gelatin to jelly - the correct proportions

Aspic - signature dish many housewives, able to diversify any table. There are many options for preparing jellied meat, each recipe has its own "zest". In the general case, jelly comes with and without gelatin.


To prepare jelly with gelatin you will need:

  1. Beef shank - 3-4 kg;
  2. Carrots - 3 pcs;
  3. Onions - 3 pcs;
  4. Gelatin - 6 packs;
  5. Bay leaf;
  6. Salt;
  7. Pepper black peas.


Thoroughly wash the shin, cut and lower into boiling water. When the water with the meat boils, reduce the heat and continue to cook. It is necessary to constantly monitor the cooking process. while removing the foam from the broth. As soon as the foam begins to appear in an insignificant amount, remove the container from the heat, transfer the drumstick to another pan, drain the broth.

Cut the carrots and onions into cubes, add to the meat, add water and put on fire again. Simmer for 2 hours until the meat and vegetables are cooked through. In the middle of the process, salt, add spices. Turn off the stove, remove meat and vegetables from the pan, strain the broth to remove spices and small bones from it.

How to dilute gelatin for jelly

It is gelatin that helps the jelly to harden faster and take shape. Its preparation is usually not difficult if you follow the basic rules. Firstly, meat plays a significant role in the solidification of jelly - it should be chosen with bones, which also contain gelatin - natural. As for the supplement itself, before use, you must carefully read the instructions, as sometimes it may differ. It is worth noting that there are two types of gelatin - regular and instant. If a lot of time is not calculated for the solidification of jelly, you should use an instant one.

To dissolve the gelatin, use half of the strained broth. It needs to be chilled first. Pour gelatin into it, mixing thoroughly and heating, but not bringing the broth to a boil. In general, this procedure will take about 15 minutes.

How to add gelatin to jelly

After the gelatin is completely dissolved, mix it with the remaining broth. Cut boiled meat in small pieces. Put it and vegetables in molds, pour over pre-prepared broth and put in cool place. The setting time again depends on the type of gelatin and meat. In order to make sure that the jelly is frozen, you can simply move the form with it - if it is not liquid, but has a jelly consistency, then it's ready.

To dilute gelatin, it is usually enough to dissolve it in a cooled boiled water, let it swell, and then dissolve over low heat. But at the same time, you should not forget about some subtleties. So that the jelly does not turn out “rubber”, you should strictly observe correct proportions when preparing it. "Trembling jelly" will turn out if the proportions of gelatin and water are 20 g per 1 liter. If you take 40-60 g of gelatin and dilute them in one liter of water, you get a "dense jelly" that is easily cut with a knife. Do not forget that gelatin cannot be boiled, otherwise it simply will not thicken. Harms gelatin and sudden cooling. To prevent the resulting mixture from crystallizing, do not place it in the freezer. When buying gelatin Special attention should be given to the expiration date of the product, since expired gelatin can spoil the dish.

The gelatin that we find on the market is obtained by the hydrolysis of collagen, a protein present in the connective tissue of animals, and is extracted predominantly from the skin and bones. The jelly is also known as "fish glue", although it is almost exclusively of animal origin because it is predominantly made from natural fish bubbles.

Curd dessert with fruits: video

The jelly is odorless and tasteless and consists of collagen fibers, mineral salts and water. It usually does not contain preservatives, additives. Manufacturing process makes him safe product nutrition. Jelly dominates the market in sheets, rarely powdered. For the convention of all manufacturers, regardless of weight, 6 sheets are capable of gelling 500 ml of water at a "spoon" consistency. For greater consistency, more sheets are required.

Sweet delicacy is best prepared according to next recipe: in a ratio of 1:5, soak gelatin in cold liquid for about half an hour. After that, the swollen gelatin must be carefully dissolved in a water bath, stirring it until it is completely dissolved. Do not bring the mixture to a boil.

Gelatin dissolved in juice, coffee or wine will give a special taste to the dessert. But do not forget that the liquid taken as the basis should only harmoniously complement the taste of the delicacy. IN finished product lumps and streaks will not appear if gelatin is added to the bulk of the dessert at a time when it is still warm. So that gelatin in jelly desserts does not slip off berries and fruits, it is better to cut the fruits finely.

How to cook aspic with meat and mushrooms

How to use gelatin sheets. Gelatin sheets should be softened before use. cold water within ten minutes. Then they need to be compressed and used. The purpose of this procedure is to get water into the sheet so that it begins to soften inside. Because gelatin is insoluble in cold water, squeezing only serves to eliminate excess water and does not remove anything from the gelatin.

If desired, you can also dissolve the jelly directly in a warm liquid in which it is soluble, without prior impregnation. These accumulations, once formed, are very difficult to dissolve. When softened, the sheets can be used depending on the composition.

The preparation of aspic and jelly requires a slightly different approach. For such dishes, there are several ways to dilute gelatin. best proportion for instant gelatin, its ratio to water will be 1:5. In cold boiled water, such gelatin will dissolve after 10 minutes, after which it will be ready to be added to hot broth.

Is gelatin added to jellied meat?

To put the jelly in a pot with a very low flame. Then take the pot out of the fire, apply a few tablespoons of the cold mixture, stir and add the rest of the mixture. Desire puffed gelatin can also be dissolved in the microwave. Place it in a bowl and let it liquefy at maximum power for 10 seconds. High temperatures reduce gelation power. As soon as we put the jelly into our preparation, as it cools down, gelation will occur. Since the cooling rate is also important for the formation of the gel structure, slow cooling allows the formation of a firmer jelly, while very fast cooling reduces the formation of gelatin.

Ordinary gelatin should be diluted in water in the proportion recommended by the manufacturer on the package, then left to swell for 30 minutes. After this time, dissolve the gelatin in a water bath, pour into the prepared broth, and bring everything to a boil.

The third method involves dissolving gelatin in a glass of water until it swells. When the gelatin swells well, it is necessary to add part of the hot broth to it and bring the resulting mixture to a boil. Then the resulting mass is poured into the broth. This should be done 10 minutes before being ready. You should not boil the jelly for too long, otherwise the taste of gelatin will be felt in the finished dish.

There are preparations that do not gel, or the gel is bad, because they contain enzymes that can break down the gelatin threads. Never add jelly to a boiling liquid because it will lose its gelling ability. Gelatin-containing compounds should not be frozen because they lose their elastic consistency. The structure is actually destroyed by the formation of ice crystals, a phenomenon known as "syneresis".

  • Some of them are pineapples, papayas, figs and kiwis.
  • Jelly, excellent article by Dario Bressanini.
It is an animal product available in thin and transparent sheets 2-4 g each or in powder; both types are odorless and tasteless.

Gelatin is a very useful product, so it makes sense to use it to prepare a wide variety of dishes.

Gelatin is a product in the form of crystals or plates, odorless and tasteless, obtained from the tissues of fish and animals. From Latin, its name is translated as "frozen" or "frozen". In its composition, gelatin is 85% protein. Most of The benefits of this product lies in the collagen, which is contained in it in considerable quantities.

Be careful to paste one at a time to avoid sticking. Shrink the sheets or lay them in kitchen paper. To use them, melt them in a small warm liquid away from a heat source. Powdered fish glue is ready to dissolve when it has absorbed all the water and compacted it so it can be refrigerated for up to 5 days. Then proceed in the same way as in the sheets, stirring constantly to avoid the formation of lumps. To combine it, mix a few tablespoons of the cold mixture with the already dissolved jelly, mix well, wait for the remaining cold mixture to melt, and stir gently.

The first time gelatin was obtained and patented was in 1845 by engineer Peter Cooper. Almost 50 years after its invention, no one could understand its benefits and find a way to use it. Most people considered gelatin absolutely demon useful product until another inventor, Pearl Waite, cooked very delicious dessert who called it "Jelly". After that, the benefits of gelatin were fully revealed, and he received his place of honor in cooking.

Any additions of whipped cream should always be made at the end. The basic rule to keep in mind is that the cold preparation is always added to the fish glue and never vice versa. This ingredient is mainly used in the production confectionery for cold cooking, but also in the kitchen for some savory recipes. The rest in the refrigerator should always exceed 3 hours. Here are a few recipes where using fish glue is ideal.

The aesthetic of sweetness is of fundamental importance. The customer who steps into the cookie is literally "buying the dessert with their eyes". Especially in summer time cakes and pastries with fresh fruit are the most sought-after desserts. When it comes to making sweet treats with fresh fruit, there are not so many actions aimed at treating and preserving fruits.

Today, with the use of gelatin, many tasty and healthy dishes are prepared - meat and fish aspic, jelly, jelly, soufflé, marshmallows, creams. Before use, it is better to soak it in cold water, where it will swell 2-3 times. And this substance dissolves only in a warm liquid.

But gelatin is used not only in cooking, but also in pharmaceuticals - candles and capsules are prepared from it; in the photo and film industry - for the manufacture of film and photographic paper - - it is a very useful restorative additive in masks, shampoos, balms. Gelatin also has vegetable analogues - agar-agar and pectin, obtained from seaweed.

Dust with . The first option is used for sweets that should not be long in the window or dessert dish, because the characteristic of sugar is simply hygroscopic, that is, it melts in the presence of moisture. The effect of velvet sugar dust, unfortunately, will last for a very short time.

Industries to overcome this problem have been marketing water-repellent sugar for several years. These are sugars made waterproof from fatty particles that resist moisture and greenery the best. Jelly has basically 2 purposes.

The substance that forms the basis of gelatin is collagen. Along with this, it includes water, proteins, ash, starch, fats, carbohydrates, micro and macro elements, vitamin PP, amino acids in its composition. Use of this product for human body no doubt, because it contains magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, calcium, iron and the amino acid glycine. It also includes 2 more very useful amino acids- proline and hydroxyproline, which contribute to the development, restoration and preservation of connective cartilage and tissues.

They make the fruit look bright and memorable, preserving it over time, protecting it from oxidation. Commercial jellies are divided into hot jellies and cold jellies. These jellies work with high temperature and must be diluted with water. Powder jelly jelly shaped jelly in gelatin foil. . These jellies can be neutral or fruit flavored.

They are presented in buckets or jars and are very practical to use. For their dilution, you must pay attention to the manufacturer's instructions. Typically 40% to 60% water based on the weight of the jelly. Pour dry pectin with 8 grams of sugar. Soften the gelatin sheets in cold water. Remove the gas and add the pectin mixed with sugar, emulsifying the whole thing with an immersion mixer.

Gelatin is great dietary product, all dishes that include it in their composition are perfectly absorbed by the body and do not cause increased secretion of the digestive glands. Many people know that gelatin is very useful for cracks and fractures of bones, because it contributes to the speedy fusion of bone tissue and the restoration of joint tissues after injuries.

Rinse again out of gas and add softened and compressed jelly and lemon juice. Filter to eliminate any impurities and cool. If you don't use it all, store it in the refrigerator, sealing it tightly.

This kind of jelly can already be sweet or sweet.

Their use is simple as the addition of water will suffice, but in this case the manufacturer's instructions must be read for dilution. Boiling is not necessary to heat them up, but it is essential to reach the temperature specified by the manufacturer.

Eating gelatin, which is so rich in collagen, can significantly improve the condition of nails and hair, make joints mobile and elastic. Experts recommend that people who suffer from osteochondrosis and arthritis regularly include in their diet those dishes that were prepared on the basis of gelatin. By the way, it is also useful for external use, for example: in the form of strengthening baths for nails and face masks.

Folic gelatin can be used to polish desserts garnished with fresh fruit. Soften gelatin in cold water. Place water, sugar and orange peel And. heat to a boil. Remove from heat and add squeezed jelly, stirring until prefect. Let cool and use with a brush.

These jellies come in a jar or bucket, but for a few years you can also find them in bottled bottles. The advantage of this type of gelatin is ready to use. Just mix it to break down the gelatinous structure to get a more fluid mix.

Those amino acids that are part of gelatin are a source of energy for the body, help strengthen the heart muscle, and have a positive effect on mental activity. With low blood clotting, gelatin will also be useful. Its use is also recommended in the form of jelly, kissels and mousses for pulmonary, gastric, intestinal and other bleeding.

To polish fruit, you can use several bags with a flat nozzle, a brush, or specially designed gelatin compressors. If the gelatin is too thick, it can be thinned a small amount water or heat for a few seconds in microwave oven.

Mix dry pectin with 25 g of sugar. Take out of the gas and add the pectin mixed with sugar, going through it all with a diving mixer. Put the mixture on the fire until it boils. Cold quickly and store in the refrigerator. Although fish cartilage is no longer produced today and bladder, but the adipose tissues of pigs and cattle, the name "fish glue" is now most used for this ingredient.

By the way, there are no special contraindications to eating this product. Very rarely, it can cause an allergic reaction. With caution, gelatin should be used by those people who suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system and are prone to oxaluric diathesis, because this substance itself is an oxalogel.

From a visual, olfactory and gustatory point of view, it is colorless, odorless and tasteless. For this reason, it melts in the mouth. Other gelling agents do not have this advantage, making it difficult to replace fish glue in some formulations. Let's take a look at the most commonly used types of gelatin.

Folate gelatin is practical and easy to find in any supermarket. These jellies differ in weight and thickness. Typically commercial sheets weigh 4-5 grams per sheet. For home use 2 g per sheet. The rule that should never be neglected is weighing.

How to properly dilute gelatin?

Gelatin is widely used in cooking. You can buy it in the store in the form of transparent plates or powder. But buying it is not enough, you still need to know how to properly breed it.

If gelatin is in the form of a powder, then you need to put it in a bowl, pour 4-5 tbsp. l. boiled water, milk, fruit drink or other liquid, which is indicated in the recipe for cooking. Now the mixture should be stirred and allowed to stand, the granules should swell and increase in size. If the gelatin is in the plates, then it should also be pre-soaked in water for 5-7 minutes, then drain the water and squeeze the plates a little from the water, put in a bowl.

Just the weight doesn't make it wrong! To use it, it must be rehydrated in cold water. There are 2 systems for rehydration. Copious cold water where the leaves are placed to fully rehydrate, squeezed and added to a hot liquid or dissolved in the microwave. However, with this system, there is a risk of losing the gelatin parts and getting less of the drug. weigh the gelatin sheets, weigh 5 times the weight of the fish glue in cold water, and add to the broken water so that all the pieces are in contact with the liquid. After softening, you can safely dissolve in hot preparation or in the microwave. There are procedures that cannot be ignored.

Cooking gelatin is best in a water bath, for this you need to boil water in a saucepan and cover it with a container of gelatin on top. Stirring constantly, gelatin should be slowly melted. The temperature of the mass should not be understood above 80 degrees. The more thoroughly the gelatin was stirred during the cooking process, the better it will solidify later.

After the gelatin has melted almost completely, the container should be removed and the liquid filtered through a sieve so that films and undissolved granules remain in it.

Now the gelatin is ready to be added to the hot liquid that was indicated in the recipe, then everything needs to be mixed, poured into molds, cooled to room temperature and put in the refrigerator.

Fruit jelly - light, tasty and besides healthy dessert which not only children but also adults will like! But the frozen structure of this dish will help provide gelatin.

The consistency of the dish will depend on the amount of gelatin taken. If you want the jelly to turn out “trembling”, then you need to take 20 g of the substance for 1 liter of water. You should not reduce the amount, otherwise the dessert will not harden. To get a "rubber" jelly that will be cut with a knife, gelatin should be taken 50 g per 1 liter of water.

The swollen product should be heated. To do this, it should be poured into a saucepan and put on a minimum fire. You can do this in a water bath. It is impossible to move away from the stove, because the mixture must be constantly stirred. After the product is completely dissolved, without bringing the liquid to a boil, the pan must be removed from the heat.

Cooked hot gelatin can be combined in a separate container with a jelly base: mashed potatoes, fruit juice, jam or compote. The mixture must be cooled to room temperature, and then placed in the refrigerator for 4 hours.

But when making jelly, there are some little tricks:

  1. Gelatin must not be brought to a boil, otherwise it will not thicken;
  2. It is impossible to take gelatin for heating aluminum cookware, otherwise the product will acquire a dark color and an unpleasant taste;
  3. To avoid lumps when diluting gelatin, you need to pour it into a warm container, heating it with warm water. And if lumps still appear, then they should be filtered through a sieve;
  4. The mass should be cooled in the refrigerator, in freezer it will crystallize;
  5. If you need to add fruits to the jelly, then they must first be crushed.

Thanks to gelatin, the jellied meat turns out to be exquisite and beautiful. But first you need to know - how to properly dilute gelatin for making jelly?

First you need to dissolve it in a glass of cold water and leave for an hour to swell a little.

Then the mixture should be poured into an enamel pan and put on small fire. Boil gelatin should be, constantly stirring, until it is completely dissolved, but you can not bring it to a boil!

Then the solution must be filtered through cheesecloth and mixed with broth, which is intended for jelly.

By the way, in the case of cooking jelly with gelatin, carrots need to be cut very finely. For 1 liter of water, exactly 20 g of the substance should be taken. Excessive use of gelatin can over-harden the jelly, while spoiling its aroma and taste. You can check the rate of gelatin with your finger - for this you need to draw liquid into a spoon, wet your fingers in it. If they stick but come off easily, then you're good.

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Kholodets is the crown dish of most housewives and the decoration of any holiday table. What could be better than fragrant, tender jelly melting in your mouth? Of course, nothing else! The most important thing when choosing gelatin is to pay attention to the expiration date. A product with an expired "date" can irrevocably spoil almost ready meal. You also need to know how to dilute gelatin correctly? It is not difficult to do this, you just need to follow a couple simple rules. The most important thing is to introduce the already dissolved gelatin into a hot, almost boiling liquid. Pour in a thin stream, stirring constantly, so that there are no lumps. Another interesting point is that you need to pour the liquid after cooling to room temperature.

Dissolve gelatin only in cold water. Otherwise, it will simply curl up or stick to the spoon. After the gelatin is poured cold water, you need to let it brew and only after that heat it up a little in the microwave. For cooking chicken aspic or aspic we breed gelatin in about the same way. Two tablespoons of dry gelatin will require about two cups of cold broth. It is necessary to take a deep bowl, pour gelatin into it, pour in the broth and let it brew for about an hour. During this time, dry gelatin will swell enough and increase in size. Then add spices, garlic, pour four more glasses of broth and put on fire. When cooking, stir the gelatin thoroughly so that no lumps remain. Never bring to a boil. If you do not remove the dishes from the fire and overexpose the dish, gelling will not occur and the spoiled broth will have to be poured out.

All housewives want to know how to dilute gelatin for jelly so that it turns out strong and appetizing. It is important to read the instructions carefully before starting cooking. After all, granulated and powdered gelatin are diluted with completely different portions of water. If you want to save time and effort - it is better to choose granular, it dissolves much faster. Experienced housewives know that in order to achieve best result, gelatin is best dissolved in cold boiled water. You also need not to violate the proportions and remember that if you take 10 grams of gelatin per half liter of water, you will get a gentle, "trembling" jelly. It is suitable for cakes and fruits. 20 grams per half liter - and you get a harder, more convenient product for cutting with a knife. This ratio of liquid and gelatin is optimal for the preparation of chicken and fish aspics. 30 grams of gelatin is needed for a very elastic, dense jelly. It is perfect for beef and pork jelly. But of course more precise instructions dilution ratios can be found on the packaging of the product itself. Sometimes these figures are quite different from generally accepted norms.

Learning how to make delicious and appetizing jelly is not at all difficult, you just have to practice a few times and gelled dishes will work out with a bang. The time and effort spent soaking gelatin will pay off with interest. After all, then relatives and friends will groan with delight, crushing the most tender jelly on both cheeks. To decorate the dish - before serving, it is advisable to sprinkle the jelly with chopped garlic and herbs. Bon appetit everyone!

Home jelly, aspic or jelly is traditional dishes Russian cuisine, which is often prepared for holidays, for example, on New Year, or served by weekdays. Used for cooking various varieties meat: pork, beef, chicken. Some housewives make jelly from fish. Distinctive feature dishes is a jelly-like structure with the addition of pieces of meat, vegetables and spices.

What is gelatin

To obtain a jelly-like mass of jelly, cartilage, bones, and skin are used. For this, the drumsticks are taken, pig heads, hooves and other bony parts of animals. They contain sticky substances that have important property. They help the broth turn into a dense, elastic jelly when cooled. If there are few or no such parts, then jelly can be cooked from gelatin and meat pulp.

Gelatin is made from different parts animals by collagen denaturation. Technological method was discovered by Peter Cooper in the 18th century. In production, those parts are taken that are used by chefs when preparing natural jelly. These are bones, cartilage, tendons of cattle and fish. The protein extract from them is called gelatin. Note to vegetarians: desserts on this basis are not for you, take vegetable analogues, such as agar-agar or pectin.

Dishes based on this substance of animal origin should be included in the diet of those who have diseases of the tendons and cartilage. It is used not only in cooking. Gelatin is used by pharmaceutical companies in the manufacture of drugs, where it is used to make capsules and drug bases. In cosmetology, it is actively used as a component of masks, creams, lotions. Collagen plays the role of a rejuvenating substance.

Food grade gelatin sold in two types:

  1. Granulated. Outwardly, it is a small balls up to 1-2 mm in diameter from light yellow to brownish.
  2. Plates. Sold as thin plates yellowish brown.

When to add gelatin for jelly

Instant gelatin in the manufacture of jelly is added at the end. First you need to cook the meat, it takes an hour and a half. During this time, you need to add vegetables: onions, carrots, herbs. After the time has elapsed, the meat is removed from the broth and divided into small pieces. The broth must be filtered - fragments from the bones may remain. Gelatin powder is added to the filtered yushka. The resulting base should be poured over the meat, laid out in portions, and only then removed in the cold to solidify.

Breeding methods

There are several ways to dilute the powder:

  1. In cold water. Take 1 glass of water, soak the granules. When the mass swells, put it in the microwave at minimum power. It should turn into a homogeneous colorless liquid. Check that there are no grains. Once everything is dissolved, pour the liquid into the broth and mix thoroughly. Instead of a microwave, you can use a water bath.
  2. In the broth. Here the gelatin is diluted in the broth itself. Take a glass of liquid, cool, pour out the powder and wait an hour until completely dissolved. Pour the mixture in a thin stream into the remaining broth and stir.

How to cook jelly with gelatin

The recipe for jelly on gelatin is simple. You will need:

  • meat (beef, pork, chicken) - 1.5 kg;
  • onions - 3 pcs.;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • spices - to choose from;
  • salt - to taste;
  • gelatin - 20-60 grams per liter of broth (depending on the desired strength).


  • Pour 3.5 liters of water into the meat enamel saucepan.
  • When the water boils, drain it and fill with new water.
  • Salt, add spices.
  • After an hour, add onions cut in half and carrots chopped randomly.
  • Leave to simmer for one hour. Don't forget to remove the scale with a slotted spoon.
  • Put the meat, strain the broth through cheesecloth.
  • Brew in one glass hot water gelatin. Wait for swelling. Mix with the rest of the broth.
  • Cut up the meat. Sort into shapes. For containers, you can take plastic or metal trays, vessels, bowls, silicone molds. Add boiled carrots, if desired, put some greens.
  • Pour the contents of the molds with the broth.
  • Put it in the refrigerator, wait until it hardens.

Correct Proportions

If you want to know how much gelatin to add to jelly, then remember the correct proportions:

  • "Trembling" jelly. If you want to make a “weak” jelly that will shake on a spoon, then the amount of cooking powder per liter of liquid will be 20 grams.
  • Medium elasticity. If your goal is classic version dishes, then you will need more gelatin. Put 40 grams of dry matter per liter of broth.
  • Hard cold. Such jelly is poured into molds, and after hardening, they are taken out and laid upside down on a flat plate. The dish can be beautifully cut with a knife, like a cake. If you pour jelly over silicone molds or use cupcake molds for this, you can get portion dish. The amount of gelatin per liter of broth will be 60 grams.

Next Tips from chefs will be useful for those who decide to cook a delicious and useful aspic with added gelatin:

  1. As soon as the meat boils, drain the first broth and dial new water. The first broth is dirty, very fatty and not at all dietary. It gathers harmful substances that come out of the meat first.
  2. If you decide to buy gelatin, pay attention to the expiration date indicated on the package. Expired gelatin can give the dish an unpleasant taste, or the jelly on it does not thicken at all.
  3. Do not boil liquid with diluted gelatin. Boiling will ruin the dish.
  4. Cooling of jellied meat should be carried out in the refrigerator - do not use a freezer, otherwise the composition will crystallize.


The jelly is one of best traditions Russian cuisine. This delicious and fragrant snack attracts the attention of hospitable hostesses who love to regale their home and visiting guests with something tasty.

Recipes for cooking jelly (or rather, subtleties and secrets) exist in many families: how, what and in what sequence to add to make a delicious dish. The recipe is no exception: how to cook jelly with gelatin so that it freezes better. Let's try and use it!

This question torments many hostesses. How to cook jelly - with or without gelatin - has been debated for decades. But, you must admit, if your dish does not freeze before desired consistency jelly? Get ordinary meat soup instead of delicious product. Of course, classic aspic It is supposed to cook without gelatin. This is known to everyone. But experienced housewives they add it to the dish “just in case”, because it’s impossible to predict for sure - the jelly almost every time seizes in different ways.

Still, how to cook aspic: with or without gelatin? Let's start with the fact that this product is quite useful for the human body. It increases the volume of connective tissues, promotes their growth. The product is especially good for strengthening joints (recommended primarily for children and athletes, as well as for the elderly).

By the way, gelatin collagen is also useful for good growth hair, nails, bones in the body. And yet - gelatin contains aspapaginic acid, which promotes rapid recovery from injuries and diseases. Especially since this product 100% natural and made from animal ingredients. So, in fact, there is nothing “military” in the gelatin supplement, you can not be afraid for your health and feel free to use it!

How to cook jellied chicken with gelatin

Usually jelly (jelly, jelly) is prepared from pork and beef. But do not forget that this dish excellent with chicken, duck, goose. You just need to add a little gelatin for better solidification. How to cook jelly with gelatin?


  • chicken, a better cock, homemade - one thing,
  • two medium-sized bulbs,
  • black pepper (10 peas),
  • a small spoonful of animal gelatin,
  • three eggs,
  • couple heads of garlic
  • bunch of fresh parsley.

Cooking process

  1. Before you cook chicken jelly with gelatin, you need to prepare the chicken: pluck, gut, rinse, cut into small pieces. Then take a bigger pot. We put chicken meat there, fill it with water. We put the dishes on big fire and bring the water to a boil. We turn to medium and small fire. With a slotted spoon, you need to remove the resulting foam.
  2. Add peeled onions and peppercorns to the pan. You need to cook for a long time: three or four hours. In the meantime, we prepare everything else. Gelatin should be soaked in half a glass of warm water and set aside to swell for about two hours. Boil eggs hard boiled. Separate the garlic with cloves and peel. Some housewives prefer to crush or cut this ingredient finely. My parsley greens and parse into twigs.
  3. When the chicken is already cooked, remove it from the broth with a slotted spoon and cool. Remove the onion and discard. The broth itself must be filtered through a gauze pad. We introduce the dissolved gelatin. If the broth has cooled down, heat it up (but do not bring it to a boil) and mix thoroughly. Separate the chicken meat from the bones with a fork. We chop it together with the skin into small pieces.
  4. In deep plates or molds, lay out the meat evenly. Sprinkle garlic on top. Figuratively cut the eggs (you can in the form of a crown, for example). Decorate the meat on top. Here we put a sprig of parsley. You should get several plates. Then we fill it all with gelatin broth, as carefully as possible so as not to damage the structure.
  5. Let cool, and place in the refrigerator (not the freezer) to further solidify the dish. This usually happens within a few hours. Now you know how to cook jelly with chicken gelatin. The frozen dish is usually consumed cold. Horseradish and mustard are traditionally used as condiments. Some housewives prefer to water with vinegar or lemon juice, decorating in addition with lemon slices.

How to cook jelly from pork legs and chicken with gelatin

The cooking process is almost the same previous recipe. However, there are some nuances.
