
Studen is a classic recipe in a slow cooker. Jellied meat with beef in a slow cooker

Jellied meat in a slow cooker - not a single dish can do without this dish festive feast. The most delicious jelly is obtained from different types meat, for me it consists today of pork and chicken. In order for our jelly to freeze well, it is necessary to use pork or beef legs. From the cartilaginous tissue, “gelling” substances are released, which are so necessary for our jelly.


  • pork legs (2 pcs).
  • a piece pork shoulder(about 1 kg).
  • chicken (about 1 kg).
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 1 small head.
  • salt and black peppercorns.

How to cook jelly in a slow cooker:

There are no exact proportions of meat. We put as much as fits in your multicooker.

Wash the meat well. Pay special attention to pork legs, they must be thoroughly washed and cleaned.

I soak the meat for jelly all day, periodically changing the water. This is usually done to make the aspic transparent and tastier.

Put all the meat in the multicooker bowl. The whole chicken does not fit, so I cut off all the most delicious from it. The rest goes to the broth for .

Add whole onion and carrot. If the vegetables do not fit whole, cut them into several pieces. Parsley root is also welcome.

Pour the meat cold water. Salt. Add Bay leaf and peppercorns. Close the lid, set the "Extinguishing" mode to 6 hours.

I most often cook jelly in a multicooker at night, after this time the multicooker goes into the “heating” mode and waits for me until the morning.

In the morning I take out the meat, add chopped garlic to the broth, taste it, add salt if necessary and let the broth boil in the “Baking” mode for 5 minutes. I turn off and leave the broth to infuse in a slow cooker.

Meanwhile, the meat must be separated from the bones and finely chopped.

Arrange the meat in molds and pour strained broth.

If you want chilled jelly to be uniform consistency, mix the meat with the broth.

We put the jellied meat in the refrigerator until completely solidified. Bon appetit!!!

We hope that this step-by-step photo recipe will help you prepare delicious jelly in a slow cooker.

Sincerely, Natalia.

Cooking jelly in a slow cooker will take a little time. Several easy jelly recipes in a slow cooker in our article.

Beef jelly in a slow cooker

Cook jellied meat in a slow cooker in large numbers will not work, because the volume of the container is small. You need to carefully pull out the jelly from the multicooker so that the bones of the meat do not spoil the Teflon coating of the bowl.


  • 2 beef legs;
  • 300 g of meat;
  • bulb;
  • carrot;
  • garlic and peppercorns;
  • bay leaves.


  1. Cut along the joints of the legs and cut into pieces so that they fit in the multicooker bowl. Soak the meat and legs for 8 hours in water, changing it from time to time. If there are spots or stubble on the skin, remove them using a knife.
  2. Put meat and legs in a slow cooker, pour in water, put vegetables, bay leaves, pepper, salt.
  3. Close the lid of the multicooker and set the jellied meat to cook in the “Extinguishing” mode for 6 hours.
  4. Remove the cooked meat from the broth, cut into pieces and put in a mold.
  5. Squeeze the garlic into the broth and strain. Pour liquid into molds with meat. Leave to freeze in the cold.

Cooking jelly in a slow cooker is easy. You can leave the jelly in the multicooker overnight, and after cooking, the multicooker will switch to the heating mode.

Pork jelly in a slow cooker

To cook jelly in a pork slow cooker, you can use the knuckle and. Gelatin is not used in the recipe, aspic freezes perfectly anyway.


  • celery;
  • knuckle;
  • 2 legs;
  • bulb;
  • carrot;
  • a few cloves of garlic;
  • dry parsley root;
  • 6 peppercorns;
  • 3 cloves;
  • bay leaves.

Cooking steps:

  1. Prepare meat ingredients, rinse well and scrape with a knife and leave in water for a couple of hours.
  2. Put the meat, vegetables, salt, bay leaves and peppercorns, chopped celery into the bowl. Pour boiling water over everything, so the protein will curl up immediately and the broth will not be cloudy.
  3. Close the lid and set to cook for 6 hours in the "Extinguishing" mode.
  4. Take out the meat, add garlic to the broth and leave to boil for 5 minutes. To do this, turn on the steam cooking mode. Garlic can be finely chopped or squeezed.
  5. Disassemble the meat into fibers, it should not contain bones. Put in a mold and fill with broth. Let it freeze.


  • 1600 chicken breast or whole chicken;
  • 1 kg. chicken legs;
  • bay leaves;
  • 4 cloves of garlic.
  • 2 onions;
  • carrot;
  • peppercorns.


  1. Rinse the legs, cut the claws. Chop the chicken into pieces, put all the meat ingredients in water for a couple of hours.
  2. Put the meat and legs, peeled vegetables, bay leaves and pepper into the bowl, salt everything and pour water so that the food is completely covered. Cook in the "Extinguishing" program.
  3. Add garlic 20 minutes before the end of cooking.
  4. Separate the meat from the bones, cut into pieces. You can use the legs if you like. Cut out circles from carrots for decoration.
  5. Put carrots with greens on the bottom of the form, pieces of meat on top and again carrots with greens. Pour in strained broth. Leave to freeze in the cold.

So that a greasy layer does not form on the surface of the chicken jelly in the multicooker, pour the already cooled liquid into the molds.

Everyone will agree that there is not a single holiday without jelly. This dish will always find a place on the festive table. To make the jelly easy perfect taste, it must be prepared from various kinds meat, not from one. This jelly recipe uses pork and beef, so the taste is amazing.

It will not be difficult for you to cook this dish if you use a slow cooker. Still, with a slow cooker, any dish cooks faster, and jelly is no exception. It can even be boiled overnight.

When will you cook jelly in the slow cooker, you need to know that then the foam is not removed, because it does not appear in the slow cooker. You should definitely try this dish in the slow cooker and see how much time you have to add to cook something else. After all, it is very important for the hostess to keep up with everything.

Recipe for jelly in a slow cooker

  1. Pork (legs) - 2 pcs.
  2. Beef (brisket) - 1.5 kg
  3. Water - 1.2 l
  4. Bay leaf - 3 pcs.
  5. Black peppercorns - 6 pcs.
  6. Garlic
  7. Carrot - 1 pc.
  8. Onion - 1 pc.

How to cook jelly in a slow cooker from beef and pork

needs to be rinsed pork legs. Now put them in a saucepan and fill with cold water. We leave them in the pan for 5 hours. When the time passes, pour water from the pan. Feet need to be washed again.
Rinse the beef under cold water. We wash the onions and carrots, but we will not peel them.

We place pork legs, onions and carrots, as well as beef, peppers and bay leaves in the multicooker bowl.

Fill all the ingredients with water up to the mark 3. Close the lid of the multicooker, select the “quenching” mode and set the timer for 2.5-3 hours. This time depends on the quality of the pork meat. We press "start" and wait for the end of cooking.

After the stewing is completed, we take out the pork legs and beef meat from the slow cooker.

Place them in a separate bowl and cool slightly. Now you need to separate the meat from the bones. We don’t need carrots now, so you can eat it or add it to another dish.

We prepare the form for the jelly. Now grind the meat and place it in the form.

The broth must be filtered, otherwise a bone or something else may get into it. Now pour the broth into molds.

Garlic must be peeled and finely chopped. Let's put it in a form. You can add a little. Ready jelly put it in the refrigerator and let it dry completely. Bon appetit!

The jelly can be cut into portioned pieces and serve with mustard or mayonnaise.

All cooking details homemade jelly in a slow cooker from pork and beef shank see in the video:

Time: 400 min.

Servings: 10-12

Difficulty: 5 out of 5

Recipes for amazingly delicious jelly in a slow cooker

Aspic with meat - primordially Russian dish, with the taste of which everyone is familiar. A few centuries ago, it had a completely different name - "jelly", but the technology of its preparation has not changed. We will share with you how easy it is to prepare delicious jelly in a slow cooker from various types of meat. Thanks to our recommendations, you will know how to cook rich and delicious broth- the basis of jelly from chicken, pork or beef.

It is worth noting that cooking jelly in a slow cooker does not require the use of special products, it is brewed from the most affordable meat, as well as offal. The easiest option is to cook chicken jelly. The broth can be cooked on paws with wings.

Thanks to the use of spices and herbs, it acquires a special aroma. Jellied from chicken wings It turns out not only tasty, but also healthy, dietary. Chicken meat for jelly cooks quickly enough, so you won’t spend much time preparing the dish.

When cooking jellied meat in a slow cooker, do not forget that during the cooking of the broth, you will need to constantly remove the foam. Thus, it will be possible to clear broth and cook jellied meat in a slow cooker to "excellent".

Before preparing the jellied meat, prepare all the ingredients necessary for this. It is worth paying attention that the broth, cooked only from meat, will not be able to freeze on its own. Thanks to the legs, paws, shank, which are added to the broth, it will be possible to cook the jelly exactly the same as our grandmothers cooked.

Cooked meat can be filled with almost any broth (chicken, beef, pork can be used), the main thing is that it contains enough gelling agents.

When cooking jelly in a slow cooker, it is important to adhere to the necessary ratio of water and meat - 1:1, it is with this amount of liquid that the broth will turn out to be rich.

Treat your loved ones with amazingly delicious jelly in a slow cooker, recipes with photos, as well as step by step cooking discover the secrets of this wonderful dish.

Pork knuckle and shoulder jelly

Prepare a hearty jelly in a pork slow cooker, you can serve it both for everyday and for festive table. This recipe will show you how to cook it quickly and easily.


Step 1

To cook jellied shank in a slow cooker, first prepare all the necessary ingredients.

Step 2

Place the meat inside the bowl, fill it with water, focusing on the mark. Cook everything on the “Extinguishing” mode for about 6 hours, then turn on the “Heating” and simmer it for another 5 hours.

Step 3

Remove meat from broth.

Step 4

Strain the broth through gauze, then the jelly from the pork legs in the slow cooker will turn out transparent. Add salt with spices.

On a note: In the same way, meat and broth are prepared for beef jelly in a slow cooker.

Step 5

Now separate the meat from the bones.

Step 6

Arrange the disassembled meat into molds along with chopped garlic.

Step 7

Fill everything with broth, send jelly from pork knuckle in the refrigerator to chill.

After a few hours, it will be possible to remove the jelly from the pork. The dish looks very appetizing.

Pork jelly in a slow cooker is ready to serve.

Another version of this dish:

Easy chicken jelly recipe

Many housewives cook, but this version of the dish will delight you with a special taste and aroma, and besides, it cooks much faster.


  • Chicken carcass - 1.5 kg
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Chicken paws - 500 gr.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Bay leaves - 3 pcs.
  • Peppercorns - 8 pcs.
  • Fine salt - 10 gr.
  • Garlic - 5 tooth.

Step 1

Rinse the paws thoroughly, then cut off the claws along with the phalanges.

Step 2

Remove the skin from the chicken and excess fat, then divide the carcass into 4 parts.

Step 3

Put meat and paws inside the bowl, put onions, carrots, as well as the necessary spices.

Step 4

Fill everything with water, set the "Extinguishing" program for 4 hours.

Step 5

Separate the meat from the bones, disassemble into small pieces, and strain the broth.

On a note: It is worth noting that a double boiler can also be used to cook meat.

Step 6

Put the pieces of carrots and greens on the bottom of the container.

Step 7

Place the meat together with chopped garlic, pour everything with broth, send to freeze in the refrigerator.

Now the jelly is ready, put it on a plate, the dish looks very beautiful!

Another version of this dish:

Pork tail and chicken jelly


  • Pork tail - 1.2 kg
  • Chicken feet - 800 gr.
  • Chicken leg - 2 pcs.
  • Water - 3 l
  • Bulb - 1 pc.
  • Large carrot - ½ pc.
  • Spices and salt - to your taste

Step 1

The onion must be cut into 4 parts, cut the carrot into large pieces.

Step 2

Place the spiced vegetables inside the bowl.

Step 3

Add meat with paws as well as pork tail to the contents of the bowl.

Step 4

Now pour in hot water, set the "Extinguishing" program for 50 minutes.

Step 5

Now you need to strain the boiled chicken aspic in a multicooker.

On a note: It is necessary to filter the broth through two layers of gauze, which will provide it with maximum transparency.

Step 6

Spread the meat from the chicken and tails on the bottom of the vessels, pour strained broth. Send everything overnight to cool and thicken.

Put the prepared chicken jelly in a slow cooker on a plate, decorate as you wish.

  1. When cooking the broth, it is necessary to monitor the temperature, it should not boil, it must be simmered.
  2. To determine how much to cook jelly in a slow cooker, it is necessary to take into account the duration of cooking all parts of the meat.
  3. Cooking aspic with gelatin is recommended if only meat without offal is used for cooking the broth.
  4. Usually garlic is present in the recipe for jelly in a pressure cooker, and for good reason, it is this ingredient that gives it a piquant taste.
  5. If you do not know how to cook jelly, follow the recommendations and instructions that describe recipes with photos.
  6. Before pouring into molds jelly from chicken feet, check the broth for stickiness. Put a few drops on your fingers, if you feel the viscosity - the broth is ready.

That's all. We wish you delicious experiments!

  • Pork knuckle (small enough to fit in the bowl) - 1 piece,
  • Pork legs - 2 pieces,
  • Parts chicken carcass(wings, thigh, neck, drumstick),
  • Carrots (large) - 1 piece,
  • Onion - 1 piece,
  • Dry parsley root (chopped) - 1 tbsp. spoon,
  • Allspice peas - 5 - 6 pieces,
  • Bay leaf - 2 - 3 pieces,
  • Carnation - 3 buds,
  • Garlic - 5 cloves,
  • Celery - optional
  • Salt and black ground pepper taste,
  • Water (preferably boiling water).

Cooking process:

First, we are preparing meat for jelly: pour pork knuckle, legs with cool water and scrape with a knife. If you have not been able to find farm chicken in the market, buy a soup chicken (not to be confused with chicken fast food, which we usually take for baking), her meat is denser and tougher.

Then rinse the pork legs thoroughly again under running water. We shift all the meat into a deep cup and leave for two hours, pouring cold water. After that, the meat will need to be washed one more time. For some reason, the broth from this becomes transparent.

Clear onion and carrots, it is better to cook them whole than cut them large pieces. Celery - at your discretion and taste, wash the petioles and chop coarsely.

Next, we transfer the prepared meat to the multicooker bowl and lay out the peeled vegetables on top, sprinkle with salt, pepper and add spices (you can use any spices depending on your taste preferences).

Pour boiling water over pork and chicken to the maximum. If the meat is poured with boiling water, the protein will immediately curl up and the broth in the jelly will be transparent, without lumps. Jellied meat in a slow cooker in our step by step photo The recipe is prepared in a large bowl with a volume of 4.5 liters. Having closed the lid of the multicooker, select the “Extinguishing” mode and set the cooking time for jelly for at least 6 hours.

It is best to cook jelly at night, when you can go and go to bed, and after the signal, the multicooker will switch to heating mode and will wait for you.

Then, after the meat is ready, it should be removed from the broth.

And leave the broth in a slow cooker and boil again for 5 minutes in the “Steaming” mode, first add garlic squeezed through a press into the broth for jelly.

Meat for pork jelly with chicken must be separated from the bones and cut into small pieces(or just disassemble it into fibers with your hands). After tasting the meat, add it to taste.

Prepared meat should be laid out in jellied molds in which you are going to store it, about half the volume. Now widespread silicone molds, in particular, you can use small molds for. In such molds jelly in ready-made will look like aspic and can be served in portions.

If you want your jelly to look even more attractive than in my photo, then you can cut it out boiled carrots flowers and arrange them together with the meat at the bottom of the mold. Also, to decorate pork jelly, you can add canned corn or peas, which will not spoil the dish in any way, but only improve it appearance. Good at frozen aspic sprigs of fresh greenery look.

Then pour the broth into molds. If you want the meat not to remain on the bottom, but to be distributed evenly in the jelly, then you should mix the broth with the chopped meat.

Then we send the jellied molds to the refrigerator for solidification.

How to cook jelly in a slow cooker - pressure cooker

If you are a happy owner of a multi-cooker-pressure cooker, then you will not need so much time to cook meat, it will be enough to select the “Meat” or “Slow Cooker” program and set the time to 90 minutes.

Serve jelly from pork knuckle and chicken meat best with mustard or horseradish

An excellent appetizer for the holiday table!

Anyuta wishes you bon appetit and Notebook recipes.
