
Recipes for steam dishes. Cooking spicy pork a la beef stroganoff

Needless to say, how healthy steamed dishes are. And even more so, meat. And it's not just about diet food fans. Convenient, profitable, delicious. These are not all the compliments that steaming deserves.

Useful properties of steamed dishes

  • Firstly, and for me this is an important factor - this cooking method retains most of the nutrients and vitamins.
  • Secondly, it helps to better assimilate products.
  • Thirdly, even if you have gastrointestinal diseases, steamed meat will not disrupt the entire tract!
  • Fourthly, any meat (pork, chicken, turkey, etc.) is cooked perfectly for a couple, both in pieces and in ground form, and even dumplings, etc.

If there is no steamer? And it is not necessary to use only this device. If it is not in your arsenal, any device that allows you to steam is suitable. I successfully use a multicooker, where there is such a mode.
In addition, such cooking (I'm talking about steam in a slow cooker) is simple and convenient. There are no several floors here, but you can cook something in a bowl, and cook steamed dishes in the second, upstairs. You can also cook a tasty and healthy side dish along with the meat.

What meat dishes can be steamed?

Better ask which ones are not. For a couple, the multicooker cooks chic meatballs, meatballs, meatballs, beef stroganoff, even manti and dumplings and much more. And all this without the use of harmful frying and a large amount of fat.

There are, of course, a lot of them. And each time you can include a variety of them in the menu. It's just pieces of meat, meatballs, etc. Get to work!

Steamed pork shoulder with vegetables - step by step recipe with photo

Yes, let's start with the pork shoulder. Steamed with vegetables, it will delight you with its magnificent taste, and usefulness, and simplicity.


  • Pork shoulder - 300 g
  • Stem celery - 150 g
  • Tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Zucchini - 100 g
  • Garlic - 3 cloves
  • Vegetable oil
  • Salt - to taste
  • Spices - to taste

Easy Steamed Pork Shoulder with Vegetables

Of course, there can be any kind of meat. But I came across a good piece of spatula, and I decided to seize the moment. I cut off a thick piece.

Step 1. Prepare the meat

To make the meat softer and juicier, I decided to beat it off. And in order for the piece not to lose its shape, I put it in polyethylene. Very convenient, by the way.

Step 2. We beat off the pieces of the shoulder blade

Meat doesn't have to be tasteless, even if you're on a diet. I found my favorite spices, and did not regret them, rubbing two of them into the meat for a minute.

Step 3. Sprinkle with spices

Further, while the meat is marinating, I decided to cook the same healthy side dish. What to include in it? I used what I had on hand in the recipe. But you may have a different set. So, first I cut the celery in such a format that would be convenient not only for cooking. But next time I'll cut thinner.

Step 4. Cut the celery

Zucchini is the same zucchini, but it is different. Not only the color of the skin, which I decided not to remove - both the taste and color are brighter. Zucchini is slightly firmer than its more tender counterpart. I decided to cut it into strips.

Step 5: Zucchini Stripes

And the last ingredient is tomatoes. I had cream. I just cut them into quarters.

Step 6: Tomato slices

That's all. It was possible to put all this beauty in a container. But I wanted to get a juicy dish of meat and vegetables in my own juice. I packed everything in a baking sleeve, salted and seasoned with spices, poured with oil. What mode to set? I chose "soup" because I decided to cook the first course in the bowl itself. An hour is enough to prepare the shoulder blade and side dish. Feel free to put it all on a plate with juice or pour it over this healthy and tasty beauty!

Step 7. Finished dish. Bon appetit!

Delicious recipe for steamed meatballs

I had minced meat ready. If you don’t have it, just grind the meat in any way and add whatever you want to the minced meat. It will be delicious!


  • Minced meat - 300 g
  • Onion - 70 g
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Bulgarian pepper - 70 g
  • Greenery
  • Bun - 1 slice
  • Breading
  • Salt - to taste
  • Spices - to taste
  • Olive oil

How to cook steamed cutlets delicious - my children's favorite recipe

In the finished stuffing, I crumbled everything that I had at that time. After chopping vegetables, I combined them with minced meat. Mixed well and added a piece of bread soaked in water. Then she added salt to taste, seasoned with her favorite Italian herbs and chopped herbs.

Step 1. Prepare minced meat

To make them more beautiful, I dipped them in a large breading. Next, it was necessary to send them to a container for steaming. Which I did, but first wrapped the cutlets in a baking sleeve. They turned out so juicy that's why! By the way, I cooked in the same multicooker in the “steaming” mode until the signal.

Step 2. Cutlets in a baking sleeve

Steamed oatmeal cutlets - a time-tested recipe

Yes, I will continue the cutlet theme, because these are very unusual cutlets. Not only are they dietary, they are also more satisfying! And due to the spices, they are also fragrant ...


  • Minced meat - 350 g
  • Oatmeal - 2 tbsp.
  • Potato - 70 g
  • Onion - 780 g
  • Flour - 2 tbsp.
  • Milk - 2 tbsp.
  • Salt - to taste
  • Spices - to taste
  • Oil

How to quickly and tasty cook oatmeal cutlets

If there is no ready-made minced meat, grind a piece of any meat. Yes, potatoes will make the cutlet softer and juicier. Therefore, I rub it on a large grater. I just finely chop the onion so that the cutlets do not flow from so much liquid. We mix it all with minced meat. Add milk, so that it does not turn out liquid - watch the milk and consistency. Then I salt and add spices and salt to taste. Before sending the cutlets for steam, I kept the minced meat in the refrigerator for half an hour. After sticking cutlets, I dipped them in flour and then steamed them. This time I had a special device, which is enough to put in a saucepan with water and cover with a lid. These meatballs are simply amazing.

Exquisite meat recipe a la steamed beef stroganoff

Why did I name this dish so? Because the cut was the same as for beef stroganoff. I just wanted to try whether it is possible to cook meat not in a piece, but in a different format. The experience was a success!


  • Pork - 200 g
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Salt - to taste
  • Spices - to taste
  • Olive oil

Cooking spicy pork a la beef stroganoff

I wanted to cook it in a special sleeve or in foil, but neither one nor the other was at hand. But the meat was cut like n6a beef stroganoff. I did not abandon this idea, deciding to cook in a good dry marinade. To do this, I rubbed the meat with salt and spices, sprinkled it with finely chopped garlic and left it to marinate for half an hour. Then I scattered pieces of meat over the steam container, sprinkled them lightly with oil and, turning on the “soup” mode, prepared such a yummy. With vegetables, the meat was incomparable.

Steamed juicy meatballs - my best recipe!

If you only knew how delicious they turned out! Juicy plus everything. And all because I cooked minced meat correctly.


  • Beef - 300 g
  • Pork - 100 g
  • Salo - 100 g
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Salt - to taste
  • Spices - to taste

Steaming tender meatballs is quick and easy!

First of all, I ground the meat. I specifically chose these two types. Having cut into pieces convenient for grinding in a meat grinder or blender, I ground it. Here, at the end, I added lard, and once again ground everything together. The mince was just amazing. It remains to skip the onion through a meat grinder, add salt, pepper and beat in one egg. Yes, it made the meatballs a little tougher, but they still turned out delicious. I put it down, out of fear that it would fall apart. Cooking for a couple, setting the same mode. You don't have to wait for the beep. Meatballs cook very quickly. Serve with fresh vegetables.

How to make steamed dumplings?

Yes, I, like you, doubted the success of the operation. And therefore, without much enthusiasm, she sculpted her favorite dumplings. But, as it turned out later, the fears were unfounded. Everything turned out great!


  • Ready dumplings - 300 g
  • Butter - 1 tbsp
  • Salt - to taste
  • Greenery

How to cook steam dumplings tastier - a time-tested recipe!

Yes, homemade dumplings are tastier, but I experimented. And she did not regret it, because and it was delicious, and very simple, because it was not necessary to catch and stir the dumplings. In a word, I sent all this beauty to the multi basket (lubricated it with oil). But not in bulk, but in one layer. And, pouring water into the bowl, turned on the “steaming” mode. A quarter of an hour and you're done. I poured the dumplings with oil, salted them lightly, sprinkled with herbs and ate with pleasure. I recommend. Fast and hassle free.

Steam cooking is the oldest cooking method. Even before they got acquainted with fire, our ancestors had the opportunity to warm up and soften fish, roots and fruits on stones near hot springs. The ancient Chinese method of steaming has hardly changed over the centuries. Traditionally, in China, meat and vegetables are cooked in a deep pan with a rounded bottom, in which bamboo or cane baskets with finely chopped ingredients are placed in several tiers.

The advantages of the oldest way of cooking are obvious: the products retain not only their natural color, smell, shape and taste, but also most of the microelements and vitamins contained in the raw product. Steaming does not require oil or broth, so water-soluble vitamins and minerals are not lost and food is not saturated with fat. When steamed, the products do not come into contact with air and do not heat up above 100C, which preserves their composition in its original form. All products are suitable for steaming, except for mushrooms, which must be boiled in a large amount of water. Spoiled and wrinkled vegetables and fruits in a double boiler will acquire an unpleasant smell and taste, and if defects are cut out, they will lose their shape. Therefore, for steaming, all vegetables and fruits must be of the highest quality.

Many foods are only useful when steamed, such as brown rice, which completely loses vitamin B1 when cooked. The time required for steaming vegetables is much less than for frying and boiling in water. Steamed dishes are juicy and healthy, because the steam that evaporates even from hard and chlorinated water does not contain metal impurities.

In addition to the health benefits, steaming saves time, the dish will never burn, everything cooks evenly and does not require stirring and turning. The double boiler does not need to be cleaned of fat, and kitchen furniture from the greasy film that forms when frying in oil. On different tiers of the steamer, you can cook several dishes at once by placing products with a shorter cooking time on the upper tier. In a double boiler, you can defrost meat, fish and vegetables quickly and without loss.

Despite all the advantages of a double boiler, few dare to replace pans and pots with it. Prejudices against steaming are usually associated with the fact that this method is recommended for patients suffering from gastritis, ulcers, cholecystitis, atherosclerosis and other chronic diseases, and for a healthy person, there is supposedly no need to deprive yourself of the opportunity to eat fried or boiled food.

For people accustomed to rich borscht and crispy fried potatoes, the taste of steamed food will seem insipid at first. To avoid this, you can add various sauces and seasonings to the dish after cooking. Consider whether you really enjoy the taste of fried food enough that you are willing to put up with its harmful effects. When frying, and even more so when reheating products, carcinogens are formed from the oil. Fried meat is a serious burden for the stomach and cardiovascular system. Steamed dishes, on the contrary, are easy to digest, do not create a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, and even help preserve youth and beauty, because they do not contain extra calories, cholesterol and toxins that clog blood vessels.

Steamed food is the most dietary.

With regular eating of steam dishes, the condition of the skin and hair improves, the immune system strengthens and the tone rises. Steam nutrition is the prevention of cardiovascular diseases for people over 40 years old. With lack of sleep, stress and increased physical activity, steam nutrition will provide the body with vitamins and help you survive a difficult period of life without harming your health.

The simplest device for steaming is a deep saucepan, on the bottom of which water is poured, a sieve is placed above it, and the lid is tightly closed. If you simply put a container of food in a pot of water, it will be boiling in a water bath, which is also better than boiling in water, but with this method, steam cannot penetrate into the product evenly. Another option is a saucepan, with gauze fixed on top, in which food is placed.

Now there are many double boilers of various designs, in which cooking is easier than in a pan. The most budget option for a double boiler is a pan with mesh inserts and a tight lid. Working with such a double boiler requires some skills and attention. If the water boils away or the steamer is left on the fire, the dish will be ruined.

With the advent of modern self-contained electric steamers, even the most inept person has to work hard to ruin a dish. The principle of operation of an electric steamer is simple - the base is filled with water, which is heated by a steam generator and forms steam that enters the products located in several tiers in baskets with holes. The condensate is collected in the pan. Such steamers have a timer, water level indicator and several operating modes. If the water boils away, the steamer will automatically turn off. Cheap double boilers use only clean water for steaming, they cannot cook with broth, wine or tea, which significantly reduces the menu. Some steamers can keep food warm for several hours after cooking and start a timer to prepare breakfast while everyone is asleep.

Bon appetit!

This dish can be called two in one. I tried it in a sanatorium, but I liked it so much that I now often make potatoes with minced chicken at home. I think you will be satisfied too.

Steamed fish meatballs are a dietary dish. I used this recipe for fish meatballs for my kids. But they turn out so tasty that I cook them even now and everyone eats them with pleasure.

Chicken roll recipe. Simple step by step preparation of chicken breast and blue cheese roll.

Ever since I had a double boiler, I have cooked all side dishes and most main dishes in it. And so I tried the recipe for cooking zucchini caviar in a double boiler. It turned out amazing!

Want to learn how to cook pollock in a double boiler? There is nothing easier! I didn’t even attach step-by-step photos - this process is so elementary. And the fish turns out delicious and completely dietary!

This simple steamed potato recipe illustrates one of the healthiest ways to cook potatoes, as steaming preserves the maximum amount of vitamins in the original product. Are we trying? :)

Cauliflower in a double boiler is cooked for half an hour-40 minutes. This is a dietary and vitamin-rich dish that does not contain fat at all. Cauliflower can be served as a side dish.

Cooking bell peppers in a double boiler is easier and faster than the traditional way. This pepper is brighter in color and richer in taste. Plus, you don't have to watch it.

Steam chicken cutlets - a dietary dish. Maybe for someone, steamed food is not tasty, but cutlets fried in oil lose all their beneficial properties and are even harmful to the body.

I tell you how to cook broccoli in a double boiler. Healthy, tasty, fast and without loss of nutrients. Steamed broccoli is a great side dish or salad ingredient.

I want to offer you an interesting recipe for pike perch. You can cook it in the oven or steam - it all depends on your preferences. Well, the result will be amazing in any case!

Steam cooking is a fast, convenient, and most importantly, healthy way. Steamed minced meat turns out juicy and soft, does not contain extra calories and is suitable for diet food.

King fish or sturgeon is a very tasty and healthy fish. You can cook it in many ways, but I prefer the most useful - for a couple. Steamed sturgeon is tender, non-greasy and very tasty.

Read this step-by-step recipe with a photo - and you will learn how to cook manti. A step-by-step recipe for making Central Asian dumplings will make the cooking process as simple as possible.

Shrimp with asparagus is not only tasty, but also a healthy delicacy that can be cooked at home. Steamed shrimp and asparagus go together just fine.

Steamed fish with herbs is a quick and easy to prepare, but very healthy and tasty dish. Requires a steamer.

Salmon fillet with steamed olives is the most delicious, tender and, what is more important, the healthiest dish. The fish is incredibly tasty and just melts in your mouth.

A basic recipe for steamed fish fillet or fish steak. In a similar way, you can cook almost any steamed fish - except that the cooking time will be different.

Try to cook vegetable broth in a double boiler, if your household has such a unit. The broth is much cleaner, transparent and rich than just cooked in a saucepan.

Hollandaise (Sauce Hollandaise) is a traditional French sauce served with fish, vegetables and eggs. For all those interested - a classic recipe for hollandaise sauce.

Cheesecakes in a double boiler are especially tender and as useful as possible, because, unlike ordinary cheesecakes, they do not need to be fried in oil. They look so-so, but they taste amazing cheesecakes!

A simple recipe for cutlets in a double boiler. Steamed chicken cutlets with potatoes can be used in baby food from 1 year old. It is good to serve vitamin coleslaw with cutlets.

Manti with potato filling are divinely delicious, and they taste almost indistinguishable from manti with fat tail fat. So this is a very successful recipe for vegetarian manti :)

Cooking beef deliciously is not an easy task, but it can be solved. Beef zrazy with steamed cheese is an ideal beef dish in terms of the ratio of ease of preparation, deliciousness and usefulness.

Steamed manti is a traditional dish of various Asian peoples, somewhat reminiscent of very large dumplings. A very tasty hot dish for a family lunch or dinner.

This is a very simple and quick culinary recipe for a traditional English dish - cottage cheese pudding, which turns out to be very tender and satisfying.

Cauliflower in a creamy sauce with vegetables is a dish very similar to vegetable stew, but the sauce makes it more refined and refined.

Dedicated to those who do not eat meat - manti with spinach! A very tasty vegetarian improvisation resulted in a new tasty dish. Meet!

Vegetables in French - a vegetarian dish that cooks very quickly. As they say, maximum benefit and taste! The main highlight of this dish is a delicious creamy sauce.

Uzbek dish "Khanum"

Uzbek dishes are very hearty and tasty. Lamb is usually used in them, but beef is also possible. There are a lot of seasonings and spices in Uzbek cuisine, which give the dishes a unique flavor.

Steam cutlets are a healthy and dietary dish for the whole family. Steam cutlets are good served with oatmeal, rice, buckwheat porridge or mashed potatoes.

All fishermen, their friends and relatives, know what maxa is. This is burbot liver. It is fried, steamed, boiled, pickled, used as a filling for pies.

Steamed food is tasty and healthy. It preserves the natural color and taste of products without loss of vitamins and microelements, and meat, fish and vegetables do not lose moisture and turn out juicy. In addition, steamed meals are considered low-calorie because they are not fried in oil. If someone in your family is forced to follow a diet for medical reasons or for weight loss, cook food for a couple, and then it will never occur to anyone that they are limited in some way. It's so delicious!

Boil or steam

Steamed is healthier than boiled, stewed or baked in the oven. The fact is that when steaming, the temperature does not rise above 100 ° C, so the beneficial substances are completely preserved in the products. During cooking, many water-soluble vitamins pass into the broth and are destroyed more quickly. In addition, during the process of boiling and stewing, vegetables and meat lose their natural color and become paler. There is an opinion that steamed dishes are tasteless unless seasoned with spices. But this is not the case, and you can verify this. The fact is that steamed natural products have a wide variety of flavors, and you can also use spices that add richness and piquancy to dishes. However, you will need much less spices than for cooking stews and boiled dishes. After a while, you and your loved ones will get so used to steam food that everything else will seem tasteless.

What is best for steaming

You can steam any dish - meat, fish, seafood, vegetables, omelettes, casseroles, dough products, cereals and even desserts. Steaming is not only healthy, but also very convenient and practical. For example, scrambled eggs and porridge will never burn in a double boiler, so you do not need to monitor them, the soup will not boil over. Liquid dishes are usually steamed in special bowls, and they are cooked in the usual way, only not by boiling, but by the action of steam.

What should not be steamed? Pasta in a double boiler boils soft and sticks together, and legumes remain raw. But even if you pre-soak peas or beans and, with patience and adding water, wait 3 hours until they are cooked, you will be disappointed. The taste of legumes cooked in the usual way is no different from a dish cooked in a double boiler, including in terms of benefits. Definitely do not steam mushrooms and offal, as they require pre-cooking for a long time.

Steam cooking with kitchen appliances

The simplest appliance for steaming is a mechanical steamer, which is a special insert on legs or a steam basket that is placed in a pot filled with water. Food is laid out on top, the pan is closed with a lid and put on fire. The water in the pan boils, evaporates, and food is cooked on this steam. Once upon a time, housewives used a colander or a sieve instead of a double boiler, but now we steam food using special tools that make it easier to work in the kitchen and save time.

How to cook in a steamer? Everything is very simple. At the base of this kitchen appliance is a container into which water is poured, and then brought to a boil using a heating element, as in an electric kettle. One or more steam baskets are installed on top, into which steam enters, and all the condensate flows into a special pan. Modern double boilers are powered by the mains, so you can cook several dishes in them at the same time without constant control and presence in the kitchen.

Not everyone knows how to steam in a slow cooker, but it's even easier than using a double boiler. Despite the absence of a multi-storey structure, the food is prepared very quickly, it turns out tasty and fragrant. In a slow cooker, you can also cook two at the same time - one in the usual way in a bowl and the second - for a couple.

Steam cooking functions are also available in some models of microwaves and air grills. Choose what suits you best!

Use only fresh quality products, which must be thoroughly washed before cooking and cleaned if necessary. Cut food into large or medium pieces, because small pieces will cook very quickly and turn into porridge. Vegetables or meat slices should be the same size so that the dish cooks evenly. Also, do not stack the pieces in several layers - the more food in the double boiler, the more time it will take to cook the dish. Leave small gaps between the pieces for free air circulation.

The steamer must be tightly covered with a lid. If there is at least a small gap in it, the cooking time will increase. Also, make sure that the water does not boil away, and add it if necessary. Pour boiling water over the grits before cooking, and cover the seafood with foil to make them especially tender.

If you are cooking several foods at the same time, put meat or beets on the bottom tier of the steamer so that they get the hottest steam, and leave the upper tiers for fish and other vegetables. Beets are also best cooked at the bottom because they often produce juice that can color the food underneath. By the way, when calculating the cooking time, keep in mind that for each tier located above, you should add 5 minutes, because the steam, passing through the lower tiers, cools down a bit.

How long to cook in a double boiler

All require different cooking times, and much depends on the power of kitchen appliances and the size of the product. Cooking time is usually indicated in the instructions. Root vegetables are boiled for about 30 minutes, non-starchy vegetables - 15-20 minutes, green vegetables - 3 minutes. Thinly sliced ​​pieces of meat are cooked for about 1.5 hours, meatballs, meatballs, zrazy and other minced meat dishes - 60 minutes, and chicken meatballs reach readiness within half an hour. Chicken, turkey and rabbit cook quickly - about 45-50 minutes. Cereals are usually boiled for 25-30 minutes. Fish is steamed faster than meat, and after 10-15 minutes it will delight you with its delicate taste and aroma. However, some varieties of fish are cooked longer - for example, catfish or pike.

Cooking fish at home for a couple

Take fillets of trout, pink salmon, salmon and any other fish you like, sprinkle the fish with lemon juice and olive oil, rub with any spices, salt, black pepper and fish herbs and leave for 15 minutes. The fish, saturated with the aroma of spices and dried herbs, will turn out fragrant and piquant. You can lightly pickle it in a sauce of lemon and orange juice, soy sauce, dry wine or beer.

Put fish steaks in a double boiler or slow cooker on lettuce leaves, place onion rings, slices of tomato or bell pepper on top, decorate all this splendor with greens and lemon slices. You can sprinkle the dish with grated cheese, and then turn on the double boiler mode for 10-15 minutes. At the same time, some housewives add spices, a little wine vinegar or dry wine to the water for steaming. Serve steam fish with lemon, herbs, vegetables, rice or mashed potatoes.

How to steam meat

Rinse the chicken breast, let it dry and make small cuts in the flesh. Cut the garlic into thin plates, stuff the meat, pour two glasses of water into the multicooker bowl and cook the breast for 35–40 minutes. You can cook beef in the same way, only it should be pre-marinated in wine or salt water for 2-4 hours. A glass of water requires 2 tsp. salt. After the meat is marinated, sprinkle it with spices and herbs and steam for 40 minutes. Some housewives say that if you rub a piece of beef with dry mustard 2 hours before cooking, it will turn out very soft and tender. Keep in mind that the dish will be quite spicy, so such culinary techniques are not suitable for children's cuisine. Cut the meat into slices and serve with any sauces and side dishes.

Steamed vegetables with sauce

Prepare chopped cauliflower or broccoli, diced zucchini, bell pepper rings, and onion rings. If desired, you can add any vegetables here - pumpkin, potatoes, carrots. While the vegetables are steaming, make a light sauce with a cup of low-fat yogurt, 2 tbsp. l. honey and 1 tsp. mustard. Add any fresh and dried herbs, spices, salt, pepper and one minced garlic clove to the dressing. Pour vegetables over before serving and enjoy their aristocratic taste.

Steam vegetables, meat and fish are eaten with herbs, sour cream, grated cheese, butter or olive oil, cream or sauce. Steamed dishes go well with any seasonings, complementing their exquisite taste with new shades. Be picky gourmets and feed your family tasty, healthy and stylish!

Steam cooking is the oldest cooking method. Even before they got acquainted with fire, our ancestors had the opportunity to warm up and soften fish, roots and fruits on stones near hot springs. The ancient Chinese method of steaming has hardly changed over the centuries. Traditionally, in China, meat and vegetables are cooked in a deep pan with a rounded bottom, in which bamboo or cane baskets with finely chopped ingredients are placed in several tiers.

The advantages of the oldest way of cooking are obvious: the products retain not only their natural color, smell, shape and taste, but also most of the microelements and vitamins contained in the raw product. Steaming does not require oil or broth, so water-soluble vitamins and minerals are not lost and food is not saturated with fat. When steamed, the products do not come into contact with air and do not heat up above 100C, which preserves their composition in its original form. All products are suitable for steaming, except for mushrooms, which must be boiled in a large amount of water. Spoiled and wrinkled vegetables and fruits in a double boiler will acquire an unpleasant smell and taste, and if defects are cut out, they will lose their shape. Therefore, for steaming, all vegetables and fruits must be of the highest quality.Products almost do not lose vitamins and microelements, their natural color and shape after steaming. The food is beautiful, fragrant and tasty with skillful preparation. Knowing how to cook properly - doesn't this apply to any dish cooked in a steamer, in a frying pan or in the microwave?Why is steamed food a completely dietary dish and contains a minimum of fat? Because for dishes prepared by steam cooking, additional use of oil is not required. In these dishes, a maximum of water-soluble minerals and vitamins (C, A) remains.At the same time, the calorie content is much lower, precisely due to the absence of high-calorie oil, which, moreover, forms carcinogens harmful to the body during the frying process.Steam food is a great option for those who dream of losing weight without exhausting exercise. Eating daily such food you do not feel hunger, but at the same time lose weight.Steamed food is juicier than traditionally cooked food. It also retains the aroma of fresh products and the original taste. You get used to such food quickly.Thanks to modern kitchen appliances, namely

Microwave oven or double boiler, very little time is spent on preparing healthy and tasty food.

In a double boiler or microwave, you can cook several foods at the same time without thinking that the dishes may burn. This greatly saves cooking time, and the tastes of different dishes do not mix during cooking.There is the easiest way to steam food - a pot of water, in which a sieve is located at the top or a special grate for cooking steam food, tightly closed with a lid on top. This is convenient for small amounts of food.Now available are the devices of modern technology, a double boiler, which allows you to quickly and inexpensively prepare wonderful dishes.All the necessary products are laid out in a bowl, filled with water and the right time is set.For steam cooking, do not cut food too finely, as a result, a slimy homogeneous mass can be obtained. Also, in order to ensure a short cooking time and ensure uniform exposure to steam, the products should not be stacked too tightly in the pan.There is a certain group of products that cannot be cooked in a double boiler - these are overripe or slightly spoiled fruits and vegetables. They can be used in traditional cooking. And for steam cooking, the products must be whole and dense when raw. This is one of the conditions that ensures dishes are prepared with colorful, beautiful ingredients, and not the resulting shapeless vegetables and fruits.We can say that steam food is shown to everyone - this is an ideal option for proper nutrition, especially at a time when even the latest fashion trends call for abandoning diets, but at the same time looking fit and slim. Here, the best alternative for weight loss is steam cooking.

If you add a minimum of physical exercise to such a diet, your body will be toned and slender, which will allow you to have your own style at any age, look attractive and fit in with fashion.

For toddlers and the elderly, steamed food is essential as it is much easier to digest than food cooked in other ways.It turns out that steaming is useful for both the sick and the healthy, whom it will help maintain their health and improve immunity. Many foods are only useful when steamed, such as brown rice, which completely loses vitamin B1 when cooked. The time required for steaming vegetables is much less than for frying and boiling in water. Steamed dishes are juicy and healthy, because the steam that evaporates even from hard and chlorinated water does not contain metal impurities.
