
Freezing point of vodka and alcohol. At what temperature does quality vodka freeze?

Even a child knows that water freezes at 0 degrees. But not everyone is aware of this. Therefore, let's figure out at what temperature vodka freezes, and various alcoholic drinks freeze and why.

Do hard alcoholic drinks freeze?

Start with hard alcohol. Many mistakenly read that alcohol at 96 degrees does not freeze and few have seen frozen vodka with their own eyes.

But we must admit that vodka freezes, like any other liquid on earth. Pure ethyl alcohol solidifies at a temperature of 80-115 degrees.

But vodka, as you know, diluted with water and saturated with various flavor enhancers freezes at a higher temperature.

How does vodka freeze

To start the process of crystallization of water-alcohol-based vodka, a temperature of 27-30 degrees is required. In the freezer, the temperature jumps from -5 to -25 degrees. Therefore, it is not possible to freeze vodka in the refrigerator. But it happens that vodka, forgetting in the freezer, thickened, and ice formed in it. This does not mean that the temperature in the freezer rose above -30 degrees.

In fact, not 40% of the product was present in the bottle, but, for example, 35%. That is, the lower the concentration of ethanol, the higher the crystallization temperature. The same applies to the rest. Put alcohol 96 degrees in the freezer, and it will remain in the same state even after 10 years.

The freezing process is quite complicated. Vodka does not turn into ice immediately after the temperature drops. First, it is converted into a thick jelly, and only then the crystallization process begins. Vodka does not freeze into a single piece of ice, most often it freezes in separate plates. This is because the level of ethanol concentration rises, and freezing proceeds unevenly.

Should I drink frozen vodka?

Many people wonder if it is possible to drink frozen vodka. In fact, this is not prohibited, but there are some subtleties. First of all, if the vodka hardens easily and quickly, it means that it is diluted and probably contains various impurities and additives. And drinking such a drink can be dangerous to health.

Some test the presence of alcohol by the way the contents of a vodka bottle burn. Others try to find out the quality of the product by placing the bottle in the freezer. If it cools quickly and ice starts to appear inside the bottle, then the product does not inspire confidence. In addition, frozen, thick vodka has no taste and smell. Drinking it is very easy, there are no unpleasant sensations. Therefore, it is possible to drink a lot of it. But at the same time, alcohol intoxication will also come very quickly. It is necessary to use this frozen drink carefully and in moderation.

Does beer freeze?

Beer also contains an ethyl alcohol product. At what degree will it freeze? The freezing point of this drink ranges from -2 to -3 degrees. That is, in the freezer, the beer will harden very quickly and easily. At the beginning of the crystallization process, water first solidifies in beer, it gradually turns into ice. Beer becomes like a drink with pulp. After a certain time, ethyl alcohol also solidifies, it all depends on its concentration in beer. That is, the beer does not freeze all at once, it happens gradually.

Many people argue whether it is okay to drink beer that has frozen and thawed again. There is no answer to this question, because everyone has different tastes. In many countries, beer lovers prefer to drink frozen beer. And someone warm beer. But, nevertheless, the use of slightly chilled beer is considered optimal.

There is an opinion that beer that is frozen and then thawed loses its taste properties, becomes cloudy and has an unpleasant smell. This is not 96 degree alcohol, which will not lose its taste. The fermentation process stops. The beer is not what it should be. To drink or not to drink such a drink is up to everyone. By the same principle, all low-alcohol drinks, such as wine, cocktails, vermouth, and so on, freeze.

Do not experiment and freeze alcohol. It is enough to slightly cool the drink and drink it in a pleasant company. The most important thing is not to abuse it, since alcohol can ruin not only your mood, but also your health for life.

Many are wondering - is it possible to freeze vodka in the freezer. However, some argue that they had to get a frozen bottle of vodka from the freezer. On the other hand, numerous experiments of friends did not allow repeating this result, and the person was ridiculed. Let's try to understand this issue.

Alcohol represents a chemical compound made up of two carbon atoms, one oxygen atom, and six hydrogen atoms. Chemically, its formula is described as С2Н5(OH). It is a colorless liquid and few have seen it frozen. But, as you know, all substances can be transferred from one state of aggregation to another, it's all about temperature.

Mercury, which is familiar from medical thermometers, is a metal, but under normal conditions we know it as a liquid. When cooled to 38 degrees below zero Celsius, it will turn into a solid phase. Consequently, alcohol, when cooled, will sooner or later become crystalline. Why can't we see frozen alcohol? The thing is that it needs to be cooled very much.

On earth, alcohol freezes at a temperature of minus 115 degrees Celsius.. Such a temperature on our planet has simply never been recorded and it is available only in laboratory conditions. This quality serves the fact that many antifreeze or washing liquids contain it in their composition so that in winter they can successfully perform their functions. Moreover, we have established that alcohol in the freezer will not freeze under any conditions.

It should also be noted that this liquid is flammable, boils at seventy-eight degrees, in Brazil, for example, alcohol is used instead of gasoline in internal combustion engines of cars.

Properties of water and its freezing point

In order to understand the properties of vodka, it is not enough to know only about alcohol, you need to have an idea about the second part of its component - water.

Water is a chemical compound of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. Its chemical formula is H2O.

Many call water the most amazing liquid in the universe. First of all, it gives life to our planet and this is due to one extraordinary property of water, which, besides it, only two substances have. As you know, from the course of school physics, any substance decreases in volume when cooled, and water behaves similarly, but only up to a temperature of 4 degrees Celsius. Then, it begins to expand, thanks to this property, the oceans do not freeze to the bottom, icebergs do not sink, and a forgotten bottle of beer in the refrigerator can burst.

Water turns to ice at zero degrees Celsius, which is not surprising, since the freezing point of water was chosen as the beginning of the temperature scale. The boiling point of this liquid is 100 degrees and this is the second reference point of the Celsius temperature scale.

What is vodka and what is its freezing temperature

Without going into particular details, it can be argued that vodka provides a a solution consisting of four parts of ethyl alcohol and six parts of water. It is a clear liquid with a characteristic odor of ethanol.

Since the freezing point of alcohol is minus 115 degrees, and water is zero degrees, it is logical to assume that the freezing point of vodka is somewhere in these limits. Thus, the question is does vodka freeze? - we are forced to give a positive answer. At what temperature does vodka freeze?— this question cannot be answered specifically. This temperature depends on the concentration of ethyl alcohol in water. In simple terms, concentration (strength) is how many degrees are in vodka.

Of course, modern vodka, like cognac in principle, has various additives, and even with the same strength, two different bottles will begin to freeze at different temperatures. The presence of sugar in it greatly affects the freezing point of vodka. In cognac, tannins play a very important role.

Myself the freezing process of vodka is non-linear. First, a crust of ice forms on the surface, due to the fact that ice consists of water, the concentration of alcohol increases in the remaining liquid. For the rest, stronger cooling is required, by another 4-6 degrees.

Since most people are interested in the question of the freezing temperature of vodka at 40 degrees, and is the situation when vodka frozen in the freezer real, we will answer these questions.

  1. With a vodka strength of 30 degrees, it freezes at a temperature of 18 to 20 degrees Celsius.
  2. The fortress is 35 - the freezing point is around 21 degrees.
  3. The concentration of ethyl alcohol is 40 percent - the beginning of freezing is 25-28 degrees.
  4. Strong vodka at 55 degrees - the appearance of the first ice 40-41 degrees below zero.

Thus, we can determine how many degrees are in vodka if it is frozen in your freezer. It is known that modern freezers rarely have the ability to cool below 24 degrees below zero.

At 24 degrees below zero, a standard 40-degree vodka will start to ice up only if it has a lot of additives.

If you find that ice has appeared in the bottle, and the freezer is at least a little warmer than minus 18 degrees, then the product you purchased is simply not vodka. Since vodka with a strength of less than 30 percent does not exist.


In conclusion, I would like to say once again - vodka simply does not have a fixed freezing point, and the process begins with the formation of an ice crust on the surface. Then the solution becomes cloudy with an increase in its viscosity, and the final stage is complete crystallization. In the same way, there is no fixed boiling point for a given liquid - when part of the solution boils away, the boiling point temperature increases.

So, let's try to bring together all the information we have received - at what temperature alcohol freezes, and when it boils, as well as other liquids we have studied.

  1. The freezing point of alcohol is minus 115 degrees Celsius, the boiling point is 78 above zero Celsius.
  2. The freezing point of water is 0 Celsius, the boiling point is 100 degrees.
  3. Forty-degree vodka freezes at a temperature of 26-27 degrees below zero, and boils when it reaches 94 above zero.

Finally, let's remember about beer lovers - the concentration of ethyl alcohol in ordinary varieties of amber drink ranges from 2.5% to 6.8%. So, the lightest of this interval will begin to freeze as soon as it cools to one degree below zero, and at minus three, the strongest from this list will also freeze.

The trouble is that, unlike vodka, frozen beer will not restore its taste. In addition, cans or bottles of beer can simply burst due to the expansion of water during cooling.

Thus, if you are expecting a cheerful company, then you don’t have to worry about the fate of vodka in the freezer, but special care is required for beer.

Attention, only TODAY!

Every adult lover of long feasts with delicious food and traditional "one hundred grams" for a good reason likes vodka to be chilled. And, for sure, every consumer of alcoholic beverages wondered at what temperature vodka and other strong drinks freeze.

It is believed that if you already use the white one for any reason, then it is best - from the frost. For this reason, hospitable housewives, while waiting for guests, place alcoholic drinks in the freezer, and put them on the balcony in winter.

Having twirled with the preparation of holiday pies and salads, you can find an unpleasant surprise: the drink turned into ice! This is not a rare surprise, because few people know the freezing point of vodka.

So that such an unfortunate accident does not happen on the eve of the feast, let's look at the features of freezing various alcoholic beverages, and especially the one without which not a single large and serious feast can do in our Motherland.

A simple test, or how the quality of vodka is related to its freezing temperature

Some experienced consumers of a forty-degree drink claim that in order to check its quality, you need to put it in the freezer for a couple of hours.

If the vodka hardens in 2 hours, it is better to get rid of it: you were sold a fake, and it is not known what the dishonest manufacturer added there. Drinking this particular bottle can be hazardous to health.

Do you think there is some secret hidden in this simple test? No, just the freezing point of vodka in the freezer directly depends on the amount of alcohol it contains.

The higher the ethanol content, the lower the freezing point of any alcoholic beverage.

Modern technologies involve the addition of various essences, flavors, and flavors to alcohol in order to improve the taste of alcohol, give it uniqueness and variety, and thereby increase its profit.

These additives directly affect the freezing process of alcoholic beverages. It turns out that in order to find out in practice at what temperature vodka freezes, you need to find out how much alcohol it contains.

Freezing point of vodka

Vodka is a mixture of water and alcohol in a ratio of 3:2, which freezes at temperatures between 25 and 30 degrees below zero depending on the quality of alcohol.

  • It should be borne in mind that the alcohol used in the manufacture of vodka is not absolutely pure and contains certain impurities.
  • We have already mentioned that freezing vodka is an excellent test for its quality, because if it is only 20 degrees outside, and it has turned into ice, this is a reason to think that you have slipped a low-quality product.

Can vodka freeze in the refrigerator?

“At what temperature does vodka 40 degrees freeze in the refrigerator?” - lovers of feasts are not averse to “picking up” each other in order to know the answer to this sensitive question.

Can vodka freeze in the freezer?

Based on the foregoing, you can safely put a white bottle in the freezer before serving, because in a conventional refrigerator the temperature of the freezer is usually not lower than 24 degrees Celsius. This means that the vodka will be very cold, but it will not be able to turn into ice.

Keep in mind that after being in the freezer, vodka will lose its taste and smell, and become viscous. After the freezer, you can drink a lot of it without feeling intoxicated. But, warming up in your body, the insidious drink will very quickly make you drunk with all the ensuing consequences and a hangover. Only a hearty snack can mitigate the unpleasant consequences.

Doctors, despite all their warnings about the dangers of alcohol, understand that sometimes this cannot be avoided and advise you to drink any alcohol no colder than +8 degrees, otherwise there is a risk of a sore throat and a sore throat as a bonus after the holiday. Therefore, after you take the vodka out of the freezer, let it stand on the table for a while.

How do different alcoholic drinks freeze?

Different solutions of water and ethanol have different freezing points. The fact is that the freezing point of any alcoholic beverage depends solely on the amount of ethyl alcohol in it.

The temperature of the beginning of the freezing process of vodka is 40% at about 22 C (then crystallization begins), the complete solidification of the liquid occurs at 30 degrees below zero.

  • It is worth considering that after strong cooling, vodka in a bottle will be viscous and lose its specific taste and smell.

Modern factory recipes provide for different freezing temperatures for different alcoholic drinks, namely:

  1. drinks with a strength of 10% alcohol (beer, some varieties of wine and champagne) freeze at a temperature of 5 degrees below zero
  2. drinks with 20% alcohol content (various wines, champagne, liqueurs, bitters, healing balms) crystallize at -10 degrees
  3. drinks with an alcohol content of 25% (liqueurs, tinctures, fortified wines) are frozen at a temperature of 13-14 degrees below zero
  4. drinks with an alcohol content of 30% (some types of whiskey, brandy and rum) freeze at 18 degrees
  5. drinks with an alcohol content of 40% (classic white tequila, cognac, rum, whiskey, vodka) crystallize at 30 degrees.
  6. drinks with an alcohol strength of 50% (rum, whiskey, absinthe, strong vodka) freeze at 40 degrees below zero.
  7. drinks with an alcohol content of 55% (absinthe, rum, whiskey, brandy) are frozen only at 45 degrees below zero.

  • What explains the specific bitter taste of vodka? Its bitterness appears due to incomplete purification and the residual amount of impurities. This is evidenced by its sharp aroma.

Vodka of the highest purity, which contains nothing but ethyl alcohol and water, has a characteristic sweetish aftertaste inherent in diluted alcohols.

Lethal dose - simultaneous consumption of 1 liter of vodka, half a liter of vodka can cause a stroke, heart attack, cardiac arrest.

  • Alcoholic (read: vodka) culture is the main source of mortality in Russia. And we are talking not so much about the direct harm of alcohol on the body, but about actions committed while intoxicated. A person under the influence of a small amount of vodka goes swimming in the wrong place, can jump from a height, not commensurate with the danger and his capabilities, not to mention a large number of domestic crimes against the background of alcohol intoxication.
  • With a bee sting, still in villages where it is not possible to immediately purchase antihistamines at the pharmacy, it is advised to drink a glass of vodka. How this works is unknown, but the consequences of a bite after this, as a rule, do not occur.
The truth about vodka - video:

The topic of freezing alcohol is raised during a feast. Interested in this information out of idle curiosity. But this issue should be given more importance. The temperature at which vodka freezes determines its quality. And this means that freezing is a kind of test that will help protect yourself from poisoning with a low-quality product.

Definitions and concepts

Vodka is a solution in which ethyl alcohol acts as a solute and water as a solvent. The solution implies uniform mixing of the molecules of the components and their interaction with each other.

Thus, the freezing point of vodka is affected by the percentage of alcohol, which freezes at -117 degrees Celsius, and water, the freezing point of which is close to zero. The more water in the solution and less alcohol, the lower the temperature at which the liquid freezes.

The ability of alcohol and alcohol solutions to withstand sub-zero temperatures without freezing is used in the manufacture of various antifreezes.

Freezing Chemistry

The dependence of the crystallization temperature of the solution on the percentage of alcohol explains the second law of Raoult. It states that the decrease in the crystallization temperature depends solely on the molar concentration of the solution, but not on the nature of the solute. Based on the formula, the dependence of the strength of alcohol and the freezing point is calculated.

However, some experts argue that this law does not apply to alcoholic solutions, because it only applies to non-volatile compounds. At the same time, the crystallization temperatures of solutions that contain different percentages of alcohol are the same when conducting the experiment and when calculating using the chemical formula.

Freezing point of alcohol solutions

Alcohol passes into a solid state the faster, the lower the percentage of alcohol in it and the more various impurities. The averages were combined into a table. But each case is special, because the real numbers may differ from the table values.

All about freezing vodka

Thirty degrees below zero is the temperature at which classic vodka freezes to a solid state. This process begins at 25 degrees. At this point, a crust of ice from the water forms on the surface of the vodka. At the same time, the remaining alcohol becomes stronger, which lowers the temperature of further crystallization.

Fact: It is not possible to freeze the “correct” vodka at home. Household refrigerators give out a maximum temperature of -24 degrees Celsius.

High quality alcohol will become viscous but will not solidify. The maximum that you will find is an icy bottle with a thick liquid that is odorless and has a pronounced taste. Such vodka is drunk with ease and does not cause discomfort. But be careful for two reasons:

  1. The use of ice liquid can be fraught with health and turn into a sore throat or tonsillitis.
  2. Cold alcohol is drunk without problems in large quantities. But heating up inside the body, it causes a sharp intoxication with all the consequences.

Quality checking

Many housewives put vodka in the freezer or outside during the cold season. They do this because of the improvement in taste. But if after such a procedure you find ice instead of liquid, then it is dangerous to defrost and drink such a drink. This leads to severe poisoning.

The decrease in freezing point is associated with such factors:

  • decrease in the degree of the drink;
  • the presence of salts, extracts, flavors, sugar;
  • poorly refined alcohol that contains harmful impurities.

If your freezer is able to exceed the negative temperature threshold of 24 degrees, then frozen vodka is not dangerous and retains its properties after defrosting.

Ideal Temperature

No matter how the taste of vodka improves from frost, it is recommended to drink it chilled, but not ice. The ideal temperature for this drink is 5 - 10 degrees above zero. Doctors recommend this temperature because of the health risks of ice-cold vodka. Alcohol business experts explain such figures by the fact that it is then that the true taste of this popular drink is revealed. The most refined and high-quality vodka has a sweetish aftertaste. This is one of the characteristics of dilute ethyl alcohol.

If heavily chilled vodka is to your liking, then you can compromise. Serve alcohol at a moderate temperature. But use frozen glasses as dishes.

  1. The bitterness of vodka and the harsh flavor are caused by insufficient purification of alcohol. It is impurities that affect these characteristics.
  2. Mendeleev is considered the inventor of vodka. However, his thesis was related to solutions of alcohol in water. And the presented compound had 38% alcohol in its composition.
  3. Until the middle of the 17th century, the concepts of "moonshine" and "bread wine" were used. And under Elizabeth II, the term "vodka" appeared.
  4. The annual global sale of vodka exceeds 4 billion liters.
  5. During World War II, Soviet soldiers were given 100 grams of vodka every day. The liquid was supposed to give courage to the defender of the Motherland and reduce pain in case of injury.
  6. Cheap vodka is not purified from impurities. To reduce the harshness of smell and taste, manufacturers use products that can soften the drink.
  7. Alcohol is the most common cause of death. But it is not surrogate poisoning that leads, but accidents and crimes that are committed against the background of alcohol intoxication.
  8. Traditional medicine with a bee sting suggests drinking vodka instead of taking antihistamines.
  9. One-time consumption of a liter of vodka causes death. Half a liter causes cardiovascular disorders such as heart attack, cardiac arrest or stroke.

Vodka is a drink that no holiday in Russia can do without. But whatever its freezing temperature, it continues to be not only the main subject of the feast, but also a drink that causes medical and social consequences.

Since ancient times, people have been drinking alcohol in one form or another. We will not argue about the dangers of such drinks. Alcohol is indeed harmful to health, but most people believe that it can be consumed in small quantities.

Vodka - what is this product?

Vodka is a strong alcoholic drink consisting of water and ethyl alcohol. The fortress is regulated by GOST - it ranges from 40 to 56%. The most common and popular option is 40% vodka.

Russians most often use vodka as an independent alcoholic drink, and foreigners as the basis for cocktails. In addition, it is used for the production of tinctures and lotions, for compresses and rubbing. In fact, a universal product, and not only for drinking people.

From the history

Many mistakenly believe that D. I. Mendeleev invented vodka. In fact, this product appeared much earlier, back in Persia. And Dmitry Ivanovich worked a lot and closely on the properties of solutions, including alcohol ones. His doctoral thesis was called "On the combination of alcohol with water", where he scientifically substantiated the ideal fortress - 60 parts of pure water and forty parts of alcohol.

For the first time in our country, vodka appeared under Dmitry Donskoy, but neither the princes nor the common people were interested in the innovation. They thought that our honey and much tastier. In 1429, vodka was again brought to Rus', but already as a medicine. Since then, she has taken root in our lands.

Properties of vodka

A water-alcohol solution, like any other, has different physical and chemical properties: there is a freezing point for vodka, the ability to react with certain substances, but many people are only interested in the effect of this drink on the human body.

It has long been noticed that alcohol in small doses (about 20-25 g of alcohol) relaxes, gives a pleasant lightness and ease in communication. However, with an increase in dosage, such negative consequences as loss of coordination, decreased attention, lack of an adequate assessment of reality and one's own behavior begin to rapidly increase.

The only useful quality of vodka from a medical point of view is its disinfectant properties, as well as the possibility of being used as lotions, compresses and cooling refreshing rubdowns.

Few people know that they tried to use vodka and alcohol as anesthesia (in the absence of other drugs), but this method had to be abandoned. Too thin line lies between loss of sensitivity and unconsciousness (as is necessary for the operation), as well as death.

Does vodka freeze

A lot of people are interested in whether vodka can, in principle, freeze. The answer is simple - yes, like any other liquid mixtures. For example, a saturated solution of sodium chloride crystallizes at -21 °C, and at -55 °C. Pure ethanol freezes only at extremely low temperatures (-115 °C), arctic fuel at -50 °C.

So the question is not whether vodka freezes, but at what temperature this process occurs. Let's dwell on this in more detail.

Raoult's law

At the end of the 18th century, the French scientist Francois Raoult studied the decrease in the crystallization temperature and the decrease in vapor pressure (increase in the boiling point) of solutions with a change in the concentration of introduced substances, and deduced several laws for the behavior of ideal solutions.

Raoult's second law states that the decrease in the boiling point and the increase in the freezing point of a solution are directly proportional to its molar concentration.

The law applies to infinitely dilute solutions and is not affected by the nature of the introduced component.

Does this law apply to a water-alcohol solution, and what will be the freezing point of vodka according to Raul's conclusions? All the laws of Francois Raoult are applicable to ideal solutions of non-volatile substances, and alcohol evaporates very actively and creates an increased vapor pressure above the surface of the water-alcohol mixture. So it can be calculated with a small error: the freezing point of 40% vodka is -27 ° C.

It’s worth saying right away that talking about freezing at this temperature is incorrect for some reason. During crystallization, water ice is formed, and the concentration of alcohol in the remaining mixture increases, and, consequently, the freezing point of the liquid mixture changes. So, from a scientific point of view, it is correct to speak not about the freezing point, but about the starting point of the crystallization process.

Temperature table

Partly empirically, partly according to the formulas, a table was formed of the dependence of the freezing point on the amount of alcohol in vodka.

Freezing temperature (beginning of the crystallization process), °С

The freezing point of vodka can vary not only from changes in the concentration of alcohol in the mixture, but also from the presence of other substances in the solution. Even classic vodka, which consists only of purified water and alcohol, contains a certain amount of other impurities. But there is also a drink with different flavors that affect its physical properties.

Does vodka freeze in the freezer

So, we have determined that the temperature of the beginning of crystallization of a 40% water-alcohol mixture is -27 ° C, but only approximately. In general, we can say that freezing will begin when the mark on the thermometer approaches or crosses the border of -30 ° C.

The third option is coolant leakage, which causes areas with extremely low temperatures to form in the refrigerator. This, by the way, is a rather dangerous situation - freon evaporates, and the compressor in the refrigerator overheats, as a result of which the unit fails. In addition, freon negatively affects the environment and is one of the most dangerous substances that destroy the ozone layer.

Ice or jelly: what does frozen vodka look like

Freezing vodka is a complex process that is hard to imagine without a good example. Frozen vodka can look different, depending on the concentration of pure ethanol, time, impurities, temperature fluctuations. However, at the initial stage, it does not crystallize, but thickens, sometimes even turning into jelly. It has nothing to do with the traditional alcoholic jelly, which is made from strong drinks. However, "heady ice cream" is made in a similar way. It looks like it is very pleasant to eat in the heat. However, only for adults, since children should not drink alcohol.

After thickening, with further cooling, vodka begins to crystallize - sometimes it freezes in plates, sometimes separate islands of ice form in it. Turning it completely into a solid piece is problematic - this is due to the same increase in the concentration of ethanol in the remaining solution.

Is it possible to drink frozen vodka

When vodka freezes, the question immediately arises as to whether it can be drunk. Theoretically, this is not prohibited, but there are several nuances.

Firstly, if the vodka is frozen at a low temperature, and there is already a lot of ice in it, then most likely it is diluted and not made according to technology. We do not recommend using this, although you can throw out the ice and drink the remaining liquid, in which there will already be more alcohol. Previously, this method of vodka purification was used - freezing, when excess water froze, and the remaining mixture became cleaner and better.

Secondly, frozen vodka should be drunk very carefully. Strongly chilled, viscous, it practically does not smell and does not taste, and the cold additionally dulls the receptors. Therefore, you can drink a lot of it, and then instantly and very drunk, which leads to severe toxic poisoning.

So if you are not against alcohol, then at least use it correctly, so that there are no unpleasant consequences.
