
Peach jam transparent slices without water. "Five minutes" of peaches for the winter

Delicious and healthy peach jam (or jam) will surely please all the sweet tooth in winter. Ripe fruits contain vitamins, minerals and amino acids necessary for the body. Despite the fact that due to the high sugar content and high calorie content (258 kcal per 100 g), jam can harm your teeth and figure, every housewife should cook it.

Recipe for Peach Jam "Five Minute"

This is the easiest jam you can make with peaches. To prepare it, you need to take 1 kg of pitted fruit, 1.5 kg of sugar, 250 ml of water.

The step by step recipe is as follows:

  1. wash the peaches thoroughly, then dry;
  2. divide into slices, pull out the bone;
  3. make syrup from sugar and water;
  4. after the syrup boils, add peaches to it;
  5. boil fruit for five minutes;
  6. pour the jam into sterile jars, preserve;
  7. Turn the jars upside down and wrap.

Quick peach jam is ready. Bon appetit!

Peach jam with almond slices

Fragrant peach jam with the addition of almonds has a unique aroma and delicate taste. To prepare a liter jar of such a delicacy, you will need peaches (1 kg), 800 g of sugar, almonds (100 g), water (200 ml), citric acid (1 teaspoon).

  1. Cut the fruit into two halves, remove the stone and put in a deep bowl cut down.
  2. Blanch fruit. To do this, scald the halves with boiling water and after a minute place them in ice water. Now it will be easy to remove the skin from the peaches.
  3. In a heavy bottomed saucepan, combine sugar and water. Cook the syrup, stirring constantly, over low heat. Turn off the stove 2 minutes after the syrup boils.
  4. Pour the sugar syrup over the peeled peach slices and set aside until it cools completely.
  5. Pour boiling water over the almonds, let stand for a couple of minutes and transfer to ice water. After that, it must be cleaned of the skin.
  6. After 30 minutes, drain the syrup, boil over low heat for 3 minutes and pour over the fruit again.
  7. Repeat the procedure a third time, but do not drain the syrup, but put the jam on the fire and boil for a minute after boiling.
  8. Add citric acid to the pan with jam, which will increase its shelf life.
  9. Arrange the peaches in jars and pour over the syrup, not reaching the edge of 1 centimeter. Cover with lids and preserve the jam. Bon appetit!

How to cook peach jam with gelatin

In order for the classic peach jam to turn out to be a jelly-like consistency, it must be cooked for a long time. Get a thick jam in 5 minutes will help gelatin. For 1 kg of peaches and sugar, it will be enough to take 40 g of gelatin.

Washed peaches are cut into pieces, covered with sugar and gelatin, cover the pan with a lid and leave in the room for 10 hours. During this time, the fruit will release a lot of juice. Then they are put on low heat, allowed to boil and boiled for 5 minutes, removing foam from the jam. After that, the peaches in gelatin syrup are laid out in jars, closed with lids, cooled and sent for storage in the refrigerator.

peach jam recipe

Thick peach jam is very easy to make. To do this, you need to prepare one kilogram of peaches and sugar, and freshly squeezed juice of one lemon (you can use 1/4 teaspoon of citric acid).

Without removing the peel, cut ripe peaches into slices. Then puree them with a blender. Then cover with sugar and leave for 20 minutes on the table. After the specified time, put the peaches to boil on the fire, stirring systematically and removing the resulting foam. It takes an average of 40 minutes to cook. You should know that the longer the jam is on the stove, the thicker it will turn out. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add lemon juice (acid) to the jam.

While the jam is being cooked, it is necessary to sterilize the jars and lids. Ready jam is still hot, rubbed through a sieve. Then let it boil again and pour into prepared jars. After cooling, the jam becomes thick and jelly-like. It is pleasant to eat it with a spoon and add it as a filling to pies and pies.

Peach jam with orange for the winter

Delicate peach jam with a light citrus note is not difficult to prepare. To do this, you need 2.5 kg of peaches, 2 kg of sugar, 100 ml of orange and 30 ml of lemon juice.

First you need to wash and then blanch the peaches, after which the skin will be removed from them very easily. Remove the bones and put the fruit in a bowl. Pour the juice of lemon and orange on top and put on a quiet fire to cook. The mass should boil for 20 minutes, after which it is pureed directly in the pan with an immersion blender. Then you should pour out the sugar and cook, stirring occasionally, for another 1 hour. In the meantime, you need to sterilize the jars and after the specified time roll the prepared jam into them.

How to make peach jam in a slow cooker

No less tasty is jam in a slow cooker, and cooking it in it is even easier than on the stove. 1 kilogram of peaches and sugar will be needed in order to cook such a treat. And so that the jam does not get sugared in a jar, it is recommended to add a little citric acid to it (1/4 part of a teaspoon).

Cooking sequence:

  1. Remove the skin from the peaches and remove the pits. Cut them into small pieces. If the skin is poorly removed, the fruit is dipped in boiling water for a minute, and then in ice water. After that, she leaves very quickly.
  2. Place chopped peaches and sugar into the multicooker bowl. You can add citric acid.
  3. Cook jam in the "Extinguishing" mode for half an hour. The first few minutes, until the sugar dissolves, the lid should be open, then the jam will turn out to be a beautiful golden color.
  4. After a while, check the readiness of the dish. To do this, put a little jam on a cold plate. If the drop does not spread, then the jam is cooked. It can be put into jars and canned. Bon appetit!

To prepare delicious peach jam, we need:

  • Peaches - 1 kg.
  • Sugar sand - 1 kg.
  • Water - 200 ml.
  • Lemon is half.

The finished product is a little over 1 liter.

It takes 1 day to make jam.

The jam is not too thick, the syrup is transparent - amber in color. Peach slices, if they have reached ripeness, are transparent and not boiled. Peaches for jam should be selected ripe, but firm. When soft spots have not yet appeared on them. Nectarine is not suitable for this jam. The optimal size of the slices is obtained from the Crimean medium-sized peaches. They also give the same unique flavor that we expect from homemade jam for the winter. It is not necessary to scald and separate the skin, during the cooking process a certain amount of the skin will lag behind, it can be collected with a fork.

How to make clear peach jam:

We start the cooking process in the evening in order to complete cooking by the end of the next day.

Gently wash the peaches, dry on a towel, cut into slices.

Cooking syrup. Pour 200 ml of water into sugar, and cook in a bowl over low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. When the grains are practically not felt on the spoon, pour in the juice of half a lemon and continue to cook. We do not allow caramelization of the syrup!

We cool the syrup to 50 degrees, put peach slices into it and leave it until the morning. If possible, stir occasionally, lifting the syrup from the bottom. The container can be covered with a towel. Should not be tightly closed. In 12 hours, the peaches will be saturated with syrup and let the juice go.

In the morning, thoroughly mix the released juice with the syrup that has settled to the bottom and put the container on the fire. When the jam boils - mix, remove from heat and leave until the evening. In the evening, put on fire, and cook for 15-20 minutes, until the liquid evaporates by about 1 cm. If the skin is separated from the slices, we collect it with a fork. It does not affect the taste, just for aesthetics.

We sterilize three jars of 350 ml. Evenly spread the slices without syrup over the jars. Then pour the syrup, not bringing 1 cm to the edge of the jar. Close the lids and cover with a towel until completely cooled. Jam for the winter is stored at room temperature.

The remaining syrup (approximately 200 ml) can be added to a milkshake or pour over ice cream.

Peach jam with slices is one of my favorite jams, and my favorite is not only to feast on, I also really like to cook peach jam for the winter. It always turns out so fragrant, so beautiful, sunny, with marmalade translucent slices, that you involuntarily get not only taste, but also aesthetic pleasure. And most importantly, making jam from peaches is not so difficult, it is important to know a couple of little tricks, and it's all in the bag, that is, in the bank. So, only for visitors to my site, a proven recipe for peach jam. Cook for health and enjoy this divine taste!


  • 2 kg. peaches
  • 1.5 kg. Sahara
  • juice of half a lemon
  • To make jam from peaches into slices, we buy ripe peaches, but still quite dense. From overripe fruits, it is better to prepare peach jam or quick peach jam.
  • Wash peaches thoroughly in cold water. Let the water drain.
  • We take a clean enameled bowl or pan. Cut the peaches into slices. If for jam you use a variety in which the stone separates easily, then cutting them will not be difficult. If you have a variety in which the bone is tightly rooted to the pulp, do not despair. In this case, cut the slices one by one, leaving the bone.
  • Sprinkle the cut pieces with sugar. It is not necessary to use all the sugar.
  • At the end of this work, squeeze the juice of half a lemon into a bowl with peaches.
  • Be sure to tie the pan or bowl with gauze or cover with a clean towel in order to avoid getting any flying creatures.
  • We leave the peaches sprinkled with sugar for a couple of hours so that they release the juice.
  • Drain the juice into a clean saucepan. Add the remaining sugar.
  • Without ceasing to stir, bring the syrup to a boil, boil for a couple of minutes and turn it off.
  • If it seems to you that there is very little juice, and therefore syrup, do not rush to add water. The fact is that peaches practically consist of water, but the juice begins to be intensively released only when heated. Be patient and trust me.
  • So, pour the slices of peaches with hot syrup.
  • Bring the peaches in syrup to a boil, reduce the heat, cook for 5 minutes over low heat. Remove the foam with a clean spoon. After these five minutes, you will see for yourself that there is more than enough syrup.
  • We remove the jam from the fire, cover it, let it stand for a couple of hours so that the peach slices are well saturated with sweet syrup.
  • It is better to cover the jam with gauze: through the gauze, part of the liquid evaporates and the jam eventually evaporates faster. If you cover with a lid, all the moisture remains where it was.
  • We put our peach jam on the fire again, bring to a boil. We do not interfere with jam with a spoon or slotted spoon so as not to damage the peach slices. To interfere, we take the pan in our hands and give the contents a slight rotational movement.
  • Cook peach jam over low heat until tender. Depending on the variety of peaches and their juiciness, more or less time may be required. It usually takes me about an hour, during which time the syrup boils down, becomes darker and more viscous.
  • Carefully lay out the finished peach jam in slices in sterile jars, roll it up or tightly close it with metal threaded lids. Turn the lids upside down, carefully wrap. We leave the jars in this form until completely cooled.
  • We store our amber peach jam in slices in a dark, cool place. We open the jar when we want to treat ourselves or the kids to something tasty.

Cooking homemade jam

Peach jam is very healthy! The recipe for the winter is quite simple, and the result is really amazing. Try it! You will not regret...

1 b

24 hours

220 kcal

4.5/5 (6)

In order for the fruits in the jam to retain their beneficial properties, and the delicacy to turn out delicious, it is important choose the right peaches:

  • The fruits must be ripe, but not overripe. If a clear indentation remains on the surface when pressed with a finger, such a peach is perfect for jam.
  • Damaged fruits with wormholes are not suitable for cooking delicacies.

The best peaches for the preparation of jam they ripen in the second half of August - early September.

What is required for cooking

In addition to the main component of jam - the fruit of the peach tree, we need per 1 kg of fruit:

The process of making primary jam for the winter

So let's cook! The process of cooking jam will seem quick and easy if you do everything in stages:

  1. Peaches carefully sort out, remove the stalks, rinse under hot water.
  2. Get the bones by making cuts on the fruit for this and breaking them in half.
  3. Cut the pulp into slices up to 1.5 cm thick.
  4. Put the pieces of fruit in an enameled bowl, cover with sugar, cover and leave in a warm place for half an hour.
  5. When the peaches release their juice, mix them, put on a slow fire, add water, mix again and cook until boiling.
  6. Five minutes after boiling, turn off the jam, mix, and then bring to a boil four more times with breaks of 5-6 hours.
  7. Pour the finished delicacy into pre-sterilized jars and roll up. Banks wrap with a blanket and do not unravel until completely cooled.

  • Peels should not be peeled before cooking. The fact is that it is in this part of the fruit that nutrients and vitamins are contained in large quantities. In addition, the peel does not allow the pieces to fall apart during the cooking process.
  • The jam will be tastier if you do not remove the foam that forms on the surface during boiling.
  • Peach kernels will add a special taste and unforgettable aroma to the delicacy. They are added both whole and crushed, for the fourth boil.
  • For longer storage, you can add a little citric acid to the jam. This should be done on the fifth boil.
  • The jam will become thicker and more delicious after it has been refrigerated.

How to store treats

Peach jam can be stored in rolled up banks up to a year. So that the delicacy probably does not deteriorate, the containers should be lowered into the cellar, basement or placed in the refrigerator.

The taste of jam in hidden jars is preserved for 1-2 months, provided they are stored in a cool place.

A super quick recipe for fruit harvesting for the winter is five-minute peach jam for the winter.

Few people like to spend a long time in the kitchen, especially when it comes to conservation and preparations for the winter: there is a lot of work, but you won’t be able to immediately enjoy the taste of cold appetizers, salads, compote or jam. In this case, it is always useful to know simple, quick and tasty recipes that will help save time, but at the same time, the result of such accelerated work will definitely be delicious, homemade preparations.

Another example, the recipe is very popular on the pages of this culinary blog, a sweet berry dessert is prepared with bones, literally, in 5-7 minutes. And if you can make quick cherry jam, then why not do the same with other berries and fruits? Of course you can! Here is a quick recipe for pitted peach jam with skin for the winter.

Five-minute peach jam turns out to be thick, rich, with a bright taste and aroma of juicy, sweet peaches. Do not be lazy, prepare a couple of jars, but in winter, at morning (or evening) tea drinking, you will be satisfied not only with jam, but also with yourself that you were not too lazy to participate in the preparations and were not afraid to try a new recipe. Peach jam can be used as a filling in sweet pies or pies, pancakes, soak cakes (the old fashioned way), serve with syrniki, pancakes, crispy toast or drink with tea.


  • 1 kg. peaches (weight without pits., if there are no scales, buy 1,100 kg of peaches);
  • 1 kg of sugar (from 700 gr. to 1100 gr., depending on the sweetness of the peaches and your preferences. if you are cooking for the first time, take the ratio 1 to 1);
  • 3 cans of 0.5 liters.

Peach jam five minutes for the winter

Peel the peaches, cut the fruits into medium-sized cubes.

We put the cubes of peaches in a deep dish: a bowl or saucepan. We fall asleep with sugar.

You can sprinkle each layer of peaches, or you can pour a pile of sugar, and then mix gently so as not to crush the tender pulp.

Literally in 5-10 minutes. sugar will mix with peach juice, begin to melt, dissolve.

This is the time you can do your own thing. Want to speed up the dissolution of sugar? Then you need to very gently mix the fruits in a bowl so that the peaches release even more juice. It is not necessary to do this, because sugar will turn into syrup very quickly without outside help.

Pour the peaches in syrup into a saucepan.

It is better if the dishes are with a thick bottom. Do not cook jam in an aluminum pan. Ideally - a brass, copper basin or stainless steel basin (the wider - the better: the liquid evaporates faster). If you have an enamel pan, check it for chips or cracks. The injured surface (iron) will oxidize.

So, an enamel pan (which is in every home) or a basin, as well as brass, copper or stainless steel containers.

We put on a low fire and let it boil.

Cook over low heat (peaches should boil) for 5 minutes, it’s not for nothing that the jam is called five minutes.

At the same time, we sterilize glass jars with twist-on lids. Pour the floor of the pot with water, put the lids and jars on the bottom, neck in the water.

The jars are not close to each other, maybe you, like me, one jar will not fit in the pan. It's not scary, the main thing is that within the same 5 minutes. the container was sterilized with boiling water.

We turn off the burner with the jars, put them on the table with the neck up and let it dry a little so that the drops evaporate. By the way, my practice shows that neglecting this rule, you will not get bad results. Banks do not "explode", the jam is stored for a long time.

Pour peach jam into jars. I got 3 cans of 0.5 liters. As you can see in the photo, the container is not completely occupied, but this is because I poured some jam for testing. And it was incredibly delicious!

Do not be afraid not to add jam to the top, again, practice shows that nothing will happen to the jars. They stand all winter without "adventure".

Close the lid, turn over, wrap in a towel and leave to cool until morning.

Make a little more jam, for example, take peaches not 1 kg, but 1,200 kg, because you will definitely want to eat two or three spoons of a sweet dessert or treat your family with winter preparations.

Bon appetit!
