
How many calories are consumed per day. Here is a simple example

It doesn't matter how many calories a person consumes. Much more important is how much energy a person spends during the day. Everyone knows that people engaged in opposite activities, the number of calories lost varies. For example, office workers will have to sweat for more than one hour in the gym to “work off” an extra hamburger, and for this, builders need only a couple of hours to work out their direct work.

How many calories a person spends per day, and how to work off the calories eaten, you will learn from this material.

How many calories does a person spend per day table (with table)

How much energy a person spends per day depends on gender, age, body weight and physical activity. Daily energy expenditure is determined by energy expenditure for specific types of physical activity (profession, fitness classes) and the basal metabolic rate. The greatest amount of energy expenditure falls on the main metabolism, that is, on ensuring the operation of all systems of our body, regardless of our consciousness. In women, the basal metabolic rate is approximately 15% lower than in men.

For example, how many calories does a 75 kg male person between the ages of 30 and 40 burn, whose job is mostly sedentary (computer operator, accountant, office worker) and who does not go to the gym or play sports? This figure is only 2400 kcal. For a woman of the same age and with the same low physical activity, daily energy expenditure does not exceed 1900 kcal.

The situation changes dramatically if your profession is associated with significant physical exertion, or if you are actively engaged in the gym or attend the sports section every day. In the latter case, the energy cost for a 30-40 year old man weighing 75 kg will be approximately 3800 kcal, and for a woman of the same age weighing 60 kg - almost 3000 kcal!

Thus, if you do not move much during the day, then the only way to control weight is to monitor nutrition. Otherwise, extra calories will inevitably turn into extra centimeters of volume and kilograms of weight.

Here is a simple example:

Two young ladies 30 years old, with the same weight of 60 kg, while their energy consumption differ by 1.5 times. One lives according to the schedule house - work - home, and the second tries to lead an active lifestyle.

The table "How many calories a person spends per day", below, shows the daily energy expenditure:

What do we spend energy on? Time "Passive" participant Time "Active" member
Sleep, breakfast, lunch, dinner, personal care, rest 14 hours 680 kcal 12.5 hours 680 kcal
Road to work 1 hour By car 120 kcal 0.5 hours On transport 60 kcal
0.5 hours
7 o'clock Computer work 840 kcal
Office work 8 ocloc'k Computer work 960 kcal
1 hour Walking around the office, up stairs for 7-8 minutes per hour 240 kcal
Road from work 1 hour By car 120 kcal 0.5 hours On transport 60 kcal
0.5 hours Walking at an average pace 150 kcal
fitness classes 0 No 0.5 hours Running at an average pace 240 kcal
0.5 hours Exercise bike at a medium-fast pace 180 kcal
0.5 hours Aerobics 240 kcal
Total per day: 24 hours 1880 kcal 24 hours 2860 kcal

How to calculate calories burned: pedometer and heart rate monitor

How to calculate calories burned per day? You can stock up on complex devices for measuring daily energy costs with caltreks, or you can simply calculate how much time you spent on a particular type of physical activity. This is exactly what a professional nutritionist will do for you when you come to him for recommendations.

And how to find out how many calories are spent without resorting to the services of nutritionists? To make it even easier to assess whether you are moving enough throughout the day, use a pedometer - a device that counts your steps and translates this into calories burned. According to the standards of the World Health Organization, we must “gain” at least 5 thousand steps per day, and if we want to lose weight, then at least three times a week we need to take 10 thousand steps. These fitness devices: pedometer, heart rate monitor, calorie counter will help to strengthen leg muscles and become slimmer.

Pedometer- the simplest device that is attached to a belt, can be built into the soles of sneakers, be in the form of a bracelet. It displays the number of steps taken. Multifunctional devices also record the distance traveled and the number of calories burned. Also, the memory of the pedometer can store information about the activity for the last few days.

Very comfortable for walking and treadmills. Lightweight and compact, you can carry it with you, on your belt, in your bag or in your pocket - thanks to the sensors, your steps will be counted with high accuracy.

heart rate monitor determines the heart rate and, depending on the goals - regular exercise, weight loss or strength training - will help to assess the necessary heart rate zone with the help of an audio signal. It is worn as a watch on the wrist or as a ring on the finger. Control over the heart rate is the main condition if there are diseases of the cardiovascular system.

How to find out how many calories are burned using a counter

This is a device that is attached to a belt or arm, or can be built into other fitness devices, such as a treadmill or dumbbells, and allows you to set height, weight and desired parameters. On the one hand, it shows the energy expenditure of the practitioner. But besides this, the device can independently calculate how many calories you need to burn each session in order to achieve ideal proportions. This device will be very useful in cases where you need to know exactly the calorie consumption, for example, during strength training.

Do not be lazy to work on yourself! All advice will be useless if you constantly put off a new life "until Monday." Move more. Try to reach 10,000 steps a day. Walk while you're on the phone, add another walk with the dog, march in place during a TV commercial, or spin an exercise bike while watching TV.

How many calories are burned in the gym and how to spend them

The best way to burn calories is to burn them in the gym. Below is a table "How many calories burned in the gym", from which you will find out how much you need to "sweat" to get rid of excess calories that have settled on the waist after eating 50 g of seeds, 100 g of french fries, one hamburger, chocolate bar, 500 ml of sweet soda or a cup of coffee with cream and sugar.

So, how to spend the calories in the gym, gained during the day:

Peeled seeds, package (50 g), 300 kcal 45 minutes running at an average pace, 1 hour swimming in the pool, 2 hours walking
100 g french fries, 316 kcal 1 hour 30 minutes of table tennis, 30 minutes of jogging, 50 minutes of stepping
Mayonnaise hamburger or chocolate bar, 500 kcal 1 hour of moderate paced running, 1.5 hours of fitness classes in the gym, 1 hour of riding a stationary bike or bicycle
Bottle of sweet sparkling water (500 ml), 200 kcal 30 minutes of intensive running or swimming, 1.5 hours of walking at an average pace, 20 minutes of clearing snow in the country
Cup of coffee with cream and sugar, 116 kcal 40 minutes of mopping and dusting your apartment, 25 minutes of brisk walking, for example, from the subway to the house

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For any daily activities, whether it is work, household chores and even recreation, a person needs energy. We get it in different ways - with food, drinks, sunlight, all kinds of dietary supplements. Recovery of spent energy occurs in sleep and during various types of passive rest. But how many calories does a person spend per day and what is the rate of this indicator? We studied this issue, found out how many calories are spent on daily activities, on physical and mental stress. How many calories the body spends on the process of digesting food and even in a dream. And we are happy to share this knowledge with you. Go?

What do we spend calories on?

A person accompanies each of his actions with the expenditure of energy. Another thing is that some types of activities clearly demonstrate increased energy consumption (for example, playing sports), while others are not so obvious - we don’t even think about them (physiological processes). Let's find out why the human body needs calories to live in the usual rhythm and feel as comfortable as possible.

  • Reception and processing of food entering the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Maintaining muscle tone.
  • Ensuring normal body temperature.
  • Full work of internal organs - kidneys, heart, brain, endocrine glands, lungs (respiratory muscles).
  • Ensuring the uninterrupted flow of exchange reactions.
  • The functioning of the nervous system.

Calorie consumption during sleep

All of these processes require energy, and hence calories. These vital energy expenditures account for approximately 60 to 80% of the total daily caloric intake.

Moreover, the consumption of the latter is carried out continuously, even in a state of complete relaxation and rest - only, perhaps, slightly reduced. On average, calorie consumption occurs at a rate of 1 kcal / kg / hour. Here we are talking about the value of the main exchange, which is 4.18 kJ.

Energy consumption during sleep varies from 60 to 70 kcal per hour. These are quite impressive calorie costs, but special conditions are required for their implementation:

  • firstly, the duration of sleep should be at least 8 hours a day;
  • secondly, it is necessary to sleep in a cool, pre-ventilated room;
  • thirdly, it is undesirable to consume fatty and carbohydrate-containing foods immediately before bedtime;
  • fourthly, you need to go to bed in a relaxed and calm, and not in a stressful state.

Physical and mental activity

A considerable consumption of calories requires physical and mental activity of a person. At the same time, in relation to the latter, the numbers will be much smaller. But they increase if this process is accompanied by strong emotions, gesticulation, which is possible, for example, when speaking in public, reading a book with an exciting story, participating in a heated argument with opponents and the need to defend one's point of view. Returning to the energy expenditure for physical activity, you can adjust the value of this indicator by choosing a particular sport. For example, jumping rope requires a person to consume 360 ​​kcal / hour, jogging - 380 kcal / hour, cycling - from 220 to 450 kcal / hour, roller skating - an average of 500 kcal / hour.

Energy consumption for digestion

What else does a person spend calories on per day? Naturally on the digestion of the food consumed. It is worth considering in more detail the energy consumption for digestion. They are more significant regarding the breakdown and assimilation of protein foods - up to 40% of the total calorie intake of proteins consumed. For comparison: digestion of carbohydrates requires only 4-7%, and fats - 2-4%.

Although most modern people lead a sedentary lifestyle, they are somehow forced to move on foot, at least on the way to work. So, the calorie consumption during slow walking will be 220 kcal per hour of walking. If you move at an intense pace, you can lose about 300 kcal during the same time. Interestingly, the higher the body weight, the greater the energy consumption of a person for walking.

Consumption and consumption

According to scientists, a modern person spends a little more than 2000 kcal daily on his life activity, and approximately 2200 kcal. Interestingly, our ancestors needed a much larger amount of energy: for example, soldiers in the army during the reign of Peter I consumed up to 4500 kcal per day each. That was the energy value of the daily diet of a fighter. The halving of daily calorie expenditure today is associated with modern man leading a sedentary lifestyle in the vast majority of cases. In this regard, we often get more energy from food than we need. As a result, calories do not have time to be processed, hence the accumulation of excess weight. It is not for nothing that obesity is the scourge of the 21st century.

The need for calories depends on gender and on the age category of a particular person. So, girls aged 15 to 19 need 2400 kcal per day, while the same young men should consume 600 kcal more. The difference between the sexes in calorie needs in the period of 25-51 years is similar. This applies to both hard physical labor (3000 and 3600 kcal) and sedentary work (2000 and 2500 kcal). Older men should only consume 200 kcal less per day than their peers (1700 versus 1900 kcal).

It has already been said above that the deviation of the amount of energy consumption per day from the amount of calories consumed towards the latter is fraught and, with systematic repetition, usually ends with an increase in the weight of a person, and at a rapid speed. On the contrary, when an individual spends more calories per day on life than he receives, he begins to lose weight. These two rules can be used in practice if you want to get rid of exhaustion or hated kilograms. A person's weight will remain in place in the absence of distortions in the ratio of costs and calories received by the body.

Daily household chores

During the day, we spend energy on a variety of activities that we are used to. We do not even attach much importance to them, because they have become our habits, an integral part of our daily existence.

How many calories does a person spend on daily needs? For example, each of us takes a shower at least once a day. On this we spend not much, not less than 40 kcal, provided that the water procedure lasts 10 minutes. Some people like to go to the pool. Swimming makes you spend from 200 to 420 kcal per hour. Do you love to dance? 60 minutes of vigorous movement will make your body lose more than 350 kcal. Book lovers take note: Read aloud to increase energy consumption. So you say goodbye to 90 kcal for an hour of pleasant pastime.

The enjoyment of a meal also does not pass without a trace for energy reserves. Breakfast and dinner cause an expenditure of 60 kcal, eating from noon to 15.00 in the afternoon requires 85 kcal.

The usual rhythm of life implies for the lion's share of humanity the implementation of daily household work - in order to maintain order in your home and a full existence in the coziness and comfort of your own and household members. For all activities in this category, we are forced to spend calories. See:

  • for washing dishes - 50;
  • for wet cleaning (washing floors) - 130;
  • for ironing clothes - 70;
  • for dusting - 10 kcal more;
  • for hand washing (for example, things that require delicate cleaning from dirt) - 110;
  • for washing windows and mirrors - almost 300;
  • to change bed linen - 35.

Proper calorie consumption is the key to good health and decent physical shape!

Any person seeking to lose weight is interested in how many calories are spent in a state of calm. This information is necessary in order to correctly calculate the amount of food and not harm the course of important processes in the body. Let's do the counting.

The body works around the clock

Even if a person is not busy doing physical exercises or doing complex calculations, this does not mean that his body does not expend energy. Our body works continuously in a state of calm, lying, standing or sitting. Just with increased activity of the body, internal systems need more resources. Do you want to know how many calories are spent in a state of calm? A person, depending on age and gender, as well as on the individual characteristics of the body, can expend a different amount of energy. In this article, we will derive average indicators for different categories of people. Additionally, when calculating, the characteristics and lifestyle of each individual are taken into account.

Depending on age

The age of the person is of paramount importance. Often there is such a picture: young people can eat any food they want, while they do not gain weight. In adulthood, this trick is unlikely to succeed. So, people who have crossed the forty-year milestone often deny themselves food, but cannot get rid of excess fat.

This is because calorie consumption peaks between the ages of 16 and 25. And after 25 years, when the formation of the body is completely completed, no additional resources for the body are required. How many calories are spent in a state of calm in youth? Depending on gender and body size, young people spend on average about 2,000 calories per day. Below we give the exact calculation formulas.

Based on gender and body weight

An important factor in calculating calorie intake is also considered. Since men are mostly taller and larger than the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, therefore, their body consumes more energy. There is nothing surprising in the fact that the average man eats more food at one meal. So, we asked ourselves to find out how many calories are spent in a state of calm. An approximate calculation of indicators will be presented right now. We already know that the higher the height of a person, the more calories are consumed to participate in the metabolic processes of the body.

Calculation formula

In specialized literature, you can find many formulas that calculate energy consumption in a calm state. Here is the most popular option:

655 + (9.6 x body weight) + (1.8 x height) - (4.7 x age) =?

We take body weight in kilograms, height in centimeters. Using this formula, we can find out exactly how many calories are spent in a state of calmness by a thirty-year-old man weighing 80 kilograms and 180 centimeters tall. We substitute all the missing indicators and get 1606 calories. Thus, after the age of 25, the human body begins to need less energy consumption. Now plug in your numbers and find out how many calories your body needs daily.

What is the basic calculation for?

The number obtained during the calculations indicates how much energy the human body spends without any physical activity (for example, if you don’t get out of bed for a whole day). This indicator is commonly referred to as the basic level of energy consumption. It is necessary to know in order to keep body weight normal. So, for example, if the hypothetical person for whom we made the calculations consumes not 1600, but 1700 calories daily, then unused energy will accumulate in the form of excess fat on the sides and other parts of the body. A year later, the "extra" 100 calories are transformed into 4.5 kilograms of fat.

As you understand, in this case, there are two options: reduce calorie intake to the calculated norm, or burn excess through exercise. So, for example, morning exercises will help burn up to 270 calories. The same can be said about homework. If you are consuming too much food, then pay attention to or cycling. These activities help burn up to 500 calories daily. Of course, there are more intensive loads. However, it is better not to overeat. If you know how many calories are spent in a state of calm, approximately stick to the indicated norm, making allowances for sports or work. And then problems with excess weight do not threaten you.

If you want to lose weight

Now consider the situation when you need to lose extra pounds. If there is a lot of excess weight (more than 10 kilograms), you should not force events and drastically reduce the amount of food consumed. This is dangerous for health, and with long-term strict diets, the body, which does not receive sufficient energy for its life, is depleted. In order to avoid tragedy, we need to know how many calories are spent in a state of calm. It is strongly not recommended to reduce the basic energy costs even by half. A real disaster for a young organism will be the consumption of 500 calories. The only exception may be a fasting day. Therefore, reduce the number of calories consumed slightly, rely on healthy organic food. In this case, you can always get rid of extra pounds with the help of additional physical activity.

What happens to the body when there is a lack of energy

In this publication, we calculate how many calories are spent in a state of calm per day. Now let's take a closer look at the processes that occur in the body when it does not receive the amount of necessary energy. When creating the human body, nature laid down a unique function of self-preservation, which was successfully used. It is no secret that our ancestors could stay in search of food for a long time, but successfully survived at the same time. The principle of operation of the protective mechanism has remained the same to this day.

When the amount of energy consumed is reduced, the body regards the intentional denial of nutrition as critical conditions and goes into an economical mode of existence. First of all, metabolic processes will be slowed down, and this will stop fat burning. The artificially slowed metabolism, in turn, will affect the well-being of a person, lead to a breakdown, cause headaches, and in some cases even depression. That is why you need to know how many calories are spent in a state of calm. The calculation according to the formula provided by us is not at all difficult to make.

Who needs more energy?

There is a special category of people who need to consume more calories than the average person. We are talking about pregnant and lactating mothers. For these women, the calculation according to the formula indicated earlier is unacceptable. Otherwise, the baby in the womb or the baby will not receive important nutrients. In order for pregnant and lactating women to find out how many calories are spent in a state of calm, a gynecologist will help you make an approximate calculation.

What processes in the body require energy?

So, when we lie down and do nothing, our body does work. He needs resources to maintain the respiratory organs, brain, heart, liver and kidneys. In addition, the body needs to constantly maintain a biochemical balance, as well as provide energy for intracellular processes. In a state of calm, our muscles also need energy in order to maintain a minimum tone. Cells in the body are constantly dividing, and this also requires energy.

What determines the level of metabolism

An important factor in calorie intake is the level of metabolic processes. As we said earlier, the peak of metabolic processes falls on the age from 16 to 25 years. And the older a person gets, the fewer calories he needs to maintain the basic functions of the body. Do you want to know how many calories are spent in numbers in a state of calmness of a mature person? Such calculations are also easy to make. So, at the age of 40, the average male body spends about 1560, and the female about 1400 calories. As you understand, at the age of 50, the level of energy consumption will still slightly decrease. We hope this information was useful to you.

Calorie counting and proper nutrition are the two most popular and relevant topics for those who take care of themselves. And this is not surprising, because in order to be beautiful and healthy, we need to know as much as possible about proper nutrition, including how many calories a person should consume per day. It is not in vain that it is recommended to start your path to a healthy, rational and balanced diet by counting the daily calorie intake - this will be discussed in this article.

How many calories does a person burn per day?

The greatest amount of energy that the body spends during the day falls on the functions of the basic metabolism in the human body, that is, to maintain the vital activity and work of all organs at rest. Calculating this amount is quite simple, for this you need to know only the weight of a person. Considering that about 1 kcal per hour is consumed per 1 kg of total body weight, it is easy to determine how many calories a person spends per day. For example, let's calculate this value for a person weighing 65 kg.

Basic exchange = 1 * 65 * 24 = 1560 kcal / 24 hours.

But here it is also worth considering gender, because the level of energy consumption of a woman is 10% lower than the level of male energy consumption. Therefore, for a woman with the same weight, the main exchange will be: 1 * 65 * 24 * 0.9 = 1404 kcal / 24 hours.

We figured out how many calories per day a person needs to meet basic needs, but what about exercise and lifestyle? After all, every day we spend much more energy than the above calculation shows. Physical activity of a person is manifested throughout the day, even when we are sitting, riding in transport or taking a shower, because it also requires separate energy costs. It is calculated due to the coefficient of human activity. The more active we are, the more calories we burn. Calculating exactly how many calories a day a person needs to maintain physical activity is quite difficult, because you need to take into account absolutely all energy costs during the day.

On average, for the implementation of basic daily activities (sleep, walking, housework, movement, rest, work, etc.), a person needs from 500 to 1000 kcal, but it all depends on the intensity and tension of the daily schedule (let's take the average number - 750 kcal). Do not forget about physical training, if any. Exercising for an hour a day with an average level of intensity, while having a weight of 65 kg, you will spend an additional 65 * 7 = 455 kcal, where 7 is the average load factor for an hourly workout.

Given all the calculations above, you can easily determine how many calories per day you need. To do this, it is enough to summarize the obtained values.

For women: 1404 + 750 + 455 = 2609 kcal (however, if you have a less active lifestyle, and training is irregular or absent, then this number can be much less).

For men: 1560 + 750 + 455 = 2765 kcal.

To satisfy the daily calorie intake, we must adhere to a certain diet, depending on the calculated norm. A table of calorie content of products and ready meals will help you plan your diet and choose products for it. By choosing the foods that you eat throughout the day, knowing their calorie content, you can easily calculate the number of calories you eat. This will help you decide not only on the portion size, but also, for example, limit the use of "extra" calories for the body, which lead to excess weight.

Let us give as an example some of the foods and dishes that we eat daily, their weight and calorie content. Knowing these parameters and your daily calorie intake, you can check whether the calculated number of calories corresponds to the number actually consumed, and also draw a conclusion about how well you eat. For convenience, we divide foods and dishes into two categories: the most high-calorie and the least high-calorie.

Foods and dishes with the highest calorie content (calorie content is indicated per 100 grams):

  • halva - 600 kcal;
  • chocolate - 550 kcal;
  • whipped cream with raisins (1 serving) - 800 kcal;
  • smoked bacon - 475 kcal;
  • hamburger (1 pc.) - 510 kcal;
  • french fries - 239 kcal;
  • butter or margarine - 720 kcal;
  • walnuts - 610 kcal;
  • nut paste - 650 kcal;
  • prunes with chocolate - 612 kcal;
  • lard - 900 kcal;
  • cherry pie (1 slice) - 410 kcal;

Products with the lowest calorie content (calorie content is indicated per 100 grams):

  • tea without sugar - 0 kcal;
  • coffee without sugar - 0 kcal;
  • mineral water with or without gas - 0 kcal;
  • watermelon - 12 kcal;
  • melon - 16 kcal;
  • zucchini - 20 kcal;
  • cauliflower or sauerkraut - 16 kcal;
  • carrots (1 pc.) - 12 kcal;
  • cucumbers - 8 kcal;
  • tomato or pepper (1 pc.) - 19 kcal;
  • tomato soup without additives - 14 kcal;
  • tangerines - 13 kcal.

This list is far from complete, because every day we consume a huge variety of products, depending on individual preferences. But it helps us at least roughly imagine how many calories a person consumes per day. Therefore, if you want to eat right and bring the maximum benefit to the body, be more careful about the calorie content of foods and their choice.

How many calories are spent today by people who limit themselves in movement? Scientists say that our ancestors spent much more during the day. Isn't this the reason for the large number of overweight people today?

Did you know that the diet of a soldier in the army of Peter the Great consisted of 4500 calories, and there were no obese soldiers. This means they used fewer calories. And a person in our time, according to scientists, spends an average of 2200 calories per day. This means that there is an “underexpenditure” of the energy of the food consumed by a person, which ultimately turns into extra pounds. At normal weight, you can calculate how many calories to burn and how many to consume in order to establish a balance. If you are overweight, you need to increase the load so that calories are wasted in more quantities than they come in.

How to Increase Calorie Expenditure

It's winter outside today. Many people know that the body spends most of the calories on maintaining a constant body temperature, the “legitimate” 36.6 degrees. If the ambient temperature drops by at least ten or fifteen degrees, then the flow rate will increase by two or three times. In other words, fat reserves begin to be lost to heat the body, in contrast to physical education.

The work of the whole organism depends on how many calories a person spends at this time of the year. In the process of physical exercise, carbohydrate reserves are mainly spent. Therefore, in the autumn and winter periods, our body instinctively accumulates fat for reserves. In this case, experts recommend installing regulators on radiators in the rooms in winter, preventing the room from heating by more than twenty-five degrees. And walks in the fresh air in winter can cost 100 kcal for 10 minutes.

But the habit of a person pulls home after a walk to have a bite and demands to return the lost to him. He can be fooled by a warm, warm drink, tea, milk, or a low-calorie soup.

How many calories do we spend per day

Calories are a resource from where the human body takes strength and energy for its work. But he spends a certain amount, and puts everything else in reserve, which is expressed in the body in the form of excess weight.

So how many calories do we burn per day? Calorie expenditure is the burning of energy, which occurs in several directions: the functioning of the body (digestion of food and breathing), physical activity (various physical activities), extreme situations (illness and stress).

How many calories does a person spend, more precisely, how many calories does he need to spend in order for his body to work without interruption? This is easy enough to find out if you use a special formula, but this is not about that now.

Consider in detail how many calories we spend per day on average. This indicator, as well as the calorie intake, depends on many factors: age, gender, lifestyle, body condition, and much more. The interesting thing is that even when we sleep, calories are burned. Below are the main activities of a person on a weekday and the specific number of calories burned.

A person sleeps 65 calories per hour, in other words, a person can burn 455 calories in 7 hours of sleep.

How many calories are spent on putting yourself in order in the morning? Approximately seventy calories. How many calories does a person burn for breakfast and before work? On average, breakfast consumes approximately 30 calories, and commuting to work consumes 60 calories.

How many calories does a person spend at work? For a day of work, he burns 1000 calories (this is if his work is not passive, and he sometimes gets up). It takes 60 calories to get home from work. 90 calories per hour for homework. If a person decides to take a walk in the evening, he can burn up to 140 calories per hour. Thus, the average working person spends an average of 2130 calories in one day of his life.

Now you know how many calories an average person spends per day.

How many calories are spent walking

A physically developed and healthy person walks from one to ten kilometers a day. Some don't even notice it because they don't feel tired. A feeling of fatigue after a simple walk appears in those people who rarely and little walk, no more than two kilometers. If a person gets used to walking a lot, then after a while he will be able to walk even long distances without fatigue and additional loads. With the help of special types of walking, you can lose extra pounds, because calories are also spent in the process of walking.

So, how many calories are spent walking? Accounting has proven that tall people lose far fewer calories per kilogram of their body than short people and children. Short people take a lot more steps and spend a lot more energy on it. There is an opinion that tall people spend energy in order to maintain their body weight, but this is far from confirmed information.

Simple walks in the park or in the shopping center can bring only emotional satisfaction, but in order to throw off a few extra pounds, you need to walk in a special way.

How many calories are spent walking? With a calm walk for two hours, you can lose up to 50 kilocalories, while additionally bringing your muscles into tone and raising your mood, as well as enriching your blood with oxygen. After a week of hiking, you can spend up to 1100 kilocalories. A lot more calories can be burned if you walk on the landing. If you walk up to the ninth floor, you can burn 1336 kilocalories, and when going down the stairs from 202 calories.

Health Benefits of Walking

In addition to pumped up and slender legs, as well as a toned figure, you can improve your health. Walking every day for an hour improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, normalizes the heart rhythm, restores and improves respiratory functions. You just need to remember to maintain water balance. Walking, like any other type of physical activity, causes fluid loss in the body, so you need to take a bottle of water with you and drink a glass after walking.

How many calories are spent in the summer

How many calories are spent in the summer? In fact, the principle of burning calories here is the same as in winter. Only in summer, calories are spent on cooling food. Heating in the stomach, for example, 200 ml of water, only 0.2 calories are spent. But this is much better than gaining excess weight, so in the heat it is recommended to drink at least one and a half liters of cold water. Water can burn calories not only inside. If you like to swim, then you should know that the temperature in the pool or in the sea is always colder than the body. Just thirty minutes of passive bathing at a temperature of 20 degrees will save the body from 200 calories.
