
How to make soap bubbles quickly and easily. High strength soap bubbles

The main secret is pharmacy. A mixture of soap and glycerin gives strong sparkling bubbles: it allows you to create not just round balls, but all kinds of sizes and shapes. As a basis, you can use both household and ordinary toilet soap. It needs to be cut finely (you can use a grater), mix with glycerin and add them to the water, bringing it to a boil (the mixture must be constantly stirred). The ratio of ingredients: 50% -50%. Be careful when working with boiling soap: it can gurgle a lot - do not burn yourself.

Instead of soap, you can use dish detergent. The ratio of ingredients: 100g of glycerin, 200g of the product and 600ml of water.

The most difficult method in terms of execution technique, but it gives the most durable, non-bursting soap bubbles. Required ingredients: hot water (not boiling water - 600 ml), liquid glycerin (300 ml), ammonia (20 drops) and washing powder (50 g). Mix everything until a homogeneous mass is obtained, let the mixture brew for 72 hours, then filter and put in the refrigerator.

Also, one of the beauty secrets of soap bubbles can be called ordinary food coloring. After dividing the resulting volume of the solution into parts and adding a couple of teaspoons of different dyes to them, you will get soap bubbles of all colors of the rainbow.

How to make soap bubbles at home with your own hands: recipes

Although we have already considered several options for how to make soap bubbles at home, but as they say, more recipes are better than nothing: there will be plenty to choose from.

1. Soap bubbles recipe for quick and easy preparation: base - dishwashing detergent.


100 ml. - means for washing dishes;
400 ml. - water;
2 tsp Sahara.

We mix thoroughly and “voila” - you are ready to arrange a grandiose show of soap bubbles even now.

There is another similar recipe, but in it we replace sugar with glycerin.


150 ml. - means for washing dishes;
800 ml. - water;
2-3 tbsp glycerin.

Mix thoroughly and place the mixture in the refrigerator for 24 hours.

2. With care for children: the basis is children's shampoo.

Children love to play with soap bubbles, but what if drops from bursting soap bubbles get into the baby's eyes and the bubble blowing game turns into a race to the eyewash sink. In this case, we can only advise you to use a special soapy liquid based on baby shampoo that does not cause pain and burning when it comes into contact with mucous membranes.


1 glass of baby shampoo;
2 cups boiled water.

Stir and let it brew for 24 hours, then add: glycerin (3 tablespoons) or sugar (6 tsp). Now you can start the soap bubble show for kids without fear for the cute little ones.

3. Recipe for lovers of exquisite aromas: base - bath foam.

For half a liter of solution you will need: 380 ml. - foam and 120 ml. - water.

4. Recipe for non-trivial people: the base is corn syrup.


400 ml. – means for washing dishes;
Liter of water
180 ml. - syrup.

5. Economy option: base - laundry soap.


A glass of water - 200 ml;

40 gr. (2 tbsp) soap chips;
1 tsp glycerin (can be replaced with sugar or gelatin).

If you don't want to mess around with rubbing soap, use liquid soap instead of bar soap. Then the ratio will be as follows: half a glass of soap, water 1/4 cup, glycerin - 10 drops. Allow the foam to settle (about 2 hours) and refrigerate.

6. Recipe for people who like to experiment: the base is thick sugar syrup.

The solution obtained as a result will help your fantasy come true: you can arrange a soap bubble show for children at home. You will also be able to combine various combination figures: for this you need to connect inflated heavy-duty, non-bursting soap bubbles with each other.

60 ml. syrup (we combine water and sugar in a ratio of 10ml / 50g);
100 gr. soap shavings;
200gr. glycerin;
400 ml. boiled cooled water.

Soap bubbles are one of the simplest, but at the same time exciting and fun games. It is interesting for children and adults, one person and a large company, at home and in nature. You can, of course, buy a ready-made liquid, but it’s more pleasant to make a solution for soap balls yourself. Moreover, it is not difficult at all.

The main components of the solution are water, soap shavings, glucose and glycerin. But it is important to observe the proportions when cooking and follow some recommendations.

Useful tips for making liquid at home

  1. It is recommended to make a solution based on distilled water, although, in extreme cases, boiled water is also suitable. But ordinary tap water should not be used, due to the impurities contained in it, the quality of the resulting composition will be much lower.
  2. To make the figures as strong as possible, glycerin should be added. Ordinary sugar will also help increase elasticity.
  3. Detergents should contain as few perfume additives as possible.
  4. Just do not overdo it with the amount of ingredients, otherwise, due to excessive density, it will be difficult to blow out the balls.
  5. If you are making formula for babies, its density should be slightly lower. Balls, of course, will become less durable, but it will be much easier to blow them out.
  6. If possible, then the finished solution is recommended to withstand 16-20 hours. And preferably in a cold place. During this period, unnecessary foam will settle, and the toy will become better.
  7. The foam in the composition forms extra balls along the edges of the soap film, which spoil the blowing process.
  8. Wind and dust greatly interfere with strong balls, but high humidity, on the contrary, helps.

Are you puzzled by the question: how to make soap bubbles at home? It's easy! Follow the indicated proportions, and you will succeed. After all, the composition of the mixture is very simple, and the main action that must be performed is to mix well.

For small children

  • Purified water - 0.2 liters
  • Glycerin - 20 milliliters
  • Baby shampoo 100 ml

Due to its safe composition, it is ideal for babies. Glycerin can be replaced with 75 grams of sugar.

Classic recipe

  • Dishwashing liquid - 70 milliliters
  • Glycerin - 20 milliliters
  • Purified water - 0.2 liters

After mixing all the components, leave the mixture in a cold place for 16-20 hours. Detergent can be replaced with 20 grams of grated laundry soap.

If you didn’t have glycerin on hand, mix purified water and grated laundry soap until completely dissolved. With the slow progress of the process, the mixture can be slightly warmed up, just do not forget to stir it.

Without glycerin

  • Shower gel or shampoo (with a minimum amount of additives) - 70 milliliters
  • Purified water (warm) - 70 milliliters
  • Sugar sand - 50 grams
  • Dish detergent - 70 milliliters

Mix sugar with water until it is completely dissolved, then add household chemicals, let it brew for at least one hour.

Syrup mix

  • Corn syrup - 70 milliliters
  • Purified water (warm) - 0.6 liters
  • Dish detergent - 150 milliliters

aromatic solution

  • Purified water - 0.1 liters
  • Bath foam - 300 milliliters

Thanks to the fragrances in the composition of the foam, the liquid turns out to be very fragrant, you can always choose the smell that is attractive to you.


Recipe for Giant Soap Bubbles

There are several such recipes for self-preparation, they differ in components and time spent on cooking.

Method number 1

  • Sugar sand - 175 - 200 grams
  • Dish detergent or soap (liquid) - 150 milliliters
  • Gelatin - 15 grams

Dissolve sugar in a mixture of gelatin and water, after it has cooled to 30 ° C, pour in detergents. After mixing, it can be used immediately.

Method number 2

It is similar to the previous one, but it also contains glycerin.

  • Purified water (warm) - 400 milliliters
  • Sugar sand - 50 grams
  • Gelatin - 25 grams
  • Glycerin - 50 milliliters
  • Dish detergent or soap (liquid) - 100 milliliters

Let the gelatin swell, stir the resulting suspension with sugar and pour purified water, add the remaining components. The main thing is not to shake the solution so that foam does not form.

Video: do-it-yourself huge soap bubbles:

Very strong

In order to make a heavy-duty composition, there are several methods.

Method number 1

  • Grated laundry soap - 15 grams
  • Purified water - 0.15 liters
  • Detergent - 20 milliliters
  • Highly concentrated sugar syrup - 20 milliliters
  • Glycerin - 60-80 milliliters

Mix all components thoroughly. From this tool you can blow shapes of any shape and size.

Method number 2

It will take much more time, but the soap bubbles will not burst.

  • Purified water (hot) - 0.3 liters
  • Ammonia - 10 drops
  • Washing powder - 25 grams
  • Glycerin - 150 milliliters

After mixing the components, leave them for two to three days. Then we filter and put in a cold place for 10-12 hours. A little tiring, but the effect is like from professional solutions.

Checking the quality of the solution

Verification can be done in several ways.

  • Blow a bubble through a straw and touch it with a finger previously moistened with foam, if the balloon bursts - the mixture is too watery, there is not enough soap and a few drops of glycerin.
  • If the liquid is blown out with difficulty and immediately falls, add a little water to it.
  • Correct bubbles should be easy to inflate, not burst, be large and colorful.

To prepare multi-colored balls, add food coloring to the resulting liquid, or divide it into parts and add a different color to each of them. And the aroma of strawberries, vanilla or chocolate of the resulting mixture will give the appropriate detergent or bath foam.

A bit of history

The history of this toy goes back centuries for millennia. During the excavations of the city of Ancient Rome, Pompeii, archaeologists found drawings on the walls with images of small children blowing balloons.

Who exactly came up with the idea to produce soap solutions is unknown. But the first official sales of this liquid are documented in London in the second half of the 19th century. And literally 50 years later, such a mixture could be bought everywhere and at an affordable cost.


What are they inflating?

Now it’s worth considering what they are blown through. Any straw, even an empty reed inside, is considered a classic bubble blower. It was used several hundred years ago and continues to be widely used today. But what other options are there?

  • A special pistol that can be purchased at the toy store
  • Store bottle with stick
  • Ballpoint pen (no refill)
  • Shaped molds for baking
  • Funnel, both plastic and paper rolled
  • Cocktail straw cut at the end
  • A do-it-yourself woven wire frame, such a device can be decorated with beads, stones and ribbons. It will look bright and festive
  • For huge figures, a plastic bottle without a bottom is suitable
  • Racket without net
  • Carpet beater

In stores specializing in organizing children's parties, you can find fixtures of any size and shape for the presented toy. You can blow one large bubble or enjoy the view of many small balls.

Favorable external factors

If you use the toy outdoors, then the weather conditions will be the main factor influencing the result. Dry wind, dust, high temperature can spoil the entertainment experience. And high humidity, on the contrary, will make the quality of the balls higher. Ideally, it is considered to be morning and evening after heavy rain.

When playing at home, avoid drafts and working split systems, dry climates, hot and dusty rooms. And do not forget that bursting figures leave prints on surfaces (furniture, wallpaper, stretch ceilings, parquet, etc.).

By the way, at an air temperature below -15 ° C, the bubbles freeze when they touch the ground, and at a temperature 10 degrees below, they freeze in the air.


You can blow soap balls not only through a round hole. With the help of the following "chips" you can diversify your vacation or complement the holiday with unusual surprises.

  1. Technical device for blowing bubbles. A solution is poured into the generator, and the device itself releases strong balls in different directions. Both professional liquids and prepared ones are suitable for it.
  2. Such entertainment looks very impressive in the winter. When frozen, the bubbles turn into a fabulous construction of small snowflakes.
  3. You can depict a matryoshka. To do this, pour the solution into the saucer, dip the tube and blow the ball so that it remains in the container. Place the same straw inside it and blow it out again. A smaller one will start to appear in the middle of the larger bubble. You can repeat the procedure for a very long time.
  4. From several containers with multi-colored soap solutions, blow balls onto a white paper sheet. In this way, you can create an amazing and colorful drawing.
  5. And of course, you can just blow balls in the bathroom. Take a bath of warm water, light floating candles and blow soap figures. In this light, they look even more impressive and bewitching.

Safety precautions:

  1. Protect your respiratory organs and eyes from contact with the solution
  2. Watch your children: do not taste the resulting soapy water
  3. Do not blow bubbles towards animals and people
  4. In case of contact with eyes, rinse them immediately with running water
  5. Be sure to wash your hands in clean water after using the toy.

Video: how to make colored bubbles?

All children love to blow bubbles. Almost no holiday with the participation of the youngest guests is complete without this fun entertainment. Meanwhile, many mothers and fathers are afraid to buy special solutions in stores, since low-quality and, in some cases, harmful substances are used for their production. In addition, very often they pout badly, so the baby can be upset and will not get any pleasure from this entertainment.

In this article, we will tell you how to make big soap bubbles at home so that your child is happy and satisfied.

To make your soap bubbles easy to inflate and of high quality, during their preparation, use the following recommendations:

  • Carefully consider the choice of liquid for the preparation of a soap solution. Boiled water or non-carbonated bottled water, which can be purchased at any store, is best for you. Also, good results are obtained using melted or distilled water;
  • It is necessary to use a detergent with a minimum amount of perfumes and other additives. The fewer additional chemicals will be included in its composition, the more reliable the result you can achieve;
  • If you want to get a liquid from which the strongest, most stable and iridescent balls are blown out, take more glycerin or sugar previously dissolved in warm water. At the same time, try not to overdo it, otherwise it will be very difficult to blow them out, and the child will not be able to cope with them;
  • For the smallest, this option is not suitable. Make the solution less dense and the baby will be able to blow bubbles on their own, however, they will be slightly smaller and much less stable;
  • Before use, soapy liquid should be infused for 12 to 24 hours;
  • Try to avoid foam and reduce its amount in every possible way;
  • The best results are obtained if the solution is prepared in a room with high humidity. At the same time, make sure that there is no draft in this room.

Recipes on how to make a solution for soap bubbles at home

To make a solution for bubbles, you can use one of the following recipes:

How to make big and strong soap bubbles for a children's party?

Such bubbles are not suitable for blowing and catching. Meanwhile, various figures can be made from them or even small children can be wrapped in soapy film.

Use the following recipes to prepare wonderful entertainment for a children's party:

  • Prepare concentrated sugar syrup by mixing 50 grams of granulated sugar and 10 ml of pure water. Grate 100 grams of laundry soap and add to the syrup. Mix these ingredients with 200 grams of pure glycerin and fill it all with 400 ml of distilled water. Achieve complete dissolution of all components and let the resulting liquid brew in a cool place for 12-24 hours;
  • Mix 50 grams of pure glycerin, 100 ml of a good detergent, 4 teaspoons of sugar and 300 ml of boiled water cooled to room temperature. Thoroughly mix all the ingredients and leave the resulting solution for several days.

To inflate soap bubbles, you can use all kinds of special devices that are sold in children's stores. It can be various tubes, sticks and even pistols.

In addition, you can take blades of grass, pasta, straws for cocktails, baking dishes, funnels and much, much more.

One of the easiest and most convenient ways is a frame stick twisted from thin wire, which you can easily make yourself in just a few seconds. Some children and adults who like to experiment even use plastic bottles to blow.

When using a very dense solution, a gymnastic hoop can be used, with which you can create a huge soap film. Finally, professionals in their field are able to inflate good and strong soap bubbles with their own fingers, without the use of special devices.

Today, as promised, we are giving out the secrets and recipes for “non-bursting” bubbles. The secret ingredient for a quality solution is ordinary. So, we present to your attention the recipe for soap bubbles with glycerin. , recipes that have stood the test of time.

Recipes for "reliable" soap bubbles

Recipe 1

  • 600 ml of distilled water;
  • 200 ml of detergent "Ferry";
  • 100 ml of glycerin.

Recipe 2

  • 1 liter of distilled water;
  • a little baking powder for the dough;
  • 25 ml;
  • 2 spoons of sugar;
  • 200-300 ml Fairy detergent.

Recipe 3

  • 800 ml of distilled water;
  • 200 ml of dishwashing detergent;
  • 100 ml of glycerin;
  • 50 grams of sugar;
  • 50 gr gelatin.

Cooking method:

  1. Soak gelatin in water and leave to swell.
  2. Strain and drain off excess water.
  3. Add sugar to warm gelatin.
  4. Dilute the resulting mixture with a small amount of distilled water.
  5. Mix all other ingredients and stir.

Recipe 4

  • 600 ml boiled water (hot);
  • 300 ml;
  • 20 drops of ammonia;
  • 50 gr of any detergent (powder).

Cooking method:

  1. We mix all the ingredients and insist 2-3 days.
  2. The solution is filtered and put in the refrigerator for 12 hours. Bubbles made in this way are strong and large.

Recipe 5

  • 800 ml distilled water (hot);
  • 200 ml thick dishwashing detergent;
  • 100 ml of lubricant gel without impurities;
  • 100 ml of glycerin.

A few secrets of making bubbles

Secret 1

You need to use soft water for the solution. Hard water contains a lot of salts. As a result, bubbles are fragile and short-lived. To eliminate this drawback, you can boil the water and let it settle, and it is best to use distilled water.

Secret 2

Use warm water for the solution. In such water, all ingredients dissolve faster.

Secret 3

Dishwasher detergent is not suitable.

Secret 4

The bubble "lives" while it is wet, so glycerin or sugar with gelatin is added to the solution. So the soap film does not dry longer.

Secret 5

Foam is the main enemy of soap bubbles! It is necessary to prevent the appearance of foam on the surface of the solution, so you need to mix it with care.

Secret 6

To increase the strength of the bubbles, glycerin (or sugar) is added to the composition.

Secret 7

After preparing the solution, we check its quality. To do this, blow out the bubble and touch it with a finger, previously dipped in soapy water. If the bubble does not burst, then we have prepared the correct solution. Bubbles will be the most durable and will even withstand contact with water.

Soap bubbles delight not only children, but also adults. This fun will decorate any holiday and give a great mood. Many people ask themselves: how to make soap bubbles at home?

Everything is simple. The basis for the preparation of the mixture is: water, soap, sugar, glycerin. Other components are added depending on the recipe. All ingredients can be bought at any store, except for glycerin, it is bought at a pharmacy.

Making soap bubbles starts with water. From the tap for this purpose is not suitable. The solution is made in bottled or boiled.

To obtain high-quality and strong bubbles, you must follow the following recommendations:

When choosing a soap base, study the composition. It should contain a minimum of dyes and perfume fragrances. Only in this case the bubbles will turn out to be of high quality.

Water should be warm or hot, but not boiling water.

The density of the solution depends on glycerin, so do not add too much of this component, otherwise the bubbles will be difficult to blow out.

Stir the components slowly so that a lot of foam does not form.

The finished solution must be cooled and kept in the refrigerator for a couple of days. The mixture should stand until a solid soap film appears on the surface without puddles and bubbles.

By adding food coloring to the mixture, you will get bubbles of different colors.

Blow bubbles slowly so that the film does not tear.

If you are making a baby shower formula, use safe ingredients. For example, take a Quack-Quak shampoo as a basis.

Security measures

During the preparation of the solution, certain safety regulations:

Work with the solution carefully so that it does not get on the mucous membranes of the eyes, mouth or nose;

If the mixture gets into the eyes, rinse them with plenty of warm water;

Blow bubbles in the opposite direction from animals and people;

Be sure to wash your hands after cooking.

How to make soap bubbles at home: the best recipes

There are many ways to prepare a mixture. As a basis, you can use soap, washing powder or dish detergent.

Option 1. Classic laundry soap recipe

The most popular and simple recipe for soap bubbles. You only need three components.


half a liter of bottled water;

20 ml of glycerin;

50 g household soap without dyes and fragrances.

Cooking method:

1. Grind the soap on a grater.

2. We shift the chips into a container, pour hot water and mix until completely dissolved.

3. Filter the mixture through cheesecloth, add glycerin and mix.

Option 2. Based on Fairy dish detergent

For the preparation of bubbles according to this recipe, a larger amount of glycerin is used.


300 ml of distilled water;

glycerin - 50 ml;

Cooking method:

1. Pour the indicated amount of heated water into a bowl.

2. Enter glycerin. Pour into the Fairy liquid. Stir the solution gently so that foam does not rise.

3. Keep in the refrigerator for 24 hours before use.

Option 3. With baking powder and sugar


300 ml of distilled water;

5 g baking powder;

50 ml soap base;

25 g of granulated sugar;

25 ml of glycerin.

Cooking method:

1. Pour the baking powder and sugar into the bottom of the container.

2. Enter glycerin and dish detergent. Mix thoroughly.

3. Pour in water and mix slowly again. Let the composition stand for 12 hours.

Option 4. Based on a dish detergent with granulated sugar

A simple and affordable way to prepare a mixture for soap bubbles. Use dish detergent without perfumes and dyes.


400 ml bottled water;

10 g of granulated sugar;

½ stack detergent for dishes.

Cooking method:

1. Dissolve sugar in warm water.

2. Pour in dish detergent. Stir until smooth.

Option 5. Soap bubbles for the little ones

Droplets of soap solution from burst bubbles can get into the child's eyes and ruin the holiday. To prevent this from happening, prepare a solution of safe ingredients that will not irritate the skin and mucous membranes.


75 g of granulated sugar;

250 ml of baby shampoo;

half a liter of distilled water.

Cooking method:

1. Dissolve the shampoo in a small amount of warm water, stirring gently so that foam does not form. Leave the liquid overnight to settle.

2. Add granulated sugar and stir until the crystals dissolve.

Option 6. Recipe for huge soap bubbles


25 g of granulated sugar and gelatin;

400 ml of distilled water;

glycerin - 75 ml;

½ stack detergent for dishes "Fairy".

Cooking method:

1. Soak the gelatin and let it swell. Strain the gelatin, draining off excess liquid.

2. Combine gelatin with sugar and dissolve over low heat, avoiding boiling.

3. Remove from the stove, cool and pour in water. Add detergent and stir gently. Insist for a day.

Option 7. From washing powder

It will take several days to prepare soap bubbles according to this recipe. Therefore, this option is not suitable if the holiday is scheduled for the same day. When choosing a washing powder, give preference to safe products. It is advisable to use a detergent for washing baby clothes.


washing powder - 25 g;

10 drops of ammonia;

100 ml of glycerin;

bottled water - 300 ml.

Cooking method:

1. Fill suitable dishes with hot water. Add the powder and stir until it is completely dissolved.

2. Add the remaining components to the soap solution, stir and leave for two days.

3. The liquid is filtered and sent to the refrigerator overnight.

Option 8. Non-popping bubbles with sugar

The mixture can be used to create curly bubbles.


80 g of granulated sugar;

200 g household soaps;

half a liter of glycerin;

800 liters of distilled water.

Cooking method:

1. Three soap on a fine grater. Pour the chips with hot water and stir until it dissolves completely.

2. Add glycerin and granulated sugar to the mixture. Mix thoroughly again.

What to use for blowing soap bubbles and how to do it correctly

The use of soap bubble liquid outdoors will depend on weather conditions. If there is wind or rain outside, the holiday will have to be moved indoors. Blow bubbles slowly, otherwise they will burst.

Suitable bubble blowers:

Factory wand;

Looped wire;

Straw or straw for drinks. For large bubbles, several cuts are made along the end of the tube;

To blow giant bubbles, a device consisting of a loop and two sticks is used. The ropes are dipped in the solution. Then they are bred to the sides, while making horizontal or vertical movements.

As you can see, everyone can arrange a holiday and please children. Soap bubbles with their own hands will delight everyone. In this case, you will be sure of the quality of the solution, which is important when used for the smallest.
