
Common mistakes when buying and operating oak products! Preparation of oak barrels for use.

Vessels made of wood for storing alcohol begin to lose their properties over time. This is especially true for containers that are not used for a long time. In this article, you will learn how to fix an oak barrel leak and get rid of other defects. After reading it, you will be able to solve such problems yourself.

Oak barrel is flowing, what to do

In order to put a wooden barrel in order if it is dry, you need to do a fairly simple procedure. If the container has not been used for a long time, then after pouring liquid into it, it may begin to leak. Now you will learn how to repair a leak in a barrel yourself. This does not require any significant effort.

Note that the tree perfectly absorbs moisture, after which it expands. If you have a leaking oak barrel, first of all you need to tighten its hoops. You don't have to beat them to the punch. Hoops need to be tightened a little so that they do not fall off. Next, you need to pour hot water into the container. After the liquid has cooled, it must be drained. If after that the oak barrel still flows, the operation must be repeated. With each new iteration, the flow will become smaller.

Water in the barrel can be left for several days. After that, it must be changed. Because the water starts to run dry. Hoops need to be tightened periodically. Repeat these steps for as long as the wooden barrel is flowing. When the wood is well swollen, the leak will disappear. Now you know how to fix a leak in an oak barrel. Note that this repair method can be used if the container does not have physical damage.

Repair of oak barrels

Old kegs may have other defects. If the container has been used repeatedly for a long time, it can be refreshed. Below, we will tell you how to restore a wooden barrel. This procedure is also quite simple. Now that you know what to do if the wooden barrel is leaking, this task should be easy enough.

Note that wooden vessels are impregnated with drinks stored in them to a very shallow depth. It is approximately 1-2 mm. In order to renew the vessel, you need to remove the inner layer soaked in alcohol. Note that the properties of the old keg will not improve from this, but it can still be used for several years.

How to repair an oak barrel with your own hands? For this you will need:

  • two hammers, weighing 0.5 kg and 1 kg;
  • sandpaper with coarse grain;
  • simple pencil;
  • a piece of chalk;
  • oak chips, sawdust.

To start repairing wooden barrels, you need to wait until they dry. Then you need to knock out one bottom. To do this, use a heavy hammer. And as a heel we use a smaller hammer. We put the container vertically, and knock down the lower bunch and neck hoops. In this case, the upper head hoop must be besieged as tightly as possible. After that, turn the barrel over and knock the head hoop up.

Repair of an oak barrel with your own hands must be carried out as carefully as possible. It is impossible to allow a complete collapse of the container. After you have removed one bottom, you need to clean the inner walls of the vessel using sandpaper. If in the future it is supposed to store strong alcohol in the container, it is necessary to burn the wood. To do this, you need to kindle a fire inside the vessel using oak chips and sawdust. Make sure the fire doesn't get too hot. Keep a water spray bottle handy to prevent this from happening. Remove the remaining ash as soon as the oak barrel has cooled. The renovation is almost finished. It remains to clean the surface of the vessel and reassemble the container.

Hello Forumers!
Long thought where to place the topic. Everything I found about barrels is already in closed topics. And my question is topical, so I decided to post it where they discuss home-made preparations, including alcohol.
And so, in order. A few years ago I decided that for my daughter's graduation, for her admission to college, for her wedding, for the birth of her grandson (chka), it would not be bad to treat yourself to elite cognac! My daughter is 5 years old, and if I prepare cognac now, then in 15 years it will be AMBROSIA! No sooner said than done! Last year I bought an oak barrel in Rostov for 30 liters. I ordered moonshine for my father. But then the female factor intervened. Mother, when she found out the volume of the order, reared up! 30 liters! Guard! Son sleeps! Arguments that it was for long-term storage, that only on holidays and only for one's own, for a glass, for pleasure, did not help. As a result, the barrel lay in the pantry for a year. This summer I began to think what to do and then the idea came to mind! We are going to rest in Anapa, and there, in the vicinity, brandy factories. So I’ll buy cognac at the factory and pour it into a barrel! And so he did. In Temryuk, at the factory, I bought 30 liters of 3-year-old cognac and began to prepare a barrel. And then you need a paragraph!
Like all novice winemakers, I got on the Internet and began to read the advice of experienced ones! The mechanism for preparing the barrel is not complicated, but the barrel has lain for a year and dried up. I tried to pour water into it. The gaps are huge, water flows out. He filled the tub with water and soaked the barrel. After 2 weeks the leak stopped. Now the barrel holds water inside, but I observe an interesting phenomenon. I pour water into the barrel through the top hole to the very edge. I leave for a day. A day later, the entire barrel is dry, and there are smudges in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe upper hole and the water in the hole is with a "hill". From which I concluded that the barrel continues to swell from the inside and push out water a little. But the most important thing is that there are no leaks.
I began to read on the Internet what to do next and I had questions. Members of the forum, tell me, please, how to proceed?
1. How long to keep soaking the barrel? On the Internet they write, from 2 weeks to 6 months. I'm afraid that if the barrel is a little wet, then when pouring my cognac into it, a leak may form!
2. How to steam a 30 liter barrel at home? Watched videos on Youtube. Pour boiling water over and shake for 10-20 minutes. They have a barrel of 5 liters, light, my barrel weighs about 10 kg. plus 20 liters of water. Shake 30 kg. 20 minutes is awesome!
3. When to wax a barrel? Before steaming or after? On the net they write that a waxed barrel is not steamed. But in waxed barrels, the share of the angel is less.
4. How long to keep cognac? The share of the angel in barrels is large. In 15 years, all 30 liters will evaporate. Maybe hold it for a year or two and then pour it into a glass container?
5. What is better to fill in first? Dad's moonshine (he gradually accumulated 30 liters in a year), does the neighbor have home-made wine (I read that cognac tastes better after wine), or can I pour my cognac right away?
Dear Forum users, share your experience, tell me how to do better, tell us about your mistakes.
Sincerely, DOKKTORR.

(Error → Solution)

    Came to collect the goods. The barrel was taken away, but there is no cork and tap! We ordered! What to do?

    In Ukraine, we send oak products by delivery services. Upon receipt of the cargo, check the number of seats indicated in the bill of lading (declaration) and the number of seats actually issued to you. Often the operator makes a mistake and gives out only one place instead of the required several. In addition, upon receipt of the goods from the operator, indicate that you want to inspect the goods before picking it up. When inspecting, check its integrity and completeness of the set according to the specified number of pieces and additional shipping information in the bill of lading (declaration). If you have any problems upon receipt of the goods (the goods are damaged or incomplete), do not rush to sign the documents, but contact us immediately. We will help you find the right solution in this situation.

    We wanted to order a 100l oak barrel for cognac, hoops made of ordinary metal. The operator girl said that these barrels were not available, but they could be made within one week. At the same time, they demanded an advance payment of 100 UAH from us. Who has seen and heard this! We will pay money in advance, but they do not give us any guarantee that they will send a barrel. We can provide them with all our personal data (name, home address, phone number). Everyone in the village respects us, but here they say such things! Swindlers!

    When ordering oak products that belong to the following three groups, namely:

    • “slow” (mainly oak barrels for drinks with ordinary metal hoops with a volume of more than 50 liters, as well as oak barrels for drinks with stainless steel hoops with a volume of more than 110 liters),
    • non-standard characteristics,
    • wholesale lots,

    You need to make an advance payment in the amount of 100-300 UAH. Thus, you confirm the reliability of your intentions, and we will more confidently produce your individual order.

    When ordering standard running products, no advance payment is taken.

    Received the order a week ago. I liked everything very much: good work, quickly sent the product. They unpacked the oak barrel, put it in the kitchen, did not fill it with anything, since they planned to prepare it and pour the drink later. A week later, cracks appeared in the barrel between the planks. Why?

    During a conversation with the client, we learned that the temperature in the room where the barrel was stored was higher than 26°C, and the relative humidity was very low.

    A barrel for drinks is not furniture, it is a specific vessel that requires proper storage conditions.

    An oak product ordered from us upon shipment packed in polyethylene film. Before the first filling with liquid, store the cooperage product, carefully wrapping it in polyethylene. The film will protect the empty oak container from drying out if you have an insufficient level of humidity (less 75% ) and high temperature (above +16 °С).

    We bought an oak barrel for infusion of alcohol. We prepared it according to the instructions (steamed, soaked for 3 weeks with water). When alcohol was poured, the drink eventually began to flow along the ends of the riveting

    The end parts of the staves were not processed, because they decided: this is an extra step in the preparation of an oak barrel, and they did not completely understand where and how to paint correctly! (We later learned this information during a telephone conversation).

    Sealing the end parts of the rivets is mandatory. It is performed before the process of steaming the barrel, while it is dry. Classically sealed:

    • end parts of rivets(here the capillaries of the oak are completely open, because the stave is cut off, as it should correspond to the standard length);
    • junction of rivets and bottom;
    • a few centimeters of the bottom in a circle on both sides of the barrel.

    Sealing is more often done with oil paint or varnish, if required by the aesthetic appearance. This is a preventive measure that is always carried out at cognac-wine factories for reliable long-term storage of wine and reducing the loss of the drink due to possible capillary seepage (since over time the drink makes its way into the depths of the stave, reaches the bundles of capillaries that are open on both sides of the stave) and due to excessive evaporation of the liquid (it is through the protruding end part of the riveting that the greatest loss of the drink occurs).

    Please note that the paint must be applied with high quality, in several layers (improved coloring) in order to close all open capillaries!

    We bought an oak barrel for wine from you. The preparation of the barrel according to the instructions began with sealing the end parts of the rivets. In the process of coating the ends and chimes with varnish, it was decided to cover the entire barrel with it in order to preserve its appearance. Will this affect the taste of the drink during the infusion process?

    It is not necessary to cover the entire barrel with varnish, since in this case a continuous film is formed on the surface of the barrel, which prevents the wood from "breathing" and does not allow gas exchange processes to occur. In addition, there are a number of other reasons that do not allow this.

    We bought an oak barrel from you, sealed the end parts of the staves, soaked it for a day, poured the drink. The poured drink immediately began to seep between the boards. What to do, we did everything according to your instructions?

    Got an oak barrel. Very good work (only at first sight). Poured a drink. At first, it began to seep between the rivets, which stopped after 5 days. After two months, we decided to taste the drink. When the faucet was turned on, a black drink ran out of the barrel! Didn't dare to taste it.

    One of the important stages of preparing a barrel for operation is soaking, which is required to swell the rivets and close the gaps, as well as to wash out excess tannins so that they do not oversaturate the drink or products that they plan to salt with an oaky taste, and also do not color them too dark. For the barrel you will be using to pour guilt, the soaking process should continue for at least 3-4 weeks, for pouring cognac- at least 2-3 weeks, For barrels or tubs for salting1-2 weeks. If you ignore these requirements, then, firstly, the barrel will not swell with water, and therefore will absorb your drink and may leak. Secondly, the drink will be very dark in color, up to black, because you did not take away the extra tannins, because the barrel is poured for the first time.

    Detailed instructions for preparing oak barrels for wine, cognac, etc. see "Instructions" section

    We plan to purchase from you an oak barrel of 10-20 liters. Our daughter was born. We want to insist wine in a barrel, and when our daughter turns 10 years old, we will drink a drink with the whole family

    We want to buy an oak barrel from you to infuse cognac for 5 years

    Term of infusion drink in an oak barrel depends on the volume and age of the barrel itself, as well as on the taste and aroma of the drink you want to get. The smaller the size of the barrel, the less time it takes to infuse the drink. Infusing the drink in a new barrel will also be much faster than reusing it. Therefore, these nuances must be taken into account. In order not to miscalculate, it is better periodically check the readiness of the drink to taste during the infusion period.

    We bought from you an oak barrel for wine with a wooden tap and two stoppers. One plug for the filler hole, and on the other, what to do, we did not understand?

    If you have purchased a barrel for drinks with an oak faucet and an additional stopper for the faucet hole, then you can immediately postpone the faucet until the drink is poured. And always use the cork in the process of preparing the barrel for filling the drink and during its infusion, since a wooden tap cannot stand like a cork, it is used only for pouring.

    We bought from you an oak barrel for wine with a wooden tap and two stoppers. The tap was put aside until the drink was poured, and the cork was used in the preparation of the barrel and set for the time of infusion. After a while, they noticed that a drink began to seep through the cork

    The drink began to seep through the cork due to the fact that you did not seal the protruding edge of the cork and leakage took place through its open capillaries located horizontally (along). Therefore, when a tap replaces a cork, attention should also be paid to its sealing, namely: paint the part that protrudes beyond the barrel. With this procedure, the open capillaries of the oak are sealed, which prevents the drink from seeping through. For painting, oil paint or varnish is most often used (if the aesthetic appearance requires it).

    We bought a bucket-waterfall for a bath from you. Attached to the wall, began to use. After some time, in the period between the use of this product, they began to notice that gaps appeared between the oak planks. Please help me fix this problem

    Oak products for a bath must be constantly kept filled with water so that they do not dry out. Change the water at least once a week so that it does not go rotten. At low temperatures, the water can be changed less frequently.

    Bought from you a steamer for brooms. They filled it with water. The water turned brown after a while. What to do?

    Water is colored brown by tannins contained in the material from which the product is made. Washing out excess tannins occurs with the help of water, which is used to soak oak products during their preparation for use. Approximately after 5-7 days of soaking, the water ceases to acquire color.

    For detailed instructions on preparing oak products for a bath, see the "Instructions" section.

    We ordered a beer mug from you. Upon receipt of this product (inspection of the cargo), we decided to check its integrity by pouring cold water from the tap. It turned out that the mug was leaking. Refused to pick up order

    Upon receipt of the products, you can check their integrity only from the outside, for cracks or other obvious external damage. Further use and preparation of oak products must be carried out in accordance with the instructions. If you have any questions, please contact us by phone. Better to ask again than to do it wrong and then redo it!

    We ordered a barrel with stainless steel hoops from you, and you sent a barrel with black metal hoops, which is painted white. Did we pay for stainless steel?

    It's not paint, it's protective tape. Remove it and you will see stainless metal hoops.

If you have any questions in the process of preparing cooperage products, call us, we will give you advice!

The wood of a new barrel contains too many tannins - tannins, the concentration of which must be reduced. If you pour wine or distillate into an oak barrel without prior preparation, then the alcohol will quickly become cloudy, then an unpleasant tart aftertaste will appear, which has received the popular name "plinth". Soaking a barrel takes time, patience and a lot of water.

In home distilling, it is better to use barrels with a volume of 2 to 10 liters. The smaller the volume, the faster the wood gives off tannins, which reduces the exposure time. The reason is the area of ​​​​contact with alcohol. For example, in a five-liter barrel, 1 liter of drink comes into contact with 400 square meters. cm of wood, and in a fifty-liter one - only from 152 sq. see Accordingly, the maturation period of moonshine, cognac or wine in a large container increases significantly.

Barrels from 10 to 50 liters are suitable only for long-term aging of strong drinks. During maturation, part of the content evaporates through the pores of the wood. Regardless of the volume of the barrel, losses are up to 1 liter per year; in cognac production technology, this evaporation is called the “angels' share”. If you pour distillate into a small barrel, after 5 years there will be almost nothing left inside.

I advise you to buy already waxed oak barrels. Waxing protects the wood from external factors, prolonging its life, preventing leaks and making the barrel more beautiful. At the same time, wax does not affect gas exchange, the drink continues to “breathe” normally through the pores. It is also desirable that the barrel was without a tap, as this is the most vulnerable structural element, which often gives a strong leak. At one point, all the contents may be on the floor. For a beautiful presentation, it is better to buy a small barrel of 1-3 liters and pour the drink there before the guests arrive.

Crane - convenient, but dangerous!

Barrel preparation technology

1. Fill a new barrel with 90% of the volume of clean, filtered water at room temperature, close the cork and leave for 3-4 hours.

2. Check the barrel for leaks by carefully inspecting the wood around the perimeter of the rings, then the bottom front and back. A slight leak is not critical, this problem will resolve itself in the next step, when the wood swells. The main thing is that there is no jet, since such a barrel is considered full of holes and needs to be repaired.

3. Fill the barrel to the top with water, close tightly and transfer to a room with room temperature. If leakage is observed, add water every 12 hours until the leakage stops. After 3 days, drain the water (it will be dirty brown or yellow), then pour in a new batch of clean water.

The first water is the dirtiest

4. After a day, drain the water, add boiling water to the barrel (1 liter per 10 liters of volume), close tightly and swing the product from side to side several times so that the boiling water washes the entire inner surface of the barrel. After 45 minutes, fill to the top with water and close tightly.

5. After 24 hours, change the water again. The process of soaking the barrel (daily replacement of cold water) is repeated until the last water becomes clear, tasteless and odorless. This usually takes three to six weeks.

6. Boil water (50% of the volume of the barrel), then cool to 70-75°C, add soda (20 grams per 1 liter), mix and pour into the barrel. Shake vigorously for 8-10 minutes, then drain the soda solution.

7. Pour hot water over the entire volume of the barrel, hold for 15 minutes, drain, and fill again with clean cold water, which should be poured out after 8-10 hours.

8. If the barrel is intended for strong drinks (moonshine, cognac, whiskey, bourbon), the container is ready for use. In the case of wine, I recommend first aging odorless double distillate diluted to 18-20 degrees for 30-45 days.

In addition to the volume of the barrel, the aging result is influenced by: air humidity (optimal 80-85%), temperature (10-12°C for wine, 14-16°C for strong alcohol) and the time of infusion. Process control is carried out by periodic tests. When the taste suits, the drink is poured into glass containers for long-term storage.

Any toilet leak always causes a lot of problems. She begins to spoil the mood, annoying noise of continuously flowing water.

Large numbers appear on the water meter, you have to pay several times more for water. The surface of the toilet is starting to rust. Drops of condensate become noticeable on the pipes, which can cause corrosion and mold.

Tank leaks must be fixed immediately to avoid negative consequences.
Today, the resulting leak in the toilet bowl can be easily fixed without resorting to the services of specialists. But for this you need to understand the principle of operation of such a system and its components.

The tank can leak for various reasons. There is only one solution to fix it. Each tank design has its own characteristic features. Therefore, the approach to solving such a problem will be individual. However, the most common is the "classic" design. Therefore, we will consider the problem of leakage, taking this design as the basis. We will give 7 solutions on how to fix a leak in the toilet and why the toilet can leak?

Reason 1: Overflow

Perhaps the most popular and obvious reason was the banal overflow of the tank. When the toilet cistern leaks water into the toilet. Excess water simply goes into the overflow hole. The main reasons for the appearance of such an overflow can be:

  • The rubber seal has lost its elasticity. Long-term operation of the tank, led to a loose shutoff of the flow of water. The gasket began to deform and let fluid through;
  • The gasket does not fit well and does not tightly close the outlet located near the drain valve, thereby creating a leak. Such a gasket has retained its elasticity, there are no signs of deformation. Water starts to flow due to its poor pressing against the wall of the toilet;
  • It is possible that the valve pin that holds the float has frayed. This occurs during long-term operation and the appearance of corrosion on the body of the stud;
  • There is a crack in the valve body itself. Water starts flowing through it.

Note! When a brass valve is installed in the tank, there simply cannot be any cracks. They only occur on plastic products. Brass parts are highly durable.

How to deal with such a leak

To quickly fix the problem when water leaks from the tank into the toilet, you need to find out the true cause of the tank leaking. To do this, you need to do a little testing.

Remove toilet lid. Raise the float by hand. One centimeter is enough to stop the flow. Therefore, the float arm is not properly bent. It simply cannot shut off the water, it flows freely through the drain hole.

To fix and eliminate the leak, you need to slightly bend the lever so that it starts to shut off the water as soon as it reaches a certain edge.

If after lifting the lever the flow does not stop, you need to carefully inspect the valve. The special fixing pin must be in place. It shouldn't have any damage. It should stop the float arm while inside the valve. In addition, you need to check the condition of the hole in which the pin is located. It may have been deformed.

A stud that has become unusable can be replaced with a copper wire of a large cross section.

If the hole is deformed, a new valve must be installed.

It is possible that the leak appears due to the gasket. If, after pressing it against the valve, the water stops flowing out of the drain hole, you need to adjust its pressure. If it cannot be adjusted, a new gasket must be installed.

We examined the main causes and methods for solving the problem of tank leakage in the classical scheme. It has been used for over 40 years. However, every year there are new designs of tanks with a certain principle of operation. Try to further study their design.

Reason two: Bolts

Quite often, leaking water is associated with bolts that connect the cistern and toilet. Metal bolts become rusty over the years, plastic bolts simply burst, and the toilet bowl flows from this.

How to solve such a problem

First you need to carefully inspect all the fittings. You may only need to replace one bolt. However, in order not to additionally run to the store, it is better to immediately purchase a new set of spare parts for the toilet bowl.

To accurately determine the cause of the leak, you will have to disassemble the tank. Sometimes it is simply not visible which part is out of order, which requires immediate replacement.

How is the replacement

To fix a toilet cistern leak:

  • Before starting disassembly, you need to turn off the water supply;
  • Remove all water from the tank;
  • Unscrew the flexible liner through which water is supplied;
  • Loosen all screws. If the body of the bolts is covered with a large layer of rust, they must be cut with a hacksaw. Buying new bolts is much cheaper than installing a new toilet. After all, the old one can be broken when unscrewing rusted bolts;
  • The toilet bowl moves back;
  • The shelf lying on the cuff is removed;
  • The rest of the water is drained;
  • All rust found is removed.

For assembly, all steps are performed in reverse order. New bolts are installed, rubber gaskets are changed.

When tightening the bolts, the slightest distortion is not allowed. Tightening should be done with little effort. If you start to press hard on the bolt, you can easily crush the faience.

Third reason: Pear

The rubber bulb failed and the toilet bowl constantly flows after flushing. With prolonged use, the rubber becomes inelastic. She becomes rough and cannot take the desired shape. As a result, water constantly flows in the toilet.


How to fix a leak in the toilet? Repairing a pear that has lost its shape is almost useless. You can spend a lot of time, and the result will be zero. It is much easier to buy a new pear in the store.

When buying, you need to choose the softest from several products. It can be used for a long period of time until it becomes rigid.

The fastening of the pear is made on the thread. To remove it, you need to turn the pear clockwise. For installation, the pear turns in the opposite direction. While there is no new pear, you can use the weight hanging on the rod. He will put pressure on the pear, and press it to the saddle. Any heavy nut can become such a load.

Fourth reason: Skew

A tank malfunction may be due to a skew or large displacement of the lever that holds the float. There are many reasons for the formation of distortion. For example, a hole through which water begins to enter the float. Perhaps the lever has moved a little to the side due to long-term operation.
Another reason when the toilet cistern is leaking can be poor-quality plumbing parts purchased at the store.

How to solve such a problem

If you purchased a bad float in a store, you need to change it to a more reliable and high-quality one. When a small hole is formed in the float, it is easy to close it with ordinary polyethylene. You can also heat a piece of plastic with a lighter and close the hole.

But such repairs are considered temporary, the float will still need to be replaced.

Fifth reason: depressurization

There was a leak between the toilet and the cistern. Such a leak in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe junction of the tank and the toilet itself appears if the joint has been depressurized. Usually the cause of this phenomenon is a large deformation of the rubber seal.

To eliminate the leak, a new gasket must be installed between the tank and the toilet.

This work is done in the following order:

  • The water supply is turned off, for which the main water valve is closed;
  • Remove all residual water from the barrel by collecting it with a soft kitchen sponge;
  • Slightly unscrew the drain nut. It can be found right under the drain valve hatch;
  • The screws that secure the tank to the toilet shelf are completely unscrewed. The tank is being dismantled;
  • The lock nut is unscrewed, which holds the drain, after which it is removed from the tank;
  • A new gasket is installed. Each gasket is made to a specific size and shape. Therefore, before buying a gasket, you must definitely choose the exact size.
  • If the gasket is smaller or larger, the problem will remain unresolved;
  • The drain assembly is fixed with locknuts;
  • The tank is returned to the shelf and secured with bolts.

I must say that the leak between the toilet and the tank may be associated with other circumstances:

  • The bolt holding the tank capacity on the bowl was heavily rusted;
  • The insulation that seals the mounting hole for the bolt has become unusable.

Of course, you will have to install a new bolt and replace the seal. The work must be done in the following sequence:

  1. The water supply is shut off;
  2. Drained;
  3. All bolts are unscrewed and removed from the mounting holes;
  4. Sealing washers are put on the bolts;
  5. The bolts are put in place and tightened with nuts.

Your cash costs will be:

  • Gasket - 200 rubles;
  • A set of bolts - 50-300 rubles;
  • Master's services - 1200-1400 rubles.

Sometimes no replacement is needed. Simply tighten loose bolts. To do this, hold the nut with a wrench, and tighten the fasteners with an ordinary screwdriver.

Care must be taken when doing this work. Ceramic products are not very durable. It is enough to tighten the bolt more strongly, and a crack may appear at the bottom of the barrel. To prevent this from happening, it will be much calmer to just put new gaskets.

Reason six: Shut-off valve

The check valve has failed. From this, water constantly flows from the tank into the toilet. You can of course try to disassemble the bleed valve. Adjust the pressure of the hatch on the drain pipe, slightly undermining its end. Such manipulations require a lot of labor, and the desired effect is not always achieved. This suggests a simple conclusion, you should not engage in repairs, it is better to completely replace the entire drain assembly, or the entire toilet flush tank.

To do this, you must perform the following steps:

  • The toilet room needs to turn off the water supply. To do this, the central water supply valve is twisted.
  • The remaining water is flushed down the toilet;
  • Open the lid and remove any remaining water with a sponge;
  • Remove fixing screws;
  • The tank is removed from the shelf;
  • The sealing gasket is removed;
  • The lock nuts securing the drain assembly are unscrewed;
  • The old mechanism is removed;
  • A new system is being installed.

Before buying a drain unit, you need to try to purchase a similar model that used to be in the tank. In extreme cases, the same manufacturer. In other words, if the tank was manufactured by cersanit, then the drain unit must also be of the same brand.

The new assembly is secured with new locknuts, a new gasket is installed.

We return the tank to the shelf, new bolts are inserted into the holes. We fasten it to the toilet bowl.
It remains to connect the water and check the tightness of the new drain.

In principle, this work is not very difficult, it is enough to have a set of box wrenches and several adjustable ones.
Buying a new drain will cost 400-4000 rubles. It all depends on the type of mechanism. Elite systems are much more expensive.

If the work is done by a professional craftsman, you will have to pay 1600-1800 rubles.

Reason 7: Cracks

The toilet cistern is leaking due to a crack in the bottom or sides. With such a serious problem, you can cope without even changing the entire toilet.

What should be done

The tank is detached from the toilet and dried well. All cracks that appear must be covered with a high-quality sealant. I must say that this method gives the greatest effect. Of course, the sealant is not designed for long-term operation, you still have to buy a new tank and toilet.

If the toilet bowl with a button starts to leak

First of all, set the position of the switch. If the return spring is weakened, the button may simply remain in the shaft. As a result, the drain cover will always be in the "open" position.

To repair the toilet cistern with a button, you must follow a certain sequence:

  • The cover is being dismantled;
  • The locking switch is removed;
  • The spring is changing
  • The seat is centered. It is located directly under the hole made in the lid.
  • Perform reassembly.

Preventive work

If you do not want your toilet to break often, you must constantly perform certain preventive measures.

Once every six months, you need to clean the cistern and bowl of the toilet bowl.

Constantly monitor the condition of the fittings and related fittings.

Any toilet bowl does not "like" mechanical damage, it does not tolerate temperature fluctuations.

Timely preventive maintenance will extend the life of the entire system.

When a leak occurs, the simplest breakdowns are first corrected and only then they begin to solve more serious problems.

The leak of the drain tank can be eliminated with your own hands. The design of the tank is so simple that it does not require special tools. Having completed such repairs yourself, you will definitely get great pleasure.


We have given the 7 most common solutions to why water flows in the toilet. In 95% of cases, you have exactly the same problem. But if you've tried everything and nothing worked, then what to do if water is still flowing in the toilet tank? Better call a plumber. He will fix the problem in less than an hour.
