
How much to insist moonshine in a 15 liter barrel. Preparing an oak barrel for moonshine

The oak barrel has long been used to store alcoholic beverages. World experience is widely used by moonshiners, who note that if you follow the technology of the recipe for moonshine tincture in an oak barrel, then the final drink acquires noble taste and aromatic qualities. To get the desired result and improve the quality of the drink, you need to start with the preparation of the oak container itself.

Consider the main stages of preparing a barrel for use:

  1. Steam processing. The inside of the walls of the barrel must be steamed well. This is done, firstly, for hygiene purposes (to remove bacteria). And, secondly, steam treatment makes it possible to enhance the smell of wood. After the process is completed, the barrel must be well dried.
  2. Eliminate defective places. If the oak barrel was purchased in specialized store, most likely there will be no gaps in it. And if you have to work with an already used barrel, you need to make a check - pour plain water. If there are places where it flows out, you need to dry the defective place well using a hair dryer. If the gap is large, it must be closed.
  3. Soaking. This process takes several weeks. It is necessary to fill the barrel one third with boiling water, close it tightly and keep it there for an hour, constantly shaking the container. Then add more water and change it every day for two weeks.

Consider the recipe for moonshine in an oak barrel

The result will be unusual, because the moonshine will turn into brandy, whiskey, calvados or cognac - everything will depend on the raw materials from which the moonshine was obtained. This is the main property of an oak barrel - it conveys color, aroma and taste to moonshine, which ennobles homemade alcohol. you can use any, at your discretion. Such a drink is pleasant to drink in pure form, and use in .

It is necessary to prepare:

  • 3 liters of moonshine;
  • 3 tbsp oak bark;
  • 50 g of charcoal;
  • 6 pcs. dried apricots.

To obtain coal, wood without resin must be used. First, take the charcoal and grind it into powder. Pour the moonshine into the barrel, add all the other ingredients and close tightly.
To be completely sure of the quality ready drink it is best to use alcohol prepared on your own, but for this you need (we recommend choosing a device with a distillation column of the brand or with a dry steamer of the brand). It is often difficult to choose it, so it is best to familiarize yourself with it before buying.

Oak barrels should be stored only in a dark room with the obligatory observance of the temperature regime - from 14 to 20 degrees. It is also important that in the basement or other dark place chosen for storage, there are no extraneous pungent odors. The humidity level must also be observed, it should not be less than 75%. To increase the importance, you can simply put a basin of water next to the barrel. Remember that storing moonshine in oak barrels requires strict adherence to all these rules.

The aging of the drink in an oak barrel is still relevant today, since it is this container that gives a special taste to any alcohol. Therefore, the question of what strength of moonshine to pour into an oak barrel to get a shade of whiskey is often asked by distillers.

Requirements for moonshine before pouring

Tannins like tannin give not only the smell, but also the color of the drink. In order for moonshine to really be preserved, and not deteriorated, you should follow the rules for using oak barrels and recommendations for the drink itself.

Storage of moonshine in an oak barrel

When using such containers, alcohol vapor calmly leaves the barrel, the drink breathes, oxidizes and acquires a unique aroma.

Required for oak barrels can be different and depends on factors such as:

  • container volume;
  • planned holding time.

If aging is planned at home, then it is advisable to pour moonshine with an alcohol content of 43-46% into a barrel of 2-10 liters. It is recommended to keep the drink for 6 months. But if the container volume is from 10 liters, and the exposure is from three years or more, then the strength of the drink should be in the range of 60-70%. How longer term storage and the larger the barrel, the stronger the drink should be.

Moonshine in an oak barrel, in addition to the volume of containers, is also influenced by factors such as:

  • Air humidity. Ideal performance is 80-85%.
  • Medium temperature. For strong alcohol suitable 14-16 degrees, for wine 10-12 degrees.
  • Infusion time.

The first two factors are controllable. The infusion time is calculated independently, depending on the strength of alcohol and the taste of the drink. To know the taste of moonshine, you need to periodically try it and determine the readiness. As soon as the desired result is achieved, the drink can be poured into airtight glass jars.

Also a recipe good drink from the barrel depends directly on how many times the container has been used. The shelf life increases along with the duration of the operation of the keg. After the third and subsequent fillings of moonshine, due to the decrease in wood components, the rate of their extraction gradually slows down. Therefore, the container serves only as a reservoir, not a source useful substances. This process is called wood depletion. Therefore, it is important to monitor not only the drink, but also the barrel in order to increase its service life.

But just pouring moonshine into a container is not enough. The barrel requires preparation before storage, which takes place in several stages.

Rules for the use and storage of containers

To begin with, the barrel is filled with ordinary clean water. The liquid is left for 10 minutes and drained with the remains of the wood. The inner surface must be steamed for hygiene reasons. In addition to removing bacteria, this method also enhances the aroma of the barrel.

Heated stones are laid out at the bottom and filled with water so that the liquid occupies a third of the volume. Then the barrel is closed, and steam is produced inside. After the amount of steam decreases, the barrel is opened and filled hot water, and also whipped with a fragrant broom.

When the wood swells, the easy flow from the barrel stops. But gaps may also remain, and then leakage of alcohol from the container will be observed. If the barrel is leaking, then you can close up the leak with the help of dough and insist the product to the end. If the leak is large, then you should pour the alcohol into another container, and then dry the place with a hairdryer. Sometimes after such a procedure, the leak closes, otherwise the barrel cannot be used.

It is necessary to soak the container before use with hot water. To follow the recipe correctly, you will need to pour boiling water into the barrel by a third of the volume, and then close it tightly and store the container in this form for half an hour. Then it is necessary to swing the barrel in order to completely wash its walls from the inside. After that, you need to carefully fill the tank warm water and change it once a day for two weeks. You need to change the water until it becomes transparent and free of wood impurities.

And some distillers wash the cask soda solution. Soda is taken at the rate of 20 grams per liter. The water temperature should reach 70 degrees Celsius. After 10 minutes, the solution is poured out. But if the barrel is not new, then there is no point in such a procedure.

Of course for strong drinks container is ready. You can pour moonshine, cognac, whiskey into it. If the barrel is used for wine, then distillate should be added to it. double distillation sugarless. You need to withstand it for a month, and the strength of the drink should be at the level of 18-20 degrees.

You also need to store an empty barrel so that it does not deteriorate. After pouring the finished drink into glass jars, pour into the barrel cognac spirit. It is this procedure that will help maintain the capacity for for a long time and prevent depletion of the container. All this must be observed, because stronger alcohol, poured into a barrel, the more substances it absorbs and sucks out of the tree. Barrels are not recommended to be kept empty for more than a day, since the properties of the container disappear.

How to infuse a product in an oak barrel?

The aging of the drink also requires compliance with certain conditions. The thing is that the alcohol that is obtained after distillation usually has a harsh taste, a cloudy appearance, so you want to soften all these qualities. After aging in a barrel, the composition of the drink changes for the better. Moonshine acquires a golden hue, arises pleasant aroma. Tannin and other substances help to improve the strength, but at the same time, moonshine will be softer and even acquire a vanilla flavor.

Oxidative processes contribute to the nobility and consistency of the drink. For this you need to follow temperature regime, monitor the amount of alcohol evaporation from the barrel. It is also forbidden to store the container under open sunbeams. It is better if it is a dark room with high humidity, like a cellar.

Extraneous movements, vibrations, smells, contact with moonshine stills and braga are undesirable. To raise the level of humidity in the room, it is enough to place a basin with clean water near the barrel. Water should also be changed and it should not be allowed to bloom.

The technology of using barrels and pouring moonshine into them is clear even to beginners. Of course, the process is time-consuming, requires economic costs, but at the same time, it is fully justified by the result.

In order to ennoble moonshine, give alcohol a rich taste and rich color, you will need oak barrels. Aging of cereals and fruit distillates in oak barrels it has a very positive effect on alcohol. The barrel breathes, oxygen enters through the pores of the wood, saturating the drink unique aromas and making elite alcohol out of it.

If you become the owner of a new oak barrel, then you should know that you cannot immediately pour wine or distillate into it. To begin with, the barrel must be properly prepared, otherwise you risk spoiling the drink. Aged alcohol will have a sharp unpleasant taste, tart. Distillers call such a drink "plintusovka" or "Pinocchio".

How to choose a good oak barrel? To infuse wine, moonshine or cognac at home, small oak barrels with a volume of 2 - 10 liters are suitable. The smaller the capacity, the will pass faster aging process, the oak will saturate the distillate with tannins faster. If it is supposed to infuse moonshine in an oak barrel for a long time, then it is more correct to buy a container with a volume of 10-50 liters.

But remember, as the drink matures, a small part of the alcohol evaporates. About 1 liter of the drink disappears per year. The so-called "Share of Angels". And it doesn’t matter what volume the barrel is 5 liters or 50 liters. That is, what we get - if you pour 10 liters of moonshine into a barrel, then after about 10 years you risk being left without homemade cognac. A loss of 5-10% of alcohols during the year is considered normal.

To reduce the "angels' share", you need to purchase waxed barrels, or wax it during preparation. Waxing protects oak wood from various influences from the outside, as a result, the barrel lasts longer. Wax does not affect the maturation process, gas exchange is good, and the aesthetic appearance is much better. This applies to small volumes of 3-20 liters. There is no point in waxing larger containers.

For barrels from 10 liters and more, it is not recommended to install drain tap. The faucet is the weak point of the barrel, too often it breaks and leaks. If, nevertheless, they decided with a crane, then it is better to use it from of stainless steel. good barrels for wine and distillate they are made from split oak, from quality dried wood for at least 3 years in the open air.

The older the oak, the better the harvest. An oak barrel must be nutria-charred, this kind of roasting contributes to a better transfer of tannins to wine, cognac or whiskey. Hoops must be made of galvanized steel, and in best case from stainless steel.

Preparing a new barrel

The process of preparing an oak barrel for aging moonshine, cognac or whiskey is divided into several stages. The most important thing is to reduce the concentration of tannins in oak - tannins, which in in large numbers spoil the taste of the distillate.

  1. With clean water, preferably spring or filtered, fill a new barrel by 90%. Use water at room temperature. Close the filling hole and leave for 3-4 hours.
  2. Carefully inspect the barrel from all sides for leakage. Small smudges are not critical, when the oak staves get wet, the leak will stop. Drain liquid.
  3. Re-fill to the top with water, close the hole and leave in the room at room temperature if there is a leak, put in the bathroom and periodically add water until the leak is eliminated. After 2-3 days, pour out the liquid, it should be dark brown, pour a new batch.
  4. Drain the water in a day, pour in boiling water at the rate of 1 part of water per 10 parts of the volume, close and swing the barrel in different sides rinse the entire inside of it. Wait 30-40 minutes, top up with water and plug.
  5. After a day or two, drain the water, pour a new one. And so continue soaking until the drained liquid is transparent, odorless and tasteless. Soaking usually takes 1 month.
  6. After soaking, pour half of the volume with hot water at a temperature of 70-80 ° mixed with soda (20 grams per 1 liter of water), shake the barrel well for 10 minutes. Drain the water.
  7. After that, you need to rinse from soda water, fill the barrel with hot water to the top, hold for 15 - 20 minutes, drain. Pour clean cold water hold for 10-12 hours and drain.
  8. Pour into a soaked barrel good moonshine after fractional distillation with a strength of 20-30 ° with the addition of wine, you can also use wine and withstand for 2-3 months. Do not fill the barrel with low-quality distillate for soaking, especially the heads, spoil the barrel!
  9. Drain the alcohol mixture, rinse the barrel and you can pour your distillate, moonshine, future cognac, whiskey, bourbon or wine without fear that the drink will go bad. During aging, periodically check the taste of alcohol and remember about the share of angels, top up the barrel with distillate so that the top staves do not dry out.

How to store an empty barrel

There is a downtime of oak containers and in order for it to retain its qualities, it is necessary to properly store an empty barrel. To avoid re-preparation of the barrel after aging moonshine, cognac or wine, it must be filled with clean water by a quarter and thoroughly shaken to rinse the inside of the barrel well. Drain and repeat this procedure 3-4 times.

Then rinse the barrel with hot water baking soda as stated above in preparation. Rinse cold water. Let dry and wrap with a cloth, put away in a dark, dry, cool place with good ventilation. If the product has not been used for a long time, then a wooden vessel should be fumigated with sulfur, which will kill harmful microorganisms and fungus.

How long to insist homemade alcohol in barrels

Proper preparation of oak barrels for moonshine or cognac does not mean that the aging process can be left unattended. Drinks should be kept in a cool, ventilated room with moderate humidity, there should be no heat sources nearby.

The distillate infusion time largely depends on the volume wooden packaging, amount of drink, its strength. The timing is affected by ambient temperature and humidity. There are other minor nuances. In a dry place, the strength of the product increases significantly and can rise from 55° to 75°, while keeping the drink in a damp place, the strength drops from 50° and can reach 40°. In both cases, the total amount of content is reduced.

Don't forget about the "Angel's Share" and sometimes top up the contents to the top. Once a month (if the barrel is oak 5-10 liters) taste, taste the taste of infused moonshine, it’s better to almost finish it than to overexpose the distillate.

Approximate maturation of grain and fruit distillates in a 5 liter oak barrel at room temperature: (bourbon) in 3-4 months it becomes quite ready for consumption, for whiskey it takes about 6 to 10 months, calvados will be ready in 4-6 months.

How long does one barrel last

After each use of a wooden container, it is necessary to increase the ripening period. The process of giving back valuable substances drink slows down. After three cycles, you can already feel the difference. Therefore, it is recommended to use barrels for moonshine for 6-7 exposures. It all depends on the capacity, the thickness of the riveting and the exposure time. If we take 7 cycles of 6 months, then in the end we get 3.5 years. These are approximate figures, it is possible to increase the terms and use the barrel as a container for storage for more than one year, because repeated use will not affect the strength of the product.

Many of our clients and just readers of the library of our site are interested in: how to improve the taste of moonshine? What are the moonshine recipes? Is it possible to withstand moonshine in a barrel?

It turns out there is a way to put a bottle of your homemade moonshine and on a par with the products of the most famous French and Scottish distilleries! Own cognac at home or whiskey in the kitchen - quite realistic in a couple of months. Do you think this is fiction? Read to the end!

We have already talked about mash recipes and methods for cleaning moonshine after distillation. Today we will talk about, perhaps, the most popular drink that can be obtained from ready-made moonshine.

If you thought about vodka, then, alas, you were mistaken. Moonshine (in the traditional, classical sense of the word) - and not. Read about the differences between these two forms of existence of alcohol in the article "Distiller or distillation column". Now let's just recall that a rectificate is, in fact, ethanol. This drinking alcohol, alcohol of high industrial degree of purification. However, "cleaning" is a double-edged sword, because in its process you not only get rid of harmful impurities and mechanical dirt; You can also lose flavor, lose what makes rum rum, tequila tequila, and whiskey whiskey!

This is how vodka is produced in the factory - mash is rectified, turns into pure alcohol(well, or we want to think so), ethanol is diluted with pure (in our dreams) water, and, devoid of taste and smell (we continue to idealize the domestic alcohol baron), it is bottled. Vodka, therefore, is the quintessence of intoxication, a liquid that serves solely to turn off the neurons of the cerebral cortex, to stimulate hypoxia, alcohol intoxication. Vodka is not drunk in small sips, it is not savored or discussed taste qualities. good vodka This is vodka with no taste.

Some of us, however, though to get to know the taste of a drink that is long and painstakingly produced. And an oak barrel will help with this at home.

Both whiskey and cognac are aged in oak barrels, in which the base drinks, wines, were previously aged and matured. Oak itself gives whiskey a lot of flavoring substances. These are, first of all, oak tannins - plant compounds that give the drink a tart, astringent taste and having anti-inflammatory properties. These are also acetals. - ethers that give moonshine fruity shades; lignin, the most complex aromatic polymer that breathes into your moonshine the smoke of a distillery, the spirit of ancient folios and exotic spices. Oak fibers contain many types of lipids, lactones and cellulose, which in different combinations get into your drink, making the taste original and unique.

Not every oak is suitable for aging a drink. For example, American Oak, or White Oak (Quercus Alba) contains a lot of lactones, which gives the drink an inexpensive flavor. American bourbon. But Rock Oak (Quercus Petraea), common in France, is often used to ripen French wines. For original cognac use oak from the forests of Tronce or Limousin.

Oak barrel - great way personalize your drink. An oak barrel must always be kept full: leaving it without liquid, you run the risk of getting huge gaps between the rivets, the planks from which the barrel is assembled.

Partial selection of "cognac" or "whiskey" is also not recommended - the so-called "share of angels" increases, the loss of alcohol due to evaporation. Yes, the rivets are falling apart.

The larger the barrel, the more time it is necessary to keep the distillate in it, since a significant increase in volume leads to only a slight increase in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe inner surface.

The keg must be prepared for aging whiskey - washed for a long time, soaked, kept in it as a preliminary base-wine. To seal the barrel, many moonshiners smear the barrel with wax melted in linseed oil. Although it is also not a panacea for leakage and evaporation.

An oak barrel is a wonderful male entertainment if you have a cool and not too dry place at home to store it for several months to several years. For example, for the smallest barrel with a volume of 3 liters, you will need a cool container 30X25X25 cm (better, of course, 50X50X50 to eliminate temperature changes and humidity fluctuations).

If you do not have the opportunity or desire to deal with oak barrels, we offer the best alternative. At home, oak chips (specially chopped oak chips from dried and prepared for the production of solid French oak barrels) seems to be a very sensible solution.

Your drink can mature in a hygienic and airtight glassware, do not be afraid of changes in temperature, pressure and humidity, do not require the conditions of a cool dark basement; the surface area of ​​the chips is simply huge compared to the useful contact area of ​​​​the drink and the keg, which means maturation is much faster. Yes, and you won’t have to share with the “angels” (and these devils drink half a barrel during the aging of cognac!)

To prepare interesting and unique alcoholic drink You only need a teaspoon of wood chips per liter! Having withstood 40-50% moonshine for 1-4 months, you will surprise your guests at the table. The shelf life of such chips is unlimited and the aroma of the final product is amazing. The store site offers you oak strong roasted chips made in France. Each piece of wood chips has a stable uniform tone, even noble fiber and a light color saturated with the Mediterranean sun of France. Oak practically does not crumble, and in the airtight jar that you receive, there will be only oak chips ready for use.

Interesting experiments for you!
