
How to make moonshine from potatoes. Moonshine from potatoes - a cheap recipe for strong alcohol

homemade alcohol- this is primarily moonshine, the most famous and popular drink among the inhabitants of the former union. Home distillers can make mash from various raw materials - sugar, cereals, fruits, raw potatoes and expel excellent moonshine.

Potato moonshine is the easiest option for making a strong alcoholic drink at home, as well as cost-effective. Of course, such moonshine will not turn out the most best quality, but still it will be better than throwing out frozen and rotten potatoes in the spring. The right decision would be to make mash for moonshine out of it.


IN various recipes potato moonshine, you need such components that are sometimes difficult to find on home kitchen. The same recipe is simple technology making moonshine and available ingredients.


  • Frozen potatoes - 10 kg;
  • Brewing malt (or enzymes A, D) - 0.5-1 kg;
  • Spring water - 15 l;
  • Baker's yeast - 250 grams (or 50 grams dry).

IN this recipe you can use the enzymes amylosubtilin and glucavamorin instead of malt to convert starch into sugar. For mash, slightly frozen potatoes are needed, if possible, keep it in the cold for a couple of days. The tubers will become sweetish, and the mash will ferment better.

Preparation of mash for potato moonshine

  1. To make moonshine from potatoes at home, the tubers must be crushed into coarse grater or use a special feed mill for this. Potatoes can also be cut with an ordinary knife, but in this case, the period of must fermentation will increase by 5-7 days.
  2. Pour 10 liters of water heated to a temperature of 70 ° C into a container with potato pulp and stir the mixture thoroughly.
  3. At a wort temperature of 65°C, add malt, mix everything, close the lid, wrap the container with a blanket and leave to saccharify for 1-1.5 hours. It is desirable that the temperature at this time was 65 plus or minus 2 degrees. Otherwise, saccharification will not occur.
  4. After the time has elapsed, cool the wort to a temperature of 30 ° C and drain the liquid part into a fermentation tank.
  5. Pour 5 liters of water heated to 50 ° C into the remaining sediment, stir and let the solution brew.
  6. After the mass settles, a precipitate will fall, drain again liquid fraction V fermentation tank. The base for potato mash is ready.
  7. At a temperature of 20-25 degrees, pour pre-diluted yeast into the wort. Close Braga under a water seal and leave to ferment in the heat.
  8. After one or two weeks, the potato moonshine brew completely ferments. It should taste bitter, no bubbles carbon dioxide, during this time the mash should lighten
  9. Distill the finished mash using moonshine.

Moonshine from potatoes must be distilled at least twice, and preferably more. Clean with charcoal after each run. After that, the quality of moonshine will improve significantly and will practically not be inferior even to sugar.

Since potatoes are low in carbohydrates, the yield of moonshine will be lower than when using sugar or grain raw materials. It is advisable to do the first stage using a steam generator or a steam boiler so that the mash does not burn.

Video recipe for making potato moonshine


Composition for mash:

  • Potatoes - 10 kg;
  • Oats - 5-6 kg;
  • Yeast 2 kg;
  • Water 30l.

Braga preparation:

  1. Wash the tubers, chop using a grater.
  2. Grind oats, pour into a container, pour 5 liters of boiling water, stir the mixture.
  3. Add cooked potatoes to the container, leave for 3 hours.
  4. Pour the remaining 30 liters of water, add diluted yeast at a temperature of 25 degrees.
  5. Close the containers and leave to ferment in a warm room.
  6. A week later ready mash can be overtaken.

For your information! In many countries of the world, the distillate obtained using potato raw materials is considered harmful to human health. Because of high content it contains methyl, hydrocyanic acid, as well as fusel oils. Therefore, its sale is prohibited.

Of course, such alcohol cannot equal the taste French cognacs or even a good home berry moonshine. IN pure form it is better not to drink it, but to make tinctures and liqueurs on it. Medicines like cough syrups, it is also better not to cook on this - especially if you are going to give it to children. Potato moonshine contains a lot of fusel oils and hydrocyanic acid. They only do harm to the body. But if you carefully overtake it, then you can reduce their concentration to normal.

Many do not know how to make moonshine from potatoes so that it turns out soft enough and the alcohol yield pleases. The vegetable is low-carbohydrate, so it will not work to drive out of it like from berries or fruits. In this article, you will find three homemade potato moonshine recipes.

So, if you have a lot of extra potatoes that are already starting to rot in the spring, a little time and a great desire to try something new in moonshine, go for it.

In order for the starch in the tubers to break down into sugar and react with the yeast, a catalyst is needed. That is why it is better to drive moonshine from potatoes with malt. You can take the malt of any available grain: barley, wheat or erysipelas. If it is not possible to get malt, then you can simply germinate the grains. The only question is to find whole grain. In a village or in a country house, this is not a problem, but in a metropolis, difficulties may arise. But if you search well, you will find both malt and grain. In extreme cases, instead of malt, you can use plain flour. But in this case, the yield of moonshine from potatoes will be less - flour cannot process starch into sugar in large quantities. However, don't expect that even if you use malt, pure alcohol it will be a lot. There is several times less sugar in potatoes than in berries, and the less sugar, the less alcohol yield. The law of moonshine.

In addition to malt, you will need yeast, the potatoes themselves, and water. Yeast take pressed, but if they are not at hand - take dry - they need 3-5 times less than pressed. Just dissolve them completely in warm water. You can add a little sugar to the water - so that the culture has something to "eat", and the yeast grows.

Is it possible to expel moonshine from potatoes without yeast?

It will not work to expel moonshine from potatoes without yeast - there are no "wild" yeasts in the vegetable, as on the skin of grapes, mash will not work without them.

Take only filtered or bottled water. If you take it from the tap and just boil it, heavy metals will still remain. Our moonshine will not be the best in taste anyway. And bad water can even make it undrinkable.

Potatoes need to be taken old, stale, in it maximum amount starch. It is better to keep it in the refrigerator or cellar for 2-3 days before cooking. Moonshine from frozen potatoes is better, and its yield is greater - under the influence of cold, starch begins to break down into sugars, which makes it easier for the malt to "work". But you can also drive on the basis of boiled potatoes. The taste is a little softer, but here, as they say, for an amateur.

Moonshine from frozen potatoes at home: the recipe "Babka"

The first moonshine recipe is from fresh potatoes. As mentioned above, it is advisable to freeze the tubers a little. Moonshine from frozen potatoes at home is better than one that was stored at room temperature.

Also, to prepare mash, you definitely need a kitchen thermometer so as not to overheat the water.

The preparation of moonshine from potatoes according to this recipe is called "Babka". Let's break it down step by step:

  1. Rinse the tubers well and grind them on a grater or chop in a blender. It is not necessary to clean them.
  2. Pour 2/3 of the water into the mass (if you took 20 kg of potatoes, then pour 20 liters of water). Water should be boiled, not lower than 70 degrees.
  3. Add malt to the pot, stir and cook for an hour, making sure that the temperature is 60-70 degrees. If you violate temperature regime, the reaction of malt and starch will not occur. Sugar will not stand out and the wort will not ferment.
  4. Cool the brew to 30 degrees and drain the liquid part into the pan.
  5. Do not squeeze the remaining potatoes, fill it with the remaining third of the water (the water temperature should be 50-55 degrees). Let the must stand.
  6. When you see sediment at the bottom, drain the liquid to the one that turned out for the first time. Squeeze out what has precipitated. Add yeast to the mash, pour into a non-metallic bottle, put a glove or water seal on the neck and leave to ferment in a dark, warm place.
  7. Active fermentation will occur from a week to two. When all the sediment sinks to the bottom, the mash brightens, and the glove deflates (or the airlock stops bubbling), fermentation is over. You can overtake.

Braga distillation:

  1. Before you start to drive, strain the mash twice through a clean cloth. It should not contain lumps or pieces. If they burn to the bottom of the cube, it will greatly spoil the taste of the finished drink.
  2. For the first time, distill the mash until the fortress in the stream is kept at least 30%.
  3. Use a hydrometer to measure the pure alcohol content of the moonshine. Dilute it with water so that the percentage of alcohol in the resulting liquid is no higher than 20. If there is more alcohol, it is not safe to distill it - the cube may explode.
  4. Distill a second time. Collect the first 10% separately and pour. This is the top faction. It contains the maximum concentration of methanol, you can not drink such alcohol. If you want, you can use it for sterilization. Distill until the fortress drops to 45 degrees.
  5. Again measure the amount of alcohol in the moonshine and dilute it to 40-45%. Pour into jars and let "rest" in a dark place from several days to a week.

The output of such moonshine is small, and the taste is quite tough. But for tinctures and liqueurs, it is perfect.

Moonshine from potatoes and bread at home (with video)

In this recipe, moonshine is made from potatoes and sugar. Bread is used instead of malt. The more sugar you take, the greater the yield during distillation. But if you overdo it, you get an incomprehensible burning drink with a sugary aftertaste.

Therefore, try to observe the indicated proportions:

  • Potato - 1 part.
  • Bread (wheat or rye, without bran, as fresh as possible) - 1 part.
  • Sugar - 2.5 parts.
  • Milk - 1/2 part.
  • Yeast - 100 g pressed per 1 kg of sugar.
  • Water is 5 times more than sugar.

Peel and boil the potatoes. Crush it, add sugar and yeast diluted in warm water. Pre-soak bread in warm milk, pour it all into potatoes, pour warm water and set to wander for a day. After that, drain the liquid and squeeze out the sediment, filter the mash through gauze and distill 2 times as stated in the first recipe. The output of moonshine will be much larger, and the taste will be softer. Moreover, it is the most fast way receiving mash.

Watch the video below, in which the preparation of moonshine from potatoes at home is shown very clearly and easily:

Moonshine from boiled mashed potatoes without sugar

Moonshine from boiled potatoes is better than raw. This is due to the fact that starch is already beginning to decompose during cooking, therefore, boiled potatoes reacts better with malt, the taste is milder, and the yield is slightly higher.

  • Malt - 4 kg.
  • Potatoes - 8 kg.
  • Pressed yeast - 100 g, and if you take dry - 20 g.
  • Purified water - 20 liters.

First you need to grind sprouted grain in a meat grinder. Boil the peeled potatoes and mash together with the water that remains after cooking. Pour everything into a non-metallic container and cover with "flour" from the malt. The mass should be 60-70 degrees so that sugar begins to stand out. If the puree has cooled down, warm it up a bit. Mix everything well and leave until the morning. In the morning pour 20 liters of water, add diluted yeast and leave to ferment for a week. When the liquid brightens, and a precipitate forms at the bottom, you can distill.

The resulting moonshine will not have a delicate berry flavor. It tastes more like raw vodka. Therefore, it is better to make tinctures from it.

A beautiful cherry is obtained if you take 1.5 kg ripe cherries, 0.7 liters of moonshine and 0.5 kg of sugar. Cherries should be dried in the sun or in the oven at temperatures up to 100 degrees. Mix cherries, moonshine and sugar in a large jar, close with a plastic lid and leave to infuse for at least a month. Shake the tincture twice a week. When the drink has acquired a beautiful ruby ​​color, strain, squeeze the cherry and bottle the tincture.

Moonshine - real folk drink which is very popular with people of all ages. And in the conditions of the current market situation, the production of alcohol with my own hands becomes especially beneficial.

Moonshine attracts with numerous advantages: it is environmentally friendly, completely safe for health. If the mash is cooked correctly, it is completely absent harmful impurities. As a result, the use of an alcoholic beverage does not bring such harm to health.

It is especially pleasing that it is allowed to use as a base raw material the widest range products. So, people have long fallen in love famous moonshine from potatoes. This is very important for everyone who has their own subsidiary farm, grows potatoes. And then you can specially leave tubers in large quantities for moonshine from potatoes.

Today we will take a closer look at how to make moonshine from potatoes at home. We will tell you a few recipes, give specific useful recommendations.

Features of moonshine from potatoes

Good advice! Moonshine from potatoes is better if you take frozen tubers. Such potatoes are immediately distinguished by their special, slightly sweet taste.

If the potato has not yet had time to freeze, it can be specially sent to freezer. In a few hours, the tubers will already come to the desired condition. Why is this necessary? When the potato freezes, the starch partially turns into sugars.

Want to get more original drink? Then you will need to add other ingredients to the composition: for example, hops or oats, natural sweeteners. An excellent effect is the use of malt. As a result, the aroma, flavor bouquet of mash will be richer, more multifaceted and saturated.

It's time to consider interesting recipe making moonshine from potatoes.

Recipe "Grandma"

Consider a simple recipe for moonshine from potatoes, you will need the following products:

  • malt -1 kilogram, you can take barley, wheat or rye
  • 30 liters of water
  • 20 kilograms of potato tubers
  • 500 grams of pressed yeast

Malt is a germinated grain. It must be used, because it is thanks to the enzymes contained in the malt that the starch molecules begin to break down and turn into sugar. It is this sugar that converts the yeast into alcohol during fermentation.

The final output of moonshine will depend entirely on how much starch is contained in the potato. Of course, this indicator differs depending on the variety.

Let's go directly to the algorithm for making mash from potato tubers.

  1. Wash the potatoes thoroughly first, then grate them on a medium-sized grater.
  2. Then pour 20 liters of 70-degree water into the mass of tubers and place well
  3. The wort should turn out to be 63-65 degrees, if not, then bring it to this temperature by cooling or vice versa by adding hot water
  4. Now it's time for the malt. Add it and then stir. Stir from time to time, maintaining the same temperature at 63-65 degrees for 1-1.5 hours
  5. Cool the wort to 30 degrees and pour into a fermentation tank
  6. Add yeast, pre-dilute them in water. Move the container to a dark room where it is maintained room temperature and install a water seal
  7. After 12 days, potato mash is ready. The taste will become bitter, lighten and precipitate.
  8. The mash is first distilled once, taken until the fortress drops to 10 degrees in the stream
  9. Determine the total amount of raw alcohol, measure the strength and calculate the amount of absolute alcohol
  10. Dilute raw water to 20-30 percent.
  11. Do fractional distillation with selection of heads and tails.
  12. Dilute ready-made potato moonshine with water up to 40% and leave in a glass container for 7 days until the taste stabilizes

Now you know how to make moonshine and remember that there will be a little less moonshine than when processing sugar mash. This is due to the lower content of carbohydrates in potatoes. Carefully follow all the rules for making moonshine: then it will be safe, tasty.

Watch another video on how moonshine is made from potatoes.

Among the people, moonshine is almost the most popular alcoholic drink. From which only home craftsmen did not make it, almost any raw material can be used to make mash and drive out moonshine. Today we will look at several potato moonshine recipes. The output, of course, will not be the best. perfect product, but it's still better than just letting the potatoes rot in your cellar. After all, by own experience I know that often, in the spring there are a lot of potatoes that will rot before they have time to eat. And one of the options to give it a second life is to make mash out of it.

For the fermentation process, we need two main components: sugar and yeast. For this we need to transform potato starch into sugar. For this recipe, we will use flour. But it is even better to pre-freeze the potatoes, I think you have noticed more than once that frozen potatoes have a sweetish aftertaste. In many recipes, it is advised to use frozen potatoes, if this is not the case, then specially place it in the cold or in the freezer for several days.

The recipe for potato moonshine will come in handy if, as a result, severe frosts You have a lot of frozen potatoes, which can be of little use.

Potato moonshine recipe - "Babka"


Step-by-step preparation of moonshine from potatoes:

  1. Grind well-washed potatoes on a grater;
  2. Pour 15 liters boiled water temperature 60 degrees;
  3. Pour flour here and mix;
  4. After precipitation, drain the liquid into another container;
  5. Again add 10 liters of water, mix and let it brew;
  6. After the appearance of sediment, drain the liquid into the same container as before (point 4); This will be our potato mash;
  7. Then we add yeast to the mash, and insist the mash for two weeks. And as soon as it is infused, we do the distillation.

Moonshine from sugar potatoes and bread

This quick recipe making moonshine on potatoes, but sugar will help us here. And so, we take:

  • 2 kg potatoes
  • 4 loaves of bread
  • 5 kg sugar
  • 750 ml milk
  • 500 g pressed yeast (100 g dry)
  • 25 liters of water


  • Boil and crush potatoes, add sugar, milk, yeast and crumbled bread, then pour warm boiled water, mix and leave the mash for a day. Then we distill it.

Moonshine from potatoes and oats


  • 10 kg potatoes
  • Oats 6 kg.
  • Yeast 1.5 kg
  • 35 liters of water.


Recipe from potatoes and sprouted grains

  • 8 kg potatoes
  • 4 kg of sprouted grain (wheat, oats, barley);
  • 25 liters of water
  • 100 g yeast

Braga preparation:

  1. First of all, boil the potatoes, after which, without draining the water, we crush it to a puree state.
  2. Grind the sprouted grain, it is best to pass it through a meat grinder.
  3. We put part of the ground malt into hot mashed potatoes and mix, pour the rest on top and let it brew for 12 hours.
  4. Stir, add water and yeast, insist the mash for about a week.

In all these potato drink recipes, it is recommended to do.

I'm warning you, this is not The best way making moonshine, due to the low sugar content in potatoes, the output finished product will be significantly lower than in the preparation of the classic sugar moonshine. And it will be worse in quality, it will contain a large number of fusel oils and hydrocyanic acid, in a number of countries of the world it is forbidden to sell such a drink, as it is considered hazardous to health.

But if everything is done correctly, the harmful fractions are separated, then you get a very good drink, and if you spend a series additional measures for cleaning and odor control, so we generally get a normal product.

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Attention! Even after cleaning and double distillation moonshine from potatoes will contain quite a lot harmful substances, including hydrocyanic acid, methyl alcohol And fusel oils. In many countries, due to hazardous impurities, the sale of potato distillates is prohibited by law.

Theory. Yeast needs sugar to produce alcohol, but there is very little of it in potatoes. But the tubers contain enough starch, which, under the influence of enzymes and high temperature breaks down into sugar.

The necessary enzymes are found in malt - any germinated grain that is sold in specialized stores for moonshiners, brewers and distillers. You can also make malt at home from germinating grains.

Yeast is unable to convert pure starch into alcohol. Without the addition of malt, there will be very little potato moonshine and almost all raw materials will be wasted.

Moonshine exit. Theoretically, up to 1.7 liters of moonshine with a strength of 40% can be obtained from 1 kg of starch, but in practice this figure is 10-15% lower due to losses during fermentation and distillation. The starch content in potatoes is in the range of 10-25%, this figure depends on the variety (in late varieties much higher than in early years), tuber maturity and other conditions, including weather and soil nutrition.

If we take the average values ​​​​of starch content as 15%, then in 15 kg of potatoes there will be 2.25 kg of pure starch, from which, when ideal conditions you can get 3.83 liters of distillate (40%). From 1 kg of malt, another 0.8-0.9 liters of a forty-degree product will come out. As a result, the total theoretical yield according to the proportions in the recipe is 4.63 liters of potato moonshine.

1 kg of sugar evades the amount of distillate by 1.1-1.2 liters with a strength of 40%. If the potato starch content is low, it makes sense to add sugar to get more moonshine. It is important to remember that for every kilogram of sugar an additional 4 liters of water is required, otherwise the must will not ferment.


Potato - 15 kg;
- malt (barley, rye, wheat) - 1 kg;
- water - 30 liters (and 4 liters for each kilogram of sugar);
- yeast - 100 grams dry or 500 grams pressed;
- sugar - 1 kg (optional).

Potato mash recipe

1. If possible, hold the tubers for 2-3 days in the cold so that the potatoes become slightly sweet. Freezing helps to increase the yield of moonshine.

2. Wash the potatoes well, grate or chop in any other way to a liquid puree.

Attention! In order for the saccharification to be successful, strictly follow the temperature ranges indicated in the recipe, otherwise you will get little moonshine. Permissible error - 2-3 degrees.

3. Heat 20 liters of water in a saucepan to 70°C, add grated potatoes, mix until smooth.

4. Add malt. Mix again. It is very important that the mass does not stick to the bottom of the container and there are no lumps.

5. Cover the pan with a lid, heat the wort to 65°C and maintain the temperature for 60 minutes with slow, periodic heating, stirring every 10-15 minutes.

6. As soon as possible (so as not to infect with pathogenic microorganisms), cool the potato porridge to 30 ° C. It is best to put the pan in the bath with cold water or ice.

7. Drain the liquid part into a fermentation tank, add sugar if desired and clean cold water in a ratio of 1:4. Pour yeast diluted according to label directions.

8. Pour 10 liters of water at 50°C into the residue at the bottom. Mix. Wait 10-20 minutes until the sediment falls again, then pour the liquid into the fermentation container, where the first part of the potato mash obtained in the previous step is located.

9. Close the container with mash with a water seal (you can use a medical glove in which a hole is pierced in one of the fingers), transfer to a dark place (or cover) with room temperature.
