
The classic recipe for making potato moonshine. How to make potatoes at home

Among the people, moonshine is almost the most popular alcoholic drink. From which only home craftsmen did not make it, almost any raw material can be used to make mash and drive out moonshine. Today we will look at several potato moonshine recipes. The output, of course, is not the most ideal product, but it's still better than just letting the potatoes rot in your cellar. Indeed, from my own experience I know that often in the spring there are a lot of potatoes that will rot before they have time to eat them. And one of the options to give it a second life is to make mash out of it.

For the fermentation process, we need two main components: sugar and yeast. To do this, we need to convert potato starch into sugar. For this recipe, we will use flour. But it is even better to pre-freeze the potatoes, I think you have noticed more than once that frozen potatoes have a sweetish aftertaste. In many recipes, it is advised to use frozen potatoes, if this is not the case, then specially place it in the cold or in the freezer for several days.

The recipe for potato moonshine will come in handy if, as a result of severe frosts, you have a lot of frozen potatoes, which can be of little use.

Potato moonshine recipe - "Babka"


Step-by-step preparation of moonshine from potatoes:

  1. Grind well-washed potatoes on a grater;
  2. Pour 15 liters of boiled water at a temperature of 60 degrees;
  3. Pour flour here and mix;
  4. After precipitation, drain the liquid into another container;
  5. Again add 10 liters of water, mix and let it brew;
  6. After the appearance of sediment, drain the liquid into the same container as before (point 4); This will be our potato mash;
  7. Then we add yeast to the mash, and insist the mash for two weeks. And as soon as it is infused, we do the distillation.

Moonshine from sugar potatoes and bread

This is a quick recipe for making moonshine on potatoes, but sugar will help us here. And so, we take:

  • 2 kg potatoes
  • 4 loaves of bread
  • 5 kg sugar
  • 750 ml milk
  • 500 g pressed yeast (100 g dry)
  • 25 liters of water


  • Boil and crush potatoes, add sugar, milk, yeast and crumbled bread, then pour warm boiled water, mix and leave the mash for a day. Then we distill it.

Moonshine from potatoes and oats


  • 10 kg potatoes
  • Oats 6 kg.
  • Yeast 1.5 kg
  • 35 liters of water.


Recipe from potatoes and sprouted grains

  • 8 kg potatoes
  • 4 kg of sprouted grain (wheat, oats, barley);
  • 25 liters of water
  • 100 g yeast

Braga preparation:

  1. First of all, boil the potatoes, after which, without draining the water, we crush it to a puree state.
  2. Grind the sprouted grain, it is best to pass it through a meat grinder.
  3. We put part of the ground malt into hot mashed potatoes and mix, pour the rest on top and let it brew for 12 hours.
  4. Stir, add water and yeast, insist the mash for about a week.

In all these potato drink recipes, it is recommended to do.

I warn you right away, this is not the best way to make moonshine, because of the low sugar content in potatoes, the yield of the finished product will be much lower than when making classic sugar moonshine. And it will be worse in quality, it will contain a large amount of fusel oils and hydrocyanic acid, in a number of countries of the world it is forbidden to sell such a drink, as it is considered hazardous to health.

But if you do everything right, separate the harmful fractions, you will get a very good drink, and if you take a number of additional measures to clean and fight the smell, then you will get a normal product.

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A variety of reviews earned moonshine from potatoes. At first glance, this drink is strange: potatoes are far from being as fragrant as fruits or berries, and there are no sugars in them at all. However, there is starch in potatoes, which can, under certain conditions, decompose into sugars necessary to produce alcohol.

If the potato harvest exceeded all expectations, or the tubers froze during storage, you can try to experiment and drive the moonshine out of the potatoes.

Features of potato moonshine

Those who have already made this drink claim that the best potato mash is obtained from frozen tubers (during freezing, part of the starch breaks down into sugars). To be frank, any available potato is suitable for mash, with the exception of rotten ones.

The technology for making alcohol from potatoes is more complicated than from berry-fruit raw materials, since potato starch requires saccharification. Therefore, it is usually prepared on enzymes that contain malt (any sprouted grain, including not dried - "green malt"). With the help of yeast, of course, it is possible to turn pure starch into alcohol, but the yield of such moonshine will be extremely small. In order for saccharification to occur as expected, all temperature regimes indicated in the recipe must be observed.

To make moonshine from potatoes have a more noble taste, the following are introduced into the composition: malt, cereals, hops, sweeteners, spices, etc. In general, potato-based combination moonshine will be brighter and more palatable.

Behind the simplicity of the components, potato distillate hides one of its main drawbacks - the content of harmful substances in it is extremely high. Fusel oils, methyl alcohol and even hydrocyanic acid are present here. Therefore, the distillation of the mash must be carried out two, and preferably 3 times, and each time the “heads” are separated (the first 10-15% of alcohol). At the end of each distillation, moonshine must be cleaned. By the way, the presence of malt, cereals and other components reduces the concentration of harmful substances in the final product.

The yield of moonshine from the same amount of potatoes will vary. It depends on the percentage of starch in a particular variety.

Moonshine from potatoes "Babka"

This is one of the most popular potato alcohol recipes among the people. Simple technology, affordable raw materials - what else is needed for the experiment? The output of moonshine according to this recipe is approximately 4-4.5 liters, using sugar - 5-5.8 liters.

Sugar is an optional component of the recipe, most often it is added to increase the yield of alcohol. The recipe says 20 kilos of potatoes, but there will be no serious problem if it is 1.5-2 kilograms more or less.

There are recipes in which, while maintaining the technology, only one replacement is introduced - instead of malt, flour is taken (from any grain). If rye malt or flour is used in the process of creating alcohol, then the resulting product is called "potato vodka".


  • potatoes - 20 kilos
  • malt (barley, wheat, rye, etc.) - 1 kilo
  • yeast - 500 grams pressed or 100 grams dry
  • water - 30 liters (and + 4 liters for each additional kilo of granulated sugar)
  • sugar (you can not add) - 1 kilo

You need to prepare like this:

  1. If the potatoes were kept warm, keep them in the cold for a day or two, or at least overnight in the freezer (more alcohol will come out of frozen potatoes). Let the tubers warm at room temperature, wash them as best as possible and grind them with a blender to a puree.
  2. Heat water (20 liters) to 70°C and pour over raw mashed potatoes. Mix thoroughly.
  3. Add malt twisted into a meat grinder and knead the mass again.
  4. Cover the container and bring the temperature of the wort to 65°C. Maintaining this temperature (plus or minus 2°C - but not higher than 72°C) for an hour. This is done by slow heating with regular (every 10 minutes) stirring.
  5. Next, the wort must be quickly cooled to 30°C. This should not take more than half an hour. To do this, lower the container with the wort into a bath filled with ice water or ice.
  6. The cooled composition must be separated from the sediment, so we filter it, pouring the resulting liquid into the fermentation tank.
  7. Pour the separated precipitate with the remaining 10 liters of water, preheating them to 50°C. Mix thoroughly and leave for 15-20 minutes, then strain again and add the resulting liquid to the fermentation vat.
  8. Yeast is diluted according to the description given on the label to them, and introduced into the potato liquid.
  9. If you decide to add sugar, then 1 kilo must be diluted in an additional 4 liters of warm water and poured into a fermentation tank. If sugar will not be introduced into the recipe, then simply omit this item.
  10. The formed potato mash is closed with a lid with a water seal (you can make it yourself) and sent to a warm, dark room for 5-15 days. During this time, fermentation will be completed and the mash will be ready for distillation. In her taste, sweetness should completely disappear, a precipitate will fall, the gurgling will stop.
  11. Before distillation, the potato mash is filtered, the sediment is discarded, and the liquid is sent to the distillation cube.
  12. First race. Most often produced without separation into fractions. The distillate is driven up to 30% of the fortress. We recommend separating 10% of the "heads" at this stage due to the increased concentration of harmful substances in such alcohol. Cleaning the resulting drink must be carried out without fail.
  13. Second race. All alcohol obtained at the last stage is diluted with water to 20% strength. At this stage, it is imperative to divide the yield into fractions, while draining 15% of the “heads”. When the fortress falls below 45-40%, distillation is stopped. The distillate obtained in the middle - the "body" - is cleaned again and only after that we dilute it to 45% of the fortress.

Sometimes a third distillation is also carried out, which significantly increases the purity of the drink, but reduces its yield.

  1. After diluting with water, moonshine is left for a couple of days in a cool place to stabilize the drink. After that, it is suitable for drinking or making tinctures.

Possible options for potato moonshine

Fans of home brewing can find many other recipes for alcohol based on potatoes. The cooking technology of any of them almost completely duplicates the one described above, therefore, in the recipes below, the cooking process will be briefly described.

All proportions in recipes can be increased, because. an acceptable minimum is described here, so to speak - for the sample.

Moonshine from oats and potatoes


  • Potato - 5 kilos
  • Oats - 3 kilos
  • Pressed yeast - 0.75 kilos
  • Bottled water - 17.5 liters

You need to prepare like this:

  1. Wash and grate the potatoes, grind the grain and pour 2.5 liters. boiling water.
  2. With continuous stirring, add the potato mass and keep covered for 3 hours.
  3. Introduce dissolved yeast and water with the composition, send for fermentation.
  4. After 1-1.5 weeks - overtake by double distillation with purification and separation of "heads" and "tails".

Moonshine "Fast" from bread and potatoes


  • Potatoes - 2 kilos
  • Rye bread (dark) - 4 loaves
  • Yeast - 0.5 kilo pressed or 0.1 kilo dry
  • Sugar - 5 kilos
  • Bottled water - 25 liters
  • Milk - 0.75 liters

You need to prepare like this:

  1. Boil the potatoes in a portion of water, crush (without draining the water) and add bread, milk, granulated sugar and dissolved yeast, grated into crumbs.
  2. The remaining water is heated to 28-30 ° C and combined with the potato-bread mass.
  3. This mash is ready in 24 hours. It is filtered and distilled twice,

Moonshine from germinated grains (green malt) and boiled potatoes


  • Potatoes - 8 kilos
  • Sprouted cereals (wheat, oats, rye, barley) - 4 kilos
  • Pressed yeast - 100 grams
  • Water - 25 liters

You need to prepare like this:

  1. Boil the potatoes in a portion of water, crush (without draining the water).
  2. Mix mashed potatoes and half of the green malt twisted in a meat grinder.
  3. Sprinkle the rest of the crushed malt on top of the potato-grain mixture.
  4. After 12 hours, mix the composition and add warm (28-30 ° C) water and dissolved yeast into it.
  5. After 1-1.5 weeks, filter the mash and overtake it twice with cleaning and separating the “heads”.

Moonshine from potato starch

To create potato moonshine, it is not necessary to have stocks of potatoes. It is quite possible to make it from starch. The presence of malt in the recipe is a must.


  • starch (potato or even corn) -5 kilos
  • malt (any) - 1.75 kilos
  • clean water - 20 liters
  • yeast - 250 gr. pressed or 50 gr. dry.

You need to prepare like this:

  1. Grind the malt to the state of cereals.
  2. Dilute starch in 15 liters of water and boil for 2 hours avoiding the formation of lumps. Cool down to 60°C.
  3. Pour malt into the resulting paste, knead and stand for 45 minutes, maintaining a temperature of 60 ° C (plus or minus 2-3 degrees) - wrap, keep on the stove, etc.
  4. Cool the wort quickly (no more than 30 minutes), pour in the remaining 5 liters of water and dissolved yeast. Starch mash is ready, it remains only to wait 3-9 days. Until she ferments. This should take place in a dark, warm room under a lid with a water seal.
  5. Pour the liquid into the still, being careful not to disturb the sediment. The first distillation is carried out without dividing the alcohol into fractional components before the start of the release of 30% moonshine.
  6. Dilute the alcohol with water to 20% strength and re-distill, collecting the "heads" (the first 10-15% of the yield) in a separate container. We select the middle part until the fortress falls within 45%. "Tails" are also collected separately.
  7. We dilute the alcohol of the second distillation (“body”) with water to 40-45% and let it stabilize for 2-3 days.

Moonshine from potatoes began to be made in Rus' from the beginning of the 18th century, when the "earthen apple" somewhat supplanted the grain raw materials traditional for this drink. If you have a small supply of potatoes, then making a great alcoholic drink is not difficult, which this article will help you with.

1 Ladle of moonshine - a reward for heroes

Who was the first in Rus' to brew moonshine is unknown. However, it is precisely established (that is, documentary evidence) that a strong drink was widespread during the time of Ivan the Terrible. Under him, the first taverns were opened, in which only the royal guardsmen were allowed to feast. Particularly distinguished servants of the king were awarded a nominal ladle. The owner of such an award could drink from it for free, but only after scooping up moonshine once.

Over time, the boyars usurped the production of home-made alcohol, and the mass production of the drink was sharply reduced. And only in the 19th century, peasant families again began to distill grain for alcohol. For this, a recipe was used, the basis of which was mash made from rye malt, grain and yeast. As a result, a high-quality drink was obtained, which, in terms of its composition and purity of production, surpassed even French cognac.

The wealthy farms did not spare grain for the production of alcohol. And the removal of fusel oils and other toxins was done with the help of milk and egg white. Such a recipe made it possible to obtain only 20 liters of pure alcohol from 1200 liters of mash. That is why it was very expensive and not accessible to everyone. From about the middle of the 19th century, they began to make potato moonshine, which is easier to manufacture and cheaper than its grain counterparts, and, moreover, was valued very highly at all times.

It is important to know!

The devastating effect on the brain is one of the most terrible consequences of the effects of alcoholic beverages on a person. Elena Malysheva: ALCOHOLISM CAN BE OVERCOME! Save your loved ones, they are in great danger!

2 Potato mash recipe

Today, every family uses potatoes for food and stocks them according to their needs. Therefore, if you decide at home, then it is easier to use the "earth apple" of Peter the Great for this. Potato mash will be ready after two weeks of fermentation. Her recipe contains the following ingredients:

  • potatoes 20 kg,
  • wheat flour 1 kg,
  • yeast 0.5 kg,
  • water 25 l.

Washed and mashed potatoes on a coarse grater are poured with warm water with a volume of 15 liters. Everything is well mixed, flour is added to the mixture. Then again the raw materials are mixed and allowed to settle until a precipitate forms. After that, the liquid is poured into another container, and another 10 liters of water are mixed with the sediment. After a while, the liquid is drained again and yeast is added to it. Braga is aged for 10 to 15 days. After that, alcohol raw materials can be placed in a moonshine for distillation.

You can clean the finished moonshine from impurities and toxins using potassium permanganate, activated carbon or milk. Potassium permanganate is simply added to the liquid, while harmful substances will begin to precipitate. Activated charcoal is also added to moonshine. The more it is, the better the cleaning. It is necessary to drain the drink about a day after adding the adsorbent. It cleans alcohol and milk well, which will require about one glass per 10 liters of alcohol. If you are interested, then use the above methods.

3 Potato moonshine with oats and sprouted grains

The recipe for making homemade alcohol from potatoes may vary depending on the availability of additional ingredients and flavors. In addition to the simple method of making alcohol, which includes only potatoes, yeast, flour and water, you can be advised to try making moonshine from mash, which is prepared with the addition of oats.

This will require:

  • potatoes 10 kg,
  • oats 6 kg,
  • yeast 1.5 kg,
  • water 35 l.

Pour 5 liters of boiling water to the ground grain and add the grated potatoes to the mixture. We insist the liquid for 3 hours, add yeast and 30 liters of water to the cooled product. After five days, the mash is ready for distillation.

Many connoisseurs of home-brew are advised to prepare raw materials for distillation from sprouted grain.

For 25 liters of water, take 8 kg of potatoes, 4 kg of any sprouted grain and 100 g of yeast. Grated boiled potatoes are mixed with crushed sprouted grain and infused for 12 hours. Only after that water and yeast are added to the mixture. For the fermentation of the workpiece, about 7 days are enough. Potato moonshine can also be made from frozen raw materials. This recipe does not contain anything new, but is even cheaper. However, the taste of drinks will be different. Therefore, the best alcohol will come only with the help of trial and error. We wish you to find your own, the most successful recipe!

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The main requirement for products that are used as raw materials for mash is the presence of carbohydrates in the composition. Therefore, the drink can be prepared even from vegetables. This is how moonshine from potatoes is obtained, which does not have ideal quality characteristics, but is still acceptable for consumption.

Moonshine from potatoes

All this is due to the composition of the vegetable. Potatoes contain a large amount of starch. It is he who turns into sugar in the process of processing with yeast, and then into alcohol. Such a solution from this vegetable is especially suitable for those who have a large amount of potatoes at their disposal, and the raw material itself is already beginning to freeze or deteriorate. But to improve the quality of taste, it is better to use good potatoes, a fresh crop that was harvested in early autumn.

Raw material features

There are many ways to make moonshine from potatoes; the amount of ingredient, the time, and the simplicity of the technique depend on the recipe. For example, if a distiller adds yeast and sugar to the composition of potatoes, then the process is accelerated and the alcohol yield will be large. If components such as hops, oats, beer yeast are added to the mash, then cooking becomes more laborious and takes more time.

As for the quality of potatoes, it is better that they are frozen or frozen. In this state, the vegetable may be after long-term storage in basements or cellars. Everything is explained in terms of chemistry. Frozen potatoes have a sweeter taste, which means that the amount of sugar used increases.

But even at home, a vegetable can be prepared, just put the potatoes in the refrigerator or freezer for 2-3 days. If this fails, then additional steps will be required to convert starch to sugar and flour will have to be used.

Potato drink recipes at home

The simplest recipe is called “grandmother”, it is easy to prepare potato distillate using it. But it is also worth remembering that potato moonshine is banned in many countries because it is a dangerous product. All because of the large amount of hydrocyanic acid, methyl alcohol and fusel. But these components can be eliminated through careful filtration and distillation. And the yield of alcohol from such moonshine will also not please distillers, it will be much lower than from mash on sugar.

As ingredients for cooking you will need:

  • potatoes - 20 kilograms;
  • malt (wheat, rye or barley) - 1 kilogram;
  • water - 30 liters;
  • pressed yeast - 500 grams (or 100 grams of dry).

Cooking steps:

  • Potatoes need to be washed and grated or scrolled in a blender.
  • 20 liters of water are poured into the potatoes, the mixture is mixed.
  • Prepare malt from sprouted or whole grains, add it to the potato mass and heat the whole mixture to a temperature of 65 degrees. Under such conditions, the malt is brewed for an hour with occasional stirring. The main thing is to prevent the temperature from rising to 62 degrees and above, since starch will not be converted into sugar and fermentation will not work.
  • After boiling, the wort is cooled to 30 degrees and poured into a fermentation tank without sediment. Where only sediment remains, 10 liters of water at a temperature of 50 degrees Celsius are added, everything is mixed and infused.
  • As soon as sediment appears again in a container with ten liters of water, the liquid is drained into a container for fermentation.
  • Yeast is added to the mixture, which is in the fermentation tank, and a water seal is installed.
  • will be ready in 7-12 days. You can check the readiness by the taste of the drink, its activity and the presence of sediment at the bottom. In this case, the gas will not be released through the water seal.

After receiving the mash, do not hesitate, you need to extract potato moonshine from it. The drink must be removed from the sediment, that is, decanted and poured into a cube of a moonshine still.

The distillation must be fractional both times due to the large amount of impurities in the mash. For the first time, the distillate is taken until it drops to 30% in the jet. After that, the strength of the distillate is measured and the amount of pure alcohol is determined.

This is followed by a fortress of 20%, after which there is a second distillation. In the process, the first 12% of the moonshine is taken, it is this fraction that is the most dangerous. "Heads" can be drained or used as industrial alcohol. The selection of the drink continues until the strength of the jet falls below 45%. "Tails" are not distilled, because they contain a large amount of fusel oil. And the bodies are sometimes diluted to the desired strength and left for 2 days until the substance stabilizes.

You can make moonshine from potatoes with the addition of bread and sugar. For the recipe you will need:

  • 2 kilograms of potatoes;
  • 4 loaves of rye bread;
  • 5 kilograms of sugar;
  • 750 milliliters of milk;
  • 500 grams of pressed yeast (100 grams of dry);
  • 25 liters of water.

To prepare moonshine according to technology, you will need to boil and crush potatoes. Sugar, milk, yeast and bread are added there. The bread is also crumbled beforehand and everything is poured with warm water. Such a mash will be ready in 1-3 days.

You can use oats instead of malt, then the composition for preparing the drink will change somewhat:

  • 10 kilograms of potatoes;
  • 6 kilograms of oats;
  • 150 grams of dry yeast;
  • 35 liters of water.

Potatoes will have to be grated. At the same time, oats are poured with five liters of boiling water and mixed. Grated potatoes are added to the mixture with oats, and the contents are infused for 3 hours. Water and yeast are added to the container. It remains to build a water seal and leave the mash for 5 days to ripen.

To prepare a drink based on sprouted grain, you will need:

  • 8 kilograms of root crops;
  • 4 kilograms of sprouted grain (wheat, oats, barley);
  • 25 liters of water;
  • 100 grams of dry yeast.

Potatoes are pre-boiled, mashed potatoes are prepared from it. The grain that has sprouted must be crushed, for example, passed through a meat grinder. Half of the malt should immediately be poured into mashed potatoes, and the second half you just need to sprinkle it on top and leave the contents of the pan in this state for 12 hours. Over time, the ingredients are mixed, water and yeast are added, and the mash is infused for a week.

Despite all the features of the process, such moonshine can be prepared and the taste can be compared with other drinks. If there is enough potatoes, you can save on raw materials in this way. To improve the quality and taste of the drink, tinctures can be prepared from it in the future.

Making moonshine from potatoes is one of the methods for processing surplus crops. But in home-brewing, potatoes are considered complex raw materials, since they require saccharification - the processing of starch into sugar. Just pour crushed tubers with water and then add yeast, as is done with berries and fruits, will not work. The technology is much more complicated, you need to know the nuances and you will need at least a thermometer.

Attention! Even after cleaning and double distillation, moonshine from potatoes will contain a lot of harmful substances, including hydrocyanic acid, methyl alcohol and fusel oils. In many countries, due to hazardous impurities, the sale of potato distillates is prohibited by law.

Theory. Yeast needs sugar to produce alcohol, but there is very little of it in potatoes. But the tubers contain enough starch, which, under the influence of enzymes and high temperature, is broken down to sugar.

The necessary enzymes are found in malt - any germinated grain that is sold in specialized stores for moonshiners, brewers and distillers. You can also make malt at home from germinating grains.

Yeast is unable to convert pure starch into alcohol. Without the addition of malt, there will be very little potato moonshine and almost all raw materials will be wasted.

Moonshine exit. Theoretically, up to 1.7 liters of moonshine with a strength of 40% can be obtained from 1 kg of starch, but in practice this figure is 10-15% lower due to losses during fermentation and distillation. The starch content in potatoes is in the range of 10-25%, this figure depends on the variety (much higher in late varieties than in early varieties), tuber ripeness and other conditions, including weather and soil nutrition.

If we take the average starch content as 15%, then in 15 kg of potatoes there will be 2.25 kg of pure starch, from which, under ideal conditions, 3.83 liters of distillate (40%) can be obtained. From 1 kg of malt, another 0.8-0.9 liters of a forty-degree product will come out. As a result, the total theoretical yield according to the proportions in the recipe is 4.63 liters of potato moonshine.

1 kg of sugar evades the amount of distillate by 1.1-1.2 liters with a strength of 40%. If the potato starch content is low, it makes sense to add sugar to get more moonshine. It is important to remember that for every kilogram of sugar an additional 4 liters of water is required, otherwise the must will not ferment.


  • potatoes - 15 kg;
  • malt (barley, rye, wheat) - 1 kg;
  • water - 30 liters (and 4 liters for each kilogram of sugar);
  • yeast - 100 grams dry or 500 grams pressed;
  • sugar - 1 kg (optional).

Potato mash recipe

1. If possible, hold the tubers for 2-3 days in the cold so that the potatoes become slightly sweet. Freezing helps to increase the yield of moonshine.

2. Wash the potatoes well, grate or chop in any other way to a liquid puree.

Attention! In order for the saccharification to be successful, strictly follow the temperature ranges indicated in the recipe, otherwise you will get little moonshine. Permissible error - 2-3 degrees.

3. Heat 20 liters of water in a saucepan to 70°C, add grated potatoes, mix until smooth.

4. Add malt. Mix again. It is very important that the mass does not stick to the bottom of the container and there are no lumps.

5. Cover the pan with a lid, heat the wort to 65°C and maintain the temperature for 60 minutes with slow, periodic heating, stirring every 10-15 minutes.

6. As soon as possible (so as not to infect with pathogenic microorganisms), cool the potato porridge to 30 ° C. It is best to put the pan in a bath of cold water or ice.

7. Drain the liquid part into a fermentation tank, if desired, add sugar and clean cold water in a ratio of 1:4. Pour yeast diluted according to label directions.

8. Pour 10 liters of water at 50°C into the residue at the bottom. Mix. Wait 10-20 minutes until the sediment falls again, then pour the liquid into the fermentation container, where the first part of the potato mash obtained in the previous step is located.

9. Close the container with mash with a water seal (you can use a medical glove in which a hole is pierced in one of the fingers), transfer to a dark place (or cover) with room temperature.

Homemade water seal Medical glove instead of a water seal

After 5-12 days, the potato mash will be ready: the water seal will stop emitting gas (the glove will deflate), the sweetness will disappear in taste, the mash will become lighter than originally, and a layer of sediment will fall at the bottom. When all these signs appear, you can start distillation.

Getting Potato Moonshine

10. Filter the washed mash through several layers of gauze (so that the sediment does not burn) and pour into a distillation cube.

11. Make the first distillation, take the distillate until the strength in the stream falls below 30%. Measure the total strength of the resulting moonshine, determine the amount of pure alcohol. For example, 4 liters with a strength of 43% contain 1.72 liters of pure alcohol (4 * 0.43 = 1.72). If desired, clean the moonshine with charcoal or any other method.

12. Dilute the distillate with water to a strength of 20%, then overtake again. The first 15% of the yield from the amount of pure alcohol is collected separately and poured out or used for technical needs. This harmful fraction is called "heads", contains dangerous substances, therefore it is not suitable for consumption.

13. Select the main product (called "body") until the strength in the jet drops below 45%, then finish the distillation.

14. Dilute the ready moonshine from potatoes with water up to 40-45%, close hermetically and leave for 2-3 days before tasting in a dark, cool place. After the end of the chemical reactions of mixing with water, the taste will stabilize and become better.
