
Is cocoa good for pregnant women? chocolate drink for stretch marks

There is a lot of discussion about whether pregnant women can have cocoa, tea or coffee. Known fact that during pregnancy, women can not always eat what they want, in order to avoid negative consequences for a child. This also applies to seemingly harmless drinks such as cocoa or coffee.

What is more useful for pregnant women, cocoa or coffee?

Of course, even at the very beginning of pregnancy, the attending physician should warn the expectant mother that she can consume food and drinks without restrictions, and that she will still have to limit her consumption a little. This is especially true for drinks containing caffeine.

These drinks and foods include:
  • coffee,
  • cocoa,
  • bitter, milk or white chocolate.

Cocoa during pregnancy - is it possible or not - the benefits and harms

What are the health benefits of cocoa

Thanks to the use of chocolate and cocoa, a woman's body produces a natural hormone of joy and happiness, endorphin, which has a positive effect on the condition of both mother and child. However, the question of whether it is possible for pregnant women to drink cocoa only because of the production of endorphins cannot be given a definite answer. And that's why.

Which is better, cocoa with milk or Nesquik chocolate drink?

Often a woman asks a question regarding whether it is possible for pregnant women to have cocoa with milk. Of course, milk slightly softens the effect of caffeine on the body, thereby binding it in its composition. A drink with milk has a mild effect on a woman's body. The antidepressant contained in the composition has a beneficial effect on mood future mother, however, you should not use cocoa, including with milk, pregnant women if they have high blood pressure.

Cocoa is useful in many respects due to the presence in it folic acid. This is the first thing that is necessary for the body of a pregnant woman, since it is folic acid that positively affects the successful development nervous system The child has. Cocoa is rich in zinc and iron, especially when it comes to the question of whether pregnant women can drink Nesquik cocoa.

Nesquik contains all useful trace elements, vitamins, but do not forget that this drink also contains a large number of sugar, and pregnant women need to do their own blood sugar test every day.

Therefore, if the expectant mother really wants a chocolate drink, it is better to drink it in small quantities and with milk, limited to one cup a day, and it is best to drink it without adding sugar.

Every woman during pregnancy wants something tasty. But everyone knows that any food that enters the body of a future mother affects her baby. Therefore, it is very important to be as selective as possible in your choice. For example, derivatives of cocoa beans cause a lot of controversy. Including such a drink as cocoa with milk. Today we will talk about all the pros and cons of drinking this drink during pregnancy.

What are the benefits of cocoa with milk

Cocoa is the powder of processed cocoa beans. He has a pleasant chocolate flavor and is widely used in cooking. The most famous product that is prepared with cocoa is hot drink- cocoa with milk.

People invented chocolate not so long ago. Formerly cocoa beans were used by the ancient Aztecs to prepare a ritual drink, which included hot peppers Chile. This potion was bitter rich taste and warming effect.

Cocoa is known to everyone from an early age. Lovely, fragrant and sweet drink gave us in kindergarten. Everyone knows that it is good for health. But what is its benefit?

Benefits of cocoa:

  1. Cocoa contains zinc. It helps wounds heal much faster.
  2. Cocoa also contains iron. It is an important constituent of hemoglobin, which is an essential element of the blood. By the way, it is iron deficiency anemia that most often affects pregnant women.
  3. Cocoa also contains folic acid. It is incredibly important for the body, especially during pregnancy. Since it is thanks to it that the germinal tube of the fetus is formed.
  4. Epicatechin in cocoa is also important for health. After all, it perfectly prevents the occurrence of heart attacks and strokes.
  5. Everyone knows about the ability of chocolate to cheer up. Cocoa has the same wonderful properties.
  6. Cocoa is a powder that has amazing aroma. In addition, it perfectly raises the immune system.
  7. Cocoa contains many valuable carbohydrates and proteins. Therefore, it can be considered a natural energy.
  8. The caffeine in cocoa can increase blood pressure. Therefore, such a product is useful for those who suffer from hypotension.
  9. Cocoa improves skin elasticity. It can keep her youthful and prevent the appearance of stretch marks.

Thus, it becomes clear that cocoa is indeed a very useful product. It is used in many desserts and some second courses.

Contraindications to cocoa and is it useful

Although cocoa is indeed useful product, if used improperly, it can only bring harm. Therefore, pregnant women should use it very carefully. Especially if you have any health problems.

Mom told us all that cocoa is good to drink at night. Especially with colds and flu. The fact is that milk combined with cocoa has an antipyretic and immunomodulatory effect.

It is dangerous for pregnant women to drink beverages like cocoa without first consulting a doctor. After all, this drink has its own contraindications.

What drinks does cocoa have:

  1. Cocoa is a highly allergenic product. Therefore, if you are prone to allergies, then you do not need to use this ingredient very carefully. After all, during pregnancy, allergic reactions to those components that were not there before can occur.
  2. People suffering from hypertension should also not get carried away with cocoa. After all, it has the ability to increase pressure.
  3. You should not drink cocoa for those who have chronic kidney disease. This can lead to an aggravation of the disease.
  4. Those who have problems with teeth, nails and hair should also not drink a lot of cocoa. It interferes with the assimilation of the elements necessary for their restoration.

It is worth noting one not too good feature cocoa. Namely, its ability to interfere with the absorption of calcium. Therefore, the abuse of this product is harmful, especially on early dates pregnancy.

It is also worth talking about the fact that cocoa is often added to desserts that contain a lot of sugar. Therefore, such dishes adversely affect dental health. Also, these desserts should not be consumed by people with diabetes.

Cocoa consumption during pregnancy

Cocoa powder, if not instant products like Nesquik, is a very fragrant powder. It is actively used in cooking. At the same time, it can become great addition for a variety of dishes.

You will be surprised at the vastness of the use of cocoa powder. Let's see the main areas of its application.

What kind of food is cocoa powder used for?

  1. Cocoa is used to make delicious drinks. We are not only talking about classic cocoa with milk. It is part of the delicious hot chocolate, and is also used as aromatic additive for coffee.
  2. Cocoa is also very often used to make desserts. It is added to icing and creams. He is important component chocolate cakes. It is also used to make panna cotta, sweets and just to decorate sweet dishes.
  3. The most unusual culinary use cocoa is used as an ingredient in sauces for second courses. For example, chocolate and cocoa are part of the world-famous Molly sauce. However, in order to properly prepare such a topping, you need to have a correct understanding of the combination of flavors.

In addition to cooking, cocoa is often used in cosmetology. It is used in masks and soaps. self made. Such a component has a mass useful properties for the skin.

Is it possible for pregnant women to have cocoa

So, to answer, is it possible for pregnant women to have cocoa. It is necessary to collect all the information received “in a heap”. Let's see the main positions of the use of this product for pregnant women.

Rules for the use of cocoa for pregnant women:

  1. Cocoa will have to be completely abandoned by pregnant women suffering from hypertension, chronic kidney disease, allergies to this product, as well as poor condition of hair, teeth and nails. This rule is especially important in the first trimester of pregnancy. Since with such contraindications, cocoa can adversely affect the development of the fetus.
  2. If a woman has no contraindications, then she can have cocoa. However, they should not be abused anyway. Two cups of cocoa a week will be enough to bring you the maximum benefit, and not cause harm.
  3. The use of cocoa is shown if a woman suffers from a bad mood and blues. The components that make up this product contribute to the production of endorphins, which are considered hormones of happiness.

The benefits of cocoa during pregnancy (video)

Thus, in the absence of contraindications, you can use, being pregnant, a couple of times a week for a cup of cocoa. It will even benefit you. However, this product should not be abused. Watch your diet. And most importantly, remember that everything is good in moderation!

This drink is known to many since childhood, when lunch in a kindergarten or school canteen ended with a glass of cocoa. And how nice it is to drink a glass of hot cocoa after a winter walk! Not surprisingly, cocoa during pregnancy is also of interest to expectant mothers. However, now a woman is responsible not only for herself, but also for the health of her unborn child. So - can you drink cocoa during pregnancy or is it better to give up your favorite drink?

Arguments in favor of cocoa

Caffeine. Often during pregnancy, low blood pressure is observed, which is accompanied by general apathy. How to raise the pressure and tone of the body without harm to health? After all, it is undesirable to drink coffee in an “interesting” position. A cup of cocoa is just right.

Warms and uplifts. Inhaling the aromatic smell of cocoa, you can forget about all the troubles and hardships. Which one then amazing taste at the drink! Expectant mothers are very useful positive emotions.

Cocoa during pregnancy - contraindications

Despite all positive characteristics drink, there are reasons why it is better to refuse to use cocoa.

Washing out calcium from the body, which is highly undesirable during pregnancy. Indeed, for the normal development of the skeletal system of a child, a large amount of calcium is necessary. Otherwise, violations and pathologies of fetal development are possible.

Allergy. This drink is the strongest allergen, so the expectant mother seriously risks both her health and the health of the baby.

Cocoa can cause increase in uterine tone which often leads to miscarriage.

Many are interested - is it possible to drink Nesquik cocoa during pregnancy? After all, advertising convinces us that this is a very healthy fortified drink. In addition, it is very easy to prepare - just add a spoonful of Nesquik to a cup of milk, and that's it - the "super drink" is ready.

However, it is better for expectant mothers to give preference to the usual freshly brewed drink. So before drinking cocoa during pregnancy, you should consult a doctor. If everything goes well and there are no complications, then the doctor will definitely allow 1-2 cups per week.

Have a healthy pregnancy and easy delivery!

Can pregnant women drink cocoa? Yes and no. After all, despite the same process taking place in the body of each expectant mother, the organisms themselves differ greatly in their state of health. Therefore, we simply read who can and who absolutely cannot drink cocoa.

Women with high pressure. Cocoa contains caffeine. Of course, not in such doses as coffee, but nonetheless. Therefore, if you have such a problem, we recommend replacing cocoa with other drinks.

Ladies with a predisposition to allergies. female body during pregnancy resembles a powder keg of hormones. And how he will react to such a powerful allergen is impossible to predict. As the saying goes, God saves the safe. Therefore, use such drinks with caution in such an important period.

Pregnant women with high uterine tone. Because cocoa drink increases it even more. There may be a risk of miscarriage.

Expectant mothers with a diagnosis of calcium deficiency. The fact is that cocoa thoroughly removes this element from the body. Moreover, it significantly slows down its absorption. But calcium is one of essential trace elements for the normal formation of the skeleton of the unborn baby. And, if it is not enough, then the fetus will calmly borrow the right substance from the mother's body. Therefore, do not be surprised when one far from perfect day future mommy will find that:

  • nails began to peel off
  • hair is dull and frizzy
  • tooth enamel has become noticeably more sensitive

If you notice all these signs, then give up cocoa. And urgently include dairy products and their derivatives in the diet. This is especially true for cottage cheese and cheese.

Moms with pronounced mood swings. Cocoa contains serotonin. This is a substance that promotes the production of endorphins in the body - the hormone of pleasure. And if you drink cocoa constantly, then the body will get used to getting a pleasant dope. Stop drinking brown drink - the body can react very inadequately.

By the way, according to statistics, the number of people addicted to cocoa in the world is not much less than those who cannot live without coffee. And this addiction is like a drug addiction. Therefore, if you like to drink a cup of cocoa in the morning, for vivacity and cheer up, then do not get carried away with the fortress.

Advice. To soften the effects of caffeine, brew your drink with milk instead of water. And use less sugar. In addition, it will make up for the lack of calcium in the body.

And cocoa is categorically contraindicated for pregnant women with chronic kidney disease. The freshly brewed drink has a certain diuretic effect, again due to the caffeine content. And, if the kidneys do not work as expected, then such an incident can lead to very disastrous consequences. Organs simply can not cope with such a load. And when kidney failure a severe relapse is possible. So be careful.

Some madams mistakenly believe that if young children in kindergarten are allowed to drink cocoa, then they can too. And without restrictions. True, such expectant mothers completely lose sight of the fact that the kids are far from being pregnant. Yes, and their dosage is appropriate for age and body constitution.

It is very difficult for women in position to control their growing appetite. Therefore, the case is rarely limited to a small cup. It is worth considering this.

Possible with restrictions

Why with restrictions? Because any product or drink should be consumed in moderation and without fanaticism. So, cocoa during pregnancy can:

  1. Women with low levels of hemoglobin in the blood. Cocoa is one of the champions in iron content. It is it that is responsible for the normalization of blood formation.
  2. Ladies with poor wound healing. High content zinc in cocoa improves protein synthesis. This means cuts and abrasions will heal much faster.
  3. Expectant mothers with a lack of folic acid. This vitamin is vital for a pregnant woman. And its value for the baby simply cannot be described in words.
  4. Pregnant, prone to depression. The presence of serotonin, which is responsible for the production of endorphins, will quickly solve the problem of a bad mood in a future mother.
  5. Women with a predisposition to stroke, heart attack and diabetes. Basically, this is a bad heredity. But the risk is noticeably reduced if you drink wisely. the right drink from natural ingredients.

As you can see, in certain cases, a chocolate drink can be very useful. Naturally, in adequate doses and moderate consumption.

How much cocoa can you drink?

There can be no unambiguous recommendations here. Only the doctor who patronizes your pregnancy can tell you exactly how much cocoa you can drink per day. And is it possible at all. In any case, heed his advice. Now more than ever, it is important to take care of your diet and health.

Some sources strongly discourage pregnant women from drinking cocoa. They say the drink helps speed dial excess weight. It's not like that at all. Cocoa contains no carbohydrates, so it is impossible to get fat from it. But the immoderate consumption of sugar to improve the taste can insidiously affect the figure. Plus, many ladies in position are very fond of drinking cocoa with cookies, a bun or a bun in the morning. From here and excess weight. But not from the drink itself.

Other sources claim that if you drink a lot of cocoa during pregnancy, you can avoid such unpleasant consequences as stretch marks. No doubt, cocoa butter has a beneficial effect on the skin in any position. It becomes more elastic, velvety, noticeably softens. But it is the oil that has such an effect, not the drink itself!

To avoid stretch marks, pregnant women do not need to sip cocoa in buckets. Need to get quality oil. And after each bath, when the skin is still steamed and wet, it is necessary to rub a small amount of to problem areas. Just a half-sized ball is enough walnut so as not to find out about stretch marks and other similar troubles.

Some women prefer to drink an instant drink instead of real cocoa. We categorically dissuade from such actions even ordinary people. Not to mention the ladies in an interesting position. The fact is that such mixtures contain great amount various chemical additives. And only one manufacturer knows what else is mixed in the bank. In general, what to explain when you can see everything with your own eyes. It is enough just to read the information on the package, written in the smallest letters. We think that magical text with hard-to-pronounce words will make you think carefully about the benefits of such cocoa.

And before buying a coveted pack, be sure to read the composition. There should be only cocoa powder. And nothing more.

Can pregnant women drink cocoa? This is known only to those who are aware of the state of health of the expectant mother. That is, the woman herself and her personal doctor. Therefore, carefully read our recommendations, consult your doctor, and only then make a decision. The main thing is that the result should lead to one thing - not to harm the child.

Video: 5 dangerous foods during pregnancy
