
Cranberry juice with rose hips recipe. Cranberry juice from frozen berries - a recipe with step by step photos

Morse from frozen cranberries is identical to the juice squeezed from freshly picked berries in taste and the presence of valuable trace elements. A rich sweet and sour drink with a stunning ruby ​​color is incredibly beneficial for the body, and in some cases can compete with medicines in the fight against colds. For pregnant women who need to stay away from antibiotics, this is a lifesaver. The main thing is to take the drink under the supervision of a doctor.

Cranberry juice is nothing more than natural juice squeezed and diluted with cake broth. What is water for? To soften the pronounced sweet and sour taste of the drink.

Morse is very popular in Russian cuisine. He is credited with almost miraculous properties due to the presence of a large number of useful substances in the berries.

Chemical composition

Wild or cultivated berries are rich in glucose and fructose, organic acids and pectins.

Of the vitamins, ascorbic acid, A, B 1, B 2, B 5, B 6, K 1 and PP take the leading position.

Doctors have proven that the biologically active substances of the berry have an anti-inflammatory effect and.

Cranberries are capable of:

  • enhance the effect of antibiotics
  • accelerate the healing of wounds (abscesses, burns)
  • cure beriberi
  • prevent urinary tract infections
  • overcome the temperature (fever)
  • relieve the patient's condition with rheumatism and cystitis.

Interesting! Before people learned how to make synthetic antibiotics, healers successfully used cranberries to fight ailments. Traditional healers still do not let the valuable berry out of their attention.

How to cook fruit drink from frozen cranberries? We present proven ways to process raw materials, but first we recommend that you familiarize yourself with general tips.

  • unquestioning observance of the proportions of the components when brewing a drink. The amount of freshly squeezed juice in the fruit drink must be ≥ 30%
  • honey is put in a warm drink, otherwise it will quickly lose its medicinal properties
  • before putting the berry in the blender, it must first be defrosted. The thawed water is poured
  • lemon balm, rosehip, lemon and other fruit additives dramatically change the flavor of fruit drink, and also expand the range of useful elements.

So, how to cook cranberry juice from frozen berries? Step by step instructions.

Classic recipe

  • 5-6 full Art. spoons of sugar
  • 200 g frozen cranberries
  • 2 liters of water.

Frozen berries at room temperature are instantly covered with snow-white hoarfrost. Beauty is indescribable, just right to photograph. It is impossible to knead the ice beads by hand, so they are left in a bowl to thaw. To speed up the process, you can pour the berry with cold water for a quarter of an hour. After making sure that the product is soft, the cranberries are washed in a colander. Then it is pounded into gruel (mashed potatoes) using a pusher or blender.

At the next stage, juice must be squeezed out of the raw material. You will need a fine sieve or a piece of gauze folded in 2-4 layers. Here you will have to try to squeeze out all the liquid from the berry to the last drop. Not without a push.

Ready natural juice is poured into a glass container. You can't drink it. It's too acidic and concentrated. The remaining cake is poured with cold water and brought to a boil. The pomace should be cooked for no more than a minute. As soon as the water boils, add sugar and stir. The pot is removed from the burner. The broth is infused for at least half an hour.

It remains to strain it with a fine strainer and combine with natural juice. Morse prepared according to the classic recipe is ready. You can call guests, take a sample.

Interesting! Gourmets add turmeric, cinnamon and other favorite spices to the drink.

Cranberry + rosehip

The variety of the taste of the drink is achieved thanks to the companion products. This cranberry juice recipe contains rose hips. Is it worth emphasizing that the benefits of such an alliance are doubled? Rosehip is also a valuable medicinal berry, indispensable in the season of colds, with edema, weakened immunity.

  • 2 liters of water
  • 5-6 tbsp Sahara
  • 500 g cranberries
  • 100 g rose hips.

The beginning of the preparation of the drink is non-standard and comes down to the processing of wild rose. Dry fruits are thoroughly washed, poured into a thermos with a liter of water (at a temperature close to boiling water), let it brew for a day.

Traditionally, pure juice is squeezed using gauze or a strainer. It can be sweetened right away.

The cake is brought to a boil in a liter of water, boiled for 1-2 minutes. After removing from the heat, the resulting strain is filtered into a container with sweet cranberry juice. Infused rose hips are also poured there (of course, with the help of a sieve).

Healthy fruit drink from frozen cranberries and dry rose hips is ready.

Important! Prolonged heat treatment of berries destroys valuable substances. You should not cook food and prepare fruit drinks for the future. It is better to prepare a fresh drink for 1-2 days.

Cranberry + lemon + honey

The smell of citrus fruits will give any berry drink such a unique flavor that you will involuntarily salivate. Cranberry juice is no exception.

  • a glass of frozen berries
  • half a lemon (lime)
  • 2-3 tbsp honey
  • liter of water.
Getting started with cranberries is standard. Ice beads are thawed, softened, to be crushed to a puree mass.

Remove the seeds from half a lemon. The product, together with the zest, is cut into pieces and crushed in a blender.

Combine cranberry and lemon gruel, season with honey.

The aromatic mass is left to infuse for 1-2 hours, after which it is poured with hot water. While the juice is cooling, it is periodically stirred.

The chilled drink is filtered in any convenient way, poured into glasses, decorated with a slice of lime and crushed ice.

Cranberry + orange + cinnamon

The benefit of this cranberry juice is to tone the body. Orange is generally credited with the ability to improve mood. Need to cheer up? Remember the recipe.

  • 300 g cranberries
  • 2 large oranges
  • 1.5 liters of water
  • 5 tbsp Sahara
  • cinnamon stick.

Oranges are washed, peeled, and thick, homogeneous juice is squeezed out in a convenient way.

Cranberries are defrosted, ground with a blender to a puree state, passed through a sieve.

Strained juices are combined together, cleaned in the refrigerator to cool.

Orange zest and pomace are poured with water, brought to a boil. Sprinkle sugar and throw in a cinnamon stick. After 1-2 minutes, the broth is removed from the heat, set aside to infuse until completely cooled.

On a note! You can use tangerines or grapefruit in this recipe. The last product will give the drink a spicy bitterness.

Cranberry + ginger

Ginger root is indispensable in the SARS season. Hot spice stimulates the immune system well, and in combination with cranberries, it makes the body invulnerable.

Morse composition:

  • 250 g cranberries
  • 20-30 g ginger root
  • liter of boiling water
  • 2-3 tbsp liquid honey.

Frozen cranberries are placed in a colander to thaw. Excess water will drain, and the soft product will be prepared for further kneading. With an ordinary spoon or crush, the berries are ground, literally squeezing out the ruby ​​juice.

Freshly squeezed liquid is passed through gauze. The pomace is poured with boiling water and put on fire for languishing.

The peeled root on a grater is turned into shavings. Ginger is sent to boiling water.

After 2-5 minutes, the broth is removed, cooled, filtered through gauze into a jug. Natural cranberry juice and 1-2 thin ginger sticks are also sent there.

It is better to sweeten the fruit drink with honey after it has completely cooled. This will preserve all the valuable trace elements of the product.

Cranberries + carrots

Frozen cranberry juice with carrots is also very healthy. Caring mothers can take note of this recipe and prepare a drink for their beloved children. There is no need to talk about the value of carrots for a growing organism. This is the prevention of anemia, and vision loss and many other ailments.

Morse composition:

  • glass of frozen cranberries
  • ½ kg carrots
  • sugar to taste
  • 4 glasses of water.

Working with cranberries is similar to all the above recipes. If desired, the cake can be set aside altogether, and only squeezed berry juice can be used (then 1 cup of water is enough).

Peeled carrots are crushed on a grater, pressed with a pusher or passed through a juicer.

Combine juices, pour sugar (honey). Spice lovers add anise stars or a little cinnamon to this cranberry juice.

Fruit drink recipe without cooking

Doctors are categorically against defrosting cranberries and, moreover, boiling the berries. They believe that only quick freezing and storage in a vacuum can preserve the valuable substances of the product. The following drink will bring the maximum benefit to the body.

Frozen hard cranberries are crushed in a blender. The slurry is poured into water at room temperature, mixed well. Sugar and honey are added to taste. Drinking juice should be about an hour later, when the berry will transfer valuable substances to water.

On a note! Re-freezing cranberries will lead to a partial loss of vitamins and other trace elements.

Cranberry - a sour berry that has become a symbol of health, in folk medicine is considered extremely useful for prevention and an effective remedy for treatment. But since her taste senses in their original form leave much to be desired (for an amateur), cranberry juice can rightfully be considered the healthiest and most delicious drink that every housewife must be able to cook. Cranberry juice has many interpretations worthy of your attention.

It’s not for nothing that the best recipes are referred to as “grandmother’s cookbook” – such classic dishes as fruit drink, as a rule, are carefully tested by time. Even in pre-revolutionary times, warm berry drinks could be seen on the table in almost every family. They have long helped parents and elders in the family to raise their children hardened, healthy, capable of work and learning. It was thanks to proper nutrition that new generations grew up healthy and successful one after another.

Due to the fact that the current younger generation suffers from frequent colds, and adults do not have much hardening, cranberry juice will be a good addition to the diet of any person. Its healing properties are simply obvious. Well, if everything is in order with immunity for you and your children, then fruit drink with cranberries is a great treat!

According to old legends of Russian doctors, cranberry juice is an excellent anti-cold remedy, a warming drink, an antiviral medicine. It is traditionally used for prevention and as an adjunct to the treatment of acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, cystitis, hypertension, and increased swelling. Despite the fact that traditional medicine is quite common in our society, some may be rather skeptical about its experience. However, even traditional medicine recognizes the benefits of cranberry juice.

Studies have shown that a red marsh berry drink contains more than eight vitamins necessary for a person - for example, B6, C and many others.

Cranberries also contain pectins, antioxidants, fiber and other microbiological beneficial substances. Doctors recommend the use of cranberry juice during the off-season in order to protect the body from epidemics and colds. Moreover, it can help you keep in shape - fruit juice normalizes metabolism and helps to lose weight.

General rules for making cranberry juice

Anyone can cook cranberry juice - it's simple, fast and cheap. The basic principle of cooking is boiling cranberries with sugar on the stove. But at the same time, there are many nuances, without which it will not be possible to properly prepare a healthy delicacy.

"How to cook cranberry juice?" - the answer to this question is very detailed, because there are incredibly many variations of the recipe for this dish. Let's dive a little deeper into how this drink is made.

The most delicious cranberry juice recipes

The variety that has appeared in the recipe after the popularity of cranberry juice, allows everyone to find a recipe to their liking. If you, for example, have never liked the classic cranberry juice, then you will definitely like a drink with some of the additives. You can’t even imagine what unusual colors the taste of cranberries plays with, for example, with honey or blueberries. Take a closer look, try it - and you will find your new favorite dish!

Classic cranberry juice from fresh berries

You will need:

  • 500 grams of fresh cranberries;
  • 10 glasses of drinking water;
  • 50 grams of bee honey.

How to cook?

  1. Carefully select only ripe ones from red berries, rinse a handful of cranberries with clean water, place in a container.
  2. Turn the berries into gruel, squeeze the juice out of them. Set aside the resulting cake, and pour the liquid into a glass.
  3. Boil the dry pulp of cranberries at a temperature of 100 degrees in a saucepan for no more than six to seven minutes.
  4. Pour the broth through a sieve into a new container.
  5. In a hot liquid, add two tablespoons of honey and early squeezed juice. Cool the uniform fruit drink and serve it to the table.

This recipe is ideal for lovers of delicious, uncomplicated drinks. The waste products of bees will add sophistication to the drink, and the juice will add freshness. This is the famous right "grandmother's" recipe.

Frozen fruit drink recipe

Required Ingredients:

  • 500 grams of frozen cranberries;
  • 5 glasses of clean water;
  • Something sweet, whatever you like.

How to cook?

  1. Leave the frozen berries in the air to warm up until the ice crust peels off.
  2. Send the cranberries to a blender so that they become thick and rich in soft consistency.
  3. Mix berry puree with water and sweets, cool even juice and pour into glasses.

Such a simple way of preparing fruit drinks outside the berry season will help, for example, in case of someone's illness - after all, all the original beneficial properties of the northern scarlet berry are preserved in this way.

How to make cranberry juice with ginger

Required ingredients for the recipe:

  • 500 grams of cranberries;
  • 1 small;
  • 50 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 10 glasses of drinking water.

How to cook?

  1. Place half a kilogram of cranberries in a saucepan, cover with water and boil.
  2. Grate the ginger into the solution and stir.
  3. Let the drink brew and it will be ready to serve.

You need:

  • one fifth kilogram of cranberries;
  • one fifth kilogram of blueberries;
  • a glass of granulated sugar;
  • pot of drinking water.

How to cook?

  1. Sort the berries and put them in a saucepan, filling with water.
  2. Lightly crush the cranberries and blueberries, sprinkle with sugar and leave to cook until tender.
  3. After the fruit drink becomes strong and uniform, pour it into another container, cool and serve.

In this method of preparing cranberry and blueberry juice, the sour taste of the marsh berry is suppressed by sweet sugar and blueberries. This recipe will appeal to sweet tooth - for example, children.

Recipe for cranberry juice with rose hips


  • half a kilo of cranberries;
  • 200 grams of rose hips;
  • a little granulated sugar;
  • 10 glasses of pure water.

How to cook?

  1. Leave pure rose hips filled with boiling water for five to eight hours to obtain an infusion.
  2. Bring the cranberries into a state of gruel, squeeze out the cranberry juice, and put the dry pulp in a saucepan. Add water and sugar, boil for no more than six to seven minutes.
  3. Mix through a sieve decoction with wild rose infusion and cranberry juice. Delicious juice is ready to eat!

Rosehip is another healing berry, which, according to folk healers, can cure a cold or a virus. In combination with cranberries, a pleasant-tasting healing drink can come out.

You will need:

  • 200 grams of red berries;
  • 50 grams of bee honey.

How to cook?

  1. Boil the berries for two to three minutes, turn into gruel, pour boiling water.
  2. Pour through a sieve into a new container, add honey, cool. The treat is ready.

Cranberry juice with mint

The main ingredients of the recipe:

  • 1.5 cups of cranberries;
  • a few mint leaves;
  • 15 glasses of drinking water;
  • 0.5 cups of granulated sugar.

How to cook?

  1. Pass the red berries through a blender.
  2. Make a mint decoction - pour mint sprigs with boiling water and let it brew.
  3. Mix cranberry gruel with infused mint liquid, cool.
  4. Pass the mixture through a sieve and add the sugar. Delicious juice is ready.

Spicy mint leaves add unusual astringency to any drink, and cranberry juice is far from an exception. Such a hot and fragrant drink will appeal to all members of your family.

Prepare for the cooking process:

  • 600 grams of cranberries;
  • two glasses of granulated sugar;
  • dry lemon peel;
  • lemon juice - about half a glass.

How to cook?

  1. Turn the red berry into a pulp and cover with water.
  2. Let it brew, and then add zest, juice and sugar to the fruit drink, mix thoroughly - the drink is ready!

With blackcurrant


  • two glasses of currant berries;
  • a glass of cranberries;
  • 10 glasses of pure water.

How to cook?

  1. Mix the berries, fill with water and cook on fire for about half an hour.
  2. Strain the juice, pour into a jug and cool.

This recipe is also for lovers of sour. However, it combines the beneficial properties of both cranberries and black currants.

  1. If you have gained enough experience in making cranberry juice, experiment with combinations and additives. The result will pleasantly surprise you.
  2. Answer personally to yourself the question: “How to cook cranberry juice?” Perhaps you enjoy steeping more than separating the pulp from the juice, or vice versa.
  3. Drink fruit drinks even in summer - even if there are enough vitamins in the body, cranberry drink has an excellent cooling effect.


Cranberry juice is a classic homemade drink that, with its popularity, has gained many delicious cooking variations. The editors recommend that you take a closer look at all the proposed recipes and enjoy the taste of cranberry juice always and in any weather!

Sweet and sour cranberry juice is an all-season drink. In summer, it helps to freshen up and quench thirst, and in winter it increases the protective functions of the body, fights many ailments. In a word, a liquid cure for 1000 diseases. Unfortunately, the little red berry does not grow everywhere. But for people living far from the places where plants with sour fruits are distributed, fragrant cranberry juice will help prepare a recipe from frozen berries. There are many variations of this drink. Most of them are based on the combination of freshly squeezed juice with a decoction of pomace, which lends itself to minimal heat treatment. The classic technology allows you to save the maximum benefit, taste, smell and color.

Features and basic rules for preparing fruit drink from frozen or fresh cranberries

  1. If frozen berries are used, they should be thawed in the most gentle way. Take them out of the freezer in advance and transfer them to a colander, which you place in a deep bowl (the juice will drain into it). Send to the common chamber of the refrigerator. Defrosting at this low temperature will take 6-8 hours. Therefore, it is better to put cranberries at night. If you need to speed up defrosting, leave the berry at room temperature. It will thaw in 40-60 minutes. It is not advisable to use boiling water for defrosting.
  2. For cooking, it is recommended to use an enameled pan and non-metallic tools (rolling pin, pestle for crushing berries). The metal will oxidize under the influence of the acid contained in the cranberry.
  3. The shelf life of the finished drink is 3 days. It should be stored in a sealed container in the refrigerator.
  4. To preserve the maximum of vitamins, do not boil cranberry cake with water for a long time. Usually it is only brought to a boil and immediately removed from the heat.
  5. When preparing a drink, it is recommended to protect your hands with gloves. The acid can cause irritation, especially on sensitive and thin skin.
  6. Citrus (lemon or orange) zest and juice will help diversify the taste of the drink. Wash the fruit well. Pour boiling water over it. Remove the zest without affecting the white layer, which can give bitterness. Squeeze out the juice. Add it and the zest to the finished hot drink. After cooling and infusing in the refrigerator, filter the drink again.

Classic cranberry juice with granulated sugar

Traditional refreshing sweet and sour drink. In the summer it successfully fights thirst, and in the cold season it strengthens the immune system. A simple and proven cooking option for years.


How to cook a delicious and healthy cranberry juice (a classic recipe with a photo, described step by step):

Defrost and rinse the berries in cold water. Place in an enamel saucepan or food grade plastic container. Pound to release juice.

Rub through a fine sieve. Get concentrated cranberry juice. Set him aside for now.

Pour the cake with clean water. Put on a medium fire.

Boil while stirring. The water will turn red and will absorb the taste and aroma of the berry.

Filter the decoction through cheesecloth or a fine strainer. Pour in sugar to taste. Stir until grains dissolve.

Do not throw away the pulp. It can be mixed with honey or granulated sugar and used as a filling for baking.

Pour in raw cranberry juice. Stir.

Healthy cranberry juice with a bright taste is ready. Before use (especially in the heat), it is recommended to cool it.

Refreshing cranberry juice with honey (cooked in a blender)

The recipe uses honey instead of sugar. From this, the drink becomes even healthier and more palatable. If you do not have an allergy to the components and peptic ulcer, you can drink it in unlimited quantities.


Detailed cooking instructions:

Defrost cranberries, sort and rinse thoroughly under running water. Drain in a colander to drain the liquid.

Place the berries in a blender. It is advisable to use a plastic nozzle (for chopped dough). Grind the cranberries to a puree. Strain the resulting mass through gauze folded in several layers. Pour fresh juice into a separate container. And put the berry leftovers in a small saucepan. Fill with water.

Bring to a boil over low heat. As soon as the liquid boils, remove from the stove.

Cool the broth to 35-40 degrees. Add honey. You can't heat it up too much. During heat treatment, harmful substances are released from it. I don’t know about harmfulness, but after heating there really isn’t much useful in it. Adjust the amount of honey depending on taste preferences and sweetness of the berry.

If the honey has thickened during storage, melt it in a water bath.

Filter the decoction. Add juice. Stir. Drink the fruit drink warm or after cooling.

Option for preparing fruit drink with rosehip broth

Double benefit and a very good combination of flavors. It is better to prepare such a drink in the fall, when the rose hips of the new crop ripen. A slightly more troublesome way to cook, but definitely worth a try.

Required products:

How to cook healthy cranberry-rosehip juice at home:

  1. Prepare a decoction of wild rose in the evening. To do this, rinse the dried ripe fruits and discard in a colander. After draining the liquid, spread on a kitchen towel. Dry. Pound in a mortar. Pour into a thermos and fill with boiling water. Seal and leave to infuse for 6-8 hours (or overnight).

    If there is no thermos, and the drink needs to be prepared faster, this method will do. Place crushed fruit in a bowl. Fill with cold water. Cover the pot with a lid. Put on medium heat. After boiling, screw the burner to a minimum. Boil 7-10 minutes. Let it brew for another 40 minutes without opening the pan.

    Another cooking method is a multicooker in the “Stew” or “Multi-cook” mode (temperature - 100 degrees). Cook for 30 minutes. Infuse for about an hour under a closed lid.

    Carefully filter the brewed wild rose from the peel, seeds and fibers.

  2. Prepare fruit drink from frozen cranberries and remaining water. After defrosting, grind the berries by hand or in a blender. Squeeze the juice through cheesecloth or wipe the raw material through a fine sieve.
  3. Put the squeezed berries in a saucepan or slow cooker. Pour in water. Put on fire. As soon as the first signs of boiling appear, remove from the stove.
  4. Mix cranberry and wild rose broths. Add previously squeezed juice. Add sugar or honey to taste. Stir.
  5. Enjoy the drink warm or chilled.

Frozen cranberry juice is one of the most popular drinks. It has a lot of useful properties. It is recommended to drink it in the off-season, in winter and during the period of illness. It is important to know how to properly brew a drink so that it contains the maximum amount of nutrients. Below are recipes for frozen cranberries.

Features of cooking cranberry juice

There are some nuances of making a drink:

How to make frozen cranberry juice

There are many healthy and tasty recipes for brewing a drink from frozen cranberries.

How to cook classic frozen cranberry juice


  • frozen berry - 200 g;
  • granulated sugar - 6 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 2 l.

Frozen cranberry juice recipe step by step:

  1. Leave the berries to defrost for 30 minutes, then recline in a colander, rinse with water.
  2. Grind to a mushy state with a rolling pin.
  3. Then squeeze the berry juice, pour into a glass jar.
  4. You can not drink it immediately, because it is highly concentrated.
  5. The pulp is not thrown away, it is placed in a saucepan, pour in the liquid and bring to a boil.
  6. Boil for exactly one minute.
  7. Then sand is poured, mixed.
  8. The container is removed from the stove. The liquid should stand for half an hour.
  9. Then it is filtered using a fine sieve. Combine with juice.

Morse from frozen cranberries is ready.

Important! Lovers and connoisseurs of nectar add cinnamon stick, turmeric or favorite spices to it.

Morse of frozen cranberries and ginger

What is required for the recipe:

  • cranberries - 350 g;
  • ginger root - the amount at will;
  • cane sugar - 300 g;
  • clean water - 3 liters.

Step-by-step recipe for cranberry juice from frozen berries:

  1. Pour water into a saucepan, put on a boil.
  2. Pour sugar, stir until it is completely dissolved.
  3. Turn off the gas, leave to cool.
  4. The frozen product is taken out of the chamber, washed, waiting for it to thaw.
  5. Ginger root is rubbed on a grater, put in a bowl with syrup.
  6. The thawed berries are also placed there.
  7. They put it on fire again, wait for the first bubbles to appear and turn it off.
  8. Cover the pot with a lid and leave to cool down.
  9. After 2 hours, rub through gauze, pour the liquid into a decanter.
  10. The decoction is stored in the refrigerator.

Morse of frozen cranberries and blueberries

You will need:

  • fresh-frozen cranberries - 400 g;
  • blueberries - 350 g;
  • sugar - 340 g;
  • water - 2 l.

Frozen cranberry juice recipe with photo:

  1. Blueberries are washed, cranberries are thawed, rinsed with water.
  2. The berries are thrown for 10 minutes on a sieve so that the glass has excess moisture.
  3. Then, in a blender, the berry mixture is combined with sand, they begin to beat until a homogeneous slurry is obtained.
  4. Then the liquid is added, crushed again for 3 minutes.
  5. The mass is thrown back onto cheesecloth and the juice is passed through.
  6. The broth is tasted. If necessary, add sugar and stir until it dissolves.
  7. Pour into a decanter, send to a shelf in the refrigerator.

Important! If the drink according to this recipe turns out to be viscous, then it must be diluted with boiled water.

Morse of frozen cranberries and rose hips


  • fresh-frozen berry - 550 g;
  • rose hips dried or fresh - 150 g;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • water - 2.4 liters.

Preparation of cranberry juice from frozen cranberries:

How to cook fruit drink from frozen cranberries and honey


  • freshly frozen fruits - 450 g;
  • honey - 130 g;
  • water - 2 l.


  1. They sort out the berries - crumpled, rotten ones are thrown away. The rest are washed and dried.
  2. The main ingredient is ground in any way possible - with a blender, manually with a pestle, through a meat grinder.
  3. Folded gauze is placed in a colander, the mass is thrown back and rubbed until the juice separates from the pulp.
  4. The cake is sent to a container, filled with water.
  5. Put on fire, put honey and wait until it boils. In this case, you need to stir the mixture.
  6. After 7 minutes after cooking, pour in the squeezed juice.
  7. The mass is filtered through a fine sieve, the pulp is discarded.
  8. The drink is cooled and poured into a jar.
  9. Keep the recipe in the refrigerator.

How to make frozen cranberry juice with mint

You will need:

  • berries - 600 g;
  • fresh mint - 15 g;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • water - 2.5 liters.

Frozen cranberry juice recipe:

  1. The main component is washed in water, dried.
  2. Then the fruits are mashed to a puree state.
  3. With the help of a sieve, the juice is separated from the pulp.
  4. The cake is sent to the pan, pour in water, add sugar, put on fire.
  5. Wait for the boil, reduce the heat and simmer until the crystals dissolve.
  6. Mint leaves are washed, kneaded and put into a hot liquid.
  7. Pour in the nectar, cover with a lid.
  8. After 30 minutes, filter.
  9. The pulp is thrown away, the drink is poured into a jug, put in the refrigerator.

How to make frozen cranberry and lemon juice

  • cranberries - 850 g;
  • lemon peel - 100 g;
  • water - 1.2 l;
  • lemon juice - 100 ml;
  • brown sugar - 170 g.

Recipe for cranberry juice from frozen berries:

  1. The berries are washed, the zest is peeled off the lemon, the skin is rubbed on a grater.
  2. The zest is combined with fruits and crushed to form a slurry.
  3. Juice is squeezed from the lemon, poured into the mixture.
  4. Pour sand.
  5. The water is boiled and the total mass is poured with it.
  6. All the ingredients are put in a saucepan and sent to the fire. Simmer for 10 minutes after boiling.
  7. Turn off the gas, close the container with a lid and allow to cool.
  8. The mass is filtered, poured into a jug and sent to the cold so that the drink is infused.

After 12 hours, you can try a fruit drink from frozen cranberries with lemon.

Important! Preparing a drink according to a recipe is not difficult if you follow the rules of technology.

Cranberries can be combined with other berries - strawberries, currants. Then you get a new flavor.

Frozen cranberry juice with viburnum

Grocery list:

  • cranberries - 550 g;
  • fresh viburnum - 200 g;
  • sugar - 400 g;
  • water - 2 l;
  • vanilla sugar - 30 g.

Recipe for cranberry juice from frozen cranberries with viburnum:

  1. Half a serving of sand is mixed with washed cranberry fruits, thrown back onto a sieve or gauze.
  2. Juice is squeezed out of the berries, the pulp is not thrown away.
  3. The remaining 200 g of sugar are combined with juice, sent to the cold.
  4. Start preparing viburnum. The fruits are sorted out, rotten ones are thrown away. Sent to a saucepan and pour water.
  5. Send to the stove, boil for 10 minutes.
  6. Then put the berry cake and pour the juice. Stir.
  7. Boil for another 20 minutes.
  8. The gas is turned off, the broth is passed through five layers of gauze.
  9. The pulp is discarded, the drink is cooled and poured into a decanter.

Cranberry juice from frozen cranberries with viburnum is ready.

Morse from frozen cranberries without cooking


  • berries - 500 g;
  • granulated sugar - 400 g;
  • water - 7 glasses.

How to cook cranberry juice from frozen cranberries without boiling:

  1. The berries are sorted, poured with boiling water and immediately washed under cold water.
  2. Pour again, but with water at room temperature.
  3. The berries are crushed and pour in 1 glass of water. Mix well.
  4. They are thrown back on gauze folded in 3 layers, nectar is squeezed out.
  5. The berries are again filled with water, repeat steps 1.2.
  6. In total, you need to carry out 3 spins, after which the cake is thrown away.
  7. The resulting broth is diluted with cold boiled liquid and honey or sugar is added.

Important! In the recipe for cranberry juice from frozen berries without cooking, the nutritional properties are preserved, since they will not be subjected to prolonged heat treatment.

But the recipe has one drawback - it takes a lot of time and effort to prepare cranberry juice from frozen berries.


Frozen cranberry juice is a favorite drink in many families. It contains a large amount of vitamin C. It strengthens the immune system, increases the body's resistance to colds, and reduces fever. Frozen cranberry juice for a child is very useful. You can give it to your baby from the age of three.

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Cranberries are a very healthy berry with a huge content of vitamins. Its beneficial properties have been known since ancient times, it is used in folk medicine. Cranberries make excellent homemade alcohol - tinctures, liqueurs and cocktails. Add it to tea, you can cook delicious jam from it and make healthy drinks. The correct cranberry juice is made from cranberries mashed in a wooden mortar and a wooden pestle, then it is poured with warm water and infused. Then they are filtered into another container, and the remains are poured again with hot water.

How to make fruit drink from cranberries? There are a lot of recipes for its preparation, and each housewife makes it in her own way with honey, mint, vanilla, cinnamon, etc. Cranberry juice in the heat quenches thirst very well, and in the cold season it is an excellent prophylactic against many ailments.

Cranberry juice recipe from fresh berries

This is one of the simplest recipes for cranberry juice, it contains only three items. The finished drink will please both adults and children. At home, every housewife can cook it.


  • Fresh berries -150 gr;
  • Water - 0.6l;
  • Sugar sand - 0.5 tbsp.

How to cook:

Frozen cranberry juice

Freezing is the best way to keep cranberries for a long time. In the freezer, it does not lose its medicinal properties at all. And before preparing fruit drinks, you only need to pour boiling water over it. And continue the usual preparation of cranberry juice.


  • Frozen cranberries - 250g;
  • Sugar -5-7 tbsp;
  • Water - 2 liters.


  1. Frozen berries put in a dish, let the cranberries thaw at room temperature. Usually in 15-20 minutes the berries will be ready for further use.
  2. Blend the cranberries into a paste with a blender. Squeeze out the juice carefully.
  3. Mix juice, water and sugar, mix everything well. Bring to a boil over low heat. Leave the liquid to infuse for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Strain through cheesecloth and pour into a suitable dish. Frozen cranberry juice is ready for further consumption.

Video recipe how to cook cranberry juice

Recipe for cranberry juice with ginger root


  • Cranberries - 250 gr;
  • Ginger - 50 gr;
  • Honey - 2 tbsp;
  • Water - 1.5 liters.

How to cook:

  1. Pour clean cranberries and finely chopped ginger root into an enamel bowl. Pour in water, bring to a boil and cook for 1-2 minutes over low heat.
  2. Morse cool, strain through cheesecloth. Pour into a jar and add honey. The finished drink will be tastier if you add a sprig of mint and a slice of orange to it.

Morse recipe with cranberries and rose hips

A very tasty drink with a spicy aroma can be prepared from cranberries and rose hips. Such cranberry juice during pregnancy is very useful. It is very easy to weld it.


  • Cranberries - 300g;
  • Rose hips - 1 cup;
  • Sugar or honey - to taste;
  • Cinnamon - a pinch;
  • Water - 2l.


  1. Rinse the berries, crush with a rolling pin. Pour in water and bring to a boil. No need to cook!
  2. Pour pure rose hips into the broth, add cinnamon, sugar or honey to taste.
  3. Infuse the drink by wrapping the pan with a towel for 1-2 hours. Drink for your health is ready!

Cranberry juice benefit and harm. The benefits of cranberry juice are very high. Vitamins found in cranberries stimulate an increase in immunity, this is especially true in winter. Vitamin C is great for colds. And if you have a sore throat - drink this delicious drink hot and in small sips. Cranberry juice during pregnancy becomes an essential drink, many doctors recommend drinking it during pregnancy. This is a wonderful natural antibiotic that will not harm either mother or baby.

Morse from cranberries can lower blood pressure, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Cranberry treats various infections, especially during the cold season. It is recommended to drink it in winter during a lack of vitamins in the human body. Cranberry juice increases the protective functions of the body, removes toxins and toxins, normalizes metabolism, helps fight excess weight.
There are no preservatives in the composition of the cranberry drink, so it is useful for children. Drink juice an hour before meals.
