
How to use chicory: contraindications and useful properties of the product. Chicory soluble benefits and harms how much you can drink per day

Not many people know that a weed with sky-blue flowers, growing in abundance along the roads, in fields and forests, is chicory. Since ancient times, it has been used as a coffee substitute - it was drunk by those who did not have enough money for an overseas drink. And in Soviet times, when nutritionists considered coffee a poison for the body, chicory became popular again. Even now, many doctors advise their patients, for one reason or another, to replace fragrant grains with instant chicory, the drinking rules of which are absolutely identical to the usual morning drink. Very often these recommendations apply to pregnant women. At the same time, compared to coffee, there will be no tangible harm to the body of the expectant mother and children.

The miraculous properties of a humble flower

How much benefit a modest-looking plant brings can be judged by the fact that everything is used - flowers, trunk, leaves and root. The latter contains the most useful substances for the body:

In addition to these components, chicory root contains many trace elements (iron, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, manganese), vitamins (A, B1, B2, C, E, PP), essential oils, saccharides, tannins and resinous substances, folic acid, proteins .

How to drink chicory?

The industry produces chicory in two forms: soluble and liquid. Although liquid is more convenient to use and harder to fake, the concentration of inulin in it is minimal. The absence of this component increases appetite, which is not at all suitable for those who monitor their weight.

Soluble chicory is a dark brown powder. It retains a high content of inulin (up to 60%). When buying, shake the hermetically sealed product to make sure there are no lumps or sticky particles.

To get a healthy drink, you just need to add one teaspoon of chicory root powder to a cup and pour it with hot, but not boiling water. When using a liquid concentrate, half a teaspoon is enough.

Those who know how to drink chicory often add milk, cream, sugar, or honey. And how much to add is a matter of taste for everyone.

For those who want to lose weight and at the same time raise immunity, it is recommended to add a small piece of ginger to the drink and insist for several minutes. Ginger will give a sour lemon flavor.

Some prefer a different recipe:

  • put 1 tsp of chicory powder and honey in a Turk;
  • pour 150 ml of water there;
  • put on fire and do not remove until a high foam appears;
  • then pour into cups, where you can add milk or cream.

Depending on the purpose, many people add rose hips, barley, ginger, cinnamon, and even rice to the chicory drink.

These preparation methods are indicated for purchased instant chicory. Those who do not really trust store and pharmacy products - for example, nursing mothers - can be advised to prepare raw materials with their own hands. To do this, you need to dig up the root of the plant, wash it thoroughly, dry it and cut it into small pieces. After that, fry everything in a pan without adding oil or water until a beautiful brown-black hue is obtained. "Blank" should be stored in a container with a tight lid. Immediately before use, grind the dried root in a coffee grinder, taking as much raw material as necessary to prepare one serving. In this case, you can be sure of the benefits of the product for adults and children.

The resulting raw material is brewed as follows:

  • a glass of water pour 2 tablespoons of dried chicory root;
  • bring to a boil and continue to cook for 10-20 minutes;
  • then insist for an hour and filter.

Indications and contraindications

Undeniable advantages

The healing properties of chicory have been studied for a long time. A decoction of this plant is used to treat and prevent many different diseases. A drink from the root of this plant is useful in the following cases:

  • due to mild laxative properties, gently cleanses the intestines, removes toxins and toxins;
  • improves metabolism and pancreatic activity, which is very important during pregnancy, because this quality helps to get rid of heartburn, which often torments women;
  • unlike coffee, soluble chicory does not contain caffeine, which has a stimulating effect on the body. The root of the plant has a sedative effect, normalizing sleep and overall tone, so it can be used not only during the day, but also at night;
  • the presence of iron in the composition will help to cope with a slight anemia and increase hemoglobin;
  • if it is impossible to use milk in its pure form, it contributes to its better absorption from other products;
  • due to its diuretic properties, it cleanses the kidneys, removes excess fluid from the body, reduces swelling - this is also a common problem during pregnancy. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise there may be dehydration.
  • when blood sugar rises, it will help to normalize its level. How much chicory can be per day - the doctor will definitely tell you.


But for all its positive qualities, soluble chicory also has contraindications. There are not very many of them:

  • phlebeurysm;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • bronchial asthma and cough;
  • diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract, categorically impossible - during an exacerbation;
  • the period of taking antibiotics;
  • allergic reaction to the plant;
  • with caution - with depression, insomnia, stress.

Chicory during pregnancy and lactation

With the usual habit of women to doubt everything, this situation during pregnancy is greatly aggravated. But in this case, this is not necessary: ​​soluble chicory is not only not harmful, but even useful when carrying crumbs. But even in the case when a pregnant woman or a breastfeeding mother, according to indications, can drink soluble chicory without restrictions, one should not forget about the measure: 2 cups a day is the maximum amount in a similar position.

Avid "coffee addicts" who do not have enough willpower to immediately give up their favorite drink can be advised the following method of switching to instant chicory:

  1. on the first day, put 3 parts of coffee and 1 part of chicory into a cup;
  2. the next day, change the dose: now it will be two equal parts of both;
  3. the next step is point 1 on the contrary: 1:3;
  4. and, finally, on the last day - to completely exclude coffee from the drink.

Everything is clear with the pregnancy period - chicory is very useful for the expectant mother. But further...

On the question of whether it is possible to drink chicory while breastfeeding, experts do not have a consensus. But in most cases, doctors do not recommend drinking this drink for a nursing mother. And here are the reasons why:

  • a woman may have a decrease in the amount of milk;
  • an allergy to the components of the drink in the baby is possible;
  • some components have a strong exciting effect on children.

Of course, if you really want to, then a nursing mother can treat herself. But at the same time, it is necessary to pay close attention to your baby - how he will react to the appearance of chicory in his "menu". At the first warning signs, you should stop drinking the drink.

Chicory is quite capable of benefiting children as well - for example, with diathesis, you can add a decoction of the stem and flowers of the plant to the bathing water.

No matter how good this or that “gift of nature” is, it is always better to consult with your doctor before use. Only he can tell how much, when and how you can use the infusion for adults and children. This is especially true for the happy period of pregnancy. After all, the main thing is not to harm the health of the expectant mother and baby!

Chicory is often used as a healthier alternative to coffee. In this case, the beneficial properties of chicory are manifested in the way that a person consumes a drink that does not have such a negative effect on the body as coffee and even tea. This means that it loads your body with harmful substances less and feels much better.

Our company offers instant chicory, which is prepared as simply as the well-known instant coffee. Pour a teaspoon of the powder into hot water and enjoy! You can add milk or cream to taste. But it is worth talking about sugar separately.

Is it possible to drink chicory without sugar and with pleasure?

It is possible and necessary! A pleasant surprise for those who monitor weight and blood sugar levels is that chicory does not need to be added sugar: it is sweet without it, and this sweetness is useful. It's all about inulin - a natural polysaccharide, a polymer of fructose, whose content in chicory ranges from 40% to 60%. It not only makes the drink sweet, but also takes care of your health: it improves metabolism and promotes the removal of harmful substances (toxins, cholesterol, heavy metals) from the body. This makes chicory useful for those who want to lose weight and for diabetics. But do not confuse inulin with insulin: despite the similarity of names, they have fundamentally different properties and mechanisms of action.

Chicory: how often can you drink?

Despite the wonderful properties of chicory, we do not recommend getting carried away and drinking it too often. The fact is that it depends on the dosage of any product whether it will bring benefit or harm. Chicory is no exception and should be consumed in moderation. Here is the question that people who want to try chicory ask: how much can you drink this drink to get a good result and not harm your health? As a rule, one or two cups a day is enough, but three is too much. Consuming this tasty instant drink instead of coffee regularly and in moderation, you will feel an improvement in your well-being. Most importantly - do not forget to read the contraindications!

Why should you drink chicory instead of coffee and tea?

It is rare to find a person who does not drink tea or coffee every day. These popular drinks are so deeply rooted in our lives that their use has become a daily ritual. But the habit of drinking tea or coffee, unfortunately, cannot be called useful.

First, these drinks contain caffeine. And few people know that green tea has much more caffeine than coffee! This information is surprising, because it is green tea that is considered the most useful, pacifying drink. In fact, caffeine got its name from the fact that it was originally found in coffee beans. In green tea, it was found later, and in greater quantities - therefore, this drink, unfortunately, cannot be regarded as a daily acceptable alternative to coffee.

Why is caffeine harmful, and is it worth giving up the usual joys because of its harm? Many people around the world refuse caffeine for the simple reason that it negatively affects well-being, often making it difficult to solve everyday tasks, engage in physical activity, and simply enjoy life. The fact is that this chemical compound increases vascular tone and is contraindicated in people who have problems with high blood pressure. And, unfortunately, many suffer from it. Hence the weakness, dizziness, general deterioration of well-being and performance.

Chicory Root is caffeine-free, so you can enjoy a hot, delicious drink every day without breaking your favorite habit and feel better than if you continued to drink tea or coffee.

Increasingly, on the shelves of supermarkets you can find drinks with chicory. However, not everyone understands what kind of plant it is and what useful properties it has. Chicory is a compound perennial plant with a thick and spindle-shaped root. As a rule, such a plant is covered with hairs, has regular leaves, and inside it is milky juice. From one shrub you can collect up to 25 thousand seeds. The plant also contains the substance inulin, from which it constantly has an energy reserve.

Undoubtedly, nothing compares to the delicate aroma and various flavors of quality coffee. However, in some cases it is worth giving up this drink. With a frequent increase in blood pressure, it is better to drink a drink from chicory root instead of coffee. Such an alternative to coffee will not only protect against a hypertensive crisis, but on the contrary, it will expand the blood vessels, which will lower the pressure.

It is also worth noting that today about 40% of coffee in Russia is fake. This means that cheaper raw materials are mixed into it, which can also negatively affect human health. Chicory is still almost 100% natural, since such raw materials are much easier and cheaper to obtain. The price for it is also much lower than for coffee.
The benefits of chicory are undoubtedly greater. However, with all the benefits, it still does not replace an invigorating morning coffee with an alluring aroma.

What are the beneficial properties of chicory?

The beneficial properties of this root have been known to people since time immemorial. Various powders, decoctions, tinctures and ointments based on chicory root were actively used. It was used to improve health not only for adults, but also for children and pregnant women. For pregnant women, a drink from this plant will be useful as an alternative to the usual morning coffee. It will not only delight you with its excellent taste, but also enrich the body with useful vitamins and minerals, which is so important for pregnant women. Chicory is also allowed for children, but under the age of 3 years it is still not recommended to drink such a drink. Chicory for children will be an excellent source of energy, as well as strengthen the immune system and overall health. Chicory is more preferable to children than coffee.
At the present time, very often the plant is associated with the treatment and prevention of diabetes. Chicory in diabetes is positioned as a dietary supplement that can replace sweet coffee.

However, it should be borne in mind that in the presence of severe vascular pathologies, the plant may be undesirable for such a patient, it can be dangerous to drink it. Such a drink is also practiced for pancreatitis and most other diseases, including chronic ones. The benefits of the root are due to the highest concentration in it of numerous trace elements, vitamins A, B, C, inulin, pectin, intibin glycoside, organic acids, essential oils and tannins.
The plant has various immunostimulating properties. In addition, if you regularly drink such a drink, you can protect yourself from the reproduction of pathogens in the body, significantly strengthen the immune system and enhance metabolic processes. The plant has an unusual chemical composition, which provides its various beneficial effects:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • choleretic;
  • diuretic;
  • wound healing;
  • sedative effect and other beneficial properties.

Chicory is ideal for diabetes, as it reduces blood glucose levels. This plant can replace not only sugar, but also starch.

Also, the root of the plant normalizes the work of the pancreas and improves cardiac activity. Chicory in pancreatitis is an indispensable tool in the treatment. This plant is quite effective in other gastrointestinal diseases. The root has general strengthening properties, heals wounds.
Due to the low calorie content of the drink and its ability to accelerate metabolic processes, a person can get rid of extra pounds. Its benefits for weight loss have been proven.

Why is inulin good for diabetics?

Inulin is a kind of energy depot of the plant. This carbohydrate accumulates in the roots of some plants. That is why it is the chicory root that is most valued, the benefit of which lies in the high content of this substance.

In the human body, inulin acts as a prebiotic. In the upper parts of the digestive tract, inulin is not digested, and in the lumen of the large intestine it is the strongest stimulating factor for the development and improvement of beneficial microflora. In addition, inulin has a beneficial effect on the stomach, pancreas, liver, bones and immunity. It is also worth noting that it is inulin that provides the hypoglycemic properties of chicory, which is especially important for patients with diabetes. Inulin is one of the most important and valuable components of the plant. This is another advantage of it over natural coffee.

What is chicory like?

Today, on the basis of chicory, a variety of products are made. However, as a rule, all of it has several common properties and, above all, it is its incredible healing properties and affordable cost. Various products are made from such raw materials: soluble chicory, fried (ground) and liquid. Also, the plant may have a powdery appearance. The main component of this product is mainly the root. However, in numerous traditional medicine recipes, all the components of this plant are used. The brewed drink is better to drink not only during the day, but also at night.
Traditional medicine often suggests drinking various herbal preparations and decoctions with chicory to combat various diseases. As a rule, they have excellent choleretic and diuretic properties. Such funds are often attributed to such ailments as: cystitis, nephritis, gallstone pathology, dysbacteriosis, various types of hepatitis, diseases of the pancreas, spleen and others. Chicory decoctions are able to reduce lethargy, stimulate the activation of the digestive organs, accelerating metabolism, which neither coffee nor tea gives.

Chicory for pancreatitis

Chicory is one of the most effective and popular remedies for people suffering from cholecystitis and chronic pancreatitis. Its composition helps the human body to resist these ailments, flush out excess bile, normalize the processes of digestion of food, which is quite important for people with gastrointestinal diseases.
It is recommended to drink such a drink before eating, due to which the human body prepares for the digestion of food. Its benefit is that it allows you to remove harmful toxins along with processed food, and prevent the growth of harmful bacteria. Taking a drink for the body will benefit even if you follow a diet, since in this case its effect will only increase. Its calorie content is minimal, from which such a drink is easily absorbed. It saturates the body with useful substances, such as: resins, trace elements, vitamins, acids.

Can chicory harm the body - contraindications

Despite all the healing properties of the plant, it can bring not only benefits to the human body, but also harm. The most significant harm to the root (especially soluble) is for people suffering from a stomach or duodenal ulcer, citizens should be careful with. People who are prone to various allergic reactions should be careful when using root-based products. The soluble product may have vasodilating properties.
The plant can also harm the human body and if used improperly. For the use of chicory there are some restrictions - contraindications. Drinking a drink or nutritional supplements with this component is dangerous for people suffering from varicose veins, in the presence of enlarged hemorrhoids or gastritis. With caution, it is necessary to use the drug for people who are obese or with an unstable psyche. It is worth noting that in small quantities, a drink with chicory can be consumed by every person of any age group.

    Contraindications to the use of this product are:
  • bronchial asthma and severe bronchitis;
  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • vascular anomalies;
  • gallbladder pathology.

The dried plant can still provide more benefits than powdered chicory. The harm of soluble chicory may be due to the fact that, in the case of low-quality raw materials or any impurities in the finished product, it is rather difficult for an inexperienced buyer to identify a harmful product. Complications from such a drink can be quite serious. High-quality powdered chicory will not cause harm if there are no contraindications to its use. Such a product should be uniform in appearance, without lumps and visible impurities.

How many times a day can you drink chicory?

Chicory in most cases has a beneficial effect on the body. However, don't get too carried away with it. The optimal rate for taking it in the absence of contraindications is 2 cups of brewed drink per day. No matter how many cups of the drink per day you drink, you need to focus, first of all, on your well-being and the presence of contraindications. It is important to clearly assess the possible benefits of this drink and the harm from it.

Magazines and websites about healthy eating are full of information about instant chicory, its beneficial properties and contraindications. Which drink is better to prefer, what and to whom it is useful, as well as when it should not be consumed - it is worth studying in more detail so as not to harm your own well-being.

Wonderful flower "king-root"

Using soluble chicory in the diet, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which cause resonance among physicians, not everyone knows what and how it is prepared from. Growing ubiquitously in many countries (India, Asia, Russia, Indonesia, USA), the blue flower Chicory belongs to the honey plants of the Astrov family.

The biennial plant has always been famous for its healing abilities. The stem and leaves of the endive variety are indispensable ingredients in salads or side dishes. And in the ordinary variety, the most valuable is the root (sometimes reaches 15 meters in length). It is from it that an invaluable drink with the same name as a flower is prepared in various ways. Possessing medicinal characteristics, he has firmly entered the everyday life of physicians, culinary specialists and cosmetologists.

What is useful chicory soluble for the body

Reminiscent of the taste of coffee, this unique drink does not contain caffeine, which is dangerous for hypertensive patients. Inulin in its composition is able to reduce the level of sugar in the bloodstream, controlling the rate of weight, removing excess cholesterol. That is why for a long time chicory remains a folk remedy for diabetics. In addition, this substance has a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora, normalizing the balance of bifidobacteria. Inulin qualitatively neutralizes the effect of muffins and sweets, therefore it is indispensable for weight loss.

It contains copper, potassium, manganese, selenium, calcium, zinc, magnesium, which contribute to the normalization of the heart vessels, expand them in diameter, increasing the amplitude of heart contractions. The trace element iron present makes chicory a prophylactic against anemia. However, cow's milk interferes with its absorption. Therefore, lovers of a dairy product are advised to replace it in a cup with soy, coconut or rice.

Given the characteristics of all components, the conclusion suggests itself that chicory can positively affect the functioning:

  • cardiovascular system (with tachycardia, ischemia, hypertension, atherosclerosis)
  • nerve cells
  • immune system (with frequent colds)
  • gastrointestinal tract (for peptic ulcers)
  • metabolic processes (with hormonal surges, diabetes, excess body weight)

The harm of soluble chicory for the body

In some cases, the expectations of a medical effect are not justified. Each person is individual, and the effect of the drink is not the same for everyone. Many people pay attention that chicory causes excessive appetite, not at all contributing to weight loss. This is due to the peculiarities of the functioning of the digestive tract.

People who are prone to overexcitation of the psyche note manifestations of insomnia, signs of increased excitability and emotional surges. Due to the large amount of ascorbic acid, people prone to allergies notice rashes on the body from an excess of vitamin C.

Therapeutic drink during the period of bearing a child and feeding

During pregnancy, the prevention of anemia is especially important. The components of the drink from chicory stimulate the work of the heart, enriching blood vessels and blood with useful microelements and minerals. By supporting immune functions, it prevents the development of respiratory diseases and keeps the baby healthy.

Doctors strongly recommend that pregnant and lactating mothers exclude coffee and strong tea from the diet so as not to increase the load on the heart. A cup of fragrant chicory more than replenishes energy costs and gives vigor. Many get rid of heartburn with it, without resorting to drugs.

The regularity of peristalsis is also important for women during the period of bearing and feeding the baby. Chicory gently optimizes bowel function, helping to eliminate toxic elements and toxins. And in order to preserve the vitamins present in it (they break up from high temperature), you should brew with hot water instead of boiling water.

However, excessive passion for chicory can cause allergic reactions in the presence of a predisposition, or other unpleasant health disorders. In addition, we must not forget that there are other herbal pharmacy products that restore health without the help of drugs. (Read: - here).

Contraindications to chicory

Since it is a medicine, not everyone can drink it. It is dangerous for people with a diagnosis of varicose veins to get involved in it because of the threat of vasodilation. Such a drug can provoke bleeding under certain circumstances. The risk group consists of people who have a predisposition to the formation of hemorrhoidal cones. It is especially dangerous to drink the drug often in the acute form of hemorrhoids.

Chicory is extremely harmful to patients with bronchial asthma, suffering from chronic chronic cough and bronchitis. A large amount of ascorbic acid can cause allergies if abused. It should be used with caution in people with gastritis or ulcerative manifestations.

The benefits and harms of soluble chicory have blurred boundaries. Before including it in your diet, it is better to consult a doctor if there is sleep instability, nervous disorders and a tendency to depression.

Which chicory is more useful: liquid or soluble

Modern production represents three main varieties of chicory:

  • liquid
  • instant powder
  • ground

The first is made by evaporating the liquid from the root several times. Extraction preserves the taste and pleasant aroma of the product. The process is repeated several times, using the previous extract for the next processing step. Then the excess water is removed, leaving a strictly metered amount. The finished product retains useful substances and components as much as possible due to the phased and gentle processing.

Soluble is also made from the root. The liquid is evaporated, then dried and finely ground to a powder. Despite the ease of use, this type is inferior to the first in terms of the safety of useful components. And ground - the richest of all three in composition. It is obtained by roasting the roots, followed by grinding. Brewed in the same way as natural coffee. The longer it is insisted, the richer the aroma and taste. That is why positive reviews about this type of drink are the most common.

How much chicory can you drink per day

Based on the high usefulness of the product, the question arises: is it possible to use it uncontrollably? The answer is obvious - not to everyone. Given some of the features of this drug, it will not be superfluous to adhere to the measure. The norm is up to 4 cups per day, and not at night. Since it replaces coffee, be aware of its invigorating abilities. Drinking before bed means depriving yourself of a peaceful long sleep.

Its inherent diuretic effect will take you by surprise with uncontrolled use, for example, in transport and while traveling. Aspiring to lose weight, too, should not forget that the drug in some people increases appetite. And this is another reason not to exceed the norm. Expectant mothers are recommended by doctors no more than 2 servings a day, so as not to harm their health and the baby.

Application depends on individual tolerance. Your body will tell you how much it is permissible to drink it in order to feel comfortable. However, if this is a dietary innovation, it is best to introduce it gradually and not overdo it.

simple recipes

For drinking: pour half a spoon (tea) with slightly cooled boiling water (80ᴼ). Wait a few minutes and then drink slowly, in small sips. You can diversify the taste with the help of milk (preferably vegetable), honey, cream.

Roasted chicory (tablespoon) pour hot water (200 ml). Boil for about 3 minutes over very low heat. Add sugar or honey, insist and drink slowly after 10 minutes.

For weight loss: 2 tablespoons of ground root (tea) pour water (1 tbsp.). Boil for approximately 10 minutes. Cool and consume twice a day before meals (1 hour before).

For hair: 30 g of a dry plant (stems, color, root) boil for half an hour over low heat (half a liter of water). Leave for approximately 6 hours. Strain and rub into wet hair roots. Wash off after 10 minutes. Then dry naturally, without a hair dryer.

Rinse the hair with a tincture of the root after a thorough washing. At the same time, their growth is accelerated, the natural color improves, and shine appears.

When buying instant chicory powder in the store, pay attention to its consistency. It should not have lumps, signs of the presence of moisture. When choosing a spine, remember that it must be dry and brown. Store in a dark place in an airtight container. Do not use a wet spoon to avoid lumps.

When it comes to how chicory is useful for the human body, misunderstanding arises. What product are we talking about? Does it mean the raw root. Or fried. Are the benefits and harms to the body of soluble powdered chicory the same as those of the fresh version?

An instant drink is one of the few processed foods whose beneficial properties are almost completely preserved. Moreover, all scientific studies that describe the medicinal properties of the plant are not made on the raw root, but on its extract or soluble powder.

So, if you want to know what are the medicinal properties of soluble chicory and possible contraindications for its use, then the answer is simple: they are the same as those of the raw root.

It’s just necessary to understand how to choose the right powdered soluble product so that it is natural and of high quality. You can get detailed recommendations from the video.

Useful properties of the chicory plant

Help digestion

The product is rich in inulin oligosaccharide, which is responsible for its positive effect on the digestive tract. Therefore, to make it easier to understand how the root manages to normalize the functioning of the digestive system, you must first tell what is inulin in chicory.

By its chemical nature, inulin refers to soluble plant fiber, which, when in contact with water, forms a gel-like substance. This gives the food eaten volume and helps it move through the intestines. As a result, chronic constipation disappears.

In addition, the gel formed from soluble fiber slows down the absorption of food, which is useful for weight loss and for controlling blood sugar levels.

You can read more about what prebiotics are and what products are contained in.

A good addition to the beneficial properties of inulin is its pleasant sweetish taste.

Reducing chronic inflammation

It has been proven that plant polyphenols, which are rich in root, are able to fight inflammatory processes. It has anti-inflammatory qualities and is a soluble fiber product.

And this is important, since chronic inflammation is the cause of the development of many dangerous ailments from atherosclerosis to cancer.

As for the medicinal properties of chicory root, at the moment their effectiveness has been proven for the treatment of joint diseases, primarily osteoarthritis.

Fight free radicals and cleanse the liver

The product contains antioxidants. That is, it has the ability to prevent damage to cellular structures by reactive oxygen species.

Although the antioxidant activity of chicory is useful for all tissues of the human body, it has been studied most deeply for the liver. It has been proven that the biologically active compounds of chicory are powerful hepatoprotectors, that is, they protect liver cells from the harmful effects of oxygen and other toxins on them, and also help the liver perform its cleansing function.

In addition, the root is a mild diuretic. And it also gives him the opportunity to participate in cleansing the body of toxic waste products.

Blood sugar control

Chicory can and should be consumed in type 2 diabetes. For it leads to an increase in the release of the hormone adipose tissue adiponectin, which regulates blood sugar levels. Moreover, the root does this so effectively that it is a real anti-diabetic agent. Therefore, soluble chicory can be regularly drunk by diabetics. The drink is included.

Inulin has an additional positive anti-diabetic effect, as it slows down the digestion of food, primarily carbohydrates, preventing a rapid rise in blood sugar after eating.

Fight stress and insomnia

The product is known as a natural sedative. The benefits of soluble powdered chicory for the normalization of sleep have been noted. Drinking a drink at night helps to eliminate insomnia more effectively than some drugs designed to do this.

At the same time, the drink does not have any side effects, which abound with medicated sedatives and hypnotics. And it's not addictive.

How does it affect pressure?

There is some confusion as to how chicory acts on blood pressure - whether it raises or lowers it.

Actually, neither.

The pressure of the root does not increase in any way. But it is one of the foods that, when consumed regularly and long-term, can help prevent hypertension and even help control blood pressure levels in people who have already been diagnosed with hypertension. This is partly why chicory is useful for women and men after 50 years, when the likelihood of increased pressure increases.

However, a cup of instant drink is not able to urgently reduce high blood pressure. And can not lead to its sharp fall and hypotension.

Work or not for weight loss?

Chicory for weight loss is useful. And it works immediately in many directions.

  1. Helps maintain adequate blood sugar levels and thus reduces insulin resistance, the main cause of weight gain.
  2. Helps prevent compulsive eating urges, which are associated with a sharp drop in blood sugar after a rapid rise.
  3. Normalizes the work of intestinal microflora. And since overweight people have several types of microorganisms in the intestines that stimulate further weight gain, improving the intestinal flora is one of the important aspects of proper sustainable weight loss. Also, a healthy microflora strengthens the immune system and helps to avoid the development of chronic sluggish inflammation in the body, which is associated with excess weight.
  4. Cleansing the liver, without the normal functioning of which the proper functioning of the digestive system is impossible. And without a clear work of the gastrointestinal tract, you can neither steadily lose weight, nor simply stay healthy.
  5. Decreases the feeling of hunger. The benefit of chicory soluble fiber (inulin) is that it fills the stomach. And, therefore, reduces the feeling of hunger and increases the duration of satiety after eating. That is why the root is classified as a product that.
  6. Normalizes sleep, which is necessary for weight loss. After all, it is well known that the worse a person sleeps at night, the more he suffers from weight problems.
  7. . The properties of chicory are such that it enhances the release of the hormone adiponectin, which helps maintain the correct level of sugar in the blood and accelerates the breakdown of fats. This hormone is important for sustainable weight loss.

It often happens that a person loses weight quickly, for example, loses 5-7 kg per week. And then the process of losing weight either slows down, or stops altogether. This is due to the fact that the body is frightened of its new state and slows down metabolism, so as not to die of hunger.

This ability to slow down metabolic processes while reducing body weight makes it possible to survive in the wild, where weight loss is usually the result of a lack of food. However, in the modern world, it plays a cruel joke with people, preventing them from normalizing their weight.

The hormone adiponectin helps maintain an adequate metabolic rate even when there is rapid weight loss.

Attention. We do not fly in the clouds!

The benefits of chicory for weight loss are great. However, do not try to shift all the responsibility for the normalization of weight to him. You should not think that if you eat cakes and sandwiches with white bread and purchased sausage and drink them with an instant drink, you will lose weight. No. So nothing will work.

Chicory helps to lose weight. But he cannot provide you with exhaustion against the background of overeating and the abuse of sugar in all its forms.


  1. Chicory during pregnancy is not indicated. If taken in large enough amounts, it can cause miscarriage. Whether it is possible to root while breastfeeding has not yet been definitely established. In this connection, most experts still recommend temporarily abandoning it.
  2. Under the influence of the drink, bile production may increase, which is bad for people with gallstone disease.
  3. Allergy to chicory is a strict contraindication to use.
  4. In acute pancreatitis and / or gastritis, chicory should not be drunk. In the chronic course of diseases, the product is not prohibited. The decision whether to consume it or not is made individually based on one's reaction to the drink or the fresh root.

Side effects

The main side effect that occurs when chicory is consumed in adequate amounts by people to whom it is allowed is associated with the introduction of a large amount of fiber into the body. That is, bloating and flatulence, diarrhea, pain in the abdominal region can be observed. As a rule, all these effects disappear after the body gets used to digesting fiber.

How many cups can you drink per day?

At the same time, no scientific information has yet been received on the possibility of overdose by people who are allowed to use the product. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with drinking 2-3 cups on some day. But it’s not worth it to switch to such a regime every day.

You also need to remember that chicory soothes and relaxes. Therefore, it is best to drink it at night, and not in the morning.

How to use?

Everyone knows how to make a cup of soluble powdered chicory or an extract from it.

But not everyone knows how to make other drinks from it. And, meanwhile, from the usual soluble chicory, you can create kvass, and even the most real Coca-Cola, only unlike the store, it will benefit the body.

So, how to cook kvass

and coke.

Useful properties of chicory and contraindications for use: conclusions

  1. The root has a lot of medicinal properties and very few potentially harmful qualities. Therefore, it is allowed for almost all people, except for pregnant women and patients with cholelithiasis.
  2. This is a slimming friendly product. It will not be possible to lose weight on it, but it is quite possible to help yourself normalize weight.
  3. It is important to understand that the benefits of the soluble powdered root or extract are virtually the same as fresh root. So you don't have to go overboard to get what you want. You don't have to grow chicory yourself. You can just buy the soluble version.
