
What is cognac served with? What do you eat with cognac? What is etiquette cognac snacking on

15.11.2017 Sommelier Dmitry Bychkov 0

How to drink cognac and what to eat

A bottle of expensive and high-quality cognac will perfectly complement the festive table of a real men's company. The noble drink has a unique spicy aroma, mild or, conversely, a sharp burning taste, vanilla, floral and fruit and berry notes of the bouquet, as well as a unique aftertaste, which indicates aging and the correct production technology.

To appreciate all the superiority and individuality of strong alcohol, you should learn how to drink and eat cognac correctly. This will make it possible to successfully conduct business negotiations, have a pleasant evening with friends and not spoil the impression of yourself in the eyes of a sophisticated cultural society.

Avoiding the purchase of low-quality products, in recent years, it becomes quite difficult. Counterfeiting companies try to make the fake as close to the original as possible. Even labels with the names of the popular "Hennessy", "Remy Martin" or "Armenia" do not guarantee the presence of elite alcohol inside a decorative bottle.

  1. V.S. or Very Special, Trois Etoiles, Selection, de Luxe - more than 2 years;
  2. Superior - older than 3 years;
  3. V.S.O.P. or Very Superior Old Pale - from 4 years old;
  4. V.V.S.O.P. or Grande Reserve, Very Very Superior Old Pale - at least 5 years;
  5. X.O. or Extra Old, Napolneon. Stored from 6 years.

This classification was developed in France, the birthplace of the famous brandy. Within the post-Soviet space, cognac is, first of all, ordinary. A star is assigned to each year of aging. They can be from 3 to 5 on the label. This includes the Armenian "Ararat" and "Arvest".

By analogy with the Western quality assessment, the following names correspond to vintage cognac:

  1. aged more than 6 years - KV;
  2. over 8 years - KVVK;
  3. 10 year old - KS;
  4. over 12 years old - OS.

The oldest is the collection cognac. His age is at least 23 years old. Sold only in specialized stores at a very high price.

You can choose brandy following the same principles. For example, apple or pear Calvados, cherry Kirschwasser, Eau de vie from peaches and apricots, Metaxa and Armagnac based on white grapes.

What is etiquette cognac snacking on

The requirements for expensive alcohol are much higher than, for example, for home-made moonshine or intoxicated beer. You can not drink it from a flask or bottle.

Therefore, along with the main provisions of the feast, there are also rules of etiquette in relation to cognac:

  • the temperature is not higher than 20-25 ° C. Cold cognac cannot be felt. With excessive heating, aromatic substances quickly disappear, and the bouquet and taste are smeared;
  • cognac is poured into a glass with a wide bottom and a narrow top, "snifter". This design enhances the release of cognac spirit under the influence of heat emanating from the hand, and keeps it within a spherical glass vessel with a volume of 180-240 ml. Filled in ¼ part. In some cases, when only alcohol is offered, it is allowed to drink cognac from a glass of vodka;
  • serve as an aperitif on a coffee table. Cognac of low or medium exposure can be diluted with a small amount of champagne or martini, added to coffee;
  • as a digestif, cognac products serve as the final stage of the meal, consumed after food and wine.

Taking a glass in your hands, do not rush. Drinking cognac correctly is an art. Study the color carefully. It can range from a light, almost straw-colored tint to a rich bronze caramel tone, but the consistency should remain clear.

Tilt the glass 45° and watch how quickly the liquid falls down the side of the glass vessel. The slower this happens, the longer the exposure of cognac. Treat every sip like a tasting.

A classic French appetizer for cognac, which will allow you to fully feel the range of shades and taste accompaniment, is the exact sequence of strong coffee, a small sip of amber spirits, a tart cigar and dark chocolate. In order not to spoil the perception of the aftertaste, use fruits, red, black caviar, you can drink mineral water.

The better to eat cognac

Since cognac is a rather expensive type of alcohol, its serving requires appropriate decoration and occasion. Below we consider what, according to the French, should be the ideal appetizer for cognac:

  • mozzarella, marble or blue cheese "Dorblu";
  • scallops, mussels, caviar;
  • olives;
  • goose or chicken pate;
  • rabbit or veal meat;
  • cocoa-based confectionery, nut soufflé, chocolate mousse;
  • fruits;
  • nuts.

It is better to drink strong alcohol with nectar from apples and oranges, sparkling water.

Light snacks for cognac in a hurry

Very often, unexpected visits from guests lead the hosts into confusion. You shouldn't worry. Host a small buffet. Using quick and easy recipes in a hurry, the delicious appetizer you have prepared is perfect for any cognac.

Distribute beautiful fruit and berry slices on a plate. Use grapes, pears, apples, cherries, or melons. Add a touch of exotic with pineapple or pomegranate.

Cognac is eaten with hard cheese or cheese, walnuts, cashews, peanuts or almonds, which are dipped in warmed honey.

It doesn't take long to make chocolate fondue. On a steam bath, melt 250 grams of chocolate.

Additional Ingredients:

  • cream - 100 grams;
  • liquor - 2-3 teaspoons.

Thread banana slices, strawberries or orange slices onto skewers or toothpicks.

What to do so that the snack does not interrupt the taste

The habit of eating cognac with lemon and salt prevents you from revealing the true value of noble alcohol. This tradition dates back to the time of Nicholas I. The Russian emperor preferred that each strong liquor was accompanied by a savory dish, which later received the name "Nikolashka".

For cooking, they took a lemon slice, which was sprinkled with powdered sugar, crushed coffee beans or chocolate chips, and red, black caviar was placed on top. Citruses distort both the sense of smell and the quality of alcohol, so avoid them.

In order not to interrupt the smell and improve the taste, remember that cognac does not combine with canned food, marinades, sauerkraut. A high concentration of salt and vinegar will not only spoil the taste, but also provoke an attack of gastritis, inflammation of the pancreas, and pancreatitis. Such nutrition is also dangerous for hypertension.

Fatty meat and mushrooms with strong alcohol put a great strain on the digestive organs, kidneys and liver, and increase the state of intoxication.

Herring is best served with vodka. The peculiar aroma and taste of river fish will not give you the opportunity to feel the whiskey.

How to drink cognac with cola and other cocktails

If you decide to have a small party at home, consider that not everyone likes strong alcohol. For those who love the classics, you can mix cognac with cola in a 1: 1 ratio.

Cuban brandy

  • brandy or cognac - 50 grams;
  • ice - 3-4 cubes;
  • pepsi - 30 grams;
  • lime juice - 20 grams.

Everything is thoroughly mixed. The decoration is half a slice of citrus on the wall of the glass.


The low-alcohol cocktail Molodist is considered less strong and very high-calorie. Its composition will cost more than in previous recipes:

  • quail eggs - 2 pieces;
  • Pepsi - 120 ml;
  • cognac - 20 ml;
  • lime slice;
  • mint;
  • sugar - 25 mg;
  • mineral water - 20 ml.

All components are mixed. Soda should be added just before serving. With the help of a leaf of mint and citrus, an external design is made.

Cognac cocktail with coffee

To remove a severe hangover in the morning or increase low blood pressure for hypotensive patients, low-alcohol tonic drinks based on cognac will help. The traditional option is brewed ground coffee beans in a Turk and cold alcohol. Temperature contrast will quickly invigorate and improve well-being.

The “Salty” drink has an unusual range of shades. In pre-prepared instant coffee, you need to add a pinch of salt, 1 teaspoon of alcohol.

Cognac cocktail with the addition of milk has a refined and mild taste. To feel like a real aristocrat, prepare the ingredients:

  • chicory and cognac - 2 teaspoons each;
  • cinnamon - a pinch;
  • cream - 3 tablespoons;
  • glass of water.

We throw all the components into boiling water, insist about 2-3 minutes. Dairy products are added at the end.

The original coffee with Viennese cognac is prepared in several stages. Make sure you have all the ingredients:

  • ground coffee beans and cinnamon - a teaspoon each;
  • boiled water - 100 ml;
  • spicy cloves - 1-2 pieces;
  • refined sugar - 1-2 cubes;
  • lemon peel.

First, brew coffee over low heat, bring to a boil. In a separate bowl, grind the cinnamon and cloves, sugar and zest. Fill with cognac and set on fire. The resulting composition is mixed with a ready-made coffee drink, filtered.

You should not get carried away with the rich and rich taste of the drink. In small doses, which do not exceed 50 grams per day, it is useful to drink cognac. It treats colds, coughs and sore throats, relieves inflammation of the gums and reduces toothache.

A small glass at dinner will ensure a restful sleep, but with diseases of the nervous system, like Parkinson's syndrome and epilepsy, alcohol is generally prohibited. With extreme caution and only after the approval of the attending physician, it is allowed to use strong alcohol for hypertensive patients, heart patients and persons after a stroke. Ethyl alcohol dilates blood vessels, increases blood circulation, but can provoke arrhythmias. It is harmful to drink cognac for people with diabetes. The high calorie content of strong alcohol causes a violation of the absorption of glucose and a lack of insulin production. You can not brandy and women with polycystic, as this is the cause of an increase in the amount of male hormones and improper functioning of the ovaries.

The selection of dishes significantly affects the sensations received from a particular alcoholic drink. The effect can be both positive and negative. Next, I will tell you how to properly snack cognac without interrupting its taste. In this matter, we are a unique country that has chosen its own path of development, choosing a simple, but not the most successful snack.

Russian reality. Thanks to Nicholas II, a strange tradition of eating cognac with lemon took root in our country. There is no point in this approach, because citric acid drowns out the receptors of the tongue for several minutes, interrupting the taste of any even the most sophisticated drink. This combination is justified only in two situations: when the quality of cognac leaves much to be desired (typical for most cheap brands) or a person just decided to get drunk.

In the second case, it is easier to choose alcohol without taste, for example, vodka, or switch to tequila, the European culture of drinking which is unthinkable without salt and lemon, although the Mexicans “inventors” of tequila consider this wildness.

World practice. When it comes to long-term cognacs (10-25 years), connoisseurs of elite spirits drink them without snacks. The organoleptic properties (color, taste, smell) of such drinks have been formed over the years, third-party products will spoil everything. If cognac tasting involves acquaintance with several brands, after each sample, the mouth is refreshed with mineral water without gas to refresh the receptors.

In France, short-aged cognacs (up to 10 years) are served with chocolate or pâtés. But most gourmets prefer to follow the rule of three "C" (Cafe, Cognac, Cigare). Moreover, at first they drink a cup of coffee, then take a few sips of cognac, and only after that they smoke a fragrant cigar.

french classic

The disadvantage of the rule of three "C": you can drink no more than 100-150 grams of cognac without being very drunk, and for Russians this is a ridiculous dose. During a long feast, an appetizer must be served with cognac, while it is important to preserve the taste of the drink.

Feast options. Dishes should not be spicy and greasy. Suitable fruits growing in the area where the drink is made: grapes, apples, pears, strawberries, etc. Olives, hard cheeses, seafood (caviar sandwiches, fried oysters, salmon) and white lean meat without hot spices, such as poultry or veal, go well with cognac. You can drink cognac with the juice of white grapes or non-carbonated mineral water.

When compiling the menu, I advise you to take into account the preferences of the guests, having previously learned what they like to eat cognac with. Habit is second nature, sometimes more important than the right combination of drinks and dishes. If a person is used to eating cognac with lemon and does not want to change anything, it is useless to argue with him, it is easier to put a plate of sliced ​​lemons on the table, preserving the holiday atmosphere. Recipes for simple dishes and options for their beautiful presentation are shown in the video.

Why cognac is not recommended to eat with lemon and what it is best combined with, you will find out by reading our article. Most likely, not all readers will agree with our statements, but we advise you to listen to the recommendations. Moreover, they rely on the experience of the world's most famous restaurateurs.

Should cognac be eaten with lemon?

In Russia, Emperor Nicholas II introduced the fashion for cognac appetizer with lemon. Whether he came up with this flavor combination himself or someone advised him - there is no data on this. But it was during his reign that all the courtiers and visiting guests began to eat cognac with sour citrus slices. Whoever did not particularly like this combination, it was proposed to sprinkle the lemon with sugar.

Modern restaurateurs never serve cognac with lemon to their customers. They argue that getting citric acid into the mouth completely turns off the taste buds and the client cannot fully enjoy the taste of a noble drink. An appetizer of cognac with lemon can be justified only in one case, if the cognac on the table is of very low quality with a clear spirit of fusel oils. In this case, the lemon will just help drown out the unpleasant taste in the mouth.

How cognac is eaten in its homeland - France

France is the birthplace of cognac. It is there, in a department called Charente, that the small town of Cognac is located. The name of a strong aromatic drink comes from the name of this city. The French never drink poor quality cognac - it is even hard to find it on sale. Real gourmets drink elite alcohol aged 10-25 years without snacks at all. The French believe that this is how you can fully experience the taste and aroma of the drink.

Quite often, tourists in France get to taste different varieties of skate and are very surprised that there is no snack on the tables. Instead, there is only good mineral water without gas. The French claim that it is water that completely refreshes the taste buds and the client can feel even the most subtle shades of individual varieties.

Cognacs aged a little less than ten years, the French offer a snack with chocolate or a delicate pate of poultry meat. Such a set (cognac, chocolate or pate) is served in all restaurants in France.

True cognac connoisseurs prefer to drink it according to the “Three Cs” rule (Cafe, Cognac, Cigare). First of all, they drink a cup of coffee, after it they savor a few sips of a skate, and then they light a fragrant cigar.

Water, chocolate, pate, coffee and a cigar are unlikely to suit a Russian connoisseur of alcohol. Unlike the French, who literally consume cognac in just a few sips, our people like to see bottles or decanters of cognac on the table.

Cognac itself is a drink very fragrant and rich in taste. In order not to interrupt these wonderful sensations from good alcohol, professionals recommend serving on the table as a snack:

  • Strawberries, grapes, pears, sweet apples.
  • Pitted olives or stuffed with cheese or nuts.
  • Hard cheeses of elite varieties.
  • Red or black caviar.
  • Weakly salted salmon.
  • Veal or lean poultry cooked with a minimum amount of spices.

Based on the above products, you can easily prepare various canapes and sandwiches. It is better to make canapes on special long skewers and combine, for example, such products:

  • Cheese and grapes.
  • Olives and cheese.
  • Meat and olives.
  • Cheese, strawberries and walnuts.
  • Salmon, olives and fresh cucumber.

Caviar for cognac is recommended to be served on small croutons of white bread or in special baskets of unleavened dough. For those guests who are used to drinking liquids with alcoholic drinks, you can serve white grape juice or clean water without gas to cognac.

This video will tell you about cognac: where it is produced, manufacturing technology, how it is served, what dishes are needed for a drink, and what you can still eat a noble drink with.

Any noble spirit-containing drink, of course, requires a luxurious culinary design. Thanks to this, the taster will be able to appreciate and as accurately as possible evaluate all its taste qualities and advantages.

And in order to enjoy the taste of a truly high-quality cognac, you need to know which snack is best suited for this drink.

Many people make gross mistakes when choosing an appetizer for cognac.

Reference! This procedure should be approached with due attention - food should be chosen with understanding.

Indeed, certain types of products can not only spoil the rich taste of cognac, but also deliver not at all pleasant sensations to the consumer: rapid intoxication, morning hangover, headaches, terrible dryness, and so on.

There are a number of products that, for various reasons, should not be consumed with cognac:

  1. Lemon. Snacking cognac with lemon or not is a moot point. Some people combine this product with a strong alcoholic drink, while others do not. This citrus is disgustingly combined with cognac, because it greatly interrupts its taste. However, in the Russian Empire, during the reign of Nicholas II, representatives of the nobility ate cognac with lemon. This is where the concept of "nikolashki" arose - lemon slices, which are used to snack on cognac drink.
  2. Cakes and pastries. The human body is designed in such a way that, first of all, it will begin to break down foods containing glucose. As a result, insulin will be released into the liquid connective tissue (blood), and a person who ate cognac with a sweet cake will experience extremely rapid intoxication, and in the morning - headaches, a severe hangover, because the body was poisoned by toxins.
  3. spicy foods. Such products accelerate and at the same time enhance the negative effects of alcohol on the human body. And cognac in combination, for example, with hot pepper “provides” a burn of the mucous membrane or esophagus.
  4. Tomatoes and pickled cucumbers. These products do not "get along" with both vodka and cognac. The influence of organic acids of vegetables in combination with strong ethyl alcohol guarantees instant bloating and indigestion of food products.
  5. Chewing gum. Chewing gum in combination with a strong alcohol-containing drink negatively affects the mucous membranes, stomach and esophagus. Therefore, in order to avoid heartburn and other similar syndromes, it is not recommended to chew cognac with chewing gum, even if you urgently need to get rid of a terrible fumes from the oral cavity.

Watch a video that describes 7 foods that you can’t eat strong alcohol with:

What would be the right drink to serve?

According to consumers (mostly men), “cognac does not need to be eaten”, because interrupting the exquisite taste of this amazing drink is “the most stupid idea”. However, not all people can drink cognac without snacking or drinking.

There are several so-called "categories", based on which, you can choose a good snack and drink for this alcoholic drink.

Matches to taste

The French, the inhabitants of the historical homeland of cognac, offer to have a bite of this drink chocolate or poultry pate. It is important to take into account that the exposure of the swill should be more than 10 years. It is worth noting that such snacks are served in almost all French restaurants around the world.

Any cognac goes well with taste. with dark chocolate or sweets. The finest bitter taste will be a great addition to this elite drink.

In addition, often as an appetizer for cognac are offered sandwiches with red caviar or liver. Since this drink belongs to the category of wine alcoholic beverages, absolutely any meat (pork, lamb, veal, etc.) goes well with it in terms of taste.

Cognac is harmoniously combined to taste with fruits and berries. Apples, bananas, pears, grapes - all this will be a good snack. It should be noted that these products are not only harmoniously combined with any type of cognac product, but also clearly express its exquisite taste.

Thus, there are several options for cognac snacks.

The first version is predominantly sweet snacks:

  • bitter chocolate;
  • fruits: grapes, apples, peaches and so on;
  • walnut soufflé;
  • pancakes with jam or chocolate cream.

The second version of snacks are salty dishes:

  • blue cheese;
  • olives;
  • cold veal, chicken or other meat;
  • seafood products such as oysters, trout, caviar and so on;
  • liver pâtés.

Reference! In addition, there are a number of drinks that go well with such a strong alcoholic drink as cognac. According to the rules of etiquette, it is recommended to drink it with grape juice or mineral water without gases.

Carbonated drinks such as Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Sprite, SevenUp, and others are a great addition to not all cognac brands.

However, according to the tasters, one perfectly complements the other, for example, Hennessy goes well with Coca-Cola.

In the video, a connoisseur of alcoholic beverages tells how to drink and what to eat brandy:

Important! Cognac should be served as a dessert when the time for consumption of main courses has come to an end. High-quality cognac with a long exposure should not be eaten, so as not to interrupt the exquisite aroma and pronounced aftertaste.


It is important to emphasize that there are well-established rules of etiquette, following which you can enjoy the exquisite and extraordinary taste of cognac.

Not all people are guided by the etiquette of drinking a drink, and therefore do not receive the maximum dose of satisfaction at the same time.

Cognac tasting, according to the rules of etiquette, takes place according to the following rules:

  1. The bottle should not be heated and cooled - the temperature should remain natural.
  2. For drinking, 2 forms of glasses are used. The first is a snifter (glasses of a rounded shape). The second is tulip-shaped glasses.
  3. The glass should be filled to approximately 25% of the total volume.
  4. The first sip should be small. This is necessary in order to prepare the taste buds for the perception of this drink.
  5. The second sip should take a little more. But, according to the rules of etiquette, it is also not recommended to quickly swallow the drink. This is necessary so that the aftertaste becomes pronounced and the consumer can appreciate all the qualities and properties of the product.

Important! The longer the cognac drink flows down the glass of the glass, the longer its aging period.

In the event that you have to taste several types of cognac, it is recommended to start with the least aged specimens. The drink with the longest aging period should be tried last, so as not to be disappointed with the taste of its “young brothers”.


In France true cognac connoisseurs often resort to the “Three Cs” rules:

  • coffee,
  • cognac,
  • Cigara.

In other words, they drink a cup of coffee first. Then a glass of cognac. And then they light up an elite cigar.

In the United States of America an unusual tradition was born to consume cognac as an aperitif - dilute it with tonic or vermouth. As a rule, Americans drink a glass of this drink just before eating meals.

Americans, in fact, like the French, drink both cognac and other alcoholic drinks in small quantities.

Slavic peoples (including Russians) are famous for the extraordinary tradition of snacking on lemon. However, lemon does not go well with cognac. The fact is that the sharp citrus taste does not allow you to feel the gamut of flavors of this drink.

Cheap, tasteless and low-quality cognac is quite appropriately combined with lemon - citrus will muffle the unpleasant taste by caramelization.

Thus, cognac is an elite alcoholic drink with a pleasant aroma and taste. Therefore, it requires due attention in the choice of snacks.

Paradoxically, in a country where strong alcohol is consumed in fairly large quantities, the culture of tasting them remains at a low level. Everyone knows what they eat, but how to do it right and what drinks are appropriate to serve with it is worth figuring out.

The better to eat cognac

Connoisseurs and gourmets who have the opportunity to consume high quality cognac believe that eating this drink is blasphemy. The best appetizer for cognac is its absence. After all, almost any dish with which a drink is eaten affects the taste buds and simply clogs the taste of the drink. And since aftertaste is highly valued in good quality cognac, it makes sense to keep it, and not to kill it. The French, after a glass of Martell or Hennessy, traditionally allow only smoking a good cigar, but not culinary products.

However, in the post-Soviet space, the tradition of snacking on this drink has steadily taken root. Everyone here knows the better to eat cognac - a lemon or a slice of cheese. And, since Russian-speaking consumers do not know another way to use it, it’s worth figuring out what they eat with cognac where it was created. The French prefer to serve pate and chocolate for the feast. These products do not interfere with the taste bouquet of drinks that have been aged for more than 10 years. Less aged can be served with hard cheeses, seafood, olives, fruits.

Light snacks in a hurry

If a feast is expected, preference should be given to snacks for cognac in a hurry. It is suitable for light dishes that do not create heaviness and do not leave a long aftertaste. From meat dishes, lean meats served in the form of a pate or slices are appropriate. One of the common options is canapes or tartlets (possible with caviar), feta cheese mixed with herbs, mixtures based on nuts and honey are also suitable. A combination with oysters or mussels, scallops or squid will be especially piquant.

To the question of what to eat cognac according to etiquette, the answer is simple: chocolate, nuts, olives and cheeses. If the jamming of a drink with any product is provided for in the traditions of the event at which the tasting takes place, then it is best to prefer these dishes. Expensive restaurants often serve honey in bowls, nuts, sliced ​​apples and grapes. However, the answer to the question of what to eat cognac correctly, provided that an expensive aged drink is served, remains unambiguous - nothing. To preserve the precious aftertaste and set it off, it is only appropriate to light the cigar.

The better to drink cognac

And what to eat is an interesting question. Firstly, this alcohol is not so much drunk (to get drunk), but sipped (to enjoy). It is worth saying what they drink cognac with and what they eat in his homeland, in France. The French, who know a lot about drinking a noble drink, often serve brandy with a cup of good coffee. Moreover, coffee should not be drunk after drinking alcohol, but immediately before it. This sequence helps to best reveal the taste of good aged alcohol.

There are situations when mineral water is served with a drink. But this option is appropriate when a tasting of several varieties is provided and there is a need to refresh the taste buds between tasting sessions.

Otherwise, fruit juice can be served, preferably from white grapes. The main condition is that the juice should contain a small amount of sugar, that is, not be sweet. You can serve apple, pomegranate, pear juice, or their blend with grape. Win those who do not know what is served with cognac for a snack, because. at best, nothing. At worst, nuts, cheese and chocolate.

How to choose the right cognac

It’s clear which appetizer goes with cognac, but choosing a quality product is not so easy. The main criterion for the benchmark is the cost. It is clear that the place of purchase must be appropriate. Expensive aged alcohol is rarely sold in small grocery stores and even in large supermarket chains. You should rather look for it in large alcohol stores or stores specializing in the sale of alcohol. Cognac is often faked, hoping that the average consumer can hardly distinguish expensive alcohol from a fake in design.

It is important to pay attention to the price. An aged product at a low price should alert. Do not ignore the way it is designed. A well-designed label, a tight-fitting lid, and possibly gift wrapping are good signs. To ensure the quality of exposure, the bottle can be turned upside down. Pay attention to how the drops flow down from the bottom of the bottle. Drops that fall heavily and slowly indicate good exposure, while rapidly flowing liquid indicates poor exposure.

What not to serve with cognac

There is a small list of products that are inappropriate to serve with expensive alcohol. An appetizer for cognac should not be cheap and rough. Budget products such as crab sticks, low-quality cheeses, river fish are unacceptable. The drink is not too harmoniously combined with noble fish. Shellfish would be a much better option. To serve or not to serve lemon is a moot point. Many are so accustomed to it at any feast that they cannot imagine drinking strong drinks without such an appetizer.

If fruits are served, then a simple rule is observed: for an alcoholic product produced in a cold climate, appropriate fruits and berries should be served - strawberries, apples, grapes, or pears, for alcohol produced in a hot climate, citrus fruits, figs, peaches are suitable. You should not serve at the table, where expensive alcoholic drinks are offered for tasting, such products as fatty meats, sausage, cream confectionery. It is inappropriate to put sweet soda and cheap wines on such a table.
