
Laboratory research of honey. honey quality

Honey costs 7-10 times more than sugar. This product is often counterfeited. An examination is carried out to detect falsification. The price of such a service in Russia varies within from 170 to 5000 rubles.

Examination of honey: what is it and why is it done?

Under the examination of honey is understood the analysis of the composition and quality of the product by a certified specialist in a specially equipped laboratory. Verification is the only way for the consumer to prove the seller's dishonesty.

Such an examination is required if:

  • Bought a low quality product that quickly deteriorated. The seller does not agree to return the money, accuses the buyer of improper storage of the product.
  • The seller gave the buyer buckwheat honey, which turned out to be diluted with another variety. It is necessary to prove the fault of the seller.
  • You need to set the type of product.
  • It is required to control the technological process of honey production.
  • You need to get a sales license.

Examination of honey allows you to establish:

  1. Naturalness.
  2. Product origin (linden, acacia, buckwheat)
  3. Compliance with the requirements of TU, ​​GOST /
  4. View (honeydew, flower)
  5. Quality.
  6. Collection year.
  7. The presence of impurities (antibiotics, water, artificially inverted sugar, molasses, starch).

For the study of honey, the expert uses organoleptic (determination of taste, color, appearance, aroma, consistency, the presence of signs of fermentation and foreign mechanical impurities), measuring methods. If it is necessary to identify the product, then laboratory techniques are used (the content of sucrose, water is established, the diastase number and total acidity are determined).

For analysis, it is enough to provide 200-500 grams of product. The study lasts from three days to two weeks. At the end, a conclusion is made.

What determines the price of the analysis?

The cost of honey testing depends on a number of factors:

  • Research objectives.
  • Product type.
  • The type of conclusion issued.
  • Applied methods of analysis.
  • The number of research criteria.
  • Urgency.
  • Type of expertise.
  • The organization conducting the test.

If you only need to evaluate the quality of the product, it will be cheaper than a full analysis. The cost rises as the study scores increase. Additionally, you will have to pay for the departure of a specialist and the urgency of the work.

What are the types of expertise?

Examination of honey happens:

  1. Judicial. It is held at the request of the judge to resolve the dispute between the seller (supplier) and the consumer of the product.
  2. Extrajudicial. Performed at the request of the buyer. The results of the audit are used in pre-trial proceedings.
  3. Chemical composition analysis. The product is examined for the content of vitamins, microelements, antibiotics, organic acids, minerals, water. It is carried out in order to determine the quality, counterfeit.
  4. Organoleptic. Designed for superficial quality assessment.
  5. Identification. It is carried out in order to determine the variety of honey and the place of its production.

How much will it cost to check?

The price of honey examination differs in different organizations. At the central local market, you can check the product for 650 rubles. City veterinary laboratory for analysis will require about 300 rubles. If you need to get a quality certificate, then the examination will cost from 3500 to 4000 rubles. The average cost of organoleptic analysis, research on one indicator is 170 rubles. Checking in private companies will cost from 3000 to 5000 rubles.

Where to take honey for examination?

There are many places in Russia where honey is examined. You can contact:

  • factory laboratory.
  • An independent testing laboratory accredited by the GOST system of Russia at the Regional Veterinary Laboratory.
  • City sanitation station.
  • Private expert company.

When choosing a private company, you need to be careful (there is a risk of turning to scammers). It is recommended to cooperate with those organizations that have been operating in the market for a long time, have a license, a staff of qualified employees, and a positive reputation. Where better to go, local beekeepers or the administration of the central regional market can tell.

Honey is an expensive product. For example, honey in combs costs 1,100 rubles per kg. The most expensive are monofloral honeys: chestnut - 760 rubles. per kg, buckwheat - 680-860 rubles, linden from Bashkiria - 760-850 rubles. And even flower Altai honey costs 850 rubles. No wonder honey is counterfeited. At the same time, the only way to get a 100% correct answer regarding the quality of honey is to take it to the laboratory. No folk methods can compare with those carried out in the laboratory.

How is honey quality analyzed?

Laboratory analysis is designed to identify the naturalness of honey and compliance with the technology of its processing. For this, two main indicators are measured: the diastase number and the content of hydroxymethylfurfural (OMF). If the honey is overheated or it is old, then the OMF content in it will increase, and diastase, on the contrary, will decrease. If honey has lain for 120 days, diastasis in it will be 2 times less, even with proper storage. Also, the value of the diastase number can be used as an indirect confirmation of the botanical origin of honey.

For example, the analysis of five randomly selected jars of honey, purchased from different places and from different manufacturers, was carried out in the Apis Analytical Center laboratory. He showed:

Acacia honey (Kranodar region, purchased at the honey market of the city of Pshada)

Krasnodar honey, sold as acacia, turned out to be flower. No traces of acacia pollen were found in it. The diastase index was elevated.

Flower honey (bought in Mozhaisk, on the market from a local beekeeper)

Due to the low level of diastase, this honey was considered old - it is about two years old.

Buckwheat honey (Republic of Altai, Gorno-Altaisk, produced in a private apiary)

Buckwheat honey did not get pollen (according to GOST, its content should be at least 30%, it turned out to be 24%). Such honey is considered flower. In addition, the analysis showed that honey was subjected to heat treatment. They did this by violating the technology and temperature regime: they heated honey at a temperature of more than 50 degrees or for too long. Because of this, the OMF indicator turned out to be increased (at a rate of not more than 25 mg per kg, it was 30.8). Also, as a result of heating, the amount of enzymes in honey decreased, which was shown by the analysis for the diastase number - at a rate of 18, the diastasis amounted to 15.3 units.

Flower honey, forbs (Orekhovo-Zuevsky district, Novoe, purchased at the store)

Like buckwheat honey, it was subjected to incorrect, too long heat treatment, as evidenced by the OMF indicator, which turned out to be very high and amounted to 42.8 (at a rate of 25 mg per kg). Diastasis in this honey, on the contrary, turned out to be reduced - only 5.8 units, instead of the prescribed 7.

Flower honey, mountain (purchased in a supermarket chain)

This honey turned out to be the only sample that met all the necessary indicators.

Thus, if you purchase a large amount of honey and want to get a quality product, it is best to take a sample for laboratory analysis.

(hexachlorocyclohexane, DDT and metabolites)

Tests of honey, bee bread: safety, quality (moisture, diastase, fructose, sucrose)
Required documents:
- For sale at the market, fair, for yourself - only honey (pollen, perga)
- For sale in shops, etc. to obtain a certificate, you need an apiary passport and TIN
For the analysis of pollen, a veterinary certificate in the form No. 3 is additionally required.

The analysis is carried out in accordance with GOST R 54644-2011 (effective from 12/13/2011, the mass fraction of reducing sugars must be at least 65%) GOST 19792-2001 "Natural honey" is not valid (the mass fraction of reducing sugars must be at least 80%) (up to the adoption of this GOST, GOST 19792-87 was in force, and before it GOST 19792-74, in addition, there is GOST 52451-2005 "Monofloral honeys. Specifications")

Analysis cost:
1. Test report only physical and chemical indicators - 2500 rubles
2. Full test report - 6000 rubles
The analysis requires 1.5 liters of honey
We can take samples for analysis at any convenient place in Voronezh (by prior arrangement) or at the office at: Voronezh, st. Moiseeva, 11a. (Map: ). 1-1.5 hours before the planned arrival at the office, it is necessary to make a control call, since most employees have a traveling nature of work.
The analysis can be transferred to the customer in any convenient way (by e-mail, through friends who come to Voronezh from districts and other regions).
Organoleptic and physico-chemical indicators
Should be pleasant, low to strong, with no off-flavour, a change in flavor may be a sign of poor quality honey.
Usually sweet and pleasant. The sweetness of honey depends on the concentration of sugars and their type. Honey aged at high temperature has a caramel flavor, which is unacceptable. The sale of honey with sour, bitter and other unpleasant flavors is prohibited. A slightly bitter taste is allowed in chestnut, willow, tobacco and honeydew honey.
Presence of pollen grains
Shows the degree of purity of honey. Floral always contains impurities of pollen. Its content is insignificant, but it enriches honey with vitamins, proteins, ash elements.
Mass fraction of water, %, not more than 21. Honey with high humidity is immature and can ferment.
Mass fraction of reducing sugars(to absolutely dry matter), %, not less. reducing sugars are glucose + fructose. If they are less than 80%, it can be assumed that either the bees were intensively fed with sugar syrup, or the honey was subjected to strong heat treatment (overheated).
Mass fraction of sucrose(to absolutely dry matter), %, no more.
amount of regular sugar
diastase number
It is used as an indicator of overheating of honey during its processing and as an indicator of the age of honey, because. this enzyme is gradually destroyed during storage of honey. It has been established that during the first year, depending on the storage temperature, the diastatic activity of honey decreases by 25-30%, and by the end of the second year of storage - by 40-50%. The content of diastase in honey depends, in particular, on the type of nectar collected and its viscosity. It has been observed that the greater the viscosity of the nectar, the more diastase bees introduce into honey. In addition, the usefulness of diastase is exaggerated, since it is produced by our body. It is measured in Gothe units (to absolutely dry matter), normally it is at least 5.
Hydroxymethylfurfural(5-Hydroxymethylfurfural), a chemical degradation product of sugars.
formed during long-term storage or as a result of high-temperature processing of food products (honey, juices, jams, etc.)
Refers to the so-called indicators of the quality and safety of the process. It is usually formed when frozen honey is melted at temperatures above 50 degrees or when bees are fed with heated sugar or molasses. It has a limited toxic (mutagenic) effect, accumulates in the liver, is not excreted from the body. Large doses cause convulsions and paralysis, small doses depress the nervous system
The content of hydroxymethylfurfural in 1 kg of honey, mg, not more than 25 mg/kg
Qualitative reaction to hydroxymethyl-furfural negative
Mechanical impurities
They are divided into visible and invisible, natural, desirable (plant pollen), undesirable (corpses or parts of bees, pieces of honeycombs, larvae) and extraneous (dust, ash, pieces of various materials).
Honey can be cleaned before selling from unwanted impurities. Honey with foreign particles cannot be sold.
Signs of fermentation
Usually occurs in immature honey, with a high water content (22% and above), manifested in the appearance of a large number of carbon dioxide bubbles, sour smell and taste.
Mass fraction of tin, %, no more
Tin gets into honey when using tin-plated containers
General acidity, cm3, no more
The acidity of honey is due to the presence of organic acids (tartaric, gluconic, citric, oxalic, acetic, etc.)
Acidification of honey and accumulation of acetic acid or artificial inversion of sucrose in the presence of acids gives artificial honey. Decreased acidity may be due to falsification of honey with sugar syrup, starch or processing of sugar syrup (sugar honey) by bees.
Residual amounts of pesticides dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane-DCT (sum of isomers) and hectachlorocyclohexane-HCCH should not exceed 0.005 mg per 1 kg of honey.
Residual amounts of other pesticides are not allowed.
Toxic elements
With the development of technological progress, a huge amount of toxic elements (arsenic, mercury, lead, cadmium, copper, zinc and others) are released into the environment. It is known that toxic elements enter the human body with food and water, and this is extremely dangerous for health due to such biological characteristics as the ability to accumulate in the body, the presence of a long biological half-life, the possibility of mutagenic, carcinogenic, teratogenic, embryonic and gonadotoxic actions.
The content of toxic elements (lead, arsenic, cadmium), hydroxymethylfurfural, pesticides and radionuclides should not exceed the permissible levels in honey, established by hygienic requirements

The quality document states:

Name of the enterprise (organization) and its legal address (for individuals -
Full Name);
- the name of the product and its botanical origin (at the discretion of the manufacturer);
- year of honey collection;
- gathering place;
- batch serial number;
- the number of seats in the party;
- gross and net weight of the lot;
- date of issue of documents (veterinary certificate, consignment note, etc.);
- data of honey analysis results;
- packing date (for enterprises packing honey);
- the designation of this standard;
- trademark of the manufacturer (if any);
- energy value;
- shelf life;
- storage conditions;
- certification information;
- information about the veterinary and sanitary well-being of the apiary.

We are currently doing two types of tests:
1. For yourself (can only be sold on the market) - 4000-5000 rubles, safety indicators
2. Certificate - you can sell anywhere. To obtain a certificate, you need an apiary passport and TIN, a certificate is more expensive for 1500 rubles.
For testing, 3 liters of honey are required. Part goes to a set of tests, part remains for control in the laboratory, is stored and provided to regulatory authorities, part (if left) is returned to the owner
The result of the analysis is certified with a blue seal by a state-accredited laboratory and is a legal document.

Carried out without pollen grains:
certificate - you need an apiary passport, TIN, veterinary certificate in form 3
one analysis 10000 rubles
analysis kit + certificate and declaration 12500 rubles.

Pollen grains - carried out only by the Institute of Beekeeping in Ryazan, there should be maps for each peduncle (what it looks like), very laborious and expensive analysis

1. General Provisions

1.1. Honey is subject to mandatory veterinary and sanitary examination in accordance with the requirements of these Rules.

1.2. Veterinary and sanitary examination of honey is carried out by specialists of the laboratory of veterinary and sanitary examination, who have undergone appropriate training.

1.3. These Rules are binding on all individuals and legal entities engaged in the sale of honey on the markets, who are responsible for submitting it to the laboratory for research.

2. Veterinary and sanitary requirements

2.1. Honey is accepted for veterinary and sanitary examination if the owner has a veterinary and sanitary apiary passport. When selling honey outside the region - a veterinary certificate.

2.2. Honey owners are required to deliver honey for sale in clean containers made of materials approved by the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of Russia (stainless steel, aluminum alloys, glass, enamelware and wood, except for oak and coniferous trees). Honey delivered in a contaminated or in a container that does not meet the above requirements is not subject to examination.

2.3. Comb honey is accepted for examination sealed for at least two thirds of the area of ​​honeycombs. Honeycombs should be uniform white or yellow.

3. Sampling

3.1. Samples for analysis are taken by workers of the veterinary sanitary examination laboratory in the presence of the owner of the honey according to the methods described in the Appendix (section 1), from each delivered container.

3.2. For research in the laboratory of veterinary and sanitary examination on the market, one-time samples of honey weighing 100 g are taken from each delivered unit, when determining the mass fraction of water with a hydrometer, the mass of the honey sample doubles.

3.3. Samples of honey within the frames are taken from every fifth honeycomb frame 5 x 5 cm in size. Samples of honeycomb removed from the frames are taken in the same sizes from each package.

3.4. When conducting additional studies of honey in a veterinary laboratory, the sample must be at least 500 g. In this case, the honey sample is sealed, one half is sent to the veterinary laboratory, and the second is stored until the results of the study (as a control).

3.5. Vessels for taking samples must meet sanitary requirements, be closed with glass, cork stoppers or screw caps.

4. The procedure for conducting a veterinary and sanitary examination

4.1. To determine the quality of honey, the laboratory of veterinary and sanitary examination conducts research on the following indicators:

  • organoleptic data (color, aroma, taste, texture and crystallization);
  • mass fraction of water;
  • the presence of hydroxymethylfurfural (OMF);
  • diastase (amylase) activity;
  • determination of pollen;
  • general acidity;
  • mass fraction of reducing sugar;
  • sucrose content (according to indications);
  • the presence of mechanical impurities (according to indications);
  • content of radioactive substances.
  • Studies on these indicators are carried out according to the methods described in the Appendix.

4.2. According to organoleptic parameters, natural honey must meet the following requirements:

Indicators Characteristics of honey
floral honeydew
Color From white to brown. Light colors predominate, with the exception of buckwheat, heather, chestnut From light amber (coniferous trees) to dark brown (deciduous)
Aroma Natural, according to botanical origin, mild to strong pleasant, without foreign smell less pronounced
Taste Sweet, accompanied by sourness and astringency, pleasant, without foreign aftertastes. Chestnut and tobacco are bitter Sweet, less pleasant, sometimes with a bitter aftertaste
Consistency Syrup-like, viscous in the process of crystallization, after October - November - dense. Splitting is not allowed
Crystallization Fine-grained to coarse-grained

Preparation of honey solution. Laboratory studies of honey are carried out in aqueous solutions, and natural honey is used refractometrically only when determining the water content. For quantitative biochemical studies, a 0.25-10% solution of honey is prepared in terms of dry matter. Determining the water content with a hydrometer and setting up some qualitative reactions require more concentrated solutions of honey (1:2).

Preparation of a solution of honey in terms of dry matter. The calculation is done according to the formulas 1 ta. 2.

X - (t V) C, (1)

where X is the amount of honey solution of a given concentration in terms of dry matter, ml;

m - sample of honey, g;

B - the amount of dry matter in honey,%;

C - given concentration of honey solution, %.

X l = X-m 1 (2)

where Xj is the amount of water for preparing a solution of honey with% concentration, ml;

X - the amount of honey solution of a given concentration in

in terms of dry matter, ml;

m - sample of honey, g.

Example. From a sample of honey weighing 6 g and a water content of 20%, it is required to prepare a 20% solution. This honey contains 80% solids (100% - 20% = 80%). The total amount of a 10% solution from the specified sample of honey will be

(6 80)/10 = 48 ml!

To prepare a 10% solution of honey from a sample of 6 g, 42 ml of water is required (48 - 6 = 42 ml).

Preparation of honey solution 1:2. One sample - a weight part of honey is dissolved in two parts of water.

at Determination of water content and dry residue by specificmu weight of honey solution. Prepare a solution of honey 1:2. To do this, weigh 100 g of well-mixed honey and dissolve in 200 ml of distilled water at a temperature of 30-40°C. The prepared solution is cooled to 15°C and its specific gravity is determined. The amount of water and dry residue is determined according to the table. 17.

Example. If the specific gravity of a 1:2 solution of honey at 15 ° C is 1.116, then according to the table this corresponds to 27.13% of the dry residue, and since the honey was diluted three times, then its dry residue will be 27.13 3 \u003d 81.39% , and the water content is 100 - 81.39 = 18.61%.

Table 17

The amount of dry residue of honey at different specific gravity of honey (1:2)

Specific gravity (at 15°С), g/cm*

Determination of water content in honey by refractive index

carried out using an RDU or RL refractometer, previously adjusted to distilled water. A drop of liquid honey is applied to the lower prism of a refractometer and the refractive index is measured. The water content in the studied honey is determined according to the table. 18.

Temperature corrections. At temperatures above 20°C, add 0.00023 per 1°C, and at temperatures below 20°C, subtract 0.00023 per 1°C.

Note: crystallized honey is heated in a water bath at a temperature of 60°C until it is completely melted before examination and examined after cooling.

Table 18 Determination of water content in honey by refractive index







Determination of optical activity. Honey carbohydrates are optically active, they have the ability to rotate the plane of polarized light. Flower honey rotates the plane of polarized light to the left, and honeydew and some counterfeits (sugar honey, cane sugar, molasses - to the right.

To determine the optical activity, a portable P-161 polarimeter or a universal SU-3 saccharimeter is used. Before starting measurements, the instrument is adjusted. Then a polarimetric cuvette (tube) filled with a filtered 10% solution of the studied honey is inserted into the chamber, which changes the homogeneity of the halves of the field of view. By rotating the rack, the uniformity of the halves of the field of view is equalized and the reading of the scale indicators is performed with a vernier 5 times. The arithmetic mean of the 5 measurements will be the result of the measurement as a whole.

Determination of mechanical impurities. On a metal mesh with a cell diameter of not more than 1 mm, placed on a glass,

about 50 g of honey. The glass is placed in an oven heated up to 60°С. In the absence of a cabinet, honey is heated to 60 ° C in a water bath and then filtered through a mesh. Honey must be filtered with no visible residue.

Determination of total acidity. Total acidity of honeydepends on the content of various acids, salts, proteins and twocarbon monoxide. This indicator is expressed by normal graphs.dusami (milliequivalents) is the amount of ml of 0.1 n solutionsodium hydroxide, used for titration 100 g of honey with an indicatorphenolphthalein.

Measure 100 ml of 10% honey solution into a beaker,add 5 drops of 1% alcohol solution of phenolphthalein and titeryut with 0.1 n sodium hydroxide solution until slightly pink coloring(10 s). The discrepancy between the determinations should not exceed ±0.05 normal degrees.

Determination of minerals (ash). mi contentmineral substances are reduced in honey when sugar is added to itrose, glucose, artificially inverted sugar.

In a crucible calcined to constant weight, a sample is taken5-10 g, with an accuracy of 0.1 g, which is charred to blackening on gas burner or electric stove. Then the sample is calcined for one hour at a temperature of 600°C (red heat). crucible oh keep in a desiccator over sulfuric acid for 30 minutes andweighed. The total amount of minerals is calculatedaccording to the formula

X= (nij- m 0 ): m 100, WhereX- total amount of ash, %;

t 0 - crucible weight, g;

j- weight of the crucible with ash, g;

t - weighed honey, g.

Determination of diastase activity. diastase (amylase-naya) activity is very low in some types of natural honey(white acacia, fireweed, clover, linden, sunflower- out). When honey is heated above 50°C and stored for a long time (more than a year), diastava is partially or completely inactivated. The falsification of honey also leads to a weakening of the activity of fers. cop.

The definition of diastase activity is based on the ability toth enzyme to break down starch into amylodextrins. quantitativebut this indicator is expressed in diastase numbers (Gothe units),which denote the amount of ml of 1% starch solution, splitdiastase contained in 1 g of honey (in terms of dry


substances) for one hour at a temperature of 40°C ± 1°C tosubstances that do not stain blue with iodine.

10% honey solution and other components are poured into 11 test tubes.you according to the table. 19.

Stopper the tubes, mix the contentsplaced in a water bath for 1 hour at 40°C ± 1°C, then removed from the water bath and cooled under running water to room temperature, after which 1 drop of iodine solution (0.5 g of iodine and 1 g of potassium iodide in 100 ml of distilled water) is added to each washed water). In those test tubes where the starch remained undecomposed,nym, a blue color appears, in the absence of starch - darkwadded, with partially decomposed - purple.

Table 19

The procedure for preparing test tubes with a solution of honey and reagents for determining diaetase activity

tube number


10% solution


0.58% solution

table salt, ml

1% solution

starch, ml

diastase number

(Unit Gothe)

The last slightly colored test tube before the sequencing of discolored (with a yellowish tinge) corresponds to the diastase activity of the tested honey (see Table 19).

If there is no soluble starch, it can be prepared in the following way: wash 250 g of potato starch in 1 liter of distilled water, let it settle and drain the water. 1.5 l of a 4% hydrochloric acid solution is poured into the oatmeal and kept for 1-2 hours, then the mixture is filtered. The starch collected from the filter is repeatedly washed with distilled water until neutral with litmus and dried at a temperature of 90 ° C.

Due to the fact that the diastase number for natural honey fluctuates in different zones of the country, it is set on the spot by the regional (regional) departments of veterinary agriculture of the administration of the territory (region), but in all zones it should not be lower than 5.

-/■■ Definition of invert sugar. The total content of glucose and fructose in honey is commonly referred to as invert sugar. The amount of inverted sugar in honey less than 70% indicates its falsification. However, the normal amount of invert sugar does not guarantee the naturalness of the product.

Preparation of honey solution. A 10% aqueous solution is prepared from the studied honey, then a 0.25% solution is prepared from this solution, for this, 5 ml of a 10% honey solution is measured into a 200 ml volumetric flask, adjusted to the mark with water and mixed.

Definition progress. 10 ml of a 1% solution of red blood salt K 3 Fe (CN) 6, 2.5 ml of a 10% solution of sodium hydroxide, 5 ml of a 0.25% solution of honey and 1 drop of a 1% solution of methylene blue are measured into a flask. The mixture is heated to a boil and, at a constant low boil, is titrated with a 0.25% solution of honey under test until the blue (and slightly violet) color disappears.

The reduction of methylene blue by the reducing substances of honey occurs with some delay, so titration should be done at a rate of no more than one drop every 2 s. The resumption of color after the mixture has cooled is not taken into account. Titration is carried out 2-3 times and the average value is taken. The discrepancy between parallel studies should not exceed 1%.

Note. If the contents of the flask become discolored without titration, this indicates the content of inverted sugar in the studied honey of more than 81.2%. The content of inverted sugar in honey is determined according to the table. 20.

Table 20 Content of inverted sugar in honey




0.25% solution

0.25% solution

0.25% solution

honey, entered

honey gone

honey, go

neck on the title

for titration,

neck on the title

vane, ml

The end of the table. 20




0.25% solution

0.25% solution

0.25% solution

honey, go

honey gone

honey, go

neck on the title

for titration,

neck on the title

vane, ml

vane, ml

Accounting for the reaction: a) greenish-dirty or yellow color - negative; b) orange or slightly pink - slightly positive (observed when honey is heated); c) red, cherry red, orange, quickly turning into red - positive (honey contains an admixture of artificially inverted sugar).

Determination of the limiting content of inverted cahara. 10 ml of a 1% solution of red blood salt, 2.5 ml of a 10% solution of sodium hydroxide and 5.8 ml of a 0.25% solution of the studied honey are measured into a flask. The contents of the flask are heated to a boil. Boil for 1 minute and add 1 drop of 1% methylene blue solution. If the liquid does not discolor, in the investigated copper-inverted sugar is less than 70% - such honey is falsified.

Determination of artificially inverted ca impurityhara. To determine the admixture of artificially inverted sugar in honey, a reaction is used based on the fact that when cane (beet) sugar is converted into inverted by acids, part of the levulose (fruit sugar) is destroyed, and hydroxymethylfurfural is formed, soluble in water, which in the presence of concentrated hydrochloric acid and resorcinol gives a cherry red color.

Take 4-6 g of honey in a porcelain mortar, add 5-10 ml of ether and carefully grind with a pestle. The essential extract is poured into a porcelain cup or on a watch glass and 5-6 crystals of resorcinol are added, which can be added to the mortar during the preparation of the extract. The ether is evaporated at room temperature. Then 1-2 drops of concentrated hydrochloric acid (specific gravity 1.125) are applied to the dry residue.

Determination of sucrose (cane sugar). In a flask for 200 ml measure out 5 ml of 10% honey solution and 45 ml of water. After inserting a thermometer into the flask, place it in a water bath, which is preheated to 80 ° C. Bring the temperature of the contents flasks to 68-70 ° C, quickly add 5 ml of hydrochloric acid at a timeadministration 1:5, mixed by shaking, kept at thistemperature for 5 minutes and immediately cooled to 16-18°C. Before removalby taking the thermometer out of the flask, it is pre-rinsed with a distilled water. Invert is neutralized with a 10% solution of causticof sodium with the indicator methyl orange (1-2 drops) to orange-yellow coloration.

The volume of the invert is adjusted to 200 ml and turned three timesthe resulting 0.25% solution of honey is stirred by shaking the flask. The determination of inverted sugar in this solution is carried out as described above (determination of invented sugar).

C =(X- Y) 0.95,where С is the content of sucrose in honey, %;

X- content of inverted sugar after inversion, %;

Determination of impurity of sucrose (cane sugar). Atfalsification of honey with sucrose worsens the organoleptic, ponyzhyaetsya diastase activity, the content of minerals andinvert sugar, and the amount of cane sugarstaggers. The counterfeit has right rotation. Investigatorbut, to detect this type of falsification, it is necessary todetermine organoleptic parameters, diastasis activity,ash, cane and invert sugar content, optical activity.

Definition of sugar honey. Sugar (fertilizing, expspring) "honey" is obtained by feeding bees with sugar syrup. This honey is fake.

Freshly pumped sugar "honey" has a liquid consistency, light color, mild aroma, characteristic of natural Nomu honey has no astringency. Chemical indicators for ca charcoal "honey" are as follows: total acidity is not more than one normal degree, ash content is below 0.1%, cane sugar content is above 5%, counterfeit has right rotation.

Determination of heating honey. Honey is heated to de-crystal-lysis, cessation of fermentation and falsifications. Whereinorganoleptic indicators worsen - honey darkens, weakensaroma, a taste of caramel appears, enzymatic


activity and bactericidal activity, the content of hydroxymethylfurfural increasedchimes out. Based on the foregoing, to determine the spoilage of honeyheating should determine the organoleptic characteristics, fermental activity, the content of hydroxymethylfurfural.

Determination of honey fermentation. This type of yaorchi is a trace effect of storing honey with a water content above 21%. Honey has a pronounced hygroscopicity, therefore, its storage in non-hermetic containers, under the condition of high humidity of the surrounding air, leads to an increase in the water content in honey, as a result osmophilic yeast is activated and the honey begins to ferment.

At the beginning of fermentation, an increase in aroma is noted, thenThere is a sour smell, which intensifies when honey is heated. Honeyswells, foam appears on the surface, and in the mass of honey -gas bubbles. Microscopic examination of such honey revealscausative agents of fermentation - yeast. h -

Determination of impurity beet (sugar) molasses. Beforeadding beet molasses to honey worsens its organoleptic properties,reduces the content of inverted sugar and diastaseactivity. The mixture has right rotation.

Qualitative reaction: to 5 ml of an aqueous solution of honey, prepared in a ratio of 1:2, add 5-10 drops of 5% silver nitrate. Cloudiness of the mixture and the appearance of a white precipitate testify to the presence of sugar beet molasses in honey.

Determination of the impurity of starch syrup. Changes in honeywhen starch syrup is added to it, similar changesyam of honey when adding beet molasses.

Qualitative reaction: 10% barium chloride solution is added dropwise to 5 ml of a filtered aqueous solution of honey, prepared in a ratio of 1:2. Turbidity and precipitation of a white precipitate after the addition of the first drops of the reagent indicate the presence of starch syrup in honey.

Determination of impurities of starch and flour. Changes in honeywhen adding starch and flour, the changes are similar to those indicatednym when adding molasses to honey.

Qualitative reaction: 5 ml of an aqueous solution of honey in the rationii 1:2 is heated in a test tube to boiling, cooled to roomtemperature and add 3-5 drops of iodine solution. The advent of siits color indicates the presence of starch or flour in honey.

Determination of gelatin impurity. Gelatin added to honeyto increase viscosity. As a result, the flavor and aroma deteriorate.enzymatic activity and the content of inverted sugar are reduced. The amount of protein is increased.

Qualitative reaction: 5-10 drops of 5% tannin solution are added to 5 ml of an aqueous solution of honey in a ratio of 1:2. The formation of white flakes indicates the presence of gelatin in honey. The appearance of a slight turbidity is assessed as a negative reaction to gelatin.

Determination of admixture of honeydew honey to flower honey. The presence of honeydew honey is established by the following reaction: turbidity is formed from the addition of alcohol to the solution of the tested honey. Flower honey without an admixture of honeydew turbidity does not form with alcohol.

Beeswax in composition, it is a complex organic compound produced in the body of bees by special glands. In apiaries, for the preparation of wax, most often old, black combs or combs that are not suitable for use for any reason, caps cut off from the surface of the combs before honey is pumped out (zabrus), cleaning from the hives are used. Such primary raw materials are called wax raw materials, and the resulting waste after wax rendering is called bee rendering.

Apiary rendering should not be carried out in apiaries that are unfavorable for bee diseases. In such apiaries, wax raw materials must be sterilized or boiled for a long time under the supervision of a veterinary worker.

Laboratory studies are carried out in veterinary laboratories, where samples of wax and wax are sent in order to identify falsifications, including the determination of mineral wax impurities.

Propolis. This product of bees is called a natural medicine. After honey and wax, it is considered the third in value. This substance is sticky, among the people it has received the name "bee glue", "wax glue", "uza", "yuza", "bee resin", and in recent years the word "propolis" has become the most popular. A product of viscous or hard consistency, with a characteristic resinous pleasant aroma. Bees prepare it from the resinous plant secretions of certain trees. Propolis from different places of unequal composition and has different bactericidal and medicinal properties.

Since the technology and hygiene of propolis production are still imperfect, its veterinary and sanitary examination is in its infancy.

bee venom - a product of beekeeping, produced by two glands of bees and entering a special reservoir, from where it is thrown out through the sting when stinging. The harvesting of bee venom and the sale of bees for medicinal purposes by stinging are allowed by the veterinarian only from apiaries that do not have

infectious diseases of bees. In terms of quality, bee venom is a colorless liquid with a pungent odor and high acidity. Laboratory methods for determining the quality of bee venom include the study of its toxicity.

Pollen - perga. The stamens of living flowers contain many small powdery grains called pollen or microspores. Pollen, folded by bees into cells of honeycombs and filled with honey, is called perga. The biological role of flower pollen in honey has not been studied; pollen with honey is considered an indispensable food for bees.

The absence of pollen in the diet of bees leads to the loss of their ability to produce wax and, in general, their vital activity is disturbed. Therefore, bees simultaneously with the harvesting of honey collect pollen, but only from the flowers of plants rich in protein with a certain complex of essential amino acids and biologically active substances. Sometimes pollen and perga become harmful to bees and cause pollen toxicosis (Fig. 6).
