
Kudin tea useful properties. Kudin tea - health benefits and harms

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  • Tea drinks, herbs, flowers
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  • tea utensils
  • Gift wrap
  • Tea Gift Sets
  • (Chinese kuding cha, bitter nail, bitter herb) is made from the leaves of a subtropical evergreen broad-leaved holly plant that grows on mountain slopes and in mixed forests of the Chinese southern provinces of Yunnan, Sichuan, Henan and Fujian. Kudin does not belong to any category Chinese tea. The holly plant has fleshy leaves and thick, smooth branches. Some bushes reach several meters in height. Kudin leaves differ in the type of raw material (buds of a reddish hue, small and mature leaves) and twist. The collected raw materials are twisted by hand and dried at the final stage of processing. By twisting, kudin is divided into, sheet and pressed. The highest category of a plant is considered to be made from young tender leaves and not subject to manual twisting. The leaves curl around the petiole into oblong sticks about 7 centimeters long.

    The legend about the origin of Kudin

    The presence of a red-crimson hue on tender kidneys kudina is described in the legend about its origin. In one village there lived a girl named Ah Xian, who collected kudin leaves for medicinal decoction. At the direction of a local official, the young girl was sent to the imperial court as a concubine. Not wanting to accept her fate, Ah Xian threw herself off the rocks and died. It is said that drops of blood fell on the once green buds of the kudin, which have since acquired a reddish tint and sweetish spicy taste infusion.

    Useful properties of Kudin

    In Chinese traditional medicine Kudin has been known for more than 2 thousand years, it is called the drink of health and longevity. The beneficial properties of kudin leaves are endless. Kudin lowers cholesterol levels, reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, burns fats, promotes digestion, reduces gas accumulation in the intestines, relieves heartburn. Kudin leaves contain 18 amino acids, vitamins C, B1, B2, E, calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, copper, zinc, sodium, manganese, selenium. Infusion of kudin has an antipyretic effect, is used for colds, cough, throat treatment, relieves redness of the eyes, has bactericidal properties, improves memory. Kudin is often called tea for hypertensive patients and diabetics. The fact is that the use of this drink allows you to normalize blood pressure and blood sugar levels, moreover, quite effectively and quickly. In addition, Kudin tea has an excellent antipyretic effect, relieves hangover syndrome, removes toxins and poisons from the body, has anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects, increases vitality, has a beneficial effect on the digestive organs and promotes weight loss.

    With high blood pressure, as well as hypothyroidism of the thyroid gland, Kudin is consumed in the pre-lunch time 30-40 minutes before meals. The number and duration of admission is selected individually, on average, the cycle is 1-2 weeks, 200 ml each. per day, you should consult with your doctor.

    If you are overweight, Kudin is consumed 45-60 minutes after dinner. IN this case Kudin promotes the absorption of food, normalizes metabolism, speeds up metabolism. At one time, 200 - 250 ml is enough.

    At diabetes Type 2 (insulin-independent diabetes) Kudin is consumed 30-45 minutes before meals in the morning. When used in the morning, Kudin is especially effective in balancing blood sugar levels. At one time, 200 - 250 ml is enough.

    Contraindications when using Kudin

    Kudin has no special contraindications, usually Kudin is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, as well as children under 12 years old, but this is more of a "classic prohibition" than a real danger.

    How to brew Kudin

    For brewing kudin, water with a temperature of about 85-90 ° C is used. For 200-250 ml. about 3-5 grams (1 heaping teaspoon) Kudin is taken. The intensity of the infusion depends on the brewing time and personal preference. Kudin, made from young leaves (Shui Xiu) has a subtle and less bitter taste. The first brew is not used, it is necessary for spilling and opening the leaves, it drains after 5 seconds. At the same time, the twisted leaves begin to open and give off their aroma. 2 brewing lasts about 1 minute; 3rd about 2 minutes; the post-brewing time is increased by one minute. Kudin can be brewed up to 3-5 times. Kudin's infusion has a bitter taste, combined with a long sweet aftertaste. Kudin must be drunk in small sips as remedy and never mix with food. It is also possible to take Kudin cold, for this, after brewing, the infusion is filtered and left to cool for 2 hours.

    If a few years ago lovers of natural drinking chose their favorite tea according to its taste characteristics, then today the benefits and harms of products come to the fore. For the sake of obtaining a therapeutic effect, many are even ready to use rather bitter, but extremely healthy drinks. It is to them that healing tea kudin, which, due to its specific taste, was popularly called “bitter tear”.

    At right approach for brewing fragrant blanks you can count on getting a liquid with pronounced healing properties. However, scientists have not yet confirmed healing effects composition, so for now it is considered only a folk remedy.

    Kudin tea - general information and varieties

    In general, calling kudin tea is not entirely correct, because it is made from holly leaves. This exotic evergreen tree grows in temperate and tropical latitudes. The collection of products is carried out manually, which reduces the negative mechanical impact on the elements. After that, the raw materials go through several stages of special processing, very similar to the one that underlies the preparation of green tea.

    Tip: When buying kudin tea, you need to pay attention to the origin of the raw materials. If it is a broad-leaved holly, then the product can be safely bought. And here paraguayan holly is a source of leaves for mate tea, which has nothing to do with real kudin.

    Kudin can be twisted, sheet, bonded, pressed and spiral. The shape of the blanks does not affect the quality of the final drink. It is only necessary to take into account that young and small leaves completely give their taste properties and useful substances to water, so their value is somewhat higher. On the other side, large leaves although they are slowly brewed, they can be poured hot water not once, but several.

    Useful properties of kudin tea

    If you read the advice of doctors and tea experts, you can find the fact that kudin is better to use not for quenching thirst, but for treatment. Healing properties drink are especially pronounced when it regular use. But you do not need to drink it in large quantities for this.

    Even 1-2 cups of fluid per day is enough to get these results:

    • Hormonal processes are normalized, which positively affects the state of the reproductive system in women and men. The last drink is recommended to use to normalize erectile function.
    • Immunity increases, which is necessary for better resistance of the organism to infections and acceleration of the process of recovery of patients after illnesses.
    • The activity of toxic components is inhibited. Regularly drinking kudin tea in the amount of one cup, you can start an active cleansing of the liver and kidneys. This will increase the functionality of the organs and restore their filtering properties.

    • Substances in the composition of the drink inhibit inflammatory processes. This can be used to restore the mucous membranes of the digestive organs and eliminate unpleasant symptoms that occur against their background.
    • Unique tea is used even in dietetics. It dulls the appetite, which allows you to fight excess weight.
    • The use of kudin tea is indicated for too thick blood. The product dilutes the main body fluid, preventing the formation of blood clots. It also relieves vasospasm, thereby reducing increased arterial pressure.
    • Many people note the tonic qualities of the drink. It perfectly invigorates at the beginning of the day and relieves fatigue in the late afternoon. Despite the fact that it does not cause insomnia, it should not be consumed immediately before going to bed.

    Such an impressive list of useful properties is explained by the abundance of useful substances in the composition of tea raw materials. These are vitamins, minerals and flavonoids. The latter are even able to activate the synthesis of hormones by the endocrine glands.

    Harm and contraindications for use

    Another indisputable advantage of the drink is the fact that it has practically no contraindications. The only thing to remember is that everything is good in moderation. We must not forget that kudin is primarily medicine. It should be taken only if indicated or for the prevention of pathological conditions.

    1. Chronic gastroenteritis.
    2. Gastritis and peptic ulcer.
    3. Disruptions in the endocrine system.
    4. Age up to 6 years.
    5. Pregnancy and lactation.

    Kudin tea intolerance is extremely rare, but in any case, you need to listen to your body in the process of conducting therapy based on the use of a natural product.

    Kudin tea brewing rules

    Holly leaf tea is unique drink, therefore, it must be brewed according to certain rules. Here are the most important points to pay attention to:

    • Water temperature. Using boiling water you can get a mass that tastes like an infusion of wormwood. If lovers of the drink are able to endure such rich bitterness, then it is better for beginners not to risk it. Optimum temperature are indicators in the range of 40-70ºС. Then the final liquid will turn out to be useful, pleasant enough, with a slight bitterness.
    • The amount of raw materials. For 250 ml of liquid, take no more than 1 teaspoon of tea leaves. If the product is represented by arrows (sticks), then half of the product is enough. Over time, the amount of raw materials can be gradually increased, reaching optimal taste. Kudin brewed according to all the rules is only slightly bitter, and after a few seconds this bitterness is replaced by a soft, almost sweet aftertaste.

    • Teapot handling. Before starting the process, the kettle must be doused with boiling water so that its walls warm up.
    • Process features. Pour tea leaves into the teapot, fill with water and mix lightly with a glass rod. After that, we drain the liquid, this will get rid of dirt and dust. This technique also allows you to refresh the tea leaves, which will subsequently open better. The second brewing continues for 5-7 minutes. Longer aging will significantly increase the strength of the finished drink.
    • Kudin is brewed no more than 5 times. Moreover, you need to do this consistently, and not wait between sets for several hours.

    In any case, it is worth preparing for the fact that the taste of kudin tea will be quite specific. You need to get used to it, then it will even begin to deliver gastronomic pleasure. But sweetening it or adding milk is not recommended, it will not bring any benefit.


    Tea Kudin is magic drink for the health of the whole body. It is twisted or folded, dried by a special technology leaves of an evergreen broad-leaved holly, which lovers of this drink call needles. Produced in China, translated means "bitter tear".

    In this article, we will consider the benefits, harms of Kudin tea for the body, doctors' advice on its use, recipes for making a healing drink.

    How to choose a good product and check its quality

    Kudin tea is purchased only from reputable suppliers. They are found on the recommendation, empirically, or are guided by the following indicators:

    • the seller has been on the market for at least five years;
    • direct deliveries from China;
    • the right kind of tea is always in stock;
    • an extensive range.

    When buying, study the composition, which should include only leaves of holly broadleaf.

    Paraguayan holly leaves are also produced in China and brewed for drinking, but this is not tea, but mate.

    The range of Kudin drink is quite wide.. Spiral and leaf variety differ after brewing with an intense bitter taste. Pressed has a softer fruity flavor.

    most expensive and elite grade Shui Xu Made from young leaves hand-picked from the Yellow Mountain in Sichuan. It has an exquisite sweet aftertaste.

    To deal with all this diversity requires patience and time. But after opening the package, evaluate leaf quality. They should be:

    • dry;
    • light brown with splashes of yellow and green;
    • have a slight specific smell.

    When found in a pack of debris, dust, dampness, bad smell you should try to return the purchase to the store or throw it away.

    All the benefits of Chinese white tea for weight loss discussed in the material. Find out more!

    Composition, calories, nutritional value and glycemic index

    The chemical composition of Kudin tea in Russia is still poorly understood. The drink contains almost all the vitamins necessary for human life.

    Among them, it is worth highlighting ascorbic and nicotinic acids, their combination gives a tonic and vasodilating effect.

    • flavonoids that activate the endocrine glands;
    • tannin tannin, which has an astringent and anti-inflammatory effect;
    • caffeine, tonic nervous system;
    • alkaloids that tone the nervous system;
    • essential oils with antiseptic, antibacterial effects.

    Caffeine in Kudin tea interacts with tannin to form theine- a substance that stimulates mental activity, but not addictive. Theine formation is possible only when correct brewing drink.

    The calorie content of 100 ml of the drink ranges from 1 to 5 kcal, depending on the variety - this figure is insignificant for the diet.

    The glycemic index of Kudin tea is zero. It is customary to drink the drink separately, without sweetening and desserts.

    Health Benefits

    In China, doctors consider Kudin a universal tonic recommending it to most patients.

    Tea is capable of moderate use:

    • strengthen immunity, prevent cancer;
    • quickly remove toxins and slags from the body, having a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver and kidneys;
    • accelerate recovery from colds and viral diseases;
    • tone and invigorate;
    • reduce the risk of blood clots by thinning the blood;
    • normalize blood pressure.

    Kudin gently stimulates the nervous system improves memory, improves mood.

    Benefits of Chinese drink

    The Chinese especially appreciate Kudin tea for stimulating the brain. during sleep, which is colored by vivid and prophetic dreams.

    For adult women and men

    Drink in adults normalizes hormonal balance enhances libido, enhances performance.

    In men, due to the mild tonic effect of tea, sexual potency is stimulated, the quality of erection improves, and the ability to control the duration of sexual intercourse appears.

    Women get rid of premenstrual syndrome and painful condition during menstruation.

    Pregnant and lactating

    The same applies to breastfeeding. It is better for them to use weakly brewed at this time.


    Russian pediatricians are more categorical- they do not advise children under 12 years old to drink Kudin tea.

    It is worth starting to accustom children to tea with a teaspoon in the morning, on an empty stomach, as a tonic and tonic.

    If the child does not object, then gradually the dose can be increased to 50 ml.

    In old age

    After 50 years, moderate consumption of the drink can only bring benefits.. It is able to slow down the aging process, as well as:

    • prevent the development of atherosclerosis;
    • improve mood;
    • keep creative activity for a long time.

    Tea Kudin in old age will help to quickly adapt to new circumstances, retain the ability to learn.

    For special categories of people

    The drink can be consumed with high blood pressure. It normalizes the work of the heart muscle and the central nervous system.

    But the most great benefit it can bring to people weakened after a long illness and drug treatment. Kudin tea will increase tone, immunity and remove all toxic metabolic products from the body.

    It also alleviates the suffering of the sick, having a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland.

    Potential danger and contraindications

    Kudin tea is contraindicated in:

    Cases of allergies and individual intolerance to the drink have not yet been registered.

    Yet when buying tea, you need to check the country of origin and composition, written on the package, to avoid counterfeiting, which can be harmful.

    In order to learn how to enjoy and benefit from this drink, you need to learn how to brew it correctly. For one needle of tea, it is recommended to take 350-400 ml of melt water.

    There are three ways to brew Kudin tea:

    • Fill the needle with 50 ml cold water , drain, pour the same amount again for 15 minutes. Then add 300-350 ml of water, heated to 80 degrees, to the cold "brewing". Tea will be ready in 5 minutes.
    • Weld a needle in a cup water with a temperature of 50 degrees, withstand 10 minutes.
    • In this case tea is brewed with water at a temperature of 70-80 degrees for 5 minutes.

    Properly brewed Kudin tea has a gray-green color after opening the leaf. If the drink turned out brown or green, then you brewed it incorrectly.

    With any, even the wrong way of brewing, the drink does not lose its medicinal properties. per day recommended drink no more than two cups, with a volume of 150-200 ml Chinese drink.

    Due to its tonic and invigorating effect, it is best consumed in the morning to avoid insomnia.

    In Chinese medicine, it is believed that this drink harmonizes yin energy, having a beneficial effect on cardiac activity and the small intestine.

    • to normalize blood pressure and the functioning of the endocrine glands, including the pancreas, drink on an empty stomach, an hour before meals, twice a day;
    • if necessary, “spur” digestion and activate metabolism, you need to drink hot tea an hour after breakfast or lunch.

    The first impression of Kudin tea is repulsive for almost everyone. because of the bitter taste, reminiscent of.

    WITH over time, many begin to appreciate the invigorating, healing effect of the drink and even enjoy its peculiar taste.

    How to brew this tea.

    Which beneficial features have tea kudin?

    Where to buy kudin?

    How to brew kudin?

    Is it worth drinking kudin for weight loss?

    Is kudin tea bitter?

    How to drink kudin?

    Kudin (ku din) is not tea at all, although it can be found in almost any tea shop. Here we have collected the most Interesting Facts about this drink. Now you do not need to collect information in pieces on the Internet. All here!

    1. Kudin is produced from the leaves of an evergreen subtropical plant called broad-leaved holly (llex latifolia). In the Chinese dictionary, holly is: ???, k?d?ngch?. Kudin means "bitter grass" in Chinese.

    2. Holly grows mainly in the southern provinces of China, on wet, shady mountain slopes, as well as in mixed forests along river banks. This is a low, strong tree with thick smooth branches and large green leaves with a glossy sheen. Holly flowers are small, yellowish, formed in the axils of the leaves in spring, the berries are small, round, yellow, orange or red, ripen in autumn and can remain on the tree all winter.

    3. Holly has long been valued for its decorative and healing qualities. They decorated houses in Ancient Rome in the pre-Christian era, and later the holly (or holly) became, along with the mistletoe, a symbol of Christmas. The Druids considered the holly a symbol of the sun, and the North American Indians prepared antidotes from the leaves and cuttings of the tea holly ( Ilex vomitoria).

    4.Raw material for the notorious mate drink also serves one of the types of holly - Paraguayan holly ( Ilex paraguariensis). Mate is prepared from its dried, crushed leaves and young shoots.

    5. Useful properties of kudin tea. The history of the use of kudin as a medicine in China has more than one century.

    The Chinese refer to kudin (or khudin) as a bitter tea, khu cha. Bitter taste in traditional Chinese medicine is associated with yin energy, fire, the heart, and the small intestine. It is believed that the bitter taste eliminates excessive heat and fire, is used to treat cough and shortness of breath, in diseases of the stomach and intestines, accompanied by nausea, vomiting and constipation. Bitterness also helps to eliminate the stagnation of energy (qi) in the body.

    Simply put, ku ding tea has a tonic, tonic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, detoxifying, diuretic effect. In addition, kudin normalizes blood pressure, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism and promotes weight loss, and also has an antitumor effect.

    6. Kudin is collected only by hand, in small batches, in the spring. Then the raw material is twisted, calcined and dried in the sun.

    7. Kudin can be twisted, spiral, connected, sheet and even pressed.

    8. The highest grade of kudin tea - Kuding Shui Xu - is made from small young leaves collected on the Yellow Mountain (Huang shan) in Sichuan province. It was he who was delivered to the imperial court.

    9. How to drink and how to brew Kudin tea? Kudin is an excellent prophylactic, but you should not drink it often, it is enough to brew 2-3 times a week, but brew correctly so as not to get a drink of wormwood bitterness.

    The optimum water temperature is 80 degrees, it is best to brew tea ku din by pouring, 1-2 needles per gaiwan or teapot. It is not necessary to drain the first tea leaves, but it is advisable to insist for several seconds, increasing the time as the water cools. Kudin can also be brewed in a large teapot (3-4 needles) or simply in a mug (1 needle is enough). The main thing is to comply temperature regime and do not overcook. The color of the finished kudin infusion is yellowish-green, the aroma is delicate and noble, there is bitterness and some astringency in the taste, the aftertaste is invariably sweet. Withstands repeated brewing.

    10. Unfortunately, kudin tea often falls prey to prejudice. Many, having brewed it incorrectly at the first meeting, no longer want to continue this acquaintance, but in vain: kudin is an excellent assistant in the fight against a whole range of diseases, it fills the body with lightness, and consciousness with clarity. And kudin is good as an additive to shu pu-erh.

    Today there are many different types of teas. All of them differ in color, taste and aromatic additives. But among them there is one tea, which appearance and by palatability not like any other tea. Kudin tea has interesting twisted leaves, when brewed it resembles green tea, but many may not like it in taste. A bitter taste at the first sip may turn a person away from further use, but you should not give up tea ...

    For over 2,000 years, the Chinese have been drinking kuding tea, which is an alternative to green tea. It has an unpleasant bitter taste, which sellers immediately warn about. By the appearance of the leaves, one cannot say that this is tea. They are more like needles or sticks. But, despite this, all tea is popular because it has many useful properties.

    Even during the reign of the Han Dynasty, tea gained popularity as a medicinal drug. The emperor was ill digestive tract accompanied by severe pain. The imperial doctor decided to relieve pain with the help of infusion of kudin tea. Remedy rendered positive action on the body, the pain subsided, and the function digestive system has been restored. Since that time, kudin has been used in medicinal purposes and for facial skin care of imperial wives.

    The name of the tea "kuding" is related to the Chinese spelling. The first syllable "ku" means a hieroglyph, which literally translates as "bitter". The second syllable "ding" is a character that is depicted in Chinese writing as a twisted and dried leaf, often resembling a carnation.

    Where is kudin tea grown?

    The source of raw materials for the manufacture of kudin is broad-leaved holly. This is an evergreen shrub that in the wild reaches a height of 20 meters. In order to make it convenient to collect leaves for tea, it is constantly sheared and retains the shape of a small bush. At the same time, it strongly resembles an ordinary tea bush.

    The leaves of broad-leaved holly have a length of 8 to 25 cm and a width of 4-8 cm. The leaf on top has a dark green color with a glossy sheen, and the outer side is several tones lighter and has a matte structure. Leaf margins are serrated.

    Holly broadleaf grows in many southern provinces of China and each of them is proud of its tea. The shrub loves loose and moderately moist soil, a warm climate, but at the same time withstands frosts down to -13 ° C, but does not like direct sun rays. Therefore, its plantations can be found on the shady slopes of mountains, in canyons and on the outskirts of mixed forests, that is, in those places where there is shade.

    Kudin can be of several types - twisted, spiral, sheet, pressed, etc. Depending on the type of tea leaf, it can be from light yellow to green. In the province of Sichuan, the highest category of kudin tea is collected and made - Kuding Shui Xu. Its leaves are small and shaped like needles.

    How tea is harvested, the composition of kudin tea

    The production of kudin tea is similar to the production of green tea. As soon as the leaves turn green, they begin to be collected for tea. After that, the leaves are twisted into tubes, pierced and dried. naturally. After drying, the leaves are sorted and sent for packaging and sale.

    Unfortunately, to date, little is known about the composition of tea. The Chinese did a lot of research, but the results were printed in their own language and not shared. European countries for translation and publication. Therefore, in Europe, this tea has not yet gained popularity.

    But, despite the secrecy of Chinese scientists, nevertheless, some points regarding chemical composition Kudin tea became famous.

    So, tea contains substances such as caffeine, theobromine and theophylline. The presence of these substances suggests that kudin tea is a tonic drink. Urosolic acid, which is contained in tea, allows a person to cope with inflammatory processes, allergies, viruses and other diseases, including cancer. The presence of saponins in kudin is evidenced by the formation of foam during the brewing of the drink. The more foam, the more of this substance.

    In addition, tea contains magnesium, zinc, potassium, copper, manganese, iron, silicon and phosphorus, as well as substances - rutin, quercetin, tannins and phenolic glycosides. Tea is endowed with all vitamins necessary for a person: A, B, C, D, E, B1, B2. It is worth noting that kudin is the richest tea in useful substances.

    Taste properties of tea

    Kudin tea has a bitter taste. At the same time, bitterness is most pronounced in tea, which is made from old leaves. How younger leaves tea, the less bitterness and caffeine in them. Needles are not bitter.

    Bitterness is the highlight of kudin tea, which appears at the first sip and can even spoil the impression of the drink. But after that, a marvelous sweet aftertaste appears in the mouth, which allows you to forget about bitterness.

    Useful properties of kudin tea

    Kudin tea is useful for humans. It has a positive effect on the entire body. Thanks to tea, you can bring down the temperature, get rid of the symptoms of a cold, remove from the body harmful substances and toxins and relieve inflammation.

    Kudin tea is useful for people who have excess weight. Due to its properties, tea normalizes metabolism and blood pressure, improves the functioning of the digestive system and is good helper in disorders and poisonings.

    Tea prevents diseases of cardio-vascular system, the development of hypertension and cancerous tumors.

    A cup of tea helps to calm down and relieve stress. In addition, the substances contained in kudin help improve memory, invigorate the body and relax after hard mental work.

    Contraindications to the use of kudin tea

    Kudin tea is not recommended for people with chronic gastroenteritis. For everyone else, doctors do not advise abusing it. To replenish the body useful substances and improve health is enough to drink a couple of cups of tea a week.

    How to brew tea?

    The Chinese do not recommend drinking tea on an empty stomach because it can harm the stomach. Therefore, it is recommended to use it in the morning, when people eat protein foods. For people who eat dietary products, doctors advise to use cottage cheese or fruits in the morning. Only after that you can start drinking tea.

    But still, how to brew tea? To brew kudin tea, water at a temperature of 80 0 C is used. If you pour boiling water over tea, it will give a very bitter taste. One teaspoon of tea is enough for 250 ml of water. Pour hot water over the tea and let it brew for 4-6 minutes. After that, you can drink a drink with an interesting and enveloping taste.

    Tea is drunk without the addition of sugar, honey, lemon or other spices, which are very often put in green or black tea.

    How much do they drink kudin tea?

    You should not abuse Kudin tea. For the prevention of diseases, it is recommended to drink it 2-3 times a week. This will normalize metabolism, improve general state body and exclude overdose of biologically active substances.

    People who have already tried kudin tea were left with a pleasant impression, which can be compared with a glass of good red wine. A cup of tea allows you to forget all worries and worries, become calm and peaceful.
