
How to save on food without sacrificing quality. We compose the menu "Healthy food"

big city">

Survival school: three weeks without money in the big city

There are different situations. You can lose your wallet, you can find yourself without it with the help of someone's dexterous hands, you can urgently and spend a lot of money (for example, on medical care or closing the debt of an unlucky younger sister) or face a serious salary delay. When you are left without money at the very beginning of the month, and even - everything can be - with children in your arms, it's time to despair.

Do not rush!. We interviewed women in difficult financial situations and compiled a list of working ways to stay afloat.

1. If you rush to borrow from friends, take a thousand or two rubles from each. Such amounts can be paid back for a longer time (two or three months to wait for many will not be critical), it is easier than bang the entire next salary on the distribution of debts and again stay on the beans.

2. Mom or grandmother has been selling you pickles and jams for a long time, but you still refused? Urgently call and tell how you missed their branded cucumbers. Eating only pickled vegetables and sweets is not very healthy, but they will greatly brighten up your diet.

3. Consistently check the pockets of old clothes, summer handbags, children's piggy banks. For 20 rubles you can buy 400 g of cheap pasta, for 50 rubles you can buy a kilogram of Krasnodar rice, for 150 rubles you can ride the Moscow metro five times. Don't neglect it. It's time to enjoy the little things.

4. Allocating money for travel is more important than for food. Food can be obtained for free, it is more difficult to ride for free in a big city.

5.Carefully inspect all the nooks and crannies in the kitchen, sort out hiking backpacks.

What you didn't consider serious before food stock, now it can help you a lot: a handful of flour, half a packet of beans after the old culinary experiment, the remnants of semolina, who knows where the can of sprat in a tomato came from (it seems that you managed to scold your mother when she dragged her, undertaking to help with the preparation of the birthday). It's time to eat it.

6. cheap prepared food actually it's not cheap. So take such cheap food that you will cook yourself. No instant purees, boiled vermicelli, soups in plastic cups or paper bags. Pasta, rice at a discount, potatoes, beans, peas, millet, pearl barley (with the latter a very simple life hack - so that it does not seem smeared with snot, dry fry it in a pan before cooking) - these are your main side dishes and ingredients of soups. To provide yourself with protein and meat flavor, buy a whole broiler (and search the Internet for tips on how to stretch it for five meals), soy-free stew (and meat, but with an all-natural broth) in a well-known store fixed prices, soup sets V butcher shops. Forget about fruits, but the cheapest and most nutritious vegetables are onions, carrots, sometimes even cabbage and turnips (especially when they are sold at a discount). If you have a set of spices left, you can feast like a queen for mere pennies. But forget about cheese soup, it was good when processed cheese was milk fat. Now there is only Palm oil. Better turn your attention to gelatin. It costs a penny, is very supportive of your nails, hair, joints and skin, and with a minimum of additives you can make desserts for children.

7. Milk for baby porridge can be diluted with water twice. The taste of porridge will not suffer much from this, it nutritional value Same. The savings are more significant than you might think.

8. Don't buy sweets. Sweet is easier to get for free. Carrying some away from work or guests (yes, this is not good, but if things are desperately bad, what can you do!) Sweets are often given for tasting or given after consumer surveys.

9. Look for consumer surveys. They're actually very easy to run into, and you've probably brushed aside women who promised you a gift a thousand times before if you now stop for an hour and answer questions. Most often, an edible gift is given for the survey. Tea, sweets, product samples.

10. Tastings!

Some supermarkets and shopping malls tasting schedule is fixed. You don’t need to get impudent, but psychologically it relieves you a bit to have a bite of something other than pasta.

11. Look carefully at your feet. Especially where people take out and remove money - near the cash register and payment terminals. You can find a coin or two a day, by the weekend you can collect another pack of pasta.

12. Ask for a visit with an eye for dinner. Mayakovsky kept afloat for quite a long time. The main thing is not to repeat this trick often in the same family. It's better to go in circles.

13. Do not be lazy to go around your area and look into all corners. First, go around several chain stores, each of which has its own discount schedule and its own range of cheaper products. Secondly, there is a great chance to find a store that only pensioners and alcoholics knew about - with a sign like "Economy" or " cheap products". The products there are so-so, but frankly they don’t sell anything rotten, and the prices are really surprisingly low. It is quite possible to stretch half a month on a pensioner's diet.

14. Walk in the evening through the market or along the street food stalls.

The rest of the goods are often sold at a serious discount, if only to undress and go home.

15. Look for one-time part-time jobs for the morning or evening. Handing out flyers, walking dogs and the like.

16. Meet online and go on dates. It requires some caution: there are a lot of maniacs and just idiots. In addition, some young men also use this method to divorce a girl for a free dinner. Well, you don’t need to be impudent, a cup of coffee plus a sandwich will be a good help for you, and a man will not be burdened. In addition, it helps to unload psychologically if the man is not completely sucky. What’s more, you might actually be on to something. You will later tell with a laugh how strange your acquaintance began - from your desire to eat.

17. In some churches (Orthodox, Catholic, Hare Krishna) they feed everyone who needs it for free. True, in the first two types it is necessary to come only ideologically savvy. Jews are also fed free of charge in Jewish centers and synagogues. Do not be too lazy to surf the Internet on this topic.

18. Tightly sit on the sites of the exchange or distribution of things for nothing. Very often they give away old stocks of cereals or baby food. You can exchange any small things - unloved books, old souvenirs, unworn (out of size) clothes. By the way, there is free Internet in the Moscow metro, in McDonald's and in some libraries (in some places with free computers). IN good weather you can catch wi-fi by sitting not inside, but near some chain cafe like Coffee House.

19. If you have nothing to feed your pet, do not hesitate to throw a cry for help on thematic forums. They don’t like people and can easily be left to die, but cats, rabbits and rats are a completely different matter. Surely someone will save a bag of food.

20. Master cabbage soup from nettle and find out what it looks like to sleep. In spring and summer, you can seriously support the diet with grass. It is better to collect it outside the city, but in extreme cases it will work fine with heavy metals.

21. Take as a gift or dig up an old bike or scooter. You can save quite a lot on transport, albeit at a loss of time.

22. Do not give up on cultural life. If you have an unlimited pass, feel free to look for various free events and attend them. When you leave home not only for the sake of living, it is psychologically easier to endure hardships. In addition, tea and cookies are provided at some events.

23. If you know exactly when the money will appear, draw a poster with the date and every day look at him, feeling how a happy day is approaching. In order not to spend everything on joy right away, plan a small celebration of getting out of a personal financial crisis.

24. Drink food and teach children to do this. It will come out richer. And no, as in the besieged Leningrad you will not swell.

25. Keep your feet warm and wear a scarf.

It is cheaper to prevent a cold than to deal with its consequences.

26. If everything is really bad, then the leftovers are sweet. You can eat at McDonald's or Ikea for other visitors (it is important that there are a lot of people, then the employees will not set fire). You can try to negotiate with the stalls where they sell fast food, give you at the end of the day what is usually thrown away, like salad dressings. You can find out where volunteers feed the homeless, dress in old and sad clothes and go there.

27. If financial instability is a constant in your life, stock up. It is difficult to purchase a large NZ at once. But it is easy to take an extra pack of terrible cheap pasta or a jar of sprat every time or every other time. In difficult times, you yourself will not notice how you gobble up, and before difficult times you will not be tempted to eat ahead of time.

28. Old student way: to stand at the door of the store or at the terminal at the exit and politely ask those who leave for a crust of bread. Change stores one by one. Rump in the morning and crumple in the evening - so the day has passed.

29.Check if you get everything you need from the state. Previously, you only brushed aside when they talked about the child allowance (too small) - but now it will come just right. The allowance at the labor exchange is also tiny, but it can save if the crisis ends in more than a month.

30. Look for where they accept cans, bottles and paper. If not far, it makes sense to collect free newspapers, ads, glass containers. But you have to be quick and careful - you cross the path of the sharks of this business, the local homeless. They can beat, no joke.

Text: Lilith Mazikina
Photo: Shutterstock

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If you are relaxing in Urek in a hotel with meals, then you are unlikely to go somewhere to eat, although ... it’s still worth visiting a cafe at least once in order to try the dishes Georgian cuisine which the hotel does not serve. Most of cafes and small restaurants are concentrated along the main, central road of the village of Ureki. Some of the cafes belong to the hotels themselves, for example, as in the National Hotel, which is located on the first coastline. big restaurants not in Ureki, but there, in fact, there is nowhere in particular to go.

A couple of times, while here on vacation, we ordered khachapuri in a khachapuri cafe, which is near the Imeri hotel, it is in the depths of the village if you walk along the road and turn left near the hotel, standing next to with the National. The most delicious khachapuri is Imereti. It is a flatbread with cheese, which is both inside and outside. About 30 centimeters in diameter and costs about 200 rubles with our money. You need to place an order and in thirty minutes you can pick up. Really tasty and very satisfying. But they don’t know how to make Adjarian khachapuri there. The Adjarian type of this traditional Georgian dish is distinguished by its shape and, so to speak, filling. The shape is in the form of a boat, and the filling is cheese and an egg in the center. It is eaten by breaking off bread and dipping it into an egg and cheese. The egg should not be hard-boiled, but "in the bag". In this khachapurna, the cake itself turned out to be flat, the dough was not tasty. We managed to taste the most excellent Adjarian khachapuri in the Bermukha restaurant.

This is perhaps the most decent place in the village, where the food is excellent and where you can have a good time with live music. Performs songs in Georgian, Russian, Turkish and even Greek a singer with a very good voice. There are a lot of Russian songs and maybe that's why we never felt like abroad during our stay here.

I strongly recommend trying here in addition to khachapuri khinkali. They cost 0.7 GEL each. The same price is practically kept everywhere, in Batumi there was also this price in the khinkal. True, you will have to wait 20-30 minutes, but in a pleasant atmosphere for live performance, and even in a pleasant company, time passes quickly. As for the price, for example, ten khinkali (this is the minimum order size), two Adjarian khachapuris, a bottle of lemonade cost about 500 rubles, which is 20 GEL. An order with alcohol is about 40 GEL.

We were in September and lived in a guest house, where we cooked ourselves and therefore often did not visit the cafe. True, it happened that they got tired of cooking and dined in cafes. I do not recommend the bar at the hotel "National". The soup called borscht turned out to be pretty peppered, sour cream was not offered at all, and in general, something didn’t really taste like a well-known and beloved Russian dish. The second ordered stew, which looked more like boiled. In a word, 15 GEL for lunch was paid in vain. The dinner didn't go well. So basically we cooked ourselves. As for buying groceries, I would recommend a store that stands opposite the park near the Argo Hotel. This cylindrical building is located right in front of the turn to the main street and there is a shop and a pharmacy on the first floor, and a cafe and a bar on the second and third. This is the largest store in town. In the rest, the assortment is scarce, the quality of products is questionable, as well as their shelf life. As for prices, they are commensurate with ours, and some types of products are even higher. For example, chocolate "Alpen Gold" costs about 2 lara (about 50 rubles), frozen chicken 6-8 lara, drinking water 5 liters about 2.5 lara, cookies "Jubilee" - 1.3 lara. Fruit is not cheap. For example, plum 2 lara, fresh potatoes- 1-1.2 lara. Bananas are expensive. For a kilogram 4.5 lari, that is, 100 rubles. We have two times cheaper. Watermelon and melon about 0.4-0.5 GEL.

There is a small market outside the territory of the park closest to the Argo Hotel. There are no prices. You won't see them. For tourists, prices are different. Therefore, do not rush to buy right away, go through all the merchants, ask the price, and then choose who to buy from. Bargain and carefully check the change. Tourists are deceived here. Goods are not sold by the piece, but only by kilograms. One, for example, no one will sell you a tomato for salad.

If you are traveling with a child, then I advise you to cook yourself. Even any pie is pretty peppered. My baby loves khinkali. When ordering, you can ask not to pepper much, then you can feed. And you can also buy matsoni, a prototype of kefir, from the hands of thrush. It costs 1-1.5 GEL, and the store counterpart is about 1.7 GEL, and at the same time it is more sour. A very useful product for both children and adults.

In order not to get poisoned, do not go to eateries. which are also many. They can be recognized by the flimsy tents erected during the season. No one knows about health regulations here. Also, avoid buying grilled chicken. From one sign alone it becomes unsettling.

How many of these chickens are spinning in this grill, and the seller himself will not tell you for sure. It would be better to give them to stray dogs, of which there are a lot in Ureki, and in other cities of Georgia, which I managed to visit during my month in this country. Yes, and we have a lot of homeless animals, but not so hungry and not so emaciated. My heart bled at the sight of them. Therefore, they always took cookies and leftover food with them to the beach and for a walk around the town. Dogs live among people and at the same time are so skinny, abandoned. To be honest, I did not expect such a disregard for animals from Georgians. People we always associate with hospitality, openness, generosity, true Christians are absolutely indifferent to the smaller brothers. None of the locals will even give a piece of bread to a passing dog. Once we drove past the town of Tskhaltuby by car and saw a dog without hair, skinny, barely moving. Bones covered with skin. I almost screamed in horror. And nearby are Georgians with very impressive bellies. Are people really so callous that they allow the animal living next to them to die. Such a picture is very common in Georgia. Honestly, I am disappointed in this nation, which was the second after Greece to adopt Christianity and so violates the well-known postulates of helping one's neighbor. It's a distraction, but it's impossible not to say it.

It is better to eat in cafes and bars that are organized at hotels, and even better - eat yourself. And cheaper and much safer.

A flight to Moscow for several days is accompanied by the selection of a hotel for temporary accommodation and a place to eat. Booking rooms at Uninn hotels is carried out in advance, but it is really possible to take care of the food ration only after the plane lands at the airport.

Hot meals and drinks at Yunin Hotel

The reason is that the transportation of food by air transport is possible in certain quantities:

  1. the volume of liquids and products in baggage is not more than 100 ml (honey, cheese, drinking yogurt, alcohol, jam);
  2. total volume plastic packaging should not exceed 1 liter.

The exception is baby food for citizens flying with children under the age of 2 years. They can take containers with liquid over 100 ml in their baggage.

Adults will not be able to prepare their own food for several days and transfer them to Moscow, so you should think about where it is better and more profitable to eat.

Features of catering places

In the airport building

As soon as the plane has landed, it is possible to eat at local cafes in the building of Vnukovo airport. For budget tourists, such food will be costly. In many places Catering prices for dishes are 2 times higher than for the same products, but in a cafe away from the airport or in canteens at hotels.

If the traveler has an unlimited financial budget, then this option will be quite suitable. The only thing to consider is the noise at the airport. Constant alerts about aircraft departures, people talking on different languages and phone calls can be annoying, especially for people accustomed to comfort at a high cost.

Close to the airport

The nature of the dishes of one region may differ from another. Therefore, upon arrival in Moscow, one should remember that national food may be poorly perceived by the digestive organs. To avoid deterioration of health and save your financial resources, it is worth buying food in stores. As a rule, products familiar to a person from another country are always available on the shelves at a very affordable price.

In addition, when buying food in a store, you can arrive at a hotel or inn and cook a dish that is suitable for yourself. This option is suitable for those who have a lot of free time.

In hotels near Vnukovo airport

One of the most practical places to eat can be considered a hotel, where a room for temporary accommodation was booked. As a rule, in the structure of the hotel there are places for catering with affordable prices for tourists and fresh dishes. Guests do not need to spend time preparing food. All you need is to arrive at the hotel, check into your room and go down to the cafe operating at the hotel.

Cafe at Uninn Hotel

The advantage of choosing such a place to eat is to save time. The cafe is open all the time, which means that you do not need to spend precious hours traveling to restaurants near the airport or to the center of the capital. The guest can eat at any hour of the day or be sure that upon arrival at the hotel he will not remain hungry.

Along with this, the guest receives a comfortable meal. In the cafe at the hotel, the customers are often the guests themselves. For those who live in such a hotel for several days, going to a cafe will not cause discomfort, as they will know where it is more convenient to sit down, what is better to order.

The best option is to eat in a cafe from the hotel

Food is the most important issue for any traveler. So that hunger does not spoil the impression of tourism, you just have to choose the right place for food. The most profitable and practical option would be a cafe in the hotel. There will always be a place for hotel guests and a suitable diet: fresh and tasty dishes at an affordable price.

Was with you. See you!

Now life is getting faster and people are getting busier. Very often there is neither the time nor the desire to cook at home. It is not surprising that many people began to prefer to eat in cafes. Others, on the contrary, as in the good old days, recognize only home cooking. What are the advantages and disadvantages of homemade food, and what - "public catering"?

Benefits of eating out

Salvation for those who are cooking on "you" Many people simply do not know how to cook anything more complicated than tea. And they don't want to learn, mind you. More people don't like to cook at all. And is it necessary? If you have enough money, you can eat at least every day for breakfast, lunch and dinner in any restaurants your heart desires.

Thus, both eating in restaurants and cooking at home has its advantages and disadvantages. And, as a rule, both are present in the life of a modern person. And how strange a person may seem who fundamentally ignores dinners in expensive restaurants, and equally unreasonable is he who does not understand the value Sunday lunches in the family.

* * * * * * * * * * *

A hot topic for most of our readers. And then everyone writes that eating is harmful, they ranked almost all widespread products as inedible, doctors warn about GMOs, various E-additives, flavor enhancers, sodium nitrites...

Now being healthy is relatively fashionable. In the end, when you faint with an attack of gastritis in public transport, you understand that your withered student stomach deserves better. You need to eat right. Relatively correct. healthy eating everything will be fixed, even if you are simultaneously puffing like a steam locomotive, drinking like Winston Churchill.

Only one problem - there is no money in your pocket. For the last few pennies, it would seem that normal products cannot be bought. However, this is all nonsense. Majority useful products not expensive, contrary to popular belief. Another thing is that you will have to spend more time and have to learn how to cook. Let's forget about ready-made semi-finished products and semi-sour salads from supermarkets and dive into the pool of healthy food. Burn the shawarma in a ritual fire - and run for adequate products.


Please note that widespread portioned cereals fast food we do not take into account. Yes, they are convenient, but most often they contain an excess amount of sugar, as well as artificial flavors. Therefore, only loose cereals that need to be boiled. It's quite simple: fill it with water and put it on fire. It is useful and very satisfying. To save time, prepare the sled, as they say, in the summer. Pour oatmeal at night with something dairy (milk, kefir, yogurt), and in the morning, if desired, warm up and eat. Satisfying and useful.

Rice doesn't cost a lot of money either. good quality. Legumes, beans, lentils- in general, a storehouse of benefits. And most importantly, they are incredibly satisfying. From them you can make soups and stews, vegetable or meat, or simply boil, sprinkle with seasonings and eat with pleasure. And from beans you can make simple and incredible tasty dish- lobio.

But if there is no time to cook porridge from cereals, pay attention to cereals, which are sold in large packages. Just make sure they are not covered. sugar icing. If you calculate the consumption of such cereals, it turns out that they are much more profitable than portioned cereals.


Where are the eggs. Eggs are everything. They have an incredible amount nutrients. And they don't cost too much. Believe the bitter experience: there is no point in buying expensive Dutch kokushkas in a reinforced plastic box with a heraldic seal. They practically do not differ in taste and quality from the unborn children of a chicken from a neighboring state farm.

Eggs can be boiled, fried, or you can make an omelette, leaving with it everything that has begun to become moldy. Do not be afraid of a gray-green person who lodges without asking for bread. Reassure yourself, they say, penicillin is useful, and most importantly, not expensive. But remember, since we still have a healthy diet, you can’t overdo it with them, that is, you shouldn’t eat eggs 3 times a day for a whole month.

real meat

First, say no to sausage. There is little benefit in it, and eating it regularly is expensive. Not even sausages are cheaper meat dish. Therefore, find the nearest market and buy meat exclusively there. It's cheaper there. If you can ingratiate yourself with the butcher, you'll get discounts. So meat and only meat. Buy, chop, freeze and take out a piece as needed.

Don't forget the nice liver. The liver is hearty, tasty and very healthy. Especially for the liver, oddly enough. We remember about chicken navels, lungs and hearts. We know that some disdain to eat such yummy, because noble roots and the high spirit of naive aestheticism interfere. But there is nothing tastier than lungs, liver and hearts stewed in tomato paste with garlic and herbs. And chewing the heart muscle, among other things, is also very useful.

By the way, skillful hands can make pate out of the liver and smear it on bread at least around the clock.

Vegetables and fruits

We keep in mind the flagship of a healthy diet - garden fruits. Buy seasonal fruits and vegetables, they are cheaper and tastier. Feel free to take spoiled. But if the box contains God knows what with 50% rot, then this is not your choice. There are more sophisticated ways to self-destruct. And if a little softened, crushed, wrinkled - take it boldly. And it costs less, and is healthy, and tasty, and beauty in fruits is not the main thing.

By the way, show peasant prudence and catch that amazing moment in the life of the fruit, when it has not yet deteriorated, and you began to feel that you do not want to eat it. Freeze. Then you will add it to soups, meat or just nibble on cold evenings.


Who said soup is expensive? It just takes a lot of time. If you are preparing some delicious stew from an unknown sea ​​fish, then yes. And to cook a stew from inexpensive vegetables is nonsense. Tasty and healthy. Even borscht. Throw in the bones of a chicken butchered just now, throw in cabbages, potatoes, tomato paste and wait. It may not be as rich, but if everything goes according to plan, you can swallow your tongue from your own coolness and deliciousness of your creation. Yes, about borsch, of course, I’m sketchy, I hope I didn’t offend the feelings of real gourmets of this dish.

If you cook soup on meat or chicken broth, cooked meat can be baked for a second course, once again killing two birds with one stone. Then with the richness everything will be in order.

From cheap autumn vegetables you can cook wonderful puree soups (or cream soup, if you add a little cream) - a very nutritious, tasty and at the same time not expensive dish.


Cottage cheese, dried fruits, nuts, toast, generously seasoned with spices and herbs - all this can serve as a good snack. As you know, stale, dried bread is always healthier, and the benefits of cottage cheese are said by people much more authoritative than Elena Malysheva and the clowns from her program.

Other little things

Learn to feel full: if you are full on half a plate, leave it alone, put it in the refrigerator, eat it later. So you will gradually understand how much you need to cook so that the stomach is comfortable digesting.

Look at discounts in stores (while checking the expiration dates and the integrity of the package) if something fits into healthy diet and stored, buy for future use.

Say no to "Doshirak" and "Rolton"! It is clear that in our country they have become more national than dumplings, but this does not mean that they are useful.

15 ways to eat healthy and cheap

Healthy eating is very important. It:
- Reduces the risk of diseases;
- Increases productivity;
- Increases the level of energy;
- Makes you stronger.

You may think that healthy eating is expensive. I'll be honest - it is, especially now, when, in pursuit of a buyer, even "verified" manufacturers have begun to use chemicals, and in the truest sense of the word. But I offer you tricks that will reduce your food costs.

What is a healthy diet anyway? First, let's define the phrase "healthy food". It includes:

* Squirrels. For building muscle, for strength.
* Fats. Balanced intake of omega 3, omega 6, omega 9.
* Vegetables. All kinds, especially green fibrous vegetables.
* Fruits. Rich in vitamins.
* Water. 1 liter per 1000 calories you spend.
* Whole grain food. Oats, rice, pasta, bread…

And now - tips.

1. Get on the water. Forget about soda (Coca-Cola, Pepsi, fantasies, etc.) and drink water. Take water with you everywhere. For example, a 150 gram baby bottle is enough for a walk.

2. Drink tap water. Compare prices for tap water and bottled water. Noticeable difference? Then why buy bottled water?

Cleaner? Not necessary. Tastier? No, it's a matter of habit.
Bottled water producers use the same sources - the municipal water system. This is very reminiscent of selling ice to the Eskimos. If you are not satisfied with the quality tap water, filter it. One filter for 250 rubles. purifies 150 liters of water.

3. Eat eggs. I always eat eggs for breakfast.
They are rich in vitamins. They are rich in proteins. They are cheap.

Don't believe the myth of bad cholesterol found in eggs. Yes, eggs do have it, but not a single person will eat so much cholesterol to harm their health.

4. Eat fatty meats. Fatty meats are both cheaper and tastier than lean meats. Do you think it's harmful?
Fats won't make you fat extra calories will give you the right acids omega. Therefore, I would rather buy a piece of beef than a fillet.

5. Tuna. canned tuna contains more protein than meat. Alternate tuna with eggs and meat. You can easily reach your daily rate in protein.

6. Buy frozen vegetables. They take less time to prepare. You won't lose money if you don't eat it on time. You can buy by weight - it's cheaper. If you can afford fresh vegetables then buy them.

7. Fish oil. Omega 3 acids are found in fish oils. It is useful in that it lowers the level of cholesterol and fats in the body.
Take 3 times a week fish fat: one teaspoon every day. And all will be well.

8. Buy "general" products. The packaging may be less attractive, but it will be attractive for the wallet. Products with a more well-known brand are always more expensive. You are buying a brand. Wake up! Food is food.

9. Buy in bulk. Think long term. Buying in bulk is cheaper in general: gives you discounts, saves time and petrol (on the road). Put everything in the refrigerator. Buy meat and vegetables and safely throw them in the freezer!

10. Choose one grocery store. Meat is cheaper in one store, vegetables in another, fish in a third... How many stores will you visit in search of cheap food? Think!

Time is money. Stop wasting it on shopping. Cars don't drive on water. Reduce your fuel costs.
I buy all my groceries from one big store near my house. It's not the cheapest, but it saves me time and fuel costs.

11. Make a plan. Make a list of what you need and always take it with you.
Just buy groceries and go home.

12. Take food to work. Calculate how much you spend on food at work every day? Prepare food as soon as you wake up.
Therefore: get up early, prepare good breakfast and food for work. Time for everything about everything - 30 minutes. This will help you avoid stress during the day and you will get a great healthy food and the money stays in your wallet.

13. Eat less. It is obvious. If you eat less, you spend less money on groceries in the store. If you need to lose weight, go on a diet. Your health and wallet will thank you.

14. Don't buy junk food energy value). Stop buying everything that is harmful and expensive.

15. Remember the basic principles proper nutrition:
* Refusal of harmful products (the main thing - from what contains a lot of artificial preservatives and dyes);
* Method of cooking ( chicken breast, breaded in breadcrumbs and fried on huge number oils, with fried potatoes and the same steamed chicken breast with boiled or oven-baked potatoes - feel the difference);
* Drinking regime(emphasis on pure drinking water, green tea and freshly squeezed juices and at least one and a half liters of liquid per day, not counting soups).
* The frequency of meals (practice fractional meals - portions should be small, and the break between meals - no longer than three hours).

And you should not come up with various excuses - "there is nowhere to cook at work", "the boss orders junk food"and others. Instead of the usual hamburger, you can buy an apple or yogurt, right? And in a cafe, instead of fried potatoes, you can order vegetable salad, right? That's healthy food for you!

The transition to proper nutrition

Of course, in reality it is not as easy as it might seem at first glance - to give up your eating habits very, very difficult. If you have iron willpower, you can do it in one day - get up in the morning and into a new life. But for most people, this task is on the verge of fantasy. In order for you not to break loose and leave the idea of ​​switching to proper nutrition, do it gradually. For starters, give up harmful product, which is the easiest for you to part with. After a week, add another product - and so on until only healthy products remain on your menu.

And remember - in the event that you could not resist and ate something harmful again, in no case give up. Well, they ate and ate - this is not at all a reason to refuse healthy lifestyle life, right?

If you are in doubt about a particular product, or you just can’t figure out what to eat now, go to a dietitian. Also, this specialist should be visited by people suffering from a particular chronic disease - the doctor will also help adjust the diet.

sample menu

Everything seems to be more or less clear. But in order for the picture to be complete, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with sample menu proper nutrition. Of course, it is very conditional and you can change it to your liking and desire. But you still get the idea. So:

Weld oatmeal in milk, add a little butter. In addition, a cheese sandwich and tea will not hurt. Such a breakfast will provide you with energy until the very lunchtime and you simply will not need any snacks. Breakfast in general plays a huge role - it is by no means unacceptable to skip it. Otherwise, snacks and metabolic disorders are guaranteed to you.

Any cereal will do for breakfast. But the main condition is that it should not be instant porridge, which is enough just to pour hot water. There are no useful nutrients in such porridge, but only preservatives and flavor enhancers. Therefore, it is much more reasonable to spend a little time and cook a normal porridge.

Second breakfast or, as it is now commonly called, lunch is also not worth skipping. Eat some fruit or yogurt - whichever you prefer. But you should not eat too much - just a little snack is enough. Of course, you only need to eat if you feel like it.

For lunch, it is advisable to eat some vegetable or chicken soup, Piece Of Meat With Vegetables As A Garnish. If you are forced to dine out, it is quite possible to replace the soup with some tasty and healthy salad- For example, .

afternoon tea
For an afternoon snack, you can eat any fruit or vegetable, or drink drinking yogurt. Bread can be added to yogurt. Or a slice of rye bread.

The saying about the need to give dinner to the enemy is not far from the truth. Of course, the whole dinner is not worth giving away. But remember - dinner should be light enough. For example, eat cottage cheese with fruit. Just add chopped fruit to regular cottage cheese, but you can fill it all drinking yogurt. Before going to bed, if you feel hungry, you can drink a glass of kefir or weak unsweetened tea.

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P.S. Eat reliable food, don't starve. If it seems to you that too much money is spent on food, then it’s time for you to cut your expenses on spillikins (clothes, cosmetics, trips, sweets, trinkets, everyone has their own), either change a part-time job, or wake up and buy cheaper goods.
