
Eating habits of people from different countries. Traditions of healthy Russian food

The word "Etiquette" is known in every country. But everywhere there are customs and features that have been formed over many centuries. And in each country they have acquired their own characteristic nuances inherent in culture, communication traditions and many other outlines.

Remember! The main rule in another country is to behave there like a guest, respect the hosts, be polite and delicate at the reception, as well as adequately represent your homeland.


A country that surprises with strict observance of traditions and rules. And it’s not for nothing that the concept of “Real Gentleman” was born here.

The rules of conduct at the table are very important for the British, so they must be carefully studied before going to visit.

It is not customary to address the neighbors at the table until you are introduced to each other.

It is impolite to whisper at the table, the conversation should be common for everyone. Also, you can’t put your hands on the table, it’s customary to keep them on your knees.
Knives and forks are not removed from the plate, as there are no special stands for them.

Do not transfer dining utensils from hand to hand. The English don't like it. Remember, fork in the left, knife in the right hand. And the ends of the devices are directed to the plate.

Mandatory observance of the dress code. At dinner, this is a tuxedo, and at an official reception, a tailcoat.

An invitation to a cup of tea in England is not accepted, the hosts may take this as a personal insult. After tea drinking, they are sent a small note with pleasant words of gratitude.


Punctuality, discipline, pedantry and frugality - these qualities characterize the Germans well. They clearly follow the instructions and rules, as well as the rules of etiquette at the table.

When talking, it is customary to call the title of a person.

If the reception takes place, for example, in a restaurant, then everyone present, even strangers, should be wished a bon appetit.

It is customary to keep your hands above the table, even if you do not eat.

Cutlery crossed on a plate indicates that the meal is not yet finished. And the knife and fork to the right of the plate signal that the dishes can be removed.

In Germany, it is not customary to start eating or drinking until everyone has received their meals.

A waiter in a restaurant is required to leave a tip, most often 10% of the total bill.

Since the Germans distinguish between business and family life, having received an invitation to visit means that you have entered the circle of trust.

Being late for a visit is indecent. For the Germans, respect for their time and daily routine is very important.

It is indecent to come to visit empty-handed. You can bring sweets or flowers. But when choosing alcohol, you need to be careful. The bottle of wine can be seen as a nod to the owner's small wine cellar.

All meals are held strictly according to the scheduled hours. Depending on what time you are invited, this will be a treat. Brought gifts, as a rule, are opened immediately.

The oldest person sits at the table first. And the owner of the house begins the meal.


The French are famous for their refined manners, elegance and sophistication. The same applies to the rules of etiquette. To receive an invitation to visit from a Frenchman is a manifestation of great respect and respect. They invite only close people to their house.

One of the most important rules is the ban on discussing money matters. This is considered rude. It is customary to talk about abstract topics.

Also, it is not customary to be late for lunch, you can stay for a maximum of 15 minutes.

They themselves are engaged in seating the guests, as a rule, the ladies are seated between two men. And they, according to etiquette, look after her all evening.

By the way, street shoes are not removed. Caring for the cleanliness of the floors, the problem of the hostess of the house.

In France, it is customary to keep your hands above the table. In their understanding, a person who hides his hands is hiding something.

Before a meal, the French offer a glass of champagne or wine as an aperitif.

French cuisine is the subject of their national pride, so they take any praise of dishes with a bang.

In France, it is customary to finish the meal completely. But if you want to salt or season food, this can be perceived as an insult.

There are a lot of cutlery on the table, and since the dishes are served in turn, the meal should be started by taking distant cutlery from the plate. Nearby remain for subsequent dishes.

It is the same with wine glasses, a certain alcoholic drink is served for each dish.

Interesting! Bread in France must be torn into small pieces and eaten, in no case bite into a large slice.

Cheese is served after the main course. According to the rules of French etiquette, it must be put on a plate, and only then on toast.

Dessert in France is served without tea and coffee.

At the very end of the meal, strong alcoholic drinks are offered, which indicates that it is time and honor to know and go home.


When meeting Japanese, it is customary to exchange business cards. Having studied the business card, the Japanese will determine your status in relation to his own and choose a course of action.

At the entrance to the house, it is customary to take off your shoes, and instead of shaking hands, bow low. It is impossible to be late for an appointment with the Japanese, this is extreme disrespect.

Before the start of the meal, a hot, damp oshibori towel is served. They wipe their hands and face.
Before you start eating, you must definitely say “Itadakimas”, this word means “bon appetit”.

Important! In Japan, you cannot sit cross-legged, which means that you are not interested in the thoughts and conversations of the interlocutor.

Passing food with chopsticks is not allowed, as well as sticking them vertically into food, these gestures are reminiscent of a funeral procession in Japan.

Chopsticks must be handled with care, do not wave them, do not point them at people. For the Japanese, how you handle chopsticks is an indicator of culture.

Surprisingly, loud champing in Japan is by no means a sign of bad manners, as they express their admiration and respect for the cook. Therefore, do not be surprised when you hear a sonorous champing, the louder it is, the better the dish.

By the way, the soup can be drunk directly from the plate without using a tablespoon.

Be careful with alcoholic drinks, empty glasses are filled immediately, so it’s better not to drink to the bottom.

At the end of the meal, you need to thank the owners of the house or the chef of the restaurant. Silently leaving the table is considered a rule of bad taste.

It is not customary to tip waiters in Japan.

And finally

Etiquette in Greece allows the host of the feast to stain the tablecloth so that the guests can feel cheerful and at ease.

In Eastern countries, you can not eat with your left hand, it is considered unclean. Dinner usually takes place on lush pillows on the floor, dishes are displayed right in front of the guests. If cutlery is not served, then the food must be eaten with your hands. And also you can not cross your legs, showing the soles of your shoes, it is considered offensive.

In Portugal, you can't ask for a salt shaker. Their chefs believe that they cook perfectly, there is no need to add salt or pepper to anything. Such a desire of the client will offend them very much.

In Ethiopia, they eat from the same plate. And food from a plate to another is shifted with the help of hands. To soil cutlery for this purpose is considered wasteful.

In the United States, when asked to serve salt, you need to give pepper to the person along with it, although he did not ask for it.

In Switzerland, they don't clink glasses at the table. They simply raise their glasses up without connecting them to each other.

Lunch in Spain does not require punctuality. In addition, the guests will not wait until the hostess puts the dish on the plates, they themselves will take the desired piece. And if you don't like the food, they will say so directly.

Lunch in Italy can last up to 5 hours. Italians are very fond of long gatherings. And they usually eat the famous spaghetti with a fork, grated cheese must be served separately.

In China, the most famous ceremony is tea drinking. It is held in a separate room, everyone sits around a small table and drinks tea from special cups. Tea is brewed according to old recipes. During the ceremony, small talk is held.

In Georgia, it is not customary to drink wine slowly, only in one gulp and to the bottom.

In Thailand, the fork is used as an auxiliary element. It is only used to put food on a spoon.

1. Germans and Austrians- they love all types of meat: pork, beef, poultry, venison, but especially pork and eat almost all parts of the carcass (icebein - pork legs). Dishes from minced meat and lactic acid products, broths, mashed soups, salads are widely used. They are very fond of sausages, sausages, sausages, and are used to prepare cold appetizers for second courses and in first hot dishes. Vegetables are consumed in large quantities, especially potatoes and cabbage (mainly stewed). From the first courses, various broths are widespread: with eggs, dumplings, rice. Fish is served most often in boiled and stewed form. A very wide range of egg dishes. Traditional New Year and Christmas dishes are roast goose, carp. They are not indifferent to all sorts of sweets. Fruit salads, compotes, kissels, jelly, mousses are very popular. The pride of every resident of Vienna is an apple pie. A feature of German and Austrian cuisine is the serving of first courses in small portions. Side dishes for many dishes are served separately from the main products. Food should not be spicy. The national German drink is beer and schnapps (vodka). Tea is consumed to a limited extent, but they like coffee with milk. It is not advisable to offer lamb dishes and spicy food.

2. Hungarian cuisine- a diverse range of products: meat, dairy, vegetables and fruits. Dishes are prepared with lard. Butter is consumed very rarely (only for dietary nutrition), and vegetable oil is even less common. Hungarians love spicy food, widely use sour cream, onion, pepper (especially paprika). They eat beef, lean pork, offal, freshwater fish. They love pasta dishes. Pies with berries and cottage cheese sprinkled with powdered sugar. Hungarians drink a lot of fluids. They eat very little minced meat dishes. Limited consumption of lamb dishes. A special diet should be taken into account: light breakfasts, lunches and a hearty dinner. After dinner, black coffee is required, to which soda water is served. They love mineral and fruit water. They only eat white bread. It is inappropriate to offer: lamb dishes, meatballs, sea fish, seafood, salmon (red) caviar, herring, sprat, salmon, buckwheat porridge, kissels, rye bread.

3. Bulgarians from meat products, lamb is preferred, beef, poultry, and, to a lesser extent, pork are also used. Eat a lot of fresh, pickled vegetables and fruits. Meat and vegetables are stewed with hot spices - vinegar, garlic, pepper, mint, etc. They use mainly vegetable oil, less often butter and very rarely pork fat. An important place in the Bulgarian cuisine is occupied by milk and dairy products, as well as eggs and cheese. The national dish of the Bulgarians is brynza with white bread and green capsicum. A wide range of dough, they eat only white bread. They drink black or oriental coffee. It is inappropriate to offer: milk soups, okroshka, borscht, cereal dishes (except rice), cutlet mass dishes, rye bread, old potatoes (from June to the new harvest).

4. Polish cuisine in many ways resembles Russian and Ukrainian cuisine. Cold and hot appetizers occupy a large place in Polish cuisine. The assortment of first courses is very rich: various broths, cereal soups, lemon soups, with the addition of fresh cucumbers, beer, pickles from fresh cucumbers, borscht, etc. instead of bread, it is customary to serve potatoes or dumplings, pies, cereals for the first courses. Favorite second courses are chops and zrazy. Many dishes are prepared from minced meat, offal. A wide range of pies, kulebyaki, pancakes, pancakes, cakes and cakes are offered. Milk, sour cream and cereals (buckwheat, barley, corn) are used in large quantities. It is inappropriate to offer lamb dishes, dishes with sauces, rye bread and old potatoes.

5. Romanians they like dishes from vegetables, corn, dairy products, fish, natural meat (mainly beef, pork, poultry), cooked on a spit. From vegetables they prefer green beans, beets, tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants, carrots, potatoes. Vegetables are used to prepare independent vegetable dishes, salads, side dishes. A wide range of dishes are prepared from corn: cereals, salads. Corn is combined with various vegetables and fish and meat products. Hominy is prepared from cornmeal - a thickly brewed porridge, which sometimes replaces bread. From dairy products, cottage cheese, feta cheese and various types of cheeses are used. Milk is preferred warm. From the first courses, broths with rice, semolina, dumplings, noodle soup, borscht, and vegetable soups are common. Romanian tourists or passengers can be offered any dish of European cuisine. It is necessary to offer cold mineral water. Black coffee is served after dinner. It is inappropriate to offer dishes from lamb, minced meat, rye bread, jelly.

6. Czech and Slovak cuisine rich in dishes from pork and products of its processing (ham, sausages, sausages), from chickens and vegetables (potatoes, cabbage), from veal, dairy products (cream, sour cream). The most characteristic feature is a wide range of cold dishes and snacks. Sandwiches and canapes with various sandwich masses are very popular as snacks. Cakes, rolls, kalachi, pancakes, donuts are prepared from the dough. The first courses are characterized by potato soup, noodle soup with chicken, as well as soups with various vegetables. Side dishes for second courses are prepared only from vegetables. Various herbs and spices are used in cooking. Drink coffee black and with milk. Czechs love omelettes, scrambled eggs and any egg dishes, as well as sweet dishes made with whipped cream combined with chocolate and vanilla. Bread is eaten only wheat and in large quantities. It is inappropriate to offer lamb dishes, minced meat, hot fish dishes, seasoned soups and rye bread.

7. Yugoslav cuisine very similar to Bulgarian. Lamb, pork, chicken, and vegetables are widely used in cooking. Dishes from various types of fish and seafood are widely used. The Yugoslavs more widely than the Bulgarians use pork fat for cooking and flour products. A necessary component of many dishes is kaymak (made from sheep's or cow's milk). They love dishes of meat roasted over charcoal. Dairy products are very popular: milk, curdled milk, kefir, cottage cheese. Flour products are widely represented: all kinds of pies, rolls, cakes, pastries. From the first courses they prepare broths with various side dishes, soup-puree from chickens, cauliflower, liver, meat and fish hodgepodge. Rice and pasta are often used as a side dish. The main hot drink is coffee. It is inappropriate to offer boiled meat and fish and rye bread.

8. English they eat a lot of meat: beef, veal, lamb, non-fat pork and only in its natural form. Roast beef, beef steak are favorite national dishes (roast beef is prepared without any seasonings), meat is served with various sauces, marinades, most often tomato sauce is served. For garnish - fried potatoes, mashed potatoes, vegetables. From vegetables, cabbage and turnips are mainly consumed, which are eaten boiled. They love minced meat, it is fried and baked with onions and peppers. A large place in the diet is occupied by various puddings. They are prepared as second (meat, cereal, vegetable) and third courses (sweet, fruit). Egg dishes, sandwiches and canapé sandwiches are traditional. A festive dish is a stuffed turkey. Of the first courses, broths and mashed soups are the most common. Fruits and berries in fresh and canned form are consumed in large quantities. Hercules porridge (poridge) is a daily breakfast dish, which is cooked in water, without sugar and salt. Of the drinks, the most common is black, strong tea with milk and sugar. It is not advisable to offer sausages and sausage products, fish soups, aspic fish, caviar, cereal side dishes, flour dishes, dishes with flour-based sauce (gravy).

9. Scandinavian cuisine (Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland). The basics of Scandinavian cuisine are fish and other seafood. Salads, first and second courses are prepared from fish. Not the last place in the diet is beef, veal, pork. Sandwiches, milk and dairy products are widely used. The table is complemented by beans, a variety of vegetables, fruits, berries. A wide range of potato dishes - it is used as an independent dish and as a side dish. Favorite drink is coffee, it is drunk not only after breakfast, but also at any time of the day. From alcoholic drinks, beer, whiskey, liquors are popular. In all Scandinavian countries, hot food is eaten once a day, during lunch, but which happens quite late. The rest of the time they eat sandwiches and a variety of cold snacks. The selection of sandwiches is amazing. In Denmark, sandwiches are called the king of cuisine (more than 700 types), the “multi-story” sandwich is held in high esteem, and some restaurants specialize only in making sandwiches. It is inappropriate to offer: Swedes - pasta; Finnam - cottage cheese and products from it, as well as deep-fried fried potatoes.

10. French characterized by the consumption of small portions of a variety of dishes prepared in various ways from a wide range of products. A feature of cooking is the use of natural, dry and semi-dry wines, cognac, liqueurs, as well as a wide variety of sauces and sweet dishes. Vegetables are widely used. The French love meat dishes, grilled steak, fish, seafood, vegetable dishes and side dishes, omelettes. A special place is occupied by salads from fresh and canned vegetables, as well as salads from meat, poultry, and game. The first courses are mostly clear soups and puree soups (national onion soup). The national dish is cheese, and the hot drink is coffee. Sea and freshwater fish dishes are very popular, as well as seafood, oysters, shrimps, lobsters, scallops. From meat dishes - a steak with a slightly fried crust and almost raw inside; of other meat dishes, stew with white sauce is very popular. Of the first courses, leek puree soup with potatoes and onion soup seasoned with cheese are very popular.

11. Cuisines of the peoples of the Arab countries (Egypt, Algeria, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Saudi Arabia) despite some differences, they have many common features in terms of products and cooking methods. Mutton, goat meat, poultry, legumes, rice, fresh and canned vegetables are widely used. A significant place is occupied by dishes from fish, eggs, lactic acid products, especially cheese, which resembles cheese. Various spices are used in large quantities: onions, garlic, olives, black and red peppers, cinnamon, aromatic herbs. For cooking, vegetable oil, mainly olive oil, is used. For Arabic cuisine, heat treatment is typical, frying pans are brought to 300 degrees when frying. The diet is double: a very hearty breakfast and no less hearty lunch, before or after sunset. From drinks they like tea (strong with thyme), coffee, boiled water with ice, various juices (freshly squeezed), they use a lot of wheat bread in the form of flat cakes (lavash, churek). It is inappropriate to offer pork dishes.

12. Italians Pasta is widely used for food, meat, grated cheese, and various sauces are served with them. Very fond of rolls in large quantities from wheat flour. A variety of foods are used in food: vegetables, fish, seafood, beef, lean pork (natural), poultry, fruits, berries, cheese, legumes. For cooking, they use a wide variety of spices, spices and seasonings, as well as olives, capers, chicory, nutmeg, etc. Breakfast, as a rule, is light: bread, cheese, coffee, but lunch is very dense. First courses: puree soups, clear soups and the most popular soups with pasta (Ministeroni). Cheese, like pasta, is a favorite food. When cooking, olive oil is used, rarely lard. After dessert, they eat cheese and drink coffee. It is inappropriate to offer butter, fatty pork and minced meat dishes, rye or mixed bread.

13. Peoples of Indochina (Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Burma).

Characterized by a large number of fish and seafood dishes. Meat is consumed little, poultry in sufficient quantities. Rice is widely used, which is served crumbly with meat, poultry, vegetables, seafood, and sauces. The bird is cooked in sunflower oil. Rice is steamed. Rice flour is widely used. No less popular are dishes made from legumes: beans, soybeans and special green beans. Cottage cheese and soy sauces are prepared from soybeans. From the first courses prepare broths with pies, croutons, rice, vegetables, eggs; vegetable soups, sweet soups with rice. Especially popular is noodle soup (chaomi) with the addition of chicken, meat, seafood, and vegetables. The national hot drink is green tea, made from cold sweet fruits, water and fruit juices. It is inappropriate to offer mineral water and rye bread.

14. Chinese along with fresh, dried, pickled and dried products are used in large quantities. Dishes are cooked in vegetable oil and chicken fat, using sauces and spices. Marine products (jellyfish, shrimps, trepangs and cuttlefish) and vegetable products (soybeans, bamboo, rice, lotus) predominate. They eat beef, pork, chicken, duck, fish, mushrooms, vegetables, and also like dumplings and noodles. Rice is very popular. Green tea is drunk very hot without sugar throughout the day. Sweet dishes are served between hot dishes. The national dish is black (slaked in lime) eggs. It is inappropriate to offer dishes from lamb, milk, dairy products, freshly salted fish products (caviar, herring), cheese, butter, potatoes, mineral water, as well as dishes prepared with melted butter and margarine or with the addition of bay leaf.

15. Korean cuisine in many ways similar to Chinese, rice, vegetables, fish, flour products are also widely used. Pork is consumed in small quantities. The main seasoning is soy. Dairy products are almost never consumed. Many dishes are prepared with vegetable oil. A peculiar dish is a dish of raw fish (heh). Rice, appetizers and all seasonings are served separately in different bowls and bowls. The first courses are used for breakfast, lunch and dinner (broths). Fruit dishes are served as a dessert. They drink beer, chilled, boiled water, eat a lot of wheat bread. It is inappropriate to offer: dairy products, fish delicacies, ham, smoked sausages, boiled vegetables, potatoes, rye bread, coffee, cocoa, mineral water.

16. Japanese cuisine mainly from plant products: vegetables (including seaweed), rice, soybeans, beans, as well as fish and seafood. The Japanese love beef, pork, lamb, and poultry dishes. The main product is rice. Most of the dishes are prepared with various spicy seasonings in vegetable and fish oil. Widely used fish in various forms, including raw. The national dish is sushi (popular rice cakes with slices of raw fish). Soy base sauce. They eat a lot of fruits, biscuits, drink coffee and green tea without sugar. It is not advisable to offer mineral water. All meals should be lightly salted.

17. Cuisine of the peoples of India consists of plant foods: rice, corn, lentils, legumes, vegetables. A large number of spices, spices, seasonings, sauces. The use of meat is associated with the division of the population by religion into Hindus and Muslims. Muslims do not eat pork, but they love lamb and goat meat. Hindus don't eat beef. Yogurt is a popular dairy product. Use it as an independent dish and in marinades. True vegetarian cuisine (followers of Jainism) is common in southern India. They do not eat there: onions, garlic, tomatoes, beets. The basis of their food is sweet peppers, dates, lentils, rice. Bread and lentil chowder is the main course for breakfast and lunch. In the east of India, in Bengal, freshwater fish and a dish of large and small shrimps and lobsters are in the first place on the menu. An important place is occupied by fresh and dried fruits, sweets, ice cream. Favorite drink is strong, hot, black tea (sometimes with milk). It is inappropriate to offer mineral water and beef.

18. Mongols love dishes from milk, meat products and flour products. Milk is used to make cheese, curdled milk and drinks. The most favorite food is milk foam. Do not eat fish dishes. Boiled lamb is widely used. They love lamb broth seasoned with millet, rice, vermicelli or noodles. Willingly eat poultry dishes, sausages, sausages, ham, vegetable salads, omelettes. They drink compotes and koumiss. The national hot drink is tea. They prefer "slab" tea, strongly brewed, seasoned with milk, butter (or lard) and salt. It is inappropriate to offer fish and fish gastronomy, caviar, coffee, cocoa, beer, mineral and fruit water.

19. Cubans eat a lot of potatoes, rice. The most popular dish is rice with black beans. In large quantities - red and black pepper, bay leaf, cinnamon, hot sauces, tomato paste, vinegar, mayonnaise. Limited salt. They love pork. New Year's delicacy - a whole pig roasted on a spit. Lots of sea fish and seafood dishes. They love eggs, sweets, fruits (they love to eat all this for breakfast, lunch and dinner). They also eat beef and poultry. Soup is not required. National hot drink strong, sweet coffee, alcoholic rum. Bread is consumed a lot and only wheat. It is inappropriate to offer lamb dishes, salty foods, rye bread.

20. Americans and Canadians- a mixture of traditions of many nationalities. For Americans, the main place is occupied by food industry products: canned, packaged and ready-to-eat. The main snack is sandwiches. All types of meat and seafood are used. Vegetables, dairy products, eggs, cereals are widely used. The main hot drink is coffee. when serving Americans, it should be taken into account that they do not like very hot food, but they like drinks very chilled. Be sure to drink ice water before meals. Canadians have a traditional drink - beer. Bread is eaten little.

21. Cuisine of the peoples of Latin America (Mexico, Brazil, Venezuela, Peru, Chile, Uruguay, Ecuador and Colombia) widespread use of corn, various vegetables, especially tomatoes, beans, beans. They love tortillas made from corn with various seasonings. The basis of seasoning for many dishes is pepper, cheese, various sauces. They love natural meat dishes: beef, pork, fried until half cooked on grills and coals. They love meat sausages (like Georgian kupat). Another feature is that meat products and fish are not breaded. Side dishes for the second course are served separately. They are usually prepared from vegetables: potatoes, corn, etc. Garnishes are seasoned only with butter, and salads with olive oil. Mayonnaise and sour cream are almost never used. First courses are limited. Wide application of seafood and fish. They love fruits, juices, sauces. Hot drink - strong sweet hot coffee and mate. The diet is typical: a light breakfast (bun, jam, butter, juice, coffee) and hearty plentiful lunches and dinners. It is inappropriate to offer mayonnaise, sour cream, breading products.

22. Spain and Portugal they love fish dishes, also beef, veal, lamb, pork. A large number of dishes are prepared from ham and smoked sausages, poultry and eggs. The Portuguese love meat stewed in pots with vegetables, especially beans. Various seasonings are used. Sweet and hot peppers (Chili), garlic, herbs, saffron, cumin. Prefer continental breakfast. Soups like: cream soup, puree soup, vegetable, garlic.

... through the eyes of our compatriots living in these very countries.


“For breakfast, usually coffee with a bun (office plankton). Those who do not work or have the opportunity to have breakfast often have breakfast in a cafe - this is scrambled eggs with bacon or sausage, tomatoes and a bun plus coffee. They drink a lot of coffee there, but it is very good and at a normal price.
About lunch/dinner:
we ate quite often in the city, from 11 to 14 lunch time. Opposite the work there was a club, and they had a restaurant, at lunch there was a special menu with very democratic prices. Soups (usually mashed potatoes or hot pots), a lot of meat/fish/chicken, side dishes or rice or mashed potatoes (mashpoteito) or boiled vegetables.
Normal practice is to drink wine / beer at dinner, even while driving I allowed myself a glass of red for a steak and I was happy.
People actively dine in restaurants, the cuisine there is excellent - mixed Italian-Greek-European-Australian-Mediterranean. The choice is huge and everything is fresh and of high quality.


“Food is a very classy thing. The more educated and richer people are, the less people eat by volume and the less junk. Two hot meals a day is too much. Lunch is usually light. Sandwich. Or soup and sandwich or salad and soup. I always take soup at work. Only not meat broth with vegetables boiled in rags, which we called soup, but mashed vegetable. Dinner is meat or fish and vegetables.

“Particularly pleased with the choice of fresh fish. When I go to Moscow, it’s a pity to spend time looking for familiar food, so I eat what is in the nearest supermarket - there is usually no fresh fish, no choice of vegetables, no pasteurized milk, no juices not from concentrate. On one visit I spent a long time in the "7th Continent" over a tiny bunch of fresh green beans, which cost 20 pounds against 1 in uk ... "

“...mostly without breakfast, or for breakfast yogurt, muesli or cereal, eggs, toast. Children with soy milk eat everything, they are allergic to cow and goat. In Russia, the same soy is much more expensive. here it's cheaper than cow's.


"In the morning, sandwiches, cereal or croissants.
In the afternoon - traditionally sandwiches, they take or buy such baguettes with cheese, ham, vegetables (!)
In the evening, a full meal - meat / fish / + side dish + vegetables.


“... here, as in many southern countries, they have dinner very late, at 10, at 11. I suffer from the lack of normal grain bread (here in stores there is only one that does not spoil for a month, in general, nothing healthy, in my opinion look, it is not in it) and because of the quirk of the local population on beans with rice. Rice and beans here are one of the basic elements of nutrition, I have always been cool about beans and rice, but now, to be honest, I just can’t see it anymore.
Oh yes, and yet, despite the abundance of very cheap fruits, they are very fond of sodas here, if they are invited to dinner, they will most likely offer Coca-Cola at the table, including, I see, children drink from an early age. Well, it’s not that I couldn’t put up with it, as they say, if you don’t want it, don’t drink, but I understand that I really wouldn’t want to teach my child to chemistry (which I don’t have yet :)), but how does it to protect not at home, I don’t really imagine ... "

“... they also drink a lot of beer here. It is lighter than in Russia, and they drink it just in liters. On holidays, usually, if it is such a home holiday with a barbecue in the yard, and not in a restaurant, there will be nothing else from alcohol except beer at all.

“There is not enough ryazhenka, but you don’t run into a Russian store for it. The cottage cheese here is excellent, sour cream is easily replaced with natural thick yogurt.

“What infuriates Germany is that they add sugar and vinegar to herring and to pickled cucumbers and, in general, to almost any marinade.
And what pleases - bakery products, dairy products, soups for every taste, fish.

“I am dissatisfied with fruits, because. comes from Uzbekistan and even the best that is sold in the local markets cannot be compared with those fruits. Everything else is just wonderful. We recently visited Uzbekistan - neither I nor my son could eat normally, fat is everywhere! dripping straight."

“It is difficult to come to terms with only one thing - that most people have lunch at 12:00. Oh, yes, and with the general madness about asparagus "in season." In the rest - everything is enough; you can find almost everything; the only question is how to search. So far I have not found pike caviar and herring without vinegar. But since I want them once a year, then you can wait until you arrive in the Russian Federation.


“... in India, food is a cult, and food and nutrition are in the format of a lot, plentiful and satisfying. If we talk about the poor, then there is a banana, a couple of carrots and a bowl of rice. The rich have their own laws. Indian cuisine is heavy with an abundance of fat and oil (even in vegetarian dishes), a lot of fried foods, tons of sugar, a small amount of raw vegetables, at least among the inhabitants of megacities. The habit of eating at night is also annoying. As a rule, three meals a day are accepted, well, tea with cookies and all sorts of snacks in between.


“We stopped eating bread about a couple of months after leaving, because. there were no Russian shops in Ireland then. Now there is, but neither buckwheat nor bread is needed anymore.”

"The only thing we eat that the locals don't (as do most Americans, not just the Irish and the British) is boiled, stewed and sauerkraut."

“We learned not to eat tons of mayonnaise and ketchup, and I don’t remember when I had potatoes for a side dish. Or fresh vegetables, or stewed, or in extreme cases, rice. Pasta is extremely rare, and even then more often as a separate dish with Italian seasonings. There are three orders of magnitude more fish and seafood in the diet.”

“Bread is available in bakeries (Panera, Corner Bakery, etc.), very good. And in the Whole Foods store, there are generally 20 varieties to choose from, and every day something changes and a different kind is baked. There are definitely no problems with bread, you just need to know where they sell normal bread.”


“Breakfast here sometimes consists of only a cup of coffee, and then a snack is already at the workplace - again a coffee croissant.”

“Lunch at restaurants at certain times. Most often somewhere from 13.30 to 16.00. Around this time, most people have a break at work.”


“I am addicted to the local cuisine. From fresh meats, from cheeses (mostly aged), from cured prosciutto, sausages and truffle sauce. In general, Italian cuisine is very diverse, it changes from region to region, on the coast they eat more fish and seafood, we have more meat in the center. Since moving here, my diet has changed as it includes a lot of local products. Bread in our region is only white and mostly unsalted.”


“In Canada, there is no such thing as lunch, but there is a snack (usually around 12 noon). At this time, sandwiches, hamburgers, hot dogs and other unhealthy food, children are also given fruit and something sweet to school. They love to go to McDonald's and other establishments with tasty and healthy food for lunch (lunch). French fries and other goodies are also given to small children. Dinner is usually at 6-7 pm, usually it is the main course (meat, chicken, fish), side dish, salad, everything is as it should be, or pizza is ordered for dinner. If you pay attention to what people buy in stores, then almost 80% of buyers have Coca-Cola or some other soda, buns for hamburgers (hot dogs), less often frozen pizza in their cart. The result is that many women in their 40s are overweight."


“What we don’t eat at all here is sauerkraut. In general, they eat well, densely, three times a day, they also arrange snacks with coffee.


“There are no soups in our understanding, there are mashed soups.”

“It was unusual to switch from mayonnaise salads like Olivier to salads with a bunch of herbs. But now mayonnaise is perceived with great difficulty by the stomach.

“Here I began to eat things that until then seemed to me delicacies close to show off, for example, asparagus, oysters, mussels, scallops. I began to use olive oil, soy sauce, balsamic vinegar.

“At first I couldn’t understand how it was possible - to pile a bunch of different herbs into a bowl, put a little bit of real ingredients (fish, cheese, vegetables), pour over it all with “vinaigrette” (which turned out to be just vinegar-based salad dressing) and call it a salad. Where are the potatoes and sausage?


"1. Breakfast is heavy - in the order of things there is rice boiled in coconut milk. Served with meat. Or fried noodles. Or tortillas with meat or fish curry.

2. If a company of three or more people is going, then there is a tradition to order a little of everything. And on the table at the same time there are dishes from several types of meat, poultry and seafood.

3. A lot of spicy and spices in general. But for lunch and dinner I like it.
4. One cannot imagine a meal without rice. They always find no place for themselves when I eat at the common table without rice.

5. They eat sweets like crazy. Sugar in tea, coffee, juices. Even in hot dishes. Diabetes is very common.

What foods do I miss (sometimes):
1. Dairy is a bad choice. They don't really understand what dairy products are. They wonder why I buy fresh milk when there is powder.
2. Smoked meats like good sausage, ham, smoked and salted fish.
3. Buckwheat, seeds, bread.


“... always fresh fruits, juices; a large selection of meat and fresh seafood; we buy white bread in bakeries; you stop eating mayonnaise.

“... there is not enough black "Darnitsky" bread; baking specific; dill is not always found; there is no buckwheat; tired of eating corn; not everyone likes pepper; there is no usual cottage cheese; too much soda; bad chocolate; there is no usual black tea; bouillon cubes and sauces (Worcester and Maggi) are added to everything "for taste" ... "

“They usually eat here 3 times a day, but some families have more, some less. Three meals a day in restaurants. There are soups, the choice is usually from 3-4, so there are no problems with this. ”

“Mexicans prefer meat, corn tortillas and corn in all forms, they put lemon (as they call a small green lime) and pepper (a huge number of types of pepper) in everything, they make many different sauces based on tomatoes.”

“... it’s easier with sour cream: here everything that looks like sour cream is called “cream”: fat content is from 20 to 40 percent, the taste is sweet. If you want the taste of sour sour cream, then you buy acidified cream. But no liquid sour cream ....
And, here's something else I forgot: here boiled vegetables are eaten cold, there is no side dish as such: usually vegetable salad. Moreover, the salad is not in the form of a salad, but chopped fresh vegetables in a row on a plate. Mashed potatoes are also eaten cold (not always, really).


“The neighbor says that they don’t eat cucumbers and cabbage, so she gives everything to us.”

“In America, I met people for whom putting frozen lasagna in the oven and opening a can of pears means “cook homemade food with dessert !!!”

“I once lived with a girl who ate the same burger from Burger King every day and the cola that came with it. Once a week, her grandparents visited her and brought a pot of chili, and this diversified her diet.

“Very much depends on the area, on the availability and prices of fresh vegetables / fruits, on the demographics in this particular region. In Los Angeles, for example, a lot of people are obsessed with healthy eating, but even more poor people eat cheap fast food.”

“I was recently in Edmonton, I went to a cafe under the sign "fresh organic food" and ordered a veggie chicken salad. It turned out that, firstly, the portion was unrealistically huge, and secondly, veggie chicken salad is a bowl of rice + 1 spoon of tomatoes + 1 spoon of peppers + a teaspoon of chicken + a teaspoon of cheese. And lots and lots of sauce."

“Americans don’t eat buckwheat, and in general, after tasting it, most people spit. I also met a lot of Americans who have never tried pomegranates. In America, it is not customary to dress salads with mayonnaise, except for potato or tuna salad (or meat salads). No one eats caviar at all, except for my husband. They are even afraid to try. Well, nutrition in general depends on the family, their habits, lifestyle.

“And Americans also blow coffee in liters. Just some bottomless barrels. I’m silent about cola, it’s not even funny. By the way, as already mentioned above, the more educated Americans are, the healthier they eat. Among the poor, uneducated segments of the population, there are many more obese people, because. it’s cheaper for them to buy a hamburger for a dollar than meat without hormones and other bad things, which costs from $ 6-7 per pound and more.


“Working locals mostly quickly eat something simple for breakfast on the way to the place of work, while it’s still not hot, a light soup for lunch, and already in the evening they eat in street eateries densely and with pleasure.”

“I generally got the impression that Thais (and not only them) do not cook anything at home, fast food is simpler and cheaper.”

“They don’t have bread in the local cuisine, as well as borscht with lard, but this doesn’t bother me at all.”


“In France, for a long time it was unusual for me to eat at strictly defined hours. For example, you can only dine in a restaurant from 12 to 1.30, after which the chef leaves and orders are no longer accepted. Dinner after eight. Well, and all these traditions, when guests dine for five hours. And the food is washed down with water from a decanter.

"... very fond of dandelions."


“Here they have lunch at work for an hour and a half, it’s very difficult to get used to, and even the morning break and the afternoon break, and everyone needs to “sit out”. Damn, I can't chew one sandwich or an apple for half an hour! How do they do it?"

“In general, the food here is terribly tasty all, even bread, even dairy products, even meat. The pastries are amazing."


“Everything goes into salads - pea shoots, plantain, carrot leaves, that is, tops.”

“For example, I couldn’t get used to meat with lingonberry sauce in Sweden. And now I really like it. In general, I like Swedish cuisine. The only thing is that I could never eat herring ... "

The text is taken from the discussion here:

Historically, the diet of the inhabitants of different countries varied greatly - and only now, with the advent of the age of Internet communications, when it became possible in moments of seconds to find out the recipe for a new dish, traditional in some other country, a clear separation begins to blur - many foods and dishes become extremely popular in Russia. Also, the change in the traditional diet is also influenced by the expansion of logistics options - fruits that do not grow in Russia, or fish that lives exclusively in southern waters, are increasingly appearing on store shelves, and all this “exotic” is not so much. But not every diet is right, especially when it comes to traditional products. In this article, we will look at several countries of the world, from the diet of whose inhabitants you can learn a lot of new and useful products for your body.

Is the diet of the average Russian useful?

Having studied the indicators of Rosstat from 2016, one can understand the approximate diet of the average Russian. And the data, alas, indicate the presence of certain problems. So, it has historically developed that in almost all of Russia (with the exception of coastlines, of course) fish, especially sea fish, are not particularly popular. Hence the lack of fatty acids, such as omega-3, which leads to cardiovascular diseases. The lack of seafood in the diet of most regions leads to a lack of vitamin B12 in the body. The result of this is low immunity, anemia (anemia).

In a sense, compensating for the lack of fish, on the table of Russian people there is a large number of cereals and soups, mostly sour ones - okroshka, cabbage soup, borscht, hodgepodge, river fish soup. Soups are good for digestion due to the fact that often this type of heat treatment affects the ingredients more sparingly than frying or baking. Despite all this, the average Russian person basically eats in such a way that carbohydrates, fats and sugars predominate in his diet, and he lacks vitamins and trace elements. What can be done to fix this?

What can be learned from the diet of other countries?

China is considered a fairly healthy country in terms of nutrition. Their cuisine includes many products useful for humans - specific Chinese mushrooms, a lot of fish and lean steamed meat seasoned with spicy or spicy sauces. Also in the diet of the Chinese, algae are quite common, which by their nature are unique sources of vitamins that are difficult to find in terrestrial nature. In the diet of the Chinese, vegetables (cabbage, carrots, young bamboo shoots, radish) are approximately on the same level as meat consumption. Thanks to this diet, the Chinese later begin to suffer from obesity and heart disease.

Also, attention should be paid to the diet. Finland and Scandinavian countries. In fact, it also has its drawbacks - the Scandinavian countries have cold weather conditions, which makes it problematic to grow vegetables and fruits there. However, the fish there dominates over all types of meat - the sea supplies fresh seafood all the time. It is they who are so lacking in food for Russians. Even despite the rather high prices, seafood should be present in the diet - the content of all kinds of fatty acids, which we have already mentioned, makes them literally priceless.

Japanese food, along with Chinese, can tell you how to diversify your diet with dishes with rice and beans. The latter are useful for the body by normalizing blood pressure, as well as reducing the risk of developing breast, colon and prostate cancer - but, unfortunately, these studies still need to be confirmed.

Despite the popularity of fermented milk products in Russia, many often forget about cheeses - especially soft ones, like mozzarella or burrata, which came to us from Italy and Italian cuisine. In addition to their taste, these cheeses retain their freshness, provided they are properly stored for a week, and give the body the very necessary elements that are found in fermented milk products.

In conclusion, I would like to note that, undoubtedly, all of the above countries also have harmful parts of their national eating habits - the Italians consume a lot of wine and bread products, the Japanese often abuse rice, which is not very useful in large quantities, and the Scandinavians do not get enough vitamins due to the inaccessibility of fruits and vegetables. But, despite all this, it is worth taking the best from their cuisines, and leaving the bad behind. Well, do not forget that only one healthy diet is not able to maintain your health at the required level - sleep, exercise and lack of stress are also important.

Have you ever wondered how some people are so good at staying lean and healthy? Perhaps it's all about the food traditions adopted in their country. Here are the best tips collected from around the world to help you keep fit.

1. India: spices and a variety of flavors

Approximately 40 percent of the Indian population is vegetarian and prefers a menu consisting of rice, legumes, vegetables and bread. And even those who do not refuse fish and meat do not forget to eat a lot of vegetable dishes.

Of course, Indian food is best known for its spices, which are added to almost all dishes. However, spicy food also has its benefits. So chili peppers, while low in calories and strong in taste, increase the metabolic rate and help burn fat.

Pulses, such as lentils and chickpeas, are lower in fat and higher in protein, which makes us feel full longer.

According to the Ayurvedic tradition, the key to satiety is food that mixes 6 basic tastes: sweet, sour, salty, bitter, spicy and astringent.

2. France: Eat a little of what you like

The secret to keeping French women slim is to enjoy your food, but by a little. Even though their diet is high in fat and includes butter, cheeses and red meats, portion sizes remain quite small.

The French are also quite organized when it comes to eating, sticking to three meals a day without snacking and making every meal a social event. Lunch is the main meal of the day and people take the time to really enjoy their meal.

This promotes weight control, firstly because chewing your food for a long time gives your stomach time to understand when you are full, and secondly, if the main meal occurs in the middle of the day, then you have more time to eat. that actively burn calories.

Also, do not forget that the French prefer home-cooked food, rather than ready-made convenience foods. Also in France, it is customary to drink one or two glasses of wine a day, which has a positive effect on health.

3. Japan: start with soup

Japan has the lowest obesity rate in the world, less than 5 percent. The traditional diet in Japan is natural, fresh foods such as rice, vegetables, fresh fish and soy, with very little meat and sugar.

The Japanese eat a wide variety of foods, up to 30 foods a day, and follow the adage "A dish without color is like going out naked." By filling your dish with green, yellow, and red vegetables, you'll have less room for unhealthy foods.

The Japanese also start their meal with a light soup, which saturates well and contains a small amount of calories. Studies have shown that those who ate soup at mealtime consumed 100 fewer calories.

Another rule that the Japanese follow is: " leave the table when you are 80 percent full". If you overeat, then your stomach is stretched by 20 percent, and this greatly undermines the control of appetite.

4. Greece: Enjoy the Mediterranean Diet

The Greek or Mediterranean diet has long won the title of the healthiest in the world, being especially good for the heart.

Greeks tend to eat a lot of vegetables, fish, chicken and beans, as well as whole grains. Such food, being low in calories, is still rich in taste. And do not forget about olive oil, rich in unsaturated fats and beneficial to health.

Just like the French, the Greeks love to turn their meal into a real event, sharing dinner with family and friends, so if you want to get the most out of the Mediterranean diet, sit back and enjoy your meal.

5. Iceland: Don't skimp on fish

Worldwide, the average person eats about 15 kg of fish per year. If that sounds like a lot to you, try comparing this figure to the amount eaten by real fish lovers, the Icelanders, who eat about 90 kg of fish per year.

Experts believe that a diet rich in fish helps control weight in many ways. First, fish is rich in eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids, essential fats that block fat formation, control appetite, and activate fat-burning genes.

Some experts even claim that you can improve your chances of losing weight by taking fish oil four times a week.

For those who still prefer the taste of fish, you should choose oily fish, such as herring, rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce stress levels, which increases fat accumulation.

6 Brazil: Eat rice and beans

The Brazilian secret of harmony lies in your favorite dish - rice and beans. This traditional dish is low in fat and rich in protein and fiber, helping to stabilize blood sugar levels and control appetite.

A diet rich in rice and beans reduces the risk of obesity by 14 percent when compared to a traditional Western diet.

According to research, adding rice and beans as a side dish to meals can help you lose weight and reduce your risk of weight gain by up to 23 % . These foods are best eaten with soup, salad, and stews.
