
Salad from chicken navels. Chicken navel salad

Salad with chicken stomachs - general principles of preparation

Chicken stomachs are an affordable, inexpensive product for everyone. Skillful housewives very successfully use it for cooking various dishes, salads are among them.

Salad with chicken stomachs turns out to be satisfying due to the protein content in them. In addition, it is tasty and light. The dish can be considered quite universal. It plays the role of an addition to the meal, acts as a full lunch or a light dinner. Depending on the ingredients, it can be everyday or festive.

Salad with chicken stomachs - preparing food and dishes

Experienced housewives do an excellent job with such a product, making chicken stomachs tender and fragrant. But young people, unfortunately, often refuse to use them in dishes, considering them tasteless, tough.

In order for a salad with chicken stomachs to be a success, it is important to carefully prepare these ventricles. How to do it right, we will tell.

Start by thoroughly washing them, removing the fat on the surface.

Then fill the stomachs with water, salt, add a whole head of peeled onion, spices.

Boil, making the fire medium, you need at least an hour. Check for readiness - they should be soft. If not, continue cooking for another half an hour until you reach the desired result.

The stomachs brought to readiness can only be cooled, cut into cubes or strips and prepare a salad with chicken stomachs.

Salad recipes with chicken stomachs:

Recipe 1: Salad with chicken stomachs

A simple set of products is used, and the result is a nutritious, satisfying and tender salad. Try it, you will definitely like it. Feel free to experiment: you can add, for example, a green apple, bell pepper or a piece of pineapple.

Required Ingredients:

- chicken stomachs (0.5 kg);

- one carrot;

- green onions (bunch);

- eggs (4 pieces);

- mayonnaise (for dressing);

- ground black pepper.

Cooking method:

Grind raw carrots - grate.

Boiled chicken stomachs cut into strips.

Boil the eggs, as usual in a salad - hard boiled, chop with a knife.

Cut the green onion, salt and mash to make it juicy.

Mix all the ingredients, pepper, season with mayonnaise. You can very successfully replace it with sour cream.

Salad with chicken stomachs, quick to prepare, ready. It is good and freshly cooked, and a little infused.

Recipe 2: Salad with chicken stomachs and mushrooms (champignons)

Thanks to the source of protein - chicken ventricles and mushrooms, it turns out to be satisfying, and pickles make its taste more piquant and less cloying. As a result, you get a delicious and hearty salad with chicken stomachs, which can serve as a light lunch or a hearty dinner.

Required Ingredients:

- mushrooms (200 g);

- the same number of chicken stomachs;

- pickled cucumbers (medium size - 3 pieces);

- one onion;

- sour cream or mayonnaise (for dressing).

Cooking method:

Boil and cool the stomachs.

Boil the mushrooms: put them for five minutes in boiling water.

Cut the chicken stomachs and mushrooms. The shape of the cut is according to your desire.

Cut the onion, preferably into thin half rings, and pickles into cubes.

It remains only to mix all the ingredients, add salt, pepper, season them with sour cream or mayonnaise. That's it - salad with chicken stomachs can be served.

Recipe 3: Salad with chicken gizzards and cilantro

Another version of a simple salad using chicken stomachs. This time - for lovers of cilantro and spicy Korean salads. Monosodium glutamate can also be added to the sauce.

Required Ingredients:

- chicken stomachs (0.5 kg);

- potatoes (3 pieces of medium size);

- a bunch of cilantro;

- three tablespoons of soy sauce, vegetable oil and vinegar (6%);

- garlic (3 cloves).

Add to taste:

- ground red pepper;

- basil.

Cooking method:

Boil chicken stomachs as suggested at the beginning of the article. Cooled stomachs cut into strips.

Chop the onion - cut it into thin rings, fry together with chopped stomachs in a pan. Use vegetable oil for frying.

Cut potatoes into strips, dip into boiling water. Boil for four minutes, no more. After that, drain in a colander, rinse with running water, dry on a paper towel.

Grind the garlic, pour it with soy sauce, vinegar, add basil, salt, sugar, pepper. Now there is something to fill your salad with chicken stomachs.

It's time to remember about cilantro. It should be chopped and added to all other ingredients. Mix, season with garlic sauce. The dish will become tastier if it stays in the refrigerator for three hours - all the ingredients will have time to feed on the spicy garlic-soy sauce during this time.

Recipe 4: Salad with chicken stomachs and fresh vegetables

You can cook at any time of the year, but in the summer it is especially relevant - fresh vegetables are always at hand, and a kilogram of chicken stomachs will noticeably add nutrition to the salad. Great recipe for a picnic.

Required Ingredients:

- chicken stomachs (one kg);

- carrots, cucumber, bell pepper (everything large, one at a time);

- three bulbs;

- wine vinegar (100 ml);

- another 100 ml - vegetable oil;

- the same amount - soy sauce, lemon juice;

- garlic (4 large cloves);

- chili pepper - to taste;

- sugar (3 tablespoons).

Cooking method:

Boil the stomachs, cool, cut into strips.

Peel carrots, onions.

Cut the pepper in half, remove the core.

Using a Korean carrot grater or a knife, turn cucumber, pepper, carrot into thin straws.

Cut the onion into half rings, making them as thin as possible.

Place all ingredients in one bowl, mix.

Salad with chicken stomachs is almost ready, it remains to prepare the marinade.

Grind the garlic with a press.

Add sugar to soy sauce. Keep on fire, let it thicken slightly.

Put garlic, chili pepper there, pour vegetable oil, lemon juice, wine vinegar.

Bring to a boil, remove the chili pepper from the marinade.

Pour salad over them, let them stand for a while, saturate with taste and aroma.

Salad with chicken stomachs - secrets and tips from the best chefs

You will get delicious only that salad with chicken stomachs, which is made from chilled, not frozen, stomachs. Unfortunately, the shelf life of such a product is quite small - two days, no more. Therefore, pay attention to their appearance, do not hesitate to touch them and even smell them. They are allowed to be slightly damp, but not slippery. Refuse to buy if you feel an unpleasant sour smell. Fresh chicken stomachs should only have a pleasant, slightly sweet aroma. They should not be soft, flabby to the touch. Fresh stomachs are elastic.

If you decide to use frozen chicken stomachs, defrost them gradually by placing them overnight on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. By defrosting this way, you will retain more taste and nutritional qualities.

The stomachs will be more tender if, before cooking, already thoroughly cleaned and washed, they lie in cool water for about three hours.

Before cooking, carefully inspect each stomach for yellowish bile smudges. If there are, be sure to carefully cut them off with a knife. Even a little bile will spoil your salad, it will turn out to be bitter.

Inspect the inner surface of the stomachs - there may be remnants of the film. Although traditional medicine ascribes medicinal properties to it, you don’t need it in a salad.

Offal has long been used to make delicious and simple snacks. Chicken gizzard salad is often prepared. There are a lot of recipes, because they goes well with mushrooms, various canned food, vegetables. Such salads can be served on the festive table.

Calorie content and composition of the product

stomachs enriched with fiber which has a positive effect on digestion. They also contain ash - a natural sorbent. There are also a lot of trace elements: phosphorus, calcium, potassium, copper, iron, sodium, zinc. The contained vitamins are presented in folic, ascorbic and pantothenic acid.

They are highly valued as a dietary product. There are only 170 calories per 100 g. And due to the high content of iron, protein and vitamins, they are useful for improving the condition of hair and skin, maintaining the circulatory and immune systems, and increasing appetite.

The film enveloping the navels is used in folk medicine. It is dried and ground into powder.

in frozen products contains fewer nutrients. If the expiration date has already expired, then it is impossible to prepare salads from such stomachs - toxins dangerous for the body begin to be produced in them and heat treatment will not help get rid of them.

Cleaning methods

In total, there are three main methods on how to clean chicken giblets before cooking them. One of them is worth using if you plan to cook a salad with chicken navels:

  1. First, the "navels" are scalded with boiling water, making several cuts and turning inside out. Then they scrape off the yellow skin - it is not used in cooking.
  2. 40 g of salt are added to two liters of water, the stomachs are soaked for an hour and a half in this solution. Then it is much easier to remove the film. It remains only to rinse the product under running water.
  3. Before cleaning, the by-product is beaten off with any blunt object, for example, with the back of a knife. Make incisions, twist and cut the membrane. The fat layer is also removed, although at the time of washing it often goes away on its own.

Easy option

You need to start small, so you can first prepare a simple but tasty navel salad. The recipe implies the presence of the following products:

  • 500 g offal;
  • two carrots and onions;
  • a couple of pickles;
  • a jar of green peas;
  • mayonnaise, pepper, salt.

First, the ventricles are boiled in salted water, cooled and cut into strips. Carrots and onions are peeled and cut together with cucumbers in a convenient way. Onions with carrots are lightly fried and mixed with stomachs and cucumbers. Peas are also sent there, after draining the liquid from it.

Delicious salad dressed with light mayonnaise. Salt and pepper is up to you. Sometimes they do without spices, as cucumbers are already salty.

Korean Snack

Salad with chicken stomachs and Korean carrots is always very satisfying and tasty. Of course, it’s easier to buy a ready-made carrot, but it’s more interesting to make a dish yourself, this is done from available products:

  • 500 g stomachs;
  • two bulbs;
  • large carrot;
  • half a glass of 9% vinegar;
  • allspice peas, coriander, paprika, soy sauce, oil, salt - to taste.

Offal is boiled until soft, together with allspice, then cooled. But at the time of cooling, you need to remove the product from the pan, as it can absorb a lot unnecessary liquid.

The bulbs are peeled and cut into rings, poured with vinegar for fifteen minutes and thrown into a colander. Carrots are rubbed on a Korean grater. The by-products are cut into slices and put together with the rest of the prepared products in a container convenient for mixing.

The ingredients are poured with a small amount of soy sauce and sprinkled with coriander and paprika for flavor. A little hot oil is poured on top, mixed and infused for two hours. If required, add salt or season with other spices to taste.

spicy snack

This salad is prepared from chicken stomachs with pickled onions. Looks very spicy to taste. Lovers of spicy dishes will appreciate it. For cooking, many products are not required:

  • 300 g offal;
  • 200 g of white lettuce;
  • 4 eggs;
  • large carrot;
  • mayonnaise, vinegar, salt - to taste.

The onion is peeled and thinly cut into half rings, poured with a mixture of water and vinegar in equal proportions. Leave for ten minutes. Then they are thrown back on a sieve and mixed with carrots, shabby on a large grater.

Chicken stomachs are boiled until soft, then cooled and cut into slices. Eggs are boiled in advance, peeled, cut into small cubes. All products are mixed in a salad bowl and seasoned with mayonnaise. In this recipe, the ventricles can be replaced with a chicken heart if desired. This offal initially turns out softer and more tender.

With different vegetables

You can prepare salads with the addition of vegetables; if desired, the set of products is supplemented with other ingredients. It is worth considering tasty and easy options:

  1. With potato. Any potato salad turns out to be satisfying, and in combination with stomachs, it can serve as a full meal. The quantity is taken at will. Boil potatoes and stomachs until cooked, cut into strips. Boiled eggs are chopped finely enough. Everything is mixed and, if desired, onion, cut into rings and straws from fresh cucumber are added. Seasoned traditionally with mayonnaise.
  2. With radish. There is no need to cook offal here. First, they are cut into slices, then salted, peppered and poured with table vinegar. Leave for half an hour. Onion rings are pickled separately in the same way. Marinated stomachs are fried in oil until tender, mixed with onions, a spoonful of sugar and soy sauce are added. The radish is cleaned, rubbed on a coarse grater and sent to the salad.
  3. With green peas. The stomachs are boiled, chopped into thin strips, mixed with pickled cucumber and onion sticks. Peas are added, salted and seasoned with the chosen sauce (usually mayonnaise). Instead of peas, you can use canned corn or beans.
  4. With carrots. This spring version will saturate the body with vitamins and energize in the morning. It is prepared from stomachs, carrots, green onions, eggs and bay leaves. Instead of mayonnaise, low-fat sour cream is used as a dressing. Salt and pepper are added to taste.
  5. With mixed vegetables. This salad is called "Home from Chile". It is prepared from stomachs, carrots, red onions, cucumbers, bell peppers. But its main feature is in the marinade, for its preparation lemon juice and soy sauce are mixed in equal proportions, wine vinegar, oil, garlic, sugar and chili pepper are added to taste. Chopped vegetables and offal are mixed and poured with marinade. It is advisable to let it brew for eight hours, so the dish is usually prepared overnight.

Of course, this is far from complete. list of recipes vegetable salads with the addition of ventricles. There is room for fantasy here.

Warm Options

The peculiarity of these salads is that they are served hot or warm. Due to this, their satiety increases, and the taste of the products manifests itself in all its glory.

Mushroom with mayonnaise

For this salad, you can take your favorite mushrooms, the most affordable are champignons, which are easy to buy at any time of the year. Usually, two eggs, a purple onion, a handful of mushrooms are taken per pound of offal.

The stomachs are boiled until cooked, chopped and poured into a salad bowl. The onion is peeled, cut and fried in oil, mixed with stomachs. Mushrooms are washed and also fried with salt. You can take any spices to taste. Eggs are boiled in advance and cut into small cubes.

All products are added to a salad bowl and mixed with mayonnaise. You can add fresh herbs. Goes well with this dish. classic garden set- parsley, dill and green onions. It is required to serve until the mushrooms have cooled down.

Mushroom with butter

It can serve as a full meal, replacing a lunch snack. Prepared from the following ingredients:

  • 500 g offal;
  • 9 fresh champignons;
  • one carrot, zucchini, red pepper, onion;
  • two tomatoes;
  • oil, salt.

The onion is peeled, cut into thin slices and fried until transparent. After that, zucchini and carrots, peeled and cut into strips, thin pepper sticks, diced tomatoes and mushroom plates are added.

The last to be added to the pan are crushed and boiled stomachs until soft. Fry everything together for seven minutes, salt to taste. It is usually served warm, garnished with sprigs of fragrant herbs. Often such mushroom warm salads in combination with offal, they replace a full meal or they are served before dinner to improve appetite.

Before preparing a salad, you need to learn certain culinary tricks, thanks to which you will be able to prepare a really tasty dish. It is worth listening to useful advice from culinary experts:

  1. The appetizer will turn out much tastier if you cook not frozen stomachs, but chilled ones. Only such a product has a short shelf life - no more than two days. Therefore, when choosing, you should not be shy about smelling the product. The stomachs should be slightly moist, but not slippery. If an unpleasant sour smell is felt, then it is better not to take such stomachs. The aroma of quality products is sweet and pleasant. Fresh offal is elastic, it is not flabby and soft to the touch.
  2. If there is only a frozen product, then it is required to defrost it gradually, placing it in the refrigerator overnight. This will preserve more nutritional qualities.
  3. Before cooking, it is recommended to hold the stomachs for three hours in cool water, then they turn out to be more tender.
  4. Before cooking, each ventricle is carefully examined: it should not have bile yellowish smudges. Even a small amount of bile will spoil the taste of the salad, making it bitter.
  5. Inspect the inner surface of the product for the presence of film residues that need to be removed.
  6. Spices and dressings can be changed based on personal preference. Various vegetables, greens, smoked or milk sausage, nuts, cheese are added. Stomachs are combined with almost everything, if you know the sense of proportion.

Any of the recipes is good and unique in its own way. But the kitchen is a place where you can show your culinary skills to the fullest, so you should not stop at one recipe. When cooking, you need to fantasize with the ingredients and their quantity, so that each time a set of familiar products acquires a new special taste.

Attention, only TODAY!

All recipes for salads with stomachs have been used more than once for cooking. They refer to salad recipes. Perhaps you will find recipes for salads with bird stomachs useful. Also pay attention to the recipes of salads with dressing collected from us.

Chicken gizzard salad

Rinse chicken stomachs thoroughly, peel off the inner film and boil in salted water for 1 hour. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater or chop into strips, finely chop the onion. Fry prepared onions and carrots in vegetable oil until golden. You will need: chicken stomachs - 1 kg, carrots - 2 pcs., onions - 1 pc., boiled egg - 4 pcs., mayonnaise - 200 g, salt, green and purple basil

Step by step video recipe

Boil chicken stomachs and cut into strips. Fry carrots and onions until golden brown. Cucumbers cut into strips. Mix everything, season with mayonnaise, salt and pepper. You will need: chicken stomachs - 250 g, carrots - 1 pc., onions - 1 pc., pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs., mayonnaise - 1/3 cup, salt to taste, ground black pepper to taste

offal relish

Rinse the stomachs and, having removed the inner film, boil in salted water until tender. Cool down. Pepper the prepared stomachs, dip in a beaten egg, bread in breadcrumbs, deep-fry until golden brown. At. You will need: stomachs of broiler chickens - 1 kg, egg - 1 pc., breadcrumbs - 1/2 cup, vegetable oil for deep fat - 300 g, ground black pepper, salt to taste, green salad leaves, lemon

Oriental chicken stomachs

Prepared (washed and dried) chicken stomachs cut into thin strips (0.5 cm). Cut the onion into thin circles (if leek) or semicircles, carrots into thin sticks. Heat a wok (or any other, but with high sides) with k. Required: Chicken stomachs - 600-800 gr., Onions - 1 large head or 1 leek, Carrots - 3 small pieces, Soy sauce - 3-4 tbsp. l., Sesame seed - 2 tbsp., Sesame oil - 2-3 tbsp. l. (if you do not have sesame oil, you can use some other, eg.

Dogwood parade for Sima. Procession No. 2: Dessert of the USSR

And again it all starts with dogwood. We take it out for defrosting. You can put a couple of berries in your mouth frozen - this is to enhance childhood memories! :) Once, at a hairdresser's appointment :), I was leafing through some glossy magazine and saw such an unusual way of cooking. You will need: CORNEL 150g, sugar 200g, lemon, kiwi, raspberries or other berries, gelatin or astri-gel, chocolate, mint, all sorts of goodies for desserts.

Warm chicken salad

Boil chicken stomachs in salted water for 2-2.5 hours. Cut the onion into thin half rings, marinate in a mixture of vinegar, water, salt, sugar for 40 minutes. Cut the boiled stomachs into strips and fry with pickled onions, add soy sauce, red and. Required: 500 grams of cleaned chicken stomachs, 1 large onion, table vinegar, water, salt, sugar, ground black pepper, 3 tablespoons of soy sauce, 0.5 teaspoon of ground coriander, ground red pepper

Arugula salad with chicken giblets

Fry chicken giblets in vegetable oil until tender. Salt (you can use garlic salt). Finely chop the cucumbers and tomatoes. Tear the arugula leaves. Mix arugula with cucumbers and tomatoes. Add fried chicken giblets. Put in a dish. Fill with dressing. You will need: chicken giblets (heart, liver, stomachs) - 400 gr, fresh cucumber - 2 pcs, medium tomatoes - 2 pcs, arugula - 4 bunches, pine nuts - 50 gr, For dressing: olive oil - 3 tbsp, balsamic vinegar - 1 tsp, a mixture of dry herbs - 1 tsp, salt - 1/2 tsp.

Peel the chicken stomachs (remove the inner yellow film) and rinse well. Put the stomachs in a small saucepan and pour boiling water over so that it barely covers the cut. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer until soft (40

50 minutes). Salt. Required: Chicken stomachs - 500g., Fresh cucumber - 1 pc. large, Onion - turnip 1 head, Garlic - 2 large cloves, Korean-style carrots - 200g., Soy sauce - 2 tbsp. spoons, Vinegar essence - ¼ teaspoon, Salt - 1 tsp, Sugar - 0.5 tsp. (to taste), Grow oil.

Today, there are many different salads, the main component of which is the usual white or dark meat. But if you want to make an unusual dish, then we suggest replacing such a product with chicken ventricles. This solution will allow you to save a little on the purchase of products. This is due to the fact that meat is much more expensive than conventional offal. Moreover, thanks to this ingredient, you can diversify your table and surprise your guests.

Chicken gizzard salad: step by step recipe

As mentioned above, such a dish can be made using various ingredients. We decided to present you the simplest and most affordable method, which involves the use of products such as:

  • lettuce bulbs - 2 pcs.;
  • medium juicy carrot - 2 pcs.;
  • pickled or pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs.;
  • medium-calorie mayonnaise - 120 g;
  • green canned peas - 1 standard jar;
  • vegetable deodorized oil - use for frying;
  • salt and crushed black pepper - use as desired.

Offal preparation

Before making a salad of chicken stomachs, you need to process all the ingredients one by one. First you need to wash the purchased offal, and then clean it of unnecessary veins and films. After that, the stomachs should be boiled in water (salt) until completely soft. This may take you about 40-55 minutes.

Then the offal must be removed from the broth and cooled. To make the chicken stomach salad tender and beautiful, the boiled ingredient should be cut into thin strips.

Processing the Remaining Ingredients

After the main component of the salad is prepared, you should start processing vegetables. The onions must be peeled and cut into thin half rings, and the carrots must be chopped into strips or grated on a special Korean grater. As for pickled or pickled cucumbers, they only need to be chopped with a knife into small cubes.

Sauteing products

To get a juicy and fragrant chicken stomach salad, onions and carrots need to be sautéed in deodorized oil. Fry the ingredients until they become golden and soft. At the end of the heat treatment, these components must be seasoned with pepper and salt.

We form a dish

Chicken stomach salad, the recipe of which we are considering, is formed quite simply. To do this, the chopped offal must be put in a deep bowl, and then pickled or pickled cucumbers, browned onions and carrots, as well as canned peas (green), devoid of liquid, should be sent there. After that, the ingredients must be seasoned with medium-calorie mayonnaise and mixed well.

Proper salad serving at the dinner table

After the salad from chicken stomachs is seasoned, it must be immediately presented to dinner. It should be noted that due to the combination of orange carrots and green cucumbers with peas, the finished dish looks very beautiful and festive. Moreover, the taste of such a salad is very tender and rich.

Delicious Korean Salad: A Step by Step Recipe

Chicken stomachs (a salad with them turns out to be very satisfying and fragrant) for such a dish it is better to buy frozen and already peeled. Although, before heat treatment, it is still recommended to wash them additionally and remove all kinds of films.

So, to make a spicy Korean salad from chicken stomachs, we need:

  • chicken ventricles - about 500 g;
  • lettuce onion - 2 pcs.;
  • medium juicy carrot - 1 pc.;
  • soy sauce - a large full spoon;
  • leaf of lavrushka - 1 pc.;
  • table vinegar (it is better to take 6% or 9%) - about ½ cup;
  • deodorized sunflower oil - about 5 large spoons;
  • allspice - about 7 peas;
  • ground red pepper and coriander - a small spoon each;
  • medium-sized iodized salt - use at discretion.

Offal preparation

How should you make a Korean salad? Chicken stomachs for the presented dish must be thawed, rinsed and cleaned of films. After that, the offal must be put in boiling salted water and boiled until it becomes soft. Moreover, ¼ hours before turning off the stove, it is recommended to add peppercorns and laurel to the ventricles.

After the offal is ready, it must be removed and cooled. Next, the ventricles need to be cut into very thin strips and left aside.

Processing vegetables

To make a spicy salad using chicken ventricles, you need to peel the onion heads, then cut them into half rings and soak in table vinegar (for ¼ hours). After the specified time, the vegetable should be well marinated. After that, it is required to throw it on a sieve and, shaking it strongly, deprive it of all moisture.

Also, raw carrots should be added to the Korean salad. It must be cleaned and then grated on a special grater in the form of thin and long strips.

Formation process

To form a tasty and spicy Korean dish, chicken ventricles should be put in a deep dish, and then grated carrots and onions marinated in vinegar should be added to them. After that, the components must be flavored with soy sauce, salt, ground coriander and pepper. Next, you need to pour sunflower oil into the pan and heat it up strongly. After that, it is necessary to flavor the entire salad with vegetable fat, mix it well and leave it in the refrigerator for several hours.

Serve a delicious Korean salad for dinner

After the dish with chicken ventricles has cooled well, it should be served immediately to the table, after mixing with a large spoon. Such a salad should be served for dinner along with bread or pita bread. It should be especially noted that it is not recommended to use it for those who have problems with the digestive tract. After all, Korean salad is very spicy and can easily cause an exacerbation of chronic diseases.

I propose to diversify your daily menu by preparing a very tasty and satisfying salad with chicken navels (chicken ventricles are often called "navels"). It would seem that they are simple chicken navels, but in a dish prepared according to this recipe, they look very dignified. My guests assumed that the salad contained pork tongue, and were pleasantly surprised that they did not guess the taste of chicken navels. Men will especially like the salad, as it contains meat, pickled onions, and mayonnaise. And thanks to green peas, the dish becomes more tender and refined, so many women will also appreciate it.


To prepare the salad you will need:
chicken navels (ventricles) - 500 g;
green canned peas - 500 g;
onions - 1-2 pcs.;
mayonnaise - 2-3 tbsp. l.;

salt - to taste.
For pickling onions:
cold boiled water - 250 ml;
salt - 1 tsp;
sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
vinegar 9% - 4 tbsp. l.

Cooking steps

Here are the ingredients I used to make this salad.

Put the chopped chicken navels (ventricles), pickled onions, canned green peas without liquid into a deep bowl.

Dress the salad with mayonnaise, mix.

Tasty and pleasant moments!
