
With what they drink Bosco white champagne. What doesn't go well with champagne

What to drink champagne with, what snacks are suitable for the main drink of the New Year holidays, receptions and weddings? Champagne is drunk both as an aperitif and with meals, some varieties are served with second courses and dessert.

Prepare drink for serving

Before we learn how to drink champagne correctly, let's try to figure out how to serve it. Before drinking, the wine is cooled to a temperature of 7-9 degrees. Therefore, it is correct to serve champagne in a bucket of water, in which pieces of ice will float, and not use pure ice. To cool the champagne, a few minutes of champagne in ice water is enough. By no means do not lower the temperature of the drink to 0 degrees, carbon dioxide will disappear and delicious, sparkling champagne will turn into ordinary wine.

Champagne serving

In addition to the quality of the wine, presentation is also important. Champagne glasses made of crystal or Czech glass are best suited. It is in crystal that you can see all the beauty of the drink, enjoy the beautiful color. In addition, crystal perfectly keeps the temperature of champagne for several hours.

Drink quality

When champagne is poured into a glass, it begins to "play" and bubbles stand out from it. These same bubbles should be small and persistent, rising from the center of the bottom of the glass like a fountain. The bubbles in the glass should last for several hours. Large bubbles indicate a low quality wine.

What should you drink champagne with?

The appetizer depends on the quality of the wine and its variety. There are a huge number of dishes, and you yourself have to choose what to drink champagne with. The main list of dishes and snacks are: fruits, sandwiches with caviar, salads, white meat dishes, game, biscuit with berries. But not all berries are suitable for consumption. Do not combine with a drink: currants, cherries, sweet cherries, gooseberries.

Many unknowingly bite this noble drink with chocolate or throw a piece of chocolate into their glass. In fact it is not recommended to seize this type of wine with chocolate. Cocoa kills the taste and aroma of the drink, spoils the bouquet. Many people have their own views on how to drink champagne, but there is a certain etiquette.

Disrespect for drink

If you want to offend the winemaker, be sure to order an expensive type of champagne, use a fork or spoon to start expelling the bubbles. After all, the winemaker has invested so much work to isolate these bubbles. Another insult, to drink a drink in one gulp. If you're in a hurry, order vodka or a glass of water, and champagne doesn't like to be in a hurry. Also, you should not drink sparkling wine in combination with garlic and onions, it is ugly and you definitely will not feel the full bouquet of taste.

So, we learned what to drink champagne with and how to serve it. The main rule is to drink it chilled, and snacks should be no less noble than the drink itself, make sure that food does not interrupt the taste of wine, but complements and emphasizes it. Last but not least, store the wine in a horizontal position, otherwise all the bubbles will disappear. On store shelves, also look for bottles that lie horizontally.

The ability to match a drink to a dish is a whole art. It is the food that brings out the flavor of the wine. There are a lot of combinations, choose the most suitable for your taste, enjoy the amazing bouquets of champagne, which, if served correctly, will be remembered for a long time.

You can not do without champagne at various receptions and presentations. Raising a glass with him, wish you health, success, prosperity. It is hard to imagine that celebrating the New Year or celebrating a wedding, you can do without champagne. It has become a habit for us, an integral attribute of celebrations.

There are rules of good manners that prescribe certain behavior at the table during the celebration. These rules are quite numerous and among them there are those that indicate how to drink wines, including champagne.

The wine got its name from the name of the French province of Champagne. Only special grape varieties are suitable for its production. When using different technologies, different brands of this noble drink are obtained. And really noble - after all, you need to know when and with what to serve champagne.

How to drink champagne?

Much depends on whether a person knows how to drink this drink. It would seem that for a question, what could be special about how to drink a glass of champagne?

The glass should be slightly elongated and on a long thin leg, high, made of transparent glass. Drink champagne chilled from 7 to 10 ° C, but not frozen. It is not customary to put ice cubes in it. To cool it, it is better to place it in a bar. By cooling it in the bar, you can be sure that it will not freeze. If there is no way to put champagne in a bar, place it in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf, but even better if you put it on cubes or crushed ice.

If cooled less, the champagne will seem warm, and you will not be able to fully appreciate its exquisite sparkling. If it is chilled more than it should be, you will not fully experience its taste.

They hold a glass of champagne in their left hand (few people remember this, and sometimes they don’t even know). You need to drink it in small sips, savoring, feeling its entire bouquet. If you put a glass, in which there is still champagne, on a table or counter, you cannot take it from the table again, although you took only one sip. In a word, if the glass is full, you liked the wine and you are going to drink it, you will have to hold it in your hand. When you are invited to a festively laid table, the glass should be placed, and not carried into the main hall.

If you want to prove yourself and show that you know how to handle champagne, open it without popping it so that the cork gently comes out of the bottle. Pour, holding the bottle with the label in the palm of your hand. To avoid too much foam in the glass, wait until it settles, and gradually add wine.

What is the best thing to eat with champagne?

Pay attention to what it should be drunk with. In other words, what is better to order in a restaurant or what dishes to choose at a gala lunch or dinner.

There is an erroneous opinion that it goes with any dish, but it is not. Champagne complements some types of appetizers, main courses and, of course, dessert. It is not suitable for first courses, as well as for some cold and hot ones. It is worth dwelling on when you can drink champagne so as not to seem like a person who does not understand secular etiquette at all.

So, is it possible to drink champagne at the very beginning of the meal? Yes, if at the beginning of lunch or dinner a congratulatory or congratulatory speech is made.

After that, as a rule, guests start eating. Cold appetizers are always served first. They occupy an important place on the festive table. Cold starters include pickles, smoked meats, canned foods, salads and a variety of sandwiches. Sandwiches with cheese and herbs, but without any spices or spices, do not contradict champagne.

You should not drink it if you try salted fish, it does not go well with champagne in any way. The situation is slightly different if cold or hot smoked fish is served as an appetizer, not very salty and cooked with cheese or seasoned with some kind of sauce. It is also suitable if such fish is cooked with herbs (but not with spices and spices), with a small amount of raw vegetables. But the dish should not have a lot of salt, and vegetables should not have a sharp and sharp taste.

Champagne is also not suitable for snacks represented by various types of sausages. This also applies to ham, boiled pork, smoked brisket, loin. But if these products are used in sandwiches along with cheese and an egg, some of the champagne wines, dry or semi-dry, are quite suitable for them.

Snacks can be represented by various salads. If they are made from raw vegetables in their own juice or with a little vegetable oil, in this case dry champagne is suitable, but it is excluded if spices or spices are added to the salad, it is seasoned with mayonnaise or sour cream or made from stewed vegetables.

When serving second hot courses, there are also certain rules for choosing wines. They are most suitable for white wine, and in some cases, champagne.

Firstly, it is never consumed with meat, but it goes well with boiled fish and poultry. Champagne can be drunk with boiled (but not fried) fish, decorated with herbs, but without any spices and spices. If the fish is cooked with cheese, vegetables, egg, champagne is acceptable.

The bird should not be fried, without various spices and spices. You should also pay attention to what sauce it is cooked with.

What the drink is ideal for is a variety of seafood dishes. Baked and stuffed seafood acquire a very special taste if you take a sip of champagne. So, having decided to taste crabs, lobsters, shrimps, lobsters, oysters, choose dry or semi-dry wine, or sweet or semi-sweet champagne.

And, of course, champagne is indispensable when it comes to dessert. Light sparkling wine will perfectly complete a festive lunch or dinner. Many fruits go with champagne. The only exception is citrus fruits. But in recent years, these rules have begun to deviate. In a word, fruits for champagne can be almost anything. Very often grapes are offered to him.

In addition to fruit, ice cream is often offered for dessert. Serve cream or milk ice cream with sweet varieties of champagne. For popsicles, choose white peach or almond. With chocolate, of course, pink or red champagne will be combined in the best way. This also applies to creams, puddings, jellies. And if, until recently, these dessert dishes were not served with champagne according to the rules, now it is quite possible.

Champagne is in perfect harmony with any kind of cheese. It all depends on individual taste. Cheese spicy, salty or spicy goes well with both sweet, semi-sweet, and dry or semi-dry wine.

Pastries, cakes, cookies, marshmallows - all these sweets will perfectly complete the festive feast along with champagne wines.

By adhering to these rules, you will not lose face at any reception or reception, and you will also show your best side by inviting a woman you like to a restaurant and deciding to treat her with champagne.

No wonder they say that champagne is an amazing drink that perfectly uplifts the mood and can cheer up the saddest person.

Champagne or sparkling wine can be white, rosé or red, sweet, semi-sweet, brut. The most commonly used white semi-sweet champagne.

It is not uncommon for a timely opening of champagne to turn a first date immediately into a third, followed by a pleasant continuation. Champagne is almost always present in romantic photos. Wedding photos without traditional glasses are completely unthinkable. Rose and red sparkling wines are appropriate only for romantic meetings.

Champagne is used to celebrate victories, significant events, meetings with beautiful ladies. Accordingly, an appetizer for champagne for each occasion should be different. All recipes are easy, heavy snacks are not welcome. We will consider fruit recipes, seafood, cheese.

The most common romantic champagne appetizer is fruit. Pineapples, strawberries, cherries, sweet cherries, peaches and apricots, pears, wild berries.

Pineapples with champagne

The famous St. Petersburg poet Igor Severyanin was well aware of the exciting effect of combining pineapples with sparkling wine. Petersburg bohemia of the beginning of the last century knew a lot about a beautiful life and pleasures.

Gourmet recipes with pineapples are very simple.

Canned pineapples are great for making snacks.

Buy a can of canned pineapple rings. Drain the syrup, cut the pineapple rings into 4 pieces and arrange on a flat plate. You need to take pineapple slices with a small two-pronged fork. If you don't have silver fruit forks, buy plastic canapé skewers.

drunken pineapple

Sprinkle cognac generously over dried canned pineapple rings. It is quickly absorbed and will give an interesting taste and enhance the exciting and exciting effect of the snack.

It is better not to use fresh pineapple as a snack, as it has a too bright taste and allergic reactions are possible.

Champagne with strawberries

Strawberry is considered a strong aphrodisiac, its taste awakens sensuality. Champagne strawberries are best served fresh. Rinse large selected berries with stalks well with cold water and lay them on a napkin to remove excess water. Put the washed and dried strawberries in a small vase. It is customary to take strawberries with stalks by hand.

Vitamins and nutrients contained in strawberries are best absorbed with light alcohol.

You can remove the stalks and cut the berries lengthwise into halves. In this case, strawberries should be taken with a small fork.

Frozen strawberries need to be slightly thawed, add crushed ice and sprinkle sugar on top. Frozen strawberries are eaten with a spoon.

Caviar appetizer

What do they eat champagne in Hollywood movies? Of course, caviar. In the photo of Hollywood banquets there is always caviar and champagne.

Red and black caviar is an excellent appetizer for light white wines. Useful properties of caviar are well known. Omega fatty acids contained in red fish and caviar stimulate nervous and intellectual, creative activity. A caviar appetizer can be served both on toast and in baskets.

The crust is cut off from white bread, the bread is dried in a toaster and cut into squares with a side of about 5 cm. When the toasts have cooled, they are spread with fresh butter, on which a slide of caviar and a slice of red fish are laid out.

Classic sandwiches with caviar on white bread

Classic sandwiches with caviar were excellently made in the Metropol in Soviet times. In the tiny cafeteria, which opened at 8 am, from the very opening there was a line of students and engineers rushing to start the day with a healthy “smart” sandwich and a cup of coffee.

Let's repeat the recipe of Soviet culinary experts, proven over decades.

Butter is spread on a slice of fresh white bread. We beautifully lay a couple of sprigs of greens on the oil, put half an egg on top of the greens. Then, next to the egg, we put a slice of red fish, a thin slice of lemon and a small handful of caviar, about a full teaspoon. Sprinkle with lemon juice, put the sandwiches in a slide on a dish and serve.

What drinks are compatible with champagne

Sometimes they ask questions with what they drink champagne. Champagne is absolutely and self-sufficient. Mixing it with other drinks is not recommended, as the effect of intoxication can follow immediately.

However, there are recipes for insidious cocktails that literally knock you down.

Champagne with cognac

Proportions 50/50, mix, but do not shake. For maximum effect, you can add a little sprite.

Dark romantic cocktail

Pour champagne up to the brim into the strong chocolate liqueur. Layers must not be mixed. What is perhaps relevant, exhausted champagne is also suitable for making a cocktail. The cocktail is considered morning and is suitable for fatal playboys.

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Often festive events are not complete without a sparkling drink - champagne.

Pleasant wine gives the holiday fun and joy. But in order to fully feel the noble taste of the drink, you need to choose the right snacks for champagne. After all, not all products are combined with it.
But in order to get an answer to the question of which products can be served with champagne and which are not, it is worth learning about the types of wine.

Variety of champagnes

There is a wide variety of wines. Its classification depends on the grape variety and year of harvest, on the nuances of production and on the sugar content. The latter indicator also affects the taste of wine.
There are the following types of champagne:

  1. Brut nature is the most expensive of the representatives of this drink. It is produced from selected grape varieties. The wine does not contain sugar, as true connoisseurs of champagne believe that it will spoil the drink. But there is residual sugar in it. And the most common is brut, the content of the substance in which does not exceed one and a half percent.
  2. The next type of champagne is semi-dry sparkling wine. It has a sugar content of 1.7% to 3.5%.
  3. They produce semi-sweet and sweet varieties of the drink. Sugar in it is from 33 to 50 g per liter.

Depending on the type, they also choose an appetizer for champagne.

Snacks for brut champagne

What brut champagne eats is of interest to many. But the answer to this question, oddly enough, is very simple - according to etiquette, expensive dry sparkling wine is drunk with caviar. It is better to use lightly salted red caviar.

Recently, it has become fashionable to drink sushi brut with ginger or wasabi, with the addition of soy sauce.
Do not spoil the taste of the drink and lobsters, fried fish or duck meat.
But it is worth remembering that an appetizer for dry sparkling champagne does not tolerate the addition of lemon juice or vinegar. After such a combination, an unpleasant aftertaste remains.

Dishes for semi-dry wine

The answer, what to eat semi-dry champagne, is banal - red caviar, canapés with cheese, the pink variety is especially combined, seafood.
You can drink with salads, but it is better not to fill them with mayonnaise. After eating such products, the stomach may begin to hurt.
They drink wine with nuts, almonds, olives, crackers.
Great boiled white meat or roasted turkey.
Semi-dry champagne goes well with fruit. An appetizer for champagne can be in the form of an assortment of pineapple, pear and peach. A good solution is chilled melon balls. After them, the drink acquires an interesting aftertaste.
Fruit pie will work too.
In Italy, it is customary to serve brut with pizza.

What to drink semi-sweet champagne with

Semi-sweet champagne is ideally combined with the famous French delicacy - foie gras. The compatibility of the drink and goose or duck pate is due to the contrast of the rich taste of the liver and the acidity of the wine.
Strawberries with cream and various berry cakes go well with semi-sweet champagne. Such a presentation is considered more aristocratic.

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What to drink sweet wine with

Dessert sparkling drink is served with cheesecake, creme brulee, ice cream without fillers. You can eat various sherbets, fruit puddings, pies.
Do not forget that you can not use dishes where there is coffee, lemon and other products with a pronounced taste. After such products, the taste of wine changes for the worse.
Therefore, the answer to the question "What to drink sweet champagne with?" suggests itself - with any non-sugary desserts.
Can be served with a drink and cheese. It is better to use varieties of sheep or goat product. It must be cut into small cubes. You can build a quick appetizer: beautifully arrange a plate of different types of cheese. Do not just use sharp types. After them, the wine will seem sour.

Pairs well with champagne canapes made from cheese and green grapes.

What doesn't go well with champagne

In order not to spoil the taste of champagne, you need to know the exact answer to the question of which products are not combined with any type of drink:

  • Contrary to all beliefs, chocolate should not be eaten with sparkling wine. The taste of sweetness interrupts the aroma and taste of the drink, after chocolate they seem sour.
  • In dishes for the festive table, where wine will be served, it is better not to use onions and garlic. They have a strong smell.
  • Not suitable for champagne red meats.
  • Oriental sweets in the form of halva or nougat will make the wine taste sour.

In order not to be mistaken and to know exactly what to eat champagne with, you need to know what type is combined with what products. And then the noble drink will bring you real pleasure.

But do not forget about the dangers of alcohol, even with a small amount of alcohol, like champagne. Alcohol, even in small doses, causes irreparable harm to the human body and psyche. After drinking, clouding of mind and memory loss occur. Alcohol has a huge impact on the cardiovascular, urinary, nervous systems, and on the gastrointestinal tract.

Alcohol causes the greatest harm to the liver. The more alcohol a person consumes, the more the cells of the organ wear out. And with the parallel use of nicotine, the effect increases many times over. As a result, cirrhosis of the liver develops.

Do not forget that women's alcoholism develops much faster than men's. And the effect of alcohol on the body is more pronounced.

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"Do you know that the widow Clicquot really existed, and really was a widow?" - said my friend, pouring champagne. Maybe I would have been interested in his question if I had heard it for the first time. But my friend asks this question all the time when pouring champagne, it's kind of a tradition. Therefore, except for the well-mannered “Mmmm ...”, I don’t answer anything to this. I think that not everyone accompanies drinking champagne with such strange questions, but there must still be sane people in this world who know how to drink this magical drink correctly, what to serve with it, and maybe even someone knows what to talk about?

One of the customs is the cork shot of champagne. You can shoot at the sky, someone manages to shoot at the ceiling. Unfortunately, this custom has nothing to do with how to properly open champagne. Champagne must be opened slowly so that it emits a quiet hiss. If you open champagne abruptly, with a pop, then the gas bubbles begin to evaporate rather quickly, which leads to the fact that the quality of the drink deteriorates. But, by the way, maybe this is for the best, if you don’t rattle a cork shot, then both the chandelier and the nerves will be intact. Although for convinced "shooters" one can offer such an option - use one bottle for "fireworks", and drink from another.

There is another interesting piece of information that really surprised me when I ended up in Europe. It turns out that they do not know what sweet and semi-sweet champagne is. Europeans drink only brut, brut and nothing but brut. This was news to me, because all my life before that I preferred semi-sweet champagne. It turns out that the “sweet” types of sparkling wine are an entirely Russian invention, which has not received distribution in Europe. "How can champagne be sweet?" - all my foreign friends raised their eyebrows in bewilderment, apparently believing that I, due to my blond habit, was again confusing something.

Probably, the variety of types of champagne in Russia has given rise to a huge selection of glasses of various shapes. It is believed that dry champagne is best poured into narrow elongated glasses (which, by the way, have the beautiful name "flute", which means "flute"). And for sweet champagne, wide glasses are more suitable. Although in the rules for the selection of glasses, the opinions of experts do not coincide. Therefore, personally, for the time being, I act according to the principle - I will spill it where I want. Although, of course, they immediately whisper to me that the perception of the drink changes from the shape of the glass. It may, of course, be so.

I will tell you a terrible secret. I, against all the rules, drink champagne with chocolate. Oh God! exclaim those versed in champagne. Yes, I know perfectly well that fruits, cheese, olives are served with champagne, but I can’t help myself. Well, I like it! Sorry, dear connoisseurs of the sublime drinking of champagne. I promise to improve, that is, I do not promise, I just try.

And finally, one more piece of advice from me, a malicious violator of all the rules for serving and drinking this sparkling drink. Never drink champagne in one gulp. Even on New Year's Eve, even with the ashes of a burnt piece of paper with a wish in a glass! I don’t know if your wish will come true in this case, but one thing will happen for sure - all evening you will have a lot of fun hiccuping to the rhythm of the music playing at the festive table.

And yet, if you ever meet at the festive table with my friend who always asks the same question, here is the answer for you: the widow Clicquot really existed, and really was a widow.

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