
How long does alcohol stay in the blood? The dangers of drunk driving

Many car owners are very concerned (in some situations) with the pressing question of how long alcohol stays in urine and blood. It’s good when the next day after the feast there is time to relax and put your condition in order. And if you urgently need to drive or pass a medical examination?

In this case, you should have full information about how long the remains of toxic substances after the breakdown of ethanol will leave the body. This factor is influenced by many nuances that must be taken into account.

There are a number of factors that affect the time it takes to eliminate alcohol from the body.

If you still do not know if alcohol affects urine analysis, you need to study exactly how ethanol breaks down in the human body. Doctors usually divide the "journey" of alcohol into three stages:

  1. Suction. This stage begins as soon as alcohol enters the body. The absorption phase lasts until the level of ethyl alcohol reaches its concentration in human blood.
  2. Selection. During the course of the next phase, the remnants of the breakdown of ethyl alcohol begin to be excreted through the body systems with the help of sweat, breath, urine. This period lasts on average about 9-12 hours.
  3. Oxidation. When the concentration drops due to alcohol withdrawal processes, the turn of the oxidation stage comes.

The time during which all these phases last is purely individual. It has been established that in some systems and organs of the body, ethyl alcohol is retained for a long time. In this regard, most of the load falls on the nervous and reproductive systems.

A special formula is used to determine the level of alcohol in the blood.

What factors influence the process of alcohol withdrawal

To determine how long it takes for alcohol to come out of the urine, a number of important factors must be considered. These conditions directly affect the speed and quality of cleansing the body from the decay products of ethanol. These are the following factors:

  1. The functioning of the liver. Only this organ, the main "cleaner" of the body, can affect the rate of decomposition of ethanol. The healthier the liver, the faster this will happen.
  2. The weight of a person. If a person is small in size, thin, then intoxication of the body with alcohol-containing products will come many times sooner.
  3. Floor. It has been noticed that in women, due to the peculiarities of their structure of the nervous and mental systems, alcohol is excreted 20-25% longer in comparison with men (of the same weight).
  4. Dose of alcohol. Well, everything is very clear here: the more alcohol is drunk, the faster a person will get drunk, and the remnants of alcohol will stay in the systems and organs of the body longer.
  5. Type of alcoholic drink. It has been established that vodka (pure and natural) leaves the body much faster than the same cognac, wine, rum, whiskey, etc. But champagne and other sparkling wine drinks are absorbed literally instantly after drinking, which leads to brighter and faster intoxication.
  6. The state of organs. The healthier the body, which does not suffer from any chronic disease, the faster its body will be cleansed of the remnants of alcohol. The liver accounts for about 90% of all work, the remaining 10% go to the functioning of the urinary system (sweat glands, bladder and kidneys).
  7. genetic predisposition. The body of each person has individual characteristics. Sometimes at the hereditary level, the liver of a certain person has a weak production of enzymes that help break down ethanol. In some cases, the hepatic organ does not have this ability at all. Then there is complete intolerance to alcohol and the development of severe allergies.
  8. Age. Older people, as a rule, already have weakened health and an exhausted body. Alcohol in their body will be processed and released much longer than that of young and full of strength individuals.

If you arm yourself with average indicators, then pure vodka in the amount of 400 g will leave the body only after 22-24 hours (subject to the complete health of the person). After this time, the test for alcohol in the urine will become negative.

How blood changes under the influence of ethanol

The time it takes for the body to completely detoxify from ethyl alcohol residues varies. It depends on many factors and therefore all the given indicators are averaged.

How long does alcohol stay in urine

This table will help you visually understand how long it takes to cleanse the body of ethanol breakdown products. Do not forget to take into account that for more accurate figures it is necessary to take into account a number of additional indicators.

sleep oral The amount drunk (in grams) Human body weight (in kg)
60 70 80 90 100
Withdrawal time (in hours)
Beer (4%) 100 0,35 0,30 0,26 0,23 0,21
200 1,44 1,29 1,18 1,10 1,03
300 2,54 2,29 2,11 1,56 1,44
Beer (6%) 100 0,52 0,45 0,39 0,35 0,31
200 2,37 2,14 1,57 1,44 1,34
200 4,21 3,44 3,16 2,54 2,37
Gin and tonic (9%) 100 1,18 1,07 0,59 0,52 0,47
200 3,55 3,21 2,56 2,37 2,21
300 6,32 5,36 4,54 4,21 3,55
Champagne (11%) 100 1,36 1,22 1,12 1,04 0,57
200 4,47 4,06 3,35 3,11 2,52
300 7,79 6,50 5,59 5,19 4,47
Port wine (18%) 100 2,37 2,14 1,57 1,44 1,34
200 7,50 6,43 5,52 5,13 4,42
300 13,03 11,11 9,47 8,42 7,50
Tincture (24%) 100 3,29 2,59 2,37 2,19 2,05
200 10,26 8,57 7,50 6,58 6,15
300 17,24 14,55 13,03 11,35 10,26
Liquor (30%) 100 4,21 3,44 3,16 2,54 2,37
200 13,03 11,11 9,47 8,42 7,50
300 21,45 18,39 16,19 14,30 13,03
Vodka (40%) 100 5,48 4,58 4,21 3,52 3,29
200 17,24 14,44 13,03 11,36 10,26
300 29,00 24,51 21,45 19,20 17,24
Cognac (42%) 100 6,05 5,13 4,34 4,04 3,39
200 18,16 15,40 13,42 12,11 10,58
300 30,27 26,06 22,50 20,18 18,16

Nuances of testing for alcohol

Most often, to study the content of alcohol in the body, human saliva or urine is used for analysis. Occasionally (in the presence of medical indications), blood is also taken for diagnosis.

It has been noticed that if all types of tests are passed at the same time, their indicators will differ, revealing an unequal amount of ethyl alcohol.

Features of ethanol

Considering this question, one feature of alcohol should be taken into account. Its hydrophilicity, that is, the ability to accumulate in environments with the highest water content. For example, if you analyze the blood plasma and erythrocyte mass, then the tests will show the highest concentration of alcohol.

Each country has its own rules on the maximum permissible level of ethanol in the body.

Also, the highest content of ethanol is observed at the time of the resorption phase (the time when ethyl alcohol from human blood penetrates into its tissues). But the presence of alcohol in the bladder depends on the time of the previous visit to the toilet room and the amount of liquid drunk (not just alcohol).

After the moment when the symptoms of intoxication begin to slowly disappear in a person, a blood test may not give an accurate result. While a simultaneous urine test will indicate the content of ethanol in the body. Ethyl alcohol freely circulates through the internal systems of the body for 4-5 hours, only then the process of its decay begins gradually.

It has been established that the volume of ethanol entering the milk of a nursing woman is approximately not inferior to the amount of alcohol in human sweat and urea.

When asked whether it is possible to drink alcohol before passing urine, the answer will be unequivocal - no. Otherwise, the test results will be negative. Doctors advise not to drink any alcohol at least 2-3 days before passing laboratory tests.

Features of the breathalyzer

When diagnostics are carried out by patrol services using a breathalyzer, sometimes the test results are false positive. This is due to:

  • stomach problems;
  • diseases of the teeth and gums;
  • the use of kvass or sour-milk drinks.

Do not forget that alcoholic vapors are found in excess in kefir, various fermentation products, mouth fresheners and even toothpaste. Therefore, if you know for sure that you did not drink alcohol, with a positive test result, you should require a more accurate analysis by blood sampling.

How to influence withdrawal time

Of course, it is impossible to speed up the work of the liver on its own so that it quickly frees the body from the already existing alcohol. But there are a number of useful practical recommendations on how to slightly speed up the process:

  1. Completely stop the additional intake of alcohol in the body.
  2. You can induce artificial vomiting by freeing the stomach from food debris that contains ethanol. But this method can become effective only during the first 30-40 minutes after drinking alcohol.
  3. Carry out an enema to free the intestines from the remnants of ethyl alcohol.
  4. Slow down the absorption of ethyl alcohol into the blood will help the adoption of fatty and dairy products. Milk envelops the mucous walls of the stomach and helps to retain ethanol, which will subsequently leave the body naturally, without being actively absorbed into the blood.
  5. It will have a good effect on the state of the body after drinking alcohol and taking fermented milk products. These products contain a huge amount of beneficial amino acids and bacteria. They directly affect metabolism, accelerating it. Accordingly, the withdrawal time of alcohol is also accelerated.
  6. Sorbents can also affect the rate of body cleansing. These products adsorb ethyl alcohol residues and help to remove them.
  7. You can also use diuretics, accelerating the work of the kidneys, and, accordingly, the withdrawal of alcohol.

But the most effective way is a good, strong and long sleep. Only 4-5 hours of rest and the body sobers up completely. Therefore, you should not drink, knowing that you will have a car trip or a medical examination. No need to risk your rights, and even more so your own health and the safety of others.

Often the question of how long alcohol stays in the blood is not so significant. Sometimes it is much more important what its concentration is at the moment. Simply put, a person's driving skills directly depend on the amount of alcohol consumed.

This amount of alcohol gives 0.2 ppm

How does alcohol affect the dose

0.2-0.5 ppm

Even with such a seemingly small concentration, it is much more difficult to drive a car. The reaction worsens, it is difficult for the driver to maintain a distance, estimating the interval to the car in front. And the reaction to light sources is sluggish.

0.5-0.8 ppm

This is already much more serious - a liter of beer or 150 ml of vodka. A similar dose provides a weak response to traffic lights. And in general, the likelihood that the driver will be able to objectively assess the situation on the road tends to zero. There is a violation of visual perception. In this case, it remains only to hope for a successful outcome of the race.

0.9-1.1 ppm

This concentration of alcohol is extremely dangerous. After all, it leads to an anatomical shutdown of lateral vision - the driver looks only forward. And this explains the mass of accidents that occur at intersections. In addition, the reaction to the traffic situation and traffic signals is greatly inhibited.

1.2 ppm or more

This is the maximum dose, equal to 2.5 liters of beer or 0.4 liters of vodka. According to doctors, after such a volume of drinking, it is generally difficult for a person to stand on his feet, not to mention driving a car. But it is these people who are often drawn to "feats", the result of which are accidents and victims. By the way, this concentration of alcohol is the most common in accidents, as statistics show.

In a state of such intoxication, the driver does not control the situation at all. He drives exclusively straight, as he sees only a couple of meters of the road in front of the car, so losing control of the vehicle is a matter of time.

4-5 ppm

Oddly enough, but such drivers periodically come to the attention of traffic police. This is all the more surprising, because such a dose is officially considered lethal.

The maximum concentration of alcohol begins in the body not immediately, but only 2-3 hours after drinking. It is distributed throughout the body and only after that the alcohol withdrawal mechanism starts.

As a rule, alcohol leaves the male body at a rate of 0.1 to 0.15 ppm/hour, while in the female it is lower - from 0.085 to 0.1 ppm/hour. Sometimes the rate of withdrawal almost doubles - up to 0.26 ppm / hour, but only with severe intoxication.

"harmless" products

It would seem that the solution is simple - do not drink before driving. But this does not completely eliminate the problem. After all, there are products, at first glance, harmless, but they are able to upset the balance of ppm not in favor of the driver.

The first thing that comes to mind is kvass, but not any, but made on a yeast basis - it usually contains 0.1-0.6 ppm. Alcohol is available in harmless kefir or ayran - 0.2 ppm each.

The breathalyzer can give out a slight degree of intoxication even if bananas, oranges, and various confectionery products (cakes and cakes) are consumed. It is worth being wary of various medicines, which contain alcohol - Corvalol, calendula, valerian, motherwort and others.

Factors affecting how much alcohol stays in the blood

How alcohol is excreted from the body

After drinking drinks containing alcohol, the process of absorption of alcohol in the stomach and intestines begins. And the proportions are:

Stomach - 20%;

Small intestine - 80%.

Next, the process of removing alcohol from the body starts. A small part of it comes out in its pure form. This is excretion through the kidneys, as well as evaporation and excretion through the pores in the skin. But the main volume goes to the liver for processing, where alcohol dehydrogenase, a specific enzyme secreted by the body, is involved in the process. Thanks to this enzyme, ethyl alcohol is gradually transformed into the transition product acetaldehyde, which is a toxic compound. Next comes the process of oxidation of acetaldehyde to acetic acid, which is processed by virtually all cells of the human body.

How long does it take to remove alcohol from the blood

In general, the main share of alcohol comes out in the second way:

  1. Output in pure form - 5-10%%
  2. Output through the liver - 90-95%.

alcohol release rate

All factors do not make it possible to accurately determine the sobering time of a person, because it depends not only on the general condition of his body and its characteristics, but also on the liver. However, the general numbers are:

Men - 0.1-0.15 ppm / hour;

Women - 0.08-0.1 ppm / hour.

Consequently, due to the much slower metabolism in the female body, alcohol is excreted from it much more slowly. As for men, it is possible to express the rate of parting of the body with wine vapors in an approximate figure - 25 ml / h. Based on this value, one can roughly indicate how long does alcohol stay in the blood. Naturally, this will require knowing how much a person drank. The figure of 25 ml / hour is typical for men who weigh about 80 kg.

Types of alcohol

This parameter also affects the withdrawal speed. So, for 100 ml of cognac, 5 hours are needed, but for 100 ml of vodka - 4 hours. In 2 hours, the body leaves 0.5 liters of beer, 3 hours are needed for 200 ml of dry wine and 1.5 hours for 100 ml of champagne. This means that out of 150 ml of ethyl alcohol drunk at night (2 ppm), after 8 hours another 1.3 ppm will remain in the body.

Weight, gender and other factors

Women adapt to alcohol longer. Concerning concentration, it depends on body weight. Alcohol is eliminated much faster in young people, due to the rapid metabolism, which slows down markedly with age. An important role is played by the appetizer - the fatter it is, the better. Yes, and diseases should not be discarded. So the best option would be a young, healthy guy, heavily built and used to drinking only when there is a good snack. Such a driver will recover quickly enough.

How long does alcohol stay in urine

In it, alcohol is easily detected during analysis. After all, alcohol is in the digestive system, which automatically implies its presence in the urine. Moreover, the concentration in it will directly depend on that in the whole body. But there is a caveat - alcohol remains in the urine much longer than in the blood, and the decay process lasts more than a day, and it does not depend on gender. Although, of course, the time period varies depending on the physiology.

How long does the smell of alcohol last?

This is a very subtle point. The worst thing is that it lasts for quite a long time. Sometimes the driver drinks just a little, and the smell haunts him even hours later. Not surprisingly, many are worried about the moment.

As before, the main factors are:

  1. Type of alcohol and number of degrees;
  2. The amount of alcohol consumed;
  3. Physical state.

In addition, other features should be taken into account. For example, for one person, the beer smell disappears literally after 3 hours, while another has to wait all day. So it’s definitely impossible to say how long alcohol stays in the blood (and the smell from it).

If you believe narcologists, then 1 unit of alcohol in the body breaks down in about 1 hour. Therefore, a 0.5-liter bottle of vodka will leave a smell for at least 20 hours, and this is at best - with an age of no more than 30 years and the absence of diseases.

No less important is the calorie content of the food you eat, since fatty foods have the ability to envelop the walls of the stomach. This layer prevents the absorption of alcohol, significantly slowing it down. On the one hand, a person does not get drunk so quickly, and on the other hand, the very processes of alcohol absorption and its further removal from the body are significantly lengthened. It is worth considering the features of the female body, which is not only more fragile, but also has a number of features. In women, the process of removing alcohol and eliminating odor is even longer.


Many features of the absorption and excretion of alcohol force drivers to sit in a car seat only when the alcohol is completely removed from the body. Even if a person has sobered up, the smell and alcohol in the blood will be present. Of course, the traffic police inspectors do not always decide on a medical examination of the driver, but they are forced to breathe into the tube at the slightest suspicion. So getting behind the wheel in the morning, after a stormy holiday the day before, is not recommended.

You can often hear rumors that champagne disappears literally immediately after drinking. This is wrong. After all, even 150 ml of the drink will make itself felt for another hour. However, in our society no one drinks such portions of sparkling wine - they are much larger. The rest, not the most “hard” drinks, are no less insidious. So, 100 ml of red wine will be recognized by a breathalyzer for about 1.5 hours, and it will take about 5 hours to remove 300 ml of wine (table) from the body. The inspector's "pipe" can convict the driver even of using 100 ml of gin and tonic or other "low alcohol" if less than an hour has passed after drinking.

How to speed up the elimination of alcohol from the body

It is no secret that many natural processes in the body can be accelerated, and without harm to health. The same applies to the removal of alcohol, and it is also possible to slow down.

At the moment there are 2 methods of influence:

  1. Medical - it is the most effective and transient. On the other hand, not all doctors are eager to serve the drunk and drunk, although this does not apply to representatives of private clinics.
  2. By your own strength.

Whatever it was, but in the end, alcohol is excreted through the excretion of feces, urine and sweat by the body.

In particular, you can take medicines - absorbents in the form of almagel, activated charcoal, enterosgel and others, taken both before and after the feast, will help to cope.

It will not be superfluous to drink a large amount of liquid - mineral water (non-carbonated), tea (sweet), etc.

The gag reflex is not just considered one of the most effective techniques. This can be done in different ways. For example, you can take several glasses of water inside, but only salty. However, in a state of intoxication, not everyone expresses a desire to mess around with preparing a solution, because it is necessary to mix salt with water, observe proportions, etc. Oddly enough, vodka also helps to “cure”. According to the precepts of M. A. Bulgakov, you just need to drink 50 ml of vodka in one gulp, breathe into your nose and bend over. Nausea sets in almost immediately.

Physical activity will also not be superfluous, but in moderation.

Alcohol table

The first and second tables indicate how long it will take the driver to

In this case, there is no need to talk about any specific time standards, because everything is individual. How long alcohol stays in the blood is influenced by many parameters, including the characteristics of the body. In some people, the blood will move alcohol through the body faster than in others. Others absorb faster.

Factors that determine how long alcohol will stay in the blood

Features of removing alcohol from the body will depend on the following factors:

  • Gender (Women are more affected by alcohol than men)
  • Age;
  • Regularity of drinking alcohol;
  • The presence of diseases.

1 Depending on the condition of the liver, the rate of alcohol elimination will also depend. The process of removing alcoholic substances from the body cannot be calculated exactly, because the level of intoxication and duration will again depend on individual characteristics.

2 Despite this, alcohol leaves the body of an average person at a rate of 0.1-0.15 ppm per hour for a man and at a rate of 0.08-0.1 ppm for a woman. It can be seen that a woman breaks up with alcoholic substances much more slowly than a man, which is primarily due to metabolic processes, which in men are much faster.

3 How much alcohol is kept in the blood and the time it takes to remove it from the body will depend on what was drunk and in what quantity. So, 100 g of vodka will disappear from the human body in about 4 hours, a skate - about 5 hours, 0.5 liters of beer will self-eliminate from the body in 2 hours, 100 g of champagne - in 1.5 hours, 200 g of dry wine - in 3 hours. In most cases, no one is limited to 100 grams of vodka. If after a feast in your blood the level of alcohol is 2 ppm, then only after 8 hours the concentration will drop to 1.2 ppm. It can be seen that alcohol is excreted from the body very slowly. You cannot speed up this process. For example, if a person drank a bottle of vodka, then he will get a completely sober body only after 18-20 hours.

4 It should be noted that many factors will have on the rate of withdrawal of alcohol from the body. The main ones can be considered the amount of alcohol consumed and body weight. In addition, age, gender, health status, frequency and duration of alcohol consumption, as well as time of day and year, have an impact on how long alcohol stays in the blood. To speed up the withdrawal of alcohol, you need to take drugs based on ascorbic and succinic acid, vitamin B6. In turn, the inhibition of the process of alcohol withdrawal occurs when a person eats fatty foods and meat, which will slow down the absorption of alcoholic substances. In addition, when there is almost no alcohol in the blood, its content in the cerebrospinal fluid and urine is still high.

5 In addition, many other parameters will affect the removal of alcohol from the body: the quality of the alcoholic beverage, the total amount, etc. Many people are sure that with a plentiful snack, you can speed up the process of removing alcohol or not get drunk at all. This opinion is wrong.

6 Also, how much alcohol is kept in the blood is not affected by the use of coffee, tea and other drinks, taking a shower. Even after you have walked through the forest or run along the road, the withdrawal process will not be accelerated. These are all common misconceptions. Alcohol will stay in our body for a long time, and will be removed only after a certain time has elapsed, which depends on many parameters. Doctors note that alcohol in our body is actively oxidized.

How does alcohol leave our body?

The duration of blood alcohol content will depend on many factors. The body will remove toxic substances at a specific rate, which will be determined in accordance with the state of the blood. It is better to register the state of the blood hourly.

As a rule, the decrease in concentration is observed hourly at a rate of 0.2 ppm. In the study of exhaled air, a speed of 0.1 ppm per hour is observed. The blood alcohol content of a person is fully proportional to weight, so the more you weigh, the lower the concentration of alcohol in the body.

An understandable question arises: how long does alcohol stay in the blood? The body is in a normal state to get rid of alcohol completely only 2 weeks after the feast. Doctors also note such an indicator as the background alcohol content. He plays a huge role when there is an examination for the presence of alcohol intoxication.

How to speed up the process of removing alcohol from the body?

If possible, it is necessary to put a dropper, which should be made by the hands of a narcologist or any other doctor.

To speed up the withdrawal of alcohol from the body, you also need to take succinic or ascorbic acid, B vitamins, glutarine.

Examples of how long alcohol stays in the blood

If you are going to drink, but plan to drive in the future, you need to know how much alcohol is kept in the blood:

  • Vapors of alcohol will be detected in women longer than in men. If you drink 50 g of vodka, then alcohol can be found in a man within 1-1.5 hours, in a woman - 1.5-2.5 hours. Consequently, with 200 g of vodka, the detection time will be extended to 6.5-7 hours for men and up to 8-9 hours for women;
  • 100 g of brandy will be detected within 4 hours in men and within 5 hours in women;
  • 100 g of champagne is successfully eliminated from the body of a man in 1 hour, women - in 1.5 hours;
  • 300 g of port will soar in the exhaled air for 4 hours for men and 5 hours for women;
  • 500 ml of beer will deflate within 30 minutes for men and 1 hour for women.

In recent years, scientists from different countries have divided into several scientific “camps”: some find evidence of the beneficial properties of alcohol, others with the same zeal look for counterarguments to the arguments of their colleagues. And the truth, as always, is somewhere in the middle. Alcohol, if useful for the human body, is only in microdoses (like any other medicine), and those rivers of alcohol, without which many of our fellow citizens cannot imagine a triumph, are already poison. Ethanol, getting into the human body in large doses, acts like a poison. In addition, its destructive influence persists for many hours after a feast, and after a long binge - for several days. But in order to understand how long alcohol residues can be retained in the body, it is necessary to understand some physiological processes.

How alcohol appears in the blood

Everyone knows that after drinking, the concentration of ethanol in the blood simply rolls over. But alcohol does not seep into the vessels immediately. First, the alcohol taken is in the stomach, and only after a chain of physiological processes reaches the blood, which transports ethanol to all cells and organs. Then the next stage of alcohol metabolism begins - oxidation and excretion of its decay products.

How quickly ethanol enters the bloodstream depends on many factors. For example, it is known that the younger the person and the lower the body weight, the faster alcohol penetrates into the vessels. A strong emotional shock, taking medications also accelerate the absorption of alcohol. But if you eat something fatty before drinking alcohol, then this process will slow down. But here it should be emphasized that fatty foods before drinking do not prevent alcohol poisoning, but only slightly delay it in time. This effect occurs due to the formation of a fatty protective layer on the walls of the stomach, which slows down the absorption of ethanol.

In addition, studies have confirmed that the rate of penetration of ethanol into the blood is also affected by the emotional state of a person: against the background of stress and shocks, alcohol is absorbed faster. It is also known that alcoholic beverages with a low alcohol content penetrate into the bloodstream faster than high-alcohol ones. But strong alcohol is retained in the circulatory system much longer.

Alcohol in the blood: everything is individual

If someone hopes that now he will find out the exact indicator of the presence of alcohol in the blood, then we hasten to warn you: this will not happen. There is no single answer to the question: “How long does alcohol stay in the blood?”. Everything is individual and depends on many parameters.

As soon as ethanol has gone through all the stages of transformation in the body and entered the bloodstream, another process is launched - cleansing the body of alcohol residues. But do not think that alcohol leaves the body as quickly as it is absorbed. Some people recover very quickly, others may suffer from a hangover for many hours, and laboratory blood tests may indicate the presence of ethanol residue for several more days.

The most significant factors that determine how quickly the body recovers after a drunken feast:

  • gender;
  • the age and weight of the drinker;
  • health status;
  • the duration of the binge and the amount drunk.

How much alcohol leaves the body depends significantly on the weight and age of the drinker. I must say that in the bodies of thin people, the remnants of alcohol are retained longer than in the circulatory system of obese people. The more weight, the faster the person sobers up. And scientists have determined that the shorter the drinker is, the longer alcohol is retained in his blood. With regard to the relationship between the age of the drinker and the rate of alcohol elimination, adolescents get drunk much faster than adults, and sober up more slowly.

The drug "Alcobarrier"

The time for removing alcohol residues is also determined by the health of the drinker. Most of all, these indicators are affected by the health of the liver, whose function is to cleanse the body of toxins. This means that alcohol in the blood of people suffering from liver disease will be retained longer than in healthy people who do not abuse alcohol. In addition, it should be understood that as a result of prolonged drinking, the filtration capacity of the liver is partially reduced even in completely healthy people.

The duration of the binge should not be discounted either. The longer a person stays in a state and the more alcohol he managed to drink during this time, the longer the remaining ethanol will be retained in his blood.

How quickly alcohol leaves the body

The results of laboratory studies indicate that women's bodies are much slower (almost 20% worse) to part with the remnants of alcohol than men's. The body of an average man after drinking gets rid of 0.1-0.15 ppm of alcohol every hour, and women, due to the peculiarities of metabolism, sober up only 0.08-0.1 ppm every hour. To make these figures more understandable, let's say that it is enough for a 80-kilogram healthy man to drink 50 ml of vodka or 200 ml of dry wine, or 500 ml of beer so that the concentration of alcohol in the blood reaches 0.3 ppm. For the female body, almost 2 times smaller portions of alcohol will be needed to achieve intoxication of 0.3 ppm. Recall that in the presence of 0.1 to 0.4 ppm of alcohol in the blood, coordination is already disturbed, and at a concentration of 0.4-0.7 ppm, visual function worsens. Intoxication of about 1.2 ppm is already considered very strong, it becomes difficult for a person to move around. Indicators of 4-5 ppm are considered fatal for adults.

If after a feast the blood contains 2 ppm of ethanol, then even after 8 hours, the indicators will decrease only to 1.2 ppm, and the blood will be completely cleared only after 20 hours. And we recall that this is only subject to intoxication up to 2 ppm. If the concentration of alcohol is higher, then it will take much more time.

And by the way, even when the concentration of ethanol in the blood is close to zero, some reserves of alcohol are still retained in the urine and spinal cord fluid. This is especially true for people who are prone to drinking. Doctors say that after a binge, the body will need about 14 days to completely cleanse itself of ethanol residues. During all this time, the so-called background alcohol content will be retained in the body.

Examples of alcohol withdrawal

Many drinkers perceive low-alcohol drinks as a harmless product, and some even believe that beer, wine or vodka diluted with juice or other non-alcoholic drink does not affect the rate of ethanol removal from the blood. And this is one of the most common misconceptions.

Take at least the same vodka. A portion of 50 ml of a pure drink and the same amount of vodka, only diluted with a glass of juice, will stay in the body of a 75-kilogram man for the same amount of time - about an hour and a half, and in the blood of a woman - about 2.5 hours. But this does not mean at all that 100 ml of drunk vodka will completely leave the male body in 2-3 hours. In this case, the recovery of the body will need from 4-5 to 6-7 hours. Even longer the body will be cleansed of a similar portion of cognac (from 4-5 hours). Ethanol obtained from 200 ml of dry red wine will stay in the blood for about 3 hours, from white - about 2.5 hours, and 100 ml of champagne will remain in the bloodstream for an hour and a half. And now some interesting information for beer lovers and everyone who considers this drink to be quite safe. It is enough to drink only 1 bottle of foamy alcohol to “enrich” your blood with alcohol for 2-3 hours.

How long does alcohol stay in the blood (approximate indicators)
Type of drinkHuman weightNumber of drinks
60 kg70 kg80 kg90 kg100 kg
Beer (4%)35 min.30 min.25 min.25 min.20 minutes.100 ml
1 hour 45 minutes1 hour 30 minutes1 hour 20 minutes1 hour 10 minutes1 hour 5 minutes200 ml
2 hours 55 minutes2 hours 30 minutes2 hours 10 minutes1 hour 55 minutes1 hour 45 minutes300 ml
Champagne1 hour 35 minutes1 hour 20 minutes1 hour 10 minutes1 hour 5 minutes55 min.100 ml
4 hours 50 minutes4 hours 5 minutes3 hours 35 minutes3 hours 10 minutes2 hours 50 minutes200 ml
8 o'clock6 hours 50 minutes6 o'clock5 hours 20 minutes4 hours 50 minutes300 ml
Liquor4 hours 20 minutes3 hours 45 minutes3 hours 15 minutes2 hours 55 minutes2 hours 35 minutes100 ml
13 h 5 min.11 hours 10 minutes9 hours 50 minutes8 hours 40 minutes7 hours 50 minutes200 ml
21 h 45 min.18h 40 min.4 pm 20 min.14h 30 min.13 h 5 min.300 ml
Vodka5 hours 50 minutes5 o'clock4 hours 20 minutes3 hours 55 minutes3 hours 30 minutes100 ml
17h 25 min.14h 45 min.13 h 5 min.11 h 35 min.10 hours 25 minutes200 ml
29 hours24 hours 50 minutes21 h 45 min.19h2017h 25 min.300 ml
Cognac6 hours 5 minutes5 hours 15 minutes4 hours 35 minutes4 hours 5 minutes3 hours 40 minutes100 ml
18 hours 15 minutes15h 40min13 h 45 min.12 hours 10 minutes11 o'clock200 ml
30 hours 25 minutes26 hours 5 minutes22h 50 min.20 hours 20 minutes18 hours 15 minutes300 ml

How to speed up the removal of alcohol from the blood

The fastest way to get rid of alcohol is through breathing. The body gets rid of some of the remnants of alcohol along with sweat, urine, saliva. But this is only a tiny part of the total alcohol contained in the body. The blood takes the longest to clear alcohol.

The most effective methods of cleansing blood from ethanol residues are vitamin and mineral droppers containing glucose, saline, ascorbic or succinic acid, glutargin, B vitamins, mineral salts and some other medications.

Sorbents (enterosgel, activated charcoal), drinking plenty of water (mineral water, sweet tea, grapefruit or orange juice), outdoor walks, and moderate exercise will help speed up the cleansing of the body (although not as quickly as invasive procedures). Some practice going to the bathhouse, which helps to remove the remnants of alcohol along with sweat. But this method can be dangerous for people suffering from cardiac disorders. A safer alternative to a bath is a cool shower.

If the cleansing of the body was preceded by a long binge, one must be prepared for the fact that the remnants of alcohol will be retained in the bloodstream for a relatively long time. For recovery, it is important to resist the desire to take another portion of alcohol. Instead, it is important to drink clean water and sorbents, take a shower. On the second day after drinking, you should drink about 3 liters of liquid. This will speed up the excretion of ethanol residues along with urine and sweat. On the third day, it is also important to drink plenty of clean water, as well as take vitamin and mineral complexes and spend a lot of time outdoors. With each subsequent day, the body will feel better. The main thing is not to break loose and not to renew the concentration of alcohol in the bloodstream.

For quick and reliable getting rid of alcoholism, our readers advise the drug "Alcobarrier". It is a natural remedy that blocks the craving for alcohol, causing a persistent aversion to alcohol. In addition, Alcobarrier launches regenerative processes in organs that alcohol has begun to destroy. The tool has no contraindications, the effectiveness and safety of the drug has been proven by clinical studies at the Research Institute of Narcology.

Alcoholism is a serious disease. Few can without outside help. Daily drinking leads to the fact that the concentration of alcohol in the bloodstream does not have time to decrease, but rather increases with each overturned glass. Breaking this vicious circle is difficult, but possible. It must be understood that after binge, alcohol in the blood will remain for a very long time, but the most important in treatment are the first days, when the patient will have to make a strong-willed decision and refrain from taking another portion of alcohol. Only this will start a long, but very important process - the removal of alcohol and the restoration of the body after drinking.

In the modern world, alcohol has become a companion of almost every holiday, corporate party, feast, meeting with friends. After the fun, people return to their daily activities - many get behind the wheel of a car, someone needs to donate blood for analysis, others need to start antibiotic treatment. To avoid the negative consequences of drinking alcohol, you should know the time of release of alcohol from the body. It is important to know how long alcohol stays in the blood, how vodka affects the body, and how a bottle of beer affects the reaction rate.

How is the presence of alcohol in the blood

Russian legislation, when checking a driver with a breathalyzer, allows an indicator of 0.16 ppm in exhaled air. If a medical examination is carried out, the permissible rate of ethanol content inside the body changes: the value must be below 0.35 ppm. To determine the presence of alcohol in the blood without the use of devices and to suspect possible intoxication in a person, the following signs allow:

  • specific smell;
  • violation of speech, memory;
  • slow reaction rate;
  • loss of control over movements;
  • drowsiness or nervous excitement;
  • trembling fingers;
  • reduced attention (especially in women);
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • aggressiveness or lethargy.

The influence of alcoholic beverages on a person's reaction has serious manifestations: from 0.2 to 0.5 ppm - and it is already difficult to assess the speed of movement of light sources, their scale. Indicators of 0.5-0.8 significantly weaken vision - the red color is almost not perceived, changing types of lighting causes pain. The angle of vision narrows, the driver stops noticing the curb. A dose of about 1.2 ppm leads to a complete loss of the ability to drive. Indicators 4-5 are considered fatal.

Blood alcohol calculator

You can find out how many days alcohol stays in the blood using a special calculation system. The blood alcohol calculator, based on gender, weight and the number of alcoholic beverages consumed, can help determine the approximate content of ethanol inside the body, converted to ppm, and the estimated time of its release. The calculation is carried out according to the Widmark formula, according to which the resulting concentration of alcohol inside the body is equal to the mass of the drink, divided by the product of body weight and a special distribution coefficient (for women - 0.6, for women - 0.7).

How long does alcohol stay in the blood

It is difficult to determine exactly how much alcohol is kept in the blood - the value of the figure varies from half an hour to a day, depending on the volume of alcohol consumed. A lot depends on the percentage of alcohol - if you use a liter of cognac, then the concentration will stay inside the body much longer than from a liter of dry wine. The type of consumption of a particular drink does not matter - a mixture of, for example, vodka with juice, will have the same effect as simple undiluted vodka.

Table of withdrawal of alcohol from the body

An alcohol table for drivers will be very useful, as they need to know exactly when ethanol leaves the blood. The main thing is not just to successfully pass the check and the alcohol test of the traffic police officers, but to drive with full confidence in your own sobriety and adequacy. The table of alcohol withdrawal from the body, given below, allows you to understand how many different types of alcoholic beverages disappear. The columns show the volume of alcohol and the weight of the person, and the rows show the name of the alcoholic drink, as well as the amount of time it takes to get out:

Drink name

Human weight

Withdrawal speed

40-42% (cognac, vodka, rum)

more than 6 hours

about a day

18-30% (liquor, port, tincture)

more than 4 hours

10-11 hours

9-11% (champagne, gin and tonic, wine)

more than 1.5 hours

around 3 o'clock

around 5 o'clock

4% (beer, low alcohol cocktails)

more than 30 min.

How long does alcohol stay in the blood after drinking?

Alcoholism is a serious disease, which is very difficult to get rid of. Alcohol in the blood after a binge can last a very long time - the exact data depends on the volume and alcohol concentration of the drink. To determine how much alcohol is kept in the blood, a reliable reliable method is used - analysis by taking venous blood. The use of this method is necessary when there is an excess of the permissible readings of the breath test. It is almost impossible to get zero indicators, since even kefir and kvass can affect ppm.

How long does alcohol last in breath?

To understand how much alcohol is kept in the body, it is necessary to control the volume of alcohol consumed and know the percentage of ethanol in it. Never drink alcohol at the same time as taking medications without first consulting a doctor - ethanol can be one of the main contraindications to taking a medication and provoke negative consequences.

Conducting an anonymous survey showed that after drinking one can of beer, many drivers got behind the wheel of a car, hoping that there would be no consequences and the test would not reveal alcohol in the exhaled air. The situations are different, but none is worth a human life - the state of intoxication significantly increases the risk of an accident, the driver does not control compliance with traffic rules. You should wait until the ethanol disappears, and only then get behind the wheel.

Factors affecting the rate of alcohol withdrawal

It is difficult to give an unambiguous answer to the question of how many days alcohol is kept in the blood, since the duration of the release of alcohol is individual. Drinks with different percentages of ethanol are excreted differently - its concentration in the blood depends on the strength of alcohol. Factors affecting the rate of alcohol withdrawal include:

  • weight - overweight people get drunk more slowly;
  • the amount of alcohol - a large dose of drunk ethanol will last longer inside the body;
  • gender - in girls, the withdrawal of alcohol takes longer, and toxic damage to internal organs occurs much faster than in men;
  • health status - the presence of diseases, fatigue, depression, stress cause alcohol to remain inside the body longer;
  • features of enzymatic sensitivity - in people with a high level of physical activity and a good metabolism, ethanol is excreted faster;
  • age - research shows that the elimination of toxic substances in older people takes much longer than in young people;
  • empty stomach - the lack of a nutritious snack increases the period of elimination of toxins;
  • the time during which the drink was consumed - the faster a person took an alcoholic dose, the stronger the concentration of ethanol and the longer its release.

How to speed up the removal of ethanol from the body

The process of alcohol release involves vital organs - the liver, lungs and kidneys, the work of which can be slightly facilitated. To speed up the excretion of ethanol from the body, doctors recommend using the following methods:

  1. Take a walk outside, breathing fresh air to clear your lungs of alcohol fumes.
  2. Take a shower with water temperature transitions from cold to hot to increase blood flow;
  3. Drink lots of fluids.
  4. Take vitamin C to speed up recovery.
  5. Don't lie down, move more.
  6. Drink sorbents (activated carbon, Smecta) or diuretics (Furasemide, Trifax).

Video: how long does alcohol stay in the blood
