
Preparing a protein shake at home. How to make a protein shake at home

Any athlete can make a protein-based cocktail for himself. To do this, you need the desire and the right ingredients. Proper and balanced nutrition is the key for a person involved in bodybuilding. In order for the achievements in this matter to be high enough, it should be that your body receives the right amount of protein every day. Grilled chicken breasts or succulent red meat are the first things that come to mind, but such a dish takes time to cook, which usually never happens. And the very process of digesting meat takes a lot of energy from the body, and such a hearty lunch cannot be combined with a visit to the gym. On the other hand, you can replace meat dishes with an equally effective remedy.

Various types of proteins, which are powdered concentrates, are an excellent alternative. With all this, each species has its own specific task: muscle recovery, body weight gain. Concentrated proteins could hardly boast of good digestion by the digestive organs. They literally forced bodybuilders to make faces like during a toothache. Nowadays, the modern market provides an opportunity to choose the most diverse and tasty proteins. Despite this, the regular procedure for taking such powders, which are diluted in water, gives little positive results. They cannot be compared with natural foods. In this article, we give you the opportunity to choose one of the most sought-after natural and fresh protein shakes that suits you best and that you can prepare at home. Let's first discuss the most favorable time of day for drinking such homemade cocktails - this is undoubtedly the morning!

At such a time, glycogen levels in the liver are reduced, since the body has not received any food throughout the night. In principle, the energy that is spent during sleep is insignificant, there is nothing wrong with that. On the other hand, the lack of glycogen, combined with vigorous activities after a person has awakened, can activate the release of catabolic hormones that corrode the muscles. You can drink a protein shake after waking up, to which you have previously added fructose, which is found in many fruits, and in particular in honey. Glucose, compared to fructose, is immediately consumed after it enters the muscles, and fructose is converted into glycogen after it enters the liver.

Before leaving for training, you must charge your body with nutrients that stimulate muscle growth and help supply them with energy. To do this, you will need preferably slow proteins (20 grams) and carbohydrates (40 grams). Ordinary dishes in this situation will not be effective. Firstly, training with a full stomach is not the best option, and secondly, the assimilation of ordinary food is a long process. In this case, it is best to use a protein shake based on whey protein. Stop your choice again on fructose when you choose carbohydrates. Fructose gradually releases energy and does not stimulate excretion, which we absolutely do not need at the beginning of a workout, as it significantly reduces blood sugar levels and prevents fat burning.

After the end of the workout you need to complete two missions - restore glycogen and supply your muscles with more protein. And our protein shakes will help us with this. The most successful choice would be whey protein (40 grams), but more recently it has become known that for the best effect, casein should be added to this protein, from which muscles will grow much better. Fast carbohydrates are also needed, the minimum dose is 60 grams (buns, chocolates, sweets).

A bodybuilder needs to eat every two to three hours, which is not always the case, especially if you are working and not on vacation. But a pre-made protein shake,

which contains honey and fruits will easily come to the rescue in this situation. So you can make the elementary protein impregnation procedure a pleasure. You can use whey protein, casein, or a mixture of both.

By night time, it is imperative to prepare your muscles, as during sleep they are depleted. You do not need to fill your stomach with ordinary food, because during sleep it does not digest heavy food. Here you will also come to the aid of a protein shake. Long-playing casein is the main component of the cocktail. You can take carbohydrates, but only in small portions. During sleep, the muscles do not need energy and excess carbohydrates will be processed into fat.

You will naturally spend more time preparing such cocktails than dissolving the powder, but the result is worth the cost.

1. Hot cocoa before bed:

  • One scoop of whey chocolate protein;
  • Half a cup of homemade low-fat cheese;
  • One sachet of instant cocoa.
  • Cooking method:
  • Heat the milk well, but do not let it boil. Pour it into a blender, then add protein, cheese and cocoa there. Beat the mixture until smooth.
  • Such a shake will contain 0 grams of fiber, 1 gram of fat, 44 grams of protein, 20 grams of carbohydrates, 275 calories.

2. Homemade Vanilla Protein Shake to Take After Workout:

  • One scoop of vanilla flavored casein;
  • Half a cup of vanilla milk.
  • Cooking method:
  • In a separate bowl, mix yogurt and protein until smooth. Pour the milk into a large glass and pour the mass of protein and yogurt into it, then gently mix with a spoon.
  • The composition of this shake: 0 grams of fiber, 61 grams of carbohydrates, 1 gram of fat, 48 grams of protein and 443 calories.

3. Shake "Peach Flavor", which is taken in the morning before training:

  • One scoop of whey vanilla protein;
  • One packet of oatmeal;
  • One cup of water;
  • Half a can of canned peaches without syrup.
  • Cooking method:
  • Blend all ingredients in a blender until smooth.
  • The composition of this shake: 2 grams of fiber, 2 grams of fat, 24 grams of protein and 306 calories.

4. Orange Freshness cocktail is also taken in the morning before training.

  • One cup of freshly squeezed orange juice;
  • Half a cup of vanilla fat-free yogurt;
  • One scoop of Vanilla Flavored Whey Protein.
  • Cooking method:
  • Mix all ingredients in a blender.
  • The composition of this cocktail: 2 grams of fiber, 1 gram of fat. 43 grams of carbohydrates, 27 grams of protein and 208 calories.

5. Shake "Chocolate with nuts-1", taken before training.

  • One cup of skimmed milk;
  • Half of a crushed chocolate bar;
  • Half a cup of grated almonds.
  • Cooking method:
  • Mix protein and milk in a blender. After that, pour the detailed chocolate bar and grated almonds on top. There is a cocktail preferably with a spoon.
  • The composition of this product:
  • 8 grams of fiber, 17 grams of fat, 39 grams of protein, 41 grams of carbohydrates and 457 calories.

6. Cocktail "Chocolate with nuts-2", take after training.

  • One scoop of vanilla-flavored casein;
  • One cup of lemonade;
  • One scoop of whey protein.
  • Cooking method:
  • Mix together with lemonade all the ingredients in a tightly closed container.
  • Please note that lemonade should not be taken on a sweetener (asparkam), but on sugar.
  • The composition of this shake: 0 grams of fiber, 1 gram of fat, 43 grams of protein, 65 grams of carbohydrates and 445 calories.

7. Mocha cocktail, taken before training in the morning or in the afternoon.

  • Two tablespoons of honey;
  • One scoop of chocolate flavored whey protein
  • One cup of hot coffee.
  • Cooking method:
  • Mix everything in a blender
  • Ingredients.
  • The composition of this cocktail: 0 grams of fiber, 0 grams of fat. 20 grams of protein, 36 grams of carbohydrates and 215 calories.

8. Banana protein shake, which is taken before training in the afternoon or in the morning.

  • One cup of skimmed milk;
  • One medium banana;
  • One scoop of chocolate-flavored whey protein;
  • One tablespoon of nut butter.
  • Cooking method:
  • Mix the ingredients well in a blender.
  • The composition of this shake: 2 grams of fiber, 16 grams of fat, 37 grams of protein, 46 grams of carbohydrates and 461 calories.

9. Cocktail for a press diet energy

  • Three quarters of a cup of instant oatmeal pre-soaked in water
  • Two scoops of chocolate-flavored whey protein;
  • Two tablespoons of fat-free vanilla yogurt;
  • Two teaspoons of peanut butter.
  • Cooking method:
  • Mix all ingredients in a blender.
  • This shake contains: No. grams of fiber, 4 grams of fat, 12 grams of protein, 29 grams of carbohydrates and 220 calories.

10. Strawberry Protein Shake

  • Two scoops of whey protein;
  • One cup of 1% milk;
  • One cup frozen strawberries
  • Two teaspoons of peanut butter;
  • Six detailed ice cubes.
  • Cooking method:
  • Mix all ingredients in a blender.
  • The shake contains: 3 grams of fiber, 5 grams of fat, 11 grams of protein, 26 grams of carbohydrates and 186 calories.

11. Cocktail of oranges and bananas

  • 250 milliliters of concentrated frozen orange juice;
  • Half a cup of vanilla low-fat yogurt;
  • One medium banana;
  • Six detailed ice cubes;
  • Half a cup of one percent milk.
  • Cooking method:
  • Mix all ingredients well in a blender.
  • This shake contains: 2 grams of fiber, 2 grams of fat, 8 grams of protein, 33 grams of carbohydrate and 171 calories.

12. Cocktail "Berry"

  • Three-quarters of a cup of soaked oatmeal in skim milk;
  • Three quarters of a cup of skimmed milk;
  • Three-quarters of a cup of frozen blueberry, strawberry, and raspberry mix;
  • Two scoops of whey protein;
  • Three crushed ice cubes.
  • Cooking method:
  • Mix all ingredients well in a blender.
  • This shake contains: 4 grams of fiber, 1 gram of fat, 7 grams of protein, 27 grams of carbohydrates and 144 calories.

13. Protein shake "Summer" made at home

  • Two-thirds of a cup of frozen strawberries;
  • Two scoops of whey vanilla protein;
  • 120 grams of fat-free vanilla yogurt;
  • One medium banana;
  • Three quarters of a cup of 1% milk;
  • Half a cup of nutmeg, cut into small cubes
  • Three cubes of crushed ice.
  • Cooking method:
  • Mix all ingredients.
  • This shake contains: 4 grams of fiber, 2 grams of fat, 9 grams of protein, 39 grams of carbohydrates and 199 calories.

You can also use the cocktail recipes of famous people who have made a lot of progress in the field of bodybuilding.

14. Arnold Schwarzenegger's Protein Shake

  • Half a cup of ice cream;
  • Two glasses of milk;
  • Half a cup of skimmed milk powder;
  • One fresh egg.
  • Cooking method:
  • Mix all ingredients until smooth in a blender.

15. George Zangas Cocktail

Fresh fruits or berries;
300-350 grams of fruit juice or milk;
Three fresh eggs;
Two teaspoons of brewer's yeast;
Two scoops of protein powder;
Four ice cubes.
Cooking method:
To begin, beat the fruit with juice or milk in a blender, then add all the remaining ingredients and mix them until a homogeneous consistency.

16. Steve Reeves Cocktail

Three fresh eggs;
Two tablespoons of dry milk;
400 grams of freshly squeezed orange juice;
One banana;
One tablespoon of gelatin;
One tablespoon of honey.
Cooking method:
Mix all ingredients in a blender.

17. Cocktail Valentin Dikul

100 grams of cottage cheese;
Three teaspoons crushed
Two teaspoons of honey;
150 grams of sour cream.
Cooking method:
Pour sour cream into a blender, then cottage cheese, chocolate and honey. Beat until smooth.
Of course, a powdered shake will give more results, but to avoid harm to your health, you should not dwell on them.

18. Whipped up champion cocktail that can be consumed at any time except for a hard workout.

450 grams of yogurt;
7 sugar substitute tablets (preferably Sladis);
A pinch of vanilla sugar;
200 grams of fat-free cottage cheese.
Cooking method:
Pour cottage cheese, yogurt, sugar substitute dissolved in water and vanillin into a blender.
Mix and consume 20 minutes before training.
Such a cocktail contains: 8 grams of sucrose, 1.5 grams of fat, 21.3 grams of protein, 17 grams of carbohydrates and 167 calories.

Do not buy specialty cocktails from unknown producers and people who sell them from under the "counter". Such drugs may contain anabolics and narcotic substances. These dubious remedies can be the start of health problems and trouble before doping control competitions. They can also turn into excess protein in the diet. Uric acid is one of the constituent products of protein metabolism, and if protein is abused, it is possible to cause the development of gout and urolithiasis. Be careful and careful with protein shakes.

Hello friends! Today we will talk with you about protein shakes at home for gaining muscle mass and for weight loss. I have never posted any recipes for anything on my blog, although, as I understand from your comments, many such articles would be interesting. I really like to experiment and try something new, so I have prepared some interesting protein shake recipes for you.

To be honest, after reading what they write on the Internet about taking protein shakes at home, I was a little uncomfortable ...

How can you lose weight by drinking a cocktail with honey and kiwi, which has a calorie content of 850 kcal, I don’t understand. And what kind of “lightness” we are talking about also remains a mystery.

Today we will learn how to competently prepare a natural protein shake at home and administer (track) our results.

Protein shakes at home for weight gain and weight loss

What is the difference between protein shakes that are designed for mass gain and those for weight loss? For some reason, there is no clear answer anywhere.

  1. Calorie content.
  2. Carbohydrate content.
  3. Taste.

Two moments that play a DECISIVE role! If we can “sandal” 200-300 ml of milk (100-160 kcal + 10-15 g of carbohydrates), a banana (100 kcal + 23-25 ​​g of carbohydrates) and 100 g of ice cream (240 kcal) into a protein shake for gaining muscle mass + 25 g of carbohydrates), then when it comes to losing weight and, for example, which is GENERALLY without carbohydrates, we are unlikely to be able to do this.

Therefore, CALORIES and CARB CONTENT will be very different between those who drink a protein shake to gain some weight, and those who are desperately trying to lose weight! Naturally, if both groups of these people are set up for the result, and not just flatter themselves with the hope that after drinking some kind of protein shake, as if by magic, they will begin to lose weight. This is the first.

Well, the second is that the TASTE of these cocktails will be completely different. Imagine if you have two cocktails in front of you:

  1. 200 ml of milk, 100 g of cottage cheese, 100 g of strawberries, 1 banana, a spoonful of honey, coconut, cocoa, 4-5 mint leaves.
  2. 200 ml water, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of powdered milk, 5-7 egg whites (or dry egg white powder), black coffee ice cubes (or tablets), 4-5 mint leaves, 100 g strawberries.

Which one will you choose, if we ignore the issues of gaining mass and losing weight? If you do not dissemble yourself, then most likely the first! Due to the fact that it will be MUCH TASTER (because more carbohydrates and sugar).

Our body is very fond of carbohydrates that are quickly digested ("fast" carbohydrates), because this is the EASIEST WAY TO GET ENERGY!!!

I took fast carbohydrates, and after 10-20 minutes they are in the system.

Honestly, I am not a supporter of any great variety of products when I am in the phase of "drying" (weight loss) for one simple reason - ADMINISTRATION OF INCOMED NUTRIENTS!

When you start to deviate from your diet plan during the “drying” towards a large variety of products, then with a high degree of probability you will “fly out” of your calorie corridor (the number of calories that you need for daily life, which you gradually reduce to the body was in ENERGY DEFICIENCY, and used fats as an energy source).

When there is a phase of gaining muscle mass, then, by and large, do not care. I drank high-calorie protein sweet shakes for a couple of days, gained some fat, slightly reduced calories, excess fat was gone. Plus or minus 2-3 kg. No problem.

Another thing is when you reduce the amount of fat in the body and you need to clearly monitor your calorie content, and also try to maintain the training volume so that the body does not begin to actively use muscle proteins as energy (muscle catabolism - “destruction”).

A high-calorie sweet protein shake will easily raise your body's insulin levels and stop fat burning. No options.

Drank a sweet protein shake while losing weight = stopped losing weight (at least for 1-2 days).

That is why I believe that protein shakes prepared at home, in their classical sense, are NOT NEEDED for drying!

It is better to strictly adhere to your nutrition plan, train competently and get results as soon as possible.

In the phase of gaining muscle mass, at your discretion.

But for those who are now losing weight or just trying to keep themselves in their weight, I, of course, will also give a couple of recipes that, in my opinion, should not harm fat burning or, at least, not much “roll back” your progress.

As they say, we will choose the lesser of two evils.

People who want to lose weight understand the following simple points:

  • There are diets that allow you to periodically consume carbohydrate protein shakes in the diet (for example,).
  • There are NO protein shakes that will make you lose weight like magic! Replenish the amount of protein and other nutrients, microelements in the body - YES! To lose weight without effort - NO!

This information is VERY UNFAVORABLE to sports nutrition manufacturers and fitness bars in fitness centers that sell their useless incredibly working “oxygen cocktails” for weight loss, high-calorie"light" milkshakes with chocolate and ice cream, for obvious reasons, but I'm sure you people understand this and do not fall for such marketing "ducks".

Let's start with how to prepare a protein shake at home for muscle growth, i.e. for weight gain, tk. there is a huge variety of different options, and then we will talk about protein shakes for weight loss.

To prepare homemade protein shakes for gaining muscle mass or for weight loss, we first need the following things:

  1. Blender (alternative: shaker, whisk).
  2. Container (to stir all the products there; blenders often come with a special glass).

This is necessary for the preparation of almost all protein shakes (both for weight gain and for weight loss). True, it’s still better to take a blender, not a whisk, because it’s hard for me to imagine how you will stir the second banana.

Homemade protein shakes for muscle gain may contain the following foods:

  • Milk (any fat content);
  • Cottage cheese (any fat content);
  • Eggs chicken or quail (whole);
  • Any protein (complex, casein (long) or whey);
  • Boiled buckwheat (slow-digesting carbohydrate with a low glycemic index; for cocktails with a lower calorie content);
  • Cocoa;
  • Coffee;
  • Boiled oatmeal (glycemic index is higher than that of buckwheat, but as a calorie boost due to carbohydrates, it is preferable to sugar or honey);
  • Banana;
  • Yogurt;
  • Chocolate;
  • Strawberry;
  • Kiwi (however, in combination with milk, it can give bitterness);
  • Nuts, including coconut flakes (coconut, by the way, is the largest nut in the world);
  • Honey (preferably liquid);
  • Sugar (we add as a last resort, because it has a high glycemic index and there is a high probability of gaining excess fat);
  • And others.

You can combine them in almost any form, but there are recommendations that, in my opinion, should be considered:

  • There SHOULD NOT be more than 20-30 g of protein in one serving of the cocktail (there are experiments that say that 20 g of protein works the same as 30 g, although if there is a need, the muscles can absorb 50 g, but I think that this is with training on steroids, and not with natural).
  • Stick to a moderate calorie content of one cocktail: 200-500 kcal (I don’t see the point anymore, because the body is unlikely to absorb such an amount of nutrients at a time, you will just work on the toilet; it’s better to divide the protein shake into 2-3 parts and drink a little - BETTER LESS, BUT MORE THAN all in one fell swoop).
  • Less fast carbohydrates (if it is possible not to use sugar, honey, fruits, then do it; I understand that this is difficult, but it is better to eat fewer foods with a high glycemic index, because, most likely, you will gain excess fat, and we No need).

The homemade banana protein shake is perhaps the most classic shake in today's selection, because a banana goes great with just about any shake.

That is why, I decided to highlight for you some interesting banana recipes separately.

Since, almost all of our banana cocktails are mass gaining cocktails, we have almost no restrictions (except for the recommendations that I indicated above).

Classic Banana Protein Shake:

Beat the whole thing with a blender and divide into 2-3 doses.

  • Calories: 1000-1100.
  • Proteins: 70.
  • Fats: 45-50.
  • Carbohydrates: 100.

As you can see, the cocktail is very high-calorie (about half the daily diet of a healthy man and almost the entire daily diet of an average girl). I think it's understandable that consuming these shakes often will be a little harmful (especially for natural athletes, because most likely you will store quite a lot of fat over time).

There is still one problem - A LARGE AMOUNT OF MILK! Many people after the age of 18-20 begin lactose intolerance, accompanied by flatulence, diarrhea, etc. This is quite normal. It so happened evolutionarily that we needed milk only in childhood, therefore, over time, the need for its digestion disappeared.

If you have a problem with digesting milk, then this cocktail will be heavy for you.

In my case, for example, only 150-200 ml of milk can normally be absorbed per day, then problems begin.

There is a way out of this situation. I discovered it for myself when I received my first higher education.

Instead of 600 ml of milk, I poured 300-400 ml of kefir and diluted the whole thing with water so that it was not so thick. It turns out that the taste is commensurate, as with milk, only a little less sweet and much easier to digest (because kefir is, in fact, a dairy product already digested by bacteria).

Protein shake with banana (instead of milk kefir):

Here's what happens in terms of BJU and kilocalories:

  • Calories: 900-1000.
  • Proteins: 60-70.
  • Fats: 40-45.
  • Carbohydrates: 80-90.

The cocktail turned out to be a little less high-calorie, but I still advise you to divide it into at least 2-3 doses. Be mindful of protein digestibility.

You can slightly increase the protein component and add egg whites (although I don’t worry about this and eat whole eggs).

Here's what will come of it.

Banana Protein Shake:

Here's what happens in terms of BJU and kilocalories:

  • Calories: 1200-1300.
  • Proteins: 90-100.
  • Fats: 60.
  • Carbohydrates: 83.

It turns out very tasty, but its calorie content is slightly higher.

WASH CHICKEN EGGS before throwing them into a cocktail if you add them raw (salmonella "live" on the shell).

To slightly reduce the amount of fat in the cocktail, you can pre-boil the eggs, remove the yolk and add the protein to the cocktail (then beat everything with a blender).

Our next cocktail will be orange-chocolate-banana.

Cocktail: "Orange-Banana Mood"

Here's what happens in terms of BJU and kilocalories:

  • Calories: 350-400.
  • Proteins: 20.
  • Fats: 5.
  • Carbohydrates: 65.

This is one serving. The combination of orange juice and cocoa is surprisingly delicious!

You can combine almost any of the ingredients that I indicated at the beginning. Plenty of variations!

I also like this option.

Protein Shake with Banana and Strawberries:

It turns out very tasty! If it gets a little thick, you can add a little more milk or water.

You can also crush 4-5 mint leaves in a mortar and mortar and mix them together with the cocktail in a blender. It turns out a specific, mint-strawberry, very pleasant taste.

Experiment friends! I would also add coconut flakes to this. Coconut flakes, of course, will also add a little flavor. You can put 10-30 g, if desired.

Here's what happens in terms of BJU and kilocalories:

  • Calories: 800-900.
  • Proteins: 40-45.
  • Fats: 40-45.
  • Carbohydrates: 60-70.

Student cocktail:

Now student memories came flooding back, when there was no money at all, and we tried to cook at least something protein after training. Then this cocktail helped out perfectly))

  • Calories: 1080
  • Proteins: 70
  • Fats: 30
  • Carbs: 130

I think that's enough banana smoothies. As I said, a banana goes well with almost any cocktail, so you can experiment.

You are unlikely to ruin a protein shake with a banana.

Let's look at other muscle building shakes.

The following cocktails can be prepared with or without a banana, at your discretion.

Let's take a look at some interesting protein shake recipes that I'm sure you'll love.

Chocolate cocktail with strawberries:

Coconut flakes, by the way, will also be very good to taste here.

Here's what happens in terms of BJU and kilocalories:

  • Calories: 440
  • Proteins: 30
  • Fats: 15
  • Carbs: 50

Coffee and chocolate cocktail:

The cocktail has a pleasant coffee aftertaste with hints of almonds.

Coffee ice cubes are prepared in advance, it turns out VERY TASTY! To prepare them, you need to brew coffee in a Turk or in a coffee maker (quite strong), pour it all into silicone molds for ice (sold in any hardware store) and put it in the freezer (the coffee must first cool down). These ice cubes are then put into a cocktail.

According to BJU and kilocalories, it turns out:

  • Calories: 970
  • Proteins: 53
  • Fats: 56
  • Carbs: 68

Mint Cherry Cocktail:

A very special cocktail. Too sweet for me. I don't really like cloying sweetness, so I diluted it in 100 ml of water.

But kiwi with mint gives some awesomely pleasant “minty sourness”, I don’t know what to call it, but it tastes very cool.

This cocktail is different in that it does not have much protein, but, as a kind of alternative for occasional use, it is even nothing.

Here's what happens in terms of BJU and kilocalories:

  • Calories: 340
  • Proteins: 25
  • Fats: 3
  • Carbs: 50

Cocktail: "Protein Monster":

  • Powdered milk (5-6 tablespoons);
  • Water (400 ml);
  • Natural yogurt - 300 ml (either with the taste of strawberries, berries or something else; I advise you to pay attention to Valio yogurts);
  • Egg whites (6 pcs.);
  • Boiled buckwheat (50 g; weigh DRY);
  • Extra virgin olive oil (1 tablespoon);
  • Honey (1-2 teaspoons);

In the cocktail, as we can see, an increased amount of protein, a decent amount of carbohydrates (complex from buckwheat, simple from milk and honey) and even healthy unsaturated fats (from olive oil) are present.

According to BJU and kilocalories:

  • Calories: 850
  • Proteins: 75
  • Fats: 10
  • Carbs: 125

MASS OF VARIATIONS!!! These are just a few of the shakes you can make with these muscle building foods.

The gist is this:

  1. We do not mix sour foods with milk (for example, kiwi with milk), because. there is a high chance that the milk will curdle.
  2. The calorie content is quite high, so spread your shakes over several meals (to get 20-30 g of protein per serving).
  3. We give preference to ANIMAL PROTEIN (cottage cheese, milk, kefir, eggs). It has a much higher value than the vegetable, which has an incomplete amino acid composition.
  4. I don’t see much point in using such cocktails on an ongoing basis (not cheap, and high in calories, but as a treat, why not).

Now let's look at the various protein shakes at home for weight loss.

First, I would like to clarify a bit the situation with slimming cocktails, whether at home or not.

As I said, THERE ARE NO such protein shakes (of course, allowed) that you drank and, as if by magic, begin to lose weight.

A few rules for making homemade protein shakes for weight loss:

  • Calorie content should be as low as possible (less carbohydrates, more protein).
  • If possible, completely eliminate the presence of fast carbohydrates in them (fruits, sugar, honey, etc.).
  • You can additionally use stimulating supplements (caffeine,) and others (L-carnitine, BCAA, protein, etc.)

Those. we MAXIMUM REDUCES THE PROBABILITY that the body will store energy from a protein shake into fat reserves. This is not important for a person who is gaining muscle mass, but it is very important for a person who is trying to lose weight.

Protein Shake #1:

The simplest protein shake for those who are losing weight (0 sugar, 24-27 g of protein in one scoop, about 100 kcal per scoop). As you can see, the cocktail is very simple, but nevertheless low-calorie (especially since you can choose a whey isolate with some flavor).

Protein shake "Energy":

I really like to prepare this cocktail on drying before training in the gym (about 15 minutes before it) for several reasons:

  1. BCAAs are great for keeping muscles lean, and it has long been proven in many experiments that BCAAs help make fat burning more effective.
  2. Whey isolate is perfectly digestible and contains an additional portion of BCAAs, which cannot be found on drying.
  3. Coffee ice cubes (namely, caffeine) stimulate the central nervous system. The fat-burning effect of coffee has long been proven, so it's foolish not to use it.
  4. Tincture of ginseng or eleutherococcus. These drugs were called "weapons of Soviet athletes", they are sold in any pharmacy. Tinctures for alcohol, so you don’t need to add a lot of them to the cocktail (it will be bitter), 15 drops are enough.

In terms of calories, it also comes out very low-calorie (less than 150-200 kcal) + stimulants contribute to additional fat burning.

By the way, I wrote a detailed article about. Read it, there are a lot of interesting things.

Protein Shake "Fat Burning Machine":

With this cocktail, drink 2-3 tablets of 5 mg of yohimbine hydrochloride (I gave a link to the article about it above) 30 minutes before training.

It’s like an “energy cocktail”, only L-carnitine is added here, which helps to transport triglycerides into the mitochondria (energy stations) of cells during training, as well as yohimbine hydrochloride, which blocks alpha-2 adrenoreceptors and prevents you from becoming fatter.

Protein shake "Russian standard":

This cocktail belongs to the category “I’m afraid to drink sports nutrition, it’s all harmful, I would like something from real food.” The cocktail is slightly more high-calorie than the above.

Such a cocktail was very fond of bodybuilders of the 90s in our country, because it was practically impossible to get a sports nutrition.

According to BJU and kilocalories:

  • Calories: 500
  • Proteins: 50
  • Fats: 5
  • Carbs: 80

Again, I remind you that it’s better not to abuse various cocktails at all, because this makes it difficult to control progress (it’s difficult to count calories).

But I wanted you to know these recipes, because. I understand perfectly how much you sometimes want to diversify your diet.

Well, I could not get past the standard protein powder shakes and how to prepare them, because since my student life I have tried, probably, almost all the protein companies available in Russia today.

Preparing them is easy. This is a classic of the genre, as they say.

By the way, I don’t throw out protein cans, but take them to my parents (now I just came to visit them for a couple of days). They use these jars to store spring water)))

Here's a photo (my favorite protein brands on them, by the way):

First, briefly about the main forms of protein:

I have an article where I spoke in great detail about that, and about all its forms. Read. It is very detailed and understandable.

You can buy at the CHEAPEST price there is, whey or any other protein for yourself by this link.

Each of these proteins can be mixed with either water (less calorie, but generally less tasty) or milk (more calorie, tastier, but not suitable for everyone, because some people have lactose intolerance).

Standard protein shake in the classic sense:

  1. Mix 1-2 scoops (scoop is a measuring spoon that is in every protein pack) of protein with 200-300 ml of water or milk.
  2. Then you stir the whole thing in a shaker (a jar with a mesh, very convenient for sports), or in a blender, or in a mixer.

ALL! The cocktail is ready. There is nothing easier. Some proteins are easier to mix (whey, egg), some are a little more difficult (beef, casein), but in general, this is a protein powder shake.

To this whole thing, you can add 1-2 bananas, strawberries, chocolate, or something else at your discretion.

I do not recommend adding anything protein to a powdered protein shake, for one simple reason.

1 scoop of protein powder contains 20-27 g of protein, which is more than enough for one dose (more is unlikely to be absorbed).

  • If calorie content is not particularly important for you, then you can drink a complex protein, and indeed any protein.
  • If you are losing weight, then whey isolate.
  • Drink CASEIN at night (it takes 4-6 hours to digest, does not raise insulin levels much and supplies your muscles with amino acids almost all night).


Let's recap what we've learned today:

  • There are NO cocktails that will burn fat for you without your efforts.
  • In one serving of the cocktail should not be more than 20-30 g of protein. If more, we break it down into several steps.
  • We eat less fast carbohydrates, because. they have a high insulin index and contribute to the accumulation of excess fat.
  • We do not interfere with sour fruits with milk (there is a big risk that it will curdle).

The difference between mass-gathering cocktails and those for weight loss:

  1. Calorie content.
  2. Carbohydrate content.
  3. Taste.

That's all, friends. Today we reviewed a lot of interesting information about protein shakes at home for weight gain and weight loss. I hope you found this article interesting and useful.

Experiment with the ingredients, I'm sure you will find the recipe that will not leave you indifferent.

Curious, have you tried making your own protein shakes at home? Share the recipe in the comments.

P.S. Subscribe to blog updates. It will only get worse from there.

With respect and best wishes, !

Recently, all sorts of tips for taking protein shakes have increasingly flashed before my eyes, and there are a lot of recipes for them. And more and more often the question arises: “What are protein shakes for?” Let's try to figure it out.

Oddly enough, but such cocktails are suitable for both muscle building and weight loss. Taking a protein shake for those who want to increase muscle volume is necessary due to the large amount of the main component - protein, which helps to strengthen muscles. And the same protein is needed for weight loss. It speeds up metabolism, especially this property is noticeable when performing intense fat-burning workouts. I would like to note that such cocktails are very useful for the female after 30 years, when muscle tone begins to weaken, especially if contained.

The amount of required protein taken with shakes varies depending on the person's physical activity.

  1. Low body activity(sedentary lifestyle)
    The required amount of protein is 0.86 g per 1 kg of weight
  2. Average body activity(regular training, pregnancy, stress, recovery from illness)
    The required amount of protein is 1.4 g per 1 kg of weight
  3. High body activity(bodybuilding, powerlifting, hard physical labor)
    The required amount of protein is 2.4 g per 1 kg of weight

Homemade Protein Shake Recipes

For your convenience, the amount of proteins in a particular cocktail is immediately indicated, but since dairy producers are now free to do whatever they want with the products, it is impossible to vouch for the exact amount of protein included in the cottage cheese.

Protein shakes for muscle growth

Protein shake with cocoa (option 1)


Curd: 300g;

Milk (skimmed): 200 ml;

Water: 100-200 ml;

Cocoa: 1 tbsp

Mix everything properly (you can use a mixer, blender or a simple whisk). Bon appetit.

Cocoa Shake contains:

Protein: 48 g;

Carbohydrates: 26 g;

Energy value: 320 kcal.

Protein shake with cocoa (option 2)


Curd: 300 g;

Soy milk: 300 ml;

Cocoa: 2-3 tablespoons;

Walnut: 10 pcs.

Coconut flakes: on the tip of a knife.

Mix thoroughly and drink.

Cocoa Shake contains:

Protein: 62.5 g;

Carbohydrates: 21 g;

Fat: 36.5 g

Energy value: 730 kcal.

Spicy protein shake


Curd: 400 g;

Water: 200 ml;

Paprika (yellow, green, red - to choose from or a mixture): 15g.

We beat with a blender. Enjoy your drink 🙂

Paprika Cocktail contains:

Protein: 54 g;

Carbohydrates: 16.5 g;

Energy value: 310 kcal

Strawberry Protein Shake


Curd: 200g;

Milk (1.5%): 200 ml;

Strawberries: 100 g

Whisk - a delicious and healthy cocktail is ready.

Strawberry Cocktail contains:

Protein: 34 g;

Carbohydrates: 26 g;

Fat: 3.8 g

Energy value: 282 kcal.

Protein shakes for weight loss

Kiwi and honey cocktail


Soy milk: 300 ml;

Kefir (1.5%): 200 ml;

Kiwi: 1 piece;

Honey: 1-2 tbsp.

We beat everything with a blender. The cocktail is ready!

Protein shake with kiwi and honey contains:

Protein: 21 g;

Carbohydrates: 17 g;

Fats: 10 g

Energy value: 265 kcal.

Raspberry Protein Shake


Milk: 200 ml;

Yogurt (natural, sugar free, 1.5%): 200 ml;

Raspberries (fresh or frozen): 100g

Grind raspberries, mix with milk and yogurt. You can drink 🙂

Raspberry Cocktail contains:

Protein: 17 g;

Carbohydrates: 23.8 g;

Energy value: 224 kcal.

Protein shake with tangerines


Soy milk: 400 ml;

Kefir (1.5%): 125 ml;

Tangerines: 2 pcs.;

Flaxseed oil: 1 tsp

We mix everything and enjoy an unusual flavor combination.

Mandarin cocktail contains:

Protein: 21.5 g;

Carbohydrates: 18 g;

Fat: 11.5g

Energy value: 280 kcal.

How to take a protein shake

Not sure when to drink a protein shake? It's very simple: taking a protein shake should take place half an hour before a workout and half an hour after a workout. You need to drink a cocktail slowly, without haste. For those who drink a cocktail without exercising, this is a great option.

Love yourself and your body. When there are such pleasant opportunities to help the body become more beautiful, they need to be used! Effective workout + cocktail and you are on your way to perfection! Good luck.

    A protein shake at home is exactly what people who are actively involved in sports or leading a healthy lifestyle need. As a rule, they need to consume a sufficiently large amount of protein in food to maintain a high metabolic rate, gain muscle mass or burn fat.

    Most fitness experts believe that you should consume about 2 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight.

    Thus, an athlete weighing 90 kg needs to eat 180 g of protein daily. That's enough. For a better understanding of this figure, it is worth noting that so much protein, for example, is contained in 800 g of chicken fillet. Agree, not everyone can eat so much chicken per day, because, in addition to this, you also need to replenish the body with the necessary amount of carbohydrates and fats. With such a volume of food, it will be difficult for the gastrointestinal tract to cope even with an absolutely healthy person. In such cases, protein shakes come to the rescue - it's convenient, fast and tasty.

    In this article, we'll show you how to make a protein shake at home, share the recipes, and give you some helpful tips on how to consume them.

    The benefits of a natural cocktail

    Without sufficient protein in the diet, fruitful sports are impossible - the body simply will not have time to recover. Amino acids serve as a kind of building material for the restoration of muscle cells injured during strength training. A special drink will help cover the body's needs for amino acids, speed up recovery processes and create all the prerequisites for gaining muscle mass.

    Choice of components

    When making a protein shake for muscles at home, you yourself choose what components it will consist of. You can completely choose the composition that is optimal for you, for example, using cottage cheese, if you need a protein of prolonged absorption. You can use egg whites if you urgently need to prevent catabolic processes after training.

    You can also vary the amount of simple and complex carbohydrates in your drink or make it without them at all if you are trying to get rid of subcutaneous fat.

    natural ingredients

    Homemade protein shakes are a great snack for women. And all because they are made from natural ingredients and do not contain extra calories, since they have almost no fat and simple carbohydrates. In the fitness environment, the practice is quite common when female athletes replace the last meal with such a cocktail. This allows you to get all the micro- and macronutrients necessary for the body, without burdening the digestive system with a large amount of solid food. In addition, there is also a moment of domestic convenience: you do not need to spend a lot of time preparing dinner and washing dishes.

    Product quality assurance

    And most importantly - making a protein shake at home for muscle growth or weight loss, you are confident in the products that you use. When buying a can of protein in a sports nutrition store, you cannot be 100% sure that the manufacturer used high quality raw materials, and the actual composition of the product will correspond to that indicated on the package. Also, even in large chains of sports nutrition stores, there is always a risk of running into a fake, made in incomprehensible conditions and from dubious ingredients. These counterfeits often contain starch, maltodextrin, sugar, and other simple carbohydrates, which negate the nutritional value of the protein.

    The main components of the drink

    The protein component of our shakes is milk, low-fat cottage cheese and egg whites.


    Milk is better to choose with a lower percentage of fat content. However, it should be remembered that milk contains lactose, a carbohydrate with a high glycemic index. Therefore, if you are on a strict diet, and even a small amount of simple carbohydrates is contraindicated for you, it is better to replace milk with plain water. It will not be as tasty, but much less high-calorie.

    Cottage cheese

    A similar story with cottage cheese, but the lactose content in it is less. Unfortunately, unscrupulous manufacturers often add starch to cottage cheese, which makes it practically useless in terms of proper nutrition. Buy cottage cheese only from trusted and reliable manufacturers. You should not buy cottage cheese by weight, since no one can guarantee you that its fat content will correspond to the declared one. You can use any cottage cheese: regular, grained or soft, but do not forget to look at the amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and calorie content of the product on the label.

    egg whites

    When it comes to egg whites, bottled pasteurized liquid egg whites are the most beneficial. Now its purchase is no problem. This component can easily be purchased at any sports nutrition store or ordered online for home delivery.

    Egg white is the best for athletes. It is rich in essential amino acids and is highly digestible. Do not worry about salmonellosis, the protein is completely pasteurized and purified. Of course, you can also use regular chicken eggs. But if you eat them without heat treatment, then there is just a risk, albeit a small one, to pick up salmonella. In addition, a whole chicken egg contains about 6 grams of protein and the same amount of fat. This will make the cocktail much more caloric.

    You can also replace chicken eggs with quail eggs, but this will have almost no effect on the final result - the amino acid composition of these two products is almost identical. The only problem with this protein source is that some people have difficulty digesting raw egg white. Taking enzymes immediately after drinking a cocktail will help solve this problem.


    You can add complex and simple carbohydrates to your homemade mass protein shake. The best source of complex carbohydrates is. They are inexpensive, you can buy them in any store, and their glycemic index is even lower than that of rice or buckwheat. And the calorie content of oatmeal per 100 grams of product in dry weight is only 88 calories.

    In addition, when preparing a drink in a blender, oatmeal will be crushed and give the cocktail a pleasant, slightly thick consistency. If you are in the period of gaining muscle mass, then a small amount of simple carbohydrates is also allowed. Especially if you are making a cocktail to take right after waking up or after a workout. It is best to give preference to natural products, such as fresh fruits, berries or honey. In addition to taste and benefits, this will add fiber to the product, which will improve its absorption.

    If you want to add sweetness to your smoothie, it's best to use a sweetener like aspartame or stevia.

    The amount of substitute should be moderate, you should not overdo it either. Of course, the taste of these sweeteners is very different from regular sugar, but they will not increase the calorie content of the cocktail.

    If there is a need to make the drink more caloric (this allows you to speed up the recovery process between workouts), then a good solution would be to add a small amount of nuts. Preference should be given to walnuts and peanuts. They contain a large amount of omega-3 and omega-9 unsaturated fatty acids, which positively affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system by reducing the amount of cholesterol in the blood.

    You can also add peanut butter, but remember to weigh it. If you measure a portion "by eye", then you can easily miscalculate and make the cocktail too high in calories, which, if consumed regularly, will create a calorie surplus in the body and can lead to weight gain. For the same reason, do not add foods containing trans fats, such as ice cream or chocolate spread.

    Cocktail scheme

    When and in what quantity protein shakes should be consumed is a purely individual question. It depends on many factors. For example, the time of waking up and falling asleep, the number of meals during the day, the tendency to gain excess weight, etc. matter.

    In the tables below, we only offer a rough idea of ​​when you should drink a drink if you want to lose weight or gain muscle mass.

    For most athletes, the following recipe for homemade protein shakes to gain muscle mass is suitable:

  1. Immediately after waking up (the amount of protein should be small so as not to overload the gastrointestinal tract, 20-25 grams of protein is enough).
  2. Between meals (this will further boost the metabolism and create more prerequisites for muscle growth, the optimal serving is 30-35 grams of protein).
  3. Post-workout (this will stop the catabolic processes and start the recovery processes, the ideal option is 30 grams of fast-digesting protein).
  4. Before bed (this will protect muscle tissue from catabolism all night, you can increase the serving to 50 grams of slow-digesting protein).

If you want to get rid of extra pounds, the following scheme for taking home-made protein shakes for weight loss will suit you:

  1. Immediately after waking up (20-25 grams of protein will be enough, you can also add some carbohydrates to this and replace the first meal with a cocktail).
  2. Post-workout (30 grams of fast-absorbing protein will help you recover better and give you strength).
  3. Instead of the last meal or before bedtime (in the evening, you should still not lean on carbohydrates, so dinner can be replaced with a cocktail made on the basis of low-fat cottage cheese).

Muscle Shake Recipes

If you want to gain muscle mass, then, in addition to protein, a significant part of the diet should be complex carbohydrates. This can be easily translated into a cocktail by adding oatmeal to it. A few simple carbohydrates also do not hurt, so you can safely add fruits, berries or honey, but in moderation.

So, here are some recipes that will show you how to make a protein shake.

350 ml milk + 80 grams oatmeal + 200 ml liquid egg white + 100 grams strawberriesThis mixture will give your body about 35 grams of excellent quality fast-digesting protein, about 50 grams of complex carbohydrates from oatmeal, and 25-30 grams of simple carbohydrates from berries and milk. This shake is perfect for taking immediately after a workout.
400 ml water + 250 ml liquid egg white + 1 banana + 25 grams honey + 25 grams walnutsAfter drinking this shake, you will get about 35 grams of high quality protein, about 45 grams of simple carbohydrates. This cocktail is ideal for taking between main meals - it will charge the body with energy for fruitful work.
350 ml milk + 200 grams fat-free cottage cheese + 2 sweetener tablets + 40 grams raspberriesThis drink supplies the body with about 50 grams of casein protein, which will ensure a uniform supply of amino acids to the blood within 5-6 hours. There are very few carbohydrates in it, and this cocktail will not cause a strong release of insulin. Ideal for taking before bed.

Drink Recipes for Weight Loss

Weight loss is impossible without compliance. The amount of fat in the diet should also be small - no more than 1 gram per 1 kg of body weight. Therefore, we prepare a drink according to the same principle - a large amount of protein, a minimum amount of carbohydrates and fats. These homemade protein shakes are suitable for girls, as they contain a small amount of calories and will not harm the figure.

400 ml of water + 200 ml of liquid egg white + 2 sweetener tablets + 50 grams of low-calorie jamBy preparing this healthy drink, you will get about 30 grams of quality protein and minimal amounts of carbohydrates. If you find calorie-free jam on sale, you can add it to a cocktail, but the taste from this may change for the worse. Ideal for taking immediately after a workout.
400 ml of water + 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese + 100 ml of liquid egg white + 50 grams of oatmeal + 2 sweetener tablets + 30 grams of fresh berries or low-calorie jamAfter drinking such a cocktail, you will get about 30 grams from two different proteins: fast and slow digestion. Thus, some analogue of a complex protein will be obtained. By adding oatmeal and berries to your smoothie, you will make it much more nutritious and can replace the first meal with it.
400 ml water + 300 grams low-fat cottage cheese + 2 sweetener tablets + 100 grams or blueberriesAfter drinking this cocktail, you will get about 40 grams of casein protein, and blueberries or blueberries will give the cocktail a pleasant creamy berry flavor, with virtually no increase in its calorie content. Ideal for taking before bed.

High-protein mixtures are the most important sports nutrition for every athlete. And of course, no need to explain how to prepare protein for standard use. The instructions are written on each package, and there is nothing difficult in mixing liquid with a certain amount of powder in a shaker.

But it happens that there is no way to purchase the mixture on time, and stocks are almost running out.

It is for this, and also because it is very tasty and nutritious, that you need to know how to properly prepare a protein shake with or without powder, using the most common products from your refrigerator containing proteins and carbohydrates.

To begin with, let's consider what requirements are imposed on containers and cutlery necessary for the manufacture of drinks:

  • All utensils used must be clean and dry.
  • It is advisable to take containers with high sides so that the mixture does not spill during cooking and mixing.
  • A blender is an essential tool, as many recipes require the grinding of solid ingredients. But you can prepare protein powder without a blender, using a regular grater, and for mixing - a mixer, shaker, or even a fork.

homemade protein ingredients

As the main ingredients, the most commonly used protein sources are:

  • Powder mixes (if any)
  • Milk and its derivatives - cheeses, cottage cheese, yogurt, fermented baked milk, kefir, whey, ice cream, sour cream
  • Eggs (whole) - if you take chicken, boil them hard-boiled beforehand, if quail - you can use raw
  • nuts
  • Rice malt (also high in slow carbs)
  • Grain and legume sprouts

Sources of carbohydrates:

  • Cereals (especially hercules)
  • Cocoa is also an energy drink and a source of protein.
  • Fruits (especially bananas), berries
  • Preserves, jams
  • Juices, compotes, mousses

Fat Burning Fruits + Vitamin/Mineral Sources:

  • grapefruit
  • tangerines
  • oranges
  • pineapples
  • watermelons
  • apricots
  • figs
  • Avocado
  • Apples

As liquids are used:

  • Skimmed milk
  • Water (boiled)
  • Juices, compotes

It should be noted that liquids should be heated to a temperature of 30 degrees, but in no case to boiling water. Hot denatures the protein.

Before combining the components, calculate your rate of proteins, carbohydrates, fats and total calories in each source product, trying not to exceed your own portion requirements in total. To make your own protein shake or without it, without bothering with long calculations, you can simply use ready-made recipes.

For example, here are 2 simple recipes for very tasty protein drinks for mass gain.

Cocktail Curd-honey (without protein)


  • Warm skimmed milk - 250 ml
  • Grainy cottage cheese - 100 g
  • Boiled chicken eggs (proteins) - 4 pcs.
  • Medium banana
  • Viscous honey - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Olive oil 1/2 tsp

Mix everything with a blender.

Nutritional value:

  • Proteins - 45-50 g
  • Carbohydrates - 50 g
  • Fats - 23 g
  • Calories - 520

Chocolate nut shake (with protein)


  • 1 scoop of whey protein
  • 200 ml skimmed milk
  • Half cup chopped almonds
  • Half of a grated chocolate bar

Mix first the protein with milk, then add the rest of the components and mix.

Nutritional value:

  • Proteins - 40 g.
  • Carbohydrates - 40 g
  • Fats - 17 g
  • Fiber - 8 g
  • Calories - 457

For weight loss

Express cocktail (with protein). Energy (pre-workout)


  • Skimmed milk - 250 ml
  • Fat-free yogurt - 3 tbsp. l.
  • 2 scoops of whey protein isolate
  • 4 ice cubes (crushed)
  • 1-2 tsp peanut butter

Nutritional value:

  • Proteins - 12 grams
  • Carbohydrates - 25 grams
  • Fiber - 3 g
  • Calories - 220

Curd (no protein)

  • Boiled water or 1% milk - 100 ml
  • Fat-free kefir or fermented baked milk - 200 ml
  • Cottage cheese granular (fat-free) - 150 g
  • Any berries - 100 g

Nutritional value:

  • Proteins - 40 g
  • Fats - 2 g
  • Carbohydrates - 20g
  • Calories - 280

Thus, knowing how to prepare a protein shake at home, you can create not just nutritious mixtures, but even, in part, culinary delights that will appeal to even real gourmet athletes.
