
Carob honey. The healing power of syrup

For several years I have been living on the island of Crete (Greece). And all these years, Crete never ceases to amaze and amaze with the incredible richness of its flora and fauna. I even get the impression that the Cretans eat everything that grows on the island. Once I heard the following phrase from a Cretan: "It is impossible to die of hunger in Crete, because every week something bears fruit here, and it is also impossible not to get cured if you fall ill, because all medicinal herbs in Crete are available for treatment."

I absolutely agree with this. The product that I want to tell you a little about is one of those rare products that do not grow in Russia-Ukraine. So, let's talk about Creta Carob carob syrup. I stumbled upon it quite by accident. I love to cook and bake very often. Several times in stores, bottles with the inscription "Carob" that stood on the shelf, next to other cooking products, attracted my attention. I had absolutely no idea what this product was for, so I passed by. Until one day, in a conversation with a Greek woman, I found out that, it turns out, I am ignoring a unique and useful product. Deciding to rectify the situation, I once purchased this product and since then it has not been translated in my house.

First, let me explain what "carob" is. To begin with, "carob" is the fruit of the carob tree. And the tree itself is called carob, the Cretans call it "harupya". The tree is somewhat reminiscent of our acacia and produces fruits that are bean-shaped with a rich chocolate color. The bean is only edible when it is ripe, namely when it is brown in color. The whole pod is used for food, except for the seeds. A powder is made from the pod and a syrup is obtained. Here we are talking about syrup.

You can now buy carob products everywhere, but the birthplace of this tree is the Mediterranean countries: Greece, Turkey, Italy, Spain.
Creta Carob carob syrup is produced in Crete and sold in glass bottles of 350 grams. The bottle, as you can see, is made of very dark glass, I never found the answer to the question "why".

Produced in Crete, in the city of Rethymnon, the usual shelf life is 5 years, as you can see, this syrup is valid until 2019

Why is carob so famous?
First of all, it is considered a substitute for chocolate and cocoa beans, because it tastes just like cocoa. But:
1. Carob contains a natural syrup that is very sweet on its own and does not contain any harmful sugars, so it is recommended for people for whom sugar is contraindicated.

2. Carob, having a chocolate taste, unlike cocoa and coffee, does not contain caffeine, therefore it is very widely used as a useful substitute for coffee and cocoa by those who cannot drink coffee.

3. Carob is a very useful product containing many vitamins and minerals: potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamins A, B, B2. Its main constituents are vitamin B9 and, especially, vitamin D, which is considered the growth vitamin. Therefore, this syrup is often recommended for children to prevent a disease such as rickets.

But the presence of CALCIUM - as much as 24.3% - makes carob a very valuable product for those who have problems with bones, namely, people with the disease "osteoporosis", caused by a lack of calcium in the bones. So, carob is the product that will give you natural calcium in large quantities. It will not be superfluous to give carob syrup to children, to strengthen bones with calcium, a growing body needs calcium in large quantities.

If we talk about the calorie content of carob, then it is very low, the syrup contains protein, carbohydrates and fat, but in very small quantities.

When we open the lid. you can see such a built-in plastic dispenser that allows you not to pour the syrup, but to carefully regulate the trickle.

Carob syrup is VERY thick, as you can see below, similar in color and consistency to chocolate.

What is carob used for? It is known that John the Baptist ate the fruits of the carob tree when he was in the desert, so the Germans call carob "John's bread - Johannes Brot."

In ancient times, carob fruits were used to make bread and bread cakes, beans were ground into flour and then bread was made. Also, as I said above, carob is used as a substitute for coffee and cocoa, since it has the taste of both and, at the same time, does not require additional sugars, since it is sweet in itself.

It is also known that in the culinary industry, carob is used as a natural thickener for many culinary products, so when you see carob as a thickener on the packaging of a product, do not be alarmed, carob has gum resin, which performs this function in confectionery and products from chocolate.

The manufacturer on the bottle has prescribed what this product can be used for, namely: as a sweetener for desserts, for cold and hot drinks, as an additive in yogurt and ice cream, and also for baking culinary products.

Personally, I use carob in baking. We love pancakes with carob syrup, carob gives a harmless sweetness, because when using carob in the dough, there is no need to add sugar. I love carob for its chocolate flavor and, of course, for the very beautiful chocolate color. which it imparts to baked goods.

As you can see, cookies made with the addition of carob look very appetizing and beautiful. And yes, it tastes incredibly delicious.

I very often prepare cocoa or coffee drinks. where I gladly add carob. I also like to serve ice cream topped with carob syrup instead of chocolate. Very tasty, healthy and, if we talk about the price (350 gr cost 5 euros), relatively inexpensive, given that the syrup is very thick and rich, so its consumption is small.

Well, at the end of my story, I will add interesting information about the carob fruit: If you break the carob pod, then in the middle of the bean you will find small brown bones with a shiny surface. These bones are very hard, they are not eaten, but they have found a very interesting use. Since, regardless of size, all bones had a specific gravity of 200 milligrams, in ancient times these bones were used to weigh precious stones and had the Arabic name "carat", to this day this term exists and this measure of weight is used to weigh gold and determine the sample of precious metal alloys. . Here's a story.)

With pleasure I will recommend this carob syrup "Creta Carob" for use. It is good both as a product that can be used in cooking, and as a product rich in calcium, vitamin D and, at the same time, does not contain sugar, but has a natural sweetness.

In the United States and European countries, products from the carob tree are widely used. Syrup, the use of which is not yet so widespread in our territory, is used there in cooking, dietary nutrition, treatment, cosmetic, food and chemical industries. In cooking, carob syrup, the properties of which we will discuss later, is added to pastries, sweets, it is poured into drinks, used as a sauce for dessert dishes. In addition, it is one of the active components of medicinal colds, manifestations of bronchitis. And what else are useful products that gives


The use of this remedy, obtained from the fruits of the carob tree, is quite diverse. As already noted, first of all, it is used in cooking, as well as in official and folk medicine. Cooks in many countries, especially in the Mediterranean, practice adding syrup to various dishes. It is poured over pancakes, pancakes, ice cream, it is used as a component for pastry dough. In addition, carob syrup, which reviews are almost always positive, can be used as a health supplement for home improvement. This is practiced because the fruits of the carob tree are extremely useful and rich in substances valuable for human health.


Ceratonia siliqua is the scientific name for the tree. It has a great height (at the peak of its life it can reach 15 m), bears fruit in rather large pods resembling a horn. Inside it are seeds, which can be 10-12 pieces. They are separated from each other by a fleshy, dense partition, which is also used for human needs.

The benefits of fruits

The beans of this tree are used to make flour, which is widely used in cooking. Also, gum is prepared from the fruits of the carob tree, which is used for the needs of the food and cosmetic industries. Carob products, in particular syrup, contain
increased amount of sodium, zinc, potassium. And calcium in it is 3 times more than in milk! In addition, having a sweet taste, the syrup does not contain sugar, so it is allowed even for diabetics. However, the dose of application must be agreed with the doctor. To convey the pricelessness of this gift of nature, it is enough to say that the Jewish prophets called the fruits of the carob tree "bread." And for a long time he served as the only source of food for them. These are the amazing properties of the carob tree.

Syrup: application, useful properties

How is it used for health purposes? The syrup is high in zinc, potassium, calcium, sodium. It can be used for colds, vomiting, insomnia, diarrhea, and for weight loss. The presence of zinc and calcium in it makes it indispensable for teeth and gums. In addition, some studies confirm that the syrup has antitumor effects, especially in the lungs. All parts of the plant do not contain toxic substances, so there were no side effects from taking the syrup. These are the wonderful products that the carob tree gives.

Syrup: application, recipes

From vomiting, diarrhea, to remove toxins, adults should take 1 tbsp. l. syrup 30 minutes before meals 4-5 times a day (children from 2 to 5 years old - 1 tsp, from 5 to 12 years old - 1 tsp 3 times a day). From colds, coughs, tonsillitis and SARS - 1 tbsp. l. syrup diluted in a glass of water (60 degrees) 5-6 times a day. Headaches, insomnia are treated with a course: 5-6 tbsp. l. a day before meals (3 months), repeat after 2 weeks. For weight loss: 1 tbsp. dilute a spoonful of syrup in a glass of water, add the juice of a lemon wedge. Drink 5-15 minutes before meals (before lunch and dinner). After 2 weeks, add another dose in the morning.

Various concentrates are made from carob fruits - syrup, carob powder, gum. These products are useful for women, men, young children, they are used in medicine. Carob syrup is not only healing, but also delicious, it is added to sweets and other confectionery.

Chemical composition and nutritional value

Pekmez or carob syrup is a product better known in Turkey and Cyprus, where this plant grows. For Russians, this is exotic, which attracts, but also causes concern. The syrup is made from the juice of the carob fruit. It is slowly simmered on fire, boiling until excess moisture evaporates. In Turkey, they love it very much, they use it for the treatment of young children, first of all medicines.

The healing properties of the syrup are explained by its composition:

  • fibrin and lignin - favorably affect the intestinal microflora, increasing the number of lactobacilli;
  • pectin - reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood, plays the role of a coagulant and antioxidant, removes harmful substances from the body;
  • tannins - help cure diarrhea and helminthic infestations;
  • galactomannans - reduce the content of the ghrelin peptide, which is responsible for the feeling of hunger;
  • vitamins (A, B1, B2, B9, D);
  • minerals (Ca, K, Cu, Na, Zn, Mg, Mn, Fe, P).

A large amount of vitamin D makes the syrup useful for the prevention of rickets in children. Of the minerals in the product, there is a lot of calcium, which is necessary for both children and adults. With brittle bones, frequent fractures and osteoporosis, during intensive growth, calcium is needed in large quantities.

Interestingly, during the growing process, carob is not subjected to chemical treatment from pests, according to manufacturers. Therefore, the syrup does not contain toxic substances hazardous to health.

The high level of antioxidants in its composition slows down the aging process, removes free radicals, and strengthens the immune system.

What diseases does carob syrup help with?

The syrup cleanses and soothes well. For insomnia or problems with constipation, they drink it at night. This helps to solve two problems at once - returns sleep, and improves digestion. The syrup is drunk in its pure form (1 tsp per reception) or diluted in water. The amount of water depends on taste preferences - you can take 100 or 200 ml, it does not play a special role.

Effective syrup for shortness of breath, palpitations, high blood pressure, anemia. It is recommended to use it to prevent the development of cancerous tumors.

The use of syrup is beneficial for a large number of ailments:

  • with impaired metabolism;
  • chronic constipation;
  • with menopause;
  • colds and viral diseases;
  • with stones in the kidneys and bladder;
  • depression;
  • with lung diseases;
  • oncology;
  • with dysbacteriosis;
  • impotence;
  • with inflammation of the oral mucosa;
  • migraine;
  • with vegetative-vascular dystonia.

For smokers, carob syrup will help cure chronic bronchitis. Thanks to the antioxidants that make up the product, it prolongs youth.

Detailed instructions for use

How to take the syrup depends on the ailment that needs to be eliminated. To cleanse the body of toxins, improve the condition with diarrhea and nausea, they drink it 1 tbsp. l. before meals, 3 or 4 times a day. Small children from 2 to 6 years old are given 1 teaspoon each, from 6 to 12 years old, 1 teaspoon each. 3 times a day.

For colds, coughs, sore throats, acute respiratory viral diseases, the syrup is diluted in 1 tbsp. hot water (50 °C), and consumed up to 6 times a day before meals.

Severe headache, irritability, anxiety and poor sleep are treated by using 5-6 tbsp. l. syrup per day, for 2 or 3 months. Then they take a break for 3 weeks, and if necessary, repeat the course. Instructions for use are not strict guidelines, a slight excess of the dose will not cause negative consequences if there are no contraindications for use.

Use in traditional medicine

In countries where the carob tree grows, syrup from the pods is used in folk medicine. It is given even to infants up to a year old with indigestion and colic. Syrup is drunk to relieve headaches, increase immunity, in case of poisoning, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, disorders of the nervous system.

It speeds up recovery from colds and viral diseases, helps to lose weight effectively. Carob syrup is valued for its sweet taste and the possibility of use in diabetes. With its help, you can remove toxins from the body, get rid of allergies.

Application in cooking

Carob syrup is popular in Mediterranean cuisine. This product is added to various dishes instead of sugar. They cook pastries with it, use it as a sweet gravy for pancakes and ice cream.

It is undesirable to mix carob syrup with milk, it can cause flatulence, diarrhea and nausea.

chocolate recipe


  • cocoa butter - 50 g;
  • cashew - 5 g;
  • hazelnuts - 5 g;
  • carob - 50 g;
  • carob syrup - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • pecan - 5 g.

Step by step description:

  1. Cocoa butter is melted in a water bath.
  2. Add carob and syrup to it.
  3. Pour into moulds.
  4. Add roasted nuts and chopped dried fruits.
  5. Put to freeze for 1 hour in the refrigerator.

Such chocolate is useful for restless kids who cannot sit still. Unlike cocoa, carob does not have a stimulating effect, on the contrary, it calms.

Useful properties of carob syrup for obesity

The syrup is high-calorie (250 kcal per 100 g), so they drink no more than 5 teaspoons a day, adding 1 tsp to a glass of water. Exceeding the norm can lead to increased production of insulin and the opposite effect - an increase in body weight.

Weight loss drink recipe


  • syrup - 5 ml;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • lemon - 1 slice.


  1. Water is heated up to 50 °C.
  2. Dissolve the syrup in it.
  3. Add lemon juice.
  4. Drink 15 minutes before meals.

Such a drink is useful in the evening, after which sleep becomes more calm and strong.

Shelf life of carob syrup

Carob syrup is best stored in the refrigerator. But if you use it within 2-3 months, you can put it in a kitchen cabinet, on a shelf. At a lower temperature, the syrup will remain liquid longer.

The manufacturer indicates the shelf life on the label. Usually, it is 5 years from the date of production.


Carob pods contain many natural sugars that are easily absorbed by the body. In diabetes, the syrup should be used with caution, no more than 1 tsp. 2 times a day.

If there is an allergy to fructose, the syrup should be drunk with great care, not exceeding the recommended dosage (1 tsp per dose). You can not abuse the syrup for obese people, it can slow down the metabolic processes, and complicate weight loss.

Usually, carob does not cause allergies, so it is recommended to everyone - children, the elderly, diabetics, allergy sufferers. A few teaspoons of this natural sweetness a day will help overcome the obsessive feeling of hunger.

Fans of a healthy lifestyle and nutrition choose only natural and healthy products. Carob syrup is one of the first on the list for such people.

Useful ingredients and properties of carob syrup and recommended contraindications for its use

The main benefit of carob syrup is its ability to act as a sweetener. In this syrup, the benefits of a natural product are combined with a relatively low calorie content. An added bonus contributing to the popularity of carob syrup is its health benefits.

The carob syrup contains pectin, (the record holder is vitamin B), valuable minerals (especially a lot of calcium, potassium, magnesium), tannins, organic acids. These components have an antioxidant, immunostimulating, bactericidal, tonic effect.

The benefits of carob syrup are undeniable for:

  • lung diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • weakened immunity;
  • reduced metabolism;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • constipation ("lazy" intestines);
  • violations in the sexual sphere, impotence;
  • menopause in women;
  • dental diseases;
  • colds and infectious diseases;
  • migraines;
  • urolithiasis;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • nervous disorders.

Doctors strongly recommend to smokers and people suffering from recurring bronchitis. Due to its antioxidant properties, the use of carob syrup in food prolongs youth. And some manufacturers include it in their cosmetics.

Among the contraindications to the use of carob syrup are:

  • individual intolerance to the product;
  • intolerance to foods high in fructose;
  • age up to 1 year.

Limited use of carob syrup can be used in diabetes mellitus. However, before entering it into the menu, you should consult your doctor.

It is forbidden to add carob syrup to dishes with milk - this will lead to problems with the digestive tract, there will be multiple unpleasant symptoms - increased gas formation, nausea, diarrhea.

Useful properties of carob syrup for obesity

Separately, mention should be made of the benefits of carob syrup for weight loss. Nutritionists recommend this product as a dietary product, but they should not be abused - its calorie content is 320 kcal per 100 g.

When consumed in moderation, carob helps improve diet efficiency, speeds up metabolism, and alleviates the negative feelings that often come with restricting diets. Thanks to carob syrup, the diet is physically and psychologically more calm, which means that the risk of failure becomes minimal.

The allowable dose for weight loss is 4-5 teaspoons of carob syrup per day. If you exceed the norm, it can lead to the opposite effect and slow down the metabolism.

Slimming drink with carob syrup

The carob tree, also known as Tsaregradsky pod, sweet horn, siliculose ceratonia, is scientifically called Ceratonia siliqua.

Carob syrup is produced mainly in Cyprus and exported to different countries of the world.

This plant of the legume family has a great height - it is able to reach 10-15 meters at the peak of its life. It has a fairly wide crown, feather-like dense leaves. The carob tree bears fruit in large pods that look like a horn.

The length of the pods is 10-25 centimeters, the width is 2-4 centimeters, and the thickness is 5-10 millimeters. Ripe fruits may contain 5-17 grains. In addition to seeds, carob beans contain juicy pulp, which contains up to 50% sugar - mainly glucose, fructose and sucrose.

What is made from carob

Carob beans are used to make a flour that is widely used in cooking. In addition, gum is prepared from them, which goes to the needs of the cosmetic, food and pharmaceutical industries.

In particular, this gum is part of milk curds, as well as cosmetics - anti-wrinkle creams, serums, gels. Syrup is also made from carob.

Benefits of carob syrup

Carob syrup is an immunomodulatory and general tonic product, known since ancient times for its nutritional value and beneficial properties.

This product contains:
- all B vitamins;
- trace elements and minerals;
- tannins;
- organic acids;
- starch;
- pectin;
- protein;
- natural sugar.

In fact, carob syrup is a natural substitute for chocolate, which has its own specific smell and sweet taste. The syrup is obtained by evaporating finely chopped fruits with water.

Sugar is not added to it, so it is allowed to be consumed by diabetics, as well as used in dietary nutrition. Calcium syrup contains three times more than milk. This sweet substance has practically no contraindications.

The use of carob syrup in cooking

The use of this tool is quite diverse. First of all, carob syrup is used in cooking. In many countries, especially the Mediterranean, it is practiced to add such a product to a variety of dishes.

They are poured over pancakes, pancakes, ice cream, and it is also used as a component for pastry dough. Also syrup can be simply added to water, coffee, tea and other drinks.

Healing properties of carob syrup

Also, carob syrup is used in official and traditional medicine. It can be used to remove toxins from the body, for insomnia, nervous disorders, sleep disorders, colds, poisoning, diarrhea and for weight loss. The presence of calcium and zinc in it makes it indispensable for teeth and bones. The syrup also helps with coughs, sore throats, and colds.

Carob syrup is a part of various medicines.

This remedy is very effective against shortness of breath, anemia, it also prevents heart palpitations, helps lower blood pressure and cholesterol. Due to the content of a large number of trace elements and vitamins, carob syrup is especially useful for pregnant women and children.

Health benefits of carob syrup

Carob syrup can be used as a dietary supplement for healing and wellness at home. For the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders, diarrhea, to remove toxins and toxins from the body, you should take:
- adults, 1 tbsp. syrup half an hour before meals 4-5 times a day;
- children 2-5 years old - 1 tsp. in a day;
- children 5 to 12 years old - 1 tsp. 3 times a day.

Children under 2 years of age should not consume carob syrup.

From colds, SARS, tonsillitis, cough, you need to take 1 tbsp. carob syrup, diluted in one glass of hot water (60 °) 5-6 times a day.

With headaches of a neurological nature, insomnia, nervous disorders, this remedy should be taken orally 5-6 times a day, 1 tbsp. before meals. The course of taking the syrup is 3 months, it must be repeated after 2 weeks.

As mentioned above, such a syrup is obtained by boiling its pods without adding sugar. Therefore, people who suffer from diabetes can use this remedy, but in small quantities - from 1/2 to 1 tsp. 1-2 times a day.

For weight loss 1 tbsp. carob syrup should be diluted in one glass of water at room temperature and add the juice of a lemon wedge. The components are mixed and the finished drink is ready to drink. It should be drunk 5-15 minutes before meals (lunch and dinner). After 2 weeks, you can add another dose - before breakfast.
