
Weak beer fermentation what to do. How long does homemade beer usually ferment?

Includes stages, each of which must pass according to the rules. Otherwise, the beer will not have the desired taste. There are no trifles here: the type of yeast used is also important, and fermentation tank for beer, and the aging time of the drink. Let's consider the main points.

First: choose the yeast. Types of yeast used in brewing:

  • dry (in powder form);
  • pills;
  • liquid.

Preferably added to a drink dry yeast. The reason: they are easy to transport, and besides, they are stored in almost any conditions. Disadvantage of this species: less interesting taste qualities than liquid yeast.

The choice of yeast also depends on what kind of beer you want to make: ale or lager. So, for camp varieties we take Fementis-Saflager 34/70.

To brew ale (read:), it would be nice to get SafaleS-04. This subspecies is perfect for fermentation in wooden barrels.

What is yeast? This is a product received from malt and hops by fermentation. Without them, the preparation of beer is impossible. Before you “refill” the wort with them, you need to properly prepare them.


Liquid yeast does not require special preparation, but dry yeast needs a little work. Actions are as follows:

  1. We disinfect the container selected for the process.
  2. Pour into it warm water (the temperature of which is from 26 to 28ºС).
  3. Sprinkle dry yeast on top.
  4. We cover the dishes foil.
  5. We leave for 40 minutes.
  6. Shake the liquid until a suspension is obtained.
  7. We add the resulting suspension to the wort.

On this preparatory stage completed: now we are waiting for the fermentation and the moment when the tasting of the drink begins.

Choosing a container for beer fermentation

Beginning brewers think about the question: what fermentation tank is suitable for making a drink? Most often the choice is stopped on a plastic container.

The task of the brewer: not to make a mistake with the size of the container. It must be capacious, because foam will form, which will overflow over the edges if the volume of the container is insufficient.

You put a container with and pour the wort into it. Do not forget open the lid. This is necessary in order to violent fermentation stopped. A week passes. After that, the future beer is removed from the sediment and left for secondary fermentation.

top fermentation

Initially, there was only a method of top fermentation. Why? It was not always possible to reach temperatures below 14ºС. Riding requires temperature from 15 to 25ºС. Yeast does not separate for a long time during the top fermentation process. They form colonies of gas bubbles.

Top fermentation is gradual formation of higher alcohols and esters. This is how ale or German wheat beer is made. These have a taste alcoholic beverages somewhat coarser than those obtained by bottom fermentation.

bottom fermentation

In bottom fermentation, yeast settle at the bottom of the container where the whole process takes place. Such beer is brewed in cold rooms, carefully monitoring that temperature regime was not violated. The yeast should settle to the bottom of the container.

Lager varieties formed in this way are more palatable, according to many connoisseurs. Another plus: camp varieties last longer, easier to transport.

Fermentation stages

The whole process is divided at 4 stages, during which the future beer gradually becomes what we are used to.

  • The wort was poured into a vat and the yeast was placed there. Carbon dioxide is released. bubbles of gas rise to the surface. We wait from 12 to 20 hours: during this time foam appears white color. At this time, we can assume that the first stage has come to an end.
  • At the second stage, take a closer look at the wort: do you see curls on the surface? They look like roses appearance. This means that the yeast began to multiply rapidly, which means that fermentation is intensifying. Everything goes according to plan.
  • The third stage is characterized by a change in the color of the curls. They turn brown and rise higher.

Attention! At this stage, pay close attention for wort temperature! It grows, so it is necessary to cool the future beer from time to time, bringing it to a temperature of 6 or 7ºС.

  • The last stage: the cessation of fermentation. Curls fall off. The yeast "goes" to the bottom, the beer becomes lighter.

Do you think the cooking process foamy drink completed? No, there is another stage ahead, but it will take place in a different container.

End of fermentation stages

To understand that fermentation is complete, inspect the liquid. Assess its uniformity. Check did the yeast sink to the bottom. Pay attention to the color: if it is cloudy, then you need to wait a little more. If the beer has become light, it can be poured into a glass container.

Wort transfusion

Check that the temperature of the wort is from 8 to 10ºС. If so, prepare clean glass containers. Fermentation will be carried out in them.

These can be pretty bottles in which you will then serve beer to the table. Pour carefully so that sediment does not get into the bottles. Use a siphon tube for this.


Here we come to the end technological process. But you need not just pour the beer into bottles and put it away for a while in a place inaccessible to children and guests. in bottles add some sugar:

  • sugar;
  • glucose;
  • sugar syrup.

The calculation here is: 9 g of sugar-containing product per 1 liter of wort. During fermentation, it is formed carbon dioxide. Keep beer in glass container at a temperature of 18-20ºС. Fermentation is necessary in order for the drink to acquire pleasant taste and aroma.

Shelf life

Beer industrial production if it is alive stored 3 days. If you followed the production technology, then homemade drink can stay for three days- Nothing will happen to him.

If the beer is brewed on horseback, the shelf life increases up to 3 months. To extend the shelf life, try to comply with the following conditions:

  • put the bottles vertically;
  • tightly seal containers;
  • do not expose the beer to sunlight;
  • protect the drink from both overheating and hypothermia.

If you spend pasteurization of alcohol, then the shelf life will increase to 6 months.

Have you ever brewed beer at home? Tell us about your experience. Also share your opinion: home product differs from the analog made in an industrial way. What tastes better?

Try making beer in your own kitchen. Its indisputable advantage: it is used only natural ingredients . In addition, you personally carried out the selection of products and gradually brewed the drink, preventing the interference of “foreign elements”.

Useful videos

Look at the order of fermentation home beer- all stages:

Personal experience of removing from the sediment and transferring to secondary fermentation, see:

About the primary and secondary fermentation of beer in a conventional container, see:

If you are an experienced brewer, you will surely find something to advise beginners. How to ferment so that the taste is beyond praise? Share information with us, and we will post it on our pages. See you soon!

How long does homemade beer ferment? A question that cannot be answered in one sentence. The duration of fermentation at home depends on various factors. The main one is the chosen method of preparation. Fermentation of beer is divided into top and bottom. The catalyst for any of these processes is brewer's yeast.

top fermentation

This method of product maturation is used for specialty beers. For example, such as English porter. It started with the first home brewing. This is due to the fact that this method of cooking did not require special refrigeration equipment, which appeared much later. Brewing beer at home using this technology continues today. .

With the riding method of preparation, the wort must ferment at a temperature of +15 0 C to +24 0 C. A feature of this technology is the long period of yeast division after budding. Its result is the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the form of bubbles that rise to the surface and resemble a cap of foam. It is this phenomenon that gave the name to the method of maturation of the product.

Attention. During top fermentation of beer at home, a large amount of higher alcohols and esters is formed in it. They form the taste of the product and give it the flavor characteristic of the drink.

Riding ripening received its second birth thanks to the development of modern craft production. Among the reasons why small breweries choose this technology for themselves:

- simpler assembly of the equipment necessary for the production;

high quality drink.

Such beer enjoys special love and popularity among connoisseurs of the hop product. Very often it is called "alive".

The best top-fermenting yeast is Saccheromyas Cerevisae. They differ from the yeasts used for bottom fermentation in the temperature range of use. Their main indicator, which has a serious impact on the process, is activity. It is checked using a piece of dough mixed with this yeast and dipped into water with t 28-30 0 C. The time the ball rises to the surface of the water is an indicator of activity. It should not exceed 25-30 minutes. If the yeast is not active, they are “invigorated” by mixing with sweet water. Otherwise, the fermentation process will be delayed.

The quality of the malt also plays a huge role. It is best to take malt made from wheat for this preparation.

A drink prepared in this way has a higher strength.

The process of maturation of beer with the top method is shorter, but its shelf life is much less than the bottom one. Homemade beer is brewed this way in Bavaria, Belgium and England. In these countries, it is also used to make ales, ciders and statutes.

bottom fermentation

The bottom fermentation method is longer. The drink matures at temperatures from +6 0 C to +10 0 C. When using this technology, no foamy cap is collected on the surface of the product. Yeast settles to the bottom.

A grass-roots drink has an expressive taste and a low alcohol content.

This maturation process is longer and requires special refrigeration equipment. finished product It has long term storage. Experts call such beer lager. Its most famous varieties were Pilsner and Black beers. This method of preparation is used in industrial production.

Fermentation stages

The technology of preparation of the drink provides for two stages of maturation - directly fermentation and post-fermentation. With the riding method, the duration of the process
fermentation is 3 to 5 days. With the grassroots method, the drink ferments from 7 to 10 days.

During this technological stage, the sugar contained in the malt wort is broken down by yeast into carbon dioxide and alcohol. The result is a young beer. Secondary fermentation is carried out to improve the taste of the product and set the fortress. This stage immediately follows the filtration of the beverage. It is carried out at the end of the main fermentation process.

The ripening of the product allows significantlyRaysewits quality and get rid ofextraneoushissmackA.

The beer should ferment at this stage at the same temperature parameters as during the primary fermentation. How many days the maturation process will take place at home depends on the type of beer chosen.

During the ripening stage, the following processes take place:

- dead yeast cells are removed from hops;

- the taste of the drink improves.

If the product is not cleared of sediment after the active stage of maturation, it will acquire bad smell fusel oils.

The precipitate obtained as a result of filtration can be recycled.

This is useful to know

Of particular importance for the maturation process is the quality of the boiled wort. During its preparation under the influence of high temperatures, saccharification of malt occurs. This is the main ingredient in the preparation of the drink. Sweet wort is a breeding ground for yeast. They break down the product into carbon dioxide, which is necessary to accelerate maturation, and alcohol, which affects the strength of the drink.

You can shorten the product ripening process by:

— temperature increase;

- increasing the dosage of yeast;

- adding sugar to the wort.

Very high temperatures can turn an intoxicating drink into mash, so this the method of accelerating the process must be used with extreme caution. Slow down the ripening time of the product by liquefying its temperature. In the development of some varieties, the duration of this stage can be up to 6 months.

The ripening process is carried out in closed containers. They are filled no more than 2/3. The readiness of the product is determined by its density. To do this, use a hydrometer. The indicator of its scale should be at around 1.010. If it turns out to be higher, then the product must be “reanimated” sugar syrup. For its preparation are taken:

- 200 grams of sugar;

- 0.5 l of water.

The temperature of the syrup before adding should not exceed 28-32 0 C. Any adjustments in the technological process affect the taste, aroma and strength of the drink. Each brewer in progress home cooking drink develops its own technology, "gropes" for the optimal parameters of its brewing and ripening. Thus, new varieties are obtained. They are not better or worse, just different.

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Tips for brewers:

How long does homemade beer ferment? A question that cannot be answered in one sentence. The duration of fermentation at home depends on various factors. The main one is the chosen method of preparation. Fermentation of beer is divided into top and bottom. The catalyst for any of these processes is brewer's yeast.

top fermentation

This method of product maturation is used for specialty beers. For example, such as English porter. It started the first home brewing. This is due to the fact that this method of cooking did not require special refrigeration equipment, which appeared much later. Brewing beer at home using this technology continues today.

With the riding method of preparation, the wort must ferment at a temperature of + 150C to + 240C. A feature of this technology is the long period of yeast division after budding. Its result is the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the form of bubbles that rise to the surface and resemble a cap of foam. It is this phenomenon that gave the name to the method of maturation of the product.

Attention. During top fermentation of beer at home, a large amount of higher alcohols and esters is formed in it. They form the taste of the product and give it the flavor characteristic of the drink.

Riding ripening received its second birth thanks to the development of modern craft production. Among the reasons why small breweries choose this technology for themselves:

Easier assembly of the equipment necessary for the production;

High quality drink.

Such beer enjoys special love and popularity among connoisseurs of the hop product. Very often it is called "alive".

The best top-fermenting yeast is Saccheromyas Cerevisae. They differ from the yeasts used for bottom fermentation in the temperature range of use. Their main indicator, which has a serious impact on the process, is activity. It is checked using a piece of dough mixed with this yeast and dipped in water with t 28-300C. The time the ball rises to the surface of the water is an indicator of activity. It should not exceed 25-30 minutes. If the yeast is not active, they are "cheered up" by mixing with sweet water. Otherwise, the fermentation process will be delayed.

The quality of the malt also plays a huge role. It is best to take malt made from wheat for this preparation.

A drink prepared in this way has a higher strength.

The process of maturation of beer with the top method is shorter, but its shelf life is much less than the bottom one. Homemade beer is brewed this way in Bavaria, Belgium and England. In these countries, it is also used to make ales, ciders and statutes.

bottom fermentation

The bottom fermentation method is longer. The drink matures at temperatures from +60C to +100C. When using this technology, no foam cap is collected on the surface of the product. Yeast settles to the bottom.

A grass-roots drink has an expressive taste and a low alcohol content.

This maturation process is longer and requires special refrigeration equipment. The finished product has a long shelf life. Experts call such beer lager. Its most famous varieties were Pilsner and Black beers. This method of preparation is used in industrial production.

Fermentation stages

The technology of preparation of the drink provides for two stages of maturation - directly fermentation and post-fermentation. With the riding method, the duration of the fermentation process is from 3 to 5 days. With the grassroots method, the drink ferments from 7 to 10 days.

During this technological stage, the sugar contained in the malt wort is broken down by yeast into carbon dioxide and alcohol. The result is a young beer. Secondary fermentation is carried out to improve the taste of the product and set the fortress. This stage immediately follows the filtration of the beverage. It is carried out at the end of the main fermentation process.

Ripening the product can significantly improve its quality and get rid of foreign taste.

The beer should ferment at this stage at the same temperature parameters as during the primary fermentation. How many days the maturation process will take place at home depends on the type of beer chosen.

During the ripening stage, the following processes take place:

Dead yeast cells are removed from hops;

Improves the taste of the drink.

If the product is not cleaned of sediment after the active ripening stage, it will acquire an unpleasant smell of fusel oils.

The precipitate obtained as a result of filtration can be recycled.

This is useful to know

Of particular importance for the maturation process is the quality of the boiled wort. During its preparation under the influence of high temperatures, saccharification of malt occurs. This is the main ingredient in the preparation of the drink. Sweet wort is a breeding ground for yeast. They break down the product into carbon dioxide, which is necessary to accelerate maturation, and alcohol, which affects the strength of the drink.

You can shorten the product ripening process by:

temperature increase;

Increasing the dosage of yeast;

Adding sugar to wort.

Very high temperatures can turn the intoxicating drink into mash, so this method of accelerating the process must be used with extreme caution. Slow down the ripening time of the product by liquefying its temperature. In the development of some varieties, the duration of this stage can be up to 6 months.

The ripening process is carried out in closed containers. They are filled no more than 2/3. The readiness of the product is determined by its density. To do this, use a hydrometer. The indicator of its scale should be at around 1.010. If it turns out to be higher, then the product must be “reanimated” with sugar syrup. For its preparation are taken:

200 gr sugar;

0.5 l of water.

The temperature of the syrup before adding should not exceed 28-32 0 C. Any adjustments in the technological process affect the taste, aroma and strength of the drink. Each brewer in the process of making a drink at home develops his own technology, "gropes" for the optimal parameters of its brewing and maturation. Thus, new varieties are obtained. They are not better or worse, just different.

Tips for brewers:

In the process of making beer at home, we may encounter two common problems: the lack of wort fermentation during primary fermentation and the lack of carbonation (beer carbonation). Most often, these problems can be solved.

In the absence of fermentation, only the yeast is to blame, either they have nothing to "eat", or the conditions are not right for them to be able to "eat".

Beer wort does not ferment- causes:

  • Low temperature. Read the instructions for the yeast that came with the malt extract, the instructions should include the fermentation temperature limit. Check the temperature of the wort, if it is below the specified range (the yeast has fallen asleep), then it is necessary to move the fermenter to a warmer place. For ale yeast, the fermentation temperature limit is 18-28 degrees. Better stable temperature at 18 gr. To maintain this temperature, you can put the container in a basin and adjust the temperature by adding cold or warm water.
  • Poor quality yeast. Very often, many amateur brewers underestimate the yeast rehydration process and add yeast directly to the wort. As a result, some of the yeast just simply die, I recommend rehydration, this will make sure that the yeast is viable.
  • Yeast death. It is possible that the yeast could die as a result of the presence in the container a large number disinfectant solution (very rare). If you have suspicions about this, then you should not immediately drain the wort, try to purchase yeast separately and put it in the fermenter.
  • Heat. It is possible that the yeast died as a result of too high temperature wort at the time of adding them to the container. The solution to the problem is to add yeast again.
  • Siphon fermenter lid or water seal seal. Once I had a situation when I thought that the wort did not ferment, it happened because the lid of the fermenter siphoned and the water seal simply did not gurgle, so check. Maybe the must is fermenting, but you don't see it.
  • Little sugar. The situation is worse when the "young" beer does not ferment. This usually happens as a result of low temperatures or too little sugar. The solution is simple, we move our bottles to a warmer place for 2 weeks. After 2 weeks, we open one bottle, if the beer is non-carbonated or slightly carbonated, then the problem is a small amount of sugar. You can try to open the bottles and add sugar (dextrose), or be content with what you have.
  • Mold. Worst case scenario, if you open the fermenter to pitch in the yeast and see mold, then I recommend you just drain the wort, the "wild" yeast got into it. This situation cannot be improved.

We have considered the most common causes of the lack of fermentation, most often they can be corrected. However, there are still cases when you have to drain the wort. I hope you find this useful short instruction and you don't have to!
