
We dry the pears in the oven for the winter. We use modern appliances: we dry pears in an electric dryer and air grill

How to dry pears at home? For this most suitable fruits are slightly unripe, not very juicy, having dense pulp with the presence of hard inclusions - "stony cells". It is also desirable that the pears have few seeds and have a small seed chamber.

Fruits with a viscous taste not worth using, it is recommended to dry sweet summer or early autumn varieties.

The most preferable choice is the fruit of the golden product Fragrant, Ilyinka, Bergamot, Zaporozhye, Forest Beauty, Limonka, Victoria. It is better to take fruits of medium size. In the process of making dried fruits, you can use sugar.

First of all, fruits are a must. wash. If you intend to grind them, first cut into quarters, cut out the seeds, and then cut into thinner slices.

To prevent them from turning dark, they need to be soaked in tartaric acid(1% solution). Before drying, the fruits are dipped for 1-3 minutes in boiling water.

When the process lasts mainly 2-3 days, after which the product is dried in the shade - in a ventilated area. If , then choose the starting temperature of 75°C ... 85°C, and the final temperature is not more than 65°C. Drying time - 5-6 hours.


How to dry pears at home? Consider how to dry pears different ways . This can be done as natural way and use special drying devices:

  • in the sun;
  • in an electric or gas oven;

You can also find on our website.

Preliminary processing

How to dry pears at home? Drying pears at home involves preliminary training fruits.

Collected pears should not be stored over 2 days, this will soften them and make them unsuitable for drying.

Preparation of fruits for drying is the same for all its methods. First, you need boil water in a saucepan. Then, if desired, add Sahara. Fruits are sorted according to the degree of maturity, damage is cut out of them, and running water is used for washing.

Damaged by pests and rotten are culled. After washing, the fruits are boiled in boiling water 10-15 minutes (depending on the degree of maturity) until soft. After cooling, taking into account the size and type of pears, they are either cut into slices about 10 mm thick (large specimens), or into 4 parts, can be in half (medium), or left whole (wild).

Then they should be put on the basis in which they will be dry.

Processing in wine or citric acid(in 1% solution) protects the product from darkening when drying.

Slices to give them elasticity, you need to blanch for 5 minutes in boiled water.

natural technique

How to dry pears at home naturally, such. Parts of the fruit are laid out on a sieve or baking sheet, a tray, which are placed in a place with a good solar lighting, windless and dustless. The slope of the base should be given such that the pears are illuminated for as long as possible during the day.

In the private sector, to dry apples and pears, you can also use roofs of houses. In the evening, the fruits are covered with polyethylene and brought into the house. After 2 days they are laid out in a shaded place and finish drying within 2-3 days. For full, uniform drying, the slices must be periodically turned over.

Some in the middle of drying squeeze the slices with two boards, then put on a thread, hang and dry. Sometimes in the manufacture of dried fruit for better conservation it is fumigated with sulfur dioxide.

However, due to the danger of gas, it is necessary to use special rooms, observing safety regulations.

Using the oven

How to dry pears at home using the oven? Since weather conditions do not always provide an opportunity to dry fruits, this can be successfully done using an oven, in the kitchen. The fruits are laid out on a baking sheet in one layer and dried at a temperature of 55 ° C ... 60 ° C.

After 2 hours, the heating must be raised to 80°C. When the fruit is reduced in size, it is reduced to 55°C, this temperature is finishing. The duration of the process depends on the size of the product used: for slices it takes 12-16 hours, for whole fruits - 18-24.

Using an electric dryer and microwave

How to dry pears at home using household appliances? Drying apples and pears using household appliances has its own peculiarities.

Electric dryer, equipped with several trays-layers, allows you to dry a decent amount of product overnight.

The technology provides for complete autonomy of the process: uniform automatic circulation of warm air is provided, fruits do not need to be turned over.

The method of drying 18 kilograms of pears in an electric dryer in this video. We look:

Usage microwave oven- most fast way drying preparation: one serving takes 2-3 minutes to cook. However, not everyone accepts it, since here you can not calculate accurately and overdry the fruits, turn them into coals. Before being placed in the oven, the pears are washed out, placed on a plate covered with cotton cloth.

The device is set to 200 W and 2.5 minutes of operating time. If the pears do not dry out, repeat the process for half a minute. Cooked dried fruits should be elastic, springy when pressed.

hard will be for one reason: the carrion was dried or completely immature specimens.

Whole fruit drying

Another question arises, how to dry whole pears at home. There are no special moments here, the principles of drying them are almost identical to the rules for drying crushed fruits. For this they take small fruits and kept in the sun for 6-8 days.

For cooking in the oven, the oven also uses whole fruits of small size. They need to remove the sepals and stalks, the skin does not need to be removed. Dry for about 20 hours, turning frequently. The process is accelerated by 2-3 times in the presence of good ventilation. The color of properly dried pears is light and dark brown.

Wild pears: features of drying wild

Now about how to dry wild pears at home? In the process of drying, the wild birds have their own specific features. It is not harvested from trees, but is expected to fall naturally. Then they put it in a container - a box, a bucket, let it rest until it darkens and the skin turns brown.

Then their taste will turn into fragrant-sweet instead of bitter and tart. Ignorant people often throw away such fruits, taking them for spoiled, but this is an error.

Then the game is washed, cut into halves (or left whole) and dried in the same way as cultivars.

Their seed nest is not cut out, they also should not be fumigate and blanch.

With the correct execution of the process, the pears are elastic, soft, do not break when compressed or bent.

They are pleasantly fragrant, their taste is sweet, the color varies from light to dark brown.


Pear is one of most valuable products for good health. It contains vital elements for the body, fiber, iron, vitamins. Thanks to various antioxidants, it rejuvenates the skin, normalizes the functioning of the heart, and is an excellent immunomodulator.

Its intake does not lead to the appearance of nutritional allergies.

Of course, Homer was not mistaken when he called this fruit "the gift of the gods", since its use prolongs youth. Preparing for the future this sunny fruit, you are saving on the shelves a divine gift that provides you with healthy and fulfilling life.

Dried fruits - excellent workpiece for the winter. Firstly, such drying does not have an expiration date, they can be safely consumed after two years, and after five, of course, provided that they are properly stored. Secondly, this method is suitable for most sweet fruits. Third, they do not contain additional sugars but retain vitamins. And fourth, it's easy delicious treat. Pears and apples are especially good for this. Here we will figure out how to dry pears.

We select the best

Before drying pears, you need to determine which fruits are suitable for this, and which are best left for something else. For the preparation of dried fruits, you should choose varieties a small amount juice, the so-called dry. Their pulp is usually dense, hard, and the seed chamber takes up little space. Do not use overripe, soft or tart pears, and also do not take fruits that were plucked more than two days ago. If the pears are too hard or unsweetened, they can be boiled in syrup. Selected fruits must be washed and dried thoroughly.

Drying pears

How to dry pears: slices or whole? It depends on their size. Small specimens are quite suitable for drying in their original form, but this will require a longer time. In this case, their tails should be removed. If you prefer pieces, then remember that the optimal thickness of each slice is 1 cm. It is with this cutting that future drying will receive the correct ratio of fleshiness and taste and at the same time it will be stored for a long time.

Oven or sun

How to dry pears better: in the oven or in the summer sun? It largely depends on the weather. For residents of the south, the natural method is quite applicable. To do this, the fruit should be cut into pieces, laid out on trays or other substrate and placed in a place that will be as sunny as possible throughout the day. To prevent flies from landing on sweets, you can cover them with clean gauze. At night, the trays will have to be brought into the house so that the moisture does not nourish the slices dried during the day. Full dry time pear slices will be about a couple of days and the same amount will be required until the condition is fully achieved in the shade. After that, they can be packaged in linen clean bags and sent for storage.

For those who live in less sunny regions, another way of drying pears will be more convenient. In the oven, this procedure takes about a day. Fruits or their cuts should be laid out on a baking sheet in one layer and dried over low heat, often turning over. For those who are used to focusing on a thermometer, 70-90 degrees is considered the optimal mark. Finished drying should be viscous on the teeth, and when bent should not release moisture. Of course, it will take more time to cook whole pears than chopped ones.

It is not enough to know how to dry pears for the winter, you still need to save your work. Best of all, any dried fruits are stored in fabric pouches, you can also put them in glass jars or plastic containers With tight lid. But plastic bags can be attacked by insects or rodents. Such a blank does not tolerate moisture well and easily absorbs other people's odors. Store preferably in small portions, since if a pest starts in one of them, then the rest may not suffer. Regularly check stocks to detect and remove spoiled product in time.

When making winter stocks from the abundant fruit harvest of summer and autumn, you should give preference to a method that will maximize the preservation of a set of vitamins and beneficial trace elements- drying. You can dry any fruit, including pears. It is worth drying pears on your own, because when purchasing dried fruits in a store, you cannot be sure of the quality of the raw materials and storage conditions.

The benefits of dried pears

Dried, they retain all the benefits fresh fruits. A rich set of vitamins, macro- and microelements allow the use of dried pear for medicinal purposes:

  • It perfectly copes with an old cough, is used as a disinfectant and antipyretic.
  • Decoctions from dried fruits help in the treatment of angina and seasonal colds thanks to antibacterial properties pears.
  • Potassium stored in dried fruits good helper For correct operation heart and keep blood vessels in good shape.
  • A small amount of sugars makes pear dried fruits useful for people who are watching their weight.
  • Iron, which is rich dried pears, helps with tachycardia and dizziness.

Selection of pears for drying

  • When choosing pears for drying, you need to know that the more intense and brighter flavor fresh fruits, the more useful they are in dried form.
  • The best fruits for harvesting are pears with a thin peel, having a dense and elastic pulp. The leaders for processing and drying are recognized varieties - Forest Beauty, Bergamot, Zaporizhzhya and Limonka.
  • Choose low-juicy fruits for drying that have hard inclusions. Pears with astringent taste not suitable for workpieces.
  • For drying, fruits with a small seed chamber are more suitable.
  • During the drying process, the addition of sugar is allowed if unsweetened fruits are taken into processing.

Fruit preparation

  1. Before drying, fruits are sorted according to the degree of maturity. It is better to dry slightly unripe pears.
  2. Pears damaged by rot or disease should be discarded. They are not suitable for drying.
  3. The green fruits are left to ripen indoors for a few days. The main thing is that they should not oversing and lose their elasticity.
  4. You should not choose watery varieties of pears - they are not suitable for drying.
  5. Ripened pears should be washed, peeled and seeds removed.
  6. To speed up the drying process, the fruits are kept for several minutes in boiling water until soft.
  7. For unsweetened varieties, you can hot water dissolve sugar.
  8. After aging in hot water, it is necessary to wait for the fruits to cool completely and only then cut them into slices and arrange them in a container for drying.
  9. So that the pieces of pears do not darken, they can be soaked in a 1% solution of citric acid.
  10. Cut the fruit only lengthwise into strips no more than 1 cm thick.

Features of drying large fruits and wild pears

If you chose the fruits of a wild pear for drying, then they are not removed from the tree until they are fully ripe. Only padans go to the dryer. They are kept after harvesting until the skin and pulp of the fruit darken, and only then they are dried, only as a whole. Such a preliminary exposure of the fruits of a wild-growing pear will remove the bitter taste and astringency of the fruit. At the same time, the wild pear will become a little sweet and gain flavor.

Large fruits of a cultivated plant are cut into small slices. The thickness should not be more than a centimeter. That way they dry out faster. The peel should be removed only from hard-skinned fruits. You can save the seed box. Slices of such unpeeled fruits in dried form have a more pleasant aftertaste.

Drying methods

You can prepare pears in the form of dried fruits for the winter by drying them in the sun or using an oven, electric dryer or microwave.

Natural air drying

  1. The container with the pear slices laid out should be placed in a sunny place, away from roads, road dust and drafts.
  2. You can choose for this sloping roof of a house or barn. This will ensure that the fruit stays in the sun for as long as possible. Pear slices should be turned over periodically to speed up the process.
  3. It will take a couple of days to dry. At night, pallets with pears must be brought into the room.
  4. Then the pears can be strung on a thread and dried in the sun in a suspended state.

Drying pears in the oven

If bad weather interferes with drying pears in the sun, you can successfully do this in the oven. Here's how to do it right:

  1. You will need to spread the pears on a special drying tray in one layer and carry out the first drying at an oven temperature of no higher than 60 degrees. So there will be no cracks in the slices of the fruit and the peel will not peel off.
  2. After a couple of hours, the temperature should be raised to 80 degrees.
  3. As soon as you notice that the fruit began to decrease in volume, then the temperature should be lowered again to 60 degrees and continue drying.

It may take a day to dry whole fruits, while the slices will dry out twice as fast.

Drying pears in an electric dryer

Having an electric dryer in your arsenal kitchen appliances makes harvesting pears surprisingly easy.

  1. Acting in accordance with the instructions for the device, place pear slices prepared in accordance with all the rules on the grates of the electric dryer and turn on the device. Trays with pieces of fruit are evenly blown with jets of warm air, and there is no need to turn the fruit over.
  2. For cooking finished product it usually takes 8 hours at a temperature in the dryer of about 70 degrees.
  3. For more uniform drying, it is recommended to change the grids in places.
  4. If, after a predetermined time, pieces of pears stick to your fingers when pressed, then the drying process must be extended for a couple of hours.

Drying pears in the microwave

The method is perhaps the fastest, but it requires tireless attention so as not to get overdried pear slices or just coals.

In terms of time, one bookmark of pears takes several minutes:

  1. Line a drying plate with a linen cloth and lay out the prepared fruit slices (without a core).
  2. The optimal cooking time at a power of 200 W is 3 minutes. If necessary, you can dry the fruit for another half a minute - a minute.

Well-dried pieces of pear are elastic, do not break when bent and slightly springy when pressed.

Storage rules for a new harvest

  • You can save home-dried pears in tightly closed containers. glass jars or use wooden kegs with a tightly sealed lid.
  • An excellent place for jars of pears would be a place in a dark closet or a shelf in the pantry. The main thing is to keep dried fruits away from sunlight.
  • When stored in a warm and dry room, dried fruits can be put in linen bags.
  • The blanks should be regularly inspected to prevent them from being infested with bugs or fruit moth larvae.
  • If the room is humid, then the pears can simply be dried a little in the oven.
  • If the blanks have hardened, then before preparing compote or other treats, you can hold the pears for steam bath. Saturated with hot moisture, they will again become soft and elastic.

You can choose any option that is convenient for you for harvesting pears for winter storage. You can even grind dry preparations in a coffee grinder and use pear powder for stuffing pies or making dough. Winter supplies of sweet dried pears and properly prepared drinks from them will delight both children and adults - they are very tasty and healthy!


If a few kilograms of juicy ripe fruits or you were lucky enough to grow these gifts in the garden, prepare them for the winter using the drying method familiar to all housewives for pears. In the dried fruits you have prepared, maximum amount vitamins. Of course, you can buy dried fruits on the market, but to be sure of the quality, it is better to do the drying yourself. How to dry pears at home, let's find out together!

Properly selected varieties can play an important role in obtaining quality dried fruits. Experts claim that best options V this case there will be fruits containing minimal amount stony cells, with a small number of seed chambers and moderate firmness of the pulp, without a strong astringent aftertaste, sweet and ripe. These varieties, of course, can be attributed to everyone's favorite Forest beauty, Clapp's Favorite, Limonka, Talgar beauty, Bergamot, Williams summer, as well as varieties Zaporozhye And Victoria.

Pear variety Forest beauty

Remember, the fruits you have selected for drying for the winter should not be stored for more than 48 hours, they must be washed immediately and dried thoroughly. Otherwise, they may lose their dignity. Rough overripe fruits are absolutely not suitable for drying. They are best reserved for cooking, marmalade or jam. Wild pears do not need to be plucked from the tree, wait for the moment when they themselves fall. The fruits collected after falling to the ground must be given a little time for the peel to darken and become brown. This is necessary in order for the pears to become fragrant and sweet. If you do not comply with these conditions, you risk getting tart and bitter fruits that are absolutely unsuitable for cooking. delicious compote for the winter.

Now you know that such dark pears are not rot or spoilage, but a means for obtaining quality dried fruits. In the future, the game is prepared for drying, like all other fruits. They are cut into small slices, about 1 cm thick, and dried with any convenient way. You can not even remove the core of the fruit with seeds, do not peel it and do not blanch it in water. If everything was done correctly, at the end of the process you should get elastic and soft dried fruits that should not break when bent and squeezed. Drying wild pears in the sun, do not forget to pre-dip the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bsections in a 1% solution of citric or tartaric acid.

Today, there are many ways to dry pears at home. However, drying in the sun remains the most popular and familiar to most housewives. This method is especially ideal for those who live in private homes or have their own summer cottage, although this method will also work on a sunny balcony with good ventilation. Pears are cut into medium slices and laid out on parchment, newspaper or baking sheet in an even layer. To prevent flies and other insects from landing on sweet fruits, cover everything with thin gauze. It remains only to ensure that the sun constantly hits the pears, not forgetting to periodically turn them over from one side to the other so that they dry evenly.

Drying pears outside

If you do not have the opportunity to put the pears outside to dry, or Sun rays rarely break through the clouds, then use another method - drying on threads. This is done quite simply - the prepared slices are strung on a sewing thread, preferably dense enough so that it does not break, and hung in the form of a garland of fruits from both sides on nails or cabinet handles in the kitchen or attic. However, remember that the room for drying fruit for the winter must be warm and well ventilated. Tip - do not press the pear slices too tightly together, because they can stick.

As for the time it will take you to achieve the final result, at least 7-10 days should pass. For those who don't have that much time, alternative, faster methods of drying for the winter can be used, such as an oven, microwave, or electric dryer.

Compared to the previous method, drying fruit in the oven takes a significantly shorter amount of time. The housewives claim that this method allows you to make pears at home tasty and fragrant. In addition, pears dried in the oven last longer. They can be prepared at any home, both in a private house and an apartment. To do this, you will need to lay a baking sheet parchment paper or foil and lay out the pears in a thin even layer, after cutting them lengthwise into small slices, no more than 1 cm thick.

Pieces of pears after drying

So that the pears do not turn into burnt inedible pieces, they are dried at a minimum temperature in three main stages: drying, evaporation of moisture and sterilization. First, set the temperature in the oven to around 50-60 degrees. At this temperature, the pears need to stay in the oven for at least 1 hour. Do not forget to open the oven several times at the same time so that excess steam comes out.

This completes the first step, let's move on to the second. If initially the oven door was opened only a few times during the entire time, now it should be open all the time, and raise the temperature to 75 degrees. Under such conditions, pears will begin to actively lose water, which will come out in the form of steam. Remember to check the condition of your pears so that they do not burn, and to be sure, turn them over regularly. As for the time it takes to complete this step, it will depend on the variety you choose and the size of the fruit cut. On average, it can last up to 4-5 hours, but there are exceptions, where it will take 8-10 hours to achieve the desired result.

The last stage (sterilization) is the shortest, it will take a maximum of 35-45 minutes. Temperature oven again raise to 80-90 degrees and close the oven door. During this process, the pears will finally dry out and become similar to dried fruits that are familiar to us. Put the dried pears prepared at home on a cotton towel and let them cool.

We answered the question of how to dry pears in the oven, now it remains to analyze the pros and cons of this method. The undoubted advantage is enough fast time cooking, compared with the natural way of drying for the winter, and this is important for modern housewives, as well as saving palatability fruit. On the other hand, there are also disadvantages. Relatively heat reduces the content of vitamins, most of which are simply evaporated in the last stage. In addition, high temperatures can destroy the integrity of the fruit, causing them to lose their marketable condition and become unfit for consumption.

Let's start with how to dry pears in an electric dryer. If you have such a device at home, then there is nothing easier - act according to our instructions. Immerse the cut thin slices for a few seconds in boiling water, and then quickly cool them. This is necessary to avoid darkening of fruits during their drying for the winter. We lay out the slices on a baking sheet and let them dry slightly, after which we put them on the electric dryer grate. This device has several grids, this makes it possible to dry at the same time a large number of pears Using this method, you do not even have to turn the slices over, as a uniform supply of warm air is created in the tray.

Using an electric dryer to dry pears

The cooking temperature should not exceed 70-80 degrees at a low blowing speed. Adjust the cooking time yourself, it usually takes from 30 minutes to an hour. It all depends on the model and what you choose. temperature regime. In the end, the pears should acquire a pleasant brown hue, become sufficiently elastic and not break when bent. However, if this method is also time-consuming for you, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the simplest and most fast method How to dry pears in the microwave. Although such drying did not deserve a flurry of positive criticism, it still has the right to exist.

It will take you a maximum of 5 minutes for the entire drying process in the microwave, but the main thing is not to overdry by choosing the desired power. Otherwise, you risk getting overdried, a little delicious fruits. Lay the sliced ​​pears in an even layer on a dish and send them to dry in the microwave, setting the power to no more than 200-300 W for a couple of minutes. When the timer beeps, turn the fruits over and continue to dry them on the same power for another 2-3 minutes. If you notice that at the end of this period your fruits are not dried enough, leave them in the microwave for a few more minutes, remembering to turn over. Ready pears are elastic and resilient. If they turned out tough, then you overdried them or used unripe fruits.

In order to be suitable for the longest possible time for the preparation of vitamin drinks for the winter and other culinary specialties, it is necessary to choose the optimal place and container for them. The ideal option for storage at home will be wooden or glass containers or cloth bags. Moreover, it is necessary to compact dried fruits into a container for storage tightly enough. As for the room, it must be dry, with good ventilation, so that the pears do not become moldy and damp.

Storage of dried fruits in a jar

Inspect regularly dried fruits for bugs and other insects. And as a preventive measure, you can dry the pears in the oven or microwave at a temperature of no more than 50 degrees or 200-300 watts. If you find that your fruits, later long time become too hard and begin to dry, this problem can also be easily eliminated by heating in the oven or microwave by placing an additional container of water in them, or simply hold the dried fruits for a short time over a pot of boiling water. The steam will make them supple, soft and delicious again.

IN winter time not only pleasant, but also useful to enjoy a wonderful taste fragrant pears. There are many ways to preserve these fruits. One of the most popular is drying. Next, we will talk about how to properly dry pears in several ways at home.

It should be remembered that this fruit processing has some features:

  1. Pears should not be overly juicy or overripe.
  2. Dry fruits of medium size. Too large for drying unsuitable.
  3. It is desirable that these be the fruits of those varieties that do not contain a large number of seeds. Once harvested, fruits should not be stored for more than 2 days, as they become too soft and are not suitable for this method of storage.
  4. Pears should have a firm texture.
  5. Viscosity has a bad effect on the taste of dried fruits, so it is better not to take viscous varieties.
  6. The thickness of the cut slices should not exceed 1 cm. Small pears, including wild pears, can be dried whole.

Wild varieties can also be used, however the fruit must be ripe and fall off the tree on its own. Unripe fruits, as well as fruits that have been frozen, are not suitable for drying.

Preparing fruit for drying

Before drying, fruits should be pre-prepared. Do it like this:

  • remove unripe or spoiled fruits;
  • wash thoroughly;
  • dry with a towel or naturally;
  • dipped in boiling water for 15 minutes, then pulled out. If you have to dry the wild animals, then sugar is added to the water if desired.
  • let the fruit cool down.

After this procedure, the fruits are cut, the seeds are removed from them. Then cut into slices. The resulting workpiece is placed in a weak solution of citric acid.

Ways to dry pears at home

For cooking dried fruits There are several methods used at home.

In the oven

For such drying, the prepared fruits are laid out on a baking sheet in one layer. The oven is preheated at 60 degrees. A baking sheet with pears is placed in it and dried for two hours. Then the temperature rises to 80 degrees. Further drying in the oven gas stove takes about 20 hours. If the fruits are cut large or dried whole, then up to 25.

Every half an hour the drying process requires control.

During the drying process, the weight of the product is significantly reduced. The disadvantage of this method is that some of the nutrients in pears are destroyed during heat treatment.

in the microwave

This method is the fastest of all. In this case, a portion of fruit is dried within 5-6 minutes, however, if the process is not controlled, the batch can be very easily overdried.

For such drying, you need to take flat dishes suitable for microwave ovens, arrange the pears in one layer and place in the microwave.

In order to properly dry the fruits, a power of 200-250 W is set, and the oven is turned on for two and a half minutes. Then you should check the condition of the pears. They should spring back slightly when pressed.

If necessary, fruits can be dried, but no more than 2-2.5 minutes.

In an electric dryer

This device is designed for drying fruits and vegetables. It is assembled according to the instructions, prepared pieces of pears are placed in it. They are dried at a temperature of 70 degrees.

IN electric dryer processing lasts from 15 to 19 hours. From time to time, slices of pears should be turned over for even drying.

Properly dried pears do not crumble, have a pleasant light brown color. They are elastic to the touch.

Air drying

This method is quite laborious, but it saves all useful material in pears. You can dry fruits naturally, without laying them out, but piercing them with a needle and thread and hanging them to dry.

First you need to choose the right place for the upcoming drying. It must meet the following requirements:

  • there should be no wind, as well as dust;
  • insects (mosquitoes, flies, midges) should not have access to the slices;
  • you should cover the threads with pears with gauze.

After such drying for 3-4 days, the fruits are removed from the threads and put into dry jars or containers for storage.

You should make sure that they are dried sufficiently, and only then place them in a dry dish for storage. It is important to make sure that no piece is moldy, otherwise the entire batch will be spoiled in storage.

In the drying cabinet

Such devices are also designed for drying fruits, fish, meat, mushrooms. Unlike an electric dryer, here you can put large quantity fruits for processing, since several baking sheets are placed in it.

The drying process occurs due to the circulation of hot air in the cabinet. Baking trays with prepared fruit load the cabinet, close it and set the temperature to 70 degrees.

During drying in the cabinet, you can also periodically open it and turn the slices over. This procedure takes 12-15 hours.

Drying cabinets can be used not only in industrial scale, but also if there are a large number of fruits of fruit trees.

In the sun

The place for this method of drying should be adequately lit. Insects should not land on fruits.

Pears are dried in one layer on flat dish or contrary. Drying is carried out during the day in the sun, in the evening they are covered with gauze and removed into the room. Thus, the fruits are processed for 3-4 days, then they are stored in glassware.

Dry fruit storage

So that the fruits do not become moldy and deteriorate, not only the drying rules, but also the storage conditions should be observed:

  1. Too much long storage makes the fruit hard and unsightly in appearance. Therefore, dried fruits should be used whenever possible and not stored for more than a year.
  2. Do not store drying near heating systems or various heaters.
  3. Stored product should be checked periodically to ensure that there is no mold.
  4. They should not be stored near the electric stove to avoid the appearance of condensate in the containers, which will later cause damage to the product.

Drying is best stored in glass jars with an airtight lid or in cloth bags.

Properly dried and preserved fruits will pleasantly surprise you with their taste and aroma in the cold season.
