
Pear jam for the winter - simple recipes for amber jam slices. What is useful pear jam? How to understand that pear jam is ready

Pear jam is one of the most delicious, beautiful and fragrant sweet preparations for the winter. A fragrant delicacy with slices glowing in the sun can conquer even the most sophisticated gourmet. The summer-autumn period is the time of ripening pears, so do not miss the opportunity to prepare a delicious dessert from these wonderful fruits.

The most useful dessert in the world should not be looked for in pastry shops, but prepared for the winter on your own. Pear jam will become an invaluable source of vitamins for you, save you from colds and diseases and make any tea party special.

In the preparation of this or that dish, certain recommendations should be followed so that the final product turns out to be as tasty as possible. So, for cooking jam, you should take those pear varieties that differ in density, such as lemon or duchesse. You can choose any other varieties, but so that the fruits are not overripe. The ideal option would be whole pears with an elastic skin of late autumn varieties. Before direct cooking, the fruits should be washed, freed from the core and stalk, cut into cubes or slices, removing spoiled places.

The next important point on how to make pear jam is the right dishes. Sweetness is best cooked in a copper or aluminum bowl. In such an inventory, the mixture will not burn, it will not stick to the bottom. It is better to interfere with a wooden spatula, and remove the foam into a plate. Sterilization of jars is the main condition for long-term storage of blanks for the winter.

There are several secrets on how to make pear jam tasty and fragrant:

  • The delicacy can be diversified by the addition of various ingredients, such as lemon, orange, apple, banana, mint, almonds or spices.
  • It is better to harvest for cooking on a sunny day, only in this case the fruit is able to reveal its aroma well.
  • Pear jam burns strongly, so the whole process should be controlled.
  • For easy removal of the peel from the pear, you need to scald it with boiling water, then immediately lower it into cold water.
  • It is advisable to cut off an excessively tight peel so that the delicacy does not turn out to be too rough.
  • Whole slices can only be obtained under the condition of three-stage cooking, each of which is carried out for twenty minutes.

How to choose and prepare pears for jam

In order for the jam to turn out beautiful in appearance and tasty, they must be sorted out before cooking. by the most the best fruits are those that have already ripened, but have not yet had time to overripe. The variety of pears, as well as their size, can be any. But still, it is best to choose juicy fruits that have a sweet aroma, then less sugar will be required to make jam. If the hostess has a desire to give the jam some special taste or smell, then you can add other fruits to it. It can be lemon or citric acid, almonds, orange and other products.

But every time recipe with these ingredients will change, so you should be careful with experiments. If you add a little citric acid to the jam, then the pear jam will no longer be sugared and will have a sour taste. Before you start cooking, you must perform the following steps:

How much you need to cook such jam will depend on the variety and on the ripeness of the fruit, but most often it is about 1-1.5 hours. It’s better to cook a delicious treat in two stages, achieving complete cooling in between.

What utensils do you need to cook a pear dessert? How will the jam taste? even dishes can affect in which it is cooked. The best is aluminum or copper utensils, it is desirable that they be wide. This will allow the jam not to burn or stick to the walls, and retain the natural honey flavor. Still, it is better to store jam in jars, which must be washed well, scalded with boiling water, or sterilized well.

Usually when cooking any jam foam appears on its surface, which is removed with a special wooden spatula or spoon. It is necessary to close the already spilled jam in jars with tight lids. It is better to store it in a dark and cool place, since pear jam tends to change color and ferment.

A simple recipe for pear jam for the winter

There are many cooking recipes for making pear jam:

  1. Classic.
  2. Slices.
  3. Transparent.
  4. Amber.
  5. Five minutes.
  6. Whole.
  7. With lemon.
  8. Other.

But still always follow cooking instructions each recipe, maintain proportions, which will help achieve the desired result. Many housewives want to know how pear jam is prepared for the winter with a simple recipe. To cook it, you will need the following products:

The fruits are pre-sorted, peeled and cut into slices. They put in one bowl, in which they will cook, and in another saucepan it is worth preparing syrup: pour sugar with water and put on moderate heat. The foam is constantly removed from it, and it will be ready only when the sugar is completely dissolved. It remains to pour the fruit with this syrup and bring it to a boil again, and then pour it into jars. Appetizing jam is ready!

Quick pear jam Five-minute - lick your fingers

This versatile fruit is suitable for any method of preparation, with its help you can conduct all kinds of culinary experiments. If you think that pear jam with slices should be made by cooking for many hours, then you are mistaken. A delicious delicacy can be prepared in just five minutes, and it is not necessary to remove the skin from the fruit.

Piquant pear jam can easily be used as a liquid sauce for a meat dish.

Five Minute Ingredients:

  • pear tree fruits - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 0.5 tbsp.

Marmalade delicacy is made like this:

We process the fruits of the pear tree, cut into very thin slices. We cook the syrup separately: dissolve the sugar in water, remove the foam that forms on top during cooking. Put the pear slices into the prepared sweet mixture and cook until the consistency becomes transparent. Pour marmalade jam into jars prepared in advance, roll up.

Amber jam from hard pears with slices - recipe with photo

Pear jam, rolled up for the winter according to this recipe with a photo, turns out to be very attractive in appearance. Due to triple boiling, the syrup acquires an amber color and a pleasant density, and dense slices are qualitatively saturated with sugar and become like candied fruits. The step-by-step instructions describe in detail the process of creating homemade treats, and the video clearly describes each action and helps to master the method of preparing jam from hard pears with slices, even for novice housewives.

Essential Ingredients for Amber Pear Jam Recipe

  • pears - 1.5 kg
  • sugar - 1.5 kg
  • water - 400 ml

Step-by-step instructions on how to cook amber jam from slices of hard pears

  1. Wash the pears thoroughly, dry them, remove the stalk, divide into halves, remove the seed box, and cut the pieces into neat slices of the same size.
  2. Pour the sugar into a deep saucepan, cover with water and lightly froth with a whisk to quickly disperse. Put on moderate heat and, stirring regularly to avoid burning, cook until the crystals are completely dissolved.
  3. When the syrup becomes transparent and homogeneous, pour it over the pear slices and mix very gently so that the liquid envelops the pieces of fruit. Cool to room temperature.
  4. Then return the container with the chilled semi-finished product to the stove, bring to a boil and boil for 5-6 minutes.
  5. Cool again, and then repeat the boiling again.
  6. Cook the jam boiled for the third time from 10 to 45 minutes (depending on the desired density). Pack hot in sterilized jars, close tightly with lids, turn over and, covered with a bath towel, leave to cool for a day. Then take it to a barn or cellar.

clear pear jam recipe

For the preparation of transparent jam, no special products are required. Clear pear jam store in any cool place, even on a shelf in a kitchen cabinet or pantry. The main storage condition is that there are no temperature fluctuations. In terms of taste, this jam is the most fragrant and delicious. It can also be served as an independent dessert, which has the most beautiful look and taste, so it is perfect for tea or coffee.

To prepare a transparent jam from pear slices, it is necessary to prepare the following products in advance:

This amount of food is just enough to make 2 liters of jam. To start pears are good washed under running water, make sure that all the fruits are firm and not overripe. Pears are cut into slices and put in a pan. That's where the sugar comes in. In order for the pears to release juice, you need to leave the pear mass for several hours at room temperature. Put the saucepan with the infused mass on the fire and bring to a boil.

As soon as the jam boils, the fire should be reduced and so it is still boiled for 10 minutes. Then turned off and left overnight so that the mass cools down well. In the morning, again, the jam is boiled, as in the previous time, and now it is left for the whole day until the evening. In the evening, boil again and leave to cool overnight. Each time the slices will change their color, becoming darker. In the morning, cook the mass over low heat for 50 minutes. So the mass will become thicker, and the slices will become transparent. It remains only to pour into banks and roll up.

Simple recipes on how to cook thick and sweet pear jam at home

In order for pear jam to have a dense, thick consistency, it must be cooked without water. Enhanced sweetness will give the delicacy sugar, which, according to the recipe, must be taken 1/3 more than fruit.

Necessary ingredients for making thick pear jam at home

  • pears - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1.3 kg

Step-by-step instructions for a simple recipe for making thick pear jam

  1. Ripe, but firm, not spoiled, wash, dry, peel, remove the core with seeds, and cut the pulp into pieces of any convenient shape.
  2. Fold the processed fruits into a cooking basin, sprinkling each layer with a portion of sugar and leave for 8-10 hours so that the mass releases the juice.
  3. Then put the container on the fire, bring to a boil and boil for 35-30 minutes, be sure to remove the foam that forms on the surface.
  4. Remove the basin from the heating and leave overnight to cool well.
  5. In the morning, boil the jam again for 35-40 minutes, pour it into jars while hot, tighten it with tin lids, turn it over and wrap it with a thick warm cloth.
  6. After a day, store in a pantry or any other dry, dark and cool place.

How to cook pear jam with lemon and orange - a recipe with a photo for a slow cooker

A detailed recipe with a photo will tell you how to make an original and unusual pear jam with lemon and orange in a slow cooker at home. For cooking, you will need fruits of the sweetest variety with dense, elastic pulp. If you take too soft pears, they will become sour during processing and lose their shape. The presence of citrus fruits in the composition will give the taste a piquant sourness and saturate the dish with a bright, refined and memorable aroma.

Essential Ingredients for Pear Jam with Oranges and Lemons

  • pears - 1 kg
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • orange - 1 pc.
  • sugar - 1.5 kg
  • water - 150 ml

Step-by-step instructions on how to cook jam with pears, orange and lemon in a slow cooker

  1. Wash fruits and citrus fruits thoroughly in running water and dry on a paper towel. Peel the pears, remove the stalk and seeds, and chop the pulp into medium-sized slices or cubes, if the fruits are dense and slightly unripe.
  2. Cut the lemon and orange together with the skin into small pieces. Remove pits from processed citrus fruits.
  3. Pour water into the multicooker bowl, pour half of the entire portion of sugar, set the “Extinguishing” program on the display of the unit, without covering it with a lid, bring to a boil. Cook until sugar granules are completely dissolved in water.
  4. When the syrup acquires a light density and becomes homogeneous, add the crushed pear and cook without changing the settings for 10 minutes.
  5. Then turn off household appliances and cool the semi-finished product to room temperature. This usually takes 3 to 4 hours.
  6. After the required time has passed, activate the “Extinguishing” mode again and bring the pears soaked in syrup to a boil.
  7. Pour the remaining sugar, add finely chopped lemon, orange and cook for another 1 hour, stirring the jam regularly so as not to stick to the bottom.
  8. Pack the finished sweet product hot in sterilized jars, roll it up under tin lids, turn it over, wrap it in a warm blanket and cool it well. For storage, store in a cellar or basement, avoiding direct sunlight on the banks.

Autumn time is the time of ripening fragrant pear in gardens and orchards. And many hostesses prepare this wonderful fruit in the form of jam for the future. There are a lot of options for preparing a sweet dessert. It is boiled in slices, pieces with the addition of spices or spices.And to get a rich and original taste, pears are combined with apples, lemon or plums.

We offer to prepare pear jam for the winter according to simple recipes.

Selection and preparation of pears for jam

  1. You can cook pear jam from any summer or autumn varieties. The main thing is that the fruits are ripe, firm, juicy, but not overripe. Too soft pears boil soft and turn into puree.
  2. Do not use broken and spoiled fruits for jam, they can ruin the entire workpiece.
  3. Before cooking, the pears are thoroughly washed and peeled using a vegetable cutter or a regular knife. If the pear variety has a thin skin, then it is not necessary to peel it.
  4. A special device called a noisette will help you quickly remove the seed box. If there is no such device, then use a teaspoon or measuring spoon. To do this, cut the pear into two halves and cut out the seeds. The base of the pear and the area with the stalk are cut out with a knife in the form of a V - shaped incision.
  5. You can cut pears into jam into slices, pieces, halves. If the pear is small, then it is boiled whole. But before cooking, be sure to pierce the pear on all sides with a toothpick or fork so that the fruit does not burst and is quickly saturated with sugar syrup.
  6. So that the pear slices do not darken before cooking, they are dipped in water acidified with lemon juice or citric acid.

Pear jam slices

Fragrant and tasty jam for the winter can be made from juicy pears of autumn varieties. The recipe uses repeated cooking, thanks to which the dessert is of good quality. And pear slices look transparent and appetizing.


  • Pear, cut into slices - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 900 gr.

If the pear belongs to the sweet varieties, then the amount of sugar can be slightly reduced so that the jam does not turn out cloying. And, conversely, when cooking jam from pears of sour varieties, sugar must be added based on 1 kg of fruit - 1.2 kg of sugar.


  1. Sort the pears and wash under cool running water. Crumpled and soft pears are not suitable for this jam. It is better to use them for marmalade or jam.
  2. Cut pears into slices. To do this, cut each fruit in half. Then cut each half into two more pieces. Carefully remove the tail and seed box. Cut the peeled pear quarters into 2-3 slices (depending on the size of the pear).
  3. Weigh the pear slices on the scales. We need 1 kilogram.
  4. Put them in a cooking container, add sugar and leave to infuse for 1.5-2 hours to extract juice.
  5. After the container with the fruit mass, put on the stove and bring to a boil over high heat. Then boil the jam over low heat for seven minutes and remove to cool.
  6. Repeat the same process two more times.

Spread the completely cooled jam in clean and dry jars, tighten the lids, and put away for storage.

A simple recipe for pear jam for the winter

Pear jam - a simple recipe

During the period of abundance of pears, it's time to make a simple but very tender jam from them in pieces. Such a dessert can not only be served with tea, but also added to pastries. And lemon juice gives the jam a rich, pleasant and original taste.


  • Peeled pear -1 kg
  • Sugar - 1 kg
  • Water -200 gr
  • Juice of one lemon


  1. Wash the pears, peel, remove the core with seeds and cut into small pieces.
  2. Prepare syrup from sugar and water. To do this, pour water into the pan, boil, add sugar and lemon juice. Cook until sugar is completely dissolved.
  3. Dip the chopped pears into the boiling syrup and remove the container from the stove to cool. During this time, the pears are well fed with syrup.
  4. Return the cooled fruit mass to the stove, bring to a boil and simmer for 20 minutes over low heat.
  5. Pour hot jam into sterile jars and roll up the lids.

Pear jam with cinnamon

You can diversify the taste of pear jam with the help of spices or spices. If you add a little cinnamon to a pear dessert, you will get an original and exquisite delicacy, from which it will be impossible to tear yourself away.

The jam is made from Severyanka pears.


  • Peeled pear slices - 500 gr
  • Sugar - 500 gr
  • Ground cinnamon - ½ tsp


  1. Sort the pears and rinse well with water.
  2. Then peel, remove the core and cut into slices.
  3. Put prepared pears in a container for cooking jam and cover with sugar.
  4. Lightly mix the fruit mass and leave for 1-2 hours until the juice is released. If the pears are not very juicy, increase the steeping time.
  5. When enough juice has collected in the container, put it on the stove and bring to a boil over high heat. Then remove the basin from the stove and leave to cool completely.
  6. Then return the fruit mass to the stove again, bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes over low heat, not forgetting to remove the foam.
  7. A couple of minutes before the end of cooking, add cinnamon and mix.
  8. Pack the finished jam cold in clean and dry jars.

Store dessert in a dark and cool place.

Pear and plum jam - step by step recipe

Plum and pear jam

The prepared plum and pear jam turns out to be very fragrant and pleasant to the taste. And thanks to the plum, the jam acquires a beautiful burgundy hue.

It is better to choose fruits that are dense and strong so that they do not boil during the cooking process. In this recipe, we used Krasulya pears, and Kabardinka plums. Also delicious jam - assorted is obtained from the "Severyanka" pear and "Prunes" plum variety.


  • Peeled pear -500 gr
  • Pitted plum - 500 gr
  • Sugar - 1 kg
  • Water -100 ml


  1. Sort pears and plums, wash thoroughly.
  2. Cut plums in half, remove pits. Then cut the halves into 2-4 slices.
  3. Pears cut into halves, remove the seed box and cut into slices.
  4. Prepare syrup. To do this, boil water in a container for cooking.
  5. Then add sugar.
  6. Cook until the crystals are completely dissolved.
  7. Put the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bpears into the hot syrup and bring to a boil.
  8. Then remove the container from the stove and add plum slices. Gently mix the fruit mass andleave to cool for 5-6 hours. During this time, plums and pears are well saturated with syrup and will not be boiled in the future.
  9. After complete cooling, put the container on the fire, bring to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes over low heat. If foam forms, do not forget to remove it with a slotted spoon.
  10. Cool the finished jam completely and arrange in sterilized jars. Close the lids and put away for storage.

Pear and apple jam

Truly "royal" jam is obtained from pears and apples. The fruits do not boil soft, when ready, they become transparent in a light fragrant syrup. In addition, fruits are perfectly combined not only in taste, but also in texture.


  • Garden pears - 500 gr.
  • Garden apples - 500 gr.
  • Sugar - 1 kg


For jam, it is best to take strong, not overripe apples and pears.

  1. Wash fruits thoroughly under running water.
  2. Cut the apples into slices, removing the core. Pour into a bowl and sprinkle half of the sugar on top. Shake the container so that the sugar settles evenly.
  3. Then cut the pears into slices, lay on top of the apples and cover with the remaining sugar. Shake the container again.
  4. Leave the fruit mass for 2-3 hours to extract the juice.
  5. After the appearance of juice, the contents are carefully transferred to a cooking dish and put on a quick fire, stirring slightly. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 5-7 minutes.
  6. Leave for 6-8 hours and cook again for a few minutes.
  7. Cook jam in 3-4 doses.

Pour the completely cooled jam into jars, tighten the lids and put away for storage.

By canning pears for the winter, you can preserve the taste and aroma of summer for the long winter months.

We wish you successful preparations and pleasant tea drinking!

Pear jam is a healthy sweet treat. Hostesses prepare desserts of various types: with whole fruits, slices, oranges, apples, nuts, lemons. The article describes how to prepare a sweet mass in a slow cooker and a “five-minute” recipe.

Before starting preparations for the winter, you need to find out more information on how to make pear jam, buy suitable varieties of ripe fruits and additional ingredients. Particular attention is paid to the correct sterilization of containers. Subject to the recommendations, thick fragrant pear jam is well worth the whole winter.

Preparing fruits and containers

Important nuances:

  • pears for jam should be ripe, but not beaten;
  • for some recipes (jam with whole pears) you will need fruits with dense pulp, not overripe;
  • rotted areas are removed. With a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bdamage, fruits are not used;
  • it is important to thoroughly wash each fruit, remove the stalks, cut into 4-6 frequent, get rid of the seeds. For thick jam and dessert in a slow cooker, fruit raw materials are cut into medium cubes or cubes;
  • in most recipes, the skin is retained, if desired, you can peel the fruit to make a thick pear jam. With this approach to preparation, the fruits are more actively boiled, the mass is more homogeneous;
  • chopped pears are combined with sweet syrup or covered with sugar according to the recipe. You can sprinkle the prepared fruits with lemon juice to preserve the pleasant color of the pulp.

The container is washed with soda, the remnants of the bulk product are thoroughly rinsed, the jars are calcined in the oven or steamed over the kettle. The presence of a microwave or double boiler greatly facilitates the sterilization process, eliminates the heat in the kitchen from bubbling water during. A large article is devoted to effective ways to combat microbes during the preparation of cans for seaming all types of preservation.


It is easy to prepare several varieties of pear jam. At one time, you can process a small portion of fruit (2-3 kg), add one of the fillers, try out a new recipe. With this approach, the hostess does not have noticeable fatigue during the preparation of the sweet mass. For the winter in the pantry there will be 10-15 containers with several varieties of pear dessert.

If the hostess does not want to make jam, then you can save the fruit for the winter using another proven method. Learn how to freeze pears in the freezer. Pieces of fruit are suitable for making compotes, as a filling for pies and casseroles. Thawed pears make a useful filler for oatmeal for breakfast. Frozen pears have an important advantage: unlike some types of berries and fruits, after thawing, the pieces do not turn into “porridge”, they retain a pleasant appearance and color of the pulp.

simple recipe

How to make pear jam for the winter:

  • prepare 1 kg of fruit, cut into slices;
  • from 2 glasses of water and sugar (250 g) boil the syrup, remove the foam;
  • add pears to the sweet liquid, cook over low heat until the fruits become soft and transparent;
  • average cooking time - 1.5 hours;
  • 15 minutes before the end of the process, add the grated zest from two lemons;
  • pour the finished jam into jars, immediately roll up, put away for storage in a cool place.

From pear slices

How to cook pear jam with slices:

  • it is important to choose a variety with dense fragrant pulp, for example, Bere Bosc;
  • 2 kg of fruit is enough for one serving;
  • after washing, removing the tails and core of the pear, carefully cut into 4 parts;
  • prepare syrup, as in the previous recipe, proportions: water - 350 ml, sugar - from 700 g to 1 kg;
  • after boiling, the syrup should be transparent;
  • put the prepared pears into a saucepan, pour over the hot sweet mass, put the container on the fire, boil, boil for 5 minutes, remove from the stove to cool;
  • repeat the operation again, set aside the fruit mass again;
  • the third cooking run lasts from 10 to 40 minutes, until the neat pieces are completely cooked.

On a note! Amber pear jam - this is often called a dessert with fruit slices. If the technology is followed, the sweet mass turns out to have a pleasant color and taste.

With whole pears

A wonderful dessert for family celebrations and evening tea drinking. Subject to technology, the fruits remain whole, dense, pleasant. The addition of citric acid prevents sugary taste, increases the preservation of pear dessert.

Whole Pear Jam Recipe:

  • prepare a syrup from 600 g of sugar and 250 ml of water;
  • prepare the pears, remove the tails, but do not cut. Be sure to make punctures in several places so that the skin does not burst during cooking;
  • put whole fruits in boiling syrup, make medium heat, boil for a quarter of an hour, turn off the stove, leave the container for 5-7 hours;
  • repeat the boiling of pears and syrup three to four more times. The more visits, the darker and thicker the finished dessert, the main thing: do not overdo it;
  • roll up jam in sterilized glass containers.

With lemon

Natural sour juice is added to many types of pear jam. Pleasant sourness prevents cloying, which many do not like.

The amount of lemon juice depends on the serving of pears. On average, for 1 kg of ripe fruits, it is enough to squeeze a natural product from an average citrus. When preparing jam from pears with lemon, some housewives replace lemon juice with orange juice, the dessert turns out to be no less refined, but without a slight sourness.

Lemon juice is added at the beginning or middle of cooking. Some recipes call for citrus zest. In this case, the grated peel from a lemon or orange is placed towards the end of cooking, a quarter of an hour before the boiling product is packaged in sterilized jars.



  • ideal jam for filling pies and other types of sweet pastries;
  • thick pear jam is obtained by passing fruit slices through a meat grinder or peeling chopped fruit, crushing to a state of cubes;
  • 1 kg of fruit will need the same amount of sugar;
  • add freshly squeezed juice of 1 lemon, a pack of pectin to the pear mass (optional, for density and jelly-like consistency);
  • boil thick jam over low heat until the fruit softens, stir often so that the natural dessert does not stick to the bottom;
  • be sure to remove the resulting foam;
  • package the finished product, as usual, in sterilized jars.

With the addition of apples

How to cook jam from pears and apples:

  • for a thick jam resembling mashed potatoes, be sure to peel the fruit, remove the peel. For jam, it is enough to cut the fruits into slices, prepare according to the standard procedure;
  • in a saucepan, combine 1 kg of ripe, chopped pears and apples, pour in the juice of 1 medium lemon, add 700-750 g of sugar, a bag of vanillin, a little cinnamon (on the tip of a knife);
  • pour the fruit mass with a sugar mixture, wait until the fruit slices or pieces (without skin) release juice;
  • boil the mass in three passes, each for half an hour, with frequent stirring;
  • do not digest thick jam: a rich brownish-brick shade is a signal for the end of the process.

On the page, read about how to clean crystal to make it shine and how to remove dirt.

In a slow cooker

Simple Recipe:

  • prepare the pears, cut into small cubes;
  • transfer the fruits (1 kg) into the multicooker bowl, add sugar - 700-800 g, mix. For further cooking, turn on the "Extinguishing, jelly" mode for 1 hour. After processing, the fruits will become soft, juice will appear;
  • after the specified time, open the lid, leave the mass until completely cooled;
  • boil pear jam in three steps;
  • for the second time, add the juice squeezed from a large lemon, mix;
  • the second and third runs set the time to 15 minutes plus the “Steaming” mode;
  • the appearance and condition of the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bfruits gradually changes, a pleasant shade of caramel appears;
  • thick jam is laid out in jars sterilized in a slow cooker or oven, rolled up for storage for the winter.

Five Minute

Recipe for making delicious pear jam in a slow cooker:

  • sort out the fruits, reject units with a wormhole and rotten areas;
  • pears should be ripe, but not very soft;
  • remove unnecessary parts, cut into slices about 2 cm thick;
  • for one serving, take 1 kg of fruit, 300 g of sugar, 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice, the same amount of honey, a bag of vanillin;
  • combine all components with chopped fruits, after 7 hours start cooking, after mixing the fruits with the released juice and dissolved components;
  • boil the pear mass over low heat, boil for no more than five to seven minutes while stirring;
  • pour the boiling fruit mass into jars, immediately cork.

Pear dessert for the winter is an ideal option for homemade preparations for tea drinking and as a filling for muffins, baked and fried pies. Transparent pear jam for a gala dinner is obtained by boiling the slices over low heat with the addition of lemon juice. Thick jam is easy to prepare from crushed fruit mass with a lot of sugar. Whole pears in sweet syrup always delight the guests at the table. Experiment, use our recipes, share your tips! Good luck preparing!

Step-by-step video - recipe for fragrant pear jam with amber caramel slices:

The first experience is not lumpy!..

Lived, damn it ... I cook jam ...
No, well, in fact, everything is of good will and desire, and, perhaps, of some kind of necessity. At work, they rolled 5 kilograms of pears. My favorites are "Severyanka". For those who know this variety - explanations are superfluous. For those who live on the other ends of our vast planet - This is perhaps the most delicious variety of pears in the world: very sweet, medium hard and a little "grainy". In general, what, in my opinion, pears should be!

The paradox is that they brought me pears just when I bought a small bucket of them a couple of days before and cracked them heartily. By the way, a chic appetizer for cognac, for example ...

Therefore, a strong-willed decision was made - you need to expand your horizons and cook the same jam! I myself don’t really like it (only blackcurrant), but fruit drinks with any jam are a lot! And if I don’t eat it myself, I’ll give it away to friends who are greedy for sweets and freebies. In short, it won't go away...

I’ll tell you about another reason later, but for now we take:

Five kilograms of Severyanka pears and four kilograms of sugar. Why, ask not 1 to 1? So cut the pears and separate the excess ...
In general, before starting cooking, I listened and read about 4-5 recipes for pear jam, including quite original, interesting ones, passed down from generation to generation. But, and I do not regret, I brought out my recipe. Maybe someone is already doing this - then he is a great fellow!

Pears cut in half, remove the core and divide into 2 more parts. That is, a whole pear is divided into 4 parts (large ones into 5-7):

Meanwhile, in a suitable large container (I have a great and irreplaceable cauldron) we make syrup. Since I like thinner jam so that I can make fruit drinks, I pour 0.5 water into the cauldron. (Theoretically, 100 ml is enough.) I heat it up a little and add the first kilogram of sugar:

Carefully and carefully try to dissolve the sugar. This, I say right away, will not work for you ... - therefore, as soon as it turns into a mass homogeneous with water - we fall asleep the second kilogram. And then, using the same technology, we dissolve all 4 kilograms. In parallel, all this heats up and the sugar gradually dissolves. We get such a hot (not boiling!) Syrup:

And then safely pour our 4 kilograms of chopped pears there and mix:

We need the jam to boil 3 times. That is…
We bring it to a boil for the first time (do not forget to stir and, if it does, remove the foam) and turn it off! After the first boil, the syrup will become completely transparent, and the pears will look like this:

Ask why I did not clean the skin? Haaa...
Well, firstly, I love her very much with these pears, and secondly, I wanted to preserve the integrity of the slices so that they would not eventually turn into porridge (scientifically - “jam” :))
After almost complete cooling, we perform a similar procedure with pears - again bring to a boil. The interval, by the way, between boils can be quite large. (For example, between the second and third, I generally went to the recreation center for a day ... hehe.)
In general, I mean that you don’t need to vegetate over the vat and conjure so that it boils faster
After the second boil, add some fresh pears. This is for the beauty of the final jam. "Late" pears will be a different color and contrast with the rest of the jam.

Well, then everything is simple! Bring to the third boil and wait a little while it lasts ...
From wrote that, literate ... :) In short, the third boil should be the longest - about 8-10 minutes. At this time, I added a little (third to a quarter teaspoon) of cinnamon! Tram-pam-pam!!! Mix thoroughly and turn off - the jam is ready!

Not difficult, right?
That's what I thought about even at the stage of laying pears in the trunk of a car, so this is to make "chili-pear sauce"! I can just imagine how drop dead it will be ... And it is much more convenient to make it from jam.

In the meantime, we lay out the jam in jars and, with a satisfied face, breed ourselves a large mug of icy pear juice ...

P.S.: Special thanks to the former residents of Rostov-on-Don for the “triple boiling” technology!

And let me take a bow for this ...
Your Polkovneg.

Cooking amber pear jam with slices floating in a transparent syrup is the height of perfection. But if you follow some of the nuances of cooking and choosing the right recipe, it is quite doable. A beautiful dessert has been brewed in my family for many years. Since those ancient times, when recipes were collected from acquaintances and girlfriends and, by trial and error, the best were selected.

Gradually, the piggy bank of my recipes was replenished with other wonderful recipes. I cook a delicacy with oranges, lemon, grapefruits. I add lingonberries, plums, apples. And every time it turns out a real masterpiece.

How to cook pear jam with slices - a simple recipe (step by step)

Real amber jam can not be cooked from any pear. Select fruits that are firm or slightly unripe. Use overripe pears for jam or jam.


  • Pears, already peeled from the middle - 1 kg.
  • Water - 200 ml.
  • Sugar - 1 kg.

Step by step cooking recipe:

  1. Cut the fruit in half, remove the seed part. Cut into large pieces. Small specimens are sometimes enough to leave halves. However, decide for yourself, I personally like to make thin slices. Remove the peel or leave also decide on your own.

2. Make syrup by boiling water with sugar. Stir until the sweetness is completely dissolved.

3. Put the pieces of pears in a saucepan with syrup. Stir and leave for half an hour, an hour. During this time, the slices will be saturated with syrup, their further integrity depends on it.

4. When the syrup has cooled completely, send the workpiece to boil. Boil on low fire power. Boil five minutes.

5. Remove from the stove, cool, the pieces of fruit will again be saturated with syrup. Then boil again after boiling for 5 minutes, and again let cool.

6. We cook jam in three approaches. Last time, cook a little more - 15-20 minutes in time. Take your time, cook slowly. Gradually notice that the dessert boils down, becomes thicker and becomes a transparent amber color.

7. The delicacy is laid out in sterilized jars. Be sure to leave it for testing, wait until winter for a long time.

Whole pear clear jam

Whole pears boiled with jam, with tails, can be served with ice cream, decorate any dessert and pastries. A wild game is better, or small fruits of any variety, but not soft. Cooked directly with the skin. Pears floating in syrup will not leave anyone indifferent, you can safely serve to guests and show off your skills.

You will need:

  • Fruit - 1 kg.
  • Water is a glass.
  • Granulated sugar - 1 kg.

Cooking dessert from whole pears:

  1. If you cook wild game, or pears are very hard, prick the fruit with a needle in several places.
  2. There are two ways to prepare fruit for cooking. You can cover the washed fruits with sugar, leave for several hours so that they give juice.
  3. The second way is faster. Make syrup from water and sugar.
  4. Throw pears in it. Let cool.
  5. Put on fire. Boil for 10-15 minutes. cool again.
  6. Make the brew in 3 doses. In the last cooking, let the delicacy boil strongly and immediately pour into jars. The syrup will turn out transparent, whole pears will float beautifully in it.

Video recipe for pear jam for the winter with lemon

Thick pear jam with milk - a recipe for the winter

Pear condensed milk is called jam cooked for the winter according to this recipe. For many, the dessert is surprising. It turns out thick, we go by consistency with condensed milk.

  • Pears - 17 pcs.
  • Sugar - 6 cups.
  • Milk - 5 glasses.
  • Baking soda - a small spoon.


  1. Peel the fruit from the peel, remove the middle part.
  2. Grind with a blender into a puree. Add soda with sugar to the mass. Stir.
  3. Pour in the milk. Mix well again, spreading the pear puree over the mass.
  4. Insist 2 hours. Then bring to a boil.
  5. Cook on the lowest heat for 8 hours. Do not forget to stir the jam, otherwise it will become too thick and burn.
  6. When you see that the volume of mashed potatoes has decreased by about 4 times, remove from the stove and fill the jars.

Pear jam with orange slices

An exquisite delicacy with chocolate and citrus fruits. It's impossible to explain the taste! Something magical, believe me. According to this recipe, you can cook pear jam with grapefruits.


  • Fruits - kilogram.
  • Oranges - a couple of pieces.
  • Bitter chocolate - 100 gr.
  • Sugar - kilogram.

Step by step preparation:

  1. Divide the washed fruit in half. Cut out the core. Without removing the peel, cut into slices.
  2. Soak oranges in cold water for 5 minutes. This will allow you to get more juice out of it.
  3. Remove the zest, cut into pieces. Squeeze out the juice from the pulp.
  4. Put pear slices, zest into the cooking container, pour in the juice. Sprinkle with sugar.
  5. Mix and send to cook.
  6. After boiling, throw the chocolate broken into pieces.
  7. Stir to let the sweetness dissolve. Remove from the burner immediately.
  8. Refrigerate dessert. Put it back on the boil. After boiling, cook for a quarter of an hour. Pour the hot delicacy into jars, twist.

Jam from apples and pears for the winter with nuts, lemons

Homemade pear and apple jam cooked for the winter is delicious, but boring. Cooking it is easy and simple. The addition of walnuts turns the workpiece into an exquisite delicacy.

  • Apples, pears - 500 gr.
  • Sugar - kilogram.
  • Walnut kernels - 200 gr.
  • Lemon - ½ part.
  • Vanillin - a pinch.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the fruit, remove the middle with seeds, cut into slices. We will not remove the peel, then after hot processing they will remain intact, and the jam will become amber in color.
  2. Prick the slices with a toothpick. Put in a cooking pot, add nuts to them. Sprinkle layers of ingredients with sugar.
  3. Shake the pelvis several times, leave to infuse for 5 hours. Fruit pieces will release juice and absorb sweetness.
  4. Let the dessert come to a boil over moderate heat. After signs appear, reduce the intensity of the fire.
  5. Cook for a quarter of an hour. Set aside. Take a break for 8-12 hours.
  6. Repeat this manipulation a couple more times. At the end of the third boil, add vanillin with lemon juice. After a strong boil, remove from the stove, pack and twist.

Video: amber pear jam with lemon

Video recipe for a delicious dessert with pears prepared for the winter. Have a nice winter evening tea.
