
How to store dried pears at home. Dried pear: all possible options

Preparing food for the winter is a necessary step in preparing for the cold season for every housewife. This topic is especially relevant for those who have their own garden. Some products are frozen, others are canned, others are made into jam or compote, and others are dried. And in order for the harvest to please all winter, you need to responsibly approach the process of harvesting products. How to properly dry pears will be discussed below.

There are a few simple rules, following which you will get a delicious result.

  • For drying, summer varieties of pears are best suited. Late fruits, as well as fruits with an astringent taste, should not be dried.
  • Choose whole, slightly underripe fruits. They should be firm, elastic and not too juicy.
  • Suitable for small or medium size fruits. It is desirable that there be as few seeds as possible.
  • Do not try to dry overripe, rotten, wormy pears.
  • If the fruit meets all the requirements, but has minor damage, simply remove them in preparation for drying.

Preparing fruit for drying

To begin, select unripe fruits and rinse them with water. Dry the washed fruits, remove the stalk and “tail”. Dip the pears in boiling water and boil them for about 10 minutes. If you want to sweeten it up a bit, add some sugar.

After the specified time has elapsed, drain the water and cool the fruit. At this stage, they move over again: the spoiled places need to be cut out, and the fruits unsuitable for drying should be completely removed. Next, cut the pears: small fruits into 2 or 4 parts, large ones - into pieces on average 1-1.5 centimeters. Take out the seeds.

However, this procedure is not suitable for all types of pears. If you decide to dry the wilds, then the fruits must first be collected from the ground and allowed to lie down until the skin darkens. After that, they also need to be washed and cut into slices. The blanching and seed removal step is skipped. Many people prefer to dry whole fruits.

Ways to dry pears at home

There are different options for drying pears. When making a choice in favor of one of them, be based on such factors as home conditions (for example, drying fruits on the street is not suitable for everyone), the presence of kitchen devices and the simplicity of the process for you personally.

In the oven

This method is suitable for almost everyone, since few of the housewives do not have an oven. Lay the prepared fruit in a single layer on a parchment-lined baking sheet. You need to start drying the fruits at a temperature not higher than 60 degrees. After 2 hours of such languor, increase the heat of the oven to 80 degrees, and when the pieces decrease in size, reduce to 55 degrees and simmer until done. This is easily checked: if the pears do not release juice when pressed, then they are ready.

Do not forget to periodically change the position of the fruit, turn them over so that the drying is more even. In time, the process will take 12-15 hours if you have chopped fruits, and up to a day if you dry whole pears.

There are no special requirements for the technical characteristics of the oven: both electric and gas stoves are suitable. The main thing is to regulate the temperature. It is better to place the baking sheet on the middle level. The downside of this drying method is the loss of some of the vitamins during the cooking process.

in the microwave

This is perhaps the fastest way to dry pears. But you need to carefully control everything in order to do it right. In the microwave, there is a big chance to get charcoal instead of dried fruit.

Put the prepared fruits on a flat dish covered with parchment. As in the previous case, lay them out in one layer. Set the microwave to 200 watts and dry the pears for 2.5 minutes. If time is short, continue the process, checking for doneness every 30 seconds.

Thus, one serving is done no more than 5 minutes. Do not leave the process of preparing dried fruits unsupervised so that spoiled fruits do not have to be thrown away.

In an electric dryer

Arrange the fruit in a single layer on pallets so that there is a small distance between the pieces. Set the temperature of the device to 70 degrees.

Swap trays periodically to ensure even drying of fruits.

On average, the process of cooking pears using an electric dryer will take 12 hours. The exact time depends on the specific model and whether you dry the whole fruit or not, as well as the size of the pieces (if the pears are cut). It is not necessary to turn the fruits themselves with this method of preparation.

Air drying

If space and time allow, then you can dry the pears in the air. This process is long, but this is how the maximum amount of vitamins will be preserved in fruits. You will need a dense thread (ideally nylon). Just pass it through the pieces of fruit and hang it in a convenient place, like a garland.

Make sure that the fruits do not touch each other.

The room where the pears will be dried in this way must be dry and ventilated. Well, if the sun's rays get there. The term for turning into dried fruits in the air is at least a week. The exact time depends on the thickness of the slices - the thicker, the longer. When the pears change color slightly and spring back when pressed, you can remove them.

In the drying cabinet

This drying method is practically no different from drying pears in an electric dryer. True, you do not need to turn the fruits over, do something with them until they are completely dry. Unlike an electric dryer, where the air is supplied mainly from below, in the drying cabinet its flow is vertical, which allows you to evenly dry all pallets.

The drying time of the fruit depends on the size of the fruit, generally it takes 10 to 15 hours.

In the sun

Owners of a private house can dry pears in a natural way. Put the prepared fruit on a tray and put it in a place where the sun's rays fall for as long as possible throughout the day. At night, cover the fruit with any thin cloth and, if possible, bring it into the room. Some housewives cover fruits with gauze during the day to protect them from dirt and insects. During the day, be sure to turn the pieces over.

When you notice that the pears have dried out, take them to a dry, well-ventilated area and continue drying there for a few more days. On average, this may take another 3 days.

Dry fruit storage

It is not enough just to dry the fruit, you also need to store them properly. For this, a dry, dark room is best suited. Place dried fruits in bags made of natural fabric or in a glass jar, be sure to close it with an airtight lid. The shelf life should not exceed 1 year. Do not store dried fruits near heaters or radiators - this may ruin them. And be sure to periodically check the pieces for mold, midges and other troubles.

Fresh pears can not only be frozen or canned, but also dried. This process is quite lengthy, but not difficult. For drying, the oven and the sun's rays are used.


    2,000 grams


Choose small, ripe pears with no holes or other surface damage. You will need any baking sheet for the oven, parchment paper.

Rinse the pears well with cool water. Cut the sticks that are too long with scissors in half.

Dry fruit on paper towels.

I have a baking sheet with high walls - then the fruits do not roll. First lay a sheet of parchment, and then lay out the pears in one layer. Fruits should be placed close to each other.

Preheat the oven to a temperature of + 90-100 °C. Place the baking sheet with the pears on the topmost shelf. Bake the fruits for approximately 1.5 hours. After that, turn off the oven - leave the pears in it until completely cooled.

Perform this procedure 1-2 times a day. As a result of this, the pears will decrease in size and dry out. They can be taken out in the scorching sun during the day, and warmed up in the oven in the evening.

They will be ready in about 7 days - it all depends on the duration and frequency of heating. The surface of the pears should be dry with no signs of pulp inside.

Wash the glass jar for storing dried fruits in advance - dry it. Fill a bowl well with dried pears. However, they must be at room temperature. Don't put hot pears in a jar.

Close the capron lid - store the container in a cool room.

  • Pears should not be allowed to burn. They should be evenly baked and steamed. Keep an eye on the fire, if necessary, then reduce it.
  • Rinse dried pears with warm water before use. Then cook fragrant sweet compote.
  • Pour boiling water over dried fruits for 5-7 minutes. Then pass through a meat grinder - use as a filling for pies.
  • If suddenly the workpiece is damp in winter, then dry the dried fruits in the oven. Place the cooled fruits back in a glass container.

Bon appetit!

But, despite their rich taste and the presence of a large number of vitamins and minerals, their somewhat problematic dry at home.

"Homemade" dried fruits are most often made from pears, the preparation of which at home is not difficult, both for an experienced and for a novice hostess. About drying pears in the oven and will be discussed in this article.

general information

Is it possible to dry pears in the oven? Before moving on to ground rules drying pears in the oven, you need to find out the following: are pears generally susceptible to drying in a gas and electric stove?

Of course, pears can be dried in the oven, both in gas and electric stoves. The method of preparing dried fruits in this way will take much less time than. The only thing to consider some features drying pears in the oven, which will be discussed below.

Of course, in our time, when the modern world is replenished daily with more and more new technological innovations, the evolution of household appliances also does not stand still.

Over the past twenty years, kitchen appliances have been replenished with such novelties as: air grill, sandwich maker, waffle maker, yogurt maker, slow cooker, double boiler, pressure cooker, toaster, electric dryer for vegetables and fruits, and much more. On our website, you can familiarize yourself with the.

Naturally, along with this, such a traditional way of drying fruits as drying in the oven somewhat outdated. Every modern housewife strives to have in her kitchen more and more new kitchen appliances, which significantly facilitates and saves time when cooking.

Therefore, more and more housewives are turning to a more modern way, like. But since not everyone can afford to buy all these fairly inexpensive items small household kitchen appliances, then you have to be content with the method, well-established for centuries, of drying pears in the stove oven.

Basic Rules

How to dry pears in the oven? First of all, you should pay attention to the pears that you plan to dry later.

For a successful drying procedure, fruits should be selected with hard pulp without pronounced sour taste A. Of course, the fruits must be well ripened and sweet.

For the drying procedure, it is best to select such varieties of pears as: "Forest Beauty", "Clapp's Favorite", "Limonka", "Zaporozhskaya" and "Victoria".

Spread pears on a baking sheet should only be on a pre-bedded parchment paper. This is necessary so that the juice flowing from the pears languishing in the oven does not drain and does not come into contact with the material of the baking sheet.

Pears can be both peeled and left “in clothes”. It only depends on purely individual taste qualities. If you come across hard pears, you must first throw them into boiling water and boil for 5 minutes. This is very important so as not to spoil the overall drying result.

Step-by-step instruction

Now we will try to describe in more detail the procedure for drying pears in the oven for the winter.

How to properly cut pears, at what temperature pears should be dried, how to determine the readiness of dried pears and much more you will learn by reading the information below.

How long (hours) to dry pears in the oven? Drying time pears directly depends on the form in which the fruits are dried in the oven. If whole pears flaunt on your baking sheet, then it will take 18-24 hours for them to completely “dry out”.

If you preferred to cut the pear into slices before sending it to dry, then the result can be expected. after 12-16 hours. In both cases, the procedure for drying pears is not a very long and time-consuming process. And it usually takes less than a day.

At what temperature to dry pears in the oven? The heat temperature during the procedure for drying pears changes three times. Therefore, we denote the drying process three stages:

  1. First stage. For the first time, when sending pears to the oven, you should set the temperature to the appropriate 55°С…60°С and keep them in the oven for at least 2 hours.
  2. Second phase. After the set time has elapsed, the pears should be mixed and the temperature increased. up to 80°С.
  3. Third stage. After the pears begin to decrease in size, they should be mixed again and again lower the temperature to 55°С…60°С. This will be the final indicator at which the drying process is completed.

How to determine readiness? When the established period of the process of drying pears comes to an end, it is necessary to arm yourself with an ordinary fork, which will help us determine readiness our fruits.

Pierce any pear with it, and if after that you notice that from the pear juice dripped or any other liquid, then it is necessary to leave the pears to dry in the oven, from time to time checking their readiness with a fork.


How to dry large pears? Large pears should be cut into slices 1 cm thick. Medium-sized fruits are cut in half or quarters. In order to avoid oxidation and darkening of pears after contact with the environment, pears must be washed with a solution citric acid.

If you come across hard fruits, then before sending them to the oven, they must put into boiling water and boil for 4-5 minutes.

How to dry whole pears in the oven? Can be dried whole wild pears. Ordinary varieties of pears are somewhat different from wild game in the way they are dried.

The wild pear is harvested when the ripe fruits begin to fall to the ground. After that, it is put in a box and left to be stored. in a dark, cool place until the skin of the fruit darkens.

The darkening of the skin of the fruit indicates that the fruit has become sweet, juicy and fragrant. Unlike large pears, the game is dried whole fruits without cutting it. It is also not recommended to remove the peel and cut out the core. It is believed that the fruits of the wild pear have a brighter and more pronounced taste.

How to dry pears in the oven? You will learn how to cook dried pear fruits using the oven in accordance with all the rules from this video:

Electric stove

How to dry pears in an electric stove oven? Drying pears in an electric oven practically no different from the procedure of drying pears in the oven of a gas stove. All basic rules and actions remain unchanged.

The only nice feature and plus of an electric oven is that its design provides for the presence two types of heating: lower and upper.

In a gas stove, the oven has only one type of heating - the lower one. Therefore, based on these considerations, the drying process will more convenient if using an electric oven.

Convection mode

How to dry pears in a convection oven? As in the case of an electric oven, the preparatory process and the procedure for drying pears in a convection oven will not differ in any way from the procedure for drying pears in a conventional gas stove oven. Simple, the convection mode will facilitate and make the drying process easier and less stressful.

After all, you will no longer have to worry that pears can burn or stick to the opposite.

The presence of a convection mode (fan) in the oven provides uniform distribution temperature for all parts of the future dish.

Therefore, as in the case of baking, which in convection mode evenly baked, and the pears will be evenly dried, thanks to this mode.


Pears and apples dried in the oven in sugar syrup


  • pears - 1 kg;
  • apples - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 150-250 g;
  • citric acid 2-4 g;
  • 1 liter of water.

Cooking method: to begin with, you should select the fruits that correspond in taste and structure to the fruits that need to be subjected to the drying process. Information about what pears and apples should be in terms of consistency and maturity can be found by going up with the arrow.

Above, we have already described in detail which fruits should be selected for drying. Next, thoroughly wash the fruit and put them on paper towels, leaving them in this position for as long as possible.

Very important so that the pears and apples are as dry as possible before they go into the oven.

After our fruits have cooled down, they should be cut according to their sizes. Large and large fruits are cut into slices, smaller and medium-sized fruits are cut into halves or quarters.

Next, put the chopped fruit for a few minutes in cold water, after adding to it citric acid. After our apples and pears have absorbed a little citric acid, you need to boil them for several minutes in sugar solution. We cover the baking sheet with baking parchment and spread the chopped fruit in a thin layer on the parchment.

After such fairly simple frauds, we send our fruits to the oven, having previously set temperature in 80°С…85°С, and after drying, the temperature should reduce to 50°С…60°С and at this temperature we leave our pears to dry to the end.

Due to the fact that before sending our pears and apples to dry in the oven, we boiled them for several minutes in a sugar solution, the pears are obtained very tasty and sweet! About that, you can find out on our website.

The process of drying pears in the oven is not so energy-intensive and labor-intensive process, as it may seem at first glance.

Drying pears at home in the oven will not take you much time and effort, but on the contrary will give enthusiasm and vivacity. It's so nice to please your loved ones and relatives, giving them delicious emotions and health.

The main thing is not to be lazy, and if you have never tried drying pears in the oven in your life, then be sure to do it! Dried pears in the oven are obtained very tasty and sweet. Treat yourself to sweets without harm to the figure and with health benefits!

Dried fruits rightfully occupy one of the main places in our kitchens. How can modern drinks compare with natural, and most importantly, healthy fruit compote? The answer to this question is obvious - of course not! At festive feasts, and just every day, we put jugs of compote on the table. How to dry pears and apples in the oven, we will tell in this article.

The benefits of dried fruits

Caring mothers try to give them to drink their kids. This vitamin drink leaves no one indifferent. In addition, it has long been known that dried apples store unique healing properties. With urolithiasis and kidney stones, it is simply necessary to take a decoction of dried apples and apple peel. In addition, it is excellent for constipation.

Of course, you can buy at the market or in the store. But when you have your own apple orchard or a supply of fresh fruit, then why not make a harvest with your own hands.

So our article is about how to dry apples and pears in the oven.

It is immediately worth noting that for this purpose it is better to use a gas oven, and not an electric one, because they do not provide for a low heating temperature.

You will have to tinker with the preparation of raw materials, but it's worth it.

We take ripe apples of summer varieties and summer pears that begin to ripen. Rinse them thoroughly and let dry. Remove the core from the apples and cut into slices 0.5 cm thick.

Pears are prepared a little differently. Large fruits are cut in half, medium ones are divided into 4 parts and the core is removed, and small ones can be dried whole and even with a tail.

Then the blanks must be lowered into cold water, acidified with citric acid. For 1 liter of water, no more than 3 g of citric acid. After that, we put the apples in boiling water, blanch for 3 minutes, immediately cool with cold water, let it drain and dry.

We take out slices and halves of pears from acidified water and let them dry. Whole pears should be boiled in boiling water for 15-20 minutes. Then take out and dry.

How to dry apples and pears in the oven?

It is important to dry each type of fruit separately, even though they will have to be mixed in the future. When the raw material is prepared for drying, it must be dried a little. This is done on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. You also need to remember one simple rule - lay out the raw materials in one layer, while the fruits should not touch each other. Thus, from all directions free access of air is provided.

Place the sliced ​​pears cut side up. We set the baking sheet in the oven at a temperature of 70-80 degrees (no more), while the oven door should be ajar. When the fruit dries up, that is, most of the moisture evaporates from them, the temperature in the oven must be reduced to 50-60 degrees and drying should be continued with the door ajar.

On average, it will take 8-10 hours to dry apples, and pears will take more time - 14-16 hours. The readiness of dried fruits is determined visually. Apples should become elastic and acquire a light yellow color, while pears, on the contrary, should be dark.

We told how to dry apples and pears in the oven. Of course, you can dry in a simpler and safer way - with the help of the sun and wind, but this will take more time.

Agree, on cold winter evenings you really want summer warmth and aroma. Dried fruits can remind you of a delicious summer. Today we will be harvesting pears.

The pear is saturated with sugars, enzymes, organic acids, fiber, nitrogen, tannins and pectins. A lot of this fruit contains vitamins B1, C, P, PP, carotene (provitamin A), as well as flavonoids and phytoncides. In addition, most varieties of pears are rich in trace elements, including iodine, which is necessary for normal life. You may be surprised, but with proper drying, the pear does not lose its beneficial properties. How to properly dry pears, you will learn right now.

Preparing Pears for Drying

If you decide to pamper yourself with dried fruits in winter, then remember that for drying it is necessary to take ripe, but at the same time hard pears with dense pulp, with stony cells, with a small seed chamber. The following varieties are considered ideal for drying: “lemonka”, “forest beauty”, “Victoria”, “Clapp's favorite”, “Zaporozhye”.

Fruits prepared for drying should be washed and wiped well.

Small-sized pears can be dried whole, larger fruits must be divided into slices about 1 centimeter thick, and seed pods can also be removed if desired.
Now you can proceed directly to the drying of pears.

Drying pears outdoors

Arrange the prepared pears on a baking sheet or on a tray. We place it in a sunny place and dry it for two days. At night, pears should be brought into the room and covered with polyethylene. After two days of drying, the pears should be moved to a well-ventilated, shady place and brought to readiness for another two to three days.

Drying pears in the oven

Lay the pears prepared for drying in a thin layer on a baking sheet. We send it to the oven and dry it at a temperature of about 60 degrees for a couple of hours. After the specified time has elapsed, the temperature should be raised to 80 degrees and drying should continue. The exact drying time of a pear depends on its variety, often it takes a day for the fruit to reach readiness.

Drying pears in an electric dryer

Pears prepared for drying should be immersed for a few seconds in boiling water, and then immediately cooled in cold water. This procedure is necessary so that the pears do not darken during drying. After such a “contrast shower”, the pears are laid out on a pallet, allowing all excess liquid to drain, and sent to an electric dryer. Pears should be dried at a temperature not exceeding 70 degrees, periodically pieces of fruit should be turned over. The process of drying pears can take from 15 to 30 hours. Fruit is considered ready when it turns brownish, soft and elastic when pressed, and does not break when bent.

Drying pears in the microwave

Arrange the sliced ​​pears in one row on a plate. We set a power of about 300 W on the microwave and send the fruit to dry for a couple of minutes. After this time, the fruit should be turned over and drying continued at the same power. Approximately every half minute you need to check the readiness of the fruit. Usually drying pears in the microwave takes no more than 5 minutes.

Today, drying fruits is not a fairly common procedure, since huge freezers have appeared, and it has become possible to store fruits frozen. Dear visitors of our portal, how do you prefer to keep the fruits of summer until winter? We will be grateful if you tell us in the comments on this article how you dry pears.
