
How to bake beef in salt. Pork baked in salt

Somehow I had a beef tenderloin lying around after steaks, I couldn’t cook it right away, and I thought for a long time what to build from it, because. meat is relatively expensive and it was a pity to simply put it out. Then I remembered that I had once seen an original recipe by Aleksey Dym about beef tenderloin baked in a hat of salt. In general, everything came together, we will cook.

We take: beef tenderloin, the so-called. thin edge (not ribeye, of course, but still), 4 eggs (only proteins are needed), a pack of ordinary table salt, a few cloves of garlic and aromatic herbs, just a little bit - thyme, rosemary, oregano and basil.

Since it was in the evening, there was nothing much to do (s), I decided to fuck a little and cook duchess potatoes and aioli sauce for meat, so that everything was completely chocolate.

For duchesse potatoes you need: 3 potatoes, 50 grams of butter and one yolk.

For aioli sauce - a glass of sunflower oil, a couple of cloves of garlic, 1 tsp. mustard, 1 tsp salt, 1 tsp lemon juice, 1 tbsp. l. sugar 1 egg, a little basil.

First we make the sauce. Varganim mayonnaise according to the kasoy muzzle method - sunflower oil, salt, sugar, mustard, lemon juice, egg.

Then add finely chopped garlic and chiffonade from basil.

Whisk everything again, the sauce is ready.

We put the potatoes to boil, and in the meantime, fry the tenderloin in a grill pan on all sides ( seal the meat, that is).

Whisk egg whites into firm foam

add a pack of salt and mix. The consistency should be like wet snow.

We spread on a baking sheet part of the protein-salt mixture, on top of which we place aromatic herbs and garlic,

hoist clipping,

which we again wrap with the second part of herbs and garlic

and cover the meat with herbs well with the rest of the salt.

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. and set the tenderloin to bake for a while at the rate of 7 minutes for every 100 grams of meat. So, for a piece of tenderloin of 600 grams, it takes about 40 minutes.

In the meantime, we make a puree from the finished potatoes and butter, rub it through a sieve (yes, fuck it), add the yolk ...

Once again, mix everything well and plant the puree on a baking sheet using a pastry bag, trying to give the products the shape of a pear.

Place in oven for 10 minutes until golden brown.

Hour X has come, we get meat and duchesses.

We break the salt crust - nothing is clear yet, but the aroma just knocks you off your feet.

We cut.

Although not a midium, the meat turned out to be very juicy and fragrant. At first I was upset that it was not pink inside, but then I came to the conclusion that it might even be better for a stale tenderloin, and I don’t particularly like this roast with blood, to be honest.

We collect everything together and serve.

So, traditional details.

I like it. A tenderloin is a tenderloin - the meat turned out to be very soft, fragrant, not a bit salty and, apparently, due to the salt jacket, especially juicy. Duchess is airy, basil-garlic mayonnaise successfully completes everything.

Happy evenings!

No matter how tasty and appetizing meat baked in the oven. But today I decided to send you a very original version that my father likes to make. He is generally a big connoisseur of meat dishes. He understands everything, starting with the banal chicken wings, and ending with lamb. Once I asked him how to bake juicy meat in the oven? For some reason, it always turned out to be dryish for me, and therefore too hard. Dad, without hesitation, took out his old notebook, flipped through a few pages and showed me the simplest version that I had ever seen.

It was salted meat. The wife, who watched this picture, hands on hips, and sincerely believes that the man in the kitchen can only peel potatoes, decided to see what I could do.

When you look at the cooking process, it seems that in the end the meat will turn out to be salted. But, nature knows a lot. It absorbs exactly the amount that is needed. In general, both pork and beef can be cooked in this way.

Let's take pork as an example. Though I have tried both. You will need a little garlic and carrots for taste. They can stuff a piece of meat before you dip it in salt. As for spices, I recommend rosemary, but here it’s up to your personal taste and discretion. And, of course, salt. We take a couple of packs. We need not fine, but large, rock salt. Is our meat in the oven should be covered with a crust from it.

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. We stuff a piece of meat with slices of carrots and cloves of garlic. Then pour salt on a baking sheet in a slide. Dump half first. We have a hill, in the upper part of which we make a hole. Rub the pork with pepper, put on top and sprinkle with seasoning. Now pour the rest of the salt on top so that it completely covers the surface.

As you can see recipe with photo of meat baked in the oven extremely simple. Even a person who rarely cooks can handle it. It took me two hours to prepare. Even a little less. After that, I took out the baking sheet, making sure that the salt was compressed after heating, turning into a strong crust that had to be broken.

You take out a piece of pork, clean the rest of the salt from it, and cut it into small pieces so that you can arrange it on plates. Such salted meat in the oven can be served with rice, stewed vegetables, or any side dish you like. My wife appreciated my work and said that not everything is lost. From her lips, this is a big compliment.

Meat in salt crust- This is an old, generation-tested way of preparing holiday dishes. Even in ancient China, chicken carcasses were buried in hot salt for a day, after which they enjoyed tender and juicy meat. The whole trick is that the salt layer evenly distributes heat throughout the product, being a buffer between the heat of the oven and food.

Meat in salt crust- This is a dish, the preparation of which will not give you much trouble. It will not burn, cook evenly and, moreover, will be baked in its own juice, without excess oil. A nice addition would be the absence of a large number of dirty dishes. Before baking, it is enough to put parchment under the salt.

What kind of meat is suitable for roasting in a salt crust?

Undoubtedly, large cuts are ideal for this method of preparation. The salt crust will not allow the juice to evaporate, absorbing excess moisture and fat. Chateaubriand tenderloin, Prime Rib roast beef and other cuts from the neck and back of the animal are perfect. For gourmets, we recommend either a spatula. Do not be afraid that the dish will be salty, the meat will take exactly as much salt as it needs. Due to its chemical properties, under the influence of heat, salt crystals penetrate the muscle fibers very slowly, thereby softening them. Therefore, even the toughest cuts will fit for this dish.

Recipe for Meat in Salt Crust

In order to cook meat in a salt crust, you need to choose the right salt. Large, preferably sea or buy pink Himalayan salt. There is no need to marinate the meat, but if you want to add flavor to your dish, mix salt with dry spices and herbs. You can also put sprigs of your favorite herbs between the cut and the salt shell. It is worth paying special attention to the perforation of the meat. If the steak is thick enough - pierce it several times with a knife - this will add juiciness, as the salt will quickly penetrate into the muscle fibers.

To hold the salt crust together, beat the egg whites until fluffy. Then quickly mix them with salt. Spread a third of the mixture on a baking sheet lined with parchment, then place the herbs and meat, and top with the remaining salt mixture. Be sure to make sure that the cut is completely “wrapped”, without a single gap. Thus, the meat will be baked better and more evenly. Put the baking sheet in the oven preheated to 220 ° C for 20 minutes. During this time, the salt will “grab” with a dense shell. Then reduce the temperature to 150 ° C and leave the meat to bake for another 20-30 minutes. As soon as it is ready, do not rush to remove the salt crust, let it cool on its own. At this stage, the dish is still being cooked, thanks to the red-hot salt pillow.

In order to determine the degree of readiness of the dish as accurately as possible, it is better. Meat of medium degree of roasting (medium) corresponds to an internal temperature of 60 ° C. After the meat in the salt crust has cooled, you should arm yourself with a hammer. Not everyone is able to calculate the strength and accuracy of the blows the first time, but you need to try so that the salt “sarcophagus” separates in large pieces without crumbling onto the dish.

The finished dish is cut into portions and served with vegetables, boiled asparagus and green salads, putting a piece of salt from the dish on a plate. Browned, even slightly burnt salt with spices is a very valuable seasoning, be sure to save its leftovers to use for cooking other dishes.

Unusually tender and juicy meat can be obtained by cooking it in salt. All you need is to know how to use it correctly.

Let's start with chemistry, or rather with how salt acts on meat. Its influence is not limited to flavors - salt makes its way into the fibers very slowly, but it performs two very important functions: drawing out water and softening the fibers. At the same time, whether this is the first function or the second one depends on the form in which the salt itself is, and what temperature it is affected by.
Salt crust is the very ingenious simplicity, which you will never want to change for something else. The ancient Chinese, who knew a lot about cooking unusual dishes, did it very simply: they put butchered chickens in the very middle of a salt hill, where they remained for exactly a day. After that, the meat was tender and soft. The Pacific tribes have something similar, only instead of salt they use small stones and earth. Very appetizing, but we have our own traditions.

You can cook everything in salt: fish, steak, leg of lamb, pork ham or chicken - just organize the right salt shell. Professionally - add lightly whipped protein to the salt. At a high temperature, the solution will turn into a strong sarcophagus with ideal thermal conductivity (salt - crystal) and the preservation of meat juice. He has nowhere to go, and the salt, having hardened, does not absorb moisture so actively. In an amateur way - you can do it without protein, but then you will need much more salt: cover the meat with a “head”.

Another tip - arm yourself. In the literal sense: take a hatchet or a hammer, not forgetting the eye and the ability to calculate the force of impact.

The art of breaking the salt crust is not to turn the contents into mush. Fortunately, this only applies to fish due to its softness: bruising a perfectly looking trout is a real crime. Roast beef is another matter. After being removed from under the crust, it is quite hard (comprehensive and delicate exposure to heat), and most importantly, gentle. Do not forget that brine is an excellent conductor of spices in meat fibers: all marinades are usually salty.

Roast beef medium rare in salt crust

  • Beef (thick edge on the bone) - 1.5 kg
  • Coarse sea salt - 2 kg
  • Proteins - 7-8 pcs.
  • Black peppercorns, thyme, rosemary

If you want to appreciate the perfection of technology, pick up a good, massive edge of beef meat on the bone. Resist the temptation to put it in the pan!

Instead, buy 2 kilograms of coarse sea salt, grind (preferably in a mortar or coarse grinder) black pepper, thyme and rosemary.
Beat 7-8 egg whites into foam - the "bonding material" needs to be oxygenated - and immediately into salt. Mix and spread on a baking sheet covered with parchment a pillow of a third of the mixture. We put beef on it, cover it with salt from above, like a blanket - but so that there is not a single slit for leakage.
Now - in the oven at 220 degrees. It takes 20 minutes for the salt to seize, after that we simmer - lower the temperature to 150 degrees and leave for another 20 minutes. Salt accumulates heat, and brings the beef to readiness on its own. After that, we take it out and, without letting it cool, put it on the table.
The guests are shocked: the squirrel has browned and turned golden, turning the salt shell into the most durable sarcophagus. But the ideal roast beef is something for which you can break any barrier: a hammer in your hands and go!

Salted meat in the oven

Baked in the oven, recipe with photo. Quick cooking recipe beef in one piece. Cooking piece of beef with salt. cook piece of beef tasty.

The simplest cooking recipe beef in the oven. Cooking meat according to this recipe is not difficult for anyone. Recipe salted beef in the oven is simple and fast. Meat baked in salt is tasty and juicy. Salt meat will take as much as needed.

What do you need:

  1. Beef 1 kg. meat should be soft. I take a sirloin or rump. You can cut.
  2. Salt, be sure to coarsely grind. 1.5-2 kg.

All. Just?

We carefully clean the meat from films and veins. My.

Well if piece of beef will be flat, about 5 cm thick.

We heat the oven to 200 degrees. Take a baking sheet and pour a layer of salt.

The meat must be thoroughly dried with a napkin.

Posting piece of beef for salt.

Sprinkle the beef with salt so that the salt covers the piece of meat completely.

This turned out to be such a wonderful mound.

We put the meat in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 45 minutes.

We take the meat out of the oven. In the process of baking, the meat gave juice and the salt turned into a shell.

Carefully break the salt coat.

Meat in salt is ready. We extract a piece from the salt. If there is a little salt left on a piece of meat, we clean it.

We put the finished meat on the dish.

Cut the meat into portions. The photo shows that the meat was initially prepared by the butcher incorrectly and had to be cut across the fibers. The meat was for every taste. Inside a little with blood, from the sides - baked. If you wait a couple of minutes, then the meat will reach and there will be no blood at all. But I like it this way.

Garnish with a vitamin salad of cabbage and carrots with onions.
