
How to fry beef faster. How to fry beef in a pan with onion slices? Ribeye Steak from marbled beef

Pan-fried beef goes well with any side dish and will look great on holiday table. The recipe for cooking meat differs from one another in the way, products and palatability dishes.

At proper preparation beef meat is very tender and juicy.

The recipe for beef fried with onions in a pan involves the use of dishes with a thick bottom, then the meat will not burn or dry out.

To prepare the dish, you need the following products:

  • 500 g of beef meat;
  • onion head - 2 pcs.;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • pepper - 1 tsp;
  • black ground pepper;
  • vegetable oil).

First you need to peel the onion and cut it into rings. Mix salt, pepper and sugar in a separate bowl. It is recommended to wash the beef before cooking under cold water clean from tendons, films, excess fat and cut in small pieces. Then sprinkle with a mixture of salt, pepper and sugar.

Then heat up the pan with a small amount vegetable oil and lay out the pieces of beef. It is recommended to fry it over high heat for 10 minutes so that all the moisture evaporates. During this time, you need to constantly stir so that the meat does not burn. After it is browned, you need to add the onion and fry it until soft and golden. Then pour water and simmer over low heat for 40 minutes.

Properly cooked fried beef with onions in a pan is easily cut with a knife, and the juice secreted by the meat has a transparent color.

Flank with pepper

The recipe for cooking beef with pepper is simple, the main thing is for him as meat fit any beef pulp, even flank (meat from the peritoneum).


  • beef flank -600 g;
  • red pepper (sweet) - 2 pcs.;
  • onion head;
  • vegetable oil- 2 tbsp. l.;
  • chili pepper - 1 tbsp. l.

For the marinade you will need:

  • soy sauce - 100 ml;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • grated ginger - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • cornstarch - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • red chili paste - 2 tsp

Cooking such a meat dish begins with a marinade. For those who don't like spicy dishes, it is enough to mix the water with the starch to thicken the sauce.

First you need to mix soy sauce with starch, sugar, ginger, garlic and chili paste. The flank should be washed and dried well, then cut thin slices across the fibers. Dip the chopped meat into the marinade and mix so that the sauce completely covers it.

Then we clean the pepper from seeds and stalk and cut it into rings, after cleaning the onion - into half rings. After that, heat a frying pan with a little oil and fry the onion for about 1 minute, stirring constantly. We remove it from the pan and fry it in it. Bell pepper and chili, if used. We fry it until brown edges appear, while it should not become soft. As soon as the pepper is ready, put it in the pan.

We take the meat out of the marinade and let it drain. The remaining tablespoon of oil is used to fry the beef. It is recommended to divide the meat into portions so that it is fried in one layer. Cook over high heat for 30 seconds on each side, using tongs for convenience. A strong fire is necessary so that the meat grabs the crust, but does not let the juice out.

After frying all the meat, return the beef, pepper, onion and the remaining marinade to the pan and wait until it boils to transfer to slow fire and let simmer until the sauce thickens.

Cooked beef can be mixed with rice porridge, mashed potatoes or pasta, or simply put on top.

Meat dish with potatoes

Fried beef with potatoes does not require availability unusual ingredients, but the serving of the dish will surprise all the guests at the festive table.

To prepare such a dish you will need:

  • potatoes (large) - 6 pcs.;
  • fillet (beef) - 500 g;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • butter (butter) - 50 g;
  • oil (olive) - 15 g;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground black pepper - depending on taste preferences.

The recipe is very simple. First you need to peel the potatoes and onions. Wash the beef, peel and cut into pieces, like potatoes, with an edge of about 5 mm. Onion cut into quarters of rings.

Heat up the pan, add olive oil. First, fry the onion for 8-10 minutes until golden color and get it with a slotted spoon. Then add potatoes to the same pan and fry for 20 minutes, stirring it constantly. We get it with a slotted spoon. Put the chopped beef in the same pan and cook to the desired degree and leave for 5 minutes before serving.

At this stage, the dish can be served. Another recipe suggests that you can put onions, meat and potatoes in a saucepan, pour boiling water over it and let it stew.

Cooking meat with vegetables

Recipe fragrant meat with vegetables is very simple and versatile. The house will be filled with the smell of lemon, ginger, soy sauce and garlic, and guests will be delighted with this wonderful dish.


  • beef - 500 g;
  • mushrooms (champignons) - 250 g;
  • pepper (red) - 1 pc.;
  • green peas - 1 can;,
  • green beans - 250 g;
  • onion head;
  • ground ginger - 2 tsp;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • soy sauce - 2 tbsp.
  • oil (vegetable or olive) - 50 g.

First, mix soy sauce, garlic and ginger and leave the beef cut into cubes in this marinade for 30 minutes while the vegetables are fried.

Wash, dry and clean mushrooms and peppers, cut into thin slices and fry until golden brown. Then fry the onion and in the process add the chopped bean pods obliquely. After that, you need to fry the meat, while constantly stirring it.

The dish can be served as separately fried parts, or you can stew everything for 2 minutes. The recipe for cooking beef is not complicated or has unusual ingredients in the composition.

Ease of preparation, versatility and delicate taste make this dish popular both for every day and for the festive table.

Some people are afraid to cook beef, because they understand that, unlike pork and chicken meat, it may be too stiff. However, it is not.

If you take into account some tricks, starting from the choice of meat and ending with recommendations for cooking, everything will work out.

Choosing meat

For steak or beef cuts, the choice of meat is important. The neck, tenderloin or long muscle is best suited. It is desirable that it be the meat of a calf or a young cow - it is lighter.

Important! When buying, press the meat with your finger: if a small dent remains on it, then this meat is suitable for frying - it is tender and soft. For chop, you do not need to carefully choose the meat, as it turns out thinner when beaten and is easier to fry.

Fried veal with onions in a pan:


Servings: - +

  • Young beef (veal)½ kg
  • bulbs 2 pcs
  • Salt to taste
  • Black pepper powder taste
  • Pepper - peas 3 pcs
  • Bay leaf ½ piece

45 min. Seal

How long to fry beef to make it tasty?

Beef is lean meat, rich in protein (it contains the most), vitamins (vitamin B group is especially valuable), minerals (iron, zinc, copper, potassium). Because of such invaluable properties, it is used for the preparation of dietary dishes, as well as medical nutrition.

Beef is fried in small pieces, and also in the form of chops or steaks. You can fry in a pan, grill, followed by baking in the oven, bringing to varying degrees readiness.


For chop pieces meat before frying should be processed. Cut a piece of beef into slices 2 cm thick, and then beat off with a kitchen hammer or a blunt knife.

It is possible to put salt and pepper directly into the batter. The pan in this case should also be heated to the maximum so that the oil on it smokes. We put the chop and fry, waiting until a crust appears, then turn over and fry for 2 minutes: first one, then the other side.

Beef pieces

The easiest way to fry beef is to cut it into cubes 3 by 4 cm. The cubes are pre-marinated in salt, sunflower oil, spices, lemon juice. Fry under the lid in a heated pan for 25-30 minutes.

Steak: cooking features

Steak is pieces of beef pulp, 2 - 4 cm thick, fried on a special grill pan with a wavy surface. It is the most difficult to cook, as it will require knowledge of some of the intricacies of cooking. So:

P.S. Article - how long to fry beef, published in Rubric - .

Beef is a meat widely used in cooking. hearty second dishes.

The features of this variety are in a fairly dense structure, therefore, recipes for beef dishes, as a rule, involve pickling meat before frying, or its long heat treatment when cooking.

For cooking roast beef it is also beaten off in most cases, thereby violating the structure of the fibers and resulting in tender, juicy slices with a delicious crispy crust.

well and better way, except how to fry beef in a pan, perhaps does not exist.

How much and how to fry beef in a pan - general principles of cooking

Roast beef is best taken fresh or chilled. Frozen cuts of meat should be properly thawed before cooking using slow air defrosting. With this method, almost all meat juice is absorbed back into the muscle fibers, thereby restoring the original quality characteristics of the meat and it is almost no different from chilled meat.

Before cooking, the pieces of beef, without cutting, are washed in cold running water, while cleaning heavily contaminated areas with a knife, and the existing brands must be cut off.

Washed meat, to avoid slipping out of hands and ease of cutting, dry well, laying on a wire rack or blotting paper towel or a napkin.

After drying, the beef is cut into portioned pieces across the fibers and lightly beat off with a culinary chopper (hammer).

How to fry beef? Beef is fried not only in a pan in more or less fat, it can also be fried on coals, for convenience, using a special grill.

How long to roast beef? The frying time depends on the type of dish being prepared, the method of preparation, as well as the size of the pieces being cooked, and is always indicated in the recipe.

"Chinese Spicy Beef" fried in a pan


Beef, sirloin- 600 grams;

Bulb bitter onion - 2 large heads;

Four sweet peppers, preferably different colors;

Two small carrots;

One hundred grams of ginger root;

Large head of garlic, about 6 cloves

A glass (200 ml) of dark soy sauce;

Sugar sand - 2 tbsp. l.;

Two small chilli peppers;

150 ml refined oil sunflower.

Cooking method:

1. Dilute in soy sauce until completely dissolved granulated sugar. If it is not salty enough, add half a tablespoon of coarse table salt and stir well.

2. Add chopped small pieces ginger root and crushed chili pepper, without seeds. Pass the garlic through the garlic press and mix thoroughly.

3. In the prepared marinade, lay the pulp cut into thin strips and leave for half an hour.

4. While the beef is marinating, prepare the vegetables. Cut the onion into medium-sized half rings, chop the carrot and sweet pepper into thin strips.

5. In a large deep frying pan, preferably thick-walled, heat the oil until a light haze forms above its surface, but not burning.

6. With a slotted spoon, allowing the liquid to drain a little, transfer the pieces of beef to the pan, do not pour out the remaining marinade, it will still come in handy.

7. Gently stir the meat and fry, stirring constantly, for even browning, for six minutes.

8. After, as well as from the marinade, transfer the fried beef with a slotted spoon to a separate plate, and instead put chopped onions and carrots in the pan. Add if necessary sunflower oil and fry vegetables for three minutes.

9. Add the previously fried beef, about a quarter of the sauce remaining from marinating the meat, sweet pepper and continue to fry for no more than three minutes.

10. As a side dish for pan-fried Chinese beef, boiled beef is best. crumbly rice.

"Tender chops" of beef in a pan in a cheese crust


Half a kilo of beef tenderloin;

Two tablespoons mustard"Russian";

Chicken eggs- 2 pcs.;

One hundred grams of cheese "Russian", hard;

200 grams of white breadcrumbs, coarsely ground;

For frying, about 120 ml of refined sunflower oil;

Spices, salt.

Cooking method:

1. Sliced ​​along the fibers, no more than one and a half centimeters thick, beat off the pieces of meat a little with a culinary mallet. Broken slices should not be translucent. Season with pepper, grease on both sides with the thinnest layer of mustard and leave for an hour and a half.

2. Thoroughly shake the eggs with salt, and grate the cheese with a fine grater and mix with breadcrumbs.

3. Dip the pieces of beaten beef in the egg, then gently roll in the breadcrumbs and cheese mixture and put in the hot fat (vegetable oil) in the pan.

4. Fry for three minutes on one side, then turn over and fry for two minutes on the second.

How to Grill Beef - Cabernet Filet Mignon


700 grams of beef, fillet.

For marinade:

50 ml of wine vinegar;

200 ml of Cabernet wine;

100 grams of sugar, sand;

"Dijon mustard" - 0.5 tbsp. l.;

Two small strips of lemon zest;

Cinnamon - 2 sticks.

For sauce:

A full glass of pitted cherries (canned in own juice, fresh or frozen);

Ground black pepper and extra salt to taste.

Cooking method:

1. In a mixture of wine vinegar with Cabernet wine, add sugar, mustard. Put lemon peel, cinnamon and put on medium fire, boil for ten minutes.

2. Cut the beef fillet into pieces of four-centimeter thickness and put a little beaten off in a bag.

3. Pour three quarters of the cooled marinade over the meat and, tightly tying the bag, put it in the cold for an hour and a half (refrigerator).

4. For the sauce, put chopped large pieces cherry, pepper to your taste, add fine salt and, like meat, refrigerate.

5. Wipe the remaining liquid from the marinated pieces of beef fillet with a towel, brush them on all sides with vegetable oil and put them to cook on a grill fixed over hot coals.

6. Cook for intense heat three minutes each side.

7. Serve drizzled with prepared cherry sauce.

Natural beef steak fried in a pan


beef tenderloin(loin) - 600 grams;

35–40 grams melted lard or refined (odorless) sunflower oil;

Ground black pepper, table salt "Extra".

Cooking method:

1. Cut the fillet tenderloin, its thickened part, into portions of the same width, from two to three centimeters, and beat each one with a culinary chopper to the desired thickness - from one and a half to two centimeters. While beating, give the meat the desired shape: oval or rounded.

2. Fry the steak in a small saucepan or cast iron pan with a thick bottom in well-heated oil or fat.

3. How long to fry? The frying time depends on what degree of roasting you want to get a steak: medium, light or completely fried, and takes from 7 minutes to a quarter of an hour. The degree of roasting is determined by the color of the juice released when the meat is pierced.

4. At the end of frying, the pieces of beef must be covered with a slightly brown fried crust.

5. As a side dish to beef steak submit fried potatoes or fresh vegetables.

Beef Stroganoff


700 grams of fresh or chilled beef (thick edge);

50 grams natural butter;

White baking flour - 30 grams or one and a half tablespoons;

150 ml of 15% sour cream;

1 st. l. tomato sauce "Gentle", you can replace the tomato puree;

White onions - 2 large heads.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the beef into centimeter pieces, beat with a hammer and cut into thin, half a centimeter thick ribbons up to 4 cm long. You can use beef trimmings to prepare Beef Stroganoff.

2. Chop the onion into small slices and saute in a small amount of oil until tender golden brown.

3. Put the prepared pieces of beef into the oil heated over high heat and fry until the juice forms, periodically shaking the pan for about five minutes. Add sautéed onion and mix well.

4. Transfer the meat with onions to a hot thick-walled pan, sprinkle wheat flour, stir well and enter tomato sauce with sour cream. Warm up Beef Stroganoff for a few minutes without letting it boil.

5. Serve with a side dish of boiled rice, mashed potatoes or pasta.

How and how much to fry beef in a pan - tricks and tips

When thawing meat, keep in mind that a lot of juice is lost during rapid thawing and therefore ready meals may be too dry and tasteless. In beef thawed in water, the nutritional properties, since almost all the mineral salts, soluble proteins, and vitamins contained in it go into the water.

Lean beef fried in large chunks will be juicier if marinated after cutting. The type of marinade depends on the method of preparation: marinades containing vinegar or wine, and marinades with soy sauce are suitable for frying in a pan.

To give juiciness to the pulp, cut into small portioned pieces, when frying, vegetables or sour cream are added to it, after which the dish is well heated at a minimum heat.

How much to fry beef depends on what kind of roasting you prefer meat:

If large meat pieces are fried in a pan for 2 to 3 minutes, they will turn out to be quite fried on the outside, but at the same time practically raw on the inside and weakly roasted;

If you fry for 4 minutes on each side, the slices of meat will turn out to be more fried, and the inside of the meat will have a slightly pinkish color - this medium rare;

The meat will be covered with a well-fried crust and completely fried if it is fried in a pan for about five minutes on one side, and after three minutes on the other, such meat is considered to be completely fried.

The temperature of the fat into which the meat falls must be at least 120 degrees. Only when high temperatures in the process of frying, a fried crust can form on the surface of the meat, preventing it from drying out.

Wash fresh beef under cold water, cut across the fibers into portioned pieces weighing about 30 grams, cutting off large veins. Fry in a skillet for minutes, stirring, over medium heat without a lid. Fry layers of fresh beef for minutes, minutes on each side.

How to Roast Beef

1. Cut the beef into pieces.
2. Pour oil or fat into a preheated pan.
3. Put the pieces of beef on the pan.
4. Roast beef by time:
- Beef chunks weighing 30-35 grams, fry in a pan for 25 minutes, over medium heat, without covering with a lid.
- Beef meat, chopped layers, fry for about 7 minutes on each side, if you put oppression on top - 4 minutes on each side.
- Blocks fry the beef for about 20-25 minutes.

Soft Beef Secrets

Before frying, dip the pieces of beef in oil, sprinkle with salt and spices, cover and leave in a cold place for 2 hours. You can also soak the beef in dry wine, soy sauce, lemon juice, or a mix of these for tenderness.

Before frying, beef can be beaten off - this will contribute to the softness of the meat.

When frying beef, it is better to use a pan with a ribbed top surface - this will allow the beef meat to be fried, and not stewed in its own juice.

When laying the beef in the pan, use the rule: the meat should not touch in the pan, but too much distance from the pieces of beef can cause the oil to burn.

The most tender part of beef for frying is the tenderloin from the back of the beef. The price of such beef is from 600 rubles. (average for Moscow as of June 2016), but when cooking such meat, you can be sure that it will turn out soft.

If used for frying tough beef, it is recommended to marinate the meat in soy sauce, mustard, honey or lemon juice. Marinate tough beef recommended from 3 hours.

If the beef turned out tough, you can fix it: return the meat to the pan with oil, pour in a little water, add sour cream and simmer for 10 minutes. You can also boil the meat in milk or cream, in a mixture of wine and soy sauce, in cucumber pickle.

How to stew beef

Simmer small pieces of beef (bars 1x4 cm) in a frying pan under a closed lid, in sauce or with the addition of water for 30 minutes. A pound of beef will require 250 milliliters of water or sauce. Fire is medium. For beef, a marinade in which beef has been aged for softness is suitable as a sauce.

Most popular dish on the basis of stewed beef - beef stew with gravy.

Beef stew with gravy

Beef - half a kilo
Onion- 2 small heads
Carrot - 1 medium sized carrot
Flour - 2 tablespoons
Tomato paste or tomato sauce - 2 tablespoons
Olive oil - 2 tablespoons
Dill - 1 small bunch
Bay leaf - 2 pieces
Black peppercorns - 7 peas

Stewing beef
1. Beef, if frozen, defrost, wash and dry.
2. Cut the beef across the grain into cubes with a side of 2 centimeters.
3. Preheat the pan, pour in the oil and roll it over the entire surface of the pan.
4. Put the meat in the pan, fry for 7 minutes over medium heat without a lid, stirring occasionally.
5. Transfer the meat to a bowl, leaving the fat.
6. Peel the onion and cut into half rings.
7. Pour the onion into the pan in beef fat, fry 5 minutes.
8. Sprinkle the onion with flour, fry, stirring, 3 minutes.
9. Put the meat to the onion, mix.
10. Invest Bay leaf, add salt and pepper.
11. Pour 1 cup of water, cover the pan with a lid.
12. Peel and finely chop the carrots, add to the pan and mix.
13. Stew beef for 40 minutes over low heat, stirring occasionally.
14. Add tomato sauce to the pan.
15. Wash the dill, dry and finely chop, add to the stewed meat.
16. Stir the dish, simmer for another 5 minutes and turn off the heat.
Your beef stew ready with gravy!

How to stew beef with potatoes

Beef - half a kilo
Potato - 5 medium sized potatoes
Onions - 2 heads of medium size
Butter - a quarter of a 200-gram pack
Tomato paste - 1 tablespoon
Sour cream - 1 tablespoon
Flour - 1 tablespoon
Bay leaf - 2 leaves
Black ground pepper - 1 teaspoon
Salt - half a tablespoon

Stewing beef
1. Prepare a thick-walled pot or cast-iron skillet for stewing.
2. Put the pan on medium heat, put a third of the butter and melt it.
3. Cut the beef into cubes with a side of 2 centimeters and put in a pan, fry for 5 minutes.
4. Peel the onion and cut into thin quarter rings.
5. Put the onion in the pan.
6. Pour half a liter of water and simmer for 20 minutes.
7. Peel the potatoes and cut into cubes with a side of 2.5 centimeters.
8. Melt the butter in another pan, add flour and mix quickly until there are no lumps.
9. Share tomato paste and sour cream, half a glass of water and mix quickly.
10. Put the potatoes to the beef, pour in the sauce, add salt and pepper, put in the bay leaf.
11. Stew beef with potatoes for 30 minutes.

In the oven, beef meat can be baked in foil - then the meat should be wrapped in foil 2-3 times so that there are no smudges and the beef meat turns out in its own juice / sauce. Read more about how

Beef is considered one of the most healthy, tasty, but at the same time difficult to cook. meat dishes. The fact is that it is quite difficult to make it soft and tender. Let's take a look at the recipes for delicious and juicy beef in a frying pan and surprise everyone with your culinary skills.


  • beef pulp - 600 g;
  • bell pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • potatoes - 6 pcs.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • bulb - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil;
  • spices, herbs.


Now we will tell you how to stew beef in a pan. So, we clean the onion, chop it, pour it into the pan and lightly pass it in vegetable oil. We wash the meat, cut it into small pieces, and chop the peeled carrots into strips, or rub them on a coarse grater. Then we spread the beef and carrots to the onion and fry over high heat until the excess liquid has evaporated.

After that, cover the pan with a lid and simmer on low heat for about 20 minutes. Peel the potatoes, wash them and chop them into cubes. Remove the seeds from the pepper, cut into squares and spread the vegetables to the meat. Salt, pepper to taste and bring the dish to readiness. Sprinkle with chopped parsley before serving.

Beef in sour cream in a pan


  • beef - 1 kg;
  • onion - 2 pcs.;
  • fresh champignons - 250 g;
  • cheese - 100 g;
  • sour cream - 250 g;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • flour - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • spices.


To cook beef in a pan, wash the meat well, dry it with a towel and cut into small cubes. Then pour vegetable oil into the pan, heat and fry meat pieces until ruddy. We clean the onion and garlic, finely chop and pass separately until golden. We process the mushrooms, cut into slices, add to the roast and simmer until evaporated excess moisture.

Without wasting time, let's start cooking sour cream sauce. To do this, mix sour cream with flour and water in a separate bowl, mix. Pour the mixture over the meat, season with pepper and salt to taste. Stew the meat for another 15 minutes, remove from heat, sprinkle grated cheese, fresh herbs on top, and decorate with tomato slices. We put the dish in the oven for 5 minutes so that the cheese melts and a beautiful crust forms.
