
Tough beef how to make soft. Olive marinade for beef

Most often, in response to complaints about tough meat, you hear: "". Of course, you can't argue with Captain Obvious...

But what to do, and not always what you dreamed about? Or, even worse, a piece of the same beef looks great. Then we apply a few tricks that will help overcome the stiffness and make our dish juicy, soft and expressive.

There are only two ways to soften meat before cooking: coating and marinating. I'm not talking about beating a piece of meat with a hammer - it's not sports.

1. Fruit marinade - with kiwi, papaya

From my own experience I can tell you how to marinate young beef steaks. I bought a decent piece of tenderloin and decided. But vague doubts sharpened me: what if the beef turns out to be tough? And then, on the advice of our author and friend Sergei Milyanchikov, I marinated them for half an hour in a fruit marinade.

You will need: 2 kiwis, 0.5 tsp salt, freshly ground white pepper, a little dry rosemary, 6 beef steaks.

Cooking: Peel kiwi from the skin, grate on a coarse grater. Add salt and spices. Soak the steaks in the resulting marinade. Leave for half an hour. Then pull out, dry with a napkin and fry in a hot dry frying pan. The steaks turned out super soft! Do the same with green papaya.

2. Marinade with dairy products

In my family, as elsewhere in the south, there is. The result has always been a juicy and soft piece of meat. Now I apply kebab marinade to all meats that should be tender: beef, chicken or turkey breast, pork tenderloin, or lamb steaks.

You will need: 500 ml of kefir, 500 ml of mineral water with gas, a little salt, freshly ground black pepper, dry herbs to taste, 1 kg of any meat for frying.

Cooking: Mix kefir, water and spices. Place the meat in the marinade for 2-4 hours. Then pull out, dry with a napkin and fry. It can be grilled, it can be in a pan, it can be on skewers.

3. Marinade with wine and mineral water

Also tried and tested by generations of my family and friends and pals, this is a very simple marinade that keeps meat tender. . If you are marinating kebabs, add onions. If it’s just meat for frying in the form of steaks, cutlets and chops, you can do without it.

You will need: 500 ml of dry white wine of the Rkatseteli type, 500 ml. mineral water with gas, a little salt, freshly ground black pepper, dry herbs to taste, 3-4 onions, 1 kg of any meat.

Cooking: Mix wine, water and spices. Place the meat in the marinade for 3-5 hours.

4. Mustard and beer marinade

This way to make meat soft was suggested to me by the President of the public organization "Shashlik League", Valery Maltsev .. Meat turns out to be not only that. There is only one minus - it's a pity for Krusovice ...

Required: ordinary mustard, 250 gr., dark beer 250 ml, freshly ground black pepper, meat - 1.5 kg.

Cooking: Meat cut into portions. Spread generously with mustard. Sprinkle with pepper. Leave for 1 hour. Pour the meat with beer and leave for 2-3 hours. Fry, rolling in flour and sprinkling with salt water.

5. Soak in vodka and soy sauce

Also a recipe I personally tested. When I noticed that Chinese chefs often prepare meat for instant frying in this way. And the meat always turns out deliciously soft. Especially such a marinade is suitable for chicken, duck and turkey breast.

You will need: soy sauce 7 sl., vodka 70 g, meat 1 kg

Cooking: cut the breast into long strips. Mix vodka with sauce and pour over meat. Cover the mixture and leave for 1-1.5 hours. Then pull out, dry with a napkin and fry or stew.

P.S. By the way, if you are stewing meat, then add some alcohol to it - wine, vodka, beer. Pick to taste - it always makes the meat softer, and the alcohol degrees evaporate without harm to the body.

Cooking meat is considered a male prerogative. But women are people who can do anything!

If you are skeptical about boiled beef, imagining a tough, dry, tasteless piece, then these tips are for you.
It is also worth paying attention to them for those who are trying to adhere to a proper nutrition system. Well, for children, boiled meat is one of the best options. Try it especially for children

The most important question: how to make boiled beef soft - after all, beef is quite a capricious meat. Of course, the only and correct answer will be to choose the right meat depending on its purpose. True, this does not always work out. And this is where advice comes in handy.

Meat preparation

  • It is best to take non-frozen meat. Otherwise, you need to defrost it correctly, that is, not in the microwave, without soaking in cold, and even more so in hot water.
    Do not be lazy and take the meat out of the freezer in advance and leave it in the refrigerator overnight. Then finish defrosting at room temperature.
  • to make the meat soft, rub the beef with dry mustard and refrigerate for several hours. Then rinse and boil.
  • if you don't have those few hours, just soak the meat in mineral water for an hour before cooking.

How to cook meat

  1. the main and most important rule is to put the meat in well-boiled water and do not reduce the heat until it boils well again. After 10-15 minutes of boiling, reduce the heat and cook with low heat. The meat is cooked at a temperature of 95 degrees - just simmer it until tender.
  2. the second rule is to cook in a whole piece, not cutting into portions
  3. The pan must be closed with a lid, blocking access to oxygen.
  4. so that boiled beef is not only soft. but also fragrant, add vegetables and spices. Onions, carrots, roots are put an hour after boiling the meat, spices - 20 minutes before the end. At the same time salt is added.
  5. for the softness of the meat, add a tablespoon of vodka to the water in which the meat is cooked. During the brewing process, the alcohol will evaporate, you will not feel any taste or smell of alcohol.
  6. washed banana skin boiled with meat will soften the toughest piece
  7. another exotic way is to put 2-3 corks from wine bottles into the water in which you boil the meat. Not plastic, of course, but real ones - made of cork
  8. put the meat in boiling water to which half a teaspoon of sugar has been added.

Using these tips, you can make boiled beef soft and flavorful. And let this dish take its rightful place in your menu

Beef is truly versatile for cooking meat dishes, of which there are a great many. In addition to its excellent taste, it has a huge nutritional value, and is also one of the main sources of iron necessary for health. Beef retains most of its nutrients when roasted..

To bake beef meat deliciously, you need to choose and prepare it correctly. For this purpose, only fresh and young beef is suitable.. Its age can be determined by appearance and color. A quality product should have a normal smell and a juicy pink color.

Be careful! You should refuse to buy meat that has a grayish tint, yellow streaks or an unpleasant odor.

First of all, the meat must be washed well and blotted with a paper towel. A baking dish, a wire rack, and a special form made of refractory glass, ceramics or cast iron can serve as baking dishes. Also suitable for this purpose are devices such as foil and a sleeve.

Roast beef time in the oven

The cooking time always depends on the size of the piece and the preparation of the meat. It is recommended to bake 1 kg of beef for 1.5-2 hours, 500 g - 1-1.5 hours.

At what temperature to bake beef in the oven

Depending on the size of the piece of meat, baking temperature varies from 180 C to 200 C. It is better to preheat the oven to a temperature of 220 C, put the meat in it and after 15 minutes. reduce to 200 C.

Roast beef, which part is suitable

An important factor in preparing a delicious beef dish is choosing the right part of it for roasting. To this end it is worth giving preference to tenderloin, brisket, thick or thin edge. These are soft and tender parts that can be baked as a whole piece or steaks.

How to bake juicy beef in the oven

Beef meat is not very fatty, and in this property there are disadvantages for baking. Sometimes it gets dry. Oven-roasted beef will be juicier if you use foil or a sleeve., as well as pre-keeping it in the marinade.

Marinade for roasting beef in the oven, what to make

Marinade is a special sauce with spices, the main purpose of which is to make the meat soft and fragrant. Usually all marinades for meat have an acidic base. The ingredients can be water, kefir, lemon juice and vinegar. Spices, soy sauce, salt, onion, garlic, mustard, etc. are added to the base. Only the ratio of ingredients varies.

Beef baked in the oven will require significantly less time to fully bake if the meat is pre-marinated.

How to marinate beef for baking in the oven (pickling rules)

A piece of beef is completely immersed in the marinade and aged from an hour to a day It all depends on the particular dish. Pickled meat is saturated with the aroma of seasonings, becomes soft and almost immediately ready for baking.

Sauce for roasting beef

Properly baked beef is certainly one of the most delicious delicacies. But if you add sauce to it, you can achieve excellent taste harmony. It not only adds spice, but exquisitely highlights the taste of meat. The beef is quite lean, so it desperately needs a good sauce., which will add sharpness and brightness.

Interesting fact! Sauces were invented by the French, the legislators of all culinary delights. This happened in the 17th century. Today, all the national cuisines of the world are full of a colossal amount of various sauces and gravies.

The choice is a matter of taste. You can choose from existing sauces, or you can add fantasy.

This article offers a recipe for onion sauce for roast beef:

  • Saute 2 onions, cut into half rings, and 3-4 cloves of grated garlic in vegetable oil until golden. Pour 2 tablespoons into the mass. flour, stirring constantly. Add 1.5 cups of broth, which can be replaced with water if desired. Mix everything, and an excellent sauce is ready, which will give the meat an incomparable taste.
  • Sauce can be coated and baked meat in any way. With its help, beef acquires the desired softness, juiciness and aroma.

How to deliciously bake beef in the oven (culinary secrets)

For the most delicious beef roasting, only marinade and sauce are not enough. It will be useful to know some culinary tricks. It is in them that the secret of great specialties often lies.

Here are some of them:

Beef in mustard, baked in the oven

This option is pretty simple. Food preparation takes approximately 15 minutes. Crush 4 garlic cloves with a little black pepper (1.5 tsp) and salt (1 tsp). Grate 1 kg of beef pulp with the mixture and gently pierce it with a fork or thin knife in several places.

Shake a glass of vegetable oil with mustard (150 g). With this mass, completely coat the meat and, shifting it into a shallow form, put in the oven, where to bake for 1.5 hours at 200 C. Lightly garnished with herbs, serve. The result will delight you with great taste.

Beef baked in the oven with potatoes

Another easy-to-make option is perfect for a quick dinner. Cut 500 g of beef pulp into steaks and beat a little with a hammer. Peel 5-6 medium potatoes and 2 onions. Cut potatoes into slices, and onions into rings.

Spread a baking sheet with 2 tbsp. oil, lay the steaks on it and season with salt and pepper. Put an even layer of onion rings on the meat, top with a layer of potato slices, sprinkle with salt and pepper. Place a piece of foil on a baking sheet, sealing the edges tightly.

Baked beef in the oven with potatoes will be tastier if you lay a layer of young zucchini cut into circles on top.

Put in the oven and bake at 180 C for about an hour. This dish should be served hot. The main convenience is the absence of additional hassle with the preparation of a side dish.

Beef baked with vegetables in the oven

The recipe does not involve a separate side dish, as it will be vegetables baked with meat. 500 g beef pulp cut into steaks. 1 tbsp dilute vegetable oil with 2 tbsp. soy sauce and 1 tbsp. balsamic vinegar in a separate bowl. There also report 1 tbsp. honey, and mix thoroughly.

Put the grated garlic and meat pieces into the prepared marinade. Marinate 2 hours. Separately, prepare vegetable stew: cut 1 medium carrot into circles, 1 onion and 1 pod of sweet pepper into half rings. All vegetables are well fried in oil for 10 minutes, seasoned with salt and pepper.

After shifting the vegetables into a mold, quickly fry the pickled meat in the same pan. After a little pepper, put it on top of the vegetables. Put in the oven and bake for 30 minutes. at 180 C. This versatile recipe can be used for a weekday dinner, and for a festive one.

Beef baked in the oven with cheese

A very simple and valuable recipe, thanks to which you get amazingly tasty beef. Although the cooking process lasts more than two hours, the preparation of the products itself does not take much time. Grate a 500-gram piece of beef fillet with salt and pepper (1 tsp each).

Cut 2 garlic cloves into circles. Stuff the meat with them, making long transverse cuts with a knife. Place the beef in a deep pan. Dilute in a separate container 1 tbsp. mayonnaise, 2 tbsp. sour cream and 2 cups cold boiled water. Pour the mixture into a baking sheet, adding bay leaf.

Bake in the oven for 2 hours at 200 C. Shortly before readiness, pour 50 g of grated cheese on top of the meat. The dish is best served hot. Cheese crust gives the beef a beautiful, festive look and unique flavor. Chopped chunks of meat can be poured with the resulting sauce.

Beef with prunes baked in the oven

This recipe has an original taste. This dish is best prepared for the festive table, it will make a splash among the guests. Rinse prunes (about 30 pieces) and pour boiling water over them. Prepare mustard sauce from 4 tbsp. mustard and 2 tbsp. mayonnaise, sprinkled with salt and pepper to taste.

In a piece of beef pulp (1 kg), make transverse cuts into which carefully insert the prunes. Coat meat with mustard sauce and wrap tightly in foil. Put in the refrigerator, and after an hour - in the oven. Hold for 1.5 hours at 200 C. This wonderful and fragrant dish will delight guests.

Beef slices baked in the oven

This recipe is more suitable as a second course for dinner and will not take much time. Cut 700 g of beef pulp into pieces and beat with a hammer. Season with salt and pepper. Pour a little oil into a baking sheet and place the prepared meat on it, spreading each piece with 1 tsp. mayonnaise.

Cut 4 onions into rings and sprinkle over the meat. Finely chop 2 medium tomatoes and 4 cloves of garlic, pour in 2 tbsp. tomato paste and stir. Cover the meat with the resulting mass and pour a little grated cheese on top. 1 hour bake in the oven at 200 C. Any side dish can be prepared.

Beef on the bone baked in the oven

This option is prepared quickly, easily, does not require any special culinary tricks, but it turns out an incredibly tasty dish. In this case, an entrecote on the bone is required (4 pieces of 300 g each). Brush each steak with olive oil (1 tsp), season with salt and pepper. For 30 min. leave in the kitchen.

Lay foil on a baking sheet, put the steaks. Bake best under the top grill at the highest temperature 5 minutes. on one side and 4 min. with another. Next, remove the meat and let it stand for 5 minutes, and you can safely serve it on the table with a side dish.

Beef cutlets baked in the oven

The recipe for baked beef cutlets will bring joy to any hostess. Simplicity, economy, no lengthy preparation, and at the same time, maximum taste and benefit. 500 g of beef cut into pieces and grind in a meat grinder with 1 onion.

Add 1 egg, salt, pepper and fresh herbs to taste. For juiciness, minced meat can be supplemented with 1 tbsp. sour cream. Lay foil on a baking sheet, spread the formed cutlets on it. Top them tightly with another sheet of foil. 45 min. bake at 180 C.

Shortly before the meat is ready, remove the top sheet so that a crust appears on the cutlets. Remove from oven, let cool 5 minutes. and serve with any side dish.

Beef baked in the oven in a piece of foil

This option cooks faster than usual. This recipe is suitable for everyday table, and for the holiday. It will take 1 kg of beef pulp. 1 carrot and 10 garlic cloves cut into circles.

Gently stuff them with meat, after making long cuts in it. Rub it thoroughly with salt and pepper, and try to wrap it tightly in foil. Place in the oven at 200 C for 1 hour.

How long to bake beef in the oven in foil

The use of foil significantly reduces the cooking time. Meat cooks fairly quickly inside. Therefore, at a temperature of 200 C, the process can take only 1 hour.

Beef baked in the oven in a sleeve piece

It is better to marinate beef in the evening so that you can start cooking in the morning. 2 tbsp salt and 1 tsp. Pour granulated sugar into 1 liter of water. Pour in the same 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice. Put a piece of beef weighing 800 g into the resulting marinade.

The solution should completely cover it. Throw in 1 bay leaf and 4 peppercorns. Place some weight on top, and marinate for 12 hours. In the morning, first prepare the sauce by stirring in a separate bowl 2 tbsp. l. mustard with 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

Sprinkle all this with 1 tsp. pepper. Coat the finished piece of beef with this mixture. 8 garlic cloves cut into circles. Carefully stuffing them with meat, hold for 45 minutes. in the kitchen. Next, put it in a sleeve and add half a glass of warm water. Bake at 180 C.

After a while, the water in the sleeve will boil, this will be a sign that it is time to reduce the temperature to 150 C. Leave in the oven for another 1.5 hours. At the end of the process, keep the meat in the switched off oven. After 20 min. You can take it out and serve it hot.

How much to bake beef in the oven in the sleeve

The roasting time of beef using a sleeve varies between 1-1.5 hours. And it entirely depends on the size of the piece of beef pulp. To speed up the process, a small amount of water is added to the sleeve.

The use of such devices as foil with a sleeve in the culinary business has several advantages:

  • The meat is obtained in its own juice and without the use of oil;
  • The meat is perfectly cooked comes out soft and quite juicy;
  • The nutritional value of such meat is higher than that prepared in other ways;
  • Clean baking sheet and oven. All fat remains in the foil or in the sleeve;
  • Time cooking is reduced.

The secret of the sleeve is in the profiled seam through which steam can escape.

Which of the two methods is preferable? There is no single answer to this question. It all depends on what dish is being prepared. Some housewives prefer to bake in the sleeve, because of the convenience. The sleeve does not tear and, unlike foil, does not stick to the meat.

Others prefer foil. It is believed that the meat is tastier because of the crust. And the sleeve, in their opinion, does not always close tightly, there is a risk of staining the oven. In general, these preferences are very individual.

How to bake marbled beef in the oven

Marbled beef represents the best parts of the tenderloin, which has muscle fat layers in the form of a marble pattern. The price category of such meat is much higher than others. Preparing it is quite simple, but it takes time.

The end result is a sumptuous dish that will take center stage on the festive table. Tie up 2.5 kg of marbled beef on the ribs using kitchen string to avoid losing shape.

In addition to the tenderloin, there are other better parts presented in this diagram.

Brush it with olive oil (about 4 tbsp), sprinkle evenly with 1 tsp. salt and 1/4 tsp. pepper. Mix in oregano, rosemary and basil herbs. 1 tsp pour this mixture on top. Put the meat in the form with the ribs down and 20 minutes. keep in the oven at 200 C.

Then take it out and cover tightly with a layer of foil. Bake at 160 C for another 2 hours. At the end of the process, remove the meat, let it stand for 15 minutes, then serve hot and sliced.

Pros and cons of the product Miratorg (beef for baking)

Miratorg offers a semi-finished product - pickled beef in baking bags. This is very convenient because it does not require time for preparation.

Steak Striploin Miratorg marbled beef.

The marinade completely saturates the meat with fragrant spices, and the hostess only needs to bake the finished product right in the package and get a wonderful dish. In our busy life, the opportunity to cook such a hearty, tasty and, moreover, a beautiful dinner in a hurry is just a gift.

What is the calorie content of beef baked in the oven

Oven-baked beef retains all the valuable nutrients while beef meat contains a small amount of calories: from 106 to 180 kcal per 100 g of product.

  • Instructions and recipe: How to brew beer at home. Benefits of homemade beer
  • Watch a video on how to properly cook beef baked in the oven:

    From this video you will learn how to bake beef in the sleeve:

    All the best to you and good luck with your culinary experiments!

    Many housewives do not like beef due to the fact that this meat, even after long cooking, turns out to be quite tough and similar in structure to rubber. This usually happens with the wrong choice of meat, if instead of young veal, the meat of an old, already elderly animal was bought.

    But even in these situations, you can make tender and soft beef, you just need to know the basic secrets of cooking.

    How to choose the right beef

    Before you start cooking beef meat, you need to choose it correctly. It is on how it is chosen that the final taste of the cooked dish will depend. When choosing beef meat, you should pay attention to the following qualities:

    • color. Fresh beef has a bright red color. The color should not have blotches of greenish or dark tint. If the beef has a dark texture, then this will mean that it belongs to an old animal, and the old meat is cooked for a long time and turns out to be rubbery. Therefore, it is worth choosing bright red beef;
    • fat. Fat should have a soft white structure and be quite dense. These qualities indicate that the beef is fresh and of high quality. In young beef, fat may crumble a little. If the fat has a yellow tint, then this will mean that the beef is old;
    • fresh meat should have a dry surface, a slight airing of the surface is allowed if it was butchered several hours ago. But in any case, there should be no spots, hard crusts on the surface. Fresh beef is dry and firm to the touch;
    • It should smell like beef. The smell should be pleasant without additional unpleasant odors;
    • elasticity. To check this quality, you need to press your finger on the meat, if a hole has formed, which immediately smoothed out, then this will mean that the meat is fresh.

    How to make tough beef soft: ways

    How to make beef tender? There are many ways to make this type of meat much softer and juicier. If the meat is young and fresh, then it usually does not need additional softening, it is enough to properly prepare it for cooking. When preparing, the following conditions must be observed:

    1. If the beef is frozen, then it should be properly thawed. Defrost should be gradual. To begin with, the meat should be transferred to a container and placed on the middle shelf of the refrigerator for several hours, then it is removed and left to defrost at room temperature. You should not defrost it with a microwave oven, hot water, in these cases even young meat will become rubbery and tasteless during the cooking process;
    2. A piece of meat should be cut into thin pieces with a thickness of 1.5-2.5 cm. Then they are rubbed with black pepper, but not with salt. Then they are laid out on a cutting board and beaten off from all sides with a kitchen hammer;
    3. Cut the meat only across the grain. The degree of softness of the cooked meat depends on the direction of the cut. Long fibers become stiff during cooking, this is due to the folding of the protein.

    You can make the meat tender with the help of marinades. To prepare marinades, you can use kiwi, kefir, wine, garlic or onions.

    How to make beef tender when boiled

    In order for the beef to be tender and soft after cooking, it should be cooked correctly. To do this, you can use the following important recommendations:

    • in order for the beef to turn out soft during cooking, it should be lowered into already boiling water;
    • it is recommended to boil in a whole piece. It can be cut into small slices after boiling;
    • to give additional aroma and taste, you can additionally boil vegetables, put spices. A good option would be carrots and onions. To do this, the vegetables need to be washed, peeled and cut. It is necessary to spread the vegetables an hour after the start of boiling the meat. Spices are added 15 minutes before the end of boiling.

    How to cook - take note of the recipe for a delicious and healthy dish.

    Read how to cook fragrant pilaf in a cauldron on a fire - Asian cuisine.

    Boiled sausage at home - try this recipe and forget about store products forever.

    How to make beef soft and juicy when frying

    Beef is often used for frying. All known steaks, fillets, chops are cooked in a pan. That's just when frying beef is the easiest to spoil.

    In order for the beef to turn out soft and juicy during frying, it must be cooked correctly:

    1. For cooking, it is worth using a heavy cast-iron base pan with a thick bottom;
    2. Before frying, it is recommended to preheat the pan over high heat;
    3. Next, pour a little oil on the surface of the pan, it should only grease the pan a little;
    4. We spread the pieces of meat that are previously beaten off. The meat must be laid out on a very hot frying pan with oil;
    5. Fry beef steaks quickly on both sides. Each side should be fried for no more than half a minute;
    6. As soon as the steaks are covered with a crust, they can be laid out from the pan.

    How to make beef tender when stewing

    Beef almost never turns out juicy during stewing, but it can be given softness and tenderness. The main thing is to follow a few important rules:

    • for stewing, beef must be cut into small sticks with dimensions of 3-4 cm;
    • then you need to fry in a pan for 60 seconds, the pieces should be covered with a dry crust;
    • after that, the beef is placed in a cauldron or stewpan, hot water is poured into it;
    • it is necessary to simmer on low heat for 1.5-2 hours;
    • in addition to meat during stewing, you can add various spices and vegetables - bay leaf, peppercorns, onions, garlic and other vegetables;
    • you need to salt at the very end of the 15 minutes before the end of the quenching;
    • when cooked, the meat fibers should be easily separated from each other.

    How to make beef goulash soft

    How to do:

    How to make soft beef skewers: marinade recipes

    Marinade with kiwi

    For a kilogram of meat, you need 1 large kiwi. Kiwi should be cut into small pieces with a knife or rubbed on a grater. The meat can be cut into medium pieces, put in a container and mashed kiwi is distributed on top. Marinate should be no more than 30 minutes, otherwise you can greatly spoil the look and taste of beef.

    Calorie content - 85 kcal.

    Kefir marinade

    For 1 kilogram of beef you will need:

    • low-fat kefir - 1 liter;
    • vegetable oil - 50 ml;
    • three bulbs;
    • salt - a pinch;
    • a little ground black pepper.

    Cooking time - 30 minutes.

    Calorie content - 78 kcal.

    Let's start cooking:

    1. The meat must be washed, cut into pieces across the fibers;
    2. We spread a part of the meat on the bottom of a deep cup, sprinkle with salt and black pepper;
    3. Onions should be peeled, cut the peeled heads into rings;
    4. We spread the onion rings on top of the pieces of beef;
    5. Next, lay out the second half of the meat, sprinkle with salt, pepper and lay a layer of onion rings on top;
    6. Pour everything with vegetable oil, pour kefir;
    7. We put oppression on top and send it to the refrigerator for 4-5 hours.

    wine marinade

    For the marinade you will need:

    • dry or semi-dry red wine - 1 glass;
    • vegetable oil of the first pressing 100 l;
    • fresh lemon - ½ part;
    • ground black pepper - 5 grams;
    • allspice - a pinch;
    • a few sprigs of dill, parsley.

    Cooking time - 25-30 minutes.

    Calorie content - 86 kcal.

    How to do:

    1. Pour wine into a cup;
    2. Squeeze juice from half a lemon and pour over wine;
    3. Add vegetable oil and mix the liquid components;
    4. Then we fall asleep two types of pepper and distribute it over the liquid marinade;
    5. Greens need to be cut into small pieces and poured into the marinade;
    6. Cut the meat into medium pieces and put in the marinade;
    7. We put in the refrigerator to marinate for 4-5 hours.

    garlic marinade recipe

    For 1 kilogram of meat, the following components will be required:

    • large lemon - 1 piece;
    • garlic cloves - 3 pieces;
    • onion - head;
    • red chili pepper - a pinch;
    • water - ½ cup.

    Cooking time - 35 minutes.

    Calorie content - 89 kcal.

    Let's start cooking:

    1. The lemon must be washed and cut;
    2. Squeeze the juice from each part of the lemon and pour into a cup;
    3. Add water and dilute;
    4. We clean the garlic cloves from the skin and cut into small pieces;
    5. We clean the onion and chop it into small squares;
    6. We wash the meat, cut into portions;
    7. Mix garlic with onion and red pepper;
    8. We spread the garlic-onion mixture to the meat and stir;
    9. Next, put the meat in a bowl and pour the marinade from lemon juice and water;
    10. We remove to marinate in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.

    Marinade in tomato sauce

    For cooking you will need:

    • A glass of tomato juice;
    • grape vinegar - 100 ml;
    • carrots - 2 pieces;
    • dark red bell pepper.

    Cooking time - 35-40 minutes.

    Calorie content - 74 kcal.

    Let's start cooking:

    1. We clean the onion from the skin and cut into thin rings;
    2. Wash the carrots, peel and cut into circles;
    3. Rinse the pepper, clean the seeds and cut into squares;
    4. Cut the beef into medium pieces and put it in a container, sprinkle with salt;
    5. Top with onion rings, carrot slices and pepper slices;
    6. Next, pour the grape vinegar;
    7. Then pour in tomato juice and mix everything thoroughly;
    8. We close the container and put it in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours.

    Making beef soft is not so difficult, the main thing is to use all the tips and tricks correctly. It is also important to choose the right meat, the whole result of the cooked dish depends on this. With all the tips above, you can cook delicious, tender and soft beef at home.

    Marinades for beef

    To make the meat soft and juicy, and also acquire a delicate or bright aroma, it is marinated. This is done in plastic or enameled containers so that the pieces do not touch the exposed metal, and their taste does not deteriorate. Marinade the beef while cooking. Sometimes a sauce is made from it: flour and starch are added, put on low heat.

    For barbecue


    • 3 art. spoons of wine vinegar;
    • 2 onions;
    • 1 teaspoon of coriander seeds;
    • 2 teaspoons of salt;
    • 1 teaspoon ground black pepper

    Finely chop the onion, add pepper, salt, vinegar, coriander. The chopped meat is mixed with the marinade with your hands and slightly compacted. The vessel is closed with a lid and left for a day in a cool place for 1 day.

    For baking in the oven


    • lemon;
    • 2 onions;
    • 4 cloves of garlic;
    • half a glass of water;
    • 1 teaspoon of salt;
    • 1 teaspoon ground pepper

    Lemon juice is mixed with cold water, finely chopped onion, garlic, salt and pepper are added to it. The meat is cut into pieces, poured with cool marinade and left for 3 hours.

    For steak


    • 6 cloves of garlic;
    • 1 onion;
    • 3 art. spoons of 9% vinegar;
    • half a glass of olive oil;
    • half a glass of soy sauce;
    • 2 tbsp. spoons of mustard;
    • teaspoon of salt;
    • teaspoon of pepper;
    • rosemary

    All ingredients are ground in a blender until smooth. Drizzle beef steaks with marinade and refrigerate for at least 3 hours.

    For frying


    • glass of water;
    • 2 onions;
    • lemon;
    • 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar;
    • 2 tbsp. spoons of salt;
    • ½ teaspoon curry;
    • 1 teaspoon meat seasoning

    Finely chop the onion, knead it with your hands and mix with chopped beef, sprinkle with seasoning. Water is mixed with lemon juice, sugar and salt, poured into a bowl with meat. Mix everything well and marinate in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours.

    How long to roast beef?

    The meat is fried in pieces, in the form of steaks or chops. To do this, use a frying pan, grill, oven. Each dish has its own degree of readiness.

    A steak is a piece of beef flesh 2-4 cm thick, cooked in a special frying pan with a wavy surface. It is fried from 30 seconds to 5 minutes on both sides, knowing the basic methods of frying steaks.

    To check if the steak is ready, you need to press on it.

    An easier way to fry beef is in 3-4 cm cubes. Cook them in a preheated pan for 25-30 minutes.

    The chop is kept on fire until a crust appears, after which it is turned over and fried for 2 minutes on each side.

    Classic beef stew with onions

    For cooking, you need a frying pan with a thick bottom, cast iron is best. In it, the meat does not dry out and does not burn.

    The calorie content of this dish is 275 kcal. The ingredients below can make 3 servings.


    • 500 g of beef;
    • 2 onions;
    • vegetable oil;
    • 1 teaspoon of sugar;
    • a pinch of black ground pepper;
    • 100 ml. drinking water;
    • 1 teaspoon salt

    How to cook:

    Wash the beef, dry it with paper towels and cut into medium portions. Season them with salt and pepper and stir. Peel the onion, rinse it and chop it into half rings. Heat the oil in a frying pan, put the meat in it. Fry it for 10 minutes over high heat, stirring occasionally.

    Put the onion to the browned pieces, mix everything. Saute the ingredients until the onion is soft and translucent. Pour hot water into the pan, reduce the heat, cover the pot with a lid and simmer the meat for an hour.

    Beef with vegetables in a pan

    Delicious and quick recipe. For this dish, it is better to use beef neck, then the meat will be soft. It can be served with different side dishes and on its own.


    • 350 g beef;
    • 1 onion;
    • 1 bell pepper;
    • carrots - 1 pc. or half;
    • 2 fresh tomatoes;
    • 1 clove of garlic;
    • salt, seasonings for meat,
    • freshly ground black pepper;
    • 3 art. tablespoons of vegetable oil;
    • 50 ml. water;
    • greenery

    Cut the beef into thin slices and beat lightly with a hammer. Fry it, stirring over moderate heat until golden brown. Add chopped onion or feathers to the meat.

    Cut the carrots into thin slices and place in the pan. Fry it over low heat and stir for 5-7 minutes. Add a straw of bell pepper.

    Salt the food, pour 50 ml. water and simmer the meat with vegetables under the lid for 7 minutes. Add slices of fresh tomatoes and finely chopped garlic, mix. Simmer the dish for 4-5 minutes so that the shape of the tomato slices is preserved.

    Sprinkle the dish with finely chopped herbs and serve.

    Beef in sour cream in a pan

    Meat cooked according to this recipe is not greasy at all.


    • 600 g of beef;
    • 100 g of sour cream;
    • 1 onion;
    • salt;
    • spices for meat;
    • sunflower oil

    Finely chop the meat. Heat the oil in a frying pan, fry the beef on it on both sides, stirring occasionally. Cook covered over low heat. Add the onion, cut into half rings, fry it until golden brown.

    Mix 100 ml. sour cream and 200 ml. boiled water. Pour this mixture over the pieces of beef, salt, pepper and other spices to your taste. Simmer over low heat for about 20 minutes.

    Then you can remove the treat from the fire and serve it to the table.

    Grilled Beef in Coconut Sauce

    Beef in coconut sauce

    The meat in such an unusual shell turns out to be spicy. To prepare the dish, you will need coconut milk, which can be purchased at the store or squeeze the nut pulp yourself.


    • 500 g beef fillet;
    • 1 glass of coconut milk;
    • 2 onions;
    • 3 cloves of garlic;
    • fresh hot pepper;
    • a piece of ginger;
    • 1 st. a spoonful of vegetable oil;
    • 2 sprigs of fresh lemon balm;
    • ½ st. spoons of brown sugar

    Finely chop the onion. Peel the ginger, cut it into large pieces. Remove seeds from hot peppers. Put everything in a blender, including garlic and lemon balm. Pour in the coconut milk and make a smooth paste. Then pour it into a deep frying pan with oil and cook for 3 minutes.

    Cut the meat into small cubes, put it in the pan, pour in the remaining milk and simmer until the meat is tender and the sauce thickens.

    Season the dish with sugar and salt.

    Beef in creamy raspberry sauce

    Beef in raspberry sauce

    It turns out that not only any side dishes, but also berries are suitable for meat. In this case, beef can be stewed, fried and smoked.

    Required products:

    • 800 g of meat;
    • a handful of fresh or frozen raspberries;
    • 1.5-2 tablespoons of lingonberry jam;
    • 200 ml. cream;
    • 60 g butter;
    • ½ cup red wine;
    • ½ cup broth;
    • salt;
    • coarse black pepper

    Jam can be store-bought, as long as it does not contain preservatives. Cowberry can be replaced with cranberry.

    If the meat is frozen, let it thaw gradually to retain the juices inside. Then cut it into small slices and sprinkle with pepper.

    Heat the oil in a deep frying pan and put the beef pieces in it. They should be well cooked, but not burnt. Then salt to taste.

    Lightly stir the meat slices. Add jam and red wine to them, simmer for 6 minutes without closing the lid. At this time, rinse the berries with cold water and dry them, you can on a paper towel.

    Add the broth and cream to the meat, stir and wait until the liquid has evaporated. If there is not enough salt, salt the beef again.

    Place the berries in a bowl, mix all the ingredients and cook for 10-12 minutes.

    Remove the dish from the stove and bring it to the table.

    How to juicy roast beef steak


    • selected beef in the form of a steak, 2 pcs.;
    • sunflower oil for frying;
    • salt;
    • pepper;
    • french herbs

    How to cook:

    The steak does not need to be washed. Wipe it dry with a paper towel. Sprinkle the meat with pepper and salt, as well as spices. Rub them into the steak with your hands. Brush the beef with sunflower oil on both sides. Pour some oil into a cast iron skillet and heat it up.

    Place the steak in a bowl and cook for 1 minute on each side. Turn it over several times until done. To do this, it is advisable to use culinary tongs, and not a fork, so that the juice does not flow out.

    Beef is a finicky but versatile meat that goes great with savory, spicy and even sweet ingredients. I hope these recipes will help you prepare delicious and juicy dishes.
    Also learn how to cook beef in a pot in Russian
    Bon appetit!

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