
Which vegetables are best eaten raw and which are cooked. Raw arugula

Beauties Demi Moore and Angelina Jolie know how to get rid of 3 kg in 3 days and rejuvenate your body. And you? Learn more about the raw diet, get 14 diet options and enjoy the results!

Raw, thermally unprocessed food contains all the substances laid down by nature, thanks to which it brings to the body maximum benefit. That is why the raw food diet is gaining more and more popularity every year, as is the raw diet, the menu of which is compiled according to the principles of this food system.

Unlike a raw food diet, a raw weight loss program is usually based only on a plant-based diet, milk and eggs, while raw foodists can eat meat and fish that are not cooked.

The essence and features of the raw food diet

The method of losing weight, based on a raw food diet, provides not only rapid weight loss, but also significant rejuvenation, cleansing, and healing of the whole organism. The essence of such a diet is quite simple - you need to eat only raw foods. Being processed in the digestive tract, they do not form toxins, but only supply the body with a large amount of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. In addition, raw foods contain fewer calories along with complex carbohydrates, which promotes active fat burning and loss extra pounds.

During weight loss on such a system, it is allowed to use:

  • vegetables, fruits, dried fruits;
  • seeds, nuts, sprouted grains;
  • herbs, spices;
  • freshly made fruit or vegetable juices;
  • lactic acid products;
  • eggs (chicken, quail).

In addition to these products, you can only drink clean water, excluding any tea, coffee, other similar drinks.

Of the minuses of a raw diet, the following should be highlighted:

  • the body does not receive all the necessary nutrients, especially proteins, trace elements, vitamins, and others useful substances;
  • if the diet is too limited and hungry, dizziness, nausea, weakness may appear, the likelihood of breakdowns increases;
  • there is no opportunity to fully engage in sports due to the limited intake of proteins and lack of energy;
  • lost weight can quickly come back if the diet is not correct.

Also, the disadvantages of a raw food diet include the presence of some contraindications associated with diseases of the digestive system, which provide for a special nutrition system. In all other cases, you can safely use the raw food weight loss system, choosing the most suitable one from the large number of options offered - in terms of duration or composition of the products.


The essence and principles of the raw food diet are such that you can follow it all your life. However, there are such methods of losing weight, during which quite severe dietary restrictions are imposed, so you need to follow them only for the recommended number of days. This is especially true for too rigid programs designed for 3 days.

For 3 days

One of the most effective ways to lose weight is the juice diet. It has a powerful cleansing effect, while saturating the body with the necessary substances. But it should be borne in mind that only freshly prepared can bring benefits. natural juices, not packaged drinks from the store.


Juice method of weight loss is designed for 3 days. It is this time that is enough for high-quality cleansing and the loss of 2-3 extra pounds. In this case, the following rules must be observed:

  • you can drink any freshly squeezed juices from berries, fruits, vegetables, herbs;
  • it is advisable to dilute too concentrated fresh juices (for example, orange or apple) in half with clean water to reduce stress on the organs digestive system;
  • the volume of juices drunk should be 2 liters per day, regardless of whether they are diluted with water or not;
  • in addition, you should drink 1 liter of pure water;
  • you need to choose juices taking into account the state of health, especially carefully you need to use acidic fresh juices, which are contraindicated in gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis;
  • juice with pulp contains fiber, which contributes to better satiety, cleansing and weight loss, so more of these drinks should be included in the menu;
  • vegetable juices are lower in calories and provide more effective weight loss, but contain fewer vitamins.

Juices should be prepared immediately before use, as they quickly lose their beneficial features.

It is best to use a juicer, but you can grind the fruits on a grater or in a blender, getting delicious thick smoothies and shakes.

sample menu

You can make up a diet at your discretion - from different juices every day or alternate their use by day. Approximately the menu and power scheme should look like this:

  • on an empty stomach - 1-2 glasses of pure water;
  • 8:00 - 250 ml of apple juice with pulp;
  • 10:00 - 250 ml of a cocktail of lemon, pineapple, grapefruit juice taken in equal proportions;
  • 12:00 - 250 g smoothie from vegetables, chopped with a blender (beets, carrots, spinach) with the addition of lemon juice;
  • 14:00 - 250 ml of any fruit juice;
  • 16:00 - 250 ml of a cocktail of apple, orange, carrot juice;
  • 18:00 - 250 g of fruit and berry smoothie;
  • 20:00 - 250 ml of tomato juice with herbs;
  • before going to bed - 250 of any vegetable juice.

It is not necessary to adhere to just such a diet for all 3 days, you can make your own changes, observing the basic principles of the juice diet.

It should be borne in mind that mono-diets on juices are the most effective. For example, if you drink a glass of grapefruit fresh every 2 hours for 3 days, you can significantly speed up the process of fat breakdown. Apple juice is able to improve metabolism, therefore, after an apple-juice mono-diet, the risk of returning lost kilograms is reduced. Lemon juice has the strongest fat-burning and cleansing properties.

If there are no contraindications to the use of lemon, it is recommended to spend all 3 days of the diet on just such juice. In this case, you need to dilute it with water in a proportion suitable for taste (for example, 1:2 or 1:3).

Losing weight with lemon juice gives the highest result - minus 4-5 kg ​​in 3 days, but rash use can harm the health of the digestive system.

Even better, mix lemon juice with carrot, cabbage, beet, celery or other vegetable juice of your choice. It will significantly improve the taste of such drinks, increase the fat-burning effect and enrich the vitamin and mineral composition.

Excellent results in weight loss gives Birch juice. It has a less aggressive effect on the digestive organs, but, unfortunately, is available only in the spring during the sap flow. Canned birch sap even own cooking it is not suitable for such purposes, since it will not have such a powerful cleansing effect. In addition, birch sap has been used to treat many diseases at all times. Its benefits for weight loss are manifested in the ability to normalize all metabolic processes, eliminate puffiness, remove toxins, activate metabolism, which results in the breakdown of body fat and weight loss.

In addition to these juices, almost any other drinks prepared by yourself can be used in diet programs. If such a weight loss process is too difficult to follow or ends in failures, it is better to use softer methods designed for a week.

For 7 days

The best weekly raw diet is beetroot. The basis of the high efficiency of using beets for weight loss is the content of two substances in this root crop:

  • betaine, which can oxidize fat cells, depriving them of blood vessels and then remove them from the body;
  • curcumin, which prevents the formation of new fat cells, which prevents the deposition of fat in reserves, even with too high-calorie nutrition.

In addition, beetroot is a source of fiber, a variety of vitamins and minerals, which helps not only to lose weight, but also determines the healing effect of the beetroot diet.


There are no special requirements for such a diet - you just need to follow the menu of the selected option. The volume of water drunk daily should be at least 2 liters to enhance the cleansing effect of beets.

sample menu

Raw beet diet exists in two versions - strict, beet-kefir and sparing, which involves eating not only beets. In the second diet, you can enter some carrots, nuts, garlic, spices and fat-free fermented milk drinks for salad dressing. This approach allows you to diversify the taste of beetroot dishes and increase their nutritional value with the missing elements.

Gentle option

There are two options for the beet diet menu. Nutrition according to this method is based on 3 meals a day according to the following scheme:

  • breakfast - 200 g raw beets, 200 ml carrot juice;
  • lunch - 150 g of beet-carrot salad with garlic, nuts, yogurt;
  • dinner - 200 ml of kefir, 200 g of raw beets.
  • lunch - 150 g of beetroot salad with herbs;
  • dinner - 200 ml of beet-kefir smoothie.
  • breakfast - 200 g of raw beets, 200 ml of carrot and beetroot fresh;
  • lunch - 200 g of beet-carrot salad with 1 tsp. olive oil, garlic, herbs;
  • dinner - 200 ml of carrot juice, 100 g of raw beets.
  • breakfast - 200 g of grated raw beets with yogurt and herbs;
  • lunch - 200 g of carrot-beetroot salad with nuts and ground pepper;
  • dinner - 250 ml of beet-kefir smoothie.
  • breakfast - 200 ml of carrot and beetroot juice, 100 gr. pureed beets with ground nuts;
  • dinner - 250 ml of kefir, 100 g of raw beets.
  • breakfast - 200 g of raw beets, 200 ml of yogurt;
  • lunch - 200 g of beet-carrot salad with garlic, nuts, yogurt;
  • dinner - 300 ml of beet-carrot smoothie with kefir.
  • breakfast - 200 g of beetroot salad with prunes;
  • lunch - 200 ml of beet-carrot salad with 1 tsp. olive oil, 200 ml beet-lemon juice;
  • dinner - 200 g of raw beets, 50 g of nuts.

After 7 days of such a diet, you need to switch to a healthy diet, leaving the menu enough raw beetroot dishes to preserve the result. During weight loss, the plumb line is usually 4-8 kg, depending on the initial weight and individual features. If there is a need to lose more extra pounds, you can use a more strict version of the raw beet diet - only on beets and kefir.

Strict option

The beet-kefir diet is quite tough, but effective: you can lose up to 10 kg in 1 week excess weight. In this case, the diet is built as follows:

  • daily menu consists of 1 kg of raw beets, 1.5 liters of fat-free kefir, 1 liter of pure water;
  • beets can be consumed together with kefir or alternately;
  • water should be drunk between meals, without reducing the specified amount in order to avoid dehydration, since the combination of beets with kefir has a pronounced diuretic effect.

To avoid a strong feeling of hunger, you need to eat fractionally. Although on such a diet it will be quite difficult to overcome hunger, and in some cases even impossible. If it is not possible to prevent breakdowns, it is better to pay attention to the previous sparing option or use a 2-week weight loss technique with a more varied menu.

For 14 days

A raw diet for 14 days is a fairly balanced weight loss program that involves eating a wide variety of vegetables, fruits, and berries. Such a wide range of allowed products allows you to make a rich menu and lose weight with pleasure. With strict adherence to the above recommendations, you can lose 9-12 excess kilograms in 2 weeks.


For one day of such a diet, 3 kg of any vegetables or fruits are allocated. They can be consumed together or separately, choosing to your taste, as well as in natural form or in salads, juices, smoothies. It is allowed to introduce nuts, dried fruits, herbal teas into the diet.

sample menu

All the indicated amount of products (3 kg) must be distributed per day so as to exclude the appearance of hunger.

The daily menu should be built according to the following scheme:

  • breakfast - fruit salad, Herb tea;
  • lunch - smoothies from vegetables, fruits or a mixture thereof;
  • dinner - vegetable salad with nuts, fruit fresh;
  • afternoon snack - fruit salad or 50 grams of dried fruit;
  • dinner - vegetable salad;
  • at night - fruit and vegetable fresh juice.

You need to gradually switch to your usual diet after losing weight. At the same time, it is desirable to make nutrition correct, balanced and as healthy as possible.

If none of these methods of raw food weight loss is suitable, you can choose another one - with a completely different composition that will suit personal tastes and goals.

Diet Options

Since the list of foods allowed in the raw food diet is quite diverse, you can make up the most different variants menu. The most popular in this case are diets on raw vegetables.

On raw vegetables

Raw vegetables are the easiest to eat - they are always available, do not require cooking time, and are allowed to be consumed in large quantities, which prevents a strong feeling of hunger from appearing.


The diet can be made up of any vegetables, except potatoes, in unlimited quantities. They can be used in salads, juices, smoothies or consumed in their natural form. The duration of this method of losing weight depends on the goals and willpower. Nutritionists recommend following a raw vegetable diet for 7-10 days, during which you can lose 3-5 kg, respectively.

sample menu

  • breakfast - cabbage salad, carrot juice;
  • lunch - carrot-ginger cocktail with spinach;
  • lunch - vegetable salad with green onions And lemon juice, beet-tomato juice;
  • afternoon snack - cucumber smoothie with dill and garlic;
  • dinner - vegetable salad, pumpkin juice with mint.

The most varied diet can be made up of seasonal vegetables, if such a diet is carried out at the end of summer or autumn.

During this period, the most popular methods of losing weight on cucumbers, tomatoes, pumpkins, and especially on zucchini.

On raw zucchini

Zucchini is perfect dietary product low calorie, rich in vitamins and minerals, great content fiber and fluids. The most common weight loss option raw zucchini is the use variety of salads based on them.


For weight loss, it is recommended to take only young zucchini with a thin skin and still unformed seeds. Their use has a positive effect on work gastrointestinal tract, perfectly cleanses the intestines, improves metabolism.

The daily intake of zucchini is 1.5 kg. In addition, you can use spices, herbs, herbs, lemon juice.

sample menu

The rules of this technique do not provide for a strict scheme for eating dishes. It is necessary to prepare salads from the indicated number of zucchini and eat them 5-6 times a day, divided by equal portions. The following recipes can be used to prepare meals.

Recipe 1 - with garlic and dill


  • zucchini - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • dill;
  • lemon juice;
  • ground black pepper.

Zucchini is chopped into very thin strips, lemon juice is poured on top, pepper and garlic are added. Everything is gently mixed.

Recipe 2 - with honey garlic dressing


  • zucchini - 1 pc.;
  • liquid honey - 1 tsp;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • greenery.

The zucchini is cut into thin slices. Dressing is prepared separately - chopped garlic is rubbed with honey and chopped herbs. Zucchini is squeezed out of juice, transferred to a dish, poured with dressing, infused for 15-20 minutes.

Recipe 3 - Korean zucchini

  • zucchini - 1 pc.;
  • carrots (raw) - 1 pc.;
  • sweet pepper - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • ground red pepper - to taste;
  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • cilantro or parsley.

Vegetables are rubbed on a special grater to make long straws. The remaining components are added, everything is mixed and infused for 10 minutes.

Recipe 4 - zucchini with ginger sauce

  • zucchini - 1 pc.;
  • peeled sunflower seeds - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • dried ginger - 1 tsp;
  • lemon juice - 2 tsp;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • any greens to taste.

Zucchini is cut into thin long strips. For the sauce, the seeds are soaked in water for 2-3 hours, then mixed with the rest of the ingredients, placed in a blender and ground to a sauce with the gradual addition of 0.5 cups of water. Then you can mix the zucchini with the sauce or use it by dipping the vegetable strips in it.

These recipes can be used alternately to diversify the daily menu or cook one type of salad for the whole day. This diet can be followed for 10-14 days. Weight loss during this period can be 7-8 extra pounds.

It is not recommended to lose weight on zucchini or other vegetables in the spring, because by this time there are few useful substances left in them, and greenhouse ones do not have all the necessary properties. During this period, a diet based on raw fruits is more suitable.

In addition, this food option will be more acceptable for those who find it difficult to do without sweets.

On fruit

A fruit diet provides tasty and relatively non-hungry weight loss, while enriching the body with most of the necessary vitamins, minerals, trace elements and other important substances. Fruits consist mainly of water and fiber, so they perfectly cleanse the intestines, dull the feeling of hunger, and promote active weight loss.


Lose weight with fresh fruit you need the same as on vegetables. They can be consumed in their natural form, in salads, juices, shakes or smoothies. In this case, it is recommended to use those fruits that contribute to weight loss:

  • apples - the most affordable and popular, very rich in vitamins, iron;
  • pineapples - are valued in dietary nutrition for the presence of a special bromelain enzyme that neutralizes fats and helps eliminate cellulite;
  • grapefruits - have a "minus" calorie content, that is, their digestion requires more energy than they supply to the body;
  • oranges - have properties similar to grapefruits, contain a lot of vegetable fibers, due to which the intestines are maximally cleansed of harmful substances;
  • bananas are different high calorie, but thanks to this, they completely eliminate the feeling of hunger;
  • peaches - can reduce appetite, activate intestinal motility.

It can also be included in dietary ration any berries other than grapes.

sample menu

There are a large number of varieties of raw fruit diets - for every taste and budget. They differ only in the set of products included in the diet, while their use is built almost according to the same scheme:

  • breakfast - 200 ml of juice, 1-2 any fruit;
  • lunch - smoothie or cocktail;
  • lunch - salad;
  • afternoon snack - 200 ml of juice;
  • dinner - salad, juice or cocktail.

The duration of such a weight loss system should be 5-7 days. With good tolerance, it is allowed to extend up to a maximum of 10 days. Weight loss in this case reaches 5-6 kg per week.

To achieve better results, you should follow a mono-diet based on the use of only one type of fruit. To minimize the likelihood of a breakdown and make the process of losing weight comfortable, it is better to use a mixed method that allows the use of any fruit.

If plant-based diet contraindicated or not suitable for personal taste preferences, you can try to lose weight more extreme - on raw eggs Or just yolks.

On raw eggs

Weight loss on raw eggs is considered one of the most effective. These products are valuable in dietary nutrition due to their ability to quickly induce a feeling of fullness, and also very useful composition rich in essential vitamins, minerals, amino acids, which are completely preserved due to the absence of heat treatment.


The main requirement of a raw-egg diet is the use of a quality product, since eggs often cause an acute infectious disease - salmonellosis. Before use, they must be thoroughly washed with soap or soda.

sample menu

You can drink eggs directly from the shell, piercing them on both sides to facilitate the flow of the egg mass, or make one large hole. The second use option is the preparation of dietary mogul. To do this, you need to take egg whites, beat them with a blender with spices or chopped herbs, and then add the yolks and mix well.

In one day, it is allowed to consume no more than 5-6 eggs, as well as drink at least 2 liters of clean water. It should be noted, however, that even this number egg white It's too much stress on the kidneys. In addition, in its raw form, it is absorbed only by 60%. To reduce this harmful effect, it is better to use only yolks instead of whole eggs.

On raw yolks

Weight loss with raw yolks is considered very extreme, but the most effective. The speed of this technique is due to the presence of vitamin H (biotin) in the yolk. It promotes the activation of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, as a result of which fat reserves are burned, and new ones are not created, which makes the process of losing weight even more intense.


For one day of such a diet, you need to eat 4 yolks and 1 grapefruit. The rest of the diet should consist only of vegetable matter. low calorie food. You should also drink at least 2 liters of pure water daily.

sample menu

The main condition of the diet is strict adherence to the recommended menu for 3 days.

Menu for the day:

  • 8:00 - whipped yolks, 1 grapefruit or its juice, diluted with water 1: 2;
  • 13:00 - 200 grams of raw vegetables;
  • 18:00 - apple.

Before going to bed, you can drink 200 ml of freshly prepared vegetable or diluted citrus juice. As a result, in 3 days you can lose up to 3 kg of excess weight. If this technique seems too tough, then you can achieve a similar weight loss using a more acceptable raw diet - the well-known buckwheat or buckwheat-kefir diet.

On raw buckwheat

The dietary program on raw buckwheat provides fast weight loss due to the cleansing properties of cereals and its great benefit for the body. In addition, the absence of heat treatment allows you to save the entire rich set of microelements and vitamins included in its composition.


Nutrition according to this method involves the use of buckwheat, previously filled with kefir (0–1% fat content) or cold water. To prepare the dish, you need to take cereals (preferably green) and 2 times more liquid - as a rule, 1 cup of buckwheat for 2 cups of water or kefir. The product will be ready to use in 2-3 hours, but it is better to leave it overnight.

sample menu

A feature of this weight loss program is the absence of a specific menu. Buckwheat filled with kefir or water can be consumed in any quantity, eliminating overeating. In between meals, you need to drink 2 liters of pure water or 1 liter of water and fat-free yogurt.

The duration of such a diet is 5–7 days, during which you can lose 6–8 kg, respectively, and also remove toxins, toxins, and excess fluid from the body. For those who don't like buckwheat, you can replace it with oatmeal. Diet on raw oatmeal less effective, but easier to follow.

On raw oatmeal

Oat flakes are a useful and practically the most demanded product not only for dietary, but also healthy eating. Raw oatmeal contains many more useful and nutritious substances than cooked oatmeal, it helps to better cleanse the body and remove excess fluid.


For diet food you need to choose oatmeal without additives, not fast food. Coarsely ground "Extra" flakes are best suited, which, if desired, can be ground in a coffee grinder. At the same time, the coarse structure of the fibers will be preserved, which contributes to a better cleansing of the intestines and stimulation of its work.

sample menu

To prepare oatmeal for a glass of cereal, you need to take 4 glasses of water, pour and leave for at least 2 hours, but best of all overnight. The longer the flakes are in the water, the more they will lose starchy substances and become softer.

Can be soaked large quantity oatmeal and then store it in the refrigerator for 2-3 days, using as needed. Before use, you can add berries, pieces of fruit, dried fruits or grated vegetables. If a one-time serving is being prepared, all additives can be introduced immediately when soaking the flakes so that the mixture is infused together, soaking in healthy vegetable juices.

Eat this dish every 2-3 hours throughout the day. in small portions, which will not contribute to overeating. In between meals of oatmeal, you should drink at least 2 liters of clean water.

A strict raw-oatmeal mono-diet is recommended to be observed for no more than 5-7 days, during which you can lose 3-5 kg. If this is not enough to normalize weight, then you can somewhat diversify the menu with other useful products, increasing the duration to 2 weeks. In this case, weight loss can be 8-10 kg over the entire period.

Because nutrition raw cereals during the whole day is not suitable for everyone, a very special weight loss technique can be an excellent alternative to the buckwheat and oatmeal raw diet - on raw rice, which should be consumed only for breakfast, and eat as usual the rest of the time.

On raw rice

Raw rice diet- an excellent gentle method of losing weight, which allows you to easily and almost imperceptibly lose weight by 5-6 kg without an exhausting feeling of hunger and harm to health. This program is widely known as the 13-day Japanese cleansing diet, which, indeed, first of all helps to cleanse the body, and as a result, lose weight.


The main dish on which the principle of losing weight according to this method is based is cooked in a special way rice. For these purposes, only brown or non-steamed rice of high vitreousness is suitable. If the body weight does not exceed 65 kg, daily rate rice should be 2 tbsp. l., with a higher initial weight - 3 tbsp. l.

Before eating, each serving of rice should be soaked in water for 4 days. For this you need:

  • on the first day, pour a portion of washed rice in a glass with cold water so that it reaches half the glass;
  • on the second day - put the second such glass, and rinse the rice in the first and pour water again;
  • so repeat 4 days, so that in the end you get 4 glasses of rice.

On day 5, rice from the first glass is ready to eat.

sample menu

In the morning, you need to drain the water and eat rice from the first glass on an empty stomach (or 2 hours after drinking even plain water) without any additives, without drinking or eating anything. You can eat or drink any drinks only after 3 hours.

The diet may be normal, with the exception of:

  • pickles, marinades;
  • spicy, sour foods;
  • lard, smoked products.

Smoking and the consumption of alcoholic beverages are also prohibited.

After using one portion of rice, you need to soak a new one again. It is necessary to adhere to this diet for another 12 days, and soak the rice for 9 days.

All variants of raw diets are quite effective for weight loss, cleansing, healing and rejuvenation.

That is why they are often used by famous Hollywood beauties who strive to always keep themselves in great shape and, judging by their appearance, they achieve this. great success. But each of them brings its own characteristics to such a weight loss program.

Raw celebrity diets

In fact, the author of the raw diet is Carol Alt, a fashion model who was once recognized the most beautiful woman peace. Supporters of such a weight loss system are other superstars - Angelina Jolie and Demi Moore, who have their own weight loss systems on raw foods.

From Carol Alt


Allowed to eat are vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, wheat germ, greens. You can drink only pure water or juices.

sample menu

The menu of such a diet may consist of different products, but the principle of nutrition should remain as follows:

  • breakfast - a salad of any fruit with almonds, pumpkin seeds and wheat germ, 200 ml of skimmed milk;
  • lunch - a salad of any vegetables with lentils, seasoned with a small amount of olive oil;
  • dinner - soup puree from raw grated vegetables, sunflower seeds, raspberries, a piece of cheese.

Carol Alt claims that after switching to a raw diet, she lost weight, stopped taking medication, began to sleep better, got rid of headaches and colds.

From Demi Moore

Demi Moore believes that only raw food able to cleanse the body of toxins. Her favorite drinks are thick tomato cocktail and cherry juice. The weight loss technique of this famous actress is also designed for 10 days, during which she gets rid of 3-4 extra pounds.


The principles of losing weight according to this method are somewhat different from all previous diets, since raw meat is present here. Demi Moore includes carpaccio in her menu - pieces raw veal sprinkled olive oil and lemon juice, sprinkled with ground black pepper and grated parmesan.

Sample menu for each day:

  • breakfast - fruit salad;
  • lunch - a serving of carpaccio;
  • dinner - vegetables, sushi without rice.

Between three meals, you can drink water (from 2 liters per day) and freshly prepared fruit juices (no more than 1 liter).

From Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie's weight loss technique is based on eating raw vegetables and fruits, low-fat dairy products and cereals from buckwheat and oatmeal, only not boiled, but soaked in water. The duration of such a diet is also 10 days and a loss of up to 5 kg of excess weight.

sample menu

Angelina Jolie's daily diet consists of the following products:

  • breakfast - oatmeal with fruit, any juice;
  • second breakfast - fruit juice, nuts;
  • lunch - vegetable salad, ginger tea;
  • afternoon tea - skim cheese with pieces of fruit;
  • dinner - vegetable juice, fruit salad with nuts, seeds and yogurt.

Nutritionists positively evaluate Jolie's diet. The menu is the simplest, but quite balanced. Therefore, it is allowed to use it for a month, during which you can lose weight by 8-10 kg.

The results of a raw diet largely depend on the nutrition program chosen. For quick weight loss, strict weight loss systems on buckwheat are more suitable. To get rid of extra pounds without resorting to severe restrictions, it is better to use more gentle methods with a varied menu.

How to get out of the diet

Today, the raw food diet is becoming so popular that many of those who have tried to lose weight on a raw diet remain adherents of such a diet for life. However, most of those who have lost weight are in a hurry to return to their usual diet, often forgetting that this should be done carefully and smoothly. If you leave the diet chaotically, attacking your favorite foods, then all the weight lost will return in a few days.

To fix the result, enter familiar products in the diet you need to gradually, and first useful, and then prohibited. Although it is desirable to refuse the second completely. It is best if the first 2 days are introduced into the menu of cereals and soups, after that - low-fat dairy products and eggs, after a couple of days - boiled lean meat and wholemeal bread. Only after that you can try sweet, fried and other dishes harmful to the figure. Be sure to leave in the diet a large number of vegetables, fruits, freshly prepared juices and water.

During weight loss, the body will not only burn fat reserves, but also cleanse itself qualitatively, being saturated with vitamins, minerals, and other useful substances. To prevent stretch marks or sagging skin from appearing in the process of losing weight, it is recommended to combine a diet with moderate physical activity. It is also important to get out of weight loss gradually, and in the future to follow a healthy diet. Then the results will be really impressive, because not only the figure will be transformed - well-being, mood and appearance will improve much.

All known fact: V fresh fruits, not subjected to heat treatment, the maximum beneficial vitamins and minerals. And the fiber contained in them helps to remove dangerous toxins from the body, stimulates intestinal motility and normalizes digestion. But do you know that many familiar vegetables, which we try to eat raw, will bring much more benefit while being boiled? Together with the site, we will find out which of the most popular and favorite vegetables will bring much more benefit if they are pre-boiled.

Boiled Carrots: An Affordable Source of Beta Carotene

Carrots are one of the most popular root crops. high content beta-carotene, which we need to prevent premature aging, oncological diseases and vision problems. Scientists have found that boiled carrots much more generously shares with us not only beta-carotene, from it we absorb much more antioxidants than we could get by using this root crop in fresh. However, the benefits of carrots in your soup or stew don't stop there. boiled or stewed carrots It is quite appropriate in the diet of children and people with problems in the digestive tract. Why?

The high fiber and pectin content of raw carrots can put too much stress on the liver and pancreas. In such cases, it is precisely boiled vegetables: they are much easier to digest by our body.

Broccoli: a real treasure from the steamer

Broccoli- one of the most "fashionable" vegetables, whose popularity has been growing rapidly in recent decades. This vegetable, which is a bit exotic for us, serves as a source of vitamin K, which ensures optimal absorption of calcium, which means that it protects bone and connective tissue from premature aging. And broccoli contains solid reserves of vitamin A, which we need for good vision and high immunity. Among minerals manganese, sodium, phosphorus, calcium and iron are the leaders in this amazing variety of cabbage.

Nutritionists have found that regular use Broccoli contributes to the effective prevention of certain forms of cancer and helps fight systemic neurological diseases, strengthens blood vessels and helps maintain excellent vision.

But how do you eat this wonderful vegetable to get the most out of it? This one is enough delicate product experts advise steaming - so it retains all its healing properties:

  1. Divide the broccoli into small florets.
  2. Pour water into a 3 liter saucepan so that it only covers the cabbage. If you pour too much water, the cabbage will turn out boiled, not steamed.
  3. Bring water to a boil and put broccoli in a saucepan.
  4. Cook covered for 3 minutes over high heat.
  5. Then reduce the heat to a minimum and cook the same amount more.
  6. Serve with butter.

An ode to ketchup and tomato sauce

Tomatoes are always associated with hot summers and the same salad from fresh vegetables, which at this time of the year often complements lunch or dinner, and sometimes completely replaces a meal. During this period, we usually prefer fresh tomatoes, leaving less healthy ketchups And tomato sauces For cold winter. But are they so useless? stewed tomatoes? Vitamin C, indeed, is largely destroyed by heating. However, the pigment lycoptin, which gives tomatoes their scarlet color and is a powerful antioxidant that prevents the development of malignant neoplasms, is absorbed much better from fruits that have passed heat treatment. So your favorite tomato sauces that you can season with pasta, cereals or boiled vegetables, as well as soups with tomato, are not only tasty, but also very healthy.

Homemade ketchups, which include moderate amount salt, spices and no artificial preservatives, emulsifiers and flavor enhancers - will give food unique taste and will be helpful.

Spinach is a favorite among boiled vegetables

Spinach is one of the most amazing types of leafy greens, the beneficial properties of which can be talked about for a very long time. tender leaves spinach is a real treasure for those who carefully monitor their health. They are rich in vegetable proteins and calcium, contain magnesium, phosphorus, iodine, iron and the most necessary vitamins A, C, E, PP and B vitamins.

Heat treatment significantly increases the vitamin and nutritional value this product. Suffice it to say that in boiled (or stewed) spinach, the concentration of special plant pigments - carotenoids increases by almost a quarter. For the human body, they act as a powerful antioxidant. In addition, cooking allows almost three times the calcium content, which ensures the strength of our bones and controls blood clotting.

Stewed cabbage: a luxurious side dish and vitamins

Cabbage is one of the most familiar, traditional vegetables that we are accustomed to include in our diet quite often. Fortunately, in the recipe of our most beloved cabbage soup, borscht and second courses, cooked cabbage occupies a central place. It is practically a universal product:

  • tender leaves of young cabbage become the basis for the first spring salads from fresh vegetables;
  • sauerkraut - cheap and effective method fight against spring hypovitaminosis;
  • stewed (or boiled) sauerkraut as part of soups, stews or pastry fillings is a real treasure containing a record concentration of valuable vitamins.

Stewed or boiled cabbage- it is not only tasty, such a dish is not too high in calories, and, in addition, in this form, its rough alimentary fiber much less irritating to the stomach.

We decided to cook classic dish Russian cuisine - cabbage soup from sauerkraut? You should not cook them for future use, after storage in the refrigerator, the content of vitamin C, which is so necessary for us, is reduced by almost 90%!

Boiled beets: borscht, vinaigrette and beetroot

Beet, has a bright rich color and contains a completely unique complex of vitamins and minerals. Of course, B vitamins are not uncommon, they are present in most variety of vegetables and root crops. However, beets, in addition to a group of vitamins and minerals, contain beatin. This compound has a beneficial effect on liver function and promotes protein absorption. As a rule, we boil or stew beets - this vegetable is poorly absorbed by the body in its raw form. Fortunately, even prolonged heating does not reduce nutritional value this wonderful product. Moreover, all vitamins and minerals will be more fully absorbed by your body.

Usually we use only beet roots, ruthlessly throwing away the most valuable product - beet tops. You can add it to soups or old-fashioned dishes. Slavic cuisine: botvinho or beetroot. Well, in winter, beets are useful for making vinaigrette - traditional salad from boiled vegetables.

So fresh and boiled vegetables in your daily diet, - lovely way take care of your health. Almost all vegetables have many health benefits, provided you cook them properly. Of course, each vegetable culture its own nuances of culinary processing are inherent, allowing to reveal the richness of taste and shades of aroma. Is healthy eating important to you? more useful and interesting information you will find on the website.

I want to talk a little about which vegetables are tasty to eat raw and which are not. Something may not apply to vegetables, but I will combine it into one article.

- Eggplant.

Before I was terribly fond of eggplant - stewed, fried, baked, any eggplant dishes. Often, eggplant seemed to me tastier. meat dishes! True, it was no less harmful, because eggplant absorbed a lot of fat. So, having become a raw foodist, at first I had no idea how I would be without eggplant. I tried eating them raw. A total disappointment. Eggplants are kind of brittle and tasteless. Tried it a few times - crap. And both their own from the dacha, and from the markets. Both young and older ones.

- Beet.

I have heard more than once that raw foodists speak very positively about beets. Either I haven't tried really good varieties of beets, or it's just not my product. So disgusting, like eating the earth. Although I really liked boiled and stewed beets.

- Sugar beet.

No matter what they say, I don't like it. Firstly, the taste itself is terrible, and secondly, it really hurts the throat.

- Potato.

Even my friend, who is far from a raw food diet and cannot imagine life without meat, loves raw potatoes. She always eats it when she cooks. But no matter how much I tried, I can’t imagine how it can be eaten. Even with severe hunger .. I don’t know what could be more disgusting. I tried a very young potato just dug out of the ground, more mature, very ripe, different varieties, yellow, white, pink. And she's all terrible.

- Carrot.

But young carrots are just delicious! Thin, not overripe, just pulled out of the garden. I have never seen such a young tasty carrot in the store, I ate this only in our country house.

— Radish.

There are bitter and vigorous varieties of radishes, there is nothing good in them. And there are very sweet and tasty! Fairy tale. I ate mono radishes without anything, 30 pieces at a time, awesome.

It happens to be very tasty! Some varieties, like radishes, are sweet, tasty and not vigorous.

- Beans.

At the dish mania, it was almost the number two product for me .. after eggplant. How delicious my grandmother cooked beans, it's just beyond words! Therefore, on a raw food diet, for the first months I could not come to terms with the fact that I would not eat it and tried to love it raw. But .. unfortunately, it is bitter and tasteless. But then there were no unpleasant sensations, as it happens with some. The beans were fresh from the garden.

— Zucchini.

Yummy! But only at a young age. Dairy, so to speak. When the seeds have not yet ripened, and the fruits themselves are small and thin. These zucchini remind me of lean ones. Delicious!

- Ripe zucchini.

It's not like that anymore. The taste is lost and something nasty, repulsive appears.

They say that there are delicious sweet pumpkins, but unfortunately I have not seen such ones.

- Broccoli.

Delicious!!! Especially the stems, without flowers. Adore! Again, I went crazy with such cabbage at the dish mania, but it also turned out to be insanely delicious raw. I don’t know how the store, I’m talking about ours from the dacha.

- Cauliflower.

Average. Like and nothing, normal, but not great. There is no desire to eat it.

- Kohlrabi cabbage.

Delicious stuff. Just the same, it is most delicious in its raw form, and not cooked.

- White cabbage.

Same meal as broccoli. Probably the most delicious of all cabbages. And the cabbage itself and the stump. Moreover, such cabbage is tasty both in Russia and in tropical countries. Different, but delicious here and there.

- Brussels sprouts.

Oh, how I liked it stewed, before the raw food diet. And raw it is bitter ..

- Chinese cabbage.

Great stuff, very tasty. Although it is more like a salad, greens.

- Corn.

I thought raw corn tasted bad for so long until I tried a really good variety. Since then, I have fallen in love with this gorgeous product! Sweet, juicy, tasty, satisfying.. mmm!

— Cucumbers.

Homemade cucumbers are very tasty. They just have bright taste, which store cucumbers do not have (they only smell delicious and nothing more).

We are used to thinking that almost all vegetables can be eaten the way we brought them home or grew them in the garden. But for these vegetables, this rule does not work. Some of them need to be fried or boiled to get the maximum benefit. Some are generally harmful to health if consumed raw.

Asparagus - supremely healthy vegetable, which is also able to have a beneficial effect in the prevention of cancer. But the fact is that in its raw form it is practically useless. Experts advise steaming asparagus or frying it in vegetable oil to reveal all its beneficial properties and get the most nutrients. Including raw asparagus on the menu won't hurt you, but it won't make any sense either.

Mushrooms are technically not a vegetable, so their inclusion on this list is only justified by the fact that you need to warn again: raw mushrooms can't eat. Firstly, it can lead to serious poisoning, and secondly, you will not feel true taste mushrooms, and most importantly, your body will not get the amount of protein that it could if mushrooms were properly cooked. During heat treatment, they also become richer in potassium, which is important for the body.


Tomatoes are a vegetable that is eaten raw much more often than processed. Meanwhile, it can damage digestion and disrupt some metabolic processes in the body. But stewed or grilled, they are able to release large doses substances called lycopene. This substance is known for its ability to fight cancer cells. So despite your love of fresh tomatoes, add some cooked tomatoes to your diet.


The taste of raw potatoes can be quite amusing, which is why even children tend to try them raw. But this is really a big mistake. There are quite a lot of toxins in raw potatoes, and raw starch can significantly affect the state of the digestive system, and this will be a long-term and unpleasant effect.

Brussels sprouts

Brussels sprouts can cause bloating and stomach pain in a short time if eaten raw. In addition, this is a vegetable that is very difficult to digest in its raw form. Experts advise frying it in oil with the addition of salt. This will eliminate all unpleasant effects and make her healthy dish without any side effects.

Broccoli and cauliflower

Broccoli is probably healthier when raw, but our bodies aren't always able to handle its digestion. In order not to risk, it is better to cook it for a couple. The same goes for cauliflower, which, when cooked, becomes more active enzymes that cleanse the liver and provide easier digestion.

Although we are used to eating raw spinach, like lettuce leaves, this is not quite the right decision. Cooked spinach contains much more calcium, iron and magnesium - the elements that have ensured its popularity and the title of one of the most useful foods. Therefore, it is better to lightly fry spinach before adding it to pasta, scrambled eggs or vegetables, achieving a slightly wilted state.

Which vegetables are best eaten raw and which are cooked? Many modern housewives are wondering what vegetable products should be eaten raw and which should be cooked to get rid of harmful chemicals.

In today's thread, we will address this ongoing issue and share some exceptional useful tips for processing vegetables.

To begin with, we should recall such a popular trend as a raw food diet. Raw foodists claim that foods that have not undergone heat treatment are much healthier than those that have undergone it.

However, it is worth noting that many scientists have come to the conclusion that raw foodists suffer from a lack of such a pigment as lycopene, which appears only after heat treatment of some foodstuffs.

Therefore, it is definitely worthwhile to clearly understand which vegetables should be eaten raw and which ones cooked.

This is the product that must be eaten exclusively raw. After all, after its processing, more than thirty percent is lost. folic acid and others beneficial trace elements for the health of your body.

Carrot- another product that needs to be eaten raw. Just heat treatment destroys vitamin C, which supports your immune system. In addition, almost the entire range of polyphenols that can prevent many oncological diseases is destroyed.

But it is worth knowing that we can get beta-carotene exclusively from boiled carrots. Therefore, boil or eat raw - depends on your decision.

Garlic refers to the group of foods that must be added to food in its raw form. Such a small-looking product contains a fairly voluminous amount of vitamins and useful elements.

In addition to the fact that garlic and its feathers contain vitamin C and have an antiviral effect, it able to lower blood pressure and prevent the formation of plaques in blood clots, thereby save your vessels from damage.

Also, you need to add only fresh. When this product is heated, all vitamin C evaporates from it.

Of course, pepper can be added to dishes with heat treatment, but it is better to take it in its original form - it is much more natural.

There are foods that can be consumed both raw and ready-made. These include onion, broccoli And tomatoes. It is worth considering in more detail the benefits of each in two versions of their use.

While cooking onions you lose a special chemical element that can reduce your feeling of hunger. With all this, in the case of heat treatment, the onion is able to release an element - a flavonoid, which has an anti-inflammatory property.

Also, when cooked, more calcium, lutein and vitamin K are produced. Remember that onions are not recommended to be baked or fried for more than five minutes, otherwise they will lose all the useful properties inherent in the product and there will be absolutely no benefit from this vegetable.

This is another product that can be eaten in any form. When raw, the vegetable can prevent stomach ulcers and cancer.

Also boiled broccoli produces a special enzyme that can prevent the occurrence of cancer cells or prevent them from becoming benign. Therefore, the use of broccoli in any form will significantly improve your body.

Tomatoes, used in cooked form, baked or fried, prevent the occurrence cancerous tumors and anything related to cancer. After all, during cooking, they release a special enzyme - lycopene, which prevents the development of cancer cells and various tumors of any type.

Raw tomatoes are no less useful., because they contain a sufficient amount of magnesium, zinc and other useful substances. Ready-made tomatoes should be eaten by adding a little vegetable oil. Thus, lycopene is absorbed by the body much easier and faster.

Now it is worth paying attention to those vegetable products that should be consumed exclusively in cooked form. First of all potato.

Of course, no one eats raw potato tubers, but you should know that only in baked form does it benefit the body.

Other methods of cooking potatoes have their drawbacks. Fried - very harmful to your health, and has no useful properties, and in boiled potatoes there is solid starch.

When roasting potato tubers, make sure they are in their skins. It is she who protects the fruit from strong exposure to heat and helps to preserve all the useful ingredients.

Spinach it is best to cook, because it is after processing that your body will more easily accept everything nutrients this useful product. In this case, the best solution would be to steam the spinach. Do not cook it in boiling water under any circumstances, otherwise its benefits will be significantly reduced.

eggplant are able to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood, especially their beneficial properties are manifested when baking. At high temperature all of it nutritional properties are intensely manifested, and harmful chemicals disappear.

Mushrooms should only be eaten boiled or fried. When cooked this way, they release potassium, which is very beneficial for your muscle tissue.

Asparagus and zucchini heat treatment badly needed. Under these conditions, asparagus releases even more vitamin A and lycopene than when raw.

A zucchini are able to secrete more folic acid and also vitamin A, positive impact which is a tangible plus for the human eye.

Now you know exactly which vegetables are good to eat raw and which are cooked. However, you should definitely know how to cook vegetables properly in order to get the maximum benefit.

Eat healthy and right!
