
What Chefs Eat: Salad with papaya, shrimp and marinated lotus root. Good Luck: Leading Chefs on the Biggest Successes of Their Careers

Member Name: Ilya Zakharov

Sochi city

Family: Single

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Ilya Zakharov became interested in cooking as a child different dishes. He lived for some time in Central Asia, and therefore it is not surprising that the taste Asian cuisine became close to him.

After graduating from school, he went to study at MIGKU, and after his choice fell on the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov.

professional life

Since 2007, he began to work as a cook. Career growth followed. Ilya became a sous chef in metropolitan restaurant White cafe. After some time, he was invited to work in the restaurants "Tverbul" and "Metelitsa".

Since 2014, he began to manage the kitchen of a gastro bistro called "Luciano", starting cooperation with WRF. Zakharov took the place of honor of the chef in an Italian restaurant.

In 2016, he rebelled at the head of the first mushroom restaurant in Russia called Mushrooms. The chef managed to combine the multinational taste of domestic cuisine with innovative ideas that have no analogues in the world.

Zakharov's signature style can be called special seasonal menus, farm products, gentle cooking technology. All this was formed under the leadership of V. Mukhin, who was the brand chef of WRF.

In 2017, he became not only the chef of the Luciano and Zodiac restaurants, but also took an honorary position as a teacher at the Ask the chef culinary school.

Brand Chef of Sochi Casino&Resort.

He is a member of professional associations and culinary communities, the Federation of Professional Confectioners and Chefs of the Russian Federation, a co-author of more than three dozen cookbooks, a finalist of the competition of the best young chefs of the Russian Federation called "Silver Triangle".

Hobbies and hobbies

Ilya Zakharov loves traveling around the Russian Federation. He has a special love for Sochi. He is crazy about Abkhazian lemons, feijoa, medlar, unique pomegranates. And only in Sochi can he try new types of amazing sheep cheese, local churchkhela.

In this city, he opened three projects; in his kitchens, the chef prefers to experiment with new combinations and uniquely beat them on the menu.

Siberia and Sakhalin also attract him with their unique products. For example, in Siberia, a culinary specialist never refuses seasonal berries, like lingonberries and cranberries, mushrooms, as well as nelma, muskun, omul or herring. He travels to Sakhalin for seafood: scallops, sea ​​cucumber, octopuses, crabs and oysters.

Ilya is a real fan of gastronomic travels. He actively shares his photos with the subscribers of his page in social network Instagram.

Participation in Hell's Kitchen

In 2017, he took part in the filming of the culinary show "". Ilya Zakharov became the sous-chef.

Only at first glance, Ilya could seem like a calm and completely non-strict person. He is used to seeing order in everything, and therefore requires participants to observe it as well.

At the first test, he forced the members of the male team to clean up the kitchen, make beds not only for themselves, but also for the women's team of winners.

He was strict and did not do anyone concessions. The participants concluded that it’s better not to joke with Zakharov, and he is no kinder than the chef himself Hell's Kitchen Konstantin Ivlev.

On the eve of the premiere of the film "Chef Adam Jones", our gastronomic columnist Vladimir Gridin asked the leading chefs of Russia about the biggest successes in their careers and failures that later turned into success.

Adrian Ketglas

Grand Cru, AQ Kitchen, AQ Chicken

The biggest success in my career, I consider coming to Moscow. Despite everything. Here I discovered new tastes, new combinations of products.

Andrey Shmakov

My greatest success is that my first chef told me so beautifully about the cuisine, ingredients and recipes that I decided to become a chef. And my next success met me in St. Petersburg in the person of Igor Pisarsky, who invited me to work in Moscow. Here am I made new friends met with outstanding and slightly crazy guys from TV and othersinteresting and exciting people.

Anatoly Komm

Anatoly Komm for Raff House

In 2009, I arrived on tour in Paris at the Hotel de Crillon almost two days later, when the legendary chef Jean-Francois Piège left the Les Ambassadeurs restaurant, having obtained two Michelin stars for him. The restaurant staff resembled the crew of a ship rushing about in a storm with lowered sails. Young Christopher Asch, newly appointed "Captain", was clearly at a loss.

For all questions about underdelivered products, the absence of necessary and pre-ordered kitchen gadgets, I received the same answer: “Monsieur Piège took everything with him when he left.”

As a result, my patience snapped. At the general meeting, I made a speech in best traditions Hollywood films: that it’s too early to give up, the captain’s departure does not mean the death of the ship, and if everyone finds the strength to rally around the new boss, and also accept me not as an enemy, but as their colleague, then victory will be ours. Answers " Monsieur Piège took everything” are no longer accepted, because I hope that he could not take away their brains, souls and professional pride. My impassioned speech drew grateful glances from Christopher and most of the chefs. Alas, not all.

Some still expressed doubts about the professional suitability of the young chef and the expediency of submitting to "some Russian", ranting about the indisputable priority of the French on the culinary front. Realizing that there was nowhere else to wait for help, I quickly figured out the leader and, according to the old Russian tradition, invited him to "go out and talk." After short, but very toughly argued Russian-French negotiations, a working atmosphere finally reigned in the kitchen. This was followed by a long search necessary utensils and the equipment that Piège supposedly "took away with it", and the first sincere interest local chefs to what we are going to prepare.

Andrey Korobyak

The biggest success in my career is my personal acquaintance with chef Rasmus Kofoed and an invitation to the kitchen of the Geranium restaurant (Copenhagen, Denmark). It was Rasmus who taught me the right attitude towards my team and my profession. And, most importantly, by personal example, he showed the way and the possibilities of achieving the goal. After all, no one in the world has even two statuettes of the most prestigious gastronomic competition Bocuse d "Or, and Chef Kofoed has three of them.

Anton Kovalkov


The greatest fortune in my life is the opportunity to do internships with best chefs peace. I recently met the Roca brothers, whose restaurant is now number one in the world. It is important for me to hear their opinions and ideas about my dishes. I believe that it was traveling the world and communicating with outstanding chefs that influenced my professional growth. Failures are projects that I had to leave for one reason or another. If the project is closed, for me it is always, first of all, my personal failure, I overlooked something somewhere. But it is thanks to the ups and downs that I am where I am.

Nino Graziano

Semifreddo Mulinazzo, La Bottega Siciliana, TrattoriaSiciliana

My biggest blessing is that after 45 years in the kitchen I have not lost my passion and love to cook for my friends/guests. And my luck or success in the "journalistic" sense - that I was lucky to be the first in Sicily to get 2 Michelin stars.

Konstantin Ivlev


Lucky I took my father's advice. Many years ago I was a swindler, a bomber, a party-goer. My father, a KGB officer, said: stop doing nonsense, do one thing and become a pro in it. And I began to delve into the world of food. The second turning point was the cuisine of the great Nobu Matsuhisa. I studied French classics, but at the beginning of the 2000s I went to America, where I came across a book by Nobu. I liked the photos of serving dishes so much that I began to mix "pan-Asia" and classics. I still follow this direction, but there are no such dishes on the Yesenin menu yet.

Dmitry Zotov

Wing or Leg, Zotman Pizza Pie, Haggis, Madame Wong

I consider the Wing or Leg pub to be the biggest success in my career. The fact that my wife and I had the guts to take the risk and how it all turned out.

Roman Shubin


Such a success for me was the amazing similarity of my taste with the taste of Alexander Rappoport, as well as the fact that I was able to demonstrate this at the right time. I remember the day we met like it was yesterday. I was asked to cook something for the founder, who was due to show up any minute. I didn’t know for whom I was cooking, what and how I should do it, but I decided to listen to my intuition and cook a couple of dishes from what happened in the kitchen. It was beef stroganoff and fried chicken with teriyaki sauce. After the tasting, Alexander Leonidovich had one question: “Why teriyaki?”. I replied that I wanted to surprise, because I realized from the products that the restaurant was already preparing chicken under creamy garlic sauce. The degree of saltiness of the dishes, the degree of dryness of the chicken, the combination of teriyaki sweetness, the consistency of beef stroganoff - everything played in my favor during our acquaintance. So they hired me.

Dmitry Shurshakov

"Ducks and waffles", "Muesli", "We're not going anywhere"

Probably the most important event that changed me as a person was my work at the International Trade Center in the International Hotel. I got there right after the cooking school and was the youngest member of the team. I can say that during the year of work my brains were so "corrected" that at some point I realized that I had nothing to talk about with my peers. People put completely different values ​​into my head than to sit on a bench in the yard and drink. But this year was really very difficult and very important. It became the starting point from which I began to shape my approach to work and to life in general.

Ivan Berezutsky

I was fantastically lucky to have the opportunity to be an intern at Ferran Adria, the best restaurant in the world at that time, El Bulli. The fact that Sergey (Ivan's twin brother and the second chef of the Twins restaurant. - Note. ed.) won the 2014 San Pellegrino Cooking Cup, is, like any victory in the competition, also partly luck, although mostly, of course, hard work. In life, luck does not fall from the sky, you first need to work hard.

Nikolai Bakunov

Duran Bar

I consider my job at the Simple Pleasures restaurant to be the biggest success in my career. It was a difficult project: on the one hand, cosmic debts to companies, on the other, unbearable working conditions, in the kitchen the temperature reached 80 degrees. No one saw the wrong side and problems, but everyone appreciated the success: queues at the entrance and full seating in the hall. It was interesting and driving, albeit a survival game. Almost ten years have passed, and my guests, my friends, come to my new restaurants. When something is difficult for you to get, you appreciate it more.

Maxim Tarusin

"Grand Cafe Dr. Zhivago"

Once upon a time, on the site of "Dr. Zhivago" was the restaurant "Maxim". I liked it, and besides, it bore my name, so I wanted to work in it. I was drawn to this place. I didn't make it to Maxim, but I didn't miss the chance to come to Zhivago. It was a balanced decision, the first time I chose a place, not me. And then came a difficult period when I did not know how things would turn out. There was fatigue, there were many thoughts. The stars aligned so that it was at that moment that a friend of mine, with whom we do not communicate so often, called me. And she confidently told me: “Be patient, Maxim. It will be the best decision of your life." And I took her advice. Now every time I remember this story, I think how right she was. This phone call was truly life-changing.

Sergey Eroshenko

"Honest cuisine", "Fedya, game!"

In 1992, when I was just starting my career, I had to go to one important, as it seemed to me, interview. It so happened that I overslept him and, being several hours late, could not get the job I wanted. Returning, I quite spontaneously went to the "Radisson Slavyanskaya" and left my resume there. And two weeks later they called me and said that my candidacy was suitable. It was a huge stroke of luck. There I got big professional experience, was able to work in the same kitchen with famous foreign chefs. It was a good start for my professional path.

Christian Lorenzini

Christian, Buono

The biggest success in my career, probably, can be considered the day when in London I met a Russian oligarch, who invited me to work in Moscow. But I can’t say that I believe in the concept of luck as an accident, I think that luck is always the result of your own actions, luck comes when you take it to heart and put your soul into your work, and indeed into everything that you doing.

Anton Abrezov

"Dreamers" (St. Petersburg)

The biggest fortune in life is my team of chefs. I met a lot different chefs, but not everyone wanted to learn something new, to create, not to repeat. Many simply did what they were told, without delving into the details and essence of the process. I managed to assemble a team of different, dissimilar people. A team that, like me, burns with love for its work and constantly supplements the kitchen with new ideas. We've been through a lot, but we've always been honest with each other.

Mikhail Gerashchenko

Les Artists

The greatest success in my career and life - it's people's faith in me. Where I started as a cook, only people's belief in my potential helped me stay and learn a lot, because I didn't even know how to cook broth.

Alexei Kozyritsky believed in me, he made me understand what it means to be a chef and make decisions like a chef. But the biggest success for me was the faith of William Lamberti and the offer to become a chef in his restaurant. William revealed my potential to the end and made it clear what needed and how to cook, taught me to feel the product and the guest, shaped my style. And for that I am grateful to him. And if they say that I am a student of William Lamberti, I will answer: yes, I am. And perhaps the best of them all.

Regis Trigel

"Brasserie Bridge", "Arrow"

In 2005 I moved from France to Russia. It was a big step, but I didn't know it then. I thought I was coming here for two or three months. At first I worked in Zhukovka. Another step towards what we have now was the beginning of my work in The restaurant Most Cafe in 2010. In 2013, the restaurant changed its format and became known as Brasserie Most. In 2014, I became the brand chef of the Strelka bar. So I came to success in Russia.

Alexander Belkovich

Belka (St. Petersburg), Ginza Project Brand Chef

Luck is that I do what I love, and I am successful in this. At the same time, work is more a lifestyle than a duty. And my main achievement is my family. My wife and daughter are my main stimulus and my main critics!

Vladimir Mukhin

White Rabbit Family

In 2008, I sold my silver "nine" and went to France to the restaurant Christian Etienne (*Michelin). Christian invited me to cook a Russian Christmas dinner together. There I realized that foreigners are not ready to eat borsch stupidly: they are disgusted when cabbage hangs from a spoon, although they really like the taste. When I cooked the borscht, the French strained it. Christian helped make the sauce for my fleshy, evaporated jelly from beetroot juice to borscht, ciabatta pampushka, bake club porridge with brains and veal under croissant dough. It turned out that by combining the Russian taste with grace and subtlety French feed by adapting traditional recipes to new gastronomic trends, Russian cuisine can be made elegant and modern. On next year Christian Etienne himself invited me to cook Christmas dinner - the money he paid me for the work, I spent on master classes with those chefs whom he introduced me to. I came back with a nuclear briefcase - with the idea of ​​blowing everything up. He began looking for Russian products, copying plates and servings from French magazines. Then I began to draw - I went to art school for a year to learn how to combine colors, sculpt from clay. From that moment on, everything turned upside down in my head.

Elena Nikiforova


The biggest success in my career, I consider the choice of profession and of course the fact that Maison Dellos chose me. We are chosen, we choose. It matched for me. I prepared for the senior officers of the General Staff, for employees of GUM, for future diplomats and their mentors at MGIMO, for scientists at Moscow State University. I came to the Shinok restaurant as a sous chef in 2000. Now I have several dozen chefs under my command. I am sure that stopping and being satisfied with myself is a mistake that I do not want to make, and therefore I continue to learn from the best chefs in Russia and Europe.

Mirko Dzago


My career in Russia began with a failure in my homeland - for some time I worked at the Villa del Quar restaurant in Verona, and as soon as I left it, the restaurant was awarded a Michelin star. After that, negotiations were held for six months about working in New York, and in parallel I was invited to Russia. An important criterion for me was the opportunity to create, to create something of my own. I don’t know why, but intuitively I chose Russia- came to Moscow and did a tasting for Arkady Novikov at the Biscuit Restaurant (later Meat Club). Then the Syr restaurant appeared, where I have been working for 15 years.

By the way, I am very close to the character of the movie "Chef", played by Bradley Cooper. The cook is part artist. A real chef must have a passion for his profession and a love for the products. Plus, I have the same difficult character as the main character - those who work with me know about it.

Ilya told us in an interview how he managed to build a gastronomic oasis in Sochi.

Ilya, for starters, how was the move to Sochi?

I already had experience in the city of Sochi. During the Olympics, I was involved in the opening and curation of one of the restaurants in the ski resort. He lived in 2 cities: a week here, a week - in Moscow. Even then I realized that in order to build the process quickly, smoothly, ideally in Sochi, I would have to make more efforts than in Moscow. For example, it takes more time to deliver groceries, and it takes more effort to find professional and motivated employees. People here are accustomed to living slowly.

But despite these difficulties, when I was offered to head the restaurants of such a large-scale project as the Sochi Casino, I did not doubt for a minute. The task was quite ambitious - to create the best restaurants in Russia. When I moved here, there was only a project and concrete walls. But literally after six months of hard work by the entire team, which included my team from Moscow, everything fell into place.

Today, our sommeliers can offer guests the perfect wine pairing for the entire menu, whether it be signature fish, seafood or meat dishes. The stars of the menu are tuna with cabbage and orange celery, crunchy suckling pig with green apple puree and kimchi cabbage. Also in "Brunello" crab is amazingly prepared in one of three types - salad, stew or pasta.

How are things going with restaurants in Sochi?

Restaurants are different. Many commercial projects that set themselves short-term goals to pay off in a season. Personally, I want the trend restaurant business Sochi has evolved towards quality and culture. And such examples, fortunately, also exist in Sochi. It is also noteworthy that city guests note unreasonably high prices in Sochi restaurants. Yes, here the cost of a dish is indeed higher than in large Russian cities. That is why you need to cook in such a way that the guest has no doubts about the adequacy of the price of the dish.

Is the concept of the Brunello restaurant where you work as a brand chef close to you? Or was the desire to become part of a large-scale project more important in making the decision?

Of course, I am extremely flattered that I was chosen as the brand chef of all the restaurant projects of Casino Sochi. "Brunello" from the very beginning was conceived as a fashionable restaurant haute cuisine. Later, the concept of author's cuisine was proposed, which allows you to implement all the most bold ideas chef, accumulated over the years of work as a brand chef in different restaurants Russia. How can I not like it? This is the dream of any master and creator.

What is so special about you doing this project?

First of all, this is the author's menu, at the head of which is taste. I have compiled a menu that combines unexpected combinations of ingredients with high technology in the field of gastronomy. At the highest level and the technique of cooking, including the molecular method. We have installed the most modern equipment that exists today throughout the world.

It would also be wrong to remain silent about the design of the restaurant: the combination of gold with the road upholstered furniture in a noble green color, exquisite exclusive tableware, an abundance of porcelain, crystal and light - all this creates a special atmosphere of a unique sense of luxury and captivates even the most demanding guests.

Was this job a new step for you?

Yes, this is a challenge to myself. The project is large-scale, so joining it is very prestigious and significant. About 2,000 people visit Casino Sochi every day, and each of them needs to be served within 10-15 minutes. Today we have restaurants "Brunello" and "Buffett", the bar "Royal", events with banquet and buffet service are regularly held. And the organization of this whole round-the-clock process requires a lot of effort.

Which dish from the Brunello menu do you consider your masterpiece?

I put my soul into each dish, I try to make it special, unique, so it is very difficult to single out one. But since you insist, I would like to point out cold appetizer especially loved by our guests. This is a crab with macadamia nut mousse, celery and black caviar. You don't need to talk about it, you need to enjoy it!

I wonder what brand chefs have for lunch?

I'll tell you a secret: now I'm on a diet. By the way, I have already lost 7 kg. There will be no sensation: you need to switch to proper nutrition. Full breakfast And small portions during the day. I reduced my consumption of meat, fat and sauces by 70%. At the same time, he increased the number of protein foods and vegetables. And of course, cardio training, boxing in my case.

You love to cook farm products, use gentle cooking technologies. We even heard that you are planning to open a laboratory. Is it still just a dream, or is it already becoming a reality? And what will you create there?

Everything that is born at the level of an idea, I bring to life. Of course, a lab is an expensive and complex project that will take time to fully implement. First big steps already done. In the laboratory, we create natural flavor enhancers that are used to prepare author's dishes. A new project of the laboratory was the production of vanilla-based eau de parfum. These are real perfumes "for him" and "for her", and yes, this is a breakthrough.

There is no secret here - competent planning, dedication, daily titanic work. Weekend? There is none of them. Not because I have no time to relax, but because my work is my main hobby, which gives me tremendous pleasure, this is my life.

The restaurant is located in the casino. Looking to play a game of poker in your spare time?

No, I play with food and I fucking love it!

The final of the Silver Triangle competition for the title of the best young chef of 2015 took place in Moscow. About it The Village said the organizers of the event.

The winner of the competition was the chef of the not yet opened restaurant "" Georgy Troyan. He previously graduated culinary school Le Cordon Blue and worked at the Brown Fox and the Lazy Dog restaurants, as well as Bystro at the Four Seasons Hotel Moscow. As a reward, Troyan was given the opportunity to participate in the Nespresso Chefs Academy, which brings together "the most famous chefs in the world and the most talented young chefs" to comprehend "gastronomic secrets." In the final, together with Troyan, were the chef of the restaurant Mikhail Gerashchenko and the chef of the restaurant Ilya Zakharov.

As part of the Silver Triangle competition, chefs presented dishes of modern Russian cuisine. The title of the best young chef was determined in the format of a blind tasting of dishes. Each chef prepared one appetizer and one main course. The submitted competitive dishes were evaluated by the jury, which included William Lamberti (Uilliam's, Pinch, Ugolёk restaurants), Ivan and Sergey Berezutsky (Twins restaurant), Anatoly Kazakov (Selfie restaurant), Mirko Dzago (Cheese restaurant), Dmitry Zotov (Madame restaurants Wong, Haggis, Zotman), Vlada Lesnichenko (AQ Kitchen restaurant), David Emerle (executive chef of Four Seasons Hotel Moscow), Sandro Khatiashvili (leading expert of Simple), Anton Kovalkov (Fahrenheit restaurant), Mark Statsenko (Funny Cabany, Chicken Run), Dmitry Shurshakov (restaurants Muesli, We're Not Going Anywhere, Ducks and Waffles). Each dish of the participants was evaluated on a ten-point scale, and the winner was determined by most points from all jury members.

Trojan presented the jury with smoked carp tartare with pike caviar and sea buckthorn, as well as stewed tails from the oven with mint potatoes, pickled mushrooms and smoked sour cream. Gerashchenko's menu consisted of a gray roll with a trumpeter, parsnips, cilantro, mustard oil and celery baked in a Russian oven with beef dumplings with horseradish sauce and homemade sour cream. And Ilya Zakharov cooked ravioli with Far Eastern crab, Magadan shrimp, country cream and goat cheese, as well as dove with parsley root, Brussels sprouts and porcini mushroom chips.

In the photo, the finalists of the competition and the winner's dish

The Silver Triangle competition has been held in Moscow since 2011, with the help of which the jury identifies "the most talented young people who have chosen the profession of a cook." Over the four years of the competition, participants who have become “star chefs” today competed in it: Ivan and Sergey Berezutsky, Dmitry Zotov, Anatoly Kazakov, Vladimir Mukhin, Mark Statsenko.

Ilya Zakharov, the chef of the Zodiac gastrobistro, shares his favorite recipe with the readers of the site and talks about his eating habits and products that you can't do without in the kitchen.

Ilya Zakharov

How many times a day and what do you eat yourself?

Three or four times a day, if we are talking about weekends. I think when I'm at home, I eat something all day long. But according to weekdays- once, because at work I have to try something all the time, and nothing else fits in me. Therefore, I try to have a good and proper breakfast - I eat cottage cheese or porridge, I drink tea with honey and nuts. Honey and nuts are always on our table. But I especially love cheesecakes that my wife cooks, they are even better than mine, although mine, I will not be modest, are excellent. I put my daughter on my knees and we eat together. But dinner, to be honest, is optional. When I turned 28, I began to notice that if you eat at night, you don’t sleep well.

How do you feel about diets, have you ever been on a diet and what diets are the dishes you cook compatible with?

I confess that in my youth I liked to hang out, and at some point I noticed in myself all the signs of premature aging of the body. And at that moment I grabbed the diet as a lifeline. sat on kefir diet, on chicken, on vegetable. Then I decided to limit myself to only steamed vegetables, and then I wanted to go on a raw food diet. And then I realized that I was starting to go crazy. I stir the avocado with nuts, pouring lemon juice I'm growing wheat. Luckily, I didn't last long. It was not diet that helped, but normal timely nutrition and sports. Since then, I have been ambivalent about diets. The main thing is that they do not cause harm to health.

How do you feel about GMO foods? low fat foods, enriched with vitamins - is this a marketing ploy or does it make sense?

GMO foods are unacceptable to me, and I don't believe in fat-free foods. This clean water marketing to make money.

Photo Getty Images

As well as foods enriched with vitamins. A drink whose label lists a string of vitamins and minerals, cannot cost less than a glass of ordinary freshly squeezed juice. Therefore, I prefer to drink fresh.

Who would you like to feed?

The whole world! And if you look at things more realistically, then, first of all, those who have no idea about cooking, and those who, due to their life circumstances, will never be able to try some interesting dishes.

What would you like to try yourself?

I dream of trying the dishes of all the best chefs on the planet! I dream of discovering products that I have not yet tried. I want to discover new ingredients that have a unique ability to combine the flavors of other products, to balance them, as olive oil can do, for example.

Your favorite dish?

I don't have a favorite food. More precisely, I have a practice week - a new favorite dish, depending on what menu I'm working on, what new products and flavor combinations I recently discovered for myself. In the fall, almost every day I ate dorado ceviche with medlar - before I could not even imagine all the advantages and hidden possibilities of medlar. Then switched to rice noodles with beef and celery - I like harmony complex sauces, in which they are connected perfectly different tastes, and I also tasted Chinese celery, thin, without the characteristic celery bitterness.

Photo Getty Images

On the next page: products undeservedly forgotten by housewives, but very important for any cook

Undeservedly forgotten products according to Ilya Zakharov, chef of Zodiac gastrbistro

Goat cheese Photo Getty Images


Feijoa has recently come to the attention of culinary specialists. This plant began to be cultivated only a hundred years ago in Brazil. Its name, no matter what associations it evokes in you, is just the name of the Brazilian naturalist Joanie de Silva Feijo. Today exotic berry, which tastes like pineapple and strawberries at the same time (or pineapple and guava), is grown wherever the climate allows. They eat feijoa raw, and also prepare jams and all kinds of drinks from it. But in its raw form, it has more benefits. Feijoa is the plant record holder for iodine content, rich in vitamin C and antioxidants.

Goat cheese

A worthy alternative for people who are allergic to food from cow's milk. According to the content of phosphorus, magnesium and selenium goat cheese even surpasses the cow. But here the main thing is not the benefit. The main thing is taste and color. White, fragrant, with a delicate creamy ( fresh cheese) or a sharp specific (aged cheese) taste of a slice is the best bait for a gourmet.


Medlar (we are usually talking about Japanese loquat) - too much delicate product for export. But still tasty fruits with large bone in season can be found on the market. This berry is low-calorie (about 52 kcal per 100 g) and in its own way chemical composition closest to the apple. But the taste is much more interesting - a cross between guava and passion fruit.

wheat germ

First, wheat germ promotes rapid satiety. Secondly, eating them increases immunity, improves the level of hemoglobin in the blood, improves the condition of nails, skin and hair, and, in the end, helps to diversify the diet. The main thing is not to miss the time. If the grains are overexposed (sprouts larger than 2-3 mm), they can become poisonous.

Jerusalem artichoke Photo Getty Images

Jerusalem artichoke

He is " earthen pear". He is the "Jerusalem artichoke". The tubers of the plant are eaten, which taste like a cabbage stalk or turnip. From Jerusalem artichoke, they just do not cook anything. It is fried, boiled, dried to the state of chips, made from it a surrogate for coffee and alcohol.

Salad with papaya, shrimp and marinated lotus root

Photo archive of press services

You will need:

  • Shrimps (size 16/20) - 150 g
  • Papaya - 250 g
  • Fried cashews - 10 g
  • Sauce sweet chili- 90 g
  • Fresh mint - 2 sprigs
  • Pickled lotus root - 30 g
  • Watercress - 2 sprigs
  • Salt, pepper to taste
  1. Peel papaya and cut into slices. Finely chop pickled lotus root.
  2. Remove the shell from the shrimp and remove the intestines. Boil in salted water for one minute.
  3. Mix papaya and lotus root with shrimp and sweet chili sauce, season with salt and pepper.
  4. Put the salad in a deep plate, sprinkle with roasted cashews on top. Garnish with mint and watercress.

Salad with papaya, shrimp and marinated lotus rootPhoto archive of press services
