
Sergey Ivlev is a cook. Konstantin Ivlev from the show Hell's Kitchen

Konstantin Ivlev is a Russian chef who became popular in Russia thanks to the TV shows “Ask the Chef” and “On the Knives.”

Konstantin was born in Moscow, but the boy’s early childhood was spent abroad, where his parents worked. The Ivlevs returned to the Russian capital when Kostya was 12 years old. Compared to his Soviet peers, the boy stood out because of his imported clothes and equipment, which, however, did not prevent him from communicating normally with the guys.

But there were problems at school. As the chef recalls, he was almost a poor student, so he considered it pointless to go to the 10th grade. Thinking about the future, Konstantin decided to connect his life with cooking, since since childhood he liked to help his mother in the kitchen. Ivlev went to continue his studies at a vocational school, where, by the way, his future colleague Yuri Rozhkov also studied.

After vocational school and military service, Ivlev began climbing the career ladder. At first, the young man gained extremely useful experience working in the canteen of the institute, where he had to serve up to a thousand people per hour. And then Konstantin achieved the chef’s uniform and worked in a dozen prestigious metropolitan restaurants. Chefs and professionals appreciated his growing skills: in 2000 alone, Konstantin won three awards at the Russian Culinary Championship, and after a while the young man became “Chef of the Year” three times according to the publications Kommersant-Weekend, Time Out and CHEF.

The chef did not stop his culinary development. To do this, Ivlev regularly attended thematic seminars and master classes in France, Sweden, Spain, and America.

Today, Konstantin Ivlev is a member of the French Guild of Gastronomers, and also heads the Federation of Professional Chefs and Confectioners of Russia. Several years ago I decided to share my knowledge with the younger generation and opened the “Ask the Chef” culinary school together with Yuri Rozhkov.

Chef and host

Konstantin Ivlev is a culinary master and popularizer of Russian cuisine. The master came to the conclusion that dishes of Russian invention were buried under the primitive monotony established in Soviet times. The professional decided that it was time to introduce the population to the idea of ​​preparing native products using new, modern technology.

Together with another chef Yuri Rozhkov, Konstantin began hosting the culinary program “Ask the Chef” on the Domashny TV channel. There, Konstantin talks about unique recipes, often his own, and also conducts master classes on cooking at home. The positivity conveyed by the chef fell in love with the audience, and fans began to closely watch how Ivlev created one mini-masterpiece after another.

Next was work on the “Kitchen TV” channel, where Ivlev led two projects at once - “Taste Affordable”, “My-Your Food”. The STS TV channel’s program “Eat This Immediately!” became rated. The TV show was hosted by Tasha Strogaya and Natasha Stefanenko, who were previously TV presenters of a program about creating a fashionable wardrobe. In 2011, designers decided to introduce the public to original methods of fast cooking. Konstantin Ivlev and Yuri Rozhkov helped the girls. The chefs shared recipes that could be prepared in minutes. Among the dishes there were rice porridge with candied fruits, okroshka with shrimp, and omelette with salmon.

And in June 2016, Konstantin Ivlev also appeared on the Friday! TV channel, where the reality show “On the Knives” started. The chef, who is the guru of the Russian restaurant business, decided to declare war on the unprofessionalism and negligence demonstrated by Russian restaurateurs.

By analogy with the “Revizorro” programs, the hosts of which at different times were , and , and “Magazzino,” the chef began touring the cities of Russia and inspecting public catering places. Ivlev shares his own impressions with the public. As a result of rebranding, changing the image of the establishment and menu, restaurants take on a new life and begin to bring profit to the owners.

At the Silver Rain radio station, Konstantin Ivlev hosts his own culinary column, “Wednesday of Taste.” Works as a concept chef throughout Russia. Konstantin loves to come up with startups and launch them. He has run small metropolitan restaurants in Moscow with 25-30 seats, and the children's restaurant Monster Hills in Aviapark, which can accommodate up to a thousand visitors a day.

Personal life

The personal life of Konstantin Ivlev is also going well. The cook has been married for a long time, his chosen one's name is Maria. The family has a son, Matvey, who will probably follow in his father’s footsteps, as he is already showing a keen interest in cooking. In 2014, daughter Masha was born.

The chef is the author of publications about modern cooking technology. The most famous are “My Philosophy of Kitchen” and “Russia Cooks at Home”; the chef co-wrote several more books with long-time partner Yuri Rozhkov. Together with his son, Ivlev collected recipes for the book “Cooking for One, Two, Three!” The boy was only 11 years old at that time.

In the books, the chef shares interesting recipes for dishes - salads, soups, desserts and drinks, and sometimes reveals facts from his own biography. Ivlev’s project includes publishing the work “The Bible of New Russian Cuisine.” The chef does not have an official website, but Ivlev maintains his own pages in “

Konstantin Ivlev was born on January 12, 1974 in the Russian capital. But because of his parents’ work, the boy almost immediately ended up abroad, where he spent most of his childhood. And only at the age of 12 Konstantin was able to return to Moscow. here he entered a local school, where he was quickly able to find a common language with his peers. Absence from the USSR did not prevent the boy from joining the team and showing himself in the right light.


But if he managed to communicate with Soviet guys without problems, then the studies themselves clearly left much to be desired. As a result, Konstantin Ivlev began to skip classes on a regular basis, and also became a poor student. Thus, he was finally convinced that he had nothing more to do at school. After the tenth grade, he took away his certificate and left the educational institution. But, as you know, it is quite difficult to achieve high results in our country without education. So the time has come to select a suitable college in order to professionally master at least some profession.

Since Konstantin was a big fan of cooking in the kitchen from an early age, the choice for him was obvious. As a result, this led him to the appropriate school, which the young man graduated without any particular difficulties. It was there that Konstantin received valuable advice and was also able to hone his skills.

Further fate

After graduating from college, Ivlev went to serve in the army. After returning, he immediately began looking for a suitable job related to cooking. Fortunately for the young man, a place in one of the food places was found for him quickly enough. He got a job as a cook at one of the institutes, where he prepared food for young students. Sometimes he had to serve up to a thousand people per hour.

But Konstantin, of course, did not intend to stop there. Soon he managed to get the chef’s coveted jacket, which opened all the doors for the chef. This is what allowed Konstantin to get positions in the most prestigious restaurants in the capital. However, as they say, there are no limits to perfection. And in order to become an even more qualified and versatile chef, Ivlev periodically attended thematic courses and seminars, where he learned a lot of new things.

Popular fame

In the 21st century, Konstantin Ivlev was able to achieve almost every possible height in his career. His establishments were among the best not only in Russia, but also in Europe. He was also engaged in outside activities, one way or another related to cooking. As a result, in order to popularize different ways of preparing traditional dishes, Konstantin decided to try his hand at television. All this led to the appearance of the popular TV show “Ask the Chef,” which aired on the Domashny channel. The show began to enjoy considerable success among connoisseurs of this topic. Time after time, Konstantin showed quite simple, but incredibly inventive ways of preparing dishes using modern technologies.

No less successful was the project of the Friday TV channel called “On Knives,” which launched in 2016. Since Ivlev often witnessed the poor quality of sanitation and service in Russian restaurants, he decided to declare war on them. Together with the film crew, Konstantin makes raids on all sorts of food establishments in the country, trying to identify gross flaws and thereby punish substandard employees, shaming them throughout the country. The program continues to enjoy incredible success among viewers to this day.

  1. At the beginning of his career, he attended master classes in Sweden and America.
  2. Konstantin is a member of the French Guild of Gastronomers, and also heads the Federation of Professional Chefs and Confectioners of Russia
  3. In the 2010s, together with his friend Yuri, he opened his own school, where he trains young talents.
  4. Konstantin has been married to his wife Maria for many years now. The couple also has a son, Matvey.

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Konstantin Ivlev not only became a professional chef who launched many restaurants almost from scratch, but also earned the title of best culinary show host in 2017. Those who communicated with this man immediately noted that he does not like to show off in public, and he is not going to prove anything to anyone.

The chef has a biography rich in events and affairs; he travels a lot around the world and has already opened his restaurants in many cities of Russia and abroad.

Choosing a low-prestige profession

Konstantin was born in 1974 in Moscow, but his early childhood years were spent outside of Russia, where the whole family went due to his father’s work. When the boy was 12 years old, he and his parents returned to the capital. During his school years, he could not boast of good grades, so already in high school he decided to go to school to become a cook along with his friends. Kostya was pushed to this decision by his father, who advised him to connect his life with cooking. The young man himself always liked to tinker in the kitchen, helping his mother prepare lunch or dinner; in addition, he always loved to eat delicious food. Ivlev enthusiastically learned the basics of cooking, which allowed him to graduate from college with honors.

In those years, he did not even dream of working as a chef and before the army he worked in various canteens. In 1991, he was drafted into the army, and two years later the restaurant business began to emerge in public catering. Returning home, the aspiring chef got a job at the Moscow establishment “Sadko-Arkada”, where a completely different world opened up to him. He studied with professionals such as French culinary specialist Patrick Pages, who showed him how to correctly balance colors on a plate.

Mastering culinary skills. Participation in television projects

In 1997, Konstantin began climbing the career ladder, taking up the position of chef. He was invited to work in many prestigious institutions. The Muscovite did not stop there, interning with foreign culinary experts: at the French school Vatel, at the American Beef Institute, at the Spanish restaurant Arzak by Juan Maria Arzak and others. This allowed him not only to become a master of his craft, but also to participate in competitions among professionals, in which Ivlev took prizes.

In the photo Konstantin Ivlev and Yuri Rozhkov

In 2007, he decided to open a restaurant for foreigners, where instead of the usual Russian dishes, they served a new dish - sterlet baked in birch sap. Thus, thanks to the entrepreneurial spirit of the culinary specialist, a new direction in Russian cuisine was born. Soon he came up with the idea to teach his skills to a wide range of viewers, thanks to which a new position appeared in the chef’s activities - TV presenter. On the Domashny channel he hosted such culinary programs as “Ask the Chef”, “Food Week” and “New Year’s Food Week”, and on STS he participated in the filming of the show “Eat This Immediately!” His collaboration with the Friday channel began in 2016. First, Konstantin appeared in the show “On Knives”, and in 2017 he appeared at the head of “Hell’s Kitchen”.

Family and raising children

The TV presenter is also satisfied with his personal life. If at work he often has to raise his voice and ask his subordinates strictly, then in the family he radiates kindness and calmness. Together with his wife Maria, he is raising two children: son Matvey and daughter Masha.

In the photo Konstantin Ivlev with his wife and children

After graduating from school, the son is going to study at the Istanbul Institute of Hotel Management, where after two years of study he will choose the culinary department. Ivlev hopes that the heir will follow in his footsteps, but for now he is gaining the necessary knowledge. The young man had already worked for his star father, gaining good experience in the culinary business. 4-year-old Masha also likes to help her dad cook, and she also loves to watch him host his programs. The TV presenter does not strive for children to engage in this particular craft, as he respects their interests and preferences.

Chef with his daughter. Photo Instagram ivlevchef

In their family, everyone who has a desire cooks. Konstantin taught his skills not only to his wife, but also to his mother. According to the chef, his wife manages to cook liver pate, Olivier salad and cheesecakes perfectly, but he doesn’t like the way she bakes pancakes. The presenter himself prepares them according to his grandmother’s recipe. In addition to culinary interests, the owner of a tall height (184 cm) loves football, being a fan of the Moscow Dynamo team.

Favorite expressions of the TV presenter

  • Strict discipline is important in the kitchen, just like in the army. If it exists, everything will work out; if not, it’s already anarchy;
  • A cook is like red wine: the older and more experienced he is, the more expensive and powerful he is;
  • At the age of 20, the chef cooks what he is told, at the age of 30 - what is necessary, and after 40 years - what he wants;
  • The chef's task is to come up with a dish that visitors will always remember.
  1. Ever since his army years, Konstantin fell in love with Borodino bread. Grandfathers always took the food my mother brought, but they gave him the bread. The chef is also partial to black caviar and strawberries.
  2. For some time now, Ivlev has begun to collect a collection of chef figurines, the number of which has already exceeded 200. They are stored in a specially equipped glass cabinet with lighting.
  3. The presenter is ready to do what he loves at any time of the day. If his wife asked him to cook borscht at night, he would do it with pleasure.
  4. Ivlev always wanted to be like Gordon Ramsay, who attracted him not only with his skill, but also with his eccentricity and audacity. The presenter managed to do this when the show “Hell's Kitchen” was released, where he created the image of an “evil” chef.
  5. Ivlevsky cheesecakes were not created by chance by the chef. His little son didn’t like cottage cheese, so he came up with the idea of ​​mixing chopped lemon slices with the cottage cheese.

Childhood and youth of the future celebrity

Konstantin Ivlev has been considered a famous cook for a long period of time, as well as a TV presenter of popular programs. Kostya was born in mid-January 1974 in Moscow. Nationality Russian. The guy’s father was an employee of the KGB structures, and when Kostya was 7 years old, his family moved to live abroad.

Life outside the USSR lasted for five whole years and after the end of this period the parents returned to Moscow. At this moment, Konstantin was already 12 years old. He brought from abroad many things that were rare at that time. But his father categorically forbade showing them to his peers and bragging about them.

Konstantin Ivlev in his youth, while studying at school, was not known as a good student and often upset his parents with bad grades. In addition, at this time the guy got his first tattoos on his arm. What distinguished him from his classmates was that already in those young years he had established himself as an excellent assistant in the school kitchen. Having completed his studies at school, Konstantin enters a vocational school to study a specialty - cooking.

Beginning of professional activity

Since 1993, Ivlev has graduated from this educational institution and, having completed his military service, Konstantin begins working in his specialty in various restaurants in Moscow. From this moment on, Ivlev’s biography changes dramatically. Thanks to his talent, he quickly began to move up the career ladder and within two years he began working as a chef in the most popular restaurants and bars in the capital.
Konstantin Ivlev honed his skills at various master classes not only in the country, but also abroad. This training was carried out in specialized schools, as well as in cafes and restaurants with 2 and 3 stars.

Talent recognition

In March 2000, Konstantin took an honorable 3rd place, participating in the culinary championship held in the capital of the country. In 2001, he became the most famous chef in the country. In 2007, he confirmed this title according to Chef magazine. Even the famous English publication recognized Konstantin as the best chef of 2007.

In March 2004, Ivlev’s first book hit bookstore shelves. In this book, the chef formulates his personal culinary philosophy and expresses his opinion on what the high-end cuisine of our time should be.

In September 2008, Konstantin's culinary talent was recognized by French chefs. In April 2010, Konstantin opened a culinary school in Moscow called the Ivlev School. In 2011, the famous chef, with the assistance of Rozhkov, published a book that is replete with a large number of trusted recipes using exclusively traditional Russian products.

In September 2014, Konstantin became both a chef and co-owner of a chic restaurant in the center of Moscow. This restaurant serves exclusively dishes made according to Ivlev’s recipes. The restaurants where Konstantin works are always very popular, and you need to book tables in them several weeks in advance.

Work in television projects

In the same year, Ivlev tries himself on television in the famous TV series “Kitchen”. This debut was quite successful and already in 2016 he takes part as a presenter simultaneously in several culinary television projects. These projects became quite popular and the whole country watched them with pleasure for several years. In 2018, Ivlev plans to launch another television talk show related to culinary topics.

Konstantin Ivlev's wife - photo

Konstantin Ivlev's wife, Maria Ivleva, has been married to the famous chef for almost 20 years. Their acquaintance was fleeting, but radically changed the lives of both young people. Their romance was beautiful and romantic at the same time. The lovers met for a short time and officially married. In gratitude for her love and respect, Maria gave her beloved husband a son and a daughter.

Ivlev’s wife is not only the keeper of the family hearth and an excellent mother of her children, but also takes an active part in the professional growth of her husband. According to Konstantin, it was Maria who insisted that he start using ultra-fashionable steamers in his restaurants. The entire household life rests on Maria’s shoulders, because her husband spends a significant amount of time at work and is physically unable to work at home. The wife understands this and is not offended by her husband. Konstantin and Maria are able to surprise even the spoiled guests of their home by showing them a unique collection of rare foreign wines and a large number of doll figurines of chefs.

Otherwise, Konstantin Ivlev’s personal life is hidden from prying eyes, and even annoying journalists are not able to penetrate it.

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Biography, life story of Ivlev Konstantin Vitalievich

Ivlev Konstantin Vitalievich is a Russian chef and TV presenter.

Childhood and adolescence

Konstantin Ivlev was born on January 12, 1974 in Moscow. The boy spent his childhood abroad - this happened because of the work of his parents. The family returned to Moscow only in 1986.

At school, Kostya easily found a common language with the guys and was the life of the party, but with his studies things were not so good. Science was given to Ivlev with great difficulty; studying formulas, rules and laws was almost torture for him. That is why, after finishing 9 grades, Kostya applied for admission to vocational school No. 19. The young man chose his specialty very quickly - cook. From an early age, he loved to tinker in the kitchen and help his mother prepare various dishes.

After vocational school, Konstantin Ivlev served in the army upon conscription, and then, returning to the real world, began to build his dizzying career.

Career path

Konstantin's first place of work was the institute canteen, where the novice cook had to serve about 1,000 hungry visitors per hour. This experience was very useful to Ivlev in the future - he learned the tastes and preferences of people, became acquainted with the right and wrong approaches to cooking and serving catering customers. In 1997, Ivlev was already proudly wearing a chef’s jacket. He worked in such fashionable restaurants as Reporter, VIP-21, In Vino, Nostalgie, Boulevard, Luciano, Poison and so on.

Konstantin Ivlev trained at the best culinary schools in the world - Vatel (France), Edsbaka Krog (Sweden), Beef Institute (USA) and Arzak (Spain). Ivlev also attended numerous seminars and master classes on improving culinary art.


Konstantin Vitalievich is a member of the French Guild of Gastronomers Chaine des Rotissers, head of the Federation of Professional Chefs and Confectioners of the Russian Federation (since 2008), one of the leaders of the Ask the Chef culinary school (together with Yuri Rozhkov, his friend and colleague, whom he met back in vocational school), co-owner and chef of the Moscow restaurant Wicked.

In 2000, Konstantin Ivlev began participating in professional competitions. He achieved some success in this field. So, in 2000 and 2001 he took third place at the Russian Culinary Championship. In 2001 he became “Chef of the Year” according to the newspaper “Kommenrant-Weekend”, in 2007 - “Chef of the Year” according to the publications “Chef” and Time Out.

A television

Konstantin Ivlev is not only a skilled chef, but also a media personality. Thus, he was invited to host the “Wednesday of Taste” program on the “Silver Rain” radio station, the “Ask the Chef” program on the Domashny TV channel, the “Taste Affordable” program on the “Kitchen TV” channel and the “Eat This Immediately!” show. on the STS channel.

In 2016, the entertainment TV channel “Friday” launched the reality show “On Knives,” designed to combat the unprofessionalism of Russian restaurateurs. The project leader was Konstantin Ivlev, a true expert in the restaurant business.


In 2004, Konstantin Ivlev’s book “My Kitchen Philosophy” was published. In 2011, a joint publication by Ivlev and Rozhkov, “Kitchen for Real Men,” was published; in 2013, the same authors delighted lovers of delicious food and interesting recipes with the book “Russia Cooks at Home.”

Personal life

Konstantin's wife's name is Maria. The family has a son, Matvey.
