
Salad of fresh cucumber corn sea kale. Recipe: Seaweed Salad - With Corn

I love sea kale for its taste and for the benefits that it gives us.
I try to buy it often, so in my house this product is not for the festive table, but just everyday food.
But even for an informal dinner or lunch, you still sometimes want to somehow diversify a familiar dish. So this recipe for seaweed salad with corn was invented.
For cooking, you need a minimum of products:

The above amount of products is enough for either one large serving or two small ones. If there are more than two pure eaters in your house, then increase the amount of each component proportionally.

Seaweed should be without additives (carrots, cranberries), the maximum that I allow is a small amount of onion. Drain the water, put the cabbage on a plate (or in a deep bowl, if you cook a lot).

Here we also add one hard-boiled boiled egg, which we pre-cut finely, and two tablespoons of sweet canned corn.

We mix everything well

Add mayonnaise. Choose the quantity according to your taste. But I can give you a little advice. Since the components of the salad were previously in a humid environment, they themselves are quite “juicy”, so if you put a lot of mayonnaise, the salad will just float in it, it is better to limit yourself to one or two teaspoons.

Incredible, refined and original is a salad with seaweed and corn. Such salads are not only tender and tasty, but also iridescent-bright, which is not typical for algae dishes in general. By adding other components, each time an extraordinary creation is obtained, which can rightly be called a masterpiece. Each of the presented recipes is special and unique, quick to prepare and incredibly simple. But the result is simply amazing. are surprisingly tasty, unusual and healthy.

It’s hard to even imagine that these products are so impressed with each other. The taste of the salad becomes simply incredibly refined, delicate and unusual. Corn kernels add solemnity, and cheese gives amazing creamy tenderness. Thanks to the eggs, it turns out not only beautiful and tasty, but also satisfying, able to satisfy the rampant appetite.


  • 150 gr. seaweed;
  • 2 large eggs;
  • 100 gr. cheese;
  • 150 gr. corn;
  • 150 gr. mayonnaise;
  • 1/4 tsp salt;
  • 1/4 tsp pepper.

Salad of seaweed and corn:

  1. Seaweed is laid out on a board and chopped a little. The stripes should not be too long. It is advisable to rinse it after grinding it so that grains of sand do not get into the salad.
  2. The eggs are laid out in a saucepan and poured with water, after which they are put on fire and boiled for at least ten minutes, but not more than twelve. After cooking, boiling water is drained, and cold water is poured. In it, the eggs cool down, then they are peeled and cut into small squares.
  3. To grind cheese, take a medium grater and rub it on it.
  4. The liquid is drained from the corn and all products are poured into a salad bowl.
  5. Pour them with mayonnaise, add salt and pepper, mix.

Important! Seaweed must be washed. It very often comes across sand, which is simply unacceptable in the finished salad.

Seaweed salad with cheese

This one can be safely called a non-standard copy of "Crab". It is just as tender and tasty as the famous dish, but at the same time somewhat different. It contains not only seaweed, but also carrots, beef, asparagus. Naturally, it turns out an unusual, but amazing dish. In addition, instead of mayonnaise, use a simple, but at the same time unusual sauce that gives the salad lightness and piquancy.

For a seaweed salad with cheese you need:

  • 200 gr. beef;
  • 150 gr. rice
  • 150 gr. seaweed;
  • 80 gr. pickled soy asparagus;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 100 gr. cheese;
  • 100 gr. corn;
  • 20 gr. oils;
  • 10 gr. lemon juice;
  • 1/4 tsp pepper;
  • 1/4 tsp salt.

How to make seaweed salad:

  1. The meat is washed and cut with a knife into thin strips, then spread on a frying pan, sprinkled with a little salt, pepper, oil is added and fried.
  2. Rice is washed and boiled, then thrown into a colander, washed again and cooled.
  3. Carrots are washed with a brush, peeled, cut into strips and fried in a pan with the addition of a small amount of vegetable oil.
  4. Cheese is rubbed on a grater.
  5. The remaining unused oil is mixed with lemon juice.
  6. Sea cabbage is washed and chopped, mixed with products that have already been prepared.
  7. Asparagus and corn are added there, oil mixed with lemon juice is poured in, and everything is mixed with an ordinary spoon.
  8. Top with grated cheese and the salad is ready.

Tip: the calorie content of seaweed salad with butter can be reduced if the meat is not fried, but boiled. Cooking will take more time, but the benefits of the dish will be much greater.

Salad with corn and seaweed

The combination of kelp with pickles is so exquisite that a salad with these products turns out to be unusual, albeit very unusual. The apple and carrots used, however, make it possible to achieve simply incredible taste delicacy, which is emphasized with the help of cheese and the usual onion beam.


  • 220 gr. seaweed;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 head of onion;
  • 50 gr. green onions;
  • 2 pickles;
  • 100 gr. cheese;
  • 50 gr. corn;
  • 1 apple;
  • 100 gr. mayonnaise;
  • 1/4 tsp pepper;
  • 1/4 tsp salt.

Salad with seaweed and cheese:

  1. The eggs are placed in a saucepan pre-filled with water and boiled in it for about twelve minutes, then cooled and cleaned, cut into cubes.
  2. Cucumbers are cut with such exact cubes with a knife. After cutting, they are squeezed out a little with their hands so that the marinade contained in them does not get into the salad.
  3. Carrots are washed with a brush, put in a saucepan with water and boiled. The boiled is cooled, thoroughly cleaned and cut into cubes.
  4. Cheese is rubbed as standard on a grater.
  5. The onion is cleaned, then washed and chopped with a knife with thin half rings.
  6. Green onions are washed and finely chopped with a knife.
  7. Laminaria is squeezed out, crushed a little.
  8. Strain the corn.
  9. All products are combined in a salad bowl.
  10. The apple is peeled, cut and cut out the middle, rubbed on a grater, added to the rest of the products.
  11. Mayonnaise is also added, after which it is already mixed, a little salt is added, pepper is added. Sprinkle cheese on top and the salad is ready! You can leave a third of the corn for decoration.

Tip: so that the apple does not acquire an unpleasant dark shade, you need to sprinkle it a little with lemon juice or vinegar. Thanks to such simple actions, the fruit will remain light.

Salad corn, seaweed

Simple and quick to prepare, no doubt you will like it, because it is so tender and deliciously tasty that it is impossible to tear yourself away from it. To make it even more beneficial, you can replace mayonnaise with sour cream. In this case, it approaches the ideal.


  • 250 gr. seaweed;
  • 2 large eggs;
  • 150 gr. crab sticks;
  • 100 gr. cheese;
  • 1 apple;
  • 2 garlic cloves;
  • 1/4 tsp salt;
  • 180 gr. mayonnaise;
  • 20 gr. greenery.

Cooking step by step:

  1. The marinade is immediately drained from the corn.
  2. They also do with seaweed, squeeze it a little more with their hands, then chop it into strips no more than three centimeters in length.
  3. Crab sticks are defrosted, printed and cut with a knife into small cubes.
  4. The eggs are boiled for about twelve minutes, cooled and then only cleaned, rubbed on a fine grater.
  5. The apple is peeled. After cutting in half, the core is cut out and only after that they are rubbed.
  6. Cheese is also ground with a grater.
  7. Peel the garlic and finely chop it with a knife on a kitchen board.
  8. All products are laid out in a bowl, where they are seasoned with mayonnaise and mixed.
  9. The finished salad is laid out in a dish and decorated with corn, which remained in a jar, and grated cheese. It turns out very soft and elegant.

Seaweed salad with corn, sausage and cheese

It's amazing how satisfying and appetizing kelp will be if you add sausage to it in a salad. The taste is completely different, more noble and refined. And in general, this recipe can be safely called special. After all, it is with its help that real miracles are created, and seaweed does not look like itself. It becomes a real delicacy. Everything here is magnificent and harmonious, with just one look at this dish, you will feel how your appetite flares up.


  • 150 gr. boiled sausage;
  • 50 gr. mayonnaise;
  • 200 gr. seaweed;
  • 1 cucumber;
  • 1/4 tsp salt;
  • 1/4 tsp pepper;
  • 100 gr. cheese;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 2 large eggs;
  • 250 gr. corn.

Cooking step by step:

  1. The sausage is laid out on a board, the film is removed from it and cut with a knife into thin, no more than a centimeter thick strips.
  2. The peeled and washed cucumber is cut on the board with the same stripes.
  3. The cabbage is strained from the brine and cut a little with a knife or scissors so that the length of the strips does not exceed a length of three centimeters.
  4. The eggs are laid out in a deep container, poured with water and boiled, then cooled, cleaned and chopped with a knife to small squares.
  5. Cheese is rubbed on a fine grater.
  6. Garlic is peeled and chopped finely with a knife or crushed on a garlic maker.
  7. From the jar in which the corn is located, the entire marinade is drained; only the grains themselves are used in the salad.
  8. Prepared, lay out all the products in a salad bowl, add mayonnaise and salt and pepper to them, mix.
  9. Place the dish in the refrigerator for at least half an hour, and mix it again just before serving.

Seaweed seems unappetizing and unpresentable only to those who simply do not know about the numerous salad recipes, in which kelp is distinguished among the main ingredients. These dishes can rightly be called exquisite. This is especially true for those in which they add not only cabbage extracted from the depths of the seas, but also cheese and canned corn grains. With these components, it is incredibly transformed, it turns out simply unusual, bright, admirable. Such salads are refueled, as standard - mayonnaise, as well as butter, sour cream or yogurt. And sometimes craftsmen create slightly different dressings - amazing sauces, with the help of which a salad with seaweed and chicken begins to play with new colors, opens up completely and amazes others not only with its appearance and taste, but also with an amazing aroma that can turn your head. And it’s even hard to believe that these dishes are based on the simplest, unremarkable seaweed.

I really like this light and, at the same time, wonderful salad with seaweed, squid and egg. I often cook it for a snack, because, in my opinion, this is the most ideal option for choosing a dish. Judge for yourself: a hearty, but at the same time, low-fat, tasty and healthy dish, which is also quick to cook. Well, what could be better? Usually, for such a salad, I also toast rye bread or cook light hot sandwiches with cheese topping.
And the salad itself turns out to be very tasty, because the combination of squid, sweet corn and boiled eggs is quite original and, I would say, successful.

- seaweed - 150 g,
- squid carcasses - 200 g,
- chicken eggs - 2 pcs.,
- sweet corn - 100 g,
- salt,
- mayonnaise sauce.


Defrost the squids, then scald the carcasses with boiling water to easily remove the skin. We pry off the skin on one side and pull it off the carcass in one motion, like a stocking. Next, we take out the insides and the chord. We wash and cook them in boiling salted water for 3-4 minutes. Then cool and cut into rings.
Laminaria, if necessary, cut into smaller strips.

Boil hard-boiled eggs for 8-10 minutes, then cool and peel. We rub them on a grater.

Open a can of corn and drain the liquid from it.

We send squid rings to the salad bowl.

Add salt to your taste and mayonnaise.

Bon appetit!

The benefits of seaweed for the body can already be legendary, because it is the source of such useful vitamins and minerals as: A, C, D, E, iodine, potassium, phosphorus, iron, sulfur and many others. It really needs to be eaten, but in what form you will do it, it's up to you. Someone uses sea kale as an independent product, and someone prepares delicious salads from it, as we will do now. In fact, you can simply experiment with a set of ingredients, but one of the best options is a duo of cabbage with egg and corn. What will come of it? We'll see.


  • pickled seaweed - 150 grams;
  • chicken eggs - 3 pieces;
  • onions (medium) - ¼ pieces;
  • corn - 4 tablespoons;
  • mayonnaise - to taste.

How to make seaweed salad:

1. To begin with, we start working on seaweed. As you know, it looks like long thin ribbons - algae. It will not look very presentable in a salad, so we will have to cut it into small pieces. The best assistant in this lesson will be scissors for you - ordinary: kitchen or stationery. Just at the moment when you pull the cabbage threads out of the water, then save them from it - we absolutely do not need excess liquid.

By the way, seaweed can be bought dry and cooked.

2. . It will take us about 10 minutes to hard-boil the eggs, but this is taking into account the fact that the water in which the eggs will be boiled is already boiled and the stove is hot.

Already boiled eggs should be cut into small cubes. For these purposes, you can use a special manual slice. After the eggs, onions come into play: it must be cut into quarters of rings.

3. We send eggs and onions to seaweed. We mix everything very carefully. After, canned corn can be added to these ingredients, which was also removed from excess liquid in advance.

Mix the salad with a fork, bringing it to a uniform consistency with a uniform distribution of ingredients and taste, respectively. Optionally, seaweed salad can be salted and seasoned with mayonnaise. And if you use low-fat yogurt or sour cream, then such a salad can easily be classified as “dietary” or “low-calorie”, since the ratio of calories in it comes down to very small numbers.
