
Interesting facts about products. Fun facts about products

  1. Chocolate - great product against high blood pressure. It is enough to eat two sweets to bring the pressure back to normal.
  2. Chocolate cheers up and creates a feeling of love thanks to the phenamine component.
  3. White and milk chocolate contain more bad fat and calories, while dark bitter chocolate with a high cocoa content (from 70%) is considered the most useful.
  4. A bar of chocolate a month can extend the life of whole year. But overuse product will lead to the development of cardiovascular diseases.
  5. One of the most unusual types of meat is mouse. It was eaten in China and also in Ancient Greece.
  6. Rice ranks first among the consumed foods, as it serves as the main ingredient in the menu of most Asian countries, known for their abundance. There are more than 15,000 varieties of rice, which we are used to dividing into black, white and.
  7. Refined sugar can be called one of the most harmful foods, as it contains absolutely nothing but carbohydrates and extra calories.
  8. Zucchini and pumpkin seeds acquire great benefits over time and nutritional value. Yes, in fresh calories maybe 3-4 times less than those that were stored for several months.
  9. Only 5% of the extracted salt is used as seasoning. The rest goes to conservation and even industrial purposes - leather tanning, glass production, road construction.
  10. Natural chicken soup for a long time considered an aphrodisiac.
  11. Rennet - natural substance necessary for the manufacture of many varieties of cheese. It is extracted from the fourth ventricle of small calves.
  12. Most unusual snacks, bordering on disgust - fried termites from South Africa, ants, bees and bull scrotum, glazed with chocolate - in America.
  13. and corn were first cultivated in mountainous regions called the Andes.
  14. One kilogram of potatoes costs almost 200 times less than 1 kilogram of potato chips.
  15. With the advent of the cartoon character Popeye, interest in spinach has greatly increased in America. It was this product in the cartoon that was positioned as a valuable source of vigor and vitamins.
  16. It has been proven that fresh ones help you get up in the morning better than coffee.
  17. Salt and beans served as money in ancient times. The last some scammers even tried to fake. But in Europe in the Middle Ages, often the main money was ... Cows!
  18. During the time of Ivan the Terrible, there were their own illegal transportation. So, the ambassadors of the Russian tsar transported valuables from Muslim countries, wrapping them in pork tenderloin. Naturally, Muslims abhorred approaching this meat.
  19. In the era ancient rome, in one of the time periods of history, the authorities came to the conclusion that it was time to fight luxury. So the fattening of chickens was forbidden. But they forgot to ban fattening roosters ...
  20. In the Middle Ages, the recipe for ice cream was considered one of the most secret. In Europe, only kings could eat it, and the most courageous spies often went for secret knowledge, trying to find out the technology for making a delicious dessert.
  21. In ancient Greece, figs were of particular value. It could not be taken out of the country, and citizens who disobeyed could be executed for smuggling.
  22. Muslims have long been controversial about coffee because of its aphrodisiac properties. So, in the Middle Ages, it was equated with wine, and it was almost banned.
  23. In 1638, the Russian ambassador to China received several sacks of incomprehensible dry leaves as a gift. The ambassador was very upset and the war almost broke out. But someone thought of brewing these fragrant leaves, and since then we can enjoy the aroma of tea every day.
  24. In Honolulu, culinary practices are very non-standard method beating octopus meat: they wash them in washing machines.
  25. Any marine and River fish- one of the most useful products. She delivers to body light protein, improves memory and skin condition, and also fights bad cholesterol.
  26. Fresh or properly frozen strawberries can improve mood and invigorate. After all, it contains many vitamins that are responsible for the tone of our body!
  27. Potatoes, contrary to the negative opinions of many nutritionists, can be useful for the body, but only in boiled and baked form. It removes excess fluid and helps to get rid of cellulite.
  28. Bananas, although they “came” to Europe from Africa, are more often supplied from India, more than half of all imports come from this country.
  29. Apricot, avocado and raspberries are at the top of the list of the healthiest foods on the planet. Moreover, apricot and raspberry are able to retain all their benefits, not only fresh.
  30. Salad "Olivier" was invented in Russia. But the Frenchman came up with a recipe! The salad differed from the modern one in a more refined set of products, among which were: veal tongue, caviar, pickles and crayfish.
  31. In Africa, lemon is a panacea for many diseases. It is believed that the juice of 1 slice of lemon during meals will prevent overeating and help digestion. That's why it's so good to drink water with lemon juice before eating!
  32. Breakfast shouldn't be easy. It is at this time that preference should be given to the most satisfying and high-calorie dishes.
  33. Regular consumption of vegetables, fruits and cereals helps to purify the blood. However, in harsh conditions without heavy meat protein, the body simply cannot survive.
  34. Real borscht was made from a plant that is now considered a weed - hogweed.
  35. Freshly squeezed juices are stored for only 3-4 hours. Glass and metal containers are not suitable for them.
  36. Natural apple cider vinegar is very beneficial for the skin. It is enough to dilute 1 tsp. in a glass of water and drink one hour before meals.
  37. Guava is the record holder among vegetables and fruits for the content of vitamin C.
  38. Qualitative rustic cottage cheese contains a minimum of fat with a maximum amount of protein and calcium, which is extremely beneficial for the heart.
  39. The cold Scandinavian countries are not at all distinguished by a great love for hot dishes. It is supposed to be eaten there only in the afternoon and only once. The main share of the diet is cold appetizers and a variety of sandwiches.
  40. Mango and pistachios are the closest "relatives". They belong to the same family, although there are few similarities in them.
  41. All products that have a yellow color serve as natural antidepressants, break down fats and speed up metabolic processes.
  42. Blue products can eliminate insomnia, calm the nerves. They have a lot of vitamin C. Purple and maroon products can also be included here.
  43. Green fruits and vegetables help reduce stomach acidity, normalize blood pressure, have a powerful antiseptic effect and strengthen the immune system.
  44. Ginger and cinnamon have a powerful effect on the body. You can buy spices in dried form and add a pinch to tea or coffee: weight loss, increased efficiency and good mood guaranteed!
  45. Feijoa in terms of iodine content can compete with various seafood.
  46. Apples - true friend people leading a lifestyle "at the table." They have a lot of useful substances and all this for little money and year-round availability. Apples improve the state of the nervous system, have a general strengthening effect.
  47. Olives and olives are one and the same. Only now the first should hang on trees for a long time, but for industrial purposes this is not profitable. Therefore, green olives are often dyed black and sold for olives.
  48. Corn helps the body process fatty foods and alcohol. This is one of rare products, which, when preserved, retains all its properties.
  49. Celery contains very few calories. At the same time, if you eat it fresh, then several times more calories will be spent on the chewing process.
  50. Almost half of all almond production comes from the production of chocolate products.
  51. Cooking grapes and eggs in the microwave is fraught with an explosion.
  52. In 1991, the carrot was officially recognized as a fruit in Europe.
  53. And in 2001, the same fate overtook tomatoes.
  54. mozzarella, tomato sauce and parsley are traditional ingredients of this Italian pizza imitating the colors of the national flag.
  55. Gasoline ranks first in the global turnover of goods. And second is coffee.
  56. The smell of fried bacon can greatly increase your appetite. This is used by various catering establishments.
  57. In most restaurants, salmon dishes are prepared from cheap pink salmon or coho salmon, and are presented as expensive salmon or trout.
  58. Fat-burning fruits that really effectively deal with excess “reserve”: kiwi, pineapples, grapefruits.
  59. The norm of consumption of vegetables per person per year is about 125 kg.
  60. Wine was invented by the ancient Greeks over 3,000 years ago.
  61. In 2006, barley sprouts grown in zero gravity were brewed into a limited edition of 36 bottles of beer. Each costs over $300.
  62. Pomegranate juice is the healthiest non-alcoholic drink.
  63. The first bottle of carbonated drink was obtained from the bubbles of fermenting beer in 1772.
  64. In Peru, frog tincture is considered a refreshing drink. There they drink it almost as often as the Chinese drink tea.
  65. Traditional kvass is rarely to the taste of foreigners. Almost everyone speaks of him as a "sour muddy slurry."
  66. good red dry wine in the amount of 0.1 l is good for the heart and can fight cancer.
  67. Milk is widely used in the production of adhesive bases, paints and even plastics.
  68. Ice cream is a kind of symbol of rockers. Often original recipes are invented in memory of various artists and groups, for example, Baskin Robins released a product in honor of the Beatles.
  69. Most ice cream is eaten on the East Coast of the United States.
  70. Margarine in the world is eaten several times more than butter.
  71. Baskin Robins has launched ketchup flavored ice cream.
  72. Cheese, according to the majority of the world's population, is the most delicious dish.
  73. The first candy was invented by the Egyptians over 3,000 years ago. Dates and honey were used for this. A little later, the Romans added nuts and flour to them.
  74. In the Middle Ages, chocolate was considered a magical product in Europe.
  75. But in Russia until the 20th century, sweets were the privilege of rich nobles.
  76. The only candy that has been in space is lollipop. Only she passed all the safety requirements.
  77. Most smoked meat products contains modified soy.
  78. Chicken meat is considered the most useful. But only if we are talking about natural chicken without hormones and antibiotics.
  79. Ice is an excellent preservative. Quick Freeze fresh berries, vegetables, fruits and meat can extend the "useful" life of products.
  80. Only 12 plant species and 5 animals supply 70% of all food.
  81. Strawberries and raspberries contain in their small specific seeds a substance responsible for the formation of testosterone in the human body. It is this hormone that increases sexual desire.
  82. White wine is served with fish, and red wine with any other meat. The exception is tuna, which also pairs better with red wine.
  83. Most juicy lemon has a thin skin.
  84. Sunflower seeds help strengthen the nervous system.
  85. Chili peppers, like chocolate, can improve mood.
  86. White and beige eggs are not at all different from each other. Only the chickens that laid them differ.
  87. Cheese "Parmesan" in Italy serves as collateral for loans by cheese makers of money in banks. Ripe heads are placed in a special storage.
  88. In 2003, after America's invasion of Iran and France's outrage over the case, the Washington DC cafeterias renamed the French fries the Liberty potato.
  89. Cream cheese was invented in New York in 1872. Only the name he received "Philadelphia".
  90. What has fallen is not lost. Food for 5 seconds does not collect bacteria from the floor, but only on condition that the floor surface is dry.
  91. Pringles are not even half potato. They have a lot of starch and corn flour, and potatoes are only 42%. However, the figure is quite high for a product in this category.
  92. There is an ice cream graveyard in the USA. There are tombstones with the names of those tastes that have lost their popularity.
  93. Salad with asparagus on Russian shelves is nothing more than a blende. White pods obtained from foam soy milk and have little in common with asparagus.
  94. Exactly simple vegetables- cabbage, carrots, onions and beets - helped ordinary peasants in tsarist times to be healthy, while nobles were often attacked by scurvy and other unpleasant diseases due to the lack of simple foods in the diet.
  95. Cheese "Druzhba" is immortalized in Moscow with a monument. You can find it at the intersection of Rustaveli and Ogorodny passage.
  96. Vegetable oil a priori does not contain cholesterol.
  97. The cunning English use coffee grounds as fuel at the Kraft Foods chocolate factory.
  98. Meat, or rather the need for its proper storage, opened the age of geographical travel. The Turks asked too much for the spices that contributed to proper preservation meat products. This prompted the sailors to look for the treasured spices in new lands.
  99. Kopi Luwak is the most expensive coffee in the world. It is made from the feces of Asian civets that eat coffee beans. But the fruits are not processed, but in the stomach of the animals they are saturated with useful substances.
  100. Doktorskaya sausage appeared in 1936 and was intended to improve the health of people who suffered during the tsarist rule.

Parents need to know that the color of the food is very important - the brighter it is, the more it causes the child's appetite. And besides, the combination of products by color reduces the likelihood of getting some types of cancer.

Yellow, orange products. Strengthen immune system, vision and heart. The most famous of this palette is the carrot. From others, but also quite available products: corn, pumpkin, melon, oranges, grapefruits and other citrus fruits.

Blue, purple products. Strengthen the urinary tract, improve memory. Most sweet fruit- grapes - are always welcomed on the table by both children and adults. Eggplants, plums, blueberries are good in this quality.

red foods. Improve the functioning of the heart circulatory system. The best option is apples, although green apples are said to be healthier. Tomatoes, red peppers, strawberries, red beets are good in this capacity.

Green products. Improve vision, strengthen bones and teeth. Tested set: leaf salad, broccoli, green beans, and spinach.

white foods. Strengthen the heart and keep cholesterol levels normal. Potatoes, onions, mushrooms, cauliflower- these products are both affordable and not so expensive. And how many options they provide for creativity in the kitchen!

The most satisfying foods

It would be good to memorize this list - the benefits are obvious. We do not always manage to maintain a diet by the hour - the pace of life is such that there is no time to have a bite to eat. Will save you most of the time food satiety index, which back in 1995 was developed by Australian scientists. In this distant country, basically the same food as we do. If you have a big break in eating, then lean on those dishes that are assigned highest index satiety - so it will be easier for you to endure forced hunger. And the mood will be more cheerful.

So, in the top ten in descending order are: boiled potatoes, fish, oatmeal, oranges, apples, meat (beef), beans, grapes, flour bread coarse grinding, grain bread.

In the second ten foods with a lower satiety index: popcorn, eggs, cheese, rice, lentils, crackers, pasta, bananas, cornflakes, French fries.

But food from the third ten will saturate you for a short time: this is muesli, White bread, ice cream, chips, yogurt, peanuts, chocolate bars, donuts, cakes, croissants. Yes, and there is only a little bit of usefulness in them. It is sad that with all this baking, people, by and large, "ruin" not only themselves, but also their children.

Quick noodles

Option "food for hastily» often chosen office workers. And what? Quick, cheap, and apparently delicious. It's hard to argue about taste. There are so many “chemistry” stuffed into these quick lunches, such as “flavor enhancers”, that they dine with appetite. Once or twice a month, such food will not cause damage to health, but if you constantly dine like this, then you will simply become this “chemistry”, which the creators of “fast” food did not stint on.

Hence the conclusion: you will start to get sick earlier than others. And that's bad, you won't understand why. Well, because of what, at a young age, you get tired faster than others, shortness of breath began to appear, colds became more frequent, your head suddenly began to hurt for no reason, your muscles sometimes ache, vision and memory began to weaken, and in general, sometimes you just don’t feel like living ? This is intoxication of the body, an overabundance harmful substances that have occupied your cells, blood vessels, muscles, blood, all organs. They gradually undermine all your internal environments, the brain. And then - bam - and a serious sore clung!

To avoid such a development of events, discard the " fast food, all those business lunches.

There is a way out, and it is simple and affordable. Bring sandwiches to work from home (they are a hundred times more useful than any “noodles”), they can be of any kind: with an egg, tomato, chicken, cucumber, herring, cheese, or even with sauerkraut, baked in an egg. You can also bring buckwheat porridge, I think that there is a microwave oven in any office. So dinner is ready!

And so that sandwiches do not bother, sometimes diversify your lunch with salads. It’s not difficult at home in the evening to at least grate beets with cheese, an egg with cheese, green pea with potatoes and eggs, but you never know options. At worst, you can get by with a couple of bananas, yogurt, apple, kiwi. Tea, coffee will adequately complete your meal - but without rolls and all sorts of "gourmets", "tubes". Fats there are swollen with the most cheap and harmful bunch. Get by with dry cookies if you really want flour.

And you will eat soup at home. A nice dinner will turn out if you do not overdo it and start eating not looking at night.

Iron - without it, nowhere!

We, the inhabitants of the Urals, have a particularly hard time without this element, because its lack in the body leads to cold intolerance. And its lack leads to dizziness, headache, decreased memory and concentration, the appearance of muscle weakness, shortness of breath, heart palpitations. Many people know cases when children stuff earth, chalk, ash, and paste into their mouths (oh, horror!) And they, poor fellows, like pregnant women with the same craving for these substances, do not have enough iron. Excess also brings discomfort, a bit similar to its lack. The body is ready to regulate the amount of iron itself if it comes from natural food. But we are downright “hooked” on chemical food plus synthetic vitamins.

As mentioned above, tea, coffee, if you drink them without measure, do not allow iron to be absorbed by the body. And you can supply it with this element at the expense of red meat (beef), rye bread, offal, cocoa, fish, carrots, eggs and apples, of course.

Vinegar - death to the living

This title is not an exaggeration. But it will be about white table vinegar, which is obtained by chemical reaction. And in order to find out how destructive it is, the following experiment was carried out in the food laboratory: one plate of salad was seasoned with sour cream, and the other with mayonnaise. When examining the contents of both plates, it turned out that the salad with mayonnaise was, in fact, dead product all the vitamins in it disappeared.

White table vinegar- a frequent guest on your tables, whether you like it or not. Because this poison is part of all mayonnaises, ketchups, pickled and canned vegetables and fruits. And dumplings with indispensable mayonnaise or vinegar? A autumn blanks? The hostesses use it with might and main white vinegar when it's time to preserve vegetables for the winter. It turns out that diseases are stored for future use.

After all, white vinegar destroys red blood cells, which, of course, leads to anemia. It disrupts the digestive processes, does not allow more complete absorption beneficial substances. Research has established that acetic acid affects, among other factors, the appearance of ulcerative colitis and even cirrhosis. Oh, what a disgusting thing this white acetic acid is!

An alternative to this malicious liquid is Apple vinegar if it is 100% natural. All you need is 2 teaspoons. apple cider vinegar with a spoonful of honey in a glass of water to cover the daily requirement of an adult in potassium. Nutritionists note its positive effect in weight loss. It turns out that you need to take half a glass of water with a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in the morning (and at night). It is deadly to harmful microbes in the holy of holies - our gastrointestinal tract. Vinegar mows them there for how much in vain! But the fact is that microbes are not needed there.

The book of D. Jarvis, a true fanatic of apple cider vinegar, will tell you about the use of apple cider vinegar.

Kitchens of the world. Advantages and disadvantages

Russian kitchen. In the pros, we enlist cereals that are useful for digestion. The disadvantages are the abundance of foods that are poorly digested: potatoes with meat, horns. Lots of pastries, lots of salt.

Chinese cuisine. Pros: rice, legumes, vegetables, seafood. Chinese food is inexpensive and nutritious. Cons: everything is fried in hot oil, so the abundance of carcinogens in food is provided.

Indian food. Just like the Chinese, the Indians eat a lot of rice and legumes. Corn, milk are frequent guests on the table, but fish is a rarity. This people traditionally use many useful spices in cooking. In the pros, we also enroll plant foods. Cons: too spicy, excess spices can adversely affect the gastrointestinal tract.

french cuisine. Pros: meat, fish, lots of eggs, drinking dry red wine. Cons: fatty foods, cheeses.

Mediterranean Kitchen. Lots of fruits, vegetables, vegetable oils, fish, some meat. Quality dry red wines. Counts ideal diet for the heart and general health. There are no cons. This cuisine is common, as the name implies, in the Mediterranean countries: Italy, Greece, Portugal, Spain.

By the way, the inhabitants of these countries eat about 500 g of vegetables and fruits per day. Therefore, their mortality from coronary disease, heart disease, cancer and hypertension is the lowest in Europe.

The belly is a container for food

We rarely say "food". We say: “have breakfast”, “lunch”, “snack”, but somewhere it is customary to say: “evening”. We can explain our feeling of hunger in another way: well, for example, “to starve a worm”, and when we are very hungry, we even say: “My spine is stuck to my stomach” or “Gut hits gut on the head” ... And in recent years all you hear is: “lunch” or “five-o-clock”, “ Buffet», « Ukrainian food", "Japanese restaurant"...

To eat means to live. Satisfying hunger, we can work, build, create and, of course, think.

From time immemorial people have paid tribute to a piece of bread. And the stomach - the receptacle of food - was considered as a very important, and therefore vulnerable part of human nature. In Rus' they used to say: "Not sparing your belly", meaning life. Here is such a connection: the stomach is life. The belly is food. No food - no life.

Talking about food is one thing, but "knowing how to eat" is another. But skill does not at all mean owning cutlery and not climbing with your spoon into a common cup of salad. Eating right is not about eating anything and everything, the amount of food is also not the last thing. Common sense matters. And it consists at least in having the habit of being interested in what is written on the labels of everything that you are going to use: let's say, mayonnaise, ice cream, ketchup, sausage...

On them you will read a lot of information necessary for your precious health. Let me give you an example: labels very often write “flavor identical to natural”. So - this is one hundred percent "chemistry". In my own way chemical composition the flavor really corresponds to the natural one, but it is obtained by organic synthesis, which means it is cheap and economical for a manufacturer who cares only about profit, and your health is on his side. Natural product dear, it is expensive to use it for the pocket of manufacturers, so they use vanillin, which is identical to natural.

That is why "chemistry" has swept our domestic market. Moreover, food poisoning is brought to us from abroad in huge quantities. All these emulsifiers, stabilizers, sweeteners, baking powder... and how many harmful E-additives? Dioxides, all kinds of gums, benzoates and sorbates, preservatives and dyes - after all, darkness darkens them in products that we are diligently "fed" by importing them for a penny from abroad. We don't have to pay a dime for them. They fool our brother as best they can.

Sometimes they say: “But what to do if now there is “chemistry” everywhere? The solution is simple: there is something that grows. Mayonnaise does not grow, stew too, sausage, sweets, Chips, cookies, dumplings ... in a word, much of what the counter offers us. Try to avoid manufactured products whenever possible. Here it is appropriate to recall one saying: "... and it is better to be hungry than to eat anything."

Well, let’s say you won’t stay hungry, there’s actually a lot of food: vegetables, cereals, pasta from durum varieties wheat, fruits, nuts, poultry, liver, fish. And spices, which also have medicinal properties. With them, if you know which herb gives which dish taste, color and aroma, you can incomparable dishes cook that you don’t want any canned food. And even more so sausages, in which, according to the latest publications in the press and television programs, there is meat with a gulkin's nose, and the rest is “chemistry-chemistry” and again “chemistry”.

According to VTsIOM, only 17% of the population in Russia eat right. It is important to think about what you eat from a young age, otherwise, by old age, you will eat a lot only with your eyes. What could be worse? Indifference to your diet will lead to the fact that your gastrointestinal tract will inevitably be ruined, and with it immunity - the guardian of health. If the immune system is in order, not a single harmful microbe, virus can harm you. So you need to tirelessly take care of the health of your gastrointestinal tract.

It is a well-known fact that a stomach ulcer is the result of nervous strain, stress, as we now say. It is also believed that it is caused by Helicobacter pylori, for the discovery of this bacterium, the Nobel Prize was awarded. There is another version that a stomach ulcer is the result of a failure to close the pylorus. This is a muscular valve that separates the cavity of the stomach from the cavity of the duodenum. Be that as it may, an ulcer can be cured, the main thing here is patience, because it takes a long time to be treated. That's what the doctors say.

From my life experience, I can say that ulcers sometimes affect people who have often been deprived homemade food: business travelers, bachelors, amateurs restaurant cuisine. What is the matter here?

When we cook at home, for our relatives, we put our soul into this business, we cook with love. This energy is transmitted through all the dishes that we serve to our loved ones. Does a restaurant chef know who he is cooking for? The mass of people ... Even if the cook is very good man, its energy is not enough for the flow of customers of the establishment. And it is faceless, moreover, it is not specifically directed at anyone.

The second point is that we never know from what raw materials and under what conditions food is prepared even in decent catering establishments. Although the station restaurant is not one of their category, but the situation in them is probably the same as in the Ryazan film “Station for Two”. In it, the heroine of Lyudmila Gurchenko shouts into the kitchen: “Cook me for good oil- she ordered food for herself. And Basilashvili asks her, surprised like this: “And the rest, what kind of oil do they cook with?” And what did he hear in response? He literally heard the following (which we, consumers, should always remember): “Why do you need to know something that you do not need to know?” Like this. And then even in the most the best restaurants people were poisoned by low-quality food.

Let me give you another very telling example. Were in Soviet times popular figure skaters Oleg Protopopov and Lyudmila Belousova. But then they take it and stay to live abroad. Our omnipotent Soviet government anathematized them. They tried to eradicate the memory of them from everywhere. Having already grown old (both were over seventy), the skaters arrived in Belokamennaya - times were already different, and they were giving interviews without fear, participating in television programs. With brilliance they skated the program at the ice show. And everywhere they were asked the same question: “What is the secret of your athletic longevity?” Here is their answer in a condensed form: "Regular exercise and proper nutrition." The last was the following and the main thing - cook food with your own hands. No catering! Skaters all their lives abroad ate their own baked bread, cereals: every day it was different - buckwheat, pearl barley, millet, oatmeal - steamed vegetables. Fruits were welcomed on the table, mountains of various greens, from finished products bought a little: sour-milk, for example, occasionally meat and fish were included in the diet. From drinking - a lot of water, herbal teas.

With such a diet, I think, no stress is terrible. Stomach - first of all, since we are talking about it. What about physical activity, they, among other things, help to cope with a bad mood, low vitality. It turns out that when our mood is low, our body intensively releases the stress hormone cortisol into the bloodstream, which makes us age faster, harms the brain and weakens defensive forces organism. By the way, a cold shower also affects the body. Cortisol stimulates energy expenditure, which contributes to aging. Life energy has a limit.

In the grip of an obsession with health

With the loss of connection with nature - for generations people live in cities - we have lost our intuition in filling the stomach. The loss is offensive, because at least three times a day you need something edible to “fun” at the table. Unfortunately, this process is out of control. Most are saturated with what they have to, when they have to, and in general, where and how horrible.

Of course, I exaggerate a little. But the Russians actually do not give a damn about this "life-giving" process called "saturation". The intuition that, when and how much to eat was dissolved, the traditions in nutrition were destroyed by the revolution, their Soviets finished with their catering, where “ fish days plunged the masses of working people into silent awe.

But perestroika brought a fresh breeze “from there” (we won’t take America with its developed fast food into account yet). Behind the Iron Curtain, already in those days, they knew well what they eat with, and for what, and how important it is to eat right, and that health directly depends on compliance with these postulates. But extremes are everywhere. And the Russians, after all, just set an example. And away we go - overseas outlandish diets, food by blood type (see section " Excess weight. We are losing weight. diets, p. 10), in a word, it is now impossible to stop this movement. Others completely lose their sense of proportion.

This mental disorder associated with proper eating has been noted for a long time. The Americans were the first to record it, because they must certainly go ahead of the rest. But in fairness, it should be noted that in fact in the United States they are closely watching their health, by their standards, health is already capital. Well, it's hard to argue with that. About 6% of American women suffer from orthorexia. It strikes mainly the ladies of the Balzac age, when youth has already passed, but I really want to return it. And as the main tool here are a healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle. They are capable of turning back time. In Europe, the number of such ladies is about the same. Here, in Russia, the number of those obsessed with this idea is still much smaller, but there is no doubt that we will catch up and outstrip everyone put together.

Even now, according to sociologists, 50% of parents believe that their first task is to give their children a good education and instill the basics of a healthy lifestyle. But what a thin line between this good goal and the perverted form of its implementation! The question is how to recognize orthorexia. Here are the signs:

  • thoughts about food are relentless for 3 hours in a row;
  • a person without fail plans a menu for tomorrow, despite the fact that there is food in the refrigerator;
  • the feeling that a person eats the right food means more to him than the pleasure of the food itself;
  • he constantly refuses food that he likes for the sake of what is considered healthy;
  • the diet does not allow him to eat outside the home.

For example, such women, when going to visit, prefer to take their own food, completely unaware that they look at least strange in the eyes of other people. Goal in this case justifies the means - so it seems to them. But in fact, behind the desire for a healthy diet and the same lifestyle, there is a lack of self-confidence, a desire to hide from solving more serious problems. Sometimes an obsession in a healthy way life is superimposed on more serious mental disorders from depression to schizotypal tendencies.

Extremes are always fraught with mental disorder (and vice versa), no matter what it concerns. In this case, the maniacal calorie counting, the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and other delights of dietary discoveries will definitely not add health, they will only lead to a dead end. So no extremes, especially in nutrition.

Perhaps healthy eating is one of the most controversial topics in the world. Exists great amount stereotypes and misconceptions! You probably also believe in some myths, because they are extremely common. Check out this list - and you will be very surprised. Maybe, healthy food in your view will start to look a little different.

Edible stickers for fruits and vegetables

It is recommended to thoroughly wash fruits and vegetables before eating, however, it is not necessary to remove the stickers. Stickers and glue on them are completely safe for humans. However, this does not mean that they should be eaten on purpose, it is better to try to take them off.

It's better to have a slice of pizza for breakfast than a bowl of cereal

Scientists have found that a piece of pizza is more balanced breakfast than dry cereal because it contains more protein and fresh ingredients and less sugar. In cereals, there are often no proteins and fats at all, but there is a lot of sugar.

Spicy foods prolong life

Scientists have found that eating spicy food at least once a day reduces the risk of death by fourteen percent. The bioactive elements of hot spices, such as capsaicin, are supposed to reduce bad cholesterol and triglycerides, and also help to cope with inflammation.

Canned fish is healthier than canned meat

Canned foods are not very healthy. The exception is canned fish: sardines or salmon are excellent sources of calcium because you can eat them with the bones.

Tomatoes lose their flavor in the refrigerator

Recent studies demonstrate that refrigeration of tomatoes reduces their ability to generate aroma and flavor. At cold temperature it just disrupts the functionality of the flavor genes, so keep your tomatoes out of the fridge.

Lemon has more sugar than strawberries

Lemons have thirty percent more sugar than strawberries. It is difficult to notice this, because there is also a lot in the lemon citric acid which makes the taste more sour. If you eat lemons often, they can even make you gain weight.

The shelf life of milk does not depend on preservatives

Many people think that in milk with long term storage is a lot of preservatives, but it is not. The secret is a special treatment process that removes bacteria, but allows vitamins to be preserved. Such milk can be stored unopened for up to four months.

Ryazhenka helps with a hangover

This dairy product contains a small percentage of alcohol - in ripe pear the same amount of alcohol. But why does ryazhenka help with a hangover? This is because it contains vitamin B, folic acid and beneficial bacteria that help cleanse the body.

Cooking vegetables in the microwave is the healthiest way

Grapes explode in the microwave

If you take grapes, cut them in half and heat them in microwave oven, you will see plasma. This is because the grapes are too small and the electromagnetic waves are too concentrated.

Farm salmon white

Wild salmon have a natural pinkish hue because the fish feed on shrimp. When salmon is produced on a farm, a completely different diet is used for the fish, so it turns out white.

Egg yolk has more nutrients than protein

IN egg yolks contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals needed for balanced nutrition. Of course, proteins are much more convenient for a diet, however, the yolk should not be thrown away if you want to get nutrients.

Too much nutmeg can cause hallucinations

Nutmeg can cause hallucinations if eaten too much. You may experience nausea, dizziness, and trouble concentrating. This is a spice that should be used sparingly.

Wasabi is dyed horseradish

If you love wasabi sushi, you should know that wasabi is easy. painted horseradish In most cases. It is very difficult to find real wasabi outside of Japan, and a substitute is often served in the country itself.

Bell peppers have more vitamin C than citrus fruits

A medium-sized bell pepper contains one and a half times more vitamin C than an average orange.

The smell of chocolate reduces stress and soothes

If you eat a chocolate bar, it will cheer you up, and if you smell the smell of chocolate, you will calm down. But it's all about real chocolate. Research has shown that chocolate flavor has a calming effect on the nervous system and relieves tension.

Chocolate cures chronic cough

Recent studies have shown that chocolate can be excellent remedy from chronic cough. Also, this method does not have side effects characteristic of traditional treatment.

Scientists can make diamonds out of peanut butter

German scientists have found that peanut butter contained enough carbon to transform it into a diamond. To do this, oxygen must be removed from the product, and then subjected to high pressure. In the future, this method will make it possible to make diamonds from a variety of raw materials.

Red foods contain carmine, made from beetles

Carmine is a natural food coloring extracted from cochineal beetles. It is found in sweets, various food products and even cosmetics.

Crackers are worse for your teeth than candy

Of course, sweets also pose a danger to the teeth. However, there are more harmful products. For example, crackers. When a cracker sticks to your teeth, it creates excellent conditions for bacteria that produce acid.

Sea salt is different from regular

Contrary to what sea ​​salt considered more useful, it is no different from ordinary table salt. The difference is only in the method of their production.

Potatoes absorb Wi-Fi signal

Since the potato contains a lot of liquid, it can absorb wireless internet signals. The human body has the same ability.

All bananas in the world are clones

Many people are sure that energetic drinks help them through a busy day. In fact, the effect is short-term. A large amount of sugar and caffeine gives a small result, and everything else is a placebo effect. In addition, such drinks cause insomnia and nervous tension. Considering how fleeting the effect is, it becomes clear that it is better not to risk your own health and completely abandon energy drinks.

Some foods taste better the next day

Many people notice that some foods taste better the day after they are cooked. There are several reasons for this. Food can become tastier because it is better soaked in sauce and spices. For example, lasagna, pasta, meatballs become tastier.

Food is the most important component of human life, the main source of energy and strength. Nutrients supply the cells of the human body with vitamins and minerals, supporting life, and some foods help the body cope with depression. Such products include chocolate, ice cream and other sweets.

Of course, the food consumed should be healthy and fresh, since the problem for a modern person lies precisely in the quality of food, and not in its assortment. In this article, we will share interesting facts about food for both children and adults, myths about healthy eating and information about the chemistry contained even in harmless products.

10 most interesting facts about food

  1. Over the past 30 years, the amount of useful and nutritious substances in similar products has been significantly reduced. It was found that the content of vitamin B2 decreased by 39%, the content of calcium - by 15%, and proteins - by 5%.
  2. One product is known in the world, the shelf life of which is 3000 years, and this is honey.

  1. It is worth noting that after going to a fast food restaurant, ordering french fries, a hamburger and cola, you will have to lose calories from this meal for 7 hours.
  2. Few people know that bananas attract mosquitoes the most, and garlic can instantly scare them away. This fact should be taken into account when going outdoors in the summer.
  3. The systematic addition of fish and seafood dishes to the diet will reduce the risk of developing diseases associated with the heart muscle by 30%.
  4. The first soup was made 5,000 years ago. Its main ingredient was hippopotamus meat.

  1. Scientists have proven that food dyes (red and yellow) cause increased activity in children when consumed.
  2. Surprisingly, but a fact: a banana is not a fruit, but a berry.
  3. A common Japanese delicacy, puffer fish is poisonous and will cause fatal accidents if not cooked properly.
  4. Not only does lemon juice go great with fish dishes, but it can even dissolve fish bones.

All the most amazing about space food

Today, the diet of an astronaut cannot be called meager; rather, it is equated to a restaurant level. Astronauts eat an average of 1.5 kg of food per day, because the calorie intake in space should not be inferior to the calorie intake on Earth.

Of course, they try to diversify the astronaut's diet as much as possible, at one time they even tried to include wine in it, but it wandered in space. They also abandoned soda, whose reaction outside the Earth turned out to be unpredictable. But for today space menu so includes 200 meals and drinks, repeating every week.

Astronauts have privileges for the holidays - they choose those dishes that they like more than others, or that evoke pleasant associations in them. But although the menu looks varied, the food itself is still different from the usual taste. And the main goal of food developers is not to increase the number of dishes, but to achieve maximum similarity with earthly food.

Today, astronauts recognize the most delicious dish freeze-dried (dehydrated) cottage cheese with cranberries and nuts, because it does not differ in taste from the usual.

Sublimation is a mandatory procedure that food undergoes before a space flight. It includes dehydration, achieved by freezing, and then by drying. Therefore, before using freeze-dried products, astronauts dilute them with water. It will seem ridiculous, but tea is considered the most difficult sublimated product to prepare.

The consumption of bread by astronauts is a very unusual procedure. The fact is that space bread is packaged in such a way that 1 package is enough for exactly 1 bite. This is done for the purpose of safety, since flying crumbs, falling into Airways lead to accidents.

Also, space products are considered the safest and most natural in the world. They are carefully tested for the absence of additives and chemicals in the composition, because no one knows how untested and synthetic substances will behave in space.

Curious facts about dishes, drinks and table etiquette of different countries


Chile is very strict about table etiquette. Chileans do not have dishes that could be eaten with their hands. Even french fries and any snacks are consumed with the help of appliances, otherwise you will be considered devoid of education.


The favorite dish of the Chinese is noodles. Moreover, in China it is not customary to cut it, even for convenience. Locals associate noodles with longevity and health, and cutting noodles, in their opinion, leads to a "shortening" of one's own life.


In Japan, it is customary to slurp while eating. This is especially true for soups and noodles. The louder the Japanese champs, the more respect he expresses to the cook.


In Kazakhstan, it is not customary for guests to pour a full mug of tea. A mug filled to the brim is a sign that you are not welcome in this house and the owner wants you to leave as soon as possible. With what less tea in a circle, the more respect is shown to the guest. In Kazakhstan, it is also not customary to ask for supplements, this is a sign of bad taste.


In Georgia, it is not customary to drink wine in small sips throughout the evening. Wine is drunk only in one gulp and to the bottom.


In France, it is considered bad manners to eat bread before the main course. But putting it on the table, and not on the edge of the plate, is an indicator of your upbringing.

Facts about the effects of chemicals in foods on the human body

Today, most products contain preservatives, dyes and flavor enhancers aimed at increasing the shelf life of food and developing addiction and even addiction in humans.

It is already almost impossible to find a product that does not contain the E index. True, not all E are harmful. For example, E100 and E363, E504 and E250, E251 and E252 are considered safe for humans. The remaining indices have a negative impact on the human body.

For example, food preservatives E (E2), aimed at increasing the shelf life of the product, contribute to the development of kidney stones and intestinal problems. These preservatives are difficult to excrete from the body, having a negative effect for a long time.

Flavor and odor enhancers E (E6) emit the freshness of the product lost during industrial processing. They are also difficult to excrete from the body, are almost not digested and cause inflammation in the tissues, and if not consumed daily allowance liquid, then E6 can also lead to thickening of the blood, which will lead to serious health problems.

In addition to dyes and preservatives, harmful substances can also enter the product during its manufacture, for example, from contaminated containers and in the presence of toxic waste in industry and the household.

Of course, the market today is filled with industrially processed foods and drinks. But it is important to properly balance your diet so that the percentage of harmful substances consumed is not too high, and consume as many healthy foods as possible that do not contain preservatives and flavor enhancers.

Myths about healthy and unhealthy eating

  • Eating right is too expensive. Of course, some manufacturers of especially ecological and healthy foods artificially inflate prices, and it seems that not everyone can afford proper nutrition. But studies have shown that a healthy food diet is even cheaper than a processed food diet.
  • Diet soda is not harmful. Although in diet soda sugar is replaced by a sweetener, the calorie content of the product is not reduced from this. In addition, sweeteners also cause headaches and slow down metabolism, so the use of this drink cannot be called harmless.

  • If there are no fats in the product, this is a plus. The absence of fats in the daily diet will only lead to health problems, since the normal functioning of the body requires both proteins and fats and carbohydrates in a ratio of 1:1:4. It is only important to observe the proportions and not to abuse food containing fats, but it is absolutely impossible to refuse them completely.
  • Raw fruits and vegetables aid digestion. Food processing, according to raw foodists, leads to the destruction of enzymes and, accordingly, to the loss useful properties. But in fact, food entering the stomach is immediately broken down into these enzymes. Therefore, raw food does not help digestion, unlike foods rich in dietary fiber.

  • Daytime calories do not turn into fat, unlike evening and nighttime ones. This myth pushes people to refuse dinner and even a light snack in the evening. But in fact, calories consumed throughout the day can also turn into fat, regardless of when they are consumed. In the evening, dinner is necessary for the body, just like breakfast, given that at night the brain works intensively and it simply needs calories to function. The main thing is to try to lead a mobile lifestyle, using the energy consumed correctly.

  • Another interesting myth, indirectly related to the topic of healthy food - food heated in a microwave becomes carcinogenic. This, of course, is not true. If carcinogens were not present in the product before heating, then they will not appear after. The microwaves in the oven only cause the water molecules in the food to vibrate, heating it up. In the heated product, there are no changes.
  • Taking care of your diet is the responsibility of every person. Health and mood depend on nutrition, so doctors and nutritionists advise giving daily ration due attention. The main thing is the balance in the body and a mobile lifestyle that helps to correctly spend the energy that enters our body when eating.

Food is the main source from which the human body receives energy. But if you look more broadly, you can see that food can be an integral part of rituals and ceremonies. different peoples and a powerful source of pleasure. Eating food, a person supplies the body with a variety of substances, of which our body is formed. Food consists of trace elements, vitamins, proteins, fats, carbohydrates and many other substances.

Before eating this or that food, you need to make sure that it does not harm the body. Before cooking, it is advisable to carefully study the properties of the products and what they will consist of. Food should satisfy, first of all, the needs of our body for useful and nutrients. Therefore, it is so important to know the properties and characteristics of those products that a person consumes almost daily.

Few people think that over the course of their life, the average person eats almost 40 tons of different products nutrition, of which a considerable part is occupied by chicken eggs. Every year, 567 billion eggs are consumed in the world. Here are some more interesting facts about products that anyone would benefit from knowing:

  • Chicken meat is considered the most useful view meat, as it contains a lot of selenium, which prevents the development cancer cells. also in chicken fillet contain B vitamins that reduce the risk of disease of cardio-vascular system that improve the performance of the brain and increase the productivity of the human body.
  • The composition of corn includes 26 useful micro and macro elements, for this reason it can be used even with a diet. Corn is one of the rarest cereals that does not lose its positive qualities due to conservation. She can neutralize Negative influence alcoholic beverages and foods rich in fats.
  • Broccoli is one of the healthiest vegetables. It contains a large number of folio, vit. With and beta-carotene, they are most important for healthy skin, bones and rapid cell development.
  • Bananas contain a significant amount of fiber, which protects the body from type 2 diabetes. Also thanks high content tryptophan, bananas are an excellent antidepressant, as this substance tends to transform into serotonin.

These are not all interesting facts about food, this list can be supplemented with simple, entertaining and at the same time incredible properties of food that people around the world see on their tables every day.

7 weird food facts

We decided to tell you a little more about quite popular products, most of which each person has tried at least once in his life. These facts about the products were collected by scientists from different countries and can sometimes seem a little unbelievable. You will be interested to know that:

You got to know a few crazy and incredible facts about food, and we hope that they will benefit you and help you better understand culinary arts. After all, each of us must know what he actually eats, and how this can affect his body. Eat tasty, nutritious and healthy food- this will help you not only improve your mood, but also your health!

Products for beauty and youth

  • Orange, which contains a lot of vitamin C, increases the activity of the body, prolongs youth, and also quickly fills the body with vitamins in case of their shortage.
  • Grapes, containing many minerals, well strengthens the body and human health.
  • Pomegranate is very useful for lack of vitamins in the body and its depletion. It also increases the amount of hemoglobin in the blood.
  • Melon, a berry that has a positive effect on the nervous system. Perfectly relaxes, which is well reflected in beauty.
  • Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, white cabbage and other types of cabbage, which contain trace elements and vitamin complexes that help preserve youth and longevity.
  • Seafood contains a large amount of iodine, which improves metabolism. They are also dietary products.
  • Nuts contain biologically active substances that strengthen the nervous system and preserve beauty.

This is not the whole list of products that are necessary to preserve youth, beauty, and also have a positive effect on the human body. Eat vegetables, herbs, fish and fruits, thereby prolonging your life and maintaining beauty and youth!
