
Potassium sorbate - health effects. Food preservative E202 Potassium sorbate - what is it

Modern realities are such that people are increasingly thinking about their health. It is understandable, because the quality of life of a particular person directly depends on the well-being and appearance. Nutrition in the system of a healthy lifestyle is one of the first places, so people are interested in how useful or harmful food is in their daily diet.

Can food containing nutritional supplements be safe? Moreover, some of the previously approved preservatives, stabilizers and dyes are banned in many countries. Let's try to deal with one of them.

E 202 - a harmless preservative?

Potassium sorbate or E 202 is a natural preservative approved for use in the food industry in Russia, the CIS countries and the European Union. This additive is widely used by manufacturers of various types of preservation, flour, sauces, cheeses and confectionery. Due to the fact that potassium sorbate is highly soluble in liquid, it is used in juices, soft and low alcohol drinks, most often in wine. The presence of E 202 in the composition of the product prevents the formation of fungi.

Origin and properties

Initially, this component was obtained from the oil of ordinary mountain ash, today the potassium salt of sorbic acid can be synthesized in laboratories. Potassium sorbate is obtained by neutralizing potassium hydroxide with sorbic acid. The result of this chemical reaction is a white, odorless and tasteless granular powder. The question of the safety of the use of E 202 was first raised in the middle of the last century. Scientists have found that the toxic properties of this additive, even with long-term use, are very low. The danger exists only with a significant overdose, and death is possible if a person eats almost 0.5 kg of this supplement at one time. But table salt has the same toxic properties, the consumption of which is much higher in the world. E 202 in the body is broken down into safe components - water and carbon dioxide. One of the biggest opponents of nutritional supplements, M. Jacobsen, after a comprehensive study of this preservative, admitted that potassium sorbate is absolutely safe when the dosage is observed.

Contraindications for use

Despite the fact that E 202 does not pose any danger to a healthy person, there are studies proving that in some people it can cause allergic reactions. Potassium sorbate is harmful to people who are hypersensitive to this supplement. They may experience skin, eye, and respiratory irritation.

Nevertheless, there are works that prove hepatotoxic and mutogenic effects on blood cells. Potassium sorbate, according to Turkish scientists, is toxic to human deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and negatively affects the immune system. Since E 202 is often used in combination with ascorbic acid and iron salts in order to increase efficiency, there is a tendency for the formation of mutogenic compounds in the DNA chain. But at the moment this opinion is unpopular in scientific circles, and potassium sorbate is approved for use in all countries of the world.

The potassium salt of sorbic acid is known in the food industry as potassium sorbate. The widespread use of the substance is due to its properties: the additive is a powerful preservative, it inhibits the growth of bacteria and fungi. By adding it to food products, manufacturers seek to increase their shelf life and shelf life. Considering at the same time that the E202 additive itself is very cheap, it gradually begins to displace other preservatives from the product formulations. This only pleases doctors and nutritionists, as the world community has recognized this preservative as harmless and safe for humans.

Description of the preservative E202 and the process of obtaining it

In appearance, potassium sorbate is a white powder in fairly large granules. It has no smell, but leaves a bitter aftertaste. The substance is highly soluble in water, which is partly why it can be added to almost any product.
By its chemical origin, the additive is a salt of sorbic acid. This acid is found in nature in the seeds and juice of mountain ash. It was first discovered by researchers in the late 60s of the 19th century, but at that time it was not given much attention. Therefore, the antimicrobial properties of the acid were first studied only in 1939, and already in the fifties, sorbic acid began to be mined on an industrial scale and used as an antibiotic.

The preparation of potassium sorbate occurs in the process of neutralizing the acid with potassium hydroxide. To do this, use the bones of some plants, as well as rowan juice. However, the E202 additive is not always of natural origin - in some cases it is obtained by synthesizing chemicals of artificial origin.

The mechanism of action of the preservative, its scope

No wonder this substance was called a preservative, because it really “preserves” the product from possible processes of fermentation, decay, mold and rottenness. The main spectrum of its action is mold and yeast fungi, as well as some types of bacteria.

In the cosmetic industry, this property of the substance has found its application - with its help, creams, shampoos and lotions get a longer shelf life.

Winemakers appreciate this component and often use it to prevent the fermentation process, but with some peculiarities.

For example, sometimes wine can get notes or in its “bouquet”. If the raw materials contain lactic acid bacteria in large quantities, after the reaction with potassium sorbate, the wine will acquire the flavor and aroma of geranium leaves, which is considered a wine marriage.

In addition, the substance is added to such food products:

  • alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, juices;
  • , sauces;
  • cheeses;
  • , milk products;
  • dried fruits;
  • fish and meat canned food;
  • confectionery and bakery products;
  • sausages and sausages.

It is also used in the manufacture of food packaging and packaging products.

Additive E202 as a wine preservative: features of the production of the drink

As you know, wine is formed as a result of the fermentation of wine material with or without the addition of it. That is, on the one hand, without the process of formation and growth of the number of bacteria, wine cannot be obtained. On the other hand, the uncontrolled propagation of yeast cultures will simply spoil the drink. Therefore, many winemakers use potassium sorbate, which does not kill microorganisms, but only inhibits their development and growth.

Experts, when adding the E202 preservative to a drink, take into account the various features of the “behavior” of the substance in wine. For example, with a decrease in the acidity level of wine, the activity of the additive increases. In addition, the amounts used in the wine industry do not affect lactic acid and acetic bacteria, so the drink must first be brought to an appropriate state without the presence of these microorganisms.

Potassium sorbate is not added to a product that must have a long aging time before bottling.

The amount of sugar in the wine material does not affect how much additive you need to use. To calculate the amount of preservative, attention is paid to the level of acidity, the level of content and the initial amount of yeast bacteria in the raw material.

EU legislation regulates the permissible content of potassium sorbate in wine: no more than 200 mg per 1 liter. The substance is not added to dry white and red wines.

Standards for the content of potassium sorbate in food products

Additive E202 is considered safe for humans. However, this statement works subject to the dosage of the substance in food. The norm is calculated not only for wine, but also for almost every type of food, non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages, where manufacturers usually add this preservative.

The general rule is as follows: the amount of potassium sorbate should be no more than 0.2% in products.

For margarine and butter, no more than 120 g per 100 kg is allowed. In mayonnaise, and may contain from 100 to 200 g per 100 kg. For sugar and flour confectionery, smoked meat and sausages, canned vegetables, marmalade, preserves, jams, butter creams, the norm is also no more than 200 g per 100 kg. In soft drinks, from 40 to 60 g of potassium sorbate is provided for a weight of 100 kg.

Safety and possible harm of E202 additive

In almost all European countries, in the USA, Ukraine and Russia, the E202 preservative is approved for use in the food industry. Studies and studies of the substance have shown that it has a weak allergenicity, that is, in some cases it can cause allergic reactions, which are expressed in the appearance of irritation on the mucous tissues and skin.

As for toxicity, mutagenicity or oncological danger, the world community does not have any officially confirmed data today.

Some critics and opponents of the "chemicalization" of the food industry, however, oppose the use of the substance, since, most often, it is synthesized from artificially obtained elements, and is alien to the human body, therefore it can harm human health. In addition, they usually indicate that an additive that has antibiotic properties in the human intestine also behaves like an antibiotic, that is, it destroys beneficial microflora.

Nothing is known about the possible positive effects of eating potassium sorbate other than the fact that it inhibits the activity of harmful bacteria.

Judging by the results of research by doctors, scientists, chemists and biologists, potassium sorbate is one of the most harmless food additives today. It helps to extend the shelf life of products, controls the fermentation processes in wines, comes to the rescue in cases where it is necessary to increase the shelf life of hygiene products such as soaps and shampoos, and is used in various cosmetics.

The human body reacts to the substance as a fatty acid, completely breaking down and assimilating it. There are no traces of potassium sorbate left in the organs or in the cells of the human body.

This component, found in sweets, smoked meats, canned food, meat, fish, dairy products, is proof that nutritional supplements can be safe and work for the benefit of a person, at least until the opposite is proven in relation to him.

Until now, scientists have not come to a consensus about the negative impact and possible harm of the food preservative E202 Potassium Sorbate for the human body. Most researchers are confident that this food preservative can be considered almost completely safe for most people. True, there are opposing opinions that argue that the use of any preservatives, including “safe” ones, can harm human health, it’s not for nothing that doctors set the maximum allowable norms for eating food additives, including potassium sorbate.

Potassium sorbate is obtained as a result of a chemical process in which sorbic acid is neutralized with special reagents. The acid breaks down into salts, potassium and, from which the sorbates of the same name are obtained and used as preservatives in the food industry. Food preservative E202 Potassium sorbate is a crystalline powder that does not have a pronounced taste or smell.

Currently, the food preservative E202 Potassium Sorbate is approved for use in most countries. In the post-Soviet space, in the Russian Federation, Europe, the USA, Canada and Asian countries, the E202 preservative is used for food production in the amount strictly established by international agreements. Potassium sorbate, as well as other salts of sorbic acid, are highly soluble in water and are able to quickly mix with the consistency of the food product.

Most often, the food preservative E202 Potassium Sorbate is used for the production of food products such as butter or margarine, sauces, mayonnaise, mustard, as well as ketchup, tomato puree, jams and jams, fruit juices, drinks, including alcoholic ones. In addition, the food preservative E202 Sorbat is used for the production of confectionery and bakery products, confectionery cream and sprinkles.

Preservative E202 is almost always contained in semi-finished meat products, including frozen food, as well as in sausages. It is noteworthy that the presence of harm to the food preservative E202 Potassium Sorbate has not been reliably proven. In this regard, even the most ardent opponents of the use of food preservatives recognize that sorbic acid salts are safe for human life and health. However, there have been isolated cases of severe allergic reactions to the preservative E202.

Harm of food preservative E202 Potassium sorbate

Given the likelihood of adverse effects as a result of eating food containing the preservative E202, physicians have established acceptable limits for the content of the chemical in various food products. For example, in mayonnaise or mustard, the permissible content of the preservative E202 should not exceed 200 g per 100 kg of product. Fruit and berry puree, which is considered an integral part of baby food, can contain up to 60 g of potassium sorbate per 100 kg of product.

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The work of the modern food industry is impossible without the use of preservatives - additives that extend the shelf life of products. To date, the most widely used preservative is potassium sorbate or food additive E202.

According to the manufacturers, this preservative is completely harmless to human health and does not cause any side effects. However, most consumers are skeptical about potassium sorbate and fear that it can cause serious illness.

So is the preservative potassium sorbate harmful or not for humans? To understand this issue, it is necessary to find out how and in what quantity the E202 additive is used in food products, what properties it has and what effect it has on the body.


What is potassium sorbate? This preservative is a white powder or granules, odorless and with a slight bitter taste. It dissolves well in water, leaving no residue. When the E202 additive interacts with water, sorbic acid is released, which provides the necessary preservative effect.

Potassium sorbate has been used as a preservative in the food industry since the 1950s. In the beginning, this substance was obtained from rowan juice, but today it is synthesized chemically. For this purpose, sorbic acid is mixed with potassium hydroxide (alkali), as a result of which a neutralization reaction occurs and potassium salts are formed.

It was they who were labeled E202 food additive with a pronounced preservative effect. Currently, potassium sorbate is allowed for use in almost all countries of the world, including Russia, the CIS, the USA, Canada, the EU countries and many Asian countries, in particular Japan and South Korea.

This food additive helps prevent the development of pathogenic microflora, putrefactive bacteria, molds and yeasts, thereby protecting products from premature spoilage. Potassium sorbate works equally well in both acidic and alkaline environments, making it the most versatile preservative.

One of the most important features of the E202 additive is that it does not have any effect on the taste, smell, color and texture of the product. Therefore, the presence of this preservative in a particular product remains completely invisible to the consumer.

It must be emphasized that potassium sorbate does not kill harmful microorganisms, but prevents their reproduction.

Therefore, E202 is added to products at the production stage, which ensures its sterility and safety for the buyer.


The preservative potassium sorbate E202 has found wide application in the food industry and today it is present in almost all food products that can be seen on store shelves. It is used in the production of products from meat, fish, milk, vegetables and fruits, as well as in a variety of pastries.

Most often, potassium sorbate is present in products that have a liquid or semi-liquid consistency, namely: fruit juices and nectars, lemonades, sodas, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, mayonnaise, ketchups, mustard, various ready-made sauces (including Asian) and fruit and berry jams.

In addition, the preservative E202 is actively added to sausages, various smoked meats, hard and soft cheeses, cottage cheese, margarine, all kinds of confectionery, pastries, white and rye bread, dried fruits, semi-finished products, any canned vegetables and sauerkraut.

Foods containing potassium sorbate:

  1. Fruit, berry and vegetable juices and nectars;
  2. Jams, preserves, marmalade, fruit and berry puree, marmalade, fruits in syrup, dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins, dates, prunes, dried berries);
  3. Chocolate, all kinds of sweets and fillings for them: cream, praline, nougat and others;
  4. Cookies, waffles, croissants, pastries and cakes;
  5. Bread, loaves and other bakery products;
  6. Semi-finished products: dumplings, dumplings, cutlets, nuggets, minced meat;
  7. Boiled and smoked sausages, sausages, sausages, crab sticks;
  8. Yoghurts, soft, hard and processed cheeses, cottage cheese, glazed curds, margarine;
  9. Non-alcoholic and low-alcohol wines, sweet carbonated and non-carbonated drinks;
  10. Salted and pickled vegetables, vegetable caviar and other canned vegetables, sauerkraut, seaweed;
  11. Salted and pickled mushrooms;
  12. Ready salads;
  13. Mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard, sauces (garlic, cheese, soy and others).

Potassium sorbate is used not only in food production, but also in the cosmetics industry. This preservative significantly extends the life of cosmetics and keeps them usable even after opening the protective membrane.

  • Means for cleansing the skin: foams, gels, micellar waters, milk, tonics, mousses, scrubs, hydrolates and hydrolysates;
  • Skin care products: creams, lotions, masks, balms, gels, oils;
  • Liquid soap, shower gels and cream-gels;
  • Shampoos, balms, conditioners and hair masks;
  • Sunscreens, sunscreen, self-tanner;
  • Toothpastes, mouth rinses;
  • Wet wipes.

Is potassium sorbate harmful?

The high popularity of potassium sorbate in modern industry makes many people think about the question: what harm does the E 202 additive have for a person? Can the use of products with this preservative lead to the development of dangerous diseases?

To find out the effect of the E202 food additive on humans, many scientific studies have been conducted. In the course of them, it was found that potassium sorbate is harmless to the health of people of any age, including children. No patterns between the development of diseases and the use of this preservative have been identified.

Additive E202 is not a carcinogen and mutagen, does not cause cancer and does not have a harmful effect on the intrauterine development of the embryo. Therefore, food with potassium sorbate is allowed for consumption even by pregnant women.

In the table of preservatives compiled by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, potassium sorbate is noted as a harmless food additive. Whereas sodium benzoate, popular with many manufacturers, is listed in it as a dangerous carcinogen that provokes the development of oncology.

It should also be noted that the E202 additive rarely causes allergies in consumers. Over the decades of its use, there have been only a few cases of an allergic reaction to potassium sorbate that were not life-threatening.

However, despite the harmlessness of this preservative, it is very important to use it correctly and not exceed the allowable rate, which is 2% of the total weight of the product. So in the food industry, a rule has been established according to which per 100,000 gr. product should account for no more than 200 gr. sodium sorbate.

This norm should also be taken into account by those people who use this preservative when preparing home-made preparations, for example, canned vegetables, fruit and berry jam, sauerkraut, as well as home-made cosmetics.

So is potassium sorbate harmful to health or not? Given all of the above, it is safe to say that no. But it is important to use it in reasonable quantities and not exceed the established limits. In this case, potassium sorbate, of course, will not benefit the human body, but it will not cause dangerous consequences either.

The article describes the food additive (preservative) potassium sorbate (E202), its use, effects on the body, harm and benefits, composition, consumer reviews
Other additive names: potassium sorbate, potassium salt of sorbic acid, E202, E-202, E-202

Functions performed


Legality of use

Ukraine EU Russia

Potassium sorbate, E202 - what is it?

Sorbic acid, from which potassium sorbate is obtained, is found in small amounts in rowan berries.

Potassium sorbate is the potassium salt of sorbic acid. It is a white powder that is readily soluble in water. Although sorbic acid is found naturally in some berries, virtually all of it today is produced by chemical synthesis. The chemical formula of potassium sorbate is C 6 H 7 KO 2.

Potassium sorbate (E202) is produced commercially by reacting potassium hydroxide with sorbic acid. The acid itself, in turn, is obtained in the process of interaction of crotonaldehyde and ketene.

Potassium sorbate, E202 - effect on the body, harm or benefit?

The maximum allowable harmless daily intake of the E202 supplement with food is 25 mg per 1 kg of human body weight. For example, for a person with a body weight of 70 kg, this amount will be 70x25 = 1750 mg of preservative.

Currently, potassium sorbate is one of the safest preservatives known to date. When potassium sorbate is used in food in limited amounts for a short period of time, it is believed that it does not harm the body.

Food additive E202, potassium sorbate - use in food

Potassium sorbate exhibits its antibacterial activity against mold, yeast and aerophilic bacteria. Therefore, the food additive E202 is widely used as a food preservative. This food preservative works quite effectively when added to food, wine, cosmetics and detergents.

Potassium sorbate is used to inhibit the development of mold and yeast in a wide range of food products such as wine, cheese, dried meat, yogurt, mayonnaise, apple cider, soft drinks, fruit drinks and baked goods, etc. It can also be present in sweet syrups and milkshakes sold in fast foods, such as Mc Donalds or dried fruit. In addition, potassium sorbate (E202) is commonly found in herbal food supplements in which it inhibits the growth of microbes and molds and increases their shelf life.

This food preservative is also known as "wine stabilizer". It is added to fortified wines, sparkling wines and some ciders, but can be added to table wines that are prone to sedimentation.

In addition, potassium sorbate is used in many personal care products to prevent the development of microorganisms in them. Sometimes this preservative finds use as a substitute for parabens.
