
Behavior at the table: table etiquette. Etiquette rules: eating

1. You must sit at the table with clean hands. If you are visiting, then ask the owner of the house to use their facilities for this purpose.

2. It is necessary to sit at the table at a comfortable distance from each other. Not too close, and not too far.

3. Watch your seating position at the table. The back should be straight, the elbows should not lean on the table. Hands should be pressed to the body, and only the hands should be on the tablecloth.

4. Do not stretch your legs under the table.

5. Place the napkin on your knees and bring it to your mouth when necessary. Don't tie a napkin around your neck or tuck it into your shirt collar like a bib.

6. Before you start eating, you need to wait for all the guests to have food, and the owners of the house to start eating first. However, if there is a risk that the food served may become cold, the hosts may suggest that everyone who has already been served the meal start eating.

7. Never touch food with your hands, with the exception of bread and bread sticks, which, in any case, must first be broken off from a common piece and then put into your mouth.

8. The bread you use for eating should be on a small plate on the left in front of the main dish.

9. Do not make noise while eating or drinking.

10. Do not talk on the phone if there are other people at the table besides you.

11. Do not take pictures while eating.

12. Keep your phone in your pocket or bag, not on your desk.

13. Don't clean your plate with bread.

14. Chew food with your mouth closed.

15. Don't blow on food to cool it down.

16. Don't talk while eating.

17. Drink a drink only after swallowing food.

18. When eating, bring a fork or spoon to your mouth, and not vice versa. Never tilt your head to the cutlery, and even worse to the plate.

19. In order to finish the soup from the bottom of the plate, it is necessary to tilt it towards the center of the table.

20. Use a knife only for cutting food, not for eating from it.

21. For eating, hold the fork between the thumb and forefinger of the right hand.

If a fork is used in conjunction with a knife while eating food that needs to be cut, the fork must be held in the left hand and the knife in the right. After cutting food, the cutlery does not change places in the hands, that is, the fork with which you will put food in your mouth remains in your left hand, and the knife in your right.

22. The spoon should be held between the thumb and forefinger of the right hand, and should be half full when eating. It is not allowed to use a spoon with a fork when eating spaghetti.

23. It is necessary to learn how to eat spaghetti by twisting them on a fork. It is forbidden to suck them into the mouth directly from the plate.

24. In order to make it clear that you have finished eating the dish, you need to put the fork and knife in parallel on the plate.

25. If you need to put food for yourself that is on the table far from you, then you do not need to reach for it. Ask one of your neighbors to pass this meal to you.

26. In the case of eating a dish that needs to be cut, it is necessary to cut off the pieces as they are consumed. It is not allowed to first cut the entire portion into pieces, and only then eat.

27. In order to put food for yourself from a common dish located in the center of the table, you must use the cutlery that lies on this dish, it is not allowed to use your own cutlery.

28. Do not put more than you can eat from a common dish, so that when you finish eating, you will have nothing left on your plate.

29. It is not allowed to use toothpicks in public.

30. If you need to pour water or wine into a glass, offer to pour them to your neighbors first.

31. In the case of a toast, everyone should drink. If someone does not drink alcohol, it is enough to bring the glass to their lips.

32. If a toast is pronounced in honor of one of the guests, it is necessary to raise a glass to the level of the face and extend a hand in the direction of the one in whose honor the toast is pronounced.

33. If you want to refuse a drink that you are offered to pour, it is enough to make a slight movement with your hand. There is no need to make any apologies about this.

33. It is forbidden to smoke during meals or between meals. After a meal, smoking is allowed only if there is the consent of the hosts and all guests.

34. You should get up from the table only after eating, unless some other circumstances arise in which this must be done earlier.

All photos from the internet.

Table events are an exam for every person in knowledge of etiquette and good manners. Modern life is hard to imagine without going to a restaurant or visiting. Compliance with the rules will help both the guest and the host of the event to appear in society as an educated individual with properly instilled communication skills.

What it is?

Often the concepts of "ethics" and "etiquette" are equated or combined. Ethics has a broader meaning, speaking of it, one should keep in mind the personal moral and moral values ​​of the individual. Such traits of a person are brought up from early childhood. Usually the depth and strength of an individual's morality depend on interpersonal relationships in the family (family model), methods of education, efforts of educational institutions aimed at instilling good manners in schoolchildren, a friendly environment, personal character traits.

Etiquette is a set of specific rules that any well-mannered person must adhere to., these are the norms of behavior adopted by society for society as a whole or for a specific individual in particular. You can be a highly moral person with exceptionally correct moral values, but not know good manners. And vice versa.

Table etiquette is the rules of how a person should behave in a restaurant, guests, at a picnic, the order of relationships between a man and a woman, people of different ranks and ages at such events.

Any educated person should know the basics of table etiquette. Anyone who wants to achieve certain heights in life, get promoted on the career ladder, get into high secular circles - must learn and follow the rules of good manners thoroughly.

Norms and regulations

You can highlight the basic elements of how to behave during a feast. Such rules are known and understood by both children and adults. Therefore, you should start instilling good manners in yourself and the younger generation from the following basics:

  • Compliance with etiquette proxemics. Proper placement of guests at the table is important. Thus, the host of the event takes place at the head of the table, all important, honorable and senior guests are seated near the host on the right and left hand, youth and children at the opposite end of the table. Sometimes the youngest are given a separate children's table.
  • It is very important to keep track of what intonation prevails in the voice during a conversation, the timbre, volume, tone, speed of speech. The voice should sound clear, no need to speak too fast, loud exclamations are unacceptable. You can't talk with your mouth full.
  • At the table, you need to monitor your gestures and posture. You can’t fall apart on a chair, put your elbows on the table, sit with your hand resting your cheek, legs crossed, waving your arms, especially if there are appliances in them.
  • At the table, you can not start a conversation that can provoke an argument. Politics, religion, health and money are closed topics of conversation. Also, you can not discuss your diet, alcohol restriction and foods that you are allergic to. You should silently put aside an unsuitable dish, replace alcohol with any other drink.

  • A linen napkin should be spread on your knees, so contamination of clothes is excluded, and it is also possible to quietly wipe your hands on it.
  • You can start eating when everyone has food on their plates, and also after the host of the holiday starts eating.
  • If during the meal you come across a piece that cannot be chewed or a bone, you should quietly carry the napkin to your lips and remove the inedible element.
  • During the feast, you should turn off the phone or put it on silent mode. In no case should you put it next to the plate on the table.
  • A woman should put a handbag or clutch bag behind her on a chair, a large bag on the floor or hang it on the back of a chair. Sometimes restaurants offer a special chair for bags, you can use it. You can’t even put bags and packages on the table for a while.
  • If cutlery or food has fallen on the floor, you should not focus on this, you need to call the waiter and ask for a new one. You can not bend under the table and pick up a fallen object.
  • Do not use a toothpick at the dinner table. When there is a pause in the conversation, you need to apologize and leave the table. You can remove the stuck piece of food in the restroom.

The host of the event should not put toothpicks on the dining table; their place during the feast is the bathroom. The same rule applies if there is a need to clear the nose. Blowing your nose at the table while eating is indecent, and besides, this gesture will be unpleasant for other guests.

Good table manners

Before you go to an event, you should learn more about its nature. This can help in choosing an outfit, for women - also in choosing a hairstyle and makeup.

If the event is official, most likely all the guests were offered programs. They usually indicate the start time, the time of the entertainment or official part, the time of the buffet and the end of the evening.

Informal feasts are often more intimate and relaxed. Men can neglect ties, and ladies evening dresses to the floor. However, this does not exempt from observing the etiquette of behavior at the table.

A date in a restaurant: rules for a man and a woman

Usually, at the entrance to the restaurant, guests are met by a hostess or head waiter. An employee of the establishment offers his customers free tables and calls the waiter to take the order. If there is no such position, you can ask any waiter to help you choose a place or decide on your own. A man accompanies his lady to her place, usually on the left, helps to sit on a chair.

  • The waiter brings the menu and gives the guests time to make their choice. The right of primacy in the choice of dishes belongs to a woman. However, there is a common mistake that women often make. Saying "Order something to your taste" is absolutely impossible. Correct interpretation - “Advise what is better to order? ".
  • A man makes an order to the waiter after listening to the wishes of the woman.
  • Girls should not choose too cheap dishes, this can be a hint to a man that, in her opinion, he is not wealthy enough. But the choice of the most expensive dishes in relation to a woman can cause unnecessary speculation.

  • The specifics of the restaurant should be taken into account. If the event takes place in a Mediterranean restaurant, you do not need to order borscht or dumplings.
  • If the choice is difficult, you can call the waiter, clarify what ingredients are in the dish, what is the time of its preparation.
  • You should not address the waiter as "you", usually the employees of the institution have a name badge on which the name is written.
  • While waiting for the order, you should start a small talk. The topic of the conversation should be general, do not go into details and go deep. The interlocutors should look into each other's eyes, speak not loudly so as not to disturb others, and also create an intimate atmosphere of a date.
  • While the dishes are being prepared, the waiter can bring a bottle of wine as an aperitif. A male guest should not uncork it on his own, as well as pour a drink. This is the task of the waiter. In order to pour a second glass, it is not necessary to wait for the waiter. First, the lady is served, then the man can pour himself a drink. The glass should be filled to a little less than half.
  • The glass should be held with three fingers by the leg. Thus, it will remain as clean as possible, and this is important for the aesthetic component, which is key in the concept of etiquette.

  • To notify the waiter about the change of dish, you need to put cutlery obliquely on top of the plate. The fork and knife connected at the free end indicate that the meal is not over yet. It should be remembered that it is absolutely impossible to put cutlery on the table after use, their place is only on a plate.
  • You should not try your partner's dish. The only way to find out what it tastes like is to order the same.
  • In a restaurant, it is customary to eat slowly, enjoying the taste and process. Even if the feeling of hunger is very strong, you should follow the partner's pace, otherwise he will take it as an escape or a desire to leave the restaurant as soon as possible.
  • When dinner is over, the napkin is placed to the left of the plate.
  • The gentleman pays first. A woman should not interfere, ask “How much? ” or try to pay your half by putting money on a man.
  • If a man and a woman have friendly relations, payment of a 50/50 check is possible, then the man, having studied the check, tells the woman the amount of her order, and they agree on a tip.

A business meeting

In the modern world, very often business meetings are held in restaurants and cafes. This is especially true during international business visits. The host party introduces partners to the customs and culture of their country. In this case, the invited party should familiarize themselves with the traditions before the event so as not to offend their partners. Generally speaking, the following rules must be followed:

  • First of all, a business meeting is a solution to a business issue. If it does not take place at lunchtime, then you should limit yourself to a cup of coffee or tea.
  • When meeting with a partner, you should adhere to the main principle: time is money. You can start solving the issue immediately after the greeting, without being distracted by small talk.
  • After discussing the issue, you should briefly summarize the results of the meeting, if there is time left, move on to abstract topics in order to maintain personal relationships.
  • During international feasts, the inviting party pays. If a business meeting is limited to coffee or tea, then everyone pays for himself.

Customs around the world

Historically, food intake among different peoples of the world developed in its own way, taking into account national characteristics, the structure of life, the influence of conquerors, cultural and historical facts. In many countries, table etiquette rules overlap with each other. Thus, it is possible to single out a common international etiquette, but there is always a place for originality.

In Russia

Russia is a large international country in which all-European norms of behavior at the table are officially adopted. However, given that there are more than 190 nationalities in our country, traveling through it, you can meet unusual traditions and norms of behavior at the table.

Tatars attach great importance to etiquette proxemics at the table. The head of the family starts the meal first, only then the rest of the family and guests. They leave the table only when the head of the family has left. Praise be to Allah before and after the meal.

The peoples of the Caucasus have other features. Each family member has his own role, which must be observed without prejudice. It is worth noting an important feature: men and women in the Caucasus do not eat together at the same table. Men eat first, then women and children.

Any large feast in the Caucasus must have a manager - "master of ceremonies". The oldest and honored guest of the event can become a toastmaster. He says toasts and gives the right to say a word to others. A Caucasian feast without toast is not a feast. They are distinguished by extraordinary splendor and exaltation of master's merits.

Among the Mongolian and Buryat peoples, the guest at the table is first offered a bowl of tea or vodka. The guest, taking a bowl, should stick the thumb of his right hand into the drink and sprinkle it towards the hearth. Interestingly, in some places this custom has really survived to this day. Of course, the customs of many peoples are gradually weakening, more and more families are beginning to adhere to European standards of etiquette.

However, when traveling across vast Russia, one should study the peculiarities of the life of local residents before going to one or another corner of the vast homeland. This knowledge is necessary in order not to offend or offend the owners, as well as to show respect for their culture and traditions.

In France

For those who are lucky enough to receive an invitation to dinner in France, it is worth knowing:

  • Lunch and dinner in France always starts with an aperitif, which is selected depending on the region. To drink a glass of wine, the French do not need a reason, they begin to drink a wine drink from adolescence. Wine is matched strictly to the dish that is expected. If it is fish - dry white wine, meat - dry red.
  • Usually the French eat out, as it is not customary for them to cook. In cafes, bistros and restaurants, meetings with friends, relatives, just a family dinner are held. Sometimes men and women visit cafes to drink a cup of coffee and read a book or newspaper.
  • The French also love family holiday dinners. Usually they consist of several servings, each of which has several dishes. The filing process itself is carried out from right to left.
  • While the guests are being served a new dish, you can’t keep your hands under the table, on your knees - such a gesture can be regarded as distrust. You should lower your wrists to the corner of the tabletop.
  • Large feasts in the circle of close friends and relatives are held with a complex table setting, all generally accepted norms of etiquette are observed.
  • Be careful with the use of spices. Do not be too zealous - this may offend the hostess or the cook, since it can be assumed that the dish was not liked, that they want to “embellish” it.
  • In France, it is not customary to ask for more wine or a change. The French believe that only a specific wine can be consumed with a specific dish. Also, do not add ice to a glass of wine. A change in temperature will affect the experience of the drink, and melting ice will change the taste.

In general, French etiquette has the same basic aspects as in Russia and throughout Europe. It is not customary to rush in the customs of this country, so the French are very attentive to all the table rules and strictly observe them, the guest of this country must also show respect for culture and remember about etiquette.

In England

The British are very scrupulous about the observance of etiquette, especially at the table. Even in the circle of close friends and relatives, dinner is held according to all the rules of good manners. It can be said that the main rule of etiquette in England is the observance of etiquette.

At the table, use the devices according to their purpose. The knife is held strictly in the right hand, the fork - in the left. It is not allowed to shift cutlery, in addition, the sharp end of the knife and fork always look towards the plate.

An unusual rule, but if the invited guest has an allergy to any ingredient or has special requirements for products, the hosts should be warned about this 2 days before the event. At a large table in England it is unacceptable to have an intimate conversation with only one guest, the topic should be common to everyone, and you should not contact a stranger.

You should not reach across the entire table to take a dish, you should ask to be passed. However, it is also not supposed to be transferred back; you must put the plate in an empty place next to you.

Every time a new dish is served to a guest, you should say "thank you". If there is a common dish on the table, you should not put too much on your plate, you need to put enough so that after the end of the feast the plate is clean. Otherwise, the host may consider that the guest did not like the dish.

In Korea

In Korea, it is also not customary to leave half-eaten rice on a plate or too much from another dish. Also, do not use a spoon and chopsticks at the same time, stir the soup with appliances, select certain pieces and separate them from the main dish. Lunch should be finished by everyone at the same time.

Sometimes in Korean restaurants, the waiter serves the table without leaving it. His task is to ensure that guests always have food on their plates. Therefore, a satiated guest needs to leave a small piece of the half-eaten dish, which will become a signal that the supplement is no longer required. The same rule applies to drinks.

After the end of the feast, the sticks or spoon should be returned to their original position, where they lay before the start of the event. The bill is usually paid by the most senior at the table, and not every man for himself.

In China

The Chinese are very jealous of their traditions and customs, strictly follow them themselves and are very happy when foreign guests try to adhere to them.

The Chinese start their meal with flower tea. This drink acts as an aperitif and also entertains the audience until the rest of the invited guests arrive.

The Chinese, like the Russians, love to toast and drink alcohol at the table. During the toast, you need to stand, and then it is easy to clink glasses with the edges of the glasses. You can drink only from full dishes, if the glass is half empty, you should wait until it is filled by the one who is responsible for pouring drinks.

The Chinese will be very pleased if foreign guests use chopsticks while eating. And it is not necessary to hold them correctly. As convenient as it is right. However, it is very uncivilized to use such a traditional device for other purposes. Do not use sticks as a pointer, gnaw them, just put them in your mouth. Between meals, chopsticks lie on a special stand, you can’t leave them on a plate, and sticking them into food is insulting.

First, the first courses are served - soups, which are the only portions, then the "main meal" - rice or noodles, and dessert completes the evening. You should not lean heavily and overeat, a feast in China is an occasion to taste different dishes and enjoy their taste.

In Turkey

The national customs of Turkey are gradually being supplanted under Western influence. Restaurants and behavior there have completely switched to the rules of international etiquette. But in Turkish houses, you can still encounter the fact that the owners observe the peculiarities of life, personifying the history of the country.

For those who were invited to visit, you should know:

  • Coming to a Turkish house, you should take off your shoes on the threshold in front of the door. It is unacceptable to enter a house or apartment in street shoes.
  • Turks eat at a low round table, sit on the floor in Turkish style, their feet are hidden under the table top.
  • You should never refuse the offered food, it can offend the hosts. You should try at least a small piece and praise the dish.
  • Turks serve common meals on a tray. Each guest fills his plate with his hand or a spoon. You should not choose pieces "better" - this is also indecent.
  • The meal should be started after the approval of the head of the family.
  • The feast usually lasts at least two hours. The Turks follow the order of dishes, so after the main serving, tea, coffee, and sweets should be served. Eat slowly, enjoying the process.
  • It's not worth staying too long either. You should politely thank for lunch or dinner and leave.

Compliance with internationally accepted rules of etiquette is the best proof of good upbringing. Every country in the world appreciates good manners. Tourists and foreigners are often forgiven for ignorance of the peculiarities of the traditions and way of life of the country, but you should not abuse your position.

There are several rules that should be followed when visiting a foreign country or in an unfamiliar company:

  • You can bring dessert for tea and give it to the hostess at the meeting;
  • You should not sit down at the table before the host's invitation;
  • You should not start eating before the host starts;
  • No need to build a mountain of food on your plate, it is better to put a little bit of each dish, eat it, and only then reach for the supplement. This method will protect against overeating, and also allow you to leave the plate clean after yourself;
  • Do not ask too many questions to hosts or other guests;
  • You should always be modest and friendly, be sure to thank the hosts and note the culinary talent of the hostess.

In a difficult and incomprehensible situation, adhere to the principle of common sense. The main task is not to cause inconvenience to others, even if you have to sacrifice your well-being.

Etiquette lessons are useful at any age. Adults know the basic rules, but they forget about the little things.

These trifles betray in them a lack of table education. Children do not have knowledge of the rules of etiquette at all; skills should be instilled at an early age.

The sooner you teach your child to the generally accepted rules, the sooner he will master them. His behavior at a party and at school feasts will be impeccable. Do you want to be proud of your child?

Give him home schooling in good manners. You will have fun from the heart, and give the child knowledge. If he takes everything as a prank, it's not scary. During the feast, he will remember your lessons.

Parents who can refresh their knowledge and acquire the skills of aesthetic behavior at the table will also benefit: in a company, at a party, at a romantic dinner.

During the time of tsarist rule in Rus', it was customary to eat all dishes with a spoon. Everyone did this: from peasants to boyars and royal persons. The fork was brought to us only at the beginning of the 17th century from Poland.

This instrument was not accepted by the superstitious Russian people for a long time. Many signs and beliefs were associated with her.

Today the table is served according to the etiquette: a spoon, two forks and two knives. Other devices are added as needed. Learn the rules for using cutlery.

Rules for the use of cutlery:

Rules Explanations
1 Use a fork if serving spaghetti The fork should be taken in the right hand. Use a spoon to help cut the spaghetti into mouthful portions.
2 Not all dishes require the use of a knife It is not needed when breaking cutlets, stuffed cabbage, scrambled eggs into pieces
3 Devices that are on the left should be held in the left hand And those on the right, on the right
4 The knife serves as an auxiliary tool The main tool is a fork, use it carefully, keep it away from the base of the prongs
5 The fish should be cut with a knife in pieces The next piece is cut off after the previous one is chewed.
6 For chilled dishes, there are special devices: a knife and a fork. They are called eateries.
7 Fruit is eaten with a fruit knife and fork. Do not confuse with cocktail and snack devices!
8 When taking a break in eating, the cutlery is placed on the plate as it was originally held. Fork - handle to the left, knife - to the right
9 When the meal is over, the knife and fork should be placed on the plate together. A knife and a fork lying together is a sign for the waiter that it is time to take away the dishes or change cutlery and dishes.
10 Hot fish is eaten with special appliances The knife has a blunt beveled end, and the fork is easily recognizable by its four prongs.
11 Use a teaspoon when you need to stir the tea Remove the spoon after mixing.
12 Jacket potatoes are peeled with a knife Vegetables are eaten with a fork. When the knife is not in use, the fork is held in the right hand.

Have a study dinner at home, have family members demonstrate their skills. Memorize all 12 points of the table, and rehearse.

Self-confidence requires the acquisition of skills. Everything should be random, spontaneous. This skill comes with experience.

Rules of conduct at the table for children and adults

For people of any age, there are approximately the same rules with minor differences. Remember them, accustom your child to good manners.

The sooner you start the learning process, the sooner the child will begin to delight you at a party, and surprise others with his gallantry and ability to behave.

Rules of conduct at the table:

  • Wash your hands before you sit down at the table.
  • Small family members are always seated at the table. The child should sit on a special children's chair, feel on a par with everyone.
  • Don't leave your elbows on the table.
  • You can't talk at the table with your mouth full.
  • You should restrain belching, coughing.
  • Ask to pass dishes at the other end of the table, and do not reach for it yourself.
  • Be sure to thank the hostess for a delicious dinner.
  • The child must ask permission before leaving the table, or wait until everyone has eaten and left.
  • Do not let children talk with their mouths full.

Eating according to all the rules of etiquette

  • Use special devices. Each dish has its own.
  • Do not pick up the fallen plug, but ask to replace the appliance.
  • Sit at a table with a straight back. When eating, it is allowed to slightly tilt the body forward for convenience.
  • Do not spread pate on bread, it is eaten separately.
  • During the meal, hands should not touch the table.
  • It is correct to take the first dishes, scooping a spoon away from you.
  • First, liquid is eaten from the soup, and then they deal with meatballs and other thick.
  • Do not cool the dish: do not blow on it or stir with a spoon. Wait.
  • It is customary to drink champagne immediately, before meals.
  • Drink liquids in small sips.
  • Soup or broth served in a cup should be drunk over the edge. A spoon is used to catch large particles of thick from there.
  • You can only eat crayfish, chicken tobacco and asparagus with your hands. For other dishes, use cutlery. A container of water and a napkin are needed to rinse your fingers.
  • Fruit is cut and eaten with a fork.
  • It is customary to stir tea silently so as not to distract guests with sound from the meal.
  • Sandwich preparation: bread during the procedure should be on a dish. Butter is smeared with a knife, holding a piece with a fork. Place cheese or ham on top. After that, separate portions and eat.
  • After finishing your meal, touch your lips with a napkin.

The rules of etiquette are the general norms of behavior at the table, from which one should build. Remember them, practice eating according to all the rules.

This will make you feel confident at any event.

Important! Whatever happens during the feast - you coughed, a piece of meat fell from the fork, spilled wine on yourself - do not worry.

It happens to everyone. Behave confidently, as if it were planned. A confident appearance is the key to the success of any event.

Smile, talk, eat. Be natural and relaxed.

Useful video

We all know without too much reminder that the rules of etiquette at the table are simply necessary. After all, having this knowledge, we feel much more comfortable and confident at any table. I was inspired to prepare this material by a girl I knew, who refused to accept invitations to restaurants and cafes just because she did not know how to properly handle a knife and fork. Now this problem has already been solved for her, but certain points in food etiquette may cause us doubts. In order to have as few such doubts as possible, let's look at the elementary rules of table etiquette.

First, how to sit? Not too far from the edge of the table, but not too close, and of course not resting your elbows on the table. There is a small exception for women, when she can briefly lean one elbow on the table, but only in case of emergency, for example, if her arm is tired. You should sit straight in a chair and not bend over a plate. There are no exceptions here for anyone.

Before you start a meal, you need to "deal" with a napkin. A napkin intended for individual use should be unfolded and placed on your lap. While eating, they do not wipe their lips with such a napkin; for these purposes, it is better to use paper ones, and only at the end of a meal, you can touch your lips with a linen napkin and wipe your fingertips. Where to put her then? Just put it on the table.

Even if you have an appetite, do not pounce on food. Eat slowly, so you get even more pleasure from food. Of course, if you like the dish, finish it to the end, but in no case do not clean the bottom of the plate with a piece of bread. Just imagine that your table neighbor will do this, is it a pleasant sight?

Food is taken from a common dish with common appliances (special tongs, forks, spoons are designed for this) and put on a plate. Don't forget to put these appliances back. And do not get confused: only common appliances on your plate, but not individual appliances from a common dish. If the dish is far enough away from you, do not reach across the entire table, ask a waiter or a neighbor to serve it to you.

The rules of etiquette at the table do not prohibit taking bread, cookies, cakes, fruits, citrus fruits with your hands - this is exactly what is accepted. Refined sugar is also included in this category, but if there are special tongs nearby, use them.

Since we are talking about bread, it should be recalled that this is a very delicate product, you can even say that there is a bread etiquette. For example, it is not customary to bite off a whole piece of bread. It is eaten in small pieces, which are broken off over their plate. It is also not customary to butter a whole piece of bread. This is best done by gradually breaking off pieces and buttering each of them. If there is a pie plate next to you, which is specially designed for bread, then put it in it, shifting the bread from the common plate. Butter is also put into a pie plate with a clean knife, which is then spread on slices of bread. They do the same with caviar, only for caviar there is a device - a special spatula. Pate can be taken either with a knife or a fork. Sandwiches are also taken by hand. If they are prepared for a snack, then they are eaten with a knife and fork.

Hot appetizers from kokotnitsa or kokotnitsa are eaten with a kokot fork or a teaspoon. Hot fish is eaten with a fish knife and fork. In extreme cases, if there are no special devices, you can use two table forks.

Now for the soup. It is eaten slowly and silently. If the soup is very hot, do not stir it with a spoon, it is better to wait until it cools down. With a spoon they scoop from themselves and bring it to the mouth with the left wide edge. If you finish eating the soup, slightly lift the plate away from you with your left hand. Dumplings, noodles, potatoes in the soup, if necessary, crush with the edge of a spoon. At the end of the meal, the spoon is left in the plate.

Broths are served in cups (broth makers) with one or two handles. From a cup with one handle, the broth can be drunk like tea, and from a cup with two handles, you should eat with a spoon.

Fish cold dishes are eaten with snack utensils. However, this is the case with all cold snack dishes. But hot-smoked fish gastronomy - with the help of fish appliances. In all cases, if the bones get into your mouth, you should carefully and, if possible, unobtrusively remove them with your hand and put them on the edge of the plate.

With the help of cutlery - a knife and a fork - they eat natural portioned meat dishes such as pork and lamb chops, steaks, fillets, langets, liver, etc. In this case, the knife is held in the right hand, the fork - in the left. Meatballs, cutlets, chopped zrazy, cabbage rolls, omelettes and other soft dishes, where the use of a knife would be redundant, are eaten with a fork, which is now held in the right hand.

Dishes and snacks from natural meat, cheese, sausage, ham are not immediately cut into small pieces. From this, the dish cools quickly and loses its attractiveness. It is better to cut off the pieces gradually, naturally using a knife and fork. The same is done with birds and game.

True, there is an exception for “tobacco” chickens. It is eaten with the hands, but at the same time, vases or bowls with warm water are served on the table to rinse the fingers. Usually slices of lemon or rose petals are dipped into such water. In this case, clean cotton napkins must be served, in extreme cases, paper napkins, which are immediately removed at the end of the meal. They also eat asparagus and crayfish.

In general, for crayfish, lobsters, lobsters, there are special devices that consist of a short fork and spatula. From the body of the crayfish, only the meat in the claw is eaten. Then the crayfish is turned over on its back, the neck is separated and the meat is selected with a fork.

Sturgeon, beluga, boiled and hot smoked sturgeon are eaten only with a fork.

Mustard and salt are taken with special spoons. Mustard is placed on the bottom of the plate, and not on the edge, on the right side.

Soft-boiled eggs are served in a special glass (plow), the shell is slightly broken with a spoon, put in a saucer, the egg is eaten carefully, trying not to spill the yolk. Fried eggs and ham and scrambled eggs are eaten with a fork in the right hand, and, if necessary, a piece of bread is helped, holding it in the left hand.

It happens that food needs to be temporarily interrupted. In such cases, the knife and fork are placed on the plate as they were held, the knife with the handle to the right, the fork with the handle to the left. Such cases may be a temporary weaning from the table, or the need to drink water, take bread, put a piece of meat, etc.

Let's move on to dessert. For dessert dishes, special devices are provided, with the help of which they eat biscuit cakes, puddings, ice cream, creams, etc. When dessert is served (tea, coffee, confectionery), excess dishes, bottles, glasses, wine glasses are removed from the table. Vases with jam, sweets, cookies, plates with thinly sliced ​​lemon, sugar, rosettes for jam are placed on the table. In the case when a cake or pie is served, a dessert plate is placed for each guest, a dessert knife or spoon is placed to the right of it, and a dessert fork is placed to the left. Tea, coffee is placed to the right of the dessert plate, while the handle of the mug or cup is turned to the left. Cream is served hot in a milk jug or creamer, which is served on a saucer at the table. Biscuit cakes are eaten with a dessert fork, sometimes with a teaspoon, hard cakes that crumble easily are eaten with a hand.

Now let's talk about fruits and berries. Apples and pears are cut with a fruit knife on a plate lengthwise into 4-8 parts, cleaned and the seed nest is removed. These pieces no longer cut, but bite right off them. A peach or apricot is taken in the left hand and cut in a circle to the stone, after which they are broken and the stone is removed with a knife. You can cut pieces from halves, but you can use whole halves. Bananas are held in the left hand and peeled gradually. Berries (raspberries, strawberries) are eaten only with a teaspoon. Watermelons and melons are served sliced ​​with peel. Taking a slice of watermelon from a common plate, it is placed on an individual plate with the skin down and thin slices are cut off with a fruit knife. Cut the mango in half on a plate, take out the bone and eat the pulp with a spoon. Pineapple is peeled, cut across into thin slices, put on a plate and eaten with a knife and fork. Oranges and tangerines are eaten by cutting the peel and dividing the pulp into 5-6 parts, from which they are then separated into slices. Fruits from compote are eaten with a dessert spoon, and with its help they put the bones on a saucer.

Concluding our conversation, I would like to recall some obvious things. For example, a teaspoon is only for stirring tea. Having stirred tea or coffee, they no longer use it, but put it on a saucer. When cutting food, the fork is held at an angle rather than perpendicular to the plate. At the end of the meal, the fork and knife are placed on the plate, not on the tablecloth.

Today we only talked about the basic rules of table etiquette, of which we counted a little more than 45. But the conversation about etiquette is far from over, and very soon we will definitely return to this topic. In the meantime, I want to wish you enjoy food not only at the height of taste, but also at the height of good manners!

Everyone should follow the rules of etiquette in a restaurant in order to make a good impression of themselves.

Compliance with the rules of etiquette will help you have a great evening, and leave a good impression on others about yourself. Don't know how to behave in a restaurant? Relax and enjoy. But don't forget about etiquette.

  • We all love to have lunch and dinner at home. But sometimes such constancy bothers, and you want to go to an expensive restaurant, taste real culinary masterpieces.
  • Often ladies are invited to the restaurant by their fans, grooms or husbands. How to make a good impression of yourself? What should you say to the waiter, and what can you ask him?
  • It often seems to us that nothing can spoil the rest, destroy the holiday atmosphere. But a lot depends on behavior. If everything is done correctly, good memories of the holiday will remain.

It is better to book a table in advance, but if the decision to go to a restaurant was spontaneous, you should resolve all issues with the administrator. Do not immediately go into the hall and take the first free seat. After all, perhaps the table is already booked by other guests.

The administrator is usually located at his desk near the entrance. If he is not there, then you need to wait, he can deal with visitors who came before you.

So, the administrator invited you to a table. Now the question arises: how to behave in a restaurant, how to communicate with a waiter? Etiquette and rules of conduct:

  • Relax and keep at ease. Remove excess stress, enjoy the evening. Pleasant atmosphere, beautiful design of the hall, gallant waiters, beautiful outfit - all this makes you want to be the hero of the evening. Spend time with pleasure.
  • Start eating with everyone. If food has been brought to you, but other people from your company have not yet, you do not need to immediately grab a fork and knife and use them for their intended purpose. You can warn the waiter in advance to bring the dishes at the same time.
  • Consider the specifics of the restaurant, forget about your tastes. If you go to a fish restaurant, don't order meat. In a famous restaurant that serves delicious steaks, you don't have to limit yourself to salad.
  • Don't be afraid to ask the waiter questions. If there are incomprehensible names of dishes on the menu, ask the waiter what this dish is made of. This is especially important if you are allergic to certain foods.
  • Always ask the price if you are interested. There is nothing shameful in this. The waiter may suggest a restaurant specialty and you may ask for a price.
  • Leave a tip. According to the rule of etiquette, you need to leave 10% (of the value of the check) or more to the waiter for a tip. It's a shame not to leave a tip if you've been well served.

Customers mostly don't talk to waiters. The restaurant employee must take the order, serve the guest at the highest level and ask to pay for dinner. Visitors should have a good rest and not bother about the fact that they can do something wrong or say the wrong thing.

Etiquette in a restaurant - cutlery: how to use, how to put after a meal?

In a restaurant, you usually have to use more than one fork and knife. But do not be afraid of a large number of devices near your plate. Here are some tips on how to use it, how to put cutlery after eating. The rules of etiquette in a restaurant on this occasion say the following:

  • Remember the order in which the dishes are served. First, a salad - cold or hot, then the first course, if you ordered it, and the second course.
  • Start your meal with the forks and knives furthest away from your plate., and move to those that are closer.
  • If the fork or knife has fallen off the table, do not focus on it.. Call an employee of the institution, and ask to replace the device for you.

Remember: The length of the salad knife is the same diameter as the appetizer plate, the appetizer fork is slightly shorter. The length of the second course knife is equal to the diameter of the plate in which the dish was brought to you. The table fork is long, and a long spoon and knife are used to serve portions from a shared plate.

  • Dessert dishes are served with other utensils: knife with a sharp tip, a fork with three cloves and a small spoon.
  • Fruits are served with special cutlery: fork and knife for eating fruits are smaller than dessert cutlery.
  • Separate spoons are used for drinks: for coffee - coffee, for tea - tea. A teaspoon can be used for soft-boiled eggs, as well as for cocoa drink and smoothies.
  • Additional devices: tongs, special forks, spoons and knives. With a two-pronged fork, you can take a piece of herring, as well as eat crab or shrimp. A small spoon, which is in the salt shaker, helps to add salt to the dishes. With the help of tongs, they put confectionery, sugar, marshmallows, sweets and marmalade on their plate.

Restaurant etiquette - cutlery

Important: If there is red or black caviar on the table, then there is a special spatula to put this dish on a plate. A large rectangular spatula is designed for shifting meat or vegetables. A small figured spatula is used for pate.

General rules for using cutlery:

  • The knife should always be in the right hand.
  • When you eat food with a fork or spoon, keep the utensils parallel to the table.. Do not blow on a hot dish.
  • If there is some soup left in the bowl, you can finish it. tilting the plate away from you. Scoop up the rest of the soup carefully, do not hit the plate.
  • During a pause or conversation at the table, cutlery must be placed on a plate, next to food.
  • If the knife and fork lie parallel to each other on the plate, and the knife is turned with the tip towards the fork, which indicates the end of the meal. For the waiter, this suggests that the plate can be removed.

In the following video, an etiquette specialist will tell you how and what a well-mannered person should do at the table, and how to use forks and knives correctly.

Video: How to use cutlery correctly

You should not take with your hands at the table what you can eat with the help of cutlery. A dish that can be eaten with a fork should not be eaten with a spoon. There are many nuances of behavior at the table, like eating a barbecue, a burger or an expensive dish. Here are some rules:

  • Shish kebab pieces are removed from the skewers and eaten with a knife and fork..
  • Burger should be held with hands. Cutlery is not used. Bite off in small portions and chew the dish for a long time.
  • Expensive dish, for example, lobsters are served with special cutlery. Using a sharp knife with a hole, break out the claws. Use a two-pronged fork to eat lobster meat. To the left of the plate will be a bowl of water. In it, you can rinse your hands after a meal.

The main thing in a restaurant is to eat silently. But, if you can’t, for example, cope with a lobster, ask the waiter to help.

The napkin always accompanies us at the table. This is not only a decor item, but also a unique serving item that helps to facilitate the meal. Often in a restaurant you can see that a person ignores the napkin or pretends that it does not exist. No need to be afraid of this serving item.

How to use napkins in a restaurant - rules:

  • This hygiene product should be on your lap, not on your neck or on a table.
  • If the napkin is dirty, you can ask the employee of the institution to replace it with a fresh one.
  • At the end of dinner, the napkin is left to the left of the plate. You should not put this item on a plate, no matter you used a cloth napkin or a paper one.

If you need to leave during dinner, a napkin is also placed next to the plate on the left. It is unacceptable to hang it on the back of a chair or put it on its seat.

As soon as the waiter or your companion poured beer into glasses, you need to start drinking it. This drink is usually poured according to a special mark. If there is no such mark, then no more than 3/4 of the glass should be poured.

According to beer etiquette in a restaurant, one should not drink a lot of beer or stretch the process for a long time. First, half a cup is drunk, and the rest is divided into two doses. Do not mix beer with other types of alcohol. Dark beers are worth drinking in the cold season with salads and hot dishes. Light beers are good to drink in summer with shrimps or pistachios.

If you came to the restaurant before the rest of your friends from your company, then you should wait for everyone outside. The waiter pushes the chair back to the girl as she sits down at the table. But, if there are several girls, then their companions help them.

Other important rules of etiquette in a restaurant at the table for a girl:

  • Hide your excitement. If you don't know how to use certain appliances correctly, see how others do.
  • At the table you need not only to eat, but also to keep up the conversation. There are forbidden topics: about illness, death, sex, religion and politics.
  • No smoking at the table even if it doesn't bother anyone. There are designated smoking areas in the restaurant.
  • When the wine is poured into glasses, do not rush to drink it.. The host must say a toast or take the first sip. Before drinking a drink, you need to wipe your lips with a napkin, otherwise there will be greasy marks on the glass.
  • When the waiter starts serving the dishes, take the napkin from the plate and place it on your lap.
  • If you are allergic to a certain food, you should not talk about it in full hearing or scandal. Just leave the plate with this dish untouched.

Wrap long pasta with a fork and knife. After that, quickly put them in your mouth. Bones from meat or fish that ended up in the mouth are placed on a fork, and then on a plate. If they are too small, you can take them out with your index finger and put them on a plate.

When entering a restaurant, a man opens the door to a woman. The door to the hall is also opened by a man and the lady is let in first. Near the table, the woman chooses the place she likes, and the man must move the chair so that she sits down.

The rest of the rules of etiquette in a restaurant at the table for a woman with a man:

  • It is indecent to pull up a chair if you are sitting uncomfortable.. You can just move to the edge.
  • If there are two menus, then they are served to both the woman and the man. If there is only one menu, then the lady chooses first.
  • Don't limit yourself to the cheapest dishes- this will indicate doubts about the viability of a man.
  • Do not order the most expensive dishes, because you do not consider yourself a woman who will take advantage of the opportunity. Pick something in the middle for the price.
  • A girl should not say "Order to your taste". One can only ask, “What do you recommend?”
  • The order is made by a man, and the lady expresses her wishes to her companion who shows care and resourcefulness in this way.
  • Previously, it was impossible to keep your elbows on the table- this rule of etiquette is a thing of the past. In the company of a young man or with friends, no one will pay attention to this. If you are dining with the older generation, then it is better not to risk your reputation.
  • Eat slowly and calmly. Don't talk while eating. Start the meal before the man, and finish the meal later.
  • Do not rush a man when he eats and don't ask the waiter to bring the bill. He will do it himself.
  • A man finishes a romantic dinner. But, if the lady wanted to leave earlier, she can do this by apologizing to her gentleman.
  • The man usually pays the bill, and a woman should not feel embarrassed about it. If the man and woman are friends, then you can pay the bill in half.
  • Leave beautifully This is also the main thing in the restaurant. You can thank the waiter for dinner and the head waiter. The man leads the lady to the exit, opening the door for her. He picks up outerwear in the wardrobe and dresses himself. Only then does he help the lady get dressed. She must patiently wait for help from her companion.

If you do something not according to etiquette - do not worry. A man will still see you as a well-mannered prude who behaves beautifully in a restaurant and at the table.

Many transactions are concluded not in the company's meeting room, but in the restaurant. Everything affects the result - behavior, the ability to eat mussels or spaghetti, and much more.

Business etiquette in a restaurant - rules for a dinner to be held at its best:

  • Guests should not come hungry. After all, the purpose of a business lunch is to resolve specific issues.
  • If you are invited to a business lunch, then you need to book a table in advance and study the restaurant menu.
  • Both parties should be well versed in cutlery.
  • It's indecent to complain about service or food. Don't discuss your diagnosis when refusing a meal if you have an allergy, ulcer, or other illness.
  • Before drinking wine or water from a glass, blot your lips. so as not to leave traces of food on the glass.
  • Do not eat if invited guests have already finished their meal.
  • Topics of religion, medicine and politics are not discussed at the table. Talk only about work. You can talk about children, touch on the topic of weather, history or sights.
  • business papers laid out after the waiter clears the table from plates and food.

A business lunch helps to establish friendly contacts with partners and contributes to successful teamwork.

Do not use your mobile phone in a restaurant. Turn off the sound and leave your cell in your coat pocket. Telephone etiquette in a restaurant forbids talking at the table. If you are waiting for an important call, then put your phone in your pocket or purse. When the mobile rings, apologize to your companion and leave the room to talk.

Often when going to a restaurant, many people ask themselves: “Who pays in a restaurant?” If you go with a man for a romantic evening, then he pays. If you have friendly relations, pay in half. At the banquet, the initiator of the feast pays.

Remember: Who will pay for dinner should be agreed in advance. It is indecent to find out when the waiter has already brought the bill.

Communicate politely with the waiter, and he will help you choose the most delicious dish in this restaurant. Next time, the waiter will definitely tell you which dish the chef turned out to be very tasty, and which one is better to try another time.

Video: Etiquette. How to behave in a restaurant
