
We remove coffee stains from clothes, upholstered furniture and carpets without dry cleaning. How to remove coffee stains in a few simple ways

In the article we tell you how to wash coffee. You will learn how to clean stains with laundry soap, ammonia, table salt, rubbing alcohol, glycerin, hydrogen peroxide, whiteness, vinegar, lemon, dishwashing detergent, gasoline, and boiling water. We will also show you how to remove alcohol stains from carpet.

12 ways to get coffee out of clothes

Coffee is one of the most popular drinks. Therefore, it is not surprising that its lovers often have to deal with stains from it.

Coffee stains are easier to remove when they are fresh.

Until the stain is dry, it is considered fresh. In this state, it is easiest to remove it. If the trace of coffee has had time to dry, the tannins that make up the drink, penetrating deep into the fibers of the fabric, make the stain difficult to remove.

Despite this, there are many methods for removing stains. Consider the most common ways to wash things from coffee.

Laundry soap

Laundry soap is the easiest way to remove coffee stains.. Before removing the coffee stain, rinse the stained area with hot water. To do this, the fabric from the wrong side is substituted under a stream of water.

After the main part of the stain comes off, it is treated with laundry soap. The trace of coffee is rubbed until a thick foam is formed and left for 5-10 minutes, after which the item is thoroughly rinsed in warm water to wash the remnants of the cleaning agent from the fibers of the fabric.


A universal remedy for removing coffee stains is ammonia. This tool is suitable for all types of fabrics.

Before removing a coffee stain on cotton and any other fabric with ammonia, it must be diluted with water. To do this, bring 350 ml of water to a boil and add 55 ml of alcohol to it. To enhance the effectiveness of the product, you can add 10-15 gr. shredded laundry soap.

The resulting solution is treated with a place of contamination and left soaked for 15-20 minutes. After that, the stain is blotted with a dry cloth and excess liquid is removed. If necessary, the procedure is carried out 2-3 times. After that, the thing must be washed in a machine with a regular powder.


Salt is used to remove stubborn stains from denim. This agent destroys tannins, which make the site of contamination difficult to remove.

Before washing coffee from jeans and any dense fabric, salt must be diluted with water to the consistency of a thick slurry. This mixture is treated with a wet cloth at the site of contamination and left until the salt dries completely. After that, the product is cleaned with a rosary, and the clothes are washed in a machine with a regular powder.


After using any product, wash the item with powder

Rubbing alcohol is a powerful coffee stain remover.. It effectively dissolves dirt in a short time, even old stains.

Before removing an old coffee stain with alcohol, it must be diluted with water. To do this, 15 ml of medical alcohol is added to 100 ml of liquid.

The resulting solution is applied to the site of contamination using a cotton pad or stick soaked in it. The stain is rubbed for 2-3 minutes, then left for a quarter of an hour, after which it is washed off with warm water and washed with laundry soap.


Glycerin is suitable for combating dried spots. If the trace of coffee is old, then for maximum effectiveness it may be necessary to carry out the procedure 2-3 times.

Before removing a dried coffee stain with glycerin, it must be heated. To do this, the agent is poured into a container and placed in a water bath. On medium heat, it is heated to a temperature of 40-45 degrees and removed from the stove. A cotton pad is lowered into the heated product, the excess liquid is squeezed out and the main part of the contamination is removed with blotting movements.

After that, you need to pour warm glycerin on the remaining stain and leave the thing soaked for 40-50 minutes. During this time, traces of coffee should dissolve. After the specified time, clothes should be washed with powder.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is ideal for removing coffee stains from white clothes. The agent is applied directly to the stain and left for 15 minutes. After washing coffee from a white shirt with hydrogen peroxide, wash the item in warm water with laundry soap.


To remove coffee stains from light fabrics, bleaches are used, for example, the well-known whiteness. It is ideal for cotton and linen items. Also means effectively eliminates pollution on fabric sofas.

Before removing a coffee stain on a sofa or clothes with whiteness, you need to check whether the product will ruin the fabric. To do this, apply a little bleach to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe item from the inside or from the back of the sofa.

To remove coffee stains using whiteness, it is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 3. The resulting solution treats the place of contamination or soaks the whole thing. After 20-30 minutes, the product is washed off with warm water.


Table vinegar is a powerful remedy for removing dried coffee stains. Most often it is used to wash stains from light-colored things so as not to spoil the color of the fabric.

Before you can wash coffee off a white T-shirt with vinegar, it must be diluted with water. To do this, pour 3 tablespoons of essence into 100 ml of water. To enhance the effect, you can add 50 gr. ordinary washing powder. The mixture is thoroughly mixed and applied to the site of contamination.

Traces of coffee begin to dissolve after 5 minutes. To speed up the process, the stains can be rubbed with ice cubes. After the fabric has been cleaned, it must be washed in a washing machine on a suitable setting.


To remove stains from light-colored things, use such a potent remedy as lemon. It is able to change the shade of the fabric, so it is more often used on white fabrics.

Before you wash coffee from white clothes with lemon, you need to dilute 10 gr. citric acid in 100 ml of water or squeeze the juice from one citrus fruit. The resulting concentrated product is applied to the site of contamination and left for 15-20 minutes. From above, the stain can be covered with polyethylene and treated with an ice cube. So the tool will be as effective as possible. After the specified time, clothes should be washed with ordinary powder.

Dishwashing liquid

If there are drops from coffee with milk on your clothes, then you can use dishwashing detergent to wash them. It effectively dissolves fatty traces from dairy products.

Before removing a coffee stain with dishwashing detergent, it must be diluted with water. For 100 ml of water, add 2 tablespoons of the product and lather well. The resulting solution is treated with a place of contamination and left for a quarter of an hour. Then the clothes are washed in a washing machine or by hand with a regular powder.


For stubborn stains, gasoline can be used. This agent quickly dissolves traces of the drink, but after it the thing must be thoroughly washed with powder so that no oil products remain in the fibers of the fabric.

Before removing coffee stains from colored clothes with gasoline, you must wear protective gloves so as not to damage the skin of your hands. In addition, the washing procedure should be carried out in a ventilated area so as not to inhale the harmful volatile substances that gasoline emits.

A cotton pad is dipped into the product, the excess is squeezed out and the place of contamination is treated from the edges to the center. The procedure is carried out until the stains are completely dissolved, then the thing is washed in a washing machine with powder.


The method of removing coffee stains by boiling is only suitable for natural white fabrics, such as linen or cotton. Before you start washing, you should make sure that the procedure will not spoil the appearance of the fabric. To do this, carefully study the labels on the clothes.

To boil, you need to put the soiled things in a large pot of water, add soap chips or washing powder to it and put it on the stove. The contents of the container are brought to a boil and simmer under the lid for half an hour. After that, the fire is turned off and the pan is allowed to cool at room temperature. Then things are taken out and thoroughly rinsed in warm water.

You have learned how to remove coffee stains from clothes at home using improvised means. Now we will tell you how to clean the carpet from traces of the drink.

You can also learn how to wash clothes

First of all, the coffee stain should be blotted with a dry cloth to remove excess liquid. If the place of contamination is already dry, then it must first be soaked with hot water.

The easiest way to remove stains from a drink is to treat it with dishwashing detergent. To do this, add a tablespoon of the product to a glass of water and froth the liquid until a thick foam forms. It is used to treat the site of contamination. The stain is soaked in foam for 10-15 minutes, then removed by blotting movements with a soft cloth or napkin.

A mild vinegar solution is used to remove dried drink stains from carpets. Before removing the coffee stain from the carpet, 1 tablespoon of the product is diluted in 100 ml of water. The resulting liquid is treated with a place of contamination and left for 10 minutes, after which, using a dry cloth, remove moisture with blotting movements.

For more information on how to remove coffee stains from clothes, see the video:

What to remember

  1. Before removing coffee stains, soak them in hot water for 5-10 minutes.
  2. To remove stains from white clothes, hydrogen peroxide, lemon and boiling are used. For colored fabrics, gasoline, glycerin and alcohol are suitable.
  3. It is necessary to remove coffee stains from carpets with blotting movements so as not to spread the contamination over the surface of the product.

Often inadvertently coffee is spilled in the most inconvenient places for cleaning. It's especially annoying when coffee stain appears on a favorite or completely new thing - a carpet or furniture with rag or leather upholstery .. Coffee and tea contain tannins that are difficult to remove, especially if the stain is old. There is no need to panic, but immediately blot the stain with a napkin, sponge or towel, but in no case rubbing coffee residues into the surface, thereby increasing the penetration of coffee stains into the treated surface.

How to remove coffee stains from carpets, furniture with your own hands.

So - than fresh spot– the easier it is to remove it from the surface! They collected the spilled on a napkin, but even if the stain is fresh, a dark stain may remain, so further work remains to be done. It is necessary to dilute any liquid detergent with cold water - three parts of water to one part of the detergent. Using a sponge, apply the solution to the surface to be treated, but try not to increase the stain in size, wetting the stain deeply with the solution. Then blot all the liquid with napkins.If necessary, do the manipulations several times. In the end, to completely remove stains from carpets or furniture, use a sponge to treat the surface with a water-vinegar solution. We prepare it like this: add the same amount of vinegar to a small amount of water - the solution is ready. If the stain is old, then you will have to clean it with vinegar solution several times. Then rinse thoroughly with clean water and, if desired, dry with a hair dryer.

We clean the sofa, armchairs, carpet, chairs from coffee stains at home.

In the fight against coffee stains plain baking soda can be used. Pour soda on the surface and lightly rub it with a damp cloth, let the stain dry, and collect the remaining soda with a vacuum cleaner. For removing coffee stains from carpets and from furniture with fabric upholstery, it has long been used and at the same time it is considered a very effective method using ammonia. We prepare the solution: mix one tablespoon of ammonia with two glasses of cool water. Apply the solution to the stain with a sponge or soft cloth and leave it for 5-10 minutes, then remove the ammonia solution with a damp cloth and dry the treatment area. If your furniture is upholstered with a strong, shaggy fabric, try rubbing the stain thoroughly with soapy water first, and then rub it with a stiff brush. After that, wipe the place with a clean, damp cloth or towel. Often this simple remedy is best for removing stains from furniture.

If you, at stain removal If you want to use chemical agents, you need to remember a prerequisite - first try the agent in an inconspicuous place. To remove coffee stains from leather furniture, you can use plain soap or a mild soapy solution. Spot you need to wipe lightly and quickly from the edges to the middle and use a soft cloth. Then remove the soapy solution with a clean damp cloth. It must be remembered: in order to avoid further struggle with coffee stains, the coffee ceremony must be carried out in compliance with generally accepted rules. For a cup you need a saucer, and for all this, a table, and so on. .

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What coffee lover is not familiar with the question: how to wash coffee? Without parting with your favorite drink for a day, it is so easy to get distracted by everyday activities and make a careless move. It’s good if you are at home at this moment, as you can start removing the stain right away. What if the accident happened on the street? Our tips will help you navigate and solve the problem safely, no matter how long the coffee has been spilled and on what type of clothing.

How to get coffee stain out

For starters, calm down. Coffee stains can be removed from your snow-white jacket. Even the upholstery of an expensive sofa can be saved by knowing certain rules. The main one is to start cleaning as early as possible. If you leave the problem for later, the coffee stain will dry out and be much more difficult to remove.

In mild cases, boiling water will come to the rescue, in extreme cases, warm water. If this simple and free method does not help, then in such cases you do not need to spend a lot of money on special stain removers. Before you start cleaning coffee marks, read the rules for washing different types of fabrics.

You can remove coffee stains from clothes with the help of such improvised means:

  • salt,
  • soda ash,
  • glycerol,
  • ammonia,
  • vinegar,
  • laundry soap.

Washing by type of fabric. Cotton and linen

Clothes made from 100% linen and cotton can be boiled, unlike wool or artificial materials. If the fabric can withstand high temperatures, you can try pouring boiling water until the stain brightens or disappears altogether. The beauty of this method is that it is absolutely free. However, be careful: handling boiling water requires care.

If boiling water does not help, try:

  1. Glycerol. A small amount of the product is heated in a water bath. Now warm glycerin is applied to a cotton pad. Wipe the dirt with a disc soaked in glycerin and leave for half an hour. The last step is to wash the product in warm water.
  2. Food (calcined) soda + sodium hydrogen sulfate. Mix 1 tablespoon of products and dilute the mixture in 3 liters of water. Soaking in this solution for 1 hour is enough to remove coffee stains once and for all.
  3. Coffee is washed well with hydrogen peroxide. Apply some liquid to the stain and wait for a reaction. It should fade. Now just rinse the fabric in warm water. This method helps to wash coffee from white clothes made from natural fabrics.

Silk and wool

How to wash coffee from wool clothes? This material is not meant to be washed at high temperatures. Woolen fibers quickly absorb liquids and have a loose structure, so you need to handle such clothes with extreme care so as not to spoil it completely.

Don't rub too hard on the contaminated area. When washing in the machine, select the delicate cycle.

You can clean woolen clothes with ammonia and laundry soap. The action algorithm is as follows:

  • blot the fabric with dry wipes,
  • Lay your clothes on a horizontal surface
  • grate laundry soap on a fine grater,
  • lightly dampen the coat with warm water,
  • now sprinkle the dirt with soap shavings,
  • pour ammonia on top and lightly rub the resulting mixture (you can use a clothes brush, just gently),
  • wash the treated stain with warm water and rinse.

Another way to use the same tools:

  • per liter of water - 5 tsp. ammonia and a little soap shavings,
  • soak a cotton swab in the resulting solution,
  • wipe the dirt with a swab,
  • Now all that's left is to wash the clothes.

Silk clothes can also be saved with ammonia. Be very careful:

  1. Moisten the dirt with an aqueous solution of ammonia and rub lightly.
  2. When the stain fades, wash the silk item with a special product for this type of product.

A 100% solution of borax is effective against dirt on silk. It can be purchased at a pharmacy. Lay your clothes out on a flat surface and use a teaspoon to apply borax to the stain. Hold the product for 10-20 minutes, then proceed to washing.

Jeans, synthetic

The basic rule for removing coffee stains from denim: do not immediately send the product to the washing machine, you must first treat the stain. For this procedure, glycerin heated in a water bath is suitable. Proceed by analogy with cotton clothes: rub the glycerin with a cotton pad, wash the clothes after half an hour.

The method with ammonia will be effective on both woolen and denim fabrics.

An interesting way using oxalic acid. Take a 5% solution. Suitable for both fresh and dried stains:

  • Apply the product on the stain and leave for 15 minutes,
  • rinse the fabric in warm water,
  • if traces remain, rub them with laundry soap.

What to do with synthetics? There are a number of prohibitions here: on aggressive chemicals, on boiling. You can try washing clothes of this kind with medical alcohol. For 1 liter of water - 2 tbsp. alcohol. The item is soaked in this solution for 5-10 minutes. After that, rinse it thoroughly, if necessary, wash it with gentle means.

chronic pollution

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to do laundry on time. You can spill coffee on yourself while in the office, and before returning home, the stain has already been absorbed into the fabric. In such cases, you can give a little advice: if possible, discreetly wash the place of contamination with clean hot water during the break. The method is only suitable for small stains on places accessible for emergency washing. On you, a wet area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric dries quickly, and when you come home, you will need much less time and effort to deal with the stain.

And if the drink left a very extensive and noticeable mark on your blouse, with which you are forced to live until the end of the working day? Don't worry, there are ways to remove old stains. You will need all the same improvised means, you just have to stock up on time and patience. Clothing will need to be soaked in salt water for several hours. The solution is prepared as follows: for 10 g of salt - 10 liters of warm water. After 2-3 hours of soaking, clothes should be rinsed several times. Now apply one of the above methods or just wash the item in the machine.

You can wash the pollution in this solution: 1 tsp. oxalic acid + 1 tsp. citric acid + 1 glass of water. With the help of a brush, the pollution is treated with a solution, then washed off with clean water. In extreme cases, you can mix laundry detergent and vinegar. The mixture is applied to the stain and kept for several minutes.

  1. Do not immediately start rubbing the place where the drink has landed. This will only exacerbate the situation: coffee will be more absorbed into the fibers, and it will be more difficult to wash it off. First, it is recommended to blot the clothes with a dry cloth or towel. It is necessary to achieve maximum absorption of excess coffee.
  2. The direction of movement during cleaning is strictly from the edge of the stain to the center. If you do the opposite, then the stain may be smeared.
  3. Always pay attention to clothing labels. Some things do not involve washing in hot water and the use of bleaching compounds.
  4. In extreme cases, you can remove coffee from white by using bleach. The method is convenient in that it involves a minimum of manual work. Just pour the detergent into the washing machine and start washing.
  5. Removed coffee - left glycerin. Do not worry, traces of glycerin can be easily washed off with laundry soap.
  6. Do not use bleach on colored fabrics.

Be careful with drinks like coffee. In addition to cheerfulness and good mood, it can bring a lot of trouble. We wish to refer to these tips extremely rarely!

Many lovers of invigorating drinks have poured coffee on themselves more than once. But not everyone knows how to remove coffee stains from clothes. Consider several ways to remove stains.

If you plant a stain on clothes, you must immediately wash it with warm water, you can also soak it in water, with the addition of soda. Then you need to wash it with a detergent.

If there are old stains on clothes, then there are several ways to remove them:

  1. First, add salt to a bowl of warm water, and soak clothes in it for several hours. Then wash the clothes in the washing machine.
  2. Mix ammonia with glycerin, apply to a swab and wipe the dirt until it disappears.
  3. Fine salt is an effective remedy. It is poured onto the desired area, rubbed with a napkin, shaken and then washed in a typewriter with powder.

It should be noted! To remove old stains, soak the laundry in water with the addition of salt, then wash it with powder.

Remove from other surfaces

If coffee soiling has formed on wool and silk, it should be soaked with a napkin. Then prepare a solution of: soap, ammonia and water. Soak a sponge with this solution and rub the contaminated area. After that, wash the item in the washing machine with powder.

To clean coffee from leather clothes, glycerin with salt will help. It is necessary to mix these components and apply them to the desired area. Shake off the mixture after half an hour. After cleaning, clothes should be washed and rinsed.

To remove a trace of coffee on a woolen coat, gasoline will help. To do this, dip the swab in gasoline and rub the right place. After that, you can wipe it with a solution of water and ammonia.

To get rid of traces of coffee on clothes yourself, you should follow these helpful tips:

  • A fresh stain can be covered with soda and rubbed, then wash clothes in warm water.
  • Contamination on silk can be removed with the help of serum, after soaking the laundry in it.
  • Boiling water will help clean the linen fabric. You need to pull it and pour boiling water on the desired area.
  • Colored silk can be cleaned from traces of coffee with a solution of borax. Soak a sponge in it and rub the area. If it does not disappear, then prepare a mixture of water, lemon juice and salt, and rinse the item in it.
  • If there is a coffee trace on light cotton, whiteness can remove it. It is allowed to pre-soak a thing in it. And after it is added to the machine wash.

It should be noted! Fresh coffee soils are easier to clean. If there is no folk remedy at hand, plain paper or a napkin will help. It is applied to a wet place and impregnated with the desired area.

You can remove coffee marks from jeans on your own, without much difficulty, if you follow the recommendations:

  1. Dilute ammonia in water and pour on contamination. Then rinse the product in clean water.
  2. Citric acid is an effective remedy. Pour it on the stain and hold for half an hour. Rinse afterwards with warm water. If the contamination is old, extend the time to 1 hour.
  3. You can replace citric acid with oxalic acid, which will serve as an effective remedy.
  4. Do not use products containing chlorine and bleaches for denim. Since they dissolve the paint and can leave a white halo.

Removing coffee stains from white clothes

The most difficult problem will be removing the coffee stain on white. Since on light things various pollution is more noticeable.

There are several methods to get rid of them:

  1. A linen or cotton thing can be boiled with the addition of laundry soap and whiteness.
  2. Pre-soak clothes in warm water with bleach.
  3. Fastidious fabrics are allowed to soak in water with soda. After that, the thing is washed in the machine. To fix the result, the contamination should be rubbed with hydrogen peroxide, then rinsed.

Should know! Soda prevents the stain from setting quickly. When soaked, it softens the water and contributes to the effectiveness of various products.

Now in stores there is a large assortment of various products that remove pollution. These can be: stain removers, bleaching soaps, bleaches, dishwashing detergents.

You need to know that all are suitable for different types of fabric. If the fabric is plain, without a pattern or light, you can use bleach. It is better not to use bleach on colored fabrics, otherwise a light spot will remain.

Very often there are situations when coffee is spilled not only on clothes, but on a carpet, sofa and any furniture. To get rid of dirt on furniture, there are active stain removers. If there were no such funds at hand, you can remove pollution with the help of folk improvised preparations.

Consider the best methods for cleaning furniture:

  • Stain removers. Apply to the surface with a sponge, then wipe with clean water and allow to dry.
  • Mix salt with glycerin, treat the desired area with the resulting slurry and leave for an hour. Then rub with a sponge and rinse with clean water.
  • An old coffee stain can be removed with a mixture of ammonia and glycerin. Rub the dirt with a mixture of swabs, then rinse with water.
  • A positive result will be the method of using citric acid along with oxalic acid, or freshly squeezed lemon juice. Dilute the acid with water, rub the right place, then rinse with clean water. To improve the effect, ammonia can be added to the solution.
  • Glycerin will help get rid of dirt from the carpet. It should be mixed with water and rubbed with a brush on the desired area.
  • If the above remedies did not help get rid of the stains, you can apply lactic acid mixed with water. Apply the mixture to the desired object, leave for half an hour, then rinse well with water.

It should be noted! Furniture and carpet should be allowed to air dry after cleaning to avoid mildew and damp smells.

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It is not uncommon for coffee to be spilled on your favorite blouse or trousers in an attempt to be in time for work. No one is immune from this, as a result of which people are faced with the stain removal procedure. However, an important feature of the invigorating drink is that tannins are included in the composition of coffee. They are absorbed very quickly, so the chances of success are reduced with every passing hour. Consider options for how to remove new and old pollution at home.

All of the methods listed below are suitable for both white and colored items. It is worth being careful with delicate fabrics, the fibers of which are very thin. Before using the composition in large quantities, do not forget to conduct a preliminary test on an area that is invisible to the eye.


  1. Mix in a ceramic bowl 45 ml. turpentine and 30 gr. fine salt, spread the product on the stain, wait about 20 minutes. After that, rub the dirt with a brush, redistribute the composition, leave for half an hour. At the end of the manipulations, soak the clothes in water for 1 hour, add powder and rinse aid. Wash the item in the machine, dry in the shade in the fresh air.
  2. Mix equal amounts of turpentine oil and glycerin, soak a cotton pad in the mixture. Make a compress, leave for 25 minutes. After that, prepare a soaking solution: pour 150 ml into 5 liters of water. dishwashing liquid, stir until a thick foam forms. Put the product into the solution, soak for 10 minutes, then rub the stain with your hands. After the coffee mark disappears, wash in a convenient way.

Sodium borate, or "borax"

  1. Moisten a cosmetic disk in vodka or ethyl (medical) alcohol, leave to soak for 10 minutes. Rinse the clothes with warm water, then prepare a new mixture. Combine in one composition 30 ml. sodium borate solution (sold in a pharmacy) and 50 ml. whole milk, stir and dip a cotton swab into the mixture. Wipe the coffee stain several times, wash the item by hand or in a washing machine at 30 degrees.
  2. Dilute in 400 ml. pure water 45 ml. borax solution, soak in the stain, leave for 20 minutes. Now you need to treat the coffee trace with a solution of lactic acid and water, mixed in a 1: 4 ratio. Soak a cosmetic swab in the prepared mixture and apply to the stain, wait 10 minutes. After that, machine wash, dry things in the fresh air, avoiding UV rays.


It is allowed to use both laundry and tar soap of high concentration (72%). You should not buy a product with additives like Antipyatin or Eared Nanny, they are less effective.

  1. Break off ¼ of the soap bar, grate with a small section. Pour boiling water over the chips (300 ml), stir with a wooden spatula or spoon. When the mixture becomes homogeneous, let it cool. Moisten a foam sponge in the solution, apply the composition to the coffee stain, leave to soak for half an hour. At the end of the time, rub the product with a toothbrush, repeat the steps. 2-3 procedures are enough to fully remove a fresh stain. In the case of old dirt, increase the amount of chips to 1/3 per 300 ml. water.
  2. The technique is designed for cotton, preferably white. In rare cases, you can use the composition to remove stains from the surface of dark and colored clothes. Pour into an enamel pan 300-350 ml. clean water, add 30 gr. baking soda, boil. Rub a small square of soap about 2x2 cm in size, add it to the water. When the composition is dissolved, do not cool it. Lay the thing on a flat surface above the bath, pour the solution into a glass container with a convenient neck. Water the coffee stain with a thin stream, maintaining a height of 50-60 cm. After finishing the action, wipe the coffee stain with a brush, if necessary, repeat the removal.


  1. The method is suitable for absolutely all types of fabric, including wool and silk. Boil on the stove 350 ml. purified water, pour 55 ml. ammonia. Grind ¼ of a soap bar into shavings, add to the composition. Simmer in a water bath for about 10 minutes, then cool. Moisten a cosmetic disc or cotton handkerchief, wipe the contaminated area several times. Rinse with water, remove 2 more times. After the last treatment, do not remove the mixture, place the clothes to wash, setting the appropriate mode.
  2. Dilute in one composition 25 ml. glycerin, 10 ml. ammonia, pour in 270 ml. warm water. Stir, moisten the sponge in the solution, treat the stain 4-5 times. Since the composition is used at room temperature, it is suitable for processing silk and other fine fabrics. To make a more effective mixture, heat it in a convenient way. If possible, complete the procedure with a machine wash, adding not powder, but 40 gr. to the second compartment. baking soda.


In most cases, glycerin copes even with two-month-old pollution, but in this case, it is necessary to carry out 2-3 procedures in a row.

  1. Purchase liquid glycerin from a pharmacy or beauty supply store. Pour the contents of the vial into an enamel container, heat on the stove. You can heat the mixture by placing the tube in boiling water, or you can use the microwave. When the glycerine is hot, soak a cotton swab in it, wipe the stain on both sides. As it is processed, the disk will darken, it must be changed each time. When the coffee stain has lightened, pour a small amount of glycerin on it and wait 40-50 minutes. At the end of the manipulation, wash the product with your hands.
  2. Combine crushed salt and glycerin into one composition, in the end you should get a pasty mixture. Spread it in an even thick layer on the stain, place a cling film on top and wait 10 minutes. Then rub the composition into the stain with your hands, rinse off the excess with water. Reapply, wait 20 minutes. Finish removing coffee stains with a machine wash and add softening conditioner.


The agent is used only in cases of contamination on the surface of white or very light products.

  1. Pour into an enamel pan 200 ml. clean water, add 1 sachet of citric acid and boil. Wait until the crystals are completely dissolved, then proceed to processing. Wet the area around the coffee stain with cold water, if possible, wipe the area with an ice cube. Draw a little citric acid solution into a syringe, squeeze the contents onto the stain and press it on both sides with polyethylene. Leave for a quarter of an hour, then wash the thing with your hands.
  2. Squeeze the juice from 1-2 lemons (based on the size of the stain), moisten the area around the coffee mark with cold water, spread the lemon juice over the dirt. Wait about 30 minutes, then machine or hand wash.


  1. Mix together 50 gr. washing powder, 15 gr. baking soda, pour vinegar solution (6%) to get a semi-dry mass. Add ice-cold purified water, bringing the mixture to a paste. Wipe the coffee stain with an ice cube on both sides, apply the prepared product in a thick layer, leave for 5 minutes. At the end of the time, rub the mixture with a sponge, rinse, if necessary, carry out another procedure. Finish by rinsing and washing in water at room temperature.
  2. Brew 35 gr. sage in 320 ml. hot water, wait 20 minutes, strain through cheesecloth and cotton. Pour the solution into ice cube trays and freeze. Pour 5 liters of water into the basin, add ice cubes, put clothes on. Wait 1 hour, then pull it out, squeeze it out and wipe it with an vinegar solution mixed with water in equal proportions. If desired, you can pour in the juice of half a lemon.

Coffee stains are rightly considered difficult to remove, so if possible, remove them immediately, and not after 1-2 months. Use home remedies such as vinegar, borax (sodium borate), lemon, ammonia, glycerin, and soap. Follow the recommendations, do not violate the time of the procedure, then everything will work out.

Video: how to quickly remove a coffee stain
