
Is it possible to make wine from blueberries. Blueberry wine at home

Even the most inexperienced winemakers know that it is much easier to make a wine drink from some varieties of wild berries than from homemade fruits.

It is considered a manifestation of special skill if you know (and most importantly, you know how) how to make blueberry wine at home correctly, and, importantly, delicious. After all, even a minor mistake can ruin the entire cooking process, so it is important to know all the subtleties of this complex procedure.

So, let's figure out together how the recipe for blueberry wine at home differs from the recipes for wine drinks from other berries and fruits.

Blueberry wine recipe at home: technology key points

The main feature that determines how to make wine from blueberries is that there are practically no necessary bacteria on the surface of these berries. Of course, some insignificant part of the microorganisms that cause fermentation is present here, but in very small quantities.

In this regard, a natural question is brewing - is it possible to make wine from blueberries? Of course you can, you just need to know how to do it right. The recipe for blueberry wine requires vigilance and a certain amount of accuracy from the winemaker. Therefore, do not rush, it is better to study everything in advance, as it should.

Wine from blueberries at home is made using additional wine yeast or a specially prepared sourdough.

Only in this case, we can say that the result will be successful, and you will get high-quality blueberry wine. The best recipes that we have selected for you include not only classic wines, but also vodka tinctures. In the case of the latter, as you understand, yeast is not used.

Wine is made from blueberries at home, taking into account one more feature of the recipe - the pomace is removed even at the preparatory stage.

This is due primarily to the lack of a sufficient number of bacteria on the surface of the berries. That is why this drink is sometimes called "blueberry wine in its own juice."

By the way, some sources suggest that homemade blueberry wine, if the cake is not removed immediately, will have an unpleasant aftertaste. Like it or not, we will not argue, but the fact that blueberry cake is practically useless for the fermentation process is a fact.

Despite all the complexity that seems at first glance, blueberry wine can be made at home even by a not very experienced winemaker. The main thing in this matter is not to violate the production technology and strictly follow the recipe according to which blueberry wine is made at home.

Homemade blueberry wine recipe


  • Blueberries - 4 kg;
  • Purified water - 2 l;
  • Granulated sugar - 1 kg;
  • Raisins - 100 g.

First stage: preparatory

  • Before we make wine from blueberries, we need to sort through the berries. We give preference to ripe and juicy fruits that do not have damage and signs of spoilage.
  • Now we are doing what distinguishes the recipe for making homemade blueberry wine from any other - we thoroughly wash our berries.
  • We need to separate the blueberry juice (which will become wine) from the cake. To do this, we use gauze folded in several layers, or we use a juicer.
  • Pour the resulting liquid into a clean container, add unwashed raisins and 300 grams of granulated sugar here. From above we close the neck with gauze and put it in a dark place with room temperature for 3 or 4 days, while stirring the mass daily with a wooden spoon.

Second stage: Fermentation of the wort

  • When you notice that the liquid has begun to ferment, that is, gas is released and a sour smell appears, this means that it is time to filter it and move it to the fermentation tank. For this we use gauze.
  • Pour our juice into a disinfected container, add water at room temperature and 300 grams of sugar here. On the neck we put on a glove with a small hole made (with a needle) in it, or we install a water seal. We put the container in a dark place with room temperature.
  • After 5 days, we take out our container, drain a small amount of liquid from it, mix the remaining sugar into the drained fermented juice and pour it back. We return everything to its place and leave it for a month or two.

Stage Three: Final

  • Now begins the final stage of our instructions on how to make wine from blueberries. We remove our glove or water seal (depending on what you used) and use a clean hose to separate the young wine from the sediment.
  • At this stage, you can adjust the taste and degree of the wine drink, which the blueberry wine will have at the end of the preparation. Dry does not require the addition of sugar, if you want to get semi-sweet or sweet, then adjust the sweetness to your taste.

You can also add alcohol to the wine, in an amount of 2-15% (but not more) of the total volume. Such a drink is stored longer, but its taste will no longer be tender, like a “fluff”. Vodka will give the wine not only strength, but also “hardness” in taste.

  • We close the container tightly, if no sugar was added. If sweetened, then you need to hold it with a water seal or a glove for another week, because fermentation can begin again.

  • We transfer to a dark and cool place for 3 months.
  • Once a month we carry out the procedure of separating wine from sediment. When it no longer forms, the wine drink can be considered ready.

Homemade blueberry wine, the recipe of which is presented above, can be prepared not with raisins, but with wine yeast. You can also use homemade raisin starter: it's easy to prepare, but it's best to do it ahead of time (a few days before you add it to the wort).

For information on the amount of yeast required for fermentation, see the packaging, and starters, based on 4 kg of fresh berries, you need to take 0.5 liters.

Depending on how you prepare homemade blueberry wine, its shelf life will depend. On average, the shelf life of homemade blueberry wine is from one to three years.

Blueberry Wine Recipe Forte (Sunberry)

There is a common misconception that the so-called blueberry forte is a relative of the common blueberry. Actually, this is not entirely true. Sunberry, and this variety of berries has such a name, belongs to the genus of nightshade.

Although they are similar to blueberries, they have little in common with blueberries, and differ in better taste and health benefits. Let's learn how to make wine from blueberries forte and apples!


Blueberries - 1 kg;

Apples - 1 kg;

Water - 1 l;

Sugar - 0.5 kg.

Making homemade blueberry wine

  • Wash the berries thoroughly and get juice from them in a way convenient for you.
  • Grind apples, you can use a grater or blender for this.
  • We combine our ingredients in a container, add two teaspoons of sugar there, cover with gauze and leave for 4 days in a dark place at room temperature.
  • After that, we separate the cake from the liquid. We mix the juice with water and sugar, pour the resulting solution into a fermentation tank and install a water seal or glove on the neck. We put in a dark cool place for two and a half months.
  • Then we separate the sediment, this is done with a hose. Pour the wine into a storage container and place in a cool dark place.

Such blueberry wine, the recipe of which you just read, is quite simple and quick to make. At the same time, the beneficial properties of sunberry do not disappear, so you can use this drink as a medicine, the main thing is not to abuse it.

Blueberry wine on vodka is a common tincture. Such a drink is prepared very quickly and becomes an excellent guest on any holiday table. For its preparation, you can use not only fresh fruits, but also frozen ones.


  • Blueberries - 350 g;
  • Vodka (40% alcohol) - 0.5 l.

Making blueberry wine at home

  • Wash the berries thoroughly under running water and drain in a colander.
  • When all the water is glass, we put them in a container, pour the alcohol-containing liquid that you decide to use there.
  • Leave for 2 weeks in a dark place at room temperature. During this time, the container must be shaken 4 times.
  • The resulting tincture is filtered with gauze folded in several layers and stored in a cool place in bottles with tightly closed lids.

Blueberry wine at home is prepared and filtered much easier if the berries are not crushed. Therefore, try to damage them as little as possible when washing.

Sweet blueberry wine


  • Blueberries - 1.5 kg;
  • Granulated sugar - 250 g;
  • Purified water - 250 ml;
  • Vodka (40% alcohol) - 1 l.

How to make sweet homemade blueberry wine with vodka

  • We wash the berries and put them in a colander.
  • We put all our ingredients in a container and mix them.
  • We keep our tincture in a warm place for 1 month, while shaking the container twice a week.
  • We use gauze folded in several layers to filter our drink.
  • Pour into bottles, tightly close the lid and store in a cool dark place.

Blueberry wine according to this recipe is more like a liquor, it has a lower strength (compared to regular fortified wine) and a very pleasant sweet taste.

Blueberry wine has a very rich color and an interesting aftertaste inherent in certain grape drinks. But during the preparation process, you may encounter the fact that the wort will ferment imperfectly, very slowly. To avoid this, read the following rules:

  • Sort the berries very carefully so that overripe blueberries do not get into the drink, because they can make the wine turn brown easily;
  • In the process, cooked berries must be crushed by crushing;
  • Immediately after receiving the pulp, it must be squeezed out;
  • You can not dilute the juice with water more than twice;
  • To promote the best growth of yeast fungi, it is necessary to add ammonia to the must (0.4 g per 1 liter of wine);
  • Use only pure culture yeast for fermentation.

blueberry wine recipe

  • Berries - 3 kg;
  • Water - 4.5 l;
  • Sugar - 1.6 kg;
  • Honey - 300 g


The berries must be carefully sorted out, leaving only ripe ones. Rinse them with a colander and crush well, do not leave whole berries in the mass. Transfer the resulting mixture to a clean 10-liter glass jar. Then add warm water (3 liters). Use gauze instead of a lid, then put the jar in a warm place for 4 days.

Making blueberry wine at home is quite easy. The finished blueberry wine is stored at home in hermetically sealed glass bottles, the drink has a shelf life of 3 years.

Recipe number 2 Blueberry wine

For cooking you will need:

  • 4 kg blueberries;
  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • 1 kg of water;
  • Ammonium chloride, powder.


Rinse the blueberries to separate the pulp from the juice, pass it through a juicer. Pour the blueberry juice into a container, add water, sugar, mix well, pour the resulting blueberry must into a jar where the wine will ferment, close it with a water seal.

We are preparing the starter. Mash the chokeberry in a mortar, add sugar (3 tablespoons) and water (250 ml). Pour the starter into a bottle, plug the neck with a cotton swab, put the starter for a week in a dark place, it should stand at a temperature of 21-24 C.
Pour our wort into an enamel pan, heat up to 45 C. Then pour in the starter, and again pour the wort into the jar, close it with a water seal. Keep the wort at a constant temperature of 20-23C.

Bring the filtration of the drink after a week, namely, pass it through a colander. Also, during cleaning, it is necessary to make such a mandatory procedure as “feeding the yeast”. That is, for 1 liter, use 0.5 g of ammonia - powder, dilute it in a small part of the wort and inject it with a syringe into the main container.

It is necessary to carry out a fine filtration of blueberry wine once every 10-12 days by pouring liquid from one container to another, but this is very necessary so as not to touch the residue.

So if you have not tried this amazing blueberry wine yet, then you should definitely try it, of course, the drink will be even tastier if it is prepared by you personally.

See for yourself how delicious home-made blueberry wine is, but before that, be sure to review the recipe well, get acquainted with the cooking technology, if you are cooking for the first time, then perhaps consult experienced winemakers and feel free to start cooking. After that, we are waiting for your feedback and comment, you can also add your universal cooking recipe.

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Blueberry wine, prepared on its own, turns out to be unusually delicate in taste, with a subtle hint of astringency and pronounced berry notes. The technology for making blueberry wine is not particularly simple, you will have to be patient, make a lot of effort and follow the instructions described in the recipe exactly.

However, the result is worth it, because the reward for your efforts will be a charming drink of the highest standard, seducing everyone who sips it. Moreover, along with an undeniably mild taste, homemade elite alcohol has a wide range of useful qualities that can prevent the development of certain diseases, cleanse the body of toxins and strengthen strength.

I invite you to take part in phased parsing a couple of simple, reliable recipes for making blueberry wine, which are adapted for implementation at home.

The proposed method for making blueberry wine completely eliminates the presence of any chemical additives, dyes and artificial yeast.

The composition of the royal drink includes exclusively natural products, which, in their balanced combination, will give us high-quality alcohol with a rich aromatic bouquet, deep dark purple color, moderately sweet and vaguely reminiscent of the elite varieties of grape wines of the most popular brands. A glass of healing liquid after exhausting work will help you relax, forget about hardships and tune in to a pleasant pastime.

Did you know? For winemaking, only fresh juicy blueberries, which were harvested no more than a day ago, are suitable. According to the generally accepted technology for making homemade wines, it is recommended to use unwashed fruits so that wild yeasts, which play a major role in the fermentation process, remain on their skins. However, in the case of blueberries, it must be washed and allowed to drain naturally, otherwise the future wine will acquire a vile taste and repulsive smell. In addition, the berries must be carefully sorted out immediately after harvest, removing rotten, overripe, bruised, moldy or too small.

List of components

Manufacturing process

  1. Since wild yeast on the surface of blueberries will only harm the future drink, it is necessary to prepare raisin sourdough. To do this, grind unwashed raisins in a meat grinder, and then put it in a liter glass jar.

  2. We also pour 40-50 g of granulated sugar there and pour 200-300 ml of spring water.
  3. We stir the ingredients well and cover the jar with gauze in order to avoid dust and insects getting into the starter.
  4. We insist the mixture in a warm place for about 3-4 days. Ripe blueberries are carefully sorted out, removing debris, overripe, rotten and small fruits.
  5. Gently rinse the selected berries with running water, then spread them on paper towels, allowing the liquid to drain naturally.
  6. We transfer the dried blueberries to an enameled pan and grind well with clean hands or using a blender until a homogeneous slurry is obtained.

  7. We add raisin sourdough and 300 g of granulated sugar there, stir.
  8. We cover the wort with gauze, having previously folded it into 3-4 layers, and transfer the pan to a dark, calm room with a temperature of at least 19 degrees. Every day we stir the mass with clean hands, submerging the surfaced pulp in the liquid.
  9. We insist the must for at least 3-4 days, until the first signs of fermentation appear - a sour smell, hiss, foam.
  10. We pass the fermented wort through a gauze filter, while carefully squeezing the pulp of the fruit.
  11. Pour the liquid part of the wort into a fermentation vessel, and fill the blueberry pulp with spring water and let it brew for half an hour. Then we filter the infused liquid, squeeze out the pulp and throw it away - it will no longer be needed.
  12. Pour the purified liquid into the fermented juice. The fermentation tank should be filled no more than 70%, this is an important nuance for normal fermentation.
  13. Add 500 g of sugar to the wort, stir and install a water seal.

  14. We transfer the vessel to a dark, unventilated room with a temperature of 18 to 28 degrees.
  15. After five days, add the remaining sugar to the wort. To do this, remove the shutter, pour 300-400 ml of juice and dilute the sweet component in it. The resulting syrup is poured into the fermentation tank and the water seal is installed again.
  16. After about 30-40 days, fermentation will end, then carefully drain the young drink from the sediment formed at the bottom of the container, using a thin tube or short hose.
  17. We pass the liquid through a gauze filter and pour it into a clean vessel, filling it to the top. At this stage, you can sweeten the drink or fix it with medical alcohol or quality vodka in an amount of 3-15% of the volume of young wine. Remember that fortified wine has a longer shelf life, but is less aromatic and more harsh in taste.
  18. The container with the drink is hermetically corked with a tight stopper. If sugar was added, then it is necessary to install a water seal for another 7-10 days in case re-fermentation begins.

  19. We place alcohol in a cool place with a temperature of 5 to 15 degrees and leave it there to ripen for at least 2.5-3 months.
  20. In the process of aging, once every 20-25 days we drain the alcoholic liquid from the sediment, pouring it into a clean vessel.
  21. Blueberry wine is ready for tasting when the sediment no longer appears.

Did you know? The ideal way to preserve the extraordinary taste of blueberry wine for three years is to pour the finished product into oak barrels and store it in a cool room. However, if this is not possible, then ordinary glass bottles will do. If you strictly follow the presented recipe, then you will get approximately 3-4 liters of homemade alcohol, with a strength of 10 to 13 turns.

Blueberry honey wine recipe

This method of making wine from blueberries allows maximum reliably save a large amount of vitamins that are found in perishable fruits, and the presence of honey in the composition adds its portion of useful substances. The result is a healing drink, the use of which within reasonable limits helps to strengthen the immune system, prevent colds, cleanse the body of toxins, and, according to some, has a rejuvenating effect.

List of components

Manufacturing process

  1. Carefully sort out the blueberries, then rinse with running water, dry and grind until a homogeneous slurry.

  2. We spread the berry puree in an enameled container and fill it with 500 ml of spring water.
  3. In a separate bowl, mix the rest of the water, granulated sugar and honey.
  4. We mix the ingredients, then send them to low heat and cook the syrup until the grains of the sweet component are completely dissolved.

  5. Cool the prepared syrup to a temperature of 23-25 ​​degrees and mix it with berry gruel.
  6. We cover the pan with a gauze cloth and insist the mass in a warm place for four days.
  7. Pour the sparkling wine into a fermentation vessel, and send yeast diluted in a small amount of water according to the instructions described on the package.
  8. We install a water seal on the neck of the container and wait for the end of the fermentation process.
  9. We filter the young wine through a gauze and cotton filter, while carefully squeezing the pulp.

  10. Pour the purified liquid into a clean vessel, filling it to the very neck.
  11. We transfer alcohol to a cool place for full maturation.
  12. We withstand the drink for two months, periodically draining it from the resulting sediment into another container. This action will help to make a transparent beautiful wine of the highest standard.
  13. Ripened alcohol is poured into glass bottles. The finished product is stored in the cellar or refrigerator for up to three years.

Blueberry Wine Recipe Video

Video #1. In this video, an experienced winemaker shows step-by-step instructions for making blueberry wine at home. The master tells in detail what needs to be done and how to make the drink really worthy and of high standard.

Video #2. Having experimented a lot, a professional in his field offers the most successful blueberry and wild raspberry wine recipe.

Helpful information

  • Be sure to pay attention to the tasting characteristics of excellent blackberry wine.
  • It boasts an unprecedented taste and special aroma.
  • A completely original taste is obtained from, which, by the way, is not so difficult to cook yourself.
  • Of course, I can't help but advertise the fantastic taste and amazing aroma of "prune wines".

Despite the apparent complexity and the possibility of making a mistake, making blueberry wine at home is quite simple. All you need is a little patience and following the instructions exactly. The result is so stunning and incomparable to any other homemade drink that, I assure you, it is worth starting a selection of the necessary components right now. Good luck and victories in the exciting field of winemaking!

Blueberries have a great taste and unsurpassed aroma. These characteristics make it possible to create excellent wines that have some resemblance to grapes. The preparation of such alcoholic beverages is a rather difficult task, since the slightest mistake can negate all the efforts made. In addition, this berry does not ferment well, therefore, during the manufacturing process, one should not violate the technology and neglect clean dishes. Only in this way will blueberry wine turn out to be truly high-quality and fragrant.

Process features

To create wine, you need to use only ripe blueberries. It is best if it is collected immediately before the start of its preparation. At the same time, lying berries can only be used if they were picked no more than 24 hours ago. First, blueberries need to be thoroughly sorted out, removing rotten, overripe, moldy and too small berries from the total mass. After that, the selected part should be washed.

In nature, any berries and fruits are covered with a thin layer of white coating, which includes wild yeasts. They are fermentation catalysts and therefore very important for winemaking. However, it is better to wash the blueberries, because if this is not done, the drink will acquire a bitter aftertaste, which is highly undesirable. You can replace them with special wine yeast or sourdough made with your own hands from unwashed raisins.

Important! All containers, fixtures and equipment must be completely sterile, since the slightest contamination can become a source of development of foreign microflora. Its entry into the wort can not only affect the fermentation process, but also spoil the taste of the finished drink.

Therefore, immediately before the start of winemaking at home, these things are well washed and doused with hot water.

simple recipe

Composition of ingredients and proportions:

  • blueberries - 8 kg;
  • water - 4 liters;
  • raisins - 200 grams;
  • sugar - 2 kg.

Step by step sequence of actions.

Making blueberry wine is not that difficult. The main thing is not to deviate from the sequence of actions below and follow it clearly.

1. Pre-washed blueberries are kneaded until a homogeneous consistency is obtained and transferred to a bottle.

2. Unwashed raisins (wine yeast or sourdough) and 0.6 kg of sugar are added. All components are well mixed. The neck is tied with gauze folded in several layers, and the container itself is transferred to a darkened warm place. In the future, the resulting mass must be stirred at least once a day with a wooden stick or a clean hand.

3. After 3-4 days, obvious signs of fermentation should appear, such as bubbling, hissing and a characteristic smell. The separated part of the juice is drained, and the remaining part of the pulp is squeezed out through gauze.

4. The resulting juice is poured back into the washed bottle. It should be filled no more than 3/4 of the volume. The remains of the pulp are poured with warm water and infused for 15–20 minutes, and then again squeezed through gauze. Then the pulp is thrown away, and the resulting liquid is mixed with the main volume of juice.

5. 0.6 kg of sugar is added to the wort, a water seal or a rubber glove with a hole in the finger is installed on the bottle, and the container is moved to a dark place with a constant temperature of at least 18 degrees Celsius.

6. After 5 days, sugar residues (0.8 kg) are added to the wort. To do this, 0.5 liters of juice are drained, in which granulated sugar is subsequently diluted. The syrup thus obtained is poured back into the bottle, and a water seal or glove is again installed on its neck.

7. After 25–55 days, fermentation should stop. Determining this is quite simple: the water seal will stop gurgling (the glove will deflate), the blueberry wine will become lighter, and a layer of sediment will appear at the bottom of the bottle. The finished wine is poured using a thin tube into any clean dish so that the sediment remains at the bottom.

8. If there is a desire, the finished drink can be sweetened or made stronger. It should be remembered that fortified blueberry wine is stored longer, but becomes more rigid and loses some of its flavor.

9. The bottles are filled up to the very cork and are tightly twisted.

10. Ready-made homemade wine is moved to a darkened cool place with a temperature of 5-16 degrees Celsius and left there for a period of 2 to 3 months. After this time, the drink will become more seasoned, which will positively affect its taste and aromatic qualities.

The shelf life of such wine is 3 years, and the fortress is 10-12 degrees.

Homemade wine enjoys well-deserved popularity among many people. Heady taste, relatively uncomplicated production technology and complete confidence in every ingredient are also attractive to those who love wine.

At home, you can make a drink from any raw material, be it dark grapes, apples or wild berries. In particular, the choice of novice winemakers often falls on blueberry wine.

As in the production of any alcoholic beverage, there are some subtleties that must be taken into account when making blueberry wine.

The preparation of blueberry wine requires compliance with some subtleties.

For fermentation, you need to take only ripe fresh berries, picked no later than a day before the start of the process. Blueberries need to be sorted out and cleaned of substandard product.

Most often, when preparing berries, it is not recommended to wash them, since wild yeast cultures are located on the skin, due to which fermentation occurs. In the case of blueberries, this does not work - unwashed berries give an unpleasant aftertaste, so they must be washed. You need to wash blueberries carefully, trying not to damage them, as the berries are very tender.

Fermentation helpers

Wild yeast washed off with water can be replaced with store-bought wine yeast. If you want to make wine from blueberries that fermented without yeast, you need to use raisins or homemade sourdough, which is prepared a few days before the start of laying the ingredients.


For the production of wine from blueberries, glass containers of a suitable volume are useful. As in the case of grape wines, blueberry specimens like aging in oak, but not everyone has such an opportunity.

For the fermentation of blueberry wine, it is necessary to prepare large glass bottles.

For fermentation, food grade stainless steel containers are also chosen, but glass bottles will be enough. You will need a large container for fermentation and separate ones for aging.

To prepare the wort, the usual pusher, which is used to prepare vegetable puree, is quite suitable. A water seal that removes carbon dioxide from the tank can be bought at a hardware store or replaced with a regular rubber glove that has a small puncture.

All instruments must be thoroughly washed and wiped dry. Any foreign odors are also prohibited, and you need to work with the wort only with clean hands.


The traditional ratio of water to blueberry juice is 1:4, but these figures can be varied based on your experience. Water should be cold and clean, preferably spring. Filtered will work too. The main thing is not straight from the faucet.

homemade sourdough recipe


  • 400 gr raspberries or chokeberry;
  • 2-3 tbsp Sahara;
  • 200 ml of water.

In order to prepare the starter, you need to crush the chokeberry in a bowl and add water and sugar to it.


  1. Berries, without washing, crush in a bowl.
  2. Add sugar and water, stir.
  3. Transfer the starter to the bottle, filling it two-thirds. Cork the neck with a cotton swab and put it in a dark place for 7 days.

Homemade Blueberry Wine Recipes

Production recipes differ in the number of ingredients. As a supplement, you can use honey, grape juice, apples, raisins, chokeberries or other berries.

Classic recipe


  • 2 liters of water;
  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • 4 kg blueberries;
  • 100 g raisins, sourdough or wine yeast.


If fermentation continues after 50 days, the wine still needs to be drained, getting rid of the sediment and left to ferment at the same temperature.

Advice. If desired, sugar can be added to the finished wine to sweeten it, in which case it is advisable to keep another 7-10 days under a water seal in case of spontaneous fermentation. You can also “fix” with vodka or alcohol up to 15% of the total volume, such wine is stored longer.

Recipe with honey


  • 300 g of flower or linden honey;
  • 1700 g of sugar;
  • 4.5 liters of water;
  • 3 kg blueberries.


  1. Process the berries, knead with a wooden pusher or clean hands.
  2. Put the resulting wort into a glass container, pour three liters of warm water and place in a dark, warm place for 4 days to start fermentation.
  3. Squeeze the pulp, pour the juice into a separate bowl.
  4. Prepare sugar syrup from 1.5 liters of water, honey and sugar. Pour it into the resulting blueberry must.
  5. Close the bottle with juice and syrup with a water seal and put it in a warm place for 30-50 days.
  6. At the end of the fermentation process, remove the wine from the sediment, filter, pour into a clean container. Hold on for two more months
  7. After aging, remove the wine from the sediment again, bottle and cork.

Blueberry jam can be prepared with the addition of linden honey.

Advice. To get a sweeter wine, you need to increase the amount of sugar by 500-1000 g.

Blueberry grape wine

Thanks to the wild yeast that lives on the skin of the grapes, no additional fermentation aids are needed, so this is the easiest recipe for homemade wine.


  • 5 kg red grapes
  • 250 g sugar
  • 2.5 kg blueberries
Delicious wine is made from blueberries and grapes.


  1. Rinse blueberries and sort. Give juice from crushed berries. Also squeeze juice from grapes.
  2. Mix both types of juice in a fermentation bottle, add sugar.
  3. Place a water seal in the neck, move the fermentation container to a dark, warm place.
  4. At the end of the process, pour the wine into another container, remove from the sediment, filter.
  5. Pour into bottles and cork them.

Ready blueberry wine is stored for 3 years in sealed bottles.
