
Pasta with shrimps in a creamy sauce: recipes with a sea soul. A set of products and tools for cooking

seafood in milk sauce rich in vitamins and minerals such as: phosphorus - 14.4%, chlorine - 29.2%, iodine - 28.9%, cobalt - 124.2%, copper - 19.8%

Benefits of seafood in milk sauce

  • Phosphorus takes part in many physiological processes, including energy metabolism, regulates the acid-base balance, is part of phospholipids, nucleotides and nucleic acids, is necessary for the mineralization of bones and teeth. Deficiency leads to anorexia, anemia, rickets.
  • Chlorine necessary for the formation and secretion of hydrochloric acid in the body.
  • Iodine participates in the functioning of the thyroid gland, providing the formation of hormones (thyroxine and triiodothyronine). It is necessary for the growth and differentiation of cells of all tissues of the human body, mitochondrial respiration, regulation of transmembrane transport of sodium and hormones. Insufficient intake leads to endemic goiter with hypothyroidism and a slowdown in metabolism, arterial hypotension, stunted growth and mental development in children.
  • Cobalt is part of vitamin B12. Activates metabolic enzymes fatty acids and folic acid metabolism.
  • Copper is part of the enzymes that have redox activity and are involved in the metabolism of iron, stimulates the absorption of proteins and carbohydrates. Participates in the processes of providing tissues of the human body with oxygen. Deficiency is manifested by violations of the formation of cardio-vascular system and skeleton, the development of connective tissue dysplasia.
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The history of the creation of the original and fine dining- shrimp pasta cream sauce- is surrounded by interesting legends, one of which is remembered especially vividly. Italian, owner small restaurant, did not know how to help his girlfriend, the light of life in which was dying out right before our eyes.

Seeing the strength leaving his beloved, the man decided to prepare a surprise for her: he cooked pasta and poured sauce over it, in which he put a reverent attitude and sincere love for this woman. The sauce contained cream, butter and cheese. And a miracle happened - the girl began to recover.

A bit of history

In Italy, pasta is called beautiful curly pasta: fanfalle, spaghetti, fettuccine, etc.. Translated from Italian"paste" means "dough". And from the dough you can cook fragrant fancy products, and bread, and a large number of different shapes and sizes of pasta.

The Chinese were the first to invent pasta.. Marco Polo, a famous traveler, was delighted with dishes using this product, and he brought it to Italy.

Italians serve pasta as a first course., followed by hotter, and use different variations its preparation. Lasagna, ravioli, salads - all dishes and not to count. But especially fragrant, delicate and amazingly tasty is pasta, which is given a special taste by shrimp in cream filling.

A set of products and tools for cooking

Shrimps are the most expensive component, so they must be chosen with great care. It is better to overpay 40-50 rubles and buy peeled seafood than to spend time cleaning shrimp from shells. But in the absence of such, you can buy unpeeled frozen shrimp, the hard shell of which is easily removed after a short heat treatment.

IN classic version olive oil is used, but it is not always possible to purchase an expensive product. An analogue can be any purified vegetable oil.Garlic cloves are better to choose larger They are easier to clean and cut.

Pasta can be chosen at your discretion- a variety of types of pasta greatly facilitate the choice. On the packaging with cream, you must definitely look at the time of manufacture - the product must be fresh.

There are many variations of this dish. To give special taste qualities, additional ingredients are used, such as cheese, milk, chicken eggs, etc.

Running headlong through the kitchen in search of the right utensils, the hostess is distracted from the cooking process, and as a result, the contents of the pans “run out”, burn or turn out to be undercooked. That's why need to prepare in advance:

  • 2 pans with a thick bottom (one of them is roomy, with high sides, the second is smaller) or a pan is used instead of the 1st pan;
  • wooden spatula for stirring;
  • well-sharpened knife;
  • garlic crusher;
  • colander;
  • cup;
  • tablespoon and teaspoon;
  • kitchen scales.


Classic variant

It will take next set products:

  • fat cream in the amount of 300 g;
  • frozen shrimp - 600 g;
  • a head of garlic, from which you need to take 3-4 cloves;
  • a little olive oil (if not available, refined vegetable oil will do);
  • basil (fresh or dried);
  • some salt;
  • pasta - 450 g.

Cooking order:

  • Pasta can be chosen according to your preference. Long fibrous or curly small ones are equally tasty and pleasant to look at. Pour pasta into boiling water cook for about 8 minutes until "aldente"(slightly undercooked, whole, firm) and drain in a colander.
  • Chop the garlic with a knife (the size of the pieces is arbitrary), lightly simmer in hot vegetable oil in a frying pan so that the garlic releases juice and gives off flavor. Remove garlic from oil and set the pan aside.
  • Peel the defrosted shrimp and fry them in another container with a thick bottom - until pleasant golden color then leave to cool.
  • Cream carefully pour into the pan With garlic oil, salt in moderation, pour a pinch of basil into the liquid and keep on low heat until the mixture thickens slightly.
  • The most crucial moment has come: the shrimp poached in oil must be poured into the creamy contents and languish on small fire a few more minutes.
  • Shrimps in creamy sauce you can immediately mix with pasta or beautifully pour portions with it with pasta. Both options will look amazing.

Although this option uses a limited set of products, the dish is very tasty.

Similar and not less delicious recipes, nose big amount ingredients, you will find in the article about.

How to cook pasta bolognese at home and what you need for this? and surprise your family.

In sauce with cream and cheese

For making shrimp pasta cream cheese sauce should take:

  • 12-15 peeled and thawed shrimp;
  • grate a low-fat cheese like parmesan and reserve 2 tablespoons for the dish;
  • sour cream or cream high fat- 1 tablespoon;
  • butter and vegetable (preferably olive) oil in equal amounts- 1 tablespoon;
  • 1 garlic clove (if the garlic is small, you can take 3-4 cloves);
  • 1 pinch of dry mixture of peppers and ground black pepper;
  • some salt;
  • fresh dill in any quantity (depending on taste preferences);
  • pasta packaging (fibrous, long pasta should be preferred)

The cooking process consists of the following steps:

  • Boil the pasta for 7-8 minutes in salted water, throw in a colander, and when the water drains, leave it in a saucepan under the lid.
  • Melt a stick of butter on hot pan and add vegetable oil.
  • Divide the garlic cloves into 2-3 parts each and dip into the heated oil.
  • As soon as the garlic gives aroma, add the shrimp to the contents of the pan and fry them together with garlic for 3-4 minutes. Then remove the garlic.
  • Pour sour cream or cream into the pan, add finely chopped dill, a mixture of peppers.
  • Cover with a lid and leave on medium heat for 2-3 minutes.
  • Pour the finished pasta into the shrimp, mix the ingredients thoroughly, add right amount salt, keep on fire for another 2 minutes.
  • Divide the resulting mixture into portions and sprinkle them with cheese chips.

Households and guests will be delighted with a beautiful and easy-to-prepare dish.

In a creamy garlic sauce with milk

Product set includes:

  • farfalle pasta (small pasta, similar to butterflies) - about 250 g;
  • cream - 2/3 cup (fat content - the more the better);
  • fresh milk - 1 glass;
  • ½ head of onion;
  • king prawns (you will need 1 kg.);
  • 3-4 garlic cloves;
  • a pinch of salt to taste;
  • purified vegetable oil (preferably olive) in the amount of 2 tablespoons;
  • Wheat flour premium- 2 tablespoons;
  • yolk of 1 chicken egg.

It remains only to connect the components:

  • Boil shrimp in salted water for 20-25 minutes, then drain the water and leave the seafood in the pan under the lid.
  • Fry in hot vegetable oil until golden brown finely chopped onion, add chopped garlic. Add shrimp and fry for 3-4 minutes without leaving the stove and stirring the contents of the pan. Remove container to the side.
  • Boil the pasta in salted water until “aldente”, after adding 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil to the water. Drain the water.
  • Beat the yolk, pour milk into it. Add a little milk to the flour, stir until the lumps disappear. Pour the milk-flour mixture into the remaining milk and beat again.
  • Pour the mixture over the shrimp and simmer for 1-2 minutes.
  • Add cream to the contents of the pan, salt to taste and leave on low heat for another 5 minutes.
  • Pour over pasta with shrimp cream sauce and stir.

Farfalle are good because they are painted in different colors: orange, green, red. By combining them, you can get a multi-colored, beautiful paste.

Video recipes

With shrimp and mushrooms

How to cook pasta with shrimp and mushrooms in a creamy sauce:

With salmon, shrimps and zucchini

Delicious pasta with shrimp and additional ingredients with cream sauce:

In tomato cream sauce

Gentle, but savory pasta with shrimps in tomato cream sauce

A beautifully decorated dish stimulates a healthy appetite

For some time, you don’t want to touch the dishes that are served in restaurants, what they are look amazing! The natural reaction of the body is the abundant secretion of gastric juice. Everything that is served at the table is devoured with great appetite.

With a minimum of effort, applying imagination to the design of the dish, you can achieve the same effect at home. Pasta with shrimp in a creamy sauce, arranged in portions, can be garnished with dill or parsley sprigs, spreading miniature cherry tomatoes around the edges of the dish. They can be cut in half or whole tomatoes can be used.

as tasty and fragrant supplement served with the main course braised cabbage broccoli or mushrooms. It is not necessary to mix the pasta with them, you can beautifully lay them on the side of the slide of pasta with shrimp.

Want to know how? Then meet the simplest recipe from Italian masters.

  • The container in which the main dish is cooked, must be roomy, since at the end of cooking the ingredients are mixed into one composition.
  • In boiling salted water, before boiling the pasta, you need to pour 1 tablespoon oil, then the pasta is whole and crumbly, because it does not stick to each other and to the bottom of the dishes during the cooking process.
  • In order to quickly defrost shrimp, you should soak them in cold water for a while.
  • For frying products, use special dishes with a thick bottom. Cast-iron panperfect option . In this dish, the products are evenly fried and do not lose their taste.
  • Before choosing suitable paste, follows pay attention to packaging. At the end of the name, you can determine what size pasta is in the package: -oni ( big pasta), -etti (small), -ini (very small mints).
  • Pasta with shrimp in milk sauce is an elegant, simple and impressive dish! Shrimps are quickly fried, the pasta is boiled, the products are combined and poured with milk. Everything is sprinkled with cheese and baked in the oven. Already salivating!
    Recipe content:

    The favorite dish of Italians is not only pasta in its own form. She can prepare herself in a variety of ways. There are dozens of such dishes, and maybe even hundreds. In this review I will tell you how to cook incredibly delicious pasta with shrimp in milk sauce. Gentle creamy taste dishes will not leave anyone indifferent, not to mention lovers Italian cuisine. Pasta with shrimp is prepared surprisingly very quickly and simply, even a novice cook can handle it. After all, to implement this recipe, only desire is enough, necessary products and detailed step by step recipe cooking. Special knowledge is not required here, it is enough to know a few simple rules.

    For this recipe it is important to have the right pasta. They need to be made from hard varieties wheat. It is also important to put them only in boiling and salted water, to which a few drops of olive oil are added. And in no case should they be digested, otherwise the dish will turn out to be an incomprehensible softened consistency. However, these are the most important basic rules, and you will learn the rest of the subtleties in the recipe described below.

    • Calorie content per 100 g - 169 kcal.
    • Servings - 2
    • Cooking time - 45 minutes


    • Pasta - 200 g
    • Boiled frozen shrimp - 250 g
    • Butter - 30 g
    • Milk - 200 ml
    • hard cheese- 100 g
    • Salt - a pinch
    • Olive oil - 1 tbsp

    Step by step cooking pasta with shrimp in milk sauce:

    1. Put the shrimp in a deep bowl and pour boiling water over it. Leave for 10-15 minutes for them to melt.

    2. After that, peel them from the shell and remove the head.

    3. Put vegetable oil in a frying pan and melt it.

    4. Add peeled shrimp.

    5. Fry them over medium heat, stirring occasionally for about 7 minutes. It is necessary that they are saturated with fat and acquire a light golden crust.

    6. Boil water in a saucepan, add a pinch of salt and a spoonful of olive oil. Lower the pasta and cook it 2 minutes less than the manufacturer's package cooking time. They will reach readiness in the oven.
    Ready pasta tip on a sieve to excess moisture glass.

    7. Place pasta in a suitable sized baking dish and spread evenly.

    8. Spread evenly on top fried shrimps and fill with milk. Milk should not completely cover the food, otherwise the dish will be cooked, and we need it to bake.

    Shrimps are dietary product containing a large amount nutrients. It is important to know how to cook shrimp correctly so that they turn out juicy, melt in your mouth and have delicate taste. If you digest seafood, then the meat will be tough and "rubber", suitable only as a snack for beer.

    Crustaceans are low-calorie foods, while they contain an increased amount of cholesterol. In the store you can find an unpeeled product, it should be cooked in just a couple of minutes. But first things first.

    Seafood is usually sold frozen. Sometimes you can find a product that is already ready, which can be consumed immediately after defrosting.

    You need to choose shrimp according to these principles.

    • By palatability the best European seafood that has undergone rigorous quality control. They are better than Asian "brothers".
    • Give preference better product which was frozen in fresh and not boiled. The amount of nutrients in it will be much higher.
    • Having bought shrimp by weight, and not in vacuum packed Be sure to boil them to avoid intestinal disorders.
    • Quality shrimp has a pleasant pink shade. Her tail is curled up. If it is unbent, then this is a sign that the animal died before being caught.
    • Do not buy seafood with a yellowish tinge of meat and a dry shell. The presence of black dots on the shell and legs indicates the age of the product.
    • Individuals with black heads have suffered the disease, in no case should you eat them. green head indicates that the shrimp fed on plankton, you can take it. Such a product will be not only tasty, but also useful. Brown heads are found in pregnant women, their meat is considered a delicacy.

    How many minutes do shrimp cook?

    In modern stores there are shrimp that have already been boiled. At home, it is enough to pour boiling water over them, and they will be ready for use. But most often it is fresh crustaceans that are purchased.

    Frozen seafood is washed and thawed. If they are raw, then they will cook for about 3 minutes. How long it will take in the end depends on their size.

    Peeled shrimp will be ready very quickly, and they don’t even have to be cooked. It is enough to pour the product with boiling water and wait 4 minutes, then check for readiness.

    The king prawn is actually the same Atlantic species seafood, which has a larger size. It will take 5 minutes for non-frozen ones, and a little more than 10 for a frozen version.

    Tiger shrimp are found in the Pacific and Indian Oceans and were named so because of the black stripes on their shells. They should be boiled for 4-5 minutes after boiling water. You will know about readiness by their color. It will turn from gray to bright orange.

    General principles of cooking shrimp

    Most often, seafood is cooked in a saucepan with a small amount of salt added. If the shell was removed before cooking, then 20 grams of salt should be added per liter of water. When cooking a product in a shell of salt, you will need twice as much.

    There are two ways to cook.

    1. If you want to get a broth, then the shrimp are thrown into the water until it boils.
    2. If it is not needed, then put in already boiling water.

    Pot cooking methods

    Shrimps may well exist as a separate dish. You can cook and serve them all kinds of sauces and spices, the recipe is very simple. Soy sauce, squeezed lemon juice or garlic are perfect.

    It is important to know the measure in order to emphasize the taste of meat, but not to interrupt it.

    Crustaceans, which the manufacturer decided to freeze after cooking, cook for 3 minutes, and freshly frozen for about 10. Remember that if the shrimp have already surfaced and their shell becomes more transparent, then we can assume that the product is already ready.

    Also sometimes seafood is refueled olive oil combined with lemon juice. When serving as a sauce, you can choose adjika or curry.

    With spices and beer

    For this dish you will need:

    • kilogram of shrimp;
    • a few bay leaves, black and allspice;
    • two liters of water;
    • half a liter of beer;
    • 1 tablespoon of salt.

    When the water in the pot begins to boil, spices and beer are added further. Cooking time is about 6 minutes, seafood should be served immediately hot.

    With lemon

    To prepare such shrimp, you will need a kilogram of seafood, a few bay leaves, lemon and spices with salt to taste.

    Pour 3 liters of liquid into the pan, add spices and bring to a boil. Next, throw in the shrimp and cook for 3 to 10 minutes.

    With milk and onions

    Ingredients for creating a crustacean dish according to this recipe:

    • a glass of milk;
    • half a kilo of shrimp;
    • half a glass of water;
    • 30 grams of butter and 20 flour;
    • 3 onions;
    • 1 tablespoon chopped dill.

    First you need to defrost the shrimp naturally. When the water begins to boil, add greens and salt to it, throw in seafood and cook for about 6 minutes until they rise to the surface. After that, the fire on the stove must be turned off and let the dish stand for 20 minutes. During this time, you can prepare the sauce.

    The onions should be finely chopped, fried and poured with water. On the other, flour is fried, mixed with warm milk, onion and water are added. The sauce is cooked for 5 minutes, while it must be constantly stirred. The butter is melted, mixed with spices and added to the sauce. Ready meal should be served immediately.

    With cheese

    If you are going to cook shrimp with cheese, pay attention to the option of making soup.

    It will require:

    • 3 cups chicken broth;
    • 300 grams of processed cheese;
    • 200 grams of peeled shrimp;
    • clove of garlic;
    • half a kilo of potatoes;
    • spices, salt and nutmeg to taste.

    First, the potatoes are finely chopped and boiled in the prepared broth. Seafood should be thawed and allowed to drain off all the water. Then they are fried in a pan for about a couple of minutes, spices are added. Ready potatoes pounded in the broth, then cheese is rubbed there, chopped garlic, all the selected spices are put, and the mixture is brought to a boil.

    When it boils, then leave it to stand on low heat for a couple of minutes. 30 seconds before done, place the shrimp in the broth.

    For salads

    To prepare the salad, you will need:

    • 2 liters of water;
    • a pound of frozen and boiled shrimp in advance;
    • 40 grams of salt;
    • several bay leaves;
    • add spices to taste.

    For this recipe, seafood should be thawed hot. running water.

    Bring the water in the container to a boil, throw in the main product, spices and salt. The duration of cooking shrimp will depend on their type. When they float to the surface of the water, you need to drain the water. When using the fresh-frozen version, the cooking time will double.

    For rolls

    Before preparing seafood for rolls, check that you have the following products:

    • half a kilo of rice and shrimp;
    • 1 cucumber and;
    • nori sheets;
    • rice vinegar (take to taste);
    • 300 grams of Philadelphia cheese.

    First, boil the rice, peel the avocado, cucumber and cut them lengthwise into strips. Shrimps must be thoroughly cleaned, then boiled or fried. The cheese is rubbed on a coarse grater.

    When it gets cold cooked rice, a little is delivered to it rice vinegar, the mixture is mixed and laid out on a sheet of nori in a small amount. The filling is laid out on top, and the roll is wrapped. For convenience, it is recommended to use a bamboo mat.

    When the rolls are ready, they should be cut. sharp knife and serve with wasabi, sauce and ginger.

    Cooking in a multicooker

    By classic recipe cooking crustaceans you will need:

    • half a kilo of shrimp;
    • liter of water;
    • 40 grams of salt.

    Seafood should be thawed and placed in a bowl used for steaming. Water, spices and salt are added to them (in a large bowl). Set the option "Steam cooking", the cooking time will be 10 minutes.

    Microwave cooking

    You will need the following ingredients:

    • kilogram of fresh frozen shrimp;
    • 3 liters of water;
    • 2 tablespoons soy sauce;
    • lemon juice;
    • 60 grams of salt.

    Seafood should be thawed and washed, then they are laid out on a plate used for cooking in. Pour in a mixture of soy sauce and water (the required ratio is 1: 1). All ingredients are mixed, salt is added.

    The microwave should be set to the highest power, the timer is set for 3 minutes. After their expiration, the dish should be mixed, salted and set for the same amount of time. Liquid may form in the container, which must be drained.

    Drizzle over seafood before serving. lemon juice to be delicious.


    If you are going to cook shrimp, do not forget about some of their features.

    • Semi-finished products are cooked for no more than 3 minutes, otherwise the meat may lose its valuable qualities.
    • Individuals with brown heads will have special meat that differs pleasant taste. They will contain caviar and a large amount of vitamins.
    • It is more profitable to buy peeled shrimp. It is believed that one kilogram of peeled shrimp corresponds to three kilograms of shelled seafood.
    • When cooking the perfect combination water and the main product will be 3:1.
    • To taste finished product was more saturated, it is recommended to add lemon juice to the water.
    • IN microwave oven experts do not advise defrosting crustaceans. When defrosting, it is better to move the shrimp first from the freezer to the refrigerator, and then bring it to the desired state at room temperature.
    • If the ingredient needs to be thawed quickly, then it can be placed in boiling water.

    Bon appetit!

    Shrimp meat - delicate delicacy, so it must be cooked quickly, otherwise the product may deteriorate. Small Atlantic specimens are boiled for 1.5-2 minutes, large royal or tiger ones - up to 3 minutes. It is impossible to overexpose seafood, otherwise it will lose tenderness, become viscous, “rubber” in taste.

    Recipe for Unpeeled Frozen Shrimp

    • Time: 3 minutes.
    • Servings: 5 persons.
    • Difficulty: easy.

    The easiest way to cook unpeeled frozen shrimp. They are sold in bags or briquettes half-finished, so all that remains is to boil water and pour them into the pan. The cooking time will only take 3 minutes, but the seafood will turn out delicious.


    • shrimp - 1 kg;
    • water - 2.5 l;
    • lemon - ½ fruit.

    Cooking method:

    1. Put the seafood in a colander, rinse with running water.
    2. Salt the water, boil, squeeze the juice from the lemon.
    3. Throw the shrimp into boiling water, wait for it to rise to the surface and become transparent with the shell.
    4. Drain in a colander, put in a bowl, season with oil, lemon juice, pink pepper.

    Boiled in beer

    • Time: 5 minutes.
    • Servings: 2 persons.
    • Difficulty: easy.

    Delicious boiled shrimp will turn out in beer. This original recipe snacks for foamy drink. In addition to beer, you can add to the marinade for cooking different spices so that the meat turns out slightly spicy and very fragrant. By choosing light beer, you can get a light aftertaste of bread, dark - rich malt flavor.


    • Bay leaf- 2 pcs.;
    • shrimp - half a kilo;
    • black pepper - 6 peas;
    • garlic - 2 cloves;
    • beer - a glass;
    • butter- 4 tbsp. l.

    Cooking method:

    1. Pour seafood with beer, put on medium fire, add spices, salt, pepper.
    2. Bring to a boil, cook for 2 minutes.
    3. Melt butter, serve with it.

    Argentinean with garlic

    • Time: 10 minutes.
    • Servings: 5 persons.
    • Difficulty: medium.

    To cook shrimp deliciously, you need garlic. It goes best with Argentine langoustines - large size. Before cooking, you need to clean the seafood from the esophagus - cut it along the back and wash it with water: this will eliminate possible bitterness.


    • shrimp - 1 kg;
    • lemon - ½ fruit;
    • garlic - 10 pcs.;
    • pepper - 15 peas;
    • salt - 15 g.

    Cooking method:

    1. Take water, add garlic cloves, salt, pepper.
    2. Boil, lower the seafood, cook for 2 minutes.
    3. Drizzle with lemon juice before serving. Best served on lettuce leaves.

    Recipe for multicooker

    • Time: 5 minutes.
    • Servings: 2 persons.
    • Difficulty: easy.

    Recipe boiled shrimp involves the use of not only a saucepan or saucepan, but also a multicooker. For delicious dish you need different spices. They will shade the taste of meat, make it spicy, fragrant, spicy and tender. It is better to take copies of medium size.
