
How to make a magnificent omelette in a pan recipe. What is important to know

Unforgettable taste Each of us remembers an omelette since childhood. Who has not tried this lush, light, tender and at the same time hearty meal? Exists great amount variations in the preparation of this dish, it is popular in many cuisines of the world, does not require a large set of ingredients and does not take a significant amount of time to cook. It can be cooked in the microwave, slow cooker, oven or pan, served as a roll, pie with filling inside or regular pudding. Let's also learn culinary wisdom how to cook fluffy omelet.

Product set for classic omelette quite simple - it's eggs, milk, salt, a little flour (if you don't want it, you can not add it to the bulk) and butter. The number of eggs is taken based on how many people the dish is prepared for, and milk is calculated in proportion to the increase in the main product - usually 1 tbsp is taken per egg. l. milk. Eggs should be chilled and milk slightly warm. Take as much oil as you need to grease the baking dish. Important! If you will use baked milk, your ready meal will have an unsurpassed aroma and a very delicate soft creamy color. After preparing the products, prepare a set necessary utensils. You will need:
  • two deep containers in which you will beat the whites and yolks separately;
  • whisk, fork, mixer or blender for whipping;
  • cookware with non-stick coating or regular frying pan with a flat frying surface and a thick bottom.

Keeping some simple rules when making an omelet, it will turn out airy, fluffy and will never look like a shriveled pancake. So that the result of your efforts is perfect:
  • Carefully separate the yolks from the proteins, add the amount of milk corresponding to the number of eggs to them and start beating them first. If you want to get an omelet with a denser consistency, add flour (1 tsp for one egg).
  • Add some salt to the proteins. Beat until a stable foam appears, adhering to one direction.
  • Slowly pour the milk-yolk mass into the proteins, while adhering to mixing in the same direction.
  • Add salt and spices you like.
  • Sprinkle the preheated container with plenty of oil and slowly pour the prepared workpiece into it. Don't forget to cover the container with a lid.
  • Cooking an omelet in a pan on the oven should start with serving within a few seconds big fire(the mass is actively rising at this time), which should then be reduced to a minimum. An omelette is baked until the top layer thickens and a pleasant taste appears on it. golden brown. If you use an oven, the dish will be ready after 10 minutes of baking it at 180-200 degrees.
  • Spread the finished omelet should be exclusively on a warm plate. When the temperature of the dishes is strikingly different, your efforts will be unsuccessful. From the temperature difference, the omelette can wrinkle and become completely unappetizing.

If you prefer to experiment with taste, you can replace milk with sour cream, mayonnaise, water, kefir, cream or broth, and add your favorite products to the bulk. Pour in powdered sugar instead of salt, you get a sweet omelette. On final stage cooking, seasoning an omelet with herbs, you will make a fragrant, colorful and healthy dish.

If you watch your figure, then you fit recipe cooking a classic omelet, without adding extra nutritional ingredients, such as sausage, cheese, seafood, jam or ham (which you will need to fry in a pan, thus significantly increasing its calorie content). From the possible options for preparing an omelet, choose the most suitable for you.

Omelet is loved, if not by all, then by many. This easy, affordable and tasty dish can be served for breakfast, lunch, dinner and even festive table. But do we know how to cook it right? Each housewife has her own secrets of cooking an omelet with milk in a pan, and we will share with you some recipes and nuances of creating this dish.

What is important to know

A pan-cooked omelet can have a ton of ingredients depending on the tastes and preferences of your family and guests. But the main products you need are:

  • milk;
  • eggs;
  • salt;
  • spices;
  • frying oil.

The choice of milk and eggs must be taken with special attention. Products must be fresh. If you want to cook an omelet on yogurt, make sure that it is not fried or covered with a thick film - this spoiled milk better not to eat.

Omelet is a very simple and satisfying dish that can be prepared both on weekdays and on a holiday.

Take the eggs out of the fridge for 10-15 minutes before cooking to warm them up. room temperature. Don't forget to wash them to keep the dish safe from salmonella (this is especially true for domestic eggs).

Note! Eggs can be harmful to your health if you eat them. in large numbers. Excess protein leads to an increase in cholesterol levels, impaired kidney function. Remember that the consumption rate for an adult is 3 eggs per day.

Oil for frying can be either butter or vegetable. If you care about the figure, and the calorie content of the omelet is important to you, use sunflower or olive oil. You can even use lard, but the omelet in this case will be a little “heavy” for the stomach.

As a frying pan, it is best to choose a cast-iron skillet with a thick bottom. Non-stick pans work well. The main condition is that the dishes must be clean and dry.

The biggest problem that housewives face when cooking an omelette is the difficulty of turning it over. There is a simple way to double-sided fry:

  1. After the omelette is well fried on one side, take a flat wide lid, cover the pan with it. Turn the bowl over so that the egg mass remains on the lid.
  2. Return the pan to the fire. Remove the omelet from the lid, raw side down. It is better to use a ceramic or glass lid.
  3. Add a little grated cheese to the milk and egg mass. Thanks to him, the mixture will become more dense and will not fall apart when turning over.

Simple and delicious recipes

There are many ways to make omelettes with milk. Each of them has its own characteristics, but all of them will surely appeal to you.

Classic variant

You will need the following products:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 50 ml of milk;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • some of your favorite spices and seasonings;
  • 1 teaspoon of oil for frying;
  • dill, parsley, onion or other herbs.

Even if you are very fond of spices, spices or herbs, you should not get carried away with them when cooking an omelette, otherwise you will kill its own taste.

  1. Beat the eggs with a mixer or whisk. Start at low speed and gradually increase to maximum.

    Beat eggs for omelet with a mixer or whisk

  2. Pour in milk, add salt and seasonings. Whisk thoroughly again.

    Add milk, salt and spices to eggs.

  3. Put the pan on the fire and heat well. Lubricate the bottom with oil.
  4. Pour the egg mixture into the pan. The omelette should be cooked for 2-3 minutes over medium heat, then cover with a lid, reduce the heat to a minimum and fry for another 3-4 minutes.

    Fry an omelet with a lid on the pan

  5. The omelet is ready. Sprinkle with chopped herbs and serve.

Treats from childhood

Lush omelette, loved by many since childhood

We all remember the high air omelet which was submitted to kindergarten or school. It seems that its preparation requires special skill. In fact, the recipe is quite simple, and you can easily handle it. You just need to know a few secrets. Be sure to follow the proportions: for 100 ml of milk - 1 egg.

  1. Follow the proportions: for 100 ml of milk - 1 egg.
  2. Do not beat eggs with a mixer or in a blender. They need to be stirred with milk using a fork or whisk.
  3. No need to add flour to the omelet, so it will be softer and more tender.
  4. Do not remove the lid from the pan until the omelette is fully cooked, otherwise the mass will not increase to the desired size.

So, for a magnificent omelette you will need:

  • 400 ml of milk;
  • 4 eggs;
  • salt and seasonings;
  • frying oil.

French omelette

The French are famous for their love of "dilute" traditional recipes additional ingredients and the omelet was no exception. For its filling, you can use onions, mushrooms, smoked salmon or apples fried in butter. The main condition is a quarter cup of the additive for every 2 eggs.

This recipe is for 1 serving. You will need:

  • 1 tablespoon of milk;
  • 2 eggs;
  • salt, seasonings;
  • butter - 1 tablespoon;
  • 3 small champignons;
  • 1 leek bulb;
  • a bunch of any greens;
  • 30 grams of hard cheese;
  • ¼ sweet pepper.


  1. Cut the onion into thin rings, and the mushrooms into slices. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.

    Slice the onion and mushrooms thinly

  2. Sweat the onion in a pan for a couple of minutes, then add the mushrooms, mix and fry.

    Fry onions and mushrooms in vegetable oil

  3. Finely chop the greens thin slices Bell pepper.
  4. Lightly beat the eggs, add milk, salt and seasonings, put the greens. Mix thoroughly.
  5. Take a medium-sized frying pan (18-20 cm in diameter), melt the butter. When it stops foaming and hissing, pour egg mixture spread over the pan.

    Prepare the egg-milk mixture, add the herbs and pour into the heated pan

  6. After a couple of minutes, the edges of the omelet will grab, and the middle will be watery. Put the filling on top and sprinkle with cheese.

    Put the filling and grated cheese in the center of the omelette

  7. When the omelette is ready, put in the bell peppers and herbs, fold in half and serve on a plate.

    Garnish the finished dish with pepper and herbs

"Men's Joy"

Women tend to take care of their figure and give preference to light meals. the man simple omelette you can’t feed your fill, so we will add vegetables to the recipe, as well as a meat component. For cooking you will need:

  • 5 eggs;
  • 15 tablespoons of milk;
  • 2 leeks;
  • a bunch of any greens;
  • 3 sausages;
  • 2 small sweet peppers;
  • 1 large tomato;
  • 80 grams of cheese;
  • salt, pepper, dried basil;
  • 1 tablespoon of butter;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • 2 heaping tablespoons of flour;
  • ¼ teaspoon of soda.
  1. Chop the leeks together with other herbs and put in a separate bowl.

    Chop the onion and herbs

  2. Chop the sweet pepper and tomato into cubes, cut the sausages. Grate the cheese.
  3. The ingredients are prepared, now you can start frying the omelette. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, add butter, wait until it melts. Put the onion and sweat it for a couple of minutes. Add bell pepper and fry for 2 more minutes.
  4. Make the fire under the pan bigger. Add sausages to the onion and pepper and fry until they are browned.

Many of us make scrambled eggs for breakfast. They beat eggs with milk, admire how it rises in a frying pan. And then they wonder why the plates are thin egg pancake. So how do you make an omelet fluffy? The answer is in our article.

You will need:

  • Eggs - 4 pcs;
  • Milk - 4 tablespoons;
  • Wheat flour - 4 teaspoons;
  • Butter for frying;
  • Salt to taste.
Show the rest

Making an omelet magnificent is not so simple. This is surprisingly understood by everyone who has mastered scrambled eggs and decided to cook a little more complex dish from eggs. At first everything goes fine, the egg mass in the pan rises regularly, but then it suddenly falls off. And in the end, the dish turns out to be tasty, but flat, not as intended. And that's always annoying. This is where the search for the same begins. the right recipe sumptuous omelet.

There are many of them. In some, they offer to beat eggs with mayonnaise, in others, add soda. Last tip it seems quite doubtful: it is easy to misguess the quantity and get a bluish omelette with a very specific aftertaste. So it's better to try another recipe for a magnificent omelette, which we bring to your attention on this page.


  1. Gently crack all the eggs into a deep, clean bowl. Salt them to taste, add your favorite spices.
  2. Now pour milk into the same bowl, one tablespoon for each egg. You can take any milk, from skimmed to homemade. You can experiment with melted. Then the finished omelette will have a very pleasant creamy color and an even more pleasant aroma.
  3. Add to milk and eggs wheat flour, at the rate of a teaspoon per egg. This will help the omelette retain its fluffiness after cooking. So it can be said that in this case flour plays the role of cement. If desired, you can use flour, mixed in equal proportions with starch. Many believe that this will give even more splendor to the finished dish.
  4. Now carefully knead the egg-milk-flour mass. The mixture should be homogeneous, shiny, without lumps, with slight air bubbles.
  5. By this time, it is advisable to heat a frying pan over a fire and melt the butter on it. It is best to take a frying pan for making an omelet with a thick-walled or non-stick coating, always with a flat bottom (not concave!) And high walls. It is also desirable to oil them. Pour the beaten eggs with the rest of the ingredients into the center of the pan. Spread the mass evenly over its entire surface.
  6. If the bottom crust is starting to burn and the top is still quite liquid, tilt the pan from side to side while lifting the omelet with a spatula. The liquid component will flow under it and the dish will not burn.
  7. When the top thickens, you can turn off the stove - the omelet will reach fully prepared in a matter of seconds.

That's the whole story about how to cook a magnificent omelette. Flour is not felt in it, but it keeps its shape perfectly. So feel free to cook and enjoy your meal!

Homemade omelet usually resembles in taste and shape delicious pancake, which is not at all like an airy dish from childhood. In order to please yourself and your family and make a magnificent omelette, you need to know simple secrets its manufacture.

The Right Ingredients for a Delicious Omelet

In order to cook a magnificent omelette that does not fall off, for a family of 4 you will need:

  • 5 chicken eggs
  • 500 ml milk
  • salt to taste
  • butter

The main secret of a magnificent omelet: for one egg you need to take 100 ml of milk. It is these proportions that will make the dish airy and tender.

Break the eggs into a deep bowl and pour in the milk. Another one simple trick: in no case do not beat the ingredients, and even more so do not use a mixer or blender. Just stir them well with a fork. Then add salt to taste. You can also add various spices. The perfect match for this light meal will become a mixture of provencal herbs. If you like it spicier, add ground pepper to the mixture.

Please note that this recipe does not contain flour, which is usually added to an omelet. Without this ingredient, the omelet will become even more tender.

Lush omelet with basil

  • Go to recipe

Now you need to prepare a special form for an omelette, it is in it that another simple secret lies. sumptuous dish. Take a small form with high sides.

By the way, for an omelette, the form that you use for baking cakes or pies is quite suitable. Sliced ​​round omelette looks very impressive

Lush omelette in the oven or in a pan

Grease the mold butter and pour in the egg and milk mixture. During cooking, the omelet will rise, which means that the mixture should occupy no more than half the form in height. Send the form to the oven, heated to 200 degrees. Bake the omelet for about 30 minutes.

After you put the omelet in the oven, in no case do not open its door, otherwise the omelette will fall off. You can watch the omelet through the glass door. Then carefully remove the form and cut the omelette into portioned pieces. For each serving, add little piece butter, wait until it melts. Now you can serve the omelet to the table.

Many people make omelettes for breakfast. In the pan, it rises, but it reaches the plate already in the form of a thin egg layer. How to make an omelet lush, the kind that the canteens of kindergartens and schools were famous for in the past? In this article, we will share the secrets of making a tall, fluffy omelette, and also give several recipes for making it in different variations.

The secret of a magnificent omelette number 1

Many people add flour to an omelet, although in classic recipe this ingredient is not present.

If you're thinking about it. how to make an omelet fluffy, then never add flour to it. Because of it, the dish will become heavy and not be so tender.

Secret two

How to make a fluffy omelet with milk? It is necessary to follow the recipe - 50/50. That is, you need to beat the eggs with an equal amount of milk. You can take a jar for measurement: break a few eggs into it and, if you have a good eye, pour the same amount of milk.

The main thing is not to overdo it with liquid, it will make the omelet heavy and flattened.

Third secret

To prepare an omelette, use only thick-walled dishes. Perfect fit Cast-iron pan- the thicker the walls of the dishes, the better the dish will be steamed in it, it will be more magnificent.

How to make a fluffy omelette in a pan? Always use a lid and pour the egg and milk mixture into the pan at least a third of the height of the pan.

Secret #4

If you want your omelet to look fluffy on your plates, never serve it hot or cold. After cooking, leave the dish in the pan or on a baking sheet if cooked in the oven. Remove the lid five minutes after cooking, so that the excess liquid evaporates, and let the temperature of the dish reach 30-35 degrees, after which it can be laid out - the omelet will be lush on the plates.

And the last, fifth secret

If you cook an omelette with a variety of additives - sausage, cheese, vegetables, meat, greens, and so on, then you risk making a flat pancake. How to make an omelet fluffy? Do not overdo it with additives: their amount should not exceed half of total mass. The more additives, the heavier the dish will be, as a result, it will not be able to rise normally and maintain splendor.

So now you know how to make a fluffy omelet. The recipes that we will offer you below will help you prepare this delicious dish. Its consistency will be light and fluffy.

Classic omelette

The recipe for this dish includes only milk, eggs and salt. No need to add soda, flour and yeast. It is also necessary to refuse various additives and spices for a truly classic dish.

How to make an omelet fluffy? After cooking, place it in a warm oven for five minutes or keep it covered for five minutes. Next, let cool to 30-35 degrees, and lay out in heated plates.

To prepare a classic omelette, you will need (one serving):

  • 2 eggs;
  • four tablespoons of milk;
  • salt;
  • a spoonful of vegetable or butter.

Heat the oil in a frying pan, pour the eggs mixed with milk and salt into it. Cover with a lid and cook over medium heat for about five minutes. Readiness will be visible immediately - the mixture will thicken and a little whey will separate.

How to make an omelet fluffy in a pan?

The recipe for this effect involves baking an omelette in the oven. But if you are cooking in a pan, then just bring the conditions closer to baking. It is necessary to fry only under a lid and over low heat so that the omelette does not fry, but languishes. Thus, it will rise, warming up evenly.

Omelette soufflé with cheese

This is the easiest way to make a fluffy omelet. The recipe provides separate preparation whipped whites and yolks. The delicate and airy texture of the dish will be obtained due to air bubbles that will fill the proteins when whipping. But there is also a difficulty - the components of this omelet must be mixed very carefully.

For cooking you will need:

  • 6 eggs;
  • one hundred grams hard cheese;
  • three tablespoons of butter;
  • salt;
  • half a lemon.

Egg yolks must be separated from proteins. Beat the whites with a mixer or blender to get a good strong foam.

Mix the yolks with salt and the juice of half a lemon. Next, add the grated cheese and mix well again.

Omelet-soufflé with additives

Let's prepare this dish in a slightly different way than described above. We suggest using the same pan in this case. The dish will turn out tall, lush, tender. For cooking let's take:

  • 6 eggs;
  • six tablespoons of milk;
  • fifty grams of sausage, the same amount of any mushrooms;
  • small bulb;
  • salt.

First of all, you need to a small amount vegetable oil fry finely chopped mushrooms with onions, a little bit of salt. When they are fried, add and fry finely chopped sausage. Remove from fire, cool.

Separate the whites from the yolks and beat well until foamy with a blender or mixer. Salt a little and beat again. Mix the yolks with milk, do not add salt.

In a pan with already cooled mushrooms and sausage, pour the yolks mixed with milk. We spread the protein "cap" on top, cover with a lid and bring to readiness over low heat.

Instead of mushrooms and sausages, you can use absolutely any ingredients - vegetables, meat, just sausage or mushrooms alone.

Sweet omelette soufflé

This perfect option For children's breakfast. If your baby refuses to take the first meal of the day, so necessary for good health and growth, then cook this win-win dish - the child will smart him for both cheeks!

Sweet Omelet Ingredients:

  • three eggs;
  • a quarter cup of cottage cheese;
  • a tablespoon of sugar;
  • a little powdered sugar;
  • two tablespoons of jam.

Separate the whites from the yolks and beat well to get a strong foam.

Mix the yolks with sugar. Gently mix the yolks with the proteins, gradually pouring the cottage cheese at this time. Immediately pour the mixture into a heated pan with butter. Cover with a lid, fry for five minutes. After that, we rearrange the pan in the oven preheated to 180 degrees and simmer the omelette for five minutes.

After the time has elapsed, we remove the pan, put the cooled omelette on plates, grease it with jam and sprinkle powdered sugar.

and greenery

How to make an omelette lush and tall if you want to add ham to it? Pretty simple, if you use our tips, which are written above. This recipe will allow you to cook not only tasty, but also a hearty dish that is suitable for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

We will need:

  • six eggs;
  • milk - measure to get the same volume as eggs;
  • one hundred grams of ham;
  • bunch of fresh herbs.

Beat the eggs with a mixer, pouring milk into them. Salt a little, put chopped greens and sausage. Melt a little butter in a frying pan, pour the mixture into it.

As soon as the omelet begins to thicken, mix it well and put the pan in a preheated oven, leave to cook for five minutes.

Boiled omelette in a baking sleeve

You can use a baking sleeve for cooking or use a thermal bag. It will turn out very tasty, magnificent and tender! The beauty of the dish lies in the absence of any oil. You can cook such an omelette with diets, or you can add absolutely any ingredients to it - sausage, meat, herbs, vegetables, cheese, mushrooms, and so on - all according to your personal preferences.

Pour eggs mixed with salt and milk into a sleeve or bag (we take the amount of milk according to the volume of eggs), any chopped or grated ingredients. We tie a bag / sleeve, shake the mixture well in it.

In a saucepan, bring water to a boil, shake the bag again and put it in this water, cook, holding the “tail” of the bag above the water. When the mixture thickens, turn off the gas, leave the bag in the water for five minutes, then take it out.

Let the omelet cool before removing it from the sleeve. The temperature of the dish should be approximately 30-35 degrees.

How to make a fluffy omelette in the oven?

We need thick-walled dishes with high sides. It should be of a size such that it can be filled by a third. Let's prepare a splendid tender omelette with ruddy cheese crust, for this we take:

  • six eggs;
  • milk (measure by the volume of eggs);
  • fifty grams of hard cheese;
  • four sausages;
  • some greens and salt.

Separate the whites from the yolks and beat. Mix the yolks with milk and sausages cut into rounds, salt. Gently mix the yolks and proteins, pour into the dishes prepared for baking. We put the mixture in the oven for five minutes, then sprinkle with grated cheese and herbs, bake until a golden brown cheese crust is obtained.

Instead of sausages, you can use whatever your heart desires. It could be tomatoes bell pepper, fried mushrooms or boiled meat.

Omelet without milk

This dish is worth cooking at least once - for a change. The omelette will turn out lush, tender, incredibly satisfying and tasty. To make an omelette without milk, you will need:

  • three eggs;
  • two tablespoons of mayonnaise, the same amount of sour cream;
  • salt;
  • fresh greens.

The first step is to beat the eggs well with salt. You can do this with a fork, whisk, but ideally - with a mixer. After whipping, add mayonnaise and sour cream, beat again with high quality. Lastly, add finely chopped greens.

Grease the pan with butter. Pour the mixture, cover with a lid. As soon as the omelet grabs a little, we mix it with quick movements, it is the whisk that will help in this case. Again, cover with a lid and leave on fire until cooked, it will take a little time - about five minutes.

Serve this fresh tomatoes and cucumbers.

We told you how to make a fluffy omelette in a pan. The photos that can be seen in the article confirm that it turns out to be really voluminous. We also posted several recipes for making an omelette in the oven and talked about the fact that you can even cook it.
