
How many calories chicken borscht. Borscht: calorie content depending on the components

Borscht is a truly universal dish: thick, rich will warm and give strength in the cold season; light, green - refreshes and quickly nourishes in the heat. And although this dish has been known since ancient times, there are no two housewives who would cook the same borscht.

However, even for one hostess on different days it turns out to be different in taste: when the cook-craftswomen add fresh tomatoes instead of tomato paste, when they chop the bell pepper into the frying, when they pour sauerkraut instead of fresh cabbage into a saucepan ... Therefore, it is difficult to calculate the calorie content of borscht. However, some numbers can still be deduced.

Green or boiled with a lot of beets, lean or in meat broth - any borscht will bring health benefits.

This is a wonderful dish.

  • being balanced in composition, it contains almost all the proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals necessary for a person;
  • gently envelops the inner walls of the stomach and intestines, helping to cope with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • well saturating even a small portion, saves from overeating;
  • improves metabolism and promotes the speedy breakdown of carbohydrates and fats that have entered the body. This process is accompanied by the release of heat. That is why after a plate of borscht it becomes hot;
  • due to the high fiber content in vegetables, it gently cleanses the intestines, removing toxins and heavy metals.

Perfect borscht: studying the composition ...

The composition of the dish can really include a variety of ingredients, but the basic set is unchanged: potatoes, onions, carrots, beets, tomatoes, white cabbage, greens. Further, everything is limited only by the imagination of the hostess and the set of products available in the refrigerator.

You can make borsch more rich by adding boiled beans or fresh green peas to it, acidify the dish with lemon juice or sauerkraut instead of fresh, cook it on the broth from the meat that is found in the freezer: with chicken, and with pork, and with beef, and with veal, and with rabbit meat, it is good. Bay leaves, allspice peas and celery root will make your dish fragrant, and finely chopped garlic clove will add piquancy.

Green borscht is most often seasonal. It is prepared in the spring with the appearance of the first fresh herbs: wild garlic, sorrel, lettuce. However, nothing prevents you from having a real vitamin holiday in winter using frozen greens. As a rule, beets are not added to this dish and often they do without meat at all - finely chopped boiled chicken eggs serve as a substitute for it.

... and determine the calorie content

Based on the composition of the dish, you can determine its calorie content.

For example, 100 grams of lean borscht cooked in vegetable broth contains only 30 kcal, so those who are uncompromisingly struggling with excess weight can safely include such a dish in their diet. A little more - about 37 kcal per 100 grams - contains lean green borscht.

This is explained by the fact that among the ingredients of green borscht are chicken eggs and sour cream, which are very high-calorie foods. However, be careful: the same vitamin borscht, cooked on a rich bone broth with meat, will pull as much as 187 kcal per 100 grams of product!

But the calorie content of red borscht in meat broth depends on what kind of meat was used. For example, the calorie content of borsch with beef will be 87 kcal per 100 grams of product.

The calorie content of chicken borscht may vary depending on the form in which you will cook the bird. Only 34 kcal per 100 grams of the dish - provided that the skin is removed from the chicken, and as much as 50 kcal per 100 grams of the first dish cooked on chicken with the skin on. Nevertheless, chicken meat continues to be one of the most dietary, and therefore often appears on the plate.

You have to be careful with pork. Pork meat is usually fatty, and therefore the food cooked on it is not at all light - 164 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Therefore, if you are on a strict diet - due to illness or for weight loss - it is better to refuse borscht with pork. A dish with pork will successfully replace its counterpart with beef or chicken.

We lower the calorie content of borscht: a note to the hostess

If you really love this wonderful dish and are not at all ready to give it up, but you also want to keep your figure slim, remember these simple tricks:

  • fry vegetables in a minimum amount of vegetable oil, and if you have a pan with a non-stick coating, give up oil altogether;
  • cook the broth on meat, and not on a meat bone: this way you are guaranteed to save yourself from extra calories;
  • borsch cooked on fresh cabbage will turn out to be much less high-calorie than the one cooked on sauerkraut;
  • the less potatoes in the dish, the better for your figure;
  • instead of mayonnaise as a dressing, you can use low-fat sour cream or refuse it altogether;
  • it is better to serve black or gray, but not white bread with a plate of a fragrant dish: rye pastries are better suited to taste, and they contain fewer calories than wheat ones.

Borsch, which has become one of the most popular dishes that are not ashamed to meet a guest of any rank, is also incredibly healthy. This is due to the variety of ingredients included in it, each of which is rich in useful substances, including vitamins and minerals. The composition of borscht includes chicken meat, which gives our body strength, and those who want to know how many calories are in chicken broth borscht should not worry, since chicken borscht has minimal calories and can be called a low-calorie dish, especially if lean chicken fillet was used for its preparation. At the same time, every housewife, taking care of the health of family members, can make borscht less high-calorie and even completely dietary, borscht is perfect for organizing dietary nutrition for weight loss, lean borscht is indispensable on fasting days.

How many calories in chicken borscht cooked in different ways

For those who are not used to consuming extra calories, it is important how many calories are in borscht on chicken broth without potatoes - as an option to reduce their number. The “weight” of a plate of borscht on chicken broth prepared in the traditional way is approximately 40 kcal, and the calorie content of potatoes in 100 grams of the product is only 3-3.5 kcal. There are several recipes for borscht with beans, and for those who love beans, you should know how many calories are in borscht with chicken broth with beans. Despite the great benefits, beans are high-calorie, but their small amount in a plate of borscht slightly increases its calorie content. And what is borscht without sour cream, which is a good decoration for the finished dish and gives it a unique taste, and for those who are interested in how many calories are in borscht on chicken broth with sour cream, it is useful to know that sour cream makes borscht “heavier” by 3 calories, no more.

To prepare borscht according to the traditional recipe, roasting is used. It includes vegetables and a tomato fried in vegetable oil, while a legitimate question arises - how many calories are in borscht with chicken without frying. It is worth noting that the vegetable oil used for frying is considered a high-calorie product, but its content is not significant, and the taste of borscht without frying is significantly different. Having figured out how many calories are in chicken borscht without potatoes, and this is not much less than in regular borscht, we can consider other options for reducing the amount of unhealthy calories. To do this, you should familiarize yourself with the information on how many calories are in chicken and sauerkraut borscht. Sauerkraut does not differ much in calories from fresh cabbage, but it contains a large amount of vitamin C and makes borscht taste unique.

If you are worried about your figure and every extra calorie is not acceptable for you, we suggest calculating how many calories are in borscht with chicken and frying in vegetable oil. A plate of such borscht contains about 60 calories, given that the weight of the finished dish is about 250 grams. For those who are not inclined to be overweight and do not worry about extra pounds, we offer you to experience new taste sensations and at the same time find out how many calories are in borscht with chicken and mayonnaise. Mayonnaise, depending on its fat content, increases the calorie content of borscht by 3-5 calories. The same applies to the answer to the question - how many calories are in borscht with chicken and sour cream, which directly depends on the fat content of sour cream.

Having calculated how many calories are in chicken and bean borscht, we can conclude that such borscht is more high-calorie, but a small content of legumes will not affect your figure, it will only add a unique taste. The composition of traditional borscht includes frying, and to understand how healthy or unhealthy this dish is, it is enough to know how many calories are in borscht with chicken per 100 grams of the final product, which is 30-40 kcal, depending on the calorie content of a single product included in borscht. When asking yourself how many calories are in fried chicken borscht, think about how healthy it is and what incredible taste sensations await you. All of the above allows us to draw the main conclusion - chicken borscht should not be considered high-calorie, but a specialist consultation will not hurt, especially if you have health problems.

Borscht is not only tasty and loved by everyone, but also a very healthy dish. It contains ingredients that are important and necessary for the human body. It is even included in the diet.

Beets, carrots, onions, cabbage, garlic, potatoes, herbs and meat - all these foods are rich, and together they create just a vitamin gift for the body. In the preparation of borscht, you can use, according to different recipes, both fresh and sauerkraut. But it is better to take lean meat, then borscht will be less high-calorie. For example, the calories of borscht on chicken broth are much lower than those cooked on pork or lamb.

How many calories are in chicken borscht?

The calorie content of borscht in chicken broth depends on several factors. It is worth considering the part of the carcass that was used for the broth. On average, a delicious borsch with chicken broth contains about 48 kcal per 100 grams of product.

How to reduce the calorie content of borscht?

In order to make borscht low-calorie, you need to take chicken breast or fillet. It is worth removing the skin from the meat, since it contains a large amount of fat. The first water after boiling the meat should be drained, after removing all the foam.

If you use sauerkraut for cooking borscht, then the calorie content of the finished dish will be higher than when using fresh cabbage. You can also reduce calories by frying. So, you can sauté vegetables not in vegetable oil or lard, but in a pan with water. You can use instead of potatoes. Such borscht benefits not only due to its low calorie content, but also due to the benefits of legumes. You can season borscht not with mayonnaise, but with low-calorie sour cream, or you can refuse dressing altogether. Bread for borscht on chicken broth is best served not from the highest grade of wheat, but from rye. Not only does it contain fewer calories, but it also tastes better.

To have good health, you must adhere to certain rules, one of which is diet. In this case, the first course must be present on the menu.

Borsch is a rather ancient dish that was invented many centuries ago. It is prepared on the basis of broth, most often meat, with the addition of a variety of vegetables. The main ingredients are potatoes, cabbage, beets, carrots, as well as onions. As for meat, for the preparation of such a dish, you can use not only chicken, but also other varieties.

Every hostess in our country has her own unique recipe. As a rule, it is prepared from pork or beef, which means that it cannot have a low calorie content and is undesirable in the fight against extra pounds. We will learn more about such a dish as borscht with chicken and its benefits or harm to the figure and health in general.


Borscht is a source of a large amount of vitamins and other useful substances, such as carotenoids, micro and macro elements, amino acids, fiber, and protein. It saturates the body with all the substances necessary for its full-fledged work, as it has a balanced composition. Another important property is the ability to remove toxins and toxic substances, purify the blood and kidneys, and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the stomach and intestines. The food has practically no harmful properties, if cooked in compliance with all the rules. May only be contraindicated for those who are allergic to any of the ingredients.

Nutritional value, BJU

The number of calories in chicken borscht is primarily affected by what part of the bird is used in cooking. The most dietary will come from the breast, and if the calorie content is not so important for you, then you can take the chicken legs. But for those who are watching their weight, it is better to refrain from this tastiest, but not low-calorie part of the chicken.

100 grams contains:

  • Calories: 46.3 kcal
  • Proteins: 4.1 g
  • Fat: 1.6 g
  • Carbohydrates: 3.9 g

In one serving, about 132 kcal. Thus, it can be eaten on a diet, which will also be a useful source of protein.

During the diet

Borsch prepared with chicken is more dietary than other types of broth. Therefore, it can be used by anyone who wants to lose weight, but in reasonable quantities.

How to reduce calories

You can additionally reduce the number of calories in borscht if you cut off all the fat from the chicken before cooking. It would be better if you do not use roasting when cooking it.

In addition, another way to reduce the energy value is to replace the traditional potato with beans, add pumpkin, or zucchini to the composition. This approach will allow you to get the most lean version of food that you can eat even with a strict diet.

It is worth paying attention to the dressing and use low-fat sour cream or just sprinkle the soup with herbs. It is also worth using another vegetable oil, such as olive oil, instead of sunflower oil when frying onions and carrots.

Everyone loves hot and rich borscht. Traditionally, it is cooked in pork broth, but then the dish turns out to be fatty and rich. However, those people who adhere to a healthy diet and monitor their weight will not be satisfied with such food. Therefore, a dietary option based on chicken meat is quite acceptable for them, since the calorie content of borscht with chicken is much less.

The nutritional value per 100 g is:

  • Calorie content - 53.33 kcal
  • Fats - 1.97 g
  • Proteins - 4.30 g
  • Carbohydrates - 4.37 g

Tasty and fragrant borscht with chicken can be considered more useful in terms of its performance. With a fairly low calorie content, it contains a high percentage of valuable substances. It is also a perfectly balanced dish. All enzymes, minerals and vitamins included in the recipe are in the optimal ratio.

We already know how many calories it contains and to further reduce its nutritional several methods can be used. Firstly, abandon traditional frying and use only fresh vegetables, and secondly, replace potatoes with beans. Then the energy value of the dish will be 38 kcal. Of course, the taste of such a dish may seem insipid. In this case, add a spoonful of sour cream to it, this will give a pleasant sourness.

